
Commonwealth observers in Ghana issue interim statement on 2016 general elections

As the people of Ghana await the final outcome of the elections, Chair of the Commonwealth Observer Group, Thabo Mbeki, commended the country for its role in ensuring the success of the electoral process so far. Click here for more news.

Secretary-General commits Commonwealth ‘to eliminate the scourge of corruption’ at Transparency International lecture

Secretary-General Patricia Scotland has told an audience at the Transparency International-UK Anti-Corruption Lecture 2016 in London that corruption ‘is a scourge which holds in thrall millions of our Commonwealth sisters and brothers, condemning them to servitude, poverty, disease, indignity and misery’. Read more here.

Women Speakers of Parliament seek to shape global agenda for security and prosperity

Women Speakers of Parliament from 35 countries will work together to define concrete actions to promote global economic growth, sustainable development, technological advancement and environmental security. Read more here

New universal global guidelines for anti-corruption law

The Commonwealth Secretariat, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) have just published a new book which brings together guidance on how to tackle corruption. To read more, click here.

Commonwealth offers plan to stave off ‘time bomb’ of government liabilities

Governments could be hit by huge unexpected pay-outs if steps are not taken to manage hidden liabilities in unfunded pensions, loan guarantees, disaster relief and other contingencies. For more news read, here.

Gender-sensitive reforms in parliament are necessary to eliminate violence against women

The Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) follows up its landmark study on sexism against women MPs with an initiative to advance gender-sensitive reforms in parliament. For more news read here

AC C N e w s l e t t e r

The Anti-Corruption Commission has released its 2016 Third Quarter Report. To read more, click here

CPA Press Release

Parliamentarians    from    across the    Caribbean, Americas  and  Atlantic  Region  have  come  together
for the  Regional Trade  Workshop  convened  by  the Commonwealth   Parliamentary   Association   (CPA)
and the World Trade Organisation (WTO) from 22 to 24  November  2016  in  Port  of  Spain,  Trinidad  and

Commonwealth commits action to end violence against women

The Commonwealth will chart a course to decrease violence against women – one of the biggest problems facing humanity. For more news, read here.

CPA Press Release

The  Commonwealth  Parliamentary Association  (CPA)  launches  its CPA Regional 'Hot Topics' Forums
to provide an opportunity for the CPA Membership and the wider community  to  engage  with  experts
on  a  particular  topic  which  is  of specific regional relevance. 
