The Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia the Right Honourable Ms. Nelly B. K Mutti, SC, MP, has expressed concern at the rise in crimes committed by children in Zambia and has called upon all parents to exercise responsibility by imparting good morals.

Speaking when she graced the ceremonial opening of the criminal session for the High Court in Mongu, Western Province, Speaker Mutti said that there was need to urgently reform the current legal framework dealing with child offenders in order to effectively deal with the issue.

Speaker Mutti said that there were steps being taken to amend the existing Children’s Code Act no.12 of 2022 to make it more responsive to the current challenges faced by justice stakeholders in their quest to achieve child justice.

She said that the National Assembly will ensure speedy enactment of the proposed amendments once the Bill is presented by the Executive.

And the Speaker also expressed concern at the backlog of court cases that continue to strain the criminal justice system, highlighting the urgent need to confront such challenges which erode public confidence in the justice system.  

“Despite the commendable efforts of our Judges and Court staff, the backlog of cases continues to strain our criminal justice system. Accused persons, including some vulnerable individuals, endure prolonged periods in custody, often without bail or 4 trial. This undermines not only the principle of access to justice and fairness but also public confidence in the justice system,” Speaker Mutti said.

The Speaker has also called for stronger collaboration among Judges, Prosecutors, Defense Counsel, law enforcement, community leaders and all stakeholders in the criminal justice system as it was key in achieving the shared goal of justice for all.

She has also challenged the Judiciary to consider having some of these cases of public interest to be covered by the media in an effort to foster transparency and accountability in the dispensation of justice.

“ My Lord, allow me to also take advantage of this point to throw a challenge to the Judiciary as you embark on reforms. There is need for the Judiciary to consider having some of these cases covered by our fourth estate, the media, in an effort to foster transparency and accountability,” Speaker Mutti said.

And speaking earlier, His Lordship Hon. Mr. Justice Mbuzi who is in-charge of Western Province expressed concern at the high crime rate among children and the inadequacy of the law dealing with child offenders.

“Guest of honour the other problems for children is that the law is inadequate to address the vice. For instance, no matter how many people the child offender has killed the child will have to be taken to reformatory school and if the child turns Eighteen (18) he will be there just for few months and will be released when he turns Nineteen (19), thus making the law totally in adequate for child offenders. I am aware that there some reforms that have been proposed may plea is that we urgently transform these reforms into law,” Justice Mbuzi said.

Justice Mbuzi was delighted to report that the province achieved the target of ninety percent disposal of criminal cases as per Judiciary policy an achievement which he attributes to the collaboration of other stakeholders from Legal Aid Board, National Prosecution Authority and Counsel from private law firms for their availability commitment and timely response to court orders.


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