Start Date:
Saturday, September 1, 2012 - 00:00
Submitted by mukena on Thu, 2015-04-02 09:26
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Defence, Hon Geoffrey B Mwamba, MP, on the death of Mr Abraham Repancy Mumba of Mututuma Village, Chief Puta in Chiengi District of Luapula Province delivered on 12th December, 2012
Submitted by mukena on Thu, 2015-04-02 09:24
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Home Affairs, Hon Edgar Lungu, MP, on the alleged killing of 16 prisoners at Mukobeko Maximum Security Prison delivered to the House on 21st February, 2013.
Submitted by mukena on Thu, 2015-04-02 09:22
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Hon Robert K.K. Sichinga, MP on the importation of cattle in the country delivered to the House on 22nd February, 2013.
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:54
Ministerial Statement on the Kwacha Exchange Rate By Honourable Alexander Bwalya Chikwanda, Mp – Minister Of Finance,iIssued to Parliament on Tuesday, 26th February, 2013.
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:52
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Justice, Hon Wynter Kabimba, MP on the point of order raised by Hon. Jack J Mwiimbu, MP on Thursday, 21st February, 2013 delivered to the House on 26th February, 2013
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:51
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Home Affairs, Hon, Edgar Lungu, MP, on the arrest of United Party for National Development (UPND) officials in Livingstone following the killing of a Patriotic Front (PF) official Mr Harry Chanda delivered to the House on 28th February, 2013
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:45
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Hon Robert K K Sichinga, MP, on the Procurement Plan and implementation of the Farmer Input Support Programme for the 2012/2013 Farming Season delivered to the House on 5th March, 2013
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:34
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, Hon Robert K K Sichinga, MP, on the Status of the Ban on Exports of Maize Grain and Maize Meal delivered to the House on 6th March, 2013
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:29
Ministerial Statement by His Honour the Vice President, Hon Dr. Guy Scott, MP, on the Zambia Air Force Z-9 EH Helicopter incidence/accident delivered to the House on 15th March, 2013.
Submitted by mukena on Wed, 2015-04-01 11:27
Ministerial Statement by the Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, Hon Prof. Nkandu Luo on the proposed Nation - wide campaign aimed at combating and mitigating effects of early child marriages in Zambia through Chiefs delivered to the House on 15th March, 2013.