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Tuesday, 12th October, 2021
Tuesday, 12th October, 2021
The House met at 1430 hours
[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]
Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, the House will recall that on Tuesday, 5th October, 2021, when the House was considering the ministerial statement issued by Hon. Dr S. Musokotwane, Minister of Finance and National Planning, on the state of the economy, and Hon. A. Mumba, Member of Parliament for Kantanshi Constituency was on the Floor, Hon. S. Kampyongo, Member of Parliament for Shiwang’andu Constituency, raised a point of order. In the point of order, he inquired on whether the House was in order to ignore the rule that requires an hon. Member to cite the Standing Order, law on privilege of hon. Members, or rule of procedure or practice breached when raising a point of order. In my immediate response, I reserved my ruling in order to study the matter, particularly since two points of order were raised in sequence. I have since studied the matter, and will now render my ruling.
I will begin by giving the background to what gave rise to Hon. Kampyongo’s point of order.
As you may recall, after the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning had presented the ministerial statement on the state of the economy, Hon. A. Mumba, in seeking clarification from the hon. Minister, made reference to an event that had occurred in 2010, when Hon. Dr S. Musokotwane was Minister of Finance. As a result, Hon. G. G. Nkombo, Minister of Local Government and Rural Development, raised a point of order on Hon. A. Mumba, asking whether it was in order for the hon. Member of Parliament to make reference to the hon. Minister’s performance in 2010 when the rules of the House did not permit that. In my ruling on the matter, I explained that the rules were clear in stating that hon. Members should not debate themselves. Hon. S. Kampyongo then raised his point of order asking if the House was in order to ignore the rule that required an hon. Member who raised a point of order to cite the Standing Order, law on privilege of Members, or rule of procedure or practice that was breached.
Hon. Members, from the background that I have just given, the following is evident:
- Hon. S. Kampyongo’s point of order was based on Hon. G. G. Nkombo’s point of order and, therefore, was a point of order on another point of order; and
- the point of order was based on a point of order on which I had already ruled.
Hon. Members, Standing Order 132(d) sets out one of the admissibility criteria for points of order, and states as follows:
“A Point of Order may be admissible if it is not raised against a decision of the presiding officer.”
Further, Standing Order 132(2)(a) specifically provides as follows:
“A Member shall not raise a Point of Order on another Point of Order.”
Hon. Members, it is clear that Hon. Kampyongo’s point of order was a point of order on another point of order. Additionally, it was raised on a matter I had already ruled on. In view of this, it breached the admissibility criteria I have just outlined. The point of order was, therefore, inadmissible. That said, I seize this opportunity to remind hon. Members to clearly cite the rule, law, privilege, practice or procedure breached whenever they raise a point of order.
I thank you.
21. Mr Mung’andu (Chama South) asked the Minister of Tourism:
- whether the Government is aware that elephants are destroying crops, granaries and houses in the following chiefdoms in Chama South Parliamentary Constituency:
- Chifunda;
- Chikwa; and
- Tembwe; and
b. if so, what urgent measures are being taken to avert further losses.
The Minister of Tourism (Mr Sikumba): Madam Speaker, the Government is aware of reports of human-animal conflict in the areas of Chikwa, Chifunda and Tembwe situated in Musalangu Game Management Area (GMA) of Chama, where elephants are destroying crops, granaries and houses. It might be worth noting that the Musalangu GMA is adjacent to the North Luangwa National Park, which has a large elephant population.
Madam Speaker, the Government, in partnership with a conservation partner, the Frankfurt Zoological Society, popularly known as FZS, formed the North Luangwa Conservation Programme (NLCP) with the mission of linking livelihoods and landscape. Under the programme, several interventions aimed at mitigating human-animal conflict are being implemented in collaboration with the local Community Resource Board (CRB). The interventions include, but are not limited to the ones discussed below.
Participatory Village Land Use Plans
The Village Land Use Plans (VLUPs) have been developed with the community and traditional leaders in Chama South Constituency. In these plans, areas have been designated as development zones for farming and settlement in order to restrict expansion of human activities in animal corridors, which contributes greatly to the incidence of human-animal conflicts. The VLUPs are at the micro level and are implemented by headmen with the support of local chiefs.
Growing of Chilli as a Cash Crop
Madam Speaker, the NLCP supports the growing of chilli, as the cash crop is very easy to grow; no chemicals or fertilisers are required and, most importantly, is the crop’s duo function of deterring wildlife, such as elephants and buffalos, while the fields are in use, and its use as a cash crop. Once it is harvested, dry chilli is sold at not less than K20 per kilogramme. Chilli growers can, thus, use the money realised to buy other food crops and for their socio-economic activities. Some households use chilli to deter elephants by mixing it with elephant dung and drying it into a block, which can last for over three days and is known to be very effective.
Use of Chilli Bombing
Madam Speaker, this is a very interesting method, I must say, as it uses specialised chilli guns, which are non-lethal to animals, but very effective in deterring elephants. Under this initiative, ninety community volunteers spread across the chiefdoms were engaged for a period of six months. The volunteers are supported with the necessary gear and equipment to carry out field patrols around the farming block during the day and in the night.
Cement Granaries
Madam Speaker, the project is currently rolling out the construction of modified grain food storage facilities for each affected household. These are different from the traditional granaries, which are made of mud and attract elephants. The plan is ensuring all critical households have, at least, one elephant-protected granary (EPG).
Madam Speaker, last, but not the least, this year, the NLCP has secured funding to pilot the use of other mitigating measures, such as smelly repellent and the Kyari Anider Early Alarm System alongside current initiatives to protect crops and property from elephants. Further, the Government has put in place a robust data collection system, which collects information in real time on the affected areas of the Open Data Kit (ODK) System, with Global Position System (GPS) location of all incidences. The information is recorded and uploaded onto a server for the management decision-making process.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mung’andu: Madam Speaker, I want to bring it to the attention of the hon. Minister, as I seek another point of clarification, that people in Chama South struggle to even just have relish. The hon. Minister is aware that the Frankfurt Zoological Society (FZS), which he just mentioned, is doing a wonderful job when it comes to conservation efforts. Unfortunately, people cannot do gardening. Because they cannot poach or fish because of safari hunting; they are restricted even from fishing along the Luangwa River, particularly the people of Chikwa, they only rely on their gardens. Unfortunately, elephants do not allow them to even plant vegetables like rape and cabbage.
Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister has indicated that the FZS is piloting a project. I report to him that we have not seen the piloting of that project. It only happens, maybe, during the rainy season. Is he considering putting more effort into dealing with human-animal conflict throughout the year, not only during the rainy season when people have planted crops, because people have to survive even during the dry season, and they have to have relish, such as vegetables, and other things? Is he considering engaging the relevant parties so that they conduct activities all year round?
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, I am very elated that the hon. Member is aware of the work that our partner, the FZS, has embarked upon in his constituency. I am also happy to learn that he also appreciates the fact that most of the people who are in that area are vegetable farmers, and the vegetables attract many elephants.
Madam Speaker, one thing I would like to put on record is that most of our partners, whom we have engaged in protected areas, engage communities to find ways and means of wadding people off poaching. So, if my partner, the FZS, has not yet sat with most of the traditional leadership as well as the community there, I think it is something that I would really encourage the hon. Member of Parliament to spearhead so that we see how best we can work together to find alternative ways for our people to survive. Like I mentioned in an earlier statement, the participatory VLUP is very important and will see many of us find alternatives to poaching, such as the vegetable growing.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mtayachalo (Chama North): Madam Speaker, Chama North shares a boundary with Chama South, and what happens in Chama South is exactly what happens in Chama North. Villagers fail to sleep in their homes because elephants and buffaloes are always terrorising – (inaudible). I want the hon. Minister of Tourism to confirm whether the Government has plans to compensate victims of – (inaudible) because the people of Chama cannot benefit from their sweat, as the animals have multiplied in number in recent years. So, I want to find out whether there are plans to compensate people who are victims of human-animal conflicts. In fact, just three days ago, we lost a young man at – (inaudible) in Chama North who was attacked by – (inaudible).
Madam Speaker: I am not sure whether the hon. Minister has got your question because your connection kept breaking. Please, repeat your question and be specific. Do not debate your question.
Mr Mtayachalo: Madam Speaker, I want to find whether the Government has plans to compensate victims of human-animal conflicts. I ask because people work hard but, once they cultivate their crops, elephants eat the crops.
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, if I got the hon. Member correctly, he was asking whether the Government will compensate families that are growing crops in GMAs, popularly known as protected areas.
Madam Speaker, I think it would be very difficult for the Government to actually compensate families in GMAs. However, we, being a listening Government, will have to look for other ways and modalities of feeding those people. Clearly, we should find them livelihood alternatives to growing vegetables in parks, which is illegal.
Madam Speaker, I bring to the attention of the House the fact that in Chama, in as much as we put an effort into protecting our wildlife, we also encourage the community, through our game scouts, to help us manage our wildlife. I can safely tell you that, today, there are about ninety-five community scouts in Chama District who are helping us to manage our wildlife.
Madam Speaker, to answer the hon. Member’s question in short, in the case he cites, I think it would be very difficult for the Government to consider compensating people growing crops in the protected areas.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr J. Chibuye (Roan): Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for this statement.
Madam Speaker, human-animal conflict has being a thorn in the flesh of the Government for quite a long time now, and we appreciate the measures that the ministry is implementing to avoid that conflict. However, expensive as it is, is the ministry not thinking of putting up long-term measures to resolve this thorny issue, such as erecting some electric perimeter fences so that animals can be kept away from human beings?
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Member for Roan Constituency for this follow-up question.
Madam Speaker, I am on record stating in this House that the animals in protected areas are in their natural habitat and that, as such, when we go into the protected areas and start putting up electric wires, which the hon. Member has said is expensive, we will be disturbing their wellbeing. What my ministry is considering doing is adding value to wildlife and the ministry’s protection of animals. We need to sensitise our communities and show them the value in the animal or wildlife they live with. So, we encourage many of our community leaders, community management partners in particular parks to educate and sensitise communities. We will, as a ministry, ensure that, going forward, communities get real benefits from the animals they co-exist with.
I think you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mung’andu: Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister has just said that people grow vegetables in the game parks, which is illegal. I put it on record that in Chama, people do not grow vegetables in the game parks, and that there is a different between a national park and game management area (GMA). The entire Chama District, including the Central Business District (CBD), is a GMA. So, our people do not go to live in game parks. Actually, being a lawyer, you know that living in a national park, just one’s presence there, is a case of strict liability.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member, ask your question.
Mr Mung’andu: So, where we grow – probably, failing to set up a department in his ministry dedicated to mitigating human-animal conflicts as we embrace the growing number of animals. We are very happy to see a large population of buffaloes and elephants, but we need to manage that. Is the hon. Minister considering setting up a department dedicated to mitigating conflicts? He has talked about volunteers. However, how can people be working with very fierce and hungry animals without being paid? Is he considering setting up a dedicated department that ,will be able to protect our people not only in Chama, but also in all the areas around the Luangwa Valley up to Luangwa or Nyimba/Petauke?
Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, as you ask questions, please, do not debate. Ask a straight supplementary question to the hon. Minister’s answers.
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, I think the hon. Member will be very excited in the next couple of months when he sees the document that we will publish, which is titled Community-Based Natural Resources Management Policy (CBNRMP). I mentioned at some point in the House that we will engage hon. Members, especially those whose constituencies are in game GMAs and national parks, to contribute to the document because they need to own it. Those brilliant ideas that hon. Members have on how best to ward off wildlife or mitigate human-animal conflict will be very welcome. The document is almost ready to be submitted to the Cabinet. As soon as it is cleared by the Cabinet, I am sure the hon. Member will be very excited about the plans that we have, as a ministry.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Menyani Zulu (Nyimba): Madam Speaker, does the Government have any plans to protect Zambians, especially some of us who were born and raised in the so-called game management areas (GMAs)? Given what is happening now, we need total protection from the Government, and I want the hon. Minister to be very straightforward in telling us why animals have now become so important that even after all of us who lived along the Luangwa River, from Chama to Nyimba, moved, maybe, 40 km away from the river and the animals to Great East Road, the so-called game protectors have followed us where we have moved to. I ask this question because we have nowhere to go now.
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, I must say it is in the Government’s interests to protect human life, and we will definitely do so. However, we should also accept the fact that wildlife is a revenue spinner for this country and the Government. So, we should see how best we can live in harmony with the wildlife that, for lack of a better term, we grow up with. I think it is in our best interests to safeguard human life while ensuring that our animals are protected.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sampa (Matero): Madam Speaker, I congratulate the hon. Minister on his appointment.
Madam Speaker, in Chama South, elephants were destroying property and crops. Thank God, they did not kill any human being. In Nyimba or Petauke, a few days ago, a human being was killed by a lion. What measures is the Government putting in place in Chama South and elsewhere, including in Livingstone, using either traditional or modern methods, to ensure that wild animals; the elephants and lions, do not kill human beings?
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, for a moment, I wondered which animals are in Matero. However, in any case, I think we will deal with Chama South for now.
Madam Speaker, earlier, I mentioned the measures that the Government is putting in place to take care of the safety of our citizens. In my answer, I listed five measures, among others. In that regard, we have engaged the communities, chiefdoms and the community management partners on how best we can manage the human-animal conflict. Like I mentioned earlier, most of the details of our solutions are contained in the CBNRM Policy that is going to be rolled out.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mutinta (Itezhi-Tezhi): Madam Speaker, in Itezhi-Tezhi, two weeks ago, the community killed two lions, and there was jubilation in the community because the lions had killed about twenty-eight animals in one village. In the new document that the ministry is working on, is there the possibility of having a very clear education and awareness-raising strategy for providing to the communities the kind of information that will enable people to live in harmony with animals? I strongly feel that communication, education or awareness is what is lacking in most of the communities.
Mr Sikumba: Madam Speaker, like I mentioned earlier, the document was partly informed by the views of the community, traditional leaders and our partners, and I am quite happy that the hon. Member has brought up the issue of the need to communicate whatever policies the Government puts in place. We want to use the traditional leadership to cascade whatever information is readily available from the Government. We do believe, as a ministry, that the only people the communities would listen to are the traditional leaders. In the absence of the traditional leaders, it would be very difficult for us to get the messages on the conservation plans that we have across. So, yes, we have engaged the traditional leadership, and we will definitely be good at communicating.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
22. Mr Mukosa (Chinsali) asked the Minister of Education:
- what progress, in percentage terms, had been made in the construction of Paul Mushindo University in Chinsali District, as at 31st August, 2021; and
- what the timeframe for the completion of the outstanding works is.
The Minister of Education (Mr Syakalima): Madam Speaker, I inform the House that the construction of Paul Mushindo University was at 50 per cent, as at 31st August, 2021. The details are as follows:
- 2 hostel blocks are at 70 per cent;
- 2 x 8 double story blocks of lecture rooms with toilet facilities are at 60 per cent;
- 10 lecturer’s houses are at 50 per cent; and
- external works are at 20 per cent.
Madam Speaker, the Government plans to complete the outstanding works in seventeen months, subject to the availability of funds.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mukosa: Madam Speaker, what assurances is the hon. Minister giving to the people of Chinsali and Zambia at large that efforts will be made by the Government to look for funds so that the university is constructed within the timeframe that he has given us?
Mr Syakalima: Madam Speaker, the assurance is actually embedded in my answer to part (b) of the question, which is that the Government will complete the outstanding works within seventeen months, subject to the availability of funds.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Dr Kalila (Lukulu East): Madam Speaker, I am aware that in Chinsali, there is another university called Robert Kapasa Makasa. Can the hon. Minister remind us of the faculties that will be at the universities and state whether there will be no duplication? In other words, how does the ministry hope to use these two institutions, which are in close proximity of each other?
Mr Syakalima: Madam Speaker, I think this is a new question, but suffice it to say that maybe, the planners did not plan for two universities offering the same courses in the same area. Otherwise, that would be duplication. What I know is that Robert Kapasa Makasa University deals with livestock.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chitotela (Pambashe): Madam Speaker, I take advantage of the statement by the hon. Minister of Education that the Government will complete all the pending infrastructure within seventeen months, subject to the availability of funds. What type of infrastructure is the hon. Minister referring to? Does it include those that are at zero per cent where there is a commitment or those that are at 10 per cent, 25 per cent, 8 per cent or 15 per cent? Could the hon. Minister clarify this issue, because Zambians are listening, and we have infrastructure dotted across the country. So, which one is the Government targeting to finish in the seventeen months, subject to the availability of funds?
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member for Pambashe, does your question relate to Paul Mushindo University in Chinsali or are you asking about all the uncompleted infrastructure? I just want to be clear.
Mr Chitotela: Madam Speaker, I am asking based on the answer given by the hon. Minister to the follow-up question asked by the hon. Member of Parliament for Chinsali. The hon. Minister stated that the Government will complete all the infrastructure within seventeen months, subject to the availability of funds. That is why I have asked this question.
Madam Speaker: My understanding is that he was referring to all the outstanding works at Paul Mushindo University in Chinsali. So, if there is a need for information that relates to any infrastructure other than the one mentioned in the question, I advise the hon. Member for Pambashe to file in another question, and the hon. Minister will be ready to address it.
- Mr Samakayi (Mwinilunga): asked the Minister of Health:
- when the construction of three mini hospitals allocated to Chief Kanyama and Senior Chief Sayilunga’s chiefdoms in Mwinilunga District will commence;
- what has caused the delay in commencing the projects;
- what the cost of each project is; and
- what the timeframe for the completion of each project is.
The Minister of Health (Mrs Masebo): Madam Speaker, the Government had initially allocated three mini hospitals to three chiefdoms, namely Chief Kanyama, Senior Chief Sayilunga, and Chief Kanongesha, all in Mwinilunga District. However, in February, 2021, the distribution list was revised and the mini hospital for Chief Kanyama’s chiefdom was relocated to another location outside Mwinilunga District after it was discovered that the distribution of mini hospitals had not been equitably done in districts countrywide. The relocation left two out of the three mini hospitals to be constructed in Mwinilunga District.
Madam Speaker, the works for the two mini hospitals commenced, with the mini hospital under Chief Kanongesha being at 70 per cent and the one under Senior Chief Sayilunga, Chisengisengi Mini Hospital, being at 20 per cent.
Madam Speaker, the House may wish to note that the two mini hospitals are scheduled for completion by the end of the first quarter of 2022.
Madam Speaker, there was no delay in the commencement of the projects; the two projects are on schedule, according to the contractor’s programme, and shall be completed as stated above.
Madam Speaker, the cost of the construction works, inclusive of the equipment, is US$1.1 million.
Madam Speaker, the timeframe for completion of each project is six months from the official commencement date of construction.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Samakayi: Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister has answered that what led to the relocation of one mini hospital to another area was the fact that Mwinilunga was over-allocated. However, I think that the Government should have looked at other needy chiefdoms because the Kakoma Chiefdom is very wide, but has had only one clinic since Independence. Our thinking is that the Government should have built that clinic there. I am saying this because the other two clinics that were allocated to the chiefdom have not been constructed because there are no roads to transport building materials. Would the hon. Minister not consider revisiting the allocation and give build the hospital in Chief Kakoma’s area instead of Chief Kanyama’s?
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, the follow-up question is not very clear because he has talked about moving the mini hospital from Chief Kanyama’s area to Chief Kakoma’s. However, in my answer, I said the mini hospital allocated to Chief Kanyama’s area was the one relocated to another area outside Mwinilunga District.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Samakayi: Madam Speaker, yes, Mwinilunga was over-allocated, but I think there are areas of the district that are in dire need of a clinic, and I have cited Chief Kakoma’s area as having had only one clinic since Independence. Further, my investigations show that this –
Madam Speaker: Order, hon. Member for Mwinilunga!
Please, ask a direct question so that the hon. Minister can answer you.
Mr Samakayi: Madam Speaker, I am sorry.
Madam Speaker, even if Mwinilunga was over-allocated clinics, there is one area of the district that is in dire need of a clinic. Why did the Government not think of relocating one of the clinics to Chief Kakoma’s area in the same district?
Madam Speaker: The hon. Minister has explained that the issue of moving the clinic is completely new. Further, a decision was already made. If you wish to ask about the construction of clinics, I suggest you file in a different question instead of raising the issue as a follow-up question.
Mr J. Chibuye: Madam Speaker, many a time, Government projects suffer from delayed completion and, as a result, attract extra costs in terms of variations. Could the hon. Minister of Health tell this House whether funds were set aside before the commencement of these projects so that the projects do not suffer from delayed completion?
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, a loan was contracted for the construction of 115 mini hospitals countrywide. Therefore, the funds are available and, as stated already, the construction is not out of time and completion of the clinics in question will be in six months as planned. Further, the House may wish to note that out of the 115 mini hospitals countrywide, sixty-seven have been completed while others are at various stages.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Fube (Chilubi): Madam Speaker, when does the hon. Minister intend to roll out the remaining hospitals? Although she somehow touched on this issue, I ask this arising question because she stated that there was an imbalance in terms of distribution.
Madam Speaker: Again, the hon. Minister is dealing with the issue of the hospital in Chief Sayilunga’s area. Is the hon. Member for Chilubi indicating that he wants to know the progression in terms of mini hospitals all over the country or in a particular area?
Mr Fube: Madam Speaker, it is just that you do not allow preambles. Otherwise, I would have given a bit of background.
Madam, the hon. Minister talked about withdrawing one mini-hospital from Mwinilunga, but she has not indicated where it was allocated. She also talked about the withdrawal arising from the fact that the ministry realised that the mini-hospitals had not been properly distributed in the country.
Mr Sing’ombe: By the PF!
Mr Fube: By Patriotic Front (PF), of course.
Madam, where was the withdrawn hospital taken? This question arises from the same question on Mwinilunga.
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, it was relocated to the Southern Province.
Madam Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Sing’ombe (Dundumwezi): Madam Speaker, does the hon. Minister have information on whether hon. Members of Parliament were consulted before these mini hospitals were built where they are? I know for sure that it was not her fault.
Madam Speaker: The hon. Minister will answer in relation to the question on the Floor.
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, I am now the Minister. So, obviously, I do have an understanding.
Madam Speaker, as I have said, the mini hospitals are being construction through a loan. Further, of the 115 mini hospitals, sixty-seven have been completed while the rest are at different stages. The allocation of the same was done by the ministry, and I am aware that there was no consultation with hon. Members of Parliament. I think, as I have said, that one of the three that were allocated to a particular district had to be relocated to the Southern Province because somebody somewhere complained, and the ministry found it fair to move the hospital in question to another district.
Madam Speaker, it is not strange, when there has been little consultation, for the ministry to find itself relocating some projects after coming under pressure. However, the President stated clearly on the Floor of this House that there will be equality in health service delivery; that all districts and provinces will be considered fairly and equally, taking into account the disease burden, populations and availability or non-availability of various health services in particular districts. To that extent, I have stated on the Floor of this House that we may decide to change certain decisions that have not yet been implemented to ensure that the whole country is covered.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
24. Mr Sampa asked the Minister of Water Development and Sanitation:
- whether the Government has any plans to provide running water and flushable toilets to the residents of the following townships in Matero Parliamentary Constituency:
- George;
- Desai;
- Paradise;
- Chunga ; and
- Zingalume;
b. if so, when the plans will be implemented;
c. what the estimated cost of the project is; and
d. what the estimated timeframe for the completion of the project is.
The Minister of Water Development and Sanitation (Mr Mposha): Madam Speaker, the Government has plans to provide running water to all the residents of Lusaka, including those in George, Desai, Paradise, Chunga and Zingalume townships under Matero Parliamentary Constituency. This will not only facilitate access to clean and safe water, but also the use of flushable toilets by our people in those areas.
Madam, the Government is already implementing the plans through ongoing projects. Currently, there are two projects being implemented, namely the Kafue Bulk Water Supply which, once completed, will improve the supply of running water in Matero Parliamentary Constituency, and the Lusaka Sanitation Programme, which targets to benefit over 46,000 people in peri-urban areas of Lusaka, including those in Matero Parliamentary Constituency.
Madam Speaker, the estimated cost for the water supply project is K90 million while that for the Lusaka Sanitation Programme is K28.3 million, bringing the total to K118.3 million.
Madam Speaker, the estimated timeframe for the completion of the Kafue Bulk Water Supply Project is the fourth quarter of 2021 while the Lusaka Sanitation Programme will be completed in 2022.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sampa: Madam Speaker, before the water supply project is completed, and with the onset of the rainy season, when there is a power outage in Matero, there is no water supply interruption in the few lucky houses with running water. What measures is the Government putting in place to ensure that the few lucky houses that have running water continue having water when there is a power outage, and that people are not at risk of suffering from cholera from drinking water from shallow wells?
Madam Speaker: The issue relating to cholera is new. The hon. Minister will only answer the first part of the question.
Mr Mposha: Madam Speaker, like I said, the Kafue Bulk Water Supply Project will be commissioned in the fourth quarter of 2021. The project is way above 95 per cent. What remains are only a few electrical installations and, in the next few weeks, we should be able to commission the project. So, the hon. Member should not worry. Once this project is commissioned, we hope to supply 0,000 m3 more of water per day in Lusaka. We hope that once the supply of water is improved, those worries will be addressed.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mutale (Chitambo): Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister said that he will commission the water system in Matero in the first quarter, if I got him correctly, meaning next year. What immediate measures has the Government put in place to cushion the water problem in Matero?
Mr Mposha: Madam Speaker, just to correct the hon. Member, I did not say that we will commission the project in the first quarter. I said that we are likely to commission the project in the fourth quarter of 2021.
Madam Speaker, Matero, just like many other areas in Lusaka, is already connected to the water networks. However, we are not able to meet the demand for water in Lusaka, and that is why we are trying to progressively improve the supply of water, hence, the US$150 million Kafue Bulk Water Supply Project, which is almost due for commissioning.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sampa: Madam Speaker, in his response, the hon. Minister mentioned that the Government has a project to put up flushable toilets. As we get into the rainy season, it is almost an annual event in Matero that one or two pit latrines collapse while people are either bathing or otherwise using the latrines. Last year and the year before, there were such incidents. What measures is the Government putting in place to ensure that does not happen this rainy season? Further, if some latrine or latrines do collapse, what emergency measures have been put in place?
Mr Mposha: Madam Speaker, I already addressed the issue of flushable toilets. Our responsibility, as the Government, is to provide a network for sanitation services. Therefore, the people will be given the opportunity to connect to the network. We will not necessarily build the flushable toilets, but only provide the network and, once that is done, we will address the challenge of pit latrines.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
25. Mr Mumba (Kantanshi) asked the Minister of Labour and Social Security:
- what caused the riotous behaviour by employees at First Quantum Minerals in Solwezi District and Non-Ferrous Corporation Africa Mining in Chambishi in September, 2021; and
- what measures the Government is taking to avert the recurrence of such incidents.
The Minister of Labour and Social Security (Ms Tambatamba): Madam Speaker, regarding what caused the riotous behaviour by employees at First Quantum Minerals (FQM) in Solwezi District, I would like to first point out that there was an illegal work stoppage at Kansanshi Mine by First Quantum Minerals Operations (FQMO) Limited in Solwezi. About 259 workers went on an illegal strike on 9th and 10th September, 2021, without any dispute being declared by the unions on the modalities for implementing the pension scheme at the institution. The management and the unions pleaded with the employees to resume work so that the issue could be resolved amicably, but to no avail. Therefore, on 10th September, 2021, management suspended all the employees in the crews pending further investigations. On 11th September, 2021, all the suspended employees were charged with the offence of inciting or participating in an illegal strike action or unjustified work stoppage resulting in loss of production. The disciplinary hearings for all the charged employees started on 12th September, 2021, and ended on 15th September, 2021.
Madam Speaker, the background to the dispute is that previously, the collective agreement provided for a one-month salary for each year served plus one month salary for each employee who retired normally, or was retired on medical grounds or declared redundant. An employee who resigned or was fired was paid nothing. In December, 2020, the unions felt that this condition of service was not beneficial, as most employees would not ordinarily access the benefits. To that end, they approached management so that a pension scheme could be established, and management agreed and further made an undertaking to provide an opening balance for each employee who would join the pension scheme. The opening balance would be calculated on the basis of one month salary for each year served by each employee from the time the employee started work.
Madam Speaker, the parties agreed to amend the collective agreement so that it could factor in the establishment of the pension scheme. Accordingly, the parties agreed that the opening balances provided by the company to the pension scheme were not to be considered as accrued benefits payable to the employees, as pay-outs before joining the pension scheme. The pension scheme was expected to be established by the month end of September 2021. Further, because of the colossal amount of funds that the company was expected to pump into the pension scheme, it was agreed that the company would find a preferred pension fund manager.
Madam Speaker, the Labour Commissioner, representing the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, visited the company and explained to the workers that the strike action they were involved in was illegal because the proper procedures, as provided by the law, had not been followed. Further, on 16th September, 2021, management and the unions had a meeting chaired by the Labour Commissioner in which a plea was made for management to consider clemency for the charged employees and management committed itself to considering taking back the majority of the employees using a criterion set up by management, once the hearing processes were completed. However, those identified as being the ringleaders would face disciplinary consequences. The workers were expected to return to work the following day, Friday, 17th September, 2021.
Madam Speaker, I inform the House that operations have since normalised for all the other employees.
Madam Speaker, with regard to the situation at the Non-Ferrous Corporation Africa (NFCA) Mining, employees went on a work stoppage on 14th September, 2021, over a demand for harmonisation of salaries with other mining companies and a dispute on other conditions of service which, in management’s view, should have been presented to the union representatives as possible proposals for the 2022 collective bargaining process. The procedure for all unionised employees is that they present issues to their union leaders, and all unionised employees have a grievance procedure to follow in the settlement of industrial disputes.
Madam Speaker, my ministry went on the ground to advise the riotous workers to resume work and air their grievances through the right channel in order to have improved terms and conditions in their contracts. This was in light of the fact that the bargaining window between management and the union would open between 1st October and 31st December, 2021. In this respect, the employees were advised to submit their proposals. The employees resumed their work the day after we addressed them.
Madam Speaker, in short, the reasons for the work stoppage in Solwezi were:
- perceived delay or failure by FQMO Limited management to implement the unions preferred pension scheme proposed in the 2021 collective agreement. In addition, this was misplaced and contrary to what was in the collective agreement. Further, the workers demanded to be paid in cash as opposed to transferring the money to the pension scheme, or implementing the pension scheme as soon as possible. These demands were clearly inconsistent with the collective agreement and did not have the support of both management and the unions; and
- failure by management to clearly explain the FQMO Limited structure. Contrary to the workers’ perception of the structure of the company, there was only one company registered with the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA), namely FQMO Limited. The truth is that FQMO Roads, FQMO Mining, FQMO Exploration and FQMO Services were not separate companies, but merely departments or divisions under FQMO.
Madam Speaker, you may wish to note that the work stoppage happened when the company and the unions were in the process of explaining the pension scheme.
Madam Speaker, with regard to the work stoppage at NFCA Mining, the cause was attributed to the demand for harmonisation of salaries with other mining companies, and a dispute on other conditions of service.
Madam Speaker, on what measures the Government was taking to avert such occurrences, as you may be aware, the Ministry of Labour and Social Security is charged with the critical responsibility of fostering industrial harmony, and formulating and administering policies and legislation to regulate the labour and employment sector. A proper implementation of the policies and laws is cardinal for promoting industrial harmony, enhancing productivity and establishing a sustainable labour and employment sector, which is cardinal for the creation of decent jobs across the length and breadth of this country for all our citizens, and boosting investor confidence. In this regard, the Government will continue to advise workers and employers to handle grievances in line with the procedure prescribed in the Industrial and Labour Relations Act, Cap 269 of the Laws of Zambia, failure to which the party at fault shall be dealt with in accordance with the provisions of the law. Further, the Government, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security will, in the spirit of social dialogue and tripartism, continue to engage both parties in order to iron out all the issues highlighted in a quest to ensure industrial harmony.
Madam Speaker, in conclusion, I assure the House and the nation that the New Dawn Government remains unwavering in its desire to uplift the welfare of its citizens by increasing opportunities for accessing safe and decent work in line with the aspirations of the United Party for National Development (UPND), as espoused in the party’s manifesto.
Madam Speaker, I had to take this long to explain exactly what happened. The chronology of events had to be tabled in its fullness.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mumba: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for the detailed report. It is very clear from her response that there is a problem. In addition, the fact that the mining sector has also been prioritised by the New Dawn Government, in terms of ramping up production to contribute to the wellbeing of the economy, is also a clear indication that the sector is very important. To start a new page and a new dawn, has the ministry taken interest in looking, especially, at the contentious issue of pensions and how they are structured so that our workers in this very important sector are confident that when they leave employment or are dismissed, or any of the other things that take place in the sector occur, they will be protected by the proper oversight of the ministry? Did the hon. Minister, in this particular case, take such an interest?
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Member of Parliament for Kantanshi for the question on the issue of pensions.
Madam Speaker, as the hon. Members may already know, the manifesto of the New Dawn Government has clearly provided the direction on the needs for reforms in the provision of social security in this country. So, through our Tripartite Council, in which the employees and employers are represented, we will definitely be prioritising that concern. In fact, we will try to benchmark with other countries so that we come up with social security and pensions that will be more suitable for responding to the needs of the workers, not only at the end of their work life, but in the intermediate term as well. This is one of the areas that we will be looking at.
Madam Speaker, as for the case in question, for FQMO, there was an agreement between the workers and the management. Therefore, both parties to work within what was provided for until the end of that collective agreement, at which time they could make recommendations on what they wanted included in the next agreement, and suggest any amendments they wanted made to the current agreement in the next round of the collective bargaining process.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mulebwa (Kafulafuta): Madam Speaker, I keep wondering why employers, who are expected to be sensitive to the plight of their employees, should always wait for people to protest or gone on strike before they act. Just last week, workers at Neelkanth Lime went on strike for three days and they did not want anybody to address them except their area Member of Parliament.
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, the question is very clear and it is directed to the employers. As such, I may not be able to answer it. The only thing that I can advise in view of the question is that there is a need for more information, education and awareness-raising from the employers to employees on what is contained in collective agreements. The same applies to the representatives of the employees, which are the unions; they, too, need to invest some time as well as some of the money from subscriptions in raising awareness among their members.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chanda (Kanchibiya): Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for her elaborate statement.
Madam Speaker, we know very well that, sometimes, we will have investors who will abuse the rights of workers. To what extent is the Government prepared to protect the rights of workers to protest against poor working conditions and any other abuses that they may face at the hands of investor?
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, we do recognise the fact that workers and their employers have a very intimate relationship. They are, in fact, inextricably intertwined; when the employee hurts, the employer will also hurt and vice versa. However, we also have to take into account the fact that both the worker and the employee are protected by the laws of any country. In Zambia, His Excellency the President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, clearly indicated that he and his party will govern through the rule of law. So, none of the two parties is an exempted from the rule of law. So, it is very important for employees to also understand the procedure, and it is incumbent on the unions to guide employees so that they do not take courses that are not aligned with the law.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr J. Chibuye: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for the clarity of her response.
Madam Speaker, in one of her answers, the hon. Minister mentioned that one of the reasons for the strike at Non-Ferrous China (NFC) Africa Mining was a demand for the harmonisation of salaries and other conditions in the mining sector or amongst the mining players. Will the hon. Minister take seriously this demand by moving a Motion in this House to harmonise salaries and other conditions of service, including setting the minimum wage, in the mining sector? Could the hon. Minister kindly state whether her ministry is looking at these two issues.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member for Roan, that question is asking for more detailed information, which I believe the hon. Minister will not be in a position to answer today. If you still want the hon. Minister to address those issues, please, file in a question to the hon. Minister, and she will be able to answer it at an appropriate time.
Mr Mtayachalo: Madam Speaker, does the hon. Minister of Labour and Social Security have plans to bring the two parties, that is, the trade unions and employers, together so that they are able to share information? Having a trade union background, I think we have many industrial actions because of a lack of information, as trade union leaders do not have accurate information about the financial performance of their institutions. In developed countries like Japan where that happens, there is less industrial unrest.
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, if the hon. Member listened carefully earlier, he heard me indicate that we operate in the spirit of tripartism. In the next couple of months, we will definitely be congregating as a three parties, that is, the Government, through my ministry; the national leadership of trade unions and the Zambia Federation of Employers (ZFE), as has been the practice in the past. So, there will be a council at which these issues will be tabled.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr C. Chibuye (Mkushi North) Madam Speaker, looking at the rising number of strikes that may arise in the mining sector, there may be strikes even in the other sectors. How will the Government, through the ministry, handle mining investors who will not be willing to adhere to the labour laws of this country?
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, as I indicated earlier, the rule of law is not selective. We strive for a win-win situation for employees and employers. If the employer does not make money, there is no salary for the employee. So, the employers in this country are important to the building of the economy and the growth that we aspire for. However, at the same time, they ought to strive to become the employers of choice, which begins with adhering to the rule of law. Further, there are international standards that employers are called upon to adhere to in respecting the rights of employees. The standards protect the rights of employees from being trodden on.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mulunda (Siavonga): Madam Speaker, it is a well known fact that strikes are caused by investors who choose to ignore the labour laws of this country. How effective are the hon. Minister’s Labour Officers in the different districts dotted around this country? I ask this question because it is not only in mining where the workers are being abused or treated like second-class citizens.
Madam Speaker: This question is too general but, maybe, the hon. Minister can attempt to answer it.
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, we are coming from a season in which the economy of this country was depressed, and that has an impact on many things, including the establishment of the ministry. Currently, the ministry is represented in a few places, but it is operating at a capacity we would want to improve upon in the future. That said, with what is already on the ground, we have a standard operating procedure that is effective enough in responding to the cries of the employees.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Kolala (Lufubu): Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for her good answers.
Madam Speaker, in one of the answers, the hon. Minister talked about people demanding things that are not in the collective agreement. Does the hon. Minister have a system, or is she thinking of having a system for assessing the fairness of collective agreements? I ask this question because the so-called collective agreements are not even collective. Those of us who have worked in the companies know that that management just drafts something and imposes it on the workers. That is why people protest even for something that is not in the collective agreement; some condition may not be in the agreement, but people need it.
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, as we meet at the Tripartite Council, we will be looking into the matter of finding tools that can assist us in ensuring that collective agreements are, indeed, collective.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chinkuli (Kanyama): Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister will agree with me that industrial disputes have been there for a very long time. She will also agree with me that the industrial revolution of the 17th Century 18th Century was a result of the exploitation of people in industries. Further, she will agree with me that when the industries come here, for them, the aim is maximisation of profits. This is the reason there was that revolution.
Madam Speaker, in the past, the Government could fight for the welfare of employees by putting up rules on how the industries would conduct themselves. Now, these disputes have been there, and they are here with us.
Mr Mushanga: What is your question?
Mr Chinkuli: In the Government’s wisdom, what is it that it can put in place so that some of these disputes can be brought to an end, and we do not hear of employees rioting every day?
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member, order!
Do not debate. Please, ask your question.
Mr Chinkuli: Thank you, Madam Speaker.
My question is: What measures can the Government put up so that some of these disputes can come to an end?
Madam Speaker: The question is too general for the hon. Minister to sufficiently answer it.
Anyway, hon. Minister, there is a question.
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, as a new dawn Government, we will be looking into all those issues.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr E. Banda (Muchinga): Madam Speaker, does the Government, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, have any plans to engage all mining entities in Zambia to appreciate the working conditions of our workers?
Ms Tambatamba: Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister of Mines and Minerals Development and I are collaborating and seeking to harmonise our inputs into what will be tabled to what I called the Tripartite Council. Additionally, yes, we are engaging different mining companies. The conversations have taken place, but we will have to streamline them through the platform that I talked about.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chanda: Madam Speaker, I want to ask the hon. Minister –
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member, have you not already asked a question on Question 25?
Mr Chanda: Madam Speaker, you gave me the Floor.
Madam Speaker: Pardon?
Mr Chanda: Madam Speaker, you called on me. I thought it was God’s doing.
Madam Speaker: Sorry, I made the mistake because your name was on the list.
26. Mr Sampa asked the Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security:
- when police officers will be redeployed to Mwembeshi Police Post in Matero Parliamentary Constituency, which was abandoned in March, 2016, following a riot in the area; and
- how many police officers will be deployed.
The Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security (Mr Mwiimbu): Madam Speaker, I inform the House that Mwembeshi Police Post was constructed with the help of members of the community. However, following a riot in 2016, it was vandalised, leading to police officers abandoning it. The police post is currently under rehabilitation, and the works are at 95 per cent.
Madam Speaker, officers are expected to be redeployed to Mwembeshi Police Post once the rehabilitation works are completed.
Madam Speaker, twenty-five police officers will be deployed to the police post.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sampa: Madam Speaker, men in uniform need to be protected from mob psychology and attacks like the one that happened at Mwembeshi Police Post. We also saw a lone policeman get harassed at the Supreme Court a few days ago. What measures is the Government putting in place to ensure that the incidents at Mwembeshi Police Post and at the Supreme Court do not happen anywhere else? We lose some men in uniform to mob attacks. What back-up plan is there?
Madam Speaker: The hon. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security will restrict himself to Mwembeshi Police Post, which is the subject of the principal question.
Mr Mwiimbu: Madam, I repeat the answers that I have already given to the hon. Member.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sampa: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for that good answer.
Madam Speaker, the able hon. Minister mentioned that twenty-five police officers will be deployed to Mwembeshi when it is opened. Is he able to confirm that when the officers are deployed, they will have all the resources needed to respond to the security needs of the people of Mwembeshi? Will they have adequate transport to respond to 911 emergencies like it happens elsewhere? Could he also confirm that they will have enough talk time and all the facilities needed to protect the people of Matero?
Mr Mwiimbu: Madam Speaker, I will not speculate on this matter. The hon. Member has to realise that any expenditure that the Zambia Police incurs has to be supported by the Budget, which will be presented by the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning in the next few weeks. I call upon the hon. Member to support the hon. Minister when the Budget is presented.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mapani (Namwala): Madam Speaker, will the deployment only be restricted to Mwembeshi Police Post in Matero or it will also be extended to police posts that were deserted during the gassing saga?
Madam Speaker: Hon. Member for Namwala, the question relates to redeployment of police officers to Mwembeshi Police Post. If there is any need for information on other police posts, another question can be filed in for the hon. Minister of Home Affairs and Internal Security to be able to answer it sufficiently.
Mr Sampa: Madam Speaker, it is Mwembeshi Police Post in Matero.
Madam Speaker: Yes, Mwembeshi Police Post in Matero. Thank you for the correction.
27. Mr Mushanga (Bwacha) asked the Minister of Health:
- whether the Government has any plans to deploy additional health workers to health facilities in Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency in 2021;
- if so, when the plans will be implemented; and
- how many will be deployed.
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency has eighteen health facilities. The number is broken down as follows:
- nine health posts;
- eight health centres; and
- one mini-hospital.
Madam Speaker, the number of staff in the Ministry of Health stands at 64,764 out of an establishment of 126,831, which is 51 per cent, leaving a gap of 49 per cent.
Madam Speaker, the Government is addressing the gap in a phased manner, depending on the availability of funds for the recruitment of staff.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mushanga: Madam Speaker, I have in mind the young people working at Ngungu, Bwacha and Makululu health centres. I also have in mind those working at the newly constructed mini-hospital in Makululu, the only one in Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency. Some young people trained as nurses, clinical officers and doctors are volunteering and providing health services to the people of Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency. Has the ministry taken any deliberate step to ensure that the young people who are volunteering in health facilities dotted around Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency are considered for recruitment and deployment when the ministry starts recruiting workers? As area Member of Parliament, I have already seen their commitment because they are already working.
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, we are aware of the many health workers who are working in various health centres across the country, including Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency. Our plans for 2022 are to employ more health workers of various categories. As regards those who are currently working on voluntary basis, we have made the decision, as a ministry, to prioritise them as we employ.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, as I said last time on the Floor of this House, hon. Members will need to help us because the way the previous Administration was running this country was a bit chaotic, and I am sure hon. Members will agree with me because we had a situation in which people who had sacrificed to work without pay were being left out in recruitments in preference for new people or those who had not volunteered to work. Obviously, fairness requires that whenever there is a chance, you consider those who are providing a service free of charge. Sometimes, the system is such that people have a way of going around the systems, either by using hon. Members of Parliament, hon. Ministers or Directors to get employed at the expense of those who would have been volunteering for, say, four or five years. So, I hope that as we begin the recruitment, hon. Members of Parliament will help to ensure that such loopholes are sealed. We want to run this Government in a transparent and open manner.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mushanga: Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister has indicated that in Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency, the percentage for the deployed health staff is about 51 per cent and that 49 per cent is the deficit. As Member of Parliament for Bwacha Constituency, my observation is that the many young people who are trained in various health disciplines and are volunteering as interns in health facilities make up the 49 per cent deficit. If the hon. Minister got in touch with the Provincial Health Office or the District Health Office responsible for Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency, that is what she would be told. I also have information from the hon. Minister of Youth, Sport and Arts that the internship will coming to an end on 30th October, 2021. As the internship comes to an end, we foresee health facilities losing the many young people who are volunteering in the health sector. Are there any measures that the ministry is putting in place to see to that quality health services continue to be provided in health facilities in Bwacha Parliamentary Constituency after the end of the internship programme?
Mrs Masebo: Madam Speaker, various partners and the Government support the internship programmes. For the one the hon. Member is talking about, we are currently negotiating an extension. That is the step we are taking.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
28. Mr Mukosa asked the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:
- what the progress on the construction of the Chinsali Bus Station in Chinsali District was in percentage terms, as of August, 2021; and
- what the timeframe for the completion of the outstanding works is.
The Minister of Local Government and Rural Development (Mr Nkombo): Madam Speaker, as at 31st August, 2021, the Chinsali Bus Station Project in Chinsali was at 25 per cent.
Madam Speaker, the timeframe for completion of the outstanding works will only be determined once a new contract is signed, as the initial contract expired.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mukosa: Madam Speaker, is the ministry making any efforts to engage the contractor so that the contract is renewed?
Mr Nkombo: Madam Speaker, let me just give a little background information on the bus station in Chinsali.
Madam Speaker, under the Patriotic Front (PF), most project contracts were signed anyhow and, in this case, I confirm that the contractor, Stoutone Investment Limited, was contracted to start building the market on 1st April, 2014, and the expected date of completion was 30th April, 2015, which is a long time ago. However, due to budgetary constraints, as the Government used to sign for projects, maybe, for political expediency even when there was no money, we have found ourselves in a situation in which the people of Chinsali had very high hopes of enjoying the use of the facility but, alas, they cannot because no funds were allocated and disbursed for the project.
Madam Speaker, following the expiry of the contract, the ministry is yet to determine whether to renew the existing contract or to retender the works altogether, subject to money being allocated in the Budget for 2022, 2023 or 2024. However, we want to assure our good people of Chinsali that once money is allocated in the Budget for a given fiscal year, we, as the United Party for National Development (UPND) Government, led by Mr Hakainde Hichilema, are going to abide by the contract terms in terms of the period of completion.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mumba: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for his precise responses.
Madam Speaker, the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development is quite large, and the hon. Minister has found a number of contracts that he obviously has to be reorganised in line with the money that will be available. I also speak in relation to the fact that we also have a market that was under construction under the same ministry, but the works stalled. When does the hon. Minister think he will come to this House, after checking all the contracts that the Government thinks need to be revised or cancelled so that we start from a clean slate, and tell us which contracts will be considered? We want to know so that our people can know which infrastructural projects to expect?
Mr Nkombo: Madam Speaker, I thank my friend, the hon. Member for Kantanshi, for his clear and candid question and his acknowledgement of the large portfolio of the works in my ministry. He also recognises that the immediate past Government had engaged many contractors to construct markets and carry out perennial road rehabilitation exercises to just give as an example.
Madam Speaker, as the hon. Member of Parliament already knows, there was a Presidential directive to halt all payments until a comprehensive audit of projects under most ministries is undertaken. The Ministry of Local Government and Rural development is not an exception to that directive. As an example, I can confirm that looking at the schedules that I have had sight of on works that have been contracted to people, you see that in more cases, 50 percent or more of the payments have been made yet, the schedule, the status of the project will indicate, “Contractor still mobilising”. So, it is a little frightening that people were getting payments without work being done.
Madam Speaker, to answer the hon. Member’s question in more precise terms, I ask him to kindly allow us to go through the audit; to compare what is on paper with what is on the ground, to make sure that the certificates of completion that are presented before us are authentic and present the truth. After that, we are going to look at what the Ministry of Finance and National Planning would have allocated for our ministry to fund works. Once we are done with the cleaning up what we think is not so a clean a situation, we will then come to this House with a schedule of works that will be indicative of the resources that we will have. The schedule will indicate how we will proceed to marking dates of completion for the project for our people.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Madam Speaker: Hon. Members who would like to make their maiden speeches can do so now.
Ms Nakaponda (Isoka): Madam Speaker, I thank you most sincerely for giving me this opportunity to deliver my maiden speech as the first female to be elected Member of Parliament for Isoka Constituency. For this, allow me to sincerely thank the people of Isoka for voting for me and putting their trust in me to be their messenger to the Government in office.
Madam Speaker, let me join my fellow hon. Members of Parliament in congratulating you on your deserved election as the first female Speaker of the National Assembly. I also congratulate your two Deputies on being elected to their respective positions.
Madam Speaker, let me also congratulate His Excellency Mr Hakainde Hichilema, the Seventh Republican President, and Her Honour the Vice-President, Mrs Mutale Nalumango, on their victory in the 12th August, 2021, General Elections.
Madam Speaker, I thank God Almighty for giving me life to this day and for allowing me to realise the dream I had of representing the good people of Isoka Constituency. It is because of His goodness and faithfulness to me and my family that He has elevated me to this honourable status of being a Member of Parliament. It is, indeed, a great honour for me to be in this House.
Madam Speaker, let me also thank my family, in particular, my husband, Mr Saviour Kashinka, and my children and relatives. Their unswerving support and patience during the campaigns, up to the very last minute, helped me secure the victory.
Madam Speaker, allow me to appreciate posthumously the late Fifth Republican President, His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, for mentoring me in politics and contributing to my development as a leadership. This can be seen from his decision to give me the opportunity to serve the people of Zambia in the Foreign Service. My gratitude also goes to the Sixth Republican President, His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, and all the Patriotic Front (PF) functionaries for showing trust in me by adopting me to contest the Isoka Parliamentary Seat. This did not only demonstrate their trust in me, but also the love they have for me.
Madam Speaker, I also thank my campaign team, which comprised Mr Chipili, Kapiku and others, who worked tirelessly to ensure that our campaign message reached the various parts of Isoka , leading to our victory.
Madam Speaker, I also extend my gratitude to Chief Katyetye, Chief Kafwimbi and all the village headmen in the constituency. I also acknowledge the support I received from the Pastors Fellowship of Isoka, Reverend Chisenga of the United Church of Zambia (UCZ) and the Catholic Church in Isoka.
Madam Speaker: Order!
Business was suspended from 1640 hours until 1700 hours.
[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]
Madam Speaker: Before business was suspended, the hon. Member for Isoka was making her maiden speech. May she continue.
Ms Nakaponda: Madam Speaker, Isoka now has five modern secondary schools that were upgraded from being primary schools. Also upgraded was Nzoche Secondary School, with funding from the World Bank. I am further happy to inform this august House that seven community schools were upgraded to regular schools. We also have a running project to construct the Michael Chilufya Sata Girl’s Boarding School, the first female secondary school in the constituency. The project is at 80 per cent. I, therefore, take this opportunity to appeal to the New Dawn Government to ensure that the project is completes. In the same vein, I appeal to the Government to construct a secondary school in Nkombwa Ward, as promised to the people by the previous Government. I further request the Government to employ more teachers in the district to reduce the teacher-pupil ratio. These measures will ensure that our children attend school in the district, as opposed to travelling to other districts to attend schools. Ultimately, that will improve literacy levels as well as reduce the number of school dropouts and early marriages.
Madam Speaker, allow me to also mention that Isoka Trades Training Institute has been constructed in the constituency. This offers an opportunity to our youths to acquire skills in various areas, such as carpentry, mechanics, plumbing and tailoring. When youths are trained in such life skills, they are able to not only earn a living for themselves and their families, but also contribute to the development of the constituency and the nation as a whole.
Madam, the people of Isoka wish to continue to be part of national development by exploiting the growth potential in the constituency. With appropriate support from the Government, the constituency can be a launch pad for value addition in agriculture as well as industrialisation and trade.
Madam Speaker, to facilitate development in my constituency, a good road network will be key. The current state of roads, which were supposed to have been worked on by the previous Government, is bad. As a result, there are inefficiencies in service delivery. For example, our farmers find it difficult to transport their agricultural products to the market, which increases their production costs and reduces profitability. In this regard, we are expectant that the new Government will attend to the road network in the constituency. Particularly, I appeal to the Government to quickly attend to the Kanyala Road, Nafungo Bridge and a number of feeder roads.
Madam Speaker, allow me to use this august House to appeal to the Government to provide clean piped water to all parts of Isoka Constituency. That will help to reduce or eliminate water-borne diseases.
Madam Speaker, like other parts of the country, Isoka has a high population of youths who need to be economically empowered so that they can contribute to national development. The young people in Isoka look forward to having competence-based skills training in carpentry, mechanics, plumbing, fish farming, livestock farming and crop farming. I believe that will have immediate economic benefits for our youth in Isoka and the nation at large.
Madam Speaker, let me assure the good people of Isoka that in the time that I will be in this august House, I will continue to appeal to the Executive to ensure that the aforementioned issues are addressed so that they, too, can benefit from the developmental efforts of the Government.
Madam Speaker, allow me to state that when I look around this House today, I do not see United Party for National Development (UPND), Patriotic Front (PF) or Independent hon. Members of Parliament. Instead, I see representatives of the people of this beautiful nation, Zambia. I also do not see tribes, but one tribe called ‘Zambian’.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Nakaponda: That being the case, I pledge to represent not only the good people of Isoka, but also the people of Zambia by supporting progressive legislation and policies that will better their livelihoods.
Madam, as I conclude, once again, I thank the good people of Isoka, both those who voted for me and those who did not, and urge them to support me in my cause to develop Isoka. United we stand, divided we fall.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Amb. Malanji (Kwacha): Madam Speaker, I know I have done it on other fora, but let me formally congratulate you on your appointment as Speaker. I also congratulate your two Deputies. Allow me to also congratulate my fellow hon. Members of Parliament.
Madam Speaker, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to register my vision for the coming five years, and my profound gratitude to the people of Kwacha for the good rapport that existed between us in the past five years. Allow me to also thank my gallant soldiers, headed by David Michelo Mensa, Alex Chembo and Ernst Mwansa, for executing all duties during my five-year tenure in Parliament and on tour of national duty outside the country.
Madam Speaker, to the people of Kwacha, I say, ‘Thank you’ for their confidence in me and support given, without which I could not have lived to our motto of community-pioneered development. I made a declaration after my 2016 victory that I was reporting for duty, and I lived to my word. I stand here again to renew my total commitment to the community of Kwacha. I do this because I always know what time of the day it is, meaning, we are always on the same wavelength.
Madam Speaker, I know what suffering is, and it is for this reason that I always share the little that I have with the community. I think this defines leadership.
Madam Speaker, there are a good number of projects that we started together with the people, some Government and others personal, and I will make sure they are completed in time so we can improve the social welfare of our people in the constituency. This includes projects from the corporate social responsibility packages of companies in our community. Major projects include the maternity clinic at Edeco, the maternity clinic coming up at Bulangililo Clinic, 1 x 3 classroom block in Chantete, 1 x 3 classroom block at Matete, ablution blocks at Kwacha East Market, bridges in Ipusukilo, Kwacha East Clinic and all other projects that will change peoples’ lives in the community.
Madam Speaker, I assure all those whose children are under my scholarship that the status quo remains. I will continue to help the vulnerable in our community, and I will do it with passion. My support for the needy has, at times, gone beyond my area of jurisdiction, which is my constituency. That was all in appreciation of my appointment by the immediate past President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, as Minister of Foreign Affairs, a position in which I think I served diligently, taking advantage of my good command of both English and French to implement the country’s foreign policy in both the Francophone and Anglophone countries on both bilateral and multilateral platforms. With the aforesaid, I will be failing in my duty if I do not thank the great man , a statesman, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
May God bless you all and may God bless our great nation.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Ms Mulenga (Kalulushi): Madam Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity to deliver my maiden speech for the second time, having delivered the first one in 2016.
Madam Speaker, let me begin by congratulating you on being the first female Speaker in the history of this country. As a gender equality advocate, I am thrilled by the strides we are making in terms of woman participation in leadership, in particularly governance. Let me also congratulate the First and Second Deputy Speakers.
Madam Speaker, I pay great tribute to the Sixth President of the Republic, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, for giving me the opportunity so rare to serve in three key ministries under his Cabinet, namely the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock, and the Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare. A great statesman he is, and his love for this country will be remembered by all of us who truly mean well for this country. My gratitude also goes to the first female Vice-President, Mama Inonge Wina, for the love and counsel she gave to all of us as we sought to move this country forward. May I also take this opportunity to thank the entire Patriotic Front (PF) Central Committee for giving me the opportunity to re-contest my seat and for the confidence it has always exhibited in me.
Madam Speaker, allow me to also show love to the founding father of the PF, the Fifth Republican President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, may his soul rest in peace, for recognising me at a very tender age and giving me the opportunity to be part of his team in governance as District Commissioner (DC). I also take this opportunity to sincerely thank God Almighty for the wisdom he has put in me. Let me also thank my family; the PF structures; the mobilisation team; my team, Chelamoche; the media team; the Clergy; and all the voters who cast their votes on 12th August, 2021, not forgetting the bus drivers, taxi drivers, marketeers, widows and the disabled, among many others.
Madam Speaker, there was a myth that no one is elected twice in Kalulushi Constituency. Today, I stand here proud having been elected twice. Being a woman, it brings great joy in me to see that, indeed, we are getting somewhere as women. On the other hand, I am very sad as I look at the number of women in this Parliament, as it keeps depleting. My prayer is that the next election will allow more women to participate and that more legislation will be passed on the Floor of this august House that will make conditions favourable for the participation of women and people living with disabilities. My heart breaks when I realise that from the last Cabinet and the last group of PF Parliamentarians, I am the only woman who has returned to this House. Therefore, I urge the women on both the left and the right to arise and stand for each other in terms of participating in leadership, regardless of which political party they come from. Otherwise, if we are not careful, there will be no women in this Parliament.
Madam Speaker, Kalulushi Constituency has transformed over the years since I took office as Member of Parliament in 2016. During that period, many developmental projects, such as the construction and rehabilitation of schools, clinics and markets, and sinking of boreholes were implemented. It is against this background that I urge the United Party for National Development (UPND)-led Government to continue supporting my developmental agenda as the Member of Parliament and representative of every resident of Kalulushi, regardless of his/her political affiliation, and including UPND members.
Madam Speaker, Kalulushi is a mining community, and there are many mining activities taking place there, hence the need for the Government to expedite the actualisation of the Chambishi Multi-Facility Economic Zone (MFEZ). Once the zone is in full operation, it will help to create more jobs for our youths. I, therefore, urge the Ministry of Commerce and Trade and Industry, and other relevant ministries to ensure that the economic zone is fully functional and utilised.
Madam Speaker, my appeal to the hon. Minister of Mines and Minerals Development is that he ensures that Chambishi Metals is reopened, as that was already in process. The mine is a lifeline for the people of Chambishi and Kalulushi in particular, and its closure has caused a lot of misery and poverty in my constituency, hence, the need for its reopening. I also appeal to the Government to look into the conditions of service of our miners.
Madam Speaker, Kalulushi is a vast constituency with twenty-four wards, and it is very challenging to deliver meaningful development across all the wards, hence the need for the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) allocation and other similar allocations in funding under the line ministries to be increased.
Madam Speaker, in the education sector, I appeal to the Ministry of Education to consider upgrading Twaiteka and Buyantanshi primary schools to secondary schools to shorten the long distances that pupils cover to access secondary school facilities, considering the fact that the two schools in the constituency are located in densely populated wards, namely Twaiteka and Kafue.
Madam Speaker, at the above-mentioned schools, we have already put up modern classroom blocks with the help of co-operating partners with whom we enjoy a very good and warm working relationship in terms of corporate social responsibility programmes. My only appeal on behalf of the people of Kalulushi is that the Ministry of Education considers upgrading the two schools to secondary level.
Madam Speaker, most of the roads in my constituency are worn out. Therefore, I appeal to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development and the Ministry of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development to consider upgrading those roads to bituminous standard.
Madam Speaker, Kalulushi is rich in natural resources and, in this regard, I urge the Ministry of Tourism, through the Department of Wildlife and National Parks, to adequately stock the Chembe Bird Sanctuary with wild animals so that it can start attracting local and foreign tourists, which will help generate revenue for the Government. In line with this move, I urge the Government, through the relevant ministry, to also upgrade the South Dams Airport to international standard.
Madam Speaker, I put it on record that over the past years, my constituency has benefited from the Enhanced Smallholder Livestock Investment Programme (ESLIP), under which farmers were empowered with cattle, pigs, goats and village chickens. The programme has helped to uplift the living standards of our people, hence my appeal to the Government, through the relevant ministries, to continue with such programmes. I also urge the Government to set up more dip-tanks for more of our farmers in Kalulushi Constituency, mainly in Chati, Mwambashi, Lukoshi and Lichimpe wards, among other peri-urban wards.
Madam Speaker, I also urge this Government to honour its campaign promises to the people of Kalulushi Constituency and the country at large, among them free education, which our people are anxiously waiting for; a K1,500 salary increment for the civil servants and public workers; selling of the Presidential Jet, which we all await; reduction in the price of fertiliser; and increase in the quantity of agricultural inputs under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP). We, the people of Kalulushi, wait anxiously for the campaign promises to be fulfilled by the New Dawn Government.
Madam Speaker, once more, I congratulate you on your election as the first female Speaker of this august House. It is the hope and expectation of the people of Kalulushi that you will preside over the affairs of this House with fairness and impartiality, and I have no doubt whatsoever that you and all the Presiding Officers are equal to that task.
Madam Speaker, the time for politicking is over; it is time to deliver according to the expectations of the great people of Zambia, especially the people of Kalulushi. On my part, I remain committed to working with everyone in ensuring that meaningful development is taken to Kalulushi. It has always been my dream and prayer to leave Kalulushi better than I found it.
Madam Speaker, I sincerely thank the people of Kalulushi Constituency, once more, for giving me yet another mandate to represent them in this august House for the next five years. I assure them that as their representative in this House, I will not rest in taking to task the UPND-led Government in providing the necessary checks and balances in their interest, and in ensuring that the Government fulfils its campaign promises.
Madam Speaker, I thank you.
The Vice-President (Mrs Nalumango): Madam Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned at 1722 hours until 1430 hours on Wednesday, 13th October, 2021.