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Visiting parliament
The Parliament buildings are situated on Parliament road, off the Great East Road on the crown of a low hill east of the central business district of Lusaka. The Buildings are easily accessible by public transport as the Great East Road is one of the busiest commuter routes in the city. The notable developments in the vicinity are the Manda Hill and Arcades shoping malls, the Agricultural and Commercial Show Society showgrounds and the Mulungushi International Conference Center
Visiting Parliament
In an effort to bring Parliament closer to the people, The Speaker has relaxed the requirements for members of the public to visit Parliament. It is not necessary for individuals who wish to observe the proceedings of Parliament to seek advance permission in writing. All that is required is for visitors to come with some form of identification (passport, National Registration Card, e.t.c) and after passing through the security screans, they are issued with visitors’ passes for one day.
Those wishing to visit Parliament in groups or educational tours are required to put their request in writing to the Clerk of the National Assembly. After the request has been acceded to, the Public Relations Department is responsible for conducting group visitors around Parliament Buildings. There is adequate vehicle parking space for visitors in front of the main entrance to the main building.
Visitors to Parliament coming to observe Parliament proceedings sit in the Public galleries a floor above the floor of the house, to the left and right side of the Speaker’s Chair, giving a bird’s eye view of the proceedings below. Only Mr. Speaker’s guests are privileged to sit in the Speaker’s and Diplomatic Galleries, while members of the Press are allocated the Press Gallery.
Dress Code for Visitors
Visitors are required to dress formally and in a manner befitting the dignity of the House. Males are required to be in long or short sleeved shirt and tie while females should wear a formal dress or skirt suit or chitenge suit, short or long sleeved, with the hemline going below the knee. Recognized official uniforms such as school uniforms are also allowed.
Visitors in the galleries are not allowed to participate in the debates in any way at all, whether by gestures, clapping, ululating or by any activity that would disturb the proceedings in the chamber. All cell phones are supposed to be switched off, including any electronic equipment, such as alarm clocks, that emit sounds likely to divert the attention of the House.
Visitors in the galleries are required to rise to their feet each time the speaker’s procession enters or leaves the chamber.