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Friday, 19th November, 2021
Friday, 19th November, 2021
The House met at 0900 hours
[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]
Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, I inform the House that in accordance with Standing Order No. 211(1)(a) of the National Assembly Standing Orders, 2021, Her Honour the Vice-President will on Tuesday, 23rd November, 2021, move a Motion to place on record, the Assembly’s regret and sympathies on the death of Mr Levy Mkandawire, the hon. Member of Parliament for Kabwata Constituency.
I thank you.
The Vice-President (Mrs Nalumango): Madam Speaker, I rise to give the House some idea of the business it will consider next week.
Madam, on Tuesday, 23rd November, 2021, the Business of the House will begin with Questions for Oral Answer, if there will be any. This will be followed by the presentation of Government Bills, if there will be any. Thereafter, the House will debate the Motion to place on record, the Assembly’s deepest regret on the death of Mr Levy Mkandawire, the hon. Member of Parliament of Kabwata Parliamentary Constituency, who passed away on Thursday, 18th November, 2021. Then the House will conclude the debate on the Motion of Supply and resolve into Committee of Supply to consider the following heads:
- Head 01 - Office of the President - State House;
- Head 02 - Office of the Vice-President; and
- Head 03 - National Assembly.
Madam Speaker, on Wednesday, 24th November, 2021, the Business of the House will start with Questions for Oral Answer, if there will be any. This will be followed by the consideration of a Private Member’s Motion entitled ‘Finalise National Community Based Natural Resources Management Policy,’ to be moved by Mr F. Kapyanga, the hon. Member of Parliament for Mpika Central Parliamentary Constituency. This will be followed by the presentation of Government Bills, if there will be any. Thereafter, the House will resolve into Committee of Supply to consider the following heads:
- Head 19 - Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit;
- Head 05 - Electoral Commission of Zambia; and
- Head 06 - Civil Service Commission - Office of the President.
Madam, on Thursday, 25th November, 2021, the Business of the House will commence with Questions for Oral Answer, if there will be any. This will be followed by the presentation of Government Bills, if there will be any. The House will then resolve into Committee of Supply to consider the following heads of expenditure:
- Head 07 - Office of the Auditor-General;
- Head 08 - Cabinet Office - Office of the President; and
- Head 09 -Teaching Service Commission - Office of the President.
Madam Speaker, on Friday, 26th November, 2021, the Business of the House will commence with The Vice-President’s Question Time. This will be followed by Questions for Oral Answer, if there will be any. Thereafter, the House will resolve into Committee of Supply to consider the following heads of expenditure:
- Head 26 - Ministry of Information and Media;
- Head 27 - Public Service Management Division; and
- Head 44 - Ministry of Labour and Social Security.
Mr Mundubile (Mporokoso): Madam Speaker, Hon. Davis Chama, the Chairman of the Patriotic Front (PF) Party has been in detention for six days now. His Excellency, the President of this Republic and Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces, came to this House and told the Zambian people that he will do things differently. He told the Zambian people that no one will be detained for more than forty-eight hours, if he/she is facing offences that are bondable. The Zambian people take the President for his word because he is a man of his word.
Madam Speaker, why has the Inspector General of Police continued to embarrass the Commander-in-Chief of the Defence Forces by continuing to detain people for prolonged periods?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, as to why Hon. Davis Chama has been detained for many days against the word of the President, I think the hon. Member who is a lawyer in this nation should understand that people are taken to court or the police for different matters. Hon. Chama has been arrested for what, I believe, attempted murder, which is unbailable. That is what I know as at now. I am sure the Counsel would argue his point, but this is what I know as I stand here. Therefore, it will be difficult for him to be released under such circumstances. However, we will endeavour to follow the law all the time.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Kampyongo (Shiwang’andu): Madam Speaker, I would just like to help Her Honour the Vice-President that the alleged case is a bailable case, and the hon. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security can advise appropriately.
Madam Speaker, the people of Zambia have established official residences for their Heads of State and Vice-Presidents, which facilities are equipped with state apparatus to look after these two first assets of the State. The Zambian people have been wondering because they see their Head of State commuting between his private residence and his official office, which is near the official residence. Will the Government maintain this status quo because I know the challenges that the Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security could be facing?
Madam Speaker, the movements of the Head of State and Her Honour the Vice-President are special and that is why the route lining is only done when there are those movements. We would like to know whether this is the status quo because the security of the Head of State is of paramount importance to all of us regardless of which side we come from. His Excellency is supposed to move into the official residence just like the previous Presidents did.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Member for asking that question concerning where the Head of State, the President of the Republic, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, is residing currently. The Government believes that the President needs to be in State House as every other President, but as now, there are no resources to work on that house. We need to work on State House. As soon as it is brought to a standard that the President can occupy, he will shift.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Kafwaya (Lunte): Madam Speaker, the National Budget like the one we are substantially considering on the Floor of the House has two sides of estimates: the estimates of revenue and the estimates of expenditure. That is the same for the 2021 National Budget which will end in December this year.
Madam Speaker, since the New Dawn Government assumed office, it has not paid the contractors and the local creditors. All that it is paying for that is visible are foreign trips. Could the refusal to pay the contractors and the local debtors be as a result of wanting to transition into 2022 with a lot of cash from 2021 as a result of their lack of confidence in the 2022 Revenue Estimates?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, the hon. Member for Lunte has made an assumption that this New Dawn Administration is not paying the contractors because it wants to accumulate money for the next Budget, and I think the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning would make that clear. I will make a general statement, but if there is a need for clarification, we can do that. There is no way the Government would hold on to money that is available. I think answers have been given here many times by those in ministries like the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Health.
Madam Speaker, when I read through the answers, which I do all the time, I even get a little bored because everybody says “when funds are available.” So, do we have the funds? No. The contractors have not been paid because there is no money. The hon. Member will remember that some projects were suspended even before we came into office. This problem has been there, but we intend to pay the contractors. Nobody wants to carry on with debt and that is the last thing we would want to do. However, as at now, there is no money to pay the contractors. When money is found, definitely, they will be paid. We would not want to accumulate debt into the next Budget.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Kambita (Zambezi East): Madam Speaker, the general populace of Zambia is concerned about the corruption that happened a few years ago, especially during the rule of the Patriotic Front (PF). The Republican President was very categorical when he came to address this House on the same subject and he stated that we will follow the corruption that happened in the past, the corruption that is present, and the one that will happen in the future.
Madam Speaker, that being the case, the President envisages that law enforcement agencies should follow corruption that happened in the past and that is currently happening. However, this fight is not yet apparent according to the public. Pronouncements have been made, and we know that law enforcement institutions are still bugged with some of those who were involved in corruption. People are now asking when we are going to see practical cases in our courts of law to probe the rampant corruption which is so evident. We have debt or arrears because of the rampant corruption that happened. When are we going to see active cases in the courts of law?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, yes, the Republican President made a pronouncement on corruption and that is also included in the United Party for National Development (UPND)’s manifesto. This Administration will not tolerate corruption. So, the fight against corruption goes on and we will follow the right mechanisms.
Madam Speaker, we heard the President give an amnesty, if that is the right word, that those who may have acquired resources wrongly need to voluntarily remit the money because it is for the State, and that is one way. Secondly, investigations are going on and I believe some of them are nearing conclusion. Then the people will be taken to court so that the courts can finally determine what happened.
Madam Speaker, this is not to mean that the Government has forgotten about the alleged corrupt practices that people could have been involved in in the last administration, as stated; that, we will follow-up. Those who are still in offices – I think the hon. Member by implication is saying that those are the ones delaying the process. It could be; we are just human. However, we have to see the work on the ground done.
Even as I speak and as the hon. Member speaks, investigative wings of the Government must be concerned over the anxiety of the general public and quickly follow-up the cases that they need to and then we follow through the pronouncement of the President. They will, surely, be prosecuted.
Madam Speaker, those who must leave office, will leave office. It is important that the President wants to do things correctly. We do not want certain questions asked because we have done things unprofessionally or we have done things without properly concluding. So, corruption we will still fight. Umulandu taubola meaning there is no time limit to criminal liability, it does not matter how long it takes. Those who have committed crimes will be found. That is what we believe in, most of us, in this House; that your sin shall surely find you out. It does not matter how long it takes.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Rev. Katuta (Chienge): Madam Speaker, it has been more than ten years since Zambia had a Census. The people of Chienge get empowered when it is time for conducting a census. They would like to find out whether the New Dawn Government is going to do a census. In the previous regime, we were told that because of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), it could not be conducted. So, I would like to find out, on behalf of the people of Chienge, when this new Government is going to conduct a census.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I thank you for the question asked by the hon. Member for Chienge on the need for a census. It is not just a need, but a demand of the law that a census is done. Our hon. Colleagues did not do it. Therefore, today, it is very difficult even to have real proper planning because of the lack of a census for over ten years. I will not give you the exact date or time. However, we are committed to following the law. A Census will be done so that we know, for example, if we want clinics in certain places in the country, how many people we have there.
Madam Speaker, right now there is a lot of distortion in the different wings of the Government. If you want to use, for example, the records of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), there are a lot of allegations of even little children who were registered.
If you go to the Registrar-General, you may also find that there were young people that got National Registration Cards (NRC). So, there is distortion in the population rate of the country. Therefore, it is important that a census is done. This is a commitment, except I cannot give the date.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Miyutu (Kalabo Central): Madam Speaker, on Tuesday, the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development gave a ministerial statement concerning many programmes like rural connectivity in terms of feeder roads. Arising from that, an hon. Member rose on an Urgent Matter of Public Importance claiming that the statement divided the country. The statement issued by the hon. Minister of Local Government and Rural Development was from the ministry indicating the number of projects which were planned for by the former Patriotic Front (PF) Government, which showed that there was disparity. Some provinces had many kilometres of feeder roads while others had almost nothing.
Madam Speaker, I would like to get Her Honour the Vice-President’s comment over the division. Is it the uttering of the statement by the hon. Minister of Local Government and Rural Development which divided this country or it is those who were in authority who allocated those projects to these various provinces where they denied other provinces?
The Vice- President: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Member of Parliament for Kalabo Central Constituency for asking that very important question. I would ordinarily have said the Speaker ruled, but she has given me the opportunity.
Who is dividing the country? I think that is basically what I understand from the tone of the hon. Member. Is it those that are bringing out facts or those that planned? I would, in short term, say that what the hon. Minister brought out in this House to the nation is a statement of fact. If anybody says it was not so, then they should argue. The argument should be, “This is not true, this province did not get 98 km of feeder roads or this province did not get zero feeder roads.” It would be incorrect to argue any other way such as, “No, because you have given the truth, you have done something wrong.”
Madam Speaker, yes, the one who did something wrong was the one who planned it that way. You could even get the reasoning. This is a lesson to all of us as Zambians. In our country, we have international and regional roads. You cannot start comparing a feeder road. When Kaputa has no feeder road, you say it is okay, it can remain because we are doing a trunk road. Roads have classifications. The hon. Minister brought out the fact that some constituencies, in fact, got more roads. It is unfortunate that hon. Colleagues on your left even boasted, when we first arrived here. They boasted. I do not think they thought of the implication of such boasting. “I did seventeen clinics.” This is true. I do not think I should stand here and tell the nation and this House lies. My son, Mundubile, just agree.
Hon. Government Members: Shame on the PF!
The Vice-President: This is, I am sure, recorded verbatim. This is the beginning. When you do politics to make other people look like they are not working, that is the implication. Why should you say you did so much in comparison with others? When others compare to say that they got so little, it becomes offensive.
Madam Speaker, when we are planning, this New Dawn Government talks of uniting the country. That means we will do as much as possible to ensure there is equity in the distribution of national wealth.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: We will not look at whether one comes from the opposition or the ruling class. That is why we have started by giving the very basic K25.7 million to every constituency so that they can also do what others are doing. We are hon. Members. Let us not start comparing Kazungula to Kaputa. The Kazungula Road is for all of us. It is not for Kazungula alone. The road is for all of us.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, it is like talking about the Great North Road and saying that it is a Mpika Road. It is not a Mpika Road, but a national project for all of us. The hon. Minister talked about feeder roads. He stated facts as he knew them. Let nobody talk about dividing the nation.
Madam Speaker, in fact, if you start speaking like that, you are entrenching the same issue of dividing the people because that is a fact. Why do you not just remain quiet and say; “Do better. We agree we did not do well, but you there, now do better than us.” and we will do better, Madam.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mtayachalo (Chama North): Madam Speaker, I thank you for according me this rare opportunity to ask a question to Her Honour the Vice-President on behalf of Chama North Constituency.
Madam Speaker, my own brother, Hon. Mtolo Phiri, the Minister of Agriculture, told this august House and the nation that the New Dawn Administration shall have zero tolerance on theft and misapplication of the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP).
Madam Speaker, we need discipline in this nation if President Hakainde Hichilema’s vision is to be realised.
Madam Speaker, we have a very serious problem in Chama North where some overzealous United Party for National Development (UPND) officials have hijacked the distribution of fertiliser and seed. They have taken over the fertiliser meant for the vulnerable and the disabled. Even after paying K200, these people have been denied access to this fertiliser. I want to find out what drastic action the Government is going to take to deal with these individuals so that it can serve as a deterrent.
Madam Speaker: Order!
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Member for Chama North, Hon. Mtayachalo, for the question asked. I think this has already been pronounced by the New Dawn Administration through our President. When the President speaks, it becomes policy.
Madam Speaker, we have said there will be no cadreism, and there will be no cadreism. There will be no corruption. Therefore, what the hon. Member has talked about, that UPND officials or cadres, whatever title, have taken over a function which is not theirs, is not acceptable. This is where we stand. We do not want any of our members to be caught up in wrong doing.
Madam Speaker, let me just warn everybody; if others did it, that is why we took over power from them. It was because of their using cadres; that is what annoyed Zambians.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: Therefore, we are not going to fall into the same trap. We want to correct things and see Zambia develop and the vision of the President realised. Therefore, any of my members –I am the United Party for National Development (UPND) Vice-President, as I stand here – should not be allowed in such. If they get arrested, they will not cry to the party. The law will take its course on whoever does wrong. That is the way we are going. You cannot go and take over a responsibility that you have not been given. Your friends did it. Were we envying them? No! We hated that behaviour and we still hate it. So, I am warning all my people to stay away from such behaviour.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mrs Chonya (Kafue): Madam Speaker, the former workers of the Kafue Textiles of Zambia (KTZ) who got only 50 per cent of their dues at the time of privatisation have also heard about the plans by this caring Government to pay off some of the people that are owed by it. I would like to find from the Vice-President whether our Government will consider paying the former workers of the KTZ.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I may not have the full detail of the situation as asked by the hon. Member for Kafue as to which retirees are being referred to. I think it is important that we get facts. We cannot start making promises on the Floor of this House because I am aware of some retirees who have been frequenting Government offices. I think they are known, but we cannot start adding on other people. The hon. Member said they got something?
Madam Speaker, the problem I see is that we have people who were paid their retirement package according to the time, but when they hear that others have been paid, they come back also and say pay us.
The Vice-President: I think it is important to state this.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: This is the truth.
Hon. Members: Yes!
The Vice-President: This has been happening. I was once hon. Minister of Labour and Social Security and, therefore, came to understand this. If we go to a person who retired in 1975, he may have gotten K500 as a teacher; I will use my profession as an example. The one who retires in 1980, may get K5,000 and the one who retires in 1990 – these are just figures, not the truth, but examples – may get K1 million. Then, one cannot come back and say, because I got K500, you have paid this one so much. This is the confusion that we must really interpret properly.
Madam Speaker, the gratuity I got in 2011, I cannot come and compare with the gratuity Hon. Kampyongo got in 2021.
Hon. Members: Correct!
The Vice-President: However, this is the confusion, Madam Speaker. I am trying to understand this issue. If they got, they got. It was that time. How can you come and say you are paying this, even me. Huh! I think this one –
Madam Speaker, I hope retirees are listening. I have tried to follow, but this is the confusion I have seen. People who retired and got their dues also rise that they want to be paid. That is why we even have freedom fighters that are 50 years old when the country is 57 years old.
The Vice-President: Let us interpret things in the right manner.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr J. E Banda (Petauke Central): Madam Speaker, when will the Kalindawalo General Hospital be commissioned? This is the biggest hospital in the province.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker thank you for the question asked by the hon. Member for Petauke Central. I will accept as I stand here that my mind may not be so specific on a specific clinic or specific hospital. I think these are questions that would be very difficult for me to answer unless I have a little computer to press. I really cannot answer that. Let it come under the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development. I think the answer would be better rather than from me.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mung’andu (Chama South): Madam Speaker, I am asking this question in order to put it on record of this august House because I have already engaged her Honour the Vice-President. Your Honour the Vice-President, His Excellency has indicated intentions to realign three districts that is, Chirundu, Itezhi-tezhi and Chama. In that communication, it clearly states that it was done after consultations. Unfortunately, us, the people of Chama were not consulted. Hon. Mtayachalo and I were not consulted and we have received a lot of phone calls from the people in Chama indicating that they are very unhappy with this decision. As a Government –
Mr Mufalali: Question!
Mr Mung’andu: We are telling you. We are from Chama. You cannot question. It is us.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member for Chama South, just ask your question. Do not engage into a discussion with other hon. Members. Please proceed and ask your question.
Mr Mung’andu: Madam Speaker, for the purposes of putting it on record, your Honour the Vice-President, are you as a Government, going to reconsider this decision considering that Chipata will be about 700 kilometres from the people of Chibale.
Mr Muchima: No!
Mr Mung’andu: These are facts in terms of distance. 700 kilometres and the people of Chilubanama who are only 10 kilometres away from Chinsali, it will be another, about 600 kilometres to Chipata. Chief Lundu which is about 70 kilometres from Chinsali, it will be another 400 kilometres plus to Chipata. Are you as a Government going to reconsider or re-engage the people of Chama so that Chama remains in Muchinga province?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I thank you for the concern or question raised by the hon. Member for Chama South on the President’s intention, as he put it, to revert Chama back to the Eastern Province. Madam Speaker, let me start by saying that the President cannot just dream and say let me do this. With that intent that means there was consultation but probably demand from the people of Chama themselves. If the hon. Members were not consulted, it is important to engage the people of Chama. If they have to do a counter petition, I think they have the right to do that but the President works on information that goes to him. There are people surely, in Chama that have made that demand that they would like to revert back to the Eastern Province. However, if it is an intention, it is important to have a discussion with your people and the chiefs of Chama. Are you sure they have not petitioned or indicated? Before it is put in concrete, I would urge the hon. Member that coming here to speak like that is not a solution. It is important to engage the people. Engage your chiefs and headmen and see if there is something they did. If they did, then you talk to them like you have spoken in this House that it will not be to their advantage to go back to the Eastern Province. The President will listen.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Anakoka (Luena): Madam Speaker, the people of Zambia wake up every day, week and month still excited when they realise that they have indeed gotten rid of the corrupt PF regime. Madam Speaker, the people got rid of that regime because corruption had become the centre piece of their operations. In our days, everyday people wake up to revelations of financial scandals that were taking place in that regime.
Hon. PF Members: Question!
Mr Anakoka: Realising that this corruption did not spare any level of Government for it was rampant in central and local Government, state institutions like parastatals as well as investigative agencies such as the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC), Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) and other institutions. Is the Government willing to consider the possibility of setting up either a Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry or a Judicial Commission of Inquiry which will be open to the public so that the people who have got evidence of the looting that took place under the previous regime…
Hon. PF Members: Question!
Mr Anakoka: …can bring evidence forward. Is your Government ready to set up some form of a state capture inquiry as it happened in the Republic of South Africa so that we can reset and start from a fresh page?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, thank you for the question asked by the hon. Member for Luena as to whether the Government is, it is ready or willing, to set up a commission of inquiry either parliamentary or judicial commission. We have not discussed that scenario because it is very important; we have seen commissions set up whose reports we have not seen. We do not want to go that route. I think if the need comes it will be then necessary to set up a commission. However, as Government, we have not sat to look at that possibility.
Madam Speaker, allow me to use this opportunity to apologise to the House. I am not ashamed when I am wrong to say sorry. When the hon. Leader of the Opposition asked about the case of hon. Chama, I said that the case was not bailable. I have been informed by the learned Minister of Justice that actually the case is bailable.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: Yes, I apologise to the House and to the nation.
The Vice-President: Except I have also been informed in here that the case has taken a little long because of the scanning of the scene of crime. They had to go all the way to where the crime is said to have been committed. I think today, he appears in court. Then the court decides, I am sure, whether he can get court bail or remains in incarceration. This is the state of the matter. Once again, I am sorry to the hon. Member and for misleading this House.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chanda (Kanchibiya): Madam Speaker, as it is my maiden question to her Honour the Vice-President, allow me to convey the good greetings from the people of Kanchibiya Constituency. Your Honour the Vice-President, your people in Kanchibiya, the farmers who have not been paid by the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) are crying and they would want to find out from the Government when they are going to receive their payment.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I receive the greetings from the people of Kanchibiya Constituency where I went round during the election campaigns. I thank the hon. Member for the question on when the people of Kanchibiya Constituency and I think the rest of the country who supplied maize to the Food Reserve Agency (FRA) would be paid.
Madam Speaker, this question comes almost every Friday. I think we have said that people who first supplied in the planned amount of grain that was purchased by FRA have been paid. The others whom we had to get from so that they do not lose their crop or sell it too cheaply on the extra 400,000 metric tonnes, most of them have not been paid because there was no plan. However, I cannot give the dates because the Government is working hard to ensure that they too get paid. However, there is no date that I can give to regarding this exercise, but they will be paid just like in other places.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member for Sioma, I do not know if there is even enough time for you to ask the question. Proceed.
Mr Mandandi (Sioma); Madam Speaker, thank you for giving me an opportunity to interact with Her Honour the Vice-President. Around 24th September, 2021, in Sioma, we recorded an accident involving a seven-year-old minor who answers to the names of Aluni Kalombe. This boy was playing with a metal object, which unfortunately ended up exploding in his hands, leaving him with serious facial and body injuries. Ultimately, he lost his left hand. The boy was treated at Senanga General Hospital and later on discharged. Right now, the boy is at home recuperating. I was privileged to visit the area together with the team from the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), where we donated food hampers to the boy.
Now, Her Honour the Vice-President may wish to note that Mwanambao area together with the surrounding areas going into the Ngwezi National Park were once home to military bases for the South West Africa People’s Organisation (SWAPO), who were then fighting for the independence of Namibia.
The people around this place are now living in fear because this is not the first time that these metal objects have been identified or somebody has gotten injured which we suspect are military hand grenades or bombs. The people in this area are living in fear. So, when will the Government consider sending experts to this area to go and comb it and make it safe for our people who are terribly afraid to even go further to cultivate their fields?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, I totally appreciate this question, but I am blessed because it has been asked out of time. We will carry it forward. We will then have a good answer.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
The Vice-President (Mrs Nalumango): Madam Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity to respond to the matter of urgent public importance that was raised by Hon. Lubozha, Member of Parliament for Chifubu Constituency who stated that:
“Madam Speaker, yesterday, disastrous and catastrophic rainfall fell in Chifubu Constituency and blew away the roofs of 100 houses, five churches and one school. As I am talking now, almost 100 families slept in the cold yesterday. I am directing this matter of urgent public importance to the Office of the Honour the Vice-President, who is the mother of the nation, to quickly, through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), consider our suffering families in Chifubu Constituency.”
Madam Speaker, in response to these matters of urgent public interest, I which to provide the feedback as follows:
My office through the DMMU conducted a rapid assessment and ascertained that the incident of damaged households occurred on 14th and 16th November, 2021, affecting Chifubu and Kabushi Constituencies. The damage was occasioned by a heavy downpour experienced on the two days which affected about, but seventy-one families not 100. According to the report, twenty-six households were under Kabushi Constituency while the remainder were under Chifubu Constituency.
Madam Speaker, of the seventy-one houses damaged, sixty were partially damaged, while eleven were completely damaged. The House may wish to note that the situation is such that the fifty-nine families are still in their partially damaged houses while the twelve have had to be relocated to places of safety and in line with the Disaster Management Operations Manual. These twelve families have had to be catered for by the DMMU.
Further, the downpour also blew off part of the roof of Chifubu Police Station, one school and five churches were also affected.
Madam Speaker, may I take this opportunity to share with the House measures that have so far been undertaken to mitigate the situation. These are:
- my office through DMMU has provided fifteen tents to the eleven households that have been forced to relocate from their houses. This will provide temporary shelter as the affected families are assisted with more permanent solutions;
- we have also ensured that these affected households are catered for in terms of their dietary requirements by providing 22X25kg mealie meal and 6 X50 Kg bags of beans to last them for at least the next one month;
- in line with our desire to provide more sustainable and durable solutions, I have instructed the DMMU to work with the Ndola City Council and other councils to sensitise the communities on the need to adhere to building codes and standards that have been set by the councils. This awareness raising activity will involve the local leadership at ward level. The measure has been necessitated by the discovery that most buildings affected by the heavy downpour were as a result of poor workmanship and sub-standard building materials; and
- The House may also wish to note that the DMMU will provide iron sheets to the affected families to allow for the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the damaged houses.
Madam Speaker, I want to report that for the public buildings, the school and the police, engineers are on the ground to ascertain the cost of repair and once this is done, the works will be financed by my officer.
Madam Speaker, much as calamities cannot be avoided, we wish to encourage families, owners of private properties and indeed Government institutions to endeavor putting up strong and durable building structures so as to avoid obvious damage to their buildings thereby causing avoidable and regrettable damages to property and in unfortunate circumstances, the loss of human life.
I thank you, Madam.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Members are now free to ask questions on points of clarification on the ministerial statement given by Her Honour the Vice-President.
Mr Mushanga (Bwacha): Madam Speaker, the situation in Kabushi Constituency is more less the same as in other constituencies, Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency included. I remember last week I even wrote a note to Her Honour the Vice-President and she indicated to me as hon. Member of Parliament for Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency that she was going to make a follow-up with the leadership in the province. May I find out if Her Honour the Vice-President made a follow-up over the note that I wrote to her looking at the problems that the people of Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency are going through, such as blown off roofs and other calamities?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, yes that is true. The hon. Member of Parliament for Bwacha Constituency brought the issue in Bwacha to our attention. We had dealt with Kabwe because there were issues in Kabwe Central Constituency as well as in Bwacha Constituency. The Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) attended to that and it included Bwacha Police Station, if I remember correctly. However, if there are other things other than Bwacha Police Station, which was attended to, he can give us more details. Yes, he spoke to me and I brought it up to my officials.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Lubozha was inaudible.
Madam Speaker: Order!
Hon. Member for Chifubu, we cannot hear you, maybe you can come back later when the system settles.
Mr Mpundu (Nkana): Madam Speaker, having served in the district as a coordinator of disasters, I am fully aware that usually, efforts to address disasters are often hampered by bureaucracy. Is it possible or is the Government going to consider, perhaps, revisiting the law that deals with procurement, particularly to address disaster, so that the bureaucracy that goes with procurement does not hamper the efforts of the Office of the Vice-President to deal with disaster as they demand urgency?
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, let me thank the hon. Member who I am sure once served on the District Disaster Management Committee (DDMC). I want him to be a little more clear on which clause in the law he referred to so that I can have a look at it. At the moment, since I assumed office, other than the big projects, a number of them have been attended to. We have been able to help with cases that come like the ones the hon. Member is talking about such as blown off roofs and so on and so forth, because I think we did have a little money put aside for such.
Madam, I do not know the bureaucracy that the hon. Member may be talking about. It is important that he comes to the office. Sometimes the things we do in this house just put us up to having a conversation. I think it is important that he comes to the office; it is a public office, so that he can lead me through and since he worked there, he should know a little better than I do.
Madam Speaker, we have, however, attended to almost everyone, particularly those private houses with blown off roofs. Where we have had to come through, we have attended to a number of things including deaths. Since I went to that office, I have not had that encumbrance he may be referring to. Maybe that may concern bigger things that need a lot of money, but we have looked at other problems that have come to us.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Mabeta (Kankoyo): Madam Speaker, it is on record that the President of the Republic Of Zambia, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, indicated very clearly that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is one of the departments where there was grand corruption. What assurance are we going to get that the DMMU will never be abused as a place for corruption?
Madam Speaker: That question appears to be out of the statement that Her Honor the Vice-President has rendered before this honorable House. I do not know if the Vice-President would like to comment on that.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, the commitment is understood as the hon. Member has stated that there will be no abuse. The abuse that happened was not so much of the law, but with the people that occupied the office. We are going to bring back integrity to the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), first, by commitment. However, as the other hon. Member said, if there are any issues to do with the law, we will also look at that. I think it was more of deliberate abuse of the DMMU, and it will not happen again.
Madam Speaker, as regards to the procurement that the hon. Member referred to, the people of Zambia know that we have reinvigorated, if that is the right word, the Public Procurement Act, which has the power to benchmark the prices. So Zambians must know that they will not just come up with a price of mealie meal, it is already benchmarked. So, that is one area in which we are trying to tighten the abuse in the procurement of public goods and services, not only at DMMU, but at other Government departments as well. So, we hope this will help.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Lubozha was inaudible.
Madam Speaker: Order!
It appears we have a problem with getting what the hon. Member for Chifubu is saying. I will just allow one more question so that we move to another item.
Mr Kolala (Lufubu): Madam Speaker, since it is my first time interacting with Her Honour the Vice-President, allow me to convey greetings from the people of Lufubu Constituency.
Madam, we visited the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) requesting that office to help us with funds to expand the pontoon at Kafue Bridge. I am sure she is aware that we had a Fuso Fighter Truck drown last year because the pontoon is not big enough to contain a truck like that. When are we going to be helped with those funds in order to expand the pontoon?
Madam Speaker: That question appears to be outside the ministerial statement that has been rendered by the Vice-President. Hon. Member for Lufubu, you can put in a question directed at Her Honour the Vice-President’s Office in relation to that matter, if you want to know more.
Rev. Katuta (Chienge): Madam Speaker, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) is a place every Zambian looks up to for help in case of disaster. However, as the other hon. Member has said, in Chienge, because of political appointments, in reference to District Commissioners (DCs), they would want to do things their way. Why is it that the DMMU cannot start working directly with the hon. Members of Parliament because we are the ones who are representing the people? The DCs take their time with their group of or team, which, of course, includes a Member of Parliament. However, why is it that the DMMU cannot start dealing directly with the representatives of constituencies?
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
The Vice-President: Madam Speaker, it is not something we can wake up and do, but I think it is important to look at the guidelines and the law to see whether, indeed, the Members of Parliament would even have the time, while they are here, to look at the issues that are happening in their constituencies. It is important to carefully examine this proposal and see how workable it is, but, currently, it will not be done because that is not provided for.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
94. Rev. Katuta (Chienge) asked the Minister of Education:
- when the community schools in the following wards in Chienge Parliamentary Constituency will be upgraded to Government schools:
- Chipungu;
- Lunchinda;
- Chibamba; and
- Kalobwa; and
b. what the cause of the delay in upgrading the schools is.
The Minister of Fisheries and Livestock (Mr Chikote) (on behalf of The Minister of Education (Mr Syakalima)): Madam Speaker, the community schools in Chipungu, Lunchinda, Chibamba and Kalobwa wards of Chienge will be converted and upgraded to Government schools when the upgrading requirements are met. These include, but are not limited to, documentary evidence on the ownership of the land and other documents and the community should have an Education Management Information System (EMIS) Identifier Number and should be functional.
Madam, the cause of delay in converting these community schools to Government primary schools is because of the process and requirements that include, but are not limited, to land ownership, granting of an EMIS Identification Number, a ministry assessment report, clearance from the Ministry of Justice and a Gazette Notice signed by the hon. Minister.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Rev Katuta: Madam Speaker, I appreciate the answer by the hon. Minister. However, could the hon. Minister elaborate more on the conditions. We have the land. These schools are overwhelmed by the number of pupils. You find that we have more than 1,200 pupils in a grass thatched block. I want the hon. Minister to elaborate more on the conditions so that the people of Chienge can get a clear answer.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chikote: Madam Speaker, as I stated in the response, before a community school is converted into a Government school, we first consider the ownership of the land because there have been these wrangles with traditional leaders over land. In the few community schools I have mentioned, we have had incidents where traditional leaders have been putting up these arguments. So, there are issues we look at for a community school to be converted into a Government school like land and the EMIS Identification Number that a school is given.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Menyani Zulu (Nyimba): Madam Speaker, the challenges the people of Chienge have where they have grass thatched schools and issues with the gazetting of Government schools is the same problem we have in Nyimba. There is also the distance to schools with the nearest schools being about 10 to 15 km away. As a community, we have come up with an initiative where we have started building schools supported by the locals.
Madam, I understand the answers that the Acting Minister has given because maybe he is not coming from a rural constituency. The land where we build our community schools is given to us by the chiefs. My question is similar to the question asked by the hon. Member for Chienge. When is the Government going to sit down with Their Royal Highnesses and degazette these schools because the land has already been given to District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) offices? The issue of land is neither here nor there. Is it inefficiency on the part of the Government or on that of the DEBS?
Mr Chikote: Madam Speaker, first of all, I want to correct the hon. Member that I represent a rural constituency and I understand these issues very well.
Madam Speaker, there are land issues in our constituencies, and at times, traditional leaders fight about who has more authority. So, those are the issues I was referring to. Before the Government converts a community school to a Government school, such wrangles have to be resolved and that is one of the responsibilities of the hon. Members of Parliament. The Government is yet to resolve the land wrangles in Lwanchinda Ward with the traditional leadership. So, hon. Members of Parliament have to resolve such issues and ensure that other processes are done before the Government comes in.
Madam Speaker, I also talked about gazetting and the identifier number. So, converting a community school to a Government school is a process and not just a pronouncement. Land wrangles have to be resolved and, then, the Government will move in. The hon. Member is aware that the New Dawn Government looks forward to bringing services closer to the people. We want to avoid our children walking long distances. The New Dawn Government decided to increase the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to K25.7 million so that hon. Members of Parliament can put up structures that can support our community schools.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
(Debate resumed)
The Minister of Agriculture (Mr R. R. M. Phiri): Madam Speaker, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to the Motion on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the Year 2022, which was presented to this august House on 29th October, 2021.
Madam Speaker, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt condolences to the family and the United Party for National Development (UPND) on the passing on of Hon. Mkandawire, the Member of Parliament for Kabwata. It is, indeed, a loss to the family, the party, the nation, the National Assembly and all those who knew him outside our country. May his soul rest in eternal peace.
Rev. Katuta: Hon. Minister, mask up.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Minister, may you put on your mask.
Mr R. R. M. Phiri put his mask on.
Mr R. R. M. Phiri: Madam Speaker, I would like to inform the hon. Member for Chienge that I am vaccinated.
Madam Speaker, I thank the people of Zambia for listening to the voice of reason and voting for President Hakainde Hichilema. I also thank the people of Zambia for voting for all the UPND alliance hon. Members of Parliament. I would like to take this opportunity to thank President Hakainde Hichilema for using his presidential privilege to nominate very able hon. Members of Parliament. He also appointed an extremely robust Cabinet that in less than three months has already shown great appetite to correct the way of running Government affairs and moving towards giving the people of Zambia, the Zambia that they want. This country is united and heading towards economic prosperity.
Madam Speaker, allow me to join my hon. Colleagues in congratulating you on your unchallenged election to a position of great esteem, that of Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia. I also congratulate the two Presiding Officers, the First Deputy Speaker and the Second Deputy Speaker.
Madam Speaker, let me join the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning in thanking the Clerk and her support team for their continued professional guidance and exemplary patience they exercise as they guide hon. Members in their day to day work. The National Assembly remains one of the most well run institutions in the country with exceptional levels of discipline.
Madam Speaker, in the same vein, I thank the people of Chipata for having overwhelmingly voted for the UPND alliance, and in the process, voted me back to Parliament. I am grateful to them for the confidence placed on. I shall remain loyal to the constituency.
Madam Speaker, I also thank the President Hakainde Hichilema for appointing me to this very key position of Minister responsible for agriculture in Zambia. I shall not disappoint but use this privileged position to work closely with all the stakeholders in the sector in order to do the right things and put agriculture where it rightly belongs, that is to make it the number one employer in the country and the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and to continue ensuring that there is food security in the country.
Madam Speaker, agriculture remains a priority sector in achieving sustainable economic growth, job creation and poverty reduction in Zambia. Increasing investment in areas such as agriculture diversification, irrigation development, research and development, and making finances available to support our extension system is the most sustainable way of ensuring that there is development in the agriculture sector as well as the desired impact on poverty reduction and job creation. I am happy that the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, in his very well articulated Budget Speech, spoke to this aspiration by allocating more money in those areas of agriculture. I have great confidence that the officers at the Ministry of Agriculture will continue to work even harder to grow the agriculture sector.
Madam Speaker let me now respond to the concerns and observations of some hon. Members of Parliament on matters relating to the agriculture sector.
Madam Speaker, on page 10 item 48 of the Budget Speech, the hon. Minister indicated as follows:
“I have come to this august House with a Budget that begins our journey towards economic transformation.”
Madam Speaker, the emphasis here is the term ‘that begins our journey towards economic transformation’. As I respond to the observations of the hon. Members, I wish to remind all of us that this statement heralds the beginning of the process and, therefore, should not be taken as an end in itself.
Madam Speaker, let me talk about some of the concerns of the hon. Members.
Madam Speaker, the Member for Nakonde, Hon. Simumba, indicated that the prices of fertiliser have not been reduced as per campaign promise. My response to that is that the fertiliser for the 2022 Farming Season has not yet been procured. The hon. Member might, however, wish to note that the Government is inviting manufacturing firms to invest in manufacturing plants in Zambia so as to compliment the production from the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (NCZ). The idea is to eventually stop importing fertiliser to Zambia and thus start enjoying lower prices of the commodity.
Madam Speaker, the Member for Mkushi South, Hon. Chisopa, indicated that the exclusion of the 10 per cent export tax on maize exports will result in mealie meal shortages. The hon. Member should not worry as the ministry officials will continue monitoring exports quantities against the local stocks and requirements. We believe to the contrary that exports are the solution to all excess agricultural produce. Exports will not only bring in the scarce foreigner exchange but will also stimulate local production.
Madam Speaker, the Member for Chipili, Hon. Chala, indicated that the International Monetary Fund (IMF) might ask the Government to cut the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP). Our position is that the IMF might raise concerns on fiscal expenditure but it is not against the programme. The programme is already budgeted for and the review of the FISP will endeavour to address possible areas of concern from our co-operating partners. We want to make the programme predictable, transparent and sustainable.
Madam Speaker, the hon. Member for Nalolo indicated that the agriculture sector is the real alternative and not copper. We cannot agree more with that. He also talked about diversification. Indeed, I would like him to know that the review looks at a more comprehensive agricultural programme that will take into account the benefits of the flexibility of programmes like the Electronic-Voucher (e-Voucher) System and we will make sure that those are not lost.
Madam Speaker, the hon. Member for Itezhi-Tezhi simply commented that he was very happy with the programme and the farming blocks. I side with him and we are equally happy about that. He also talked about irrigation and, indeed, we will replicate the Momboshi Dam model to other parts of the country.
Madam Speaker, the hon. Member for Mongu expressed happiness about our programmes and we shall execute them seriously.
Madam Speaker, the hon. Member for Gwembe said that he is very happy with the equitable distribution of the FISP inputs and the Government will ensure that that is maintained, and that all beneficiaries are treated equally.
Madam Speaker, these are the items that most hon. Members merely repeated and I hope that wherever they are, since most of them are not in the House, they have heard. The equalisation of the FISP –
Madam Speaker: Order!
The hon. Minister’s time expired.
The Minister for North-Western Province (Mr Lihefu): Madam Speaker, my condolences to the family of the late Member for Kabwata Constituency; Hon. Mkandawire. May his soul rest in peace.
Madam Speaker, on behalf of the good people of the North-Western Province, I am grateful for the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the Motion of Supply on the 2022 Budget, presented by Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, the hon. Member for Liuwa and Minister of Finance and National Planning.
Madam Speaker, firstly, I highly commend the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning for the well thought-out 2022 Budget, which has set a very high tone of operation for the New Dawn Government under our able leader, His Excellency the President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, and the people of the North-Western Province are very happy with it.
Madam Speaker, the New Dawn Government is proud that for the first time in the history of this nation, it has decentralised both power and resources to the local communities in the 2022 National Budget. The 2022 National Budget has strengthened our people’s self value in all our ten provinces by empowering them to identify, decide and preside over their own development. Long live His Excellency the President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema. Long live Her Honour the Vice-President, Madam Mutale Nalumango. Long live the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Lihefu: Madam Speaker, this is what the United Party for National Development (UPND) has always wanted in the last twenty-three years and I am glad it is here. The nation is on the right lane and we are set to move.
Madam Speaker, I represent a rural province and a remote constituency with high poverty levels. The 2022 Budget has given the people of the North-Western Province hope.
Madam Speaker, this Government is yet to surprise the nation. When the K25.7 million Constituency Development Fund (CDF) is finally sent to all the 156 constituencies in this country, this will highly improve the livelihoods of our people in the province and the country at large.
Madam Speaker, since I represent a rural population, I am grateful that my people will no longer pay tuition fees and the Parents Teacher Association (PTA) fees. This will upgrade the enrolment, retention and completion levels of the learners in our schools. Bursaries will also be provided to vulnerable children whose parents cannot afford to pay tertiary fees. The recruitment of 30,000 teachers will boost the low teacher-pupil ratio of 1-80 in rural areas since one teacher used to man the whole school. Any well meaning hon. Member will support this Budget.
Madam Speaker, this country is in the safe hands of His Excellency the President and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, Mr Hakainde Hichilema.
Madam Speaker, coming to infrastructure, I am expectant that for the first time ever since the birth of this country, the long awaited Science Centre University in Kabompo will be constructed and the Solwezi/Kipushi Road and the Kasempa/Kaoma/Luampa to Walvis Bay Road Link will be worked on. The people of Mwinilunga will be going to Manyinga without passing through Kalumbila, and the long awaited orbital corridor of the Kolwezi/Solwezi Road will be worked on.
Madam Speaker, on tourism, the Zambezi Source is one of the attractive tourist attractions. There is a need for an aeroplane at the Victoria Falls to fly our tourists across this country, so that after seeing the falls, they can see the source too. I know that even the Angola/Jimbe Border will operate effectively.
Madam Speaker, the people of the North-Western Province are excited about this Budget because social protection for the vulnerable people in society has been taken care of by increasing the beneficiaries of the Social Cash Transfer Programme, the Food Security Pack and the Farmers Input Support Programme (FISP). Those programmes will improve the living standards of the weak and less privileged in the province.
Madam Speaker, with those few words, on behalf of the people of the North-Western Province, I support the well thought-out Budget of the New Dawn Government. Long live Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
The Minister of Commerce and Trade and Industry (Mr Mulenga): Madam Speaker, good morning and good morning hon. Members.
Madam Speaker, I wish to contribute to the debate on the Budget presented to the House by the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning.
Madam Speaker, I wish to highlight the concerns relating to my ministry, the Ministry of Commerce and Trade and Industry.
Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister announced to the House the concessions given to the textile industry. I wish to inform the House that for a very long time in Zambia, we have been importing textile materials, ceramic tiles, cups, plates and other things. However, the New Dawn Government has realised that we have natural resources that God has endowed us with. As we base our running of the economy on investment and trade, the time has come for us to move from an extractive industry to value addition. We have limestone and all the necessary materials which are supposed to be used –
Madam Speaker: Order!
Business was suspended from 1040 hours until 1100 hours.
[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr C. Mulenga: Madam Speaker, before business was suspended, I was debating on the concessions given to the textile industry.
Madam Speaker, for a very long time, my country has always been importing textiles namely; floor tiles, wall tiles, ceramic plates and many other accessories in that family. This industry has failed to grow despite the prevalence of many mineral resources that God has blessed us with.
Madam Speaker, His Excellency the President has always said that we want to run an economy that is private sector driven. Through our constant engagement with the private sector, we came to the realisation that there is no liquidity left in the textile industry to expand it. Therefore, through the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, the New Dawn Government saw it fit that we could give a concession on importation of raw materials that are needed to grow this industry. This concession will not only see them bring raw materials tax-free in this country, but it will also see the expansion of this industry, which will bring fiscal flexibility to reinvest for the growth of the industry. Therefore, the Government has given this tax concession.
Madam Speaker, the growth of the industry will be seen in many jobs created for the youths, women, and men of this country that are looking for jobs. It will not only see jobs created, but it will also see the textile materials that are locally produced reduce in price.
Madam Speaker, I also want to insist that the same concessions that will give the reinvestment into the industry will see the boost in production, which will earn Zambia the much needed foreign exchange through the exports that will come. Therefore, this Budget needs all the support it needs from all stakeholders be it on the right or on the left because it is a Budget for every Zambian.
Madam Speaker, I want to quickly run to the mineral royalty fees that have been removed from the taxation system, like it has always been. This is a fee that will help industries to have some fiscal strength to reinvest and recapitalise on their investment. We have come to realise that you cannot run a Government or improve an economy of any given country through taxation like we have seen in the past. Therefore, as the New Dawn Government, we have come to understand that allowing business houses to exist; set up industries; recapitalise; and reinvest, will see the growth of industry which will in turn create businesses that will create jobs that will create revenue; and taxes that will then be used to develop the country. Therefore, the removal of the mineral royalty from the way taxation system that always been done will help the sector to improve production because there is need to reinvest in new and advanced technology, equipment, labour and skill. This cannot happen if they do not have any liquidity at their disposal because it has all been taken up in taxes, like we had seen in the past.
Madam Speaker, this move is not just going to benefit industrial growth, but it will also create, like I said in the Textile Industry also, growth in the job sector; increase the tax base because many will get jobs and many businesses, through indirect job creation; and contractual jobs will be created through this. It will earn the Government further foreign exchange because we are in a quest to increase our production in the mining industry with copper to a tune of 3 million tonnes per annum.
Therefore, Madam Speaker, as the New Dawn Government, through the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, we saw it fit that this tax system be revised and allow mineral royalty to be paid separately instead of being calculated wholly.
Madam Speaker, I want to discuss the Constituency Development Fund (CDF).
Madam Speaker, as a concerned hon. Member of Parliament and hon. Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry, my view is that this CDF is an amount of money that is so unprecedented, a tune of K25.7 million, which will benefit citizens at household level. Even in the past, today and in the past, they needed this money, only that it was never made available to them. This is why we have come to the realisation that the available funds that have now been provided to them through the New Dawn Government under the leadership of His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema and Her Honour the Vice-President, Madam Mutale Nalumango, through the hon. Minister or Finance and National Planning, has made it fit that the long cry of the Zambian people is being addressed. It will translate into youth empowerment, women empowerment, citizens financial profile enhancement and skills development because all this CDF will be utilised, managed and spent by the citizens themselves in the individual areas where they are based. Therefore, to see our brothers and sisters on the other side criticise a genuine thing is very unfortunate and very unbecoming.
Madam Speaker, it will compel some of us hon. Members of Parliament to demand that the hon. Minister of Local Government and Rural Development does not disburse this amount in its entirety to them and give them only K1.7 million which they have always wanted.
The hon. Minister’s time expired.
Madam Speaker: Order!
The Minister of Tourism (Mr Sikumba): Madam Speaker, I am honoured for this opportunity to contribute to the debate on the 2022 Budget Speech delivered to this august House by the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning.
Madam Speaker, I wish to add my voice to the speakers before me in commending the hon. Minister for delivering a Budget that has responded to the current economic imperatives and also in line with the policy direction given by His Excellency Mr Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia, during the official opening of the First Session of the Thirteen National Assembly.
The Budget has inspired a lot of citizens because it has centered on the core issues that affect the lives of the people on a daily basis. With the fitting theme ‘Growth, Jobs and Taking Development Closer to the People,’ the 2022 Budget is a trendsetter towards the economic emancipation of our people.
Madam Speaker, amongst the many key issues raised by the hon. Minister in his speech, I wish to comment on a few that have a greater bearing on the tourism sector as follows:
- the need to rebuild the economy and deliver jobs;
- creating an environment to invigorate economic activity for citizen participation and benefit;
- human and social development; and
- environmental sustainability
Madam Speaker, these issues are embodied in the theme of the Budget Speech. Allow me to shed more light on how our sector will support the implementation of these issues as reflected in the 2022 Budget.
The Need to Rebuild the Economy and Deliver Jobs
Madam Speaker, over the past years, our economy has been faced with multiple and daunting challenges. Of these challenges, the Budget Speech identified extreme indebtedness, the Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic and the resultant negative growth as being prominent. Therefore, the extension of the 2021 relief measures to 2022 to mitigate the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and ensure that the economy continues on the path of recovery is commendable. As a sector, we regard this relief measure as a life-line to the revitalisation of the tourism business and economic sector. In this regard, our ministry will work with the Ministry of Finance and National Planning to ensure that the implementation of the relief measures is supported by a system for monitoring progress of beneficiaries towards full recovery.
Madam Speaker, I am glad to note that the 2022 Budget has recognised that relief measures need to be accompanied by relevant Government Policy and action to support the increased investment, industry productivity and job creation. From the tourism sector’s perspective, the Government will facilitate provision of infrastructure and other support services in areas of tourism potential such as the Kasaba Bay, Samfya, Kalabo and other areas to incentivise investment over the 2022/2024 midterm as widely documented. These measures will boost economic viability and long term operations of the tourism enterprises and contribute to local community prosperity and visitor satisfaction.
Further, Madam Speaker, we will work with other relevant Government institutions to reform the visa regime so that we can attract more international tourists into our country as per our party manifesto.
Madam Speaker, we desire to transform Zambia into an attractive destination for mice on the African continent. For this reason, new initiatives regarding investment in the development of facilities in tourists’ sites have been instituted by the New Dawn Government. All these measures are expected to significantly contribute to reviving the tourism sector and to contribute to job creation and improving lives of our people.
Creating an Environment to Enhance Economic Activity and Citizen Participation and Benefit
Madam Speaker, one point of departure for the 2022 Budget from the budgets of previous years is that it has transferred significant resources from the centre – I will not use the other word – to the grassroots level. This move, coupled with institutional and administrative improvements at the local level, has tremendous positive implications on economic activity invigoration, citizen empowerment and rural development. As a sector, we will improve the policy and legislative environment in the sector in order to maximize the benefit of this policy. In this regard, the tourism and hospitality sector and the Wildlife Act as well as related regulations will be revised to support increased economic activity and local participation.
Madam Speaker, specifically, the Wildlife Act and its regulations will be amended to improve wildlife management and increase the share of revenue going to communities in Game Management Areas (GMAs).
In addition, the Tourism and Hospitality Act will be revised to streamline the fees and licences to make the sector more attractive for business and investment. Provisions will also be made to promote local enterprise participation to ensure that accrued benefits are felt at the local level.
These measures are expected to increase the number of Zambian owned tourism enterprises, job created at the community level, actualised investments, length of stay at tourist sites and the sector’s contribution to the Gross Domestic product (GDP).
Human and Social Development
Madam Speaker, in agreeing with the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning on the centrality of people in the development agenda, I wish to state that the objectives we have set to achieve in the medium term will not be achieved if we do not put people at the centre of development. For us to achieve growth in the sector, expand tourism services and attract high numbers of international and domestic tourists, we will work with Government institutions in improving the human resource base in the sector. Therefore, our plan is to increase the supply of accredited tourism training courses in collaboration with the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority (TEVETA), tourism associations and regional bodies in order to create more opportunities for workers within the industry.
Madam Speaker, further, the ministry will facilitate formal cooperation between private employers and training institutions to ensure that the type of quality and training required by the industry is met by improved curricula and teaching practices.
In addition, the ministry intends to reposition the Zambia Institute of Tourism and Hospitality Studies (ZITHS) into a well equipped and staffed with fully qualified personnel for it to deliver training compatible with contemporary industry practices. The ministry will work with TEVETA, the private sector and other stakeholders to improve staff expertise, curriculum development and operational excellence for the institution as a starting point before moving to other institutions.
Madam Speaker, I wish to conclude by reiterating that the 2022 Budget is the foundation towards achieving our vision of transforming the economy, delivering jobs and empowering Zambians. With the 2022 Budget, we will expand production and stimulate growth. With the 2022 Budget we will have more Zambians employed in all sectors of the economy than ever before.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, with the 2022 Budget, we will build a better and more equitable Zambia.
Madam Speaker, we shall count on the House and the Zambian people for support in making this vision a reality. As a sector, we have taken this message in the Budget Speech to heart and will diligently work towards fulfilling the vision of the Government.
Madam Speaker: Order!
The hon. Minister’s time expired.
The Minister of Labour and Social Security (Ms Tambatamba): Madam Speaker, I thank you for according me this opportunity to join my fellow hon. Members of this august House in making contributions to the debate on the 2022 National Budget Address by Hon. Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, MP, Minister of Finance and National Planning to the National Assembly on 29th October, 2021, under the theme: “Growth, Jobs and Taking Development Closer to the People.”
Madam Speaker, I stand here to support the Budget Speech resoundingly because it has provided policy direction for the country under four thematic areas, namely:
- economic transformation and job creation;
- human and social development;
- economic sustainability; and
- good governance environment, because this is what wraps around the success of the three key results.
Madam Speaker, the Speech was not only very, and fundamentally inspiring, but exceptional because it is different from what we were accustomed to…
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: …in the past regime, which was mostly rhetorical.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: The Budget is forward looking. It is looking at the unlocking of the employment potential of rural areas through investment at local level where people live.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, the Budget has brought about a renewed hope even to an ordinary Zambian citizen, especially the youths and women who voted for us in their numbers.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, economic transformation and job creation is, indeed, one of the most important imperatives of the New Dawn Government led by His Excellency Mr Hakainde Hichilema, the Seventh Republican President of this great nation.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: The most important imperatives of the New Dawn Government are not only about traditional sector jobs, especially the public sector. This New Dawn Government intends to recruit for this sector, which has been the area where every job seeker looks for a job. Madam Speaker, it is not only focusing on jobs in the public sector, which is the traditional sector where everybody competes, but it has also leaped forward a million times to go ahead of its citizens to create jobs elsewhere where previous Governments did not create jobs.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Madam Speaker, I would like to highlight what the previous speakers highlighted; this New Dawn Government considers with importance, the traditional sector in the public sector, especially the education and health sectors. We know education is an equaliser and provides the skills that we are going to post into the future jobs.
So, this Budget that was presented has made that provision for the recruitment of 30,000 teachers and this is unprecedented. It has also looked at the health and wellness that is required for a functioning economy and provided 11,000 jobs in the traditional sector alone. Workers will be recruited because good health is a prerequisite to productivity. So, we have taken care of that area like no other Government has ever done. This is commendable.
Madam Speaker, it should be made very clear that the New Dawn Government is visionary and is way ahead of the thinking of its citizens. As I indicated, our interventions are looking at what Zambia will look like a few years from now; what types of jobs will be needed in the future, including the skills set and competencies. We are looking at sustainable green jobs driven by technology, including artificial intelligence. We are not only looking at traditional jobs in the mines and other sectors we have known before. We envision a future where the youths will realise that jobs will come from themselves as entrepreneurs, innovators and employers and not as mere job seekers.
How is this going to be possible? This will be done by leveraging and harnessing the opportunities being presented by the new ministries that have been introduced by this forward thinking Government. Our economy is headed for transformation for good. The creation of the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development, the Ministry of Technology and Science and the Ministry of the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment is a game changer. These should be seen as creating an enabling environment for nurturing innovative ideas that will actualise wealth creation to eventually narrow significantly the gap between those who live in the urban areas and those in the rural areas. Therefore, there has to be a huge shift in the mindset of the people.
Madam Speaker, it should be noted that the resources invested in these new ministries will speed up economic development and job creation through innovation and entrepreneurship while ensuring that our rich natural resources are managed in a more sustainable manner. The net result of all these is more jobs and a better standard of living for our people.
Madam Speaker, this will require concerted efforts from workers, employers and the Government through their tripartism that has been the character of our past and the new future supported by cooperating partners to ensure that the productive capacity of the country is optimised.
Madam Speaker, to enhance the creation of the three new ministries, this New Dawn Government through the Budget presented by Dr. Musokotwane, hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning has demonstrated that we can mobilise and commit resources to where they are needed.
Madam Speaker, jobs will only be made and created if the skills from –
Madam Speaker: Order!
The Hon. Minister’s time expired.
The Minister for Copperbelt Province (Mr Matambo): Madam Speaker, allow me to convey my condolences on behalf of the people of the Copperbelt and on behalf of myself to the family of the late hon. Member of Parliament for Kabwata. May his soul rest in peace.
Madam Speaker, first and foremost, I thank you most sincerely for according me this opportunity in which I have the privilege to address the House in supporting the Budget presented to this noble House by my dear colleague, the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, Hon. Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane.
The Budget presented by the hon. Minister is clearly anchored on the vision of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia Mr Hakainde Hichilema, especially regarding the need to rebuild our economy, deliver jobs and better the livelihoods of our people.
The vision of His Excellency can be seen in the manner the funds have been variously allocated in an effort to create an enabling environment for invigorating economic activity particularly, to constituencies which will afford every citizen an opportunity to participate and benefit in several empowerment programmes. At a personal level, the Budget is a testament of the focus, seriousness and vision that my President epitomises. It is therefore, appropriate that the theme for 2022 Budget is ‘Growth, Jobs and taking Development Closer to the People.’ I have no doubt in my mind that upon the commencement of this implementation in January, 2022, it will satisfy the needs and expectations of the people of the Copperbelt Province.
Dismantling of the Country’s Debt
Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, in his Budget presentation did indicate a gloomy picture in which our hon. Colleagues on the left bequeathed to us as an economy that has collapsed to its knees. He did indicate that under the Patriotic Front (PF) Administration, the stock of public external debt amounted to US$14.71 Billion as at September, 2021. Of this amount, the Central Government external debt was US$12.99 billion while guaranteed and non-guaranteed external debt for state-owned enterprises was at US$1.56 billion and US$164.52 million, respectively.
The hon. Minister also informed the House that the stock of audited Central Government domestic arrears, or pending bills, excluding fuel and electricity acquired by the previous administration amounted to K46.9 billion as at the end of 2022, from K41.1 billion in December, 2020. The bulk of the arrears are owed to road contractors, suppliers of goods and services, Value Added Tax (VAT) refunds and personnel related emoluments to Public Service workers. The build-up in domestic arrears during the previous regime was largely due to weak commitment to financial control systems.
Madam Speaker, it is in this context that I fully support the Budget and wish to draw the attention of the House to the four thematic areas that informed its preparation and which will provide policy direction for the years to come, namely; economic transformation, job creation, human and social development, environmental sustainability and good governance environment.
Madam Speaker, it is common knowledge that my province hosts a majority of mining investments in the country. Actually, the province has, for a long time, been equated to mining and vice versa. A large number of the people are employed in the mining industries dotted around the province. It is for this reason that the pronouncement in this House by the hon. Minister of Finance and National Panning that the New Dawn Administration will facilitate the increase in copper output from the current 800,000 metric tonnes to 3 million metric tonnes in a decade has elated myself and the people in the province.
Good Governance Environment
Madam Speaker, on good governance, the Copperbelt was one of the areas which was like a training ground for bad governance by the previous administration.
Madam Speaker, this Budget will, no doubt, enhance the good governance environment of our country. This is because the Economic Transformation Agenda will result in the creation of employment for our people. In the case of the Copperbelt Province, it is envisaged that the youth will engage in productive activities that will keep them away from criminal activities. The promotion of large-scale agriculture estates will create the much-needed employment. The Copperbelt has some farming blocks and resettlement schemes. I, therefore, support the creation of several others in the province as proposed in the Budget.
Madam Speaker, as you may be aware, our hon. Colleagues in the previous administration closed down some profitable businesses and in perpetrating political violence, abused our youths. However, the abuse did not just end with the youth, but extended to the Police Service as well.
Madam Speaker, the previous regime ruled by brutal force. The extent of dictatorship in the country under the Patriotic Front (PF) administration was worse than during the colonial period.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Matambo: The United Party for National Development (UPND) and its leaders was deliberately targeted. We were arrested on trumped-up charges such as treason as the case was for His Excellency the President. I, myself, spent 110 days at Kamfinsa Correctional Facility for a crime I did not commit. Many members of Opposition political parties were victims of state sponsored atrocities. Citizens were killed by agents of the State while in some cases, others were physically attacked by known PF members. I vividly remember, while with His Excellency the President, how known members of the PF armed with firearms and machetes attempted to assassinate us at Moba Hotel in Kitwe. I also remember how, on another occasion in Ndola, we had to escape through the roof of Sun Fm Radio Station during a radio programme. Again known PF Members attacked most recently, the President and I were shot at in Chingola prior to the elections.
Madam Speaker: Order!
The hon. Minister’s time expired.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Madam Speaker: Order!
The Chief Whip and Acting Leader of Government Business in the House (Mr Mulusa): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned at 1134 hours until 1430 hours on Tuesday, 23rd November, 2021.