From Debates to Goals, Members of Parliament Show their Athletic Side

In a display of camaraderie and friendly competition, the Rt Hon. Nelly B K Mutti, MP, FAPRA presided over a thrilling football match at the prestigious Atletico Lusaka Sports Complex on Saturday, 29th July, 2023. The event brought together former and current Members of Parliament (MP) in a lighthearted clash on the field.

Under the clear Zambian sky, the vibrant atmosphere was intense as politicians set aside their policy debates and put on their football jerseys. The match, organized to promote unity and sportsmanship among parliamentarians, drew a sizable crowd of spectators eager to witness their political representatives in a different light as goals kept approaching from both sides of the team.

With Madam Speaker in attendance, the event took on a special significance, symbolizing the power of sports to bridge political divides, she kicked the ball to officially inaugurate the match and set the stage for an exhilarating contest.

Former elected officials, who once graced Parliament, showcased their skills alongside their current counterparts. The players exhibited both agility and determination, drawing applause from the enthusiastic audience. The match highlighted the shared passion for sports that transcends political affiliations.

Throughout the game, the players displayed a healthy competitive spirit, engaging in spirited tackles and skillful maneuvers. Goals were scored amidst cheers and applause, while the crowd admired the unexpected athleticism of their elected representatives.

Beyond the rivalry on the field, the football match served as a platform for networking and building bridges across party lines. Members of Parliament engaged in lively conversations during halftime, fostering an environment that encouraged mutual respect and understanding.

Madam Speaker's presence added an air of importance to the proceedings, emphasizing the significance of collaboration and unity for the betterment of the nation. As an influential figurehead, her support for this event underscored the importance of sports as a means of fostering goodwill and camaraderie among political leaders.

Speaking at the event, Madam Speaker emphasized that the experience gained by the politicians while serving in the legislative House should not be wasted, and the former MP’s need to continue to play an active role in the development of Zambia.

As the final whistle blew, the match concluded with handshakes, hugs, and smiles. The players, regardless of their political backgrounds, united in a shared celebration of sportsmanship and friendship. The event left an indelible mark on the hearts of all those present, reminding them of the power of sports to transcend political differences and unite communities.

In the end, the football match demonstrated that beyond the political sphere, Members of Parliament are individuals with a shared love for the beautiful game. The event served as a powerful reminder that despite their diverse ideologies, they can come together in the spirit of friendly competition, fostering a sense of unity that resonates far beyond the playing field. The former MPs won the football match by four (4) to three (3) goals.

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