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Thursday, 19th November, 2020
Thursday, 19th November, 2020
The House met at 1430 hours
66. Mr Lihefu (Manyinga) asked the Minister of Fisheries and Livestock:
- whether the Government is aware that Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) has broken out in Manyinga District; and
- if so, what measures are being taken to contain the disease.
The Minister of Home Affairs (Mr Kampyongo) (on behalf of the Minister of Fisheries and Livestock (Prof Luo)): Madam Speaker, the hon. Member may wish to note that the Government is, indeed, aware of an outbreak of the Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) in Manyinga District.
Madam Speaker, you may wish to know that the first case of CBPP was reported on 20th July, 2020, in Kavungu area of Central Veterinary Camp in Manyinga District which borders Kabompo District. The outbreak involved twenty-seven cattle.
Madam Speaker, in addition, the ministry, through the Department of Veterinary Services surveillance system, also recorded eight more cases of the disease in the common grazing area of Kandala, Kalolwa and Kanyezi in Kambululu Veterinary Camp in October of 2020.
Madam Speaker, the response to part (b) is that in an effort to curb the disease, the ministry has taken the following measures:
- heightened surveillance in all the districts of North-Western Province;
- removal of infected herds;
- sensitisation of farmers on the disease; and
- enforcement of restriction on cattle movement.
Madam Speaker, further, the ministry is preparing to undertake mass serial surveillance in Manyinga, Kabompo, Zambezi and Chavuma, in order to ascertain the extent of the spread and effect appropriate control measures as guided by the CBPP control strategy for the country.
Madam Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Lihefu: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for the response. The people of Manyinga would like to find out whether or not we have the vaccine for this disease because most of the cattle in Manyinga and neighbouring constituencies have been wiped out. If we do, when will it arrive in Manyinga? So far, animals have continued dying.
Madam First Deputy Speaker: I will allow the substantive hon. Minister to proceed with the responses.
The Minister of Fisheries and Livestock (Prof Luo): Madam Speaker, Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) is a very contagious infection and has actually become endemic. So, the strategy at the moment is not to approach it by vaccination or treatment, but to start removing the infected herds.
Madam Speaker, this CBPP started in the Western Province and has been there for, approximately, ten years. This is why the strategy now is for us to carry out mass sensitisation so that people understand that this is a very contagious disease and, if the infected herds are not removed, the chances of more animals dying is quite possible.
Madam Speaker, we started this programme a few months ago in the Western Province and the current strategy is that of test, slaughter and compensate. Unfortunately, because of politics, while we were proceeding very well with this programme, there were those who went and said: “it is not the best way because they are taking your wealth away.” People obviously started resisting.
Madam Speaker, if the animals are dying every day, the question that begs an answer is, how do you say we are taking away your wealth? At least, we were compensating them for the herds that we were removing.
Madam Speaker, I, therefore, would like the hon. Member to work with us in the ministry and remove the politics and just understand that the best strategy, which worked in Kazungula, is to isolate all the infected herds. We need to slaughter them and then compensate the people who may be affected. Of course, the moneys will not be the same because these animals are not healthy, but sick. People need to understand that the cost of a healthy animal cannot be the same as the cost of a sick one.
Madam Speaker, let me hasten to say that I, personally, headed a delegation from my ministry and took the trouble to go into villages to conduct post-mortems to show people in those villages what the CBPP does to the animal. So, I think it is all about working together. We will need the support of our colleagues in Manyinga. Since the hon. Member of Parliament is likely to go and say that this is not a good strategy, I just want to beg him to work with us and make sure we bring this infection to an end in Manyinga. Otherwise, our people are going to lose all their animals, which is, probably not the best thing to happen.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Lihefu: Madam Speaker, assuming that the people of Manyinga and neighbouring constituencies accept the idea that the hon. Minister stated of compensating them, albeit at lower cost than that of healthy animals, is the ministry ready to help them source customers?
Prof. Luo: Madam Speaker, I did say that we started this programme in the Western Province and were scoring successes. In fact, the hon. Member may wish to know that the reason this infection has moved into Manyinga is the resistance that we met in Kaoma. What then happened is that the people started taking the infected herds into Zambezi, Kabompo and Manyinga districts.
Madam Speaker, since the programme is in process, it simply means that we are ready to move that way, if the people are willing because it is in our interest, as a ministry. We are very keen to increase the numbers of livestock in the country as part of our programme for nutrition and wealth creation of our people. It is in our interest to bring CBPP to an end. However, it will require the cooperation of the people and, most importantly, the hon. Members of Parliament so that they do not bring politics into it.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mutelo (Mitete): Madam Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. Minister for that response. It is true that the CBPP started from the Western Province and, Mitete, like Manyinga, is no exception. When will this sensitisation programme start, considering that the rains have just started and if we delay, we may not be able to do it for Mitete, Liuwa or the Western Province in general while animals will keep dying? When are we doing the sensitisation and compensation?
Prof. Luo: Madam Speaker, if the hon. Member of Parliament heard me correctly, I said that this programme is in progress and that we started with the Western Province. We are making progress. In fact, I have been having some discussions with the hon. Member of Parliament for Nkeyema where we met resistance as in Kaoma. So, the programme is in progress and, if the hon. Member of Parliament is willing to work with us while we are negotiating with other constituencies, we are ready to get into Lukulu and continue with the work. This is in our interest. I want to emphasise that it is in our interest as a ministry because we are very resolved to increase the number of animals in this country.
Madam Speaker, to just emphasise the importance of this programme, Botswana, which is just a desert, has livestock as the second contributor to its Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Therefore, if we can all work together, some of the positive impacts will be on the treasury. I am very keen to work with anybody who is willing to work with me. We will continue with the restriction of movement of animals although it is also not good for our people because when animals are healthier, they would like to come out to the bigger market so that they get more money for their animals. This is the kind of information our people need to know. Once we stifle them because of political agendas, we are actually not being kind to them.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Chikote (Luampa): Madam Speaker, in her response, the hon. Minister stated that the reason the disease has continued to spread, even to other constituencies, is that there was some kind of politics which were involved and this hindered the progress that the ministry undertook.
The hon. Minister knows for sure that to achieve anything, people have to be given information on the objectives of the ministry’s undertaking. Why does the Government take so long to react to situations? Not until things get worse does it start engaging other leaders who can help in sorting out problems such as the one she has mentioned. This disease, as she stated, started in the Western Province and we are now talking of Manyinga. So, why does the Government take time to respond to challenges like the one we have at hand in Manyinga?
Madam First Deputy Speaker: Order!
I do not know how a question like that can be responded to, so that the hon. Member is helped in assisting people in his constituency. So, I will not allow the hon. Minister to spend time responding to such a question.
Mr Lufuma (Kabompo): Madam Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to ask a supplementary question on the question that was posed by the hon. Member of Parliament for Manyinga concerning CBPP.
Madam Speaker, according to the statement that was given by the hon. Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, the disease was first identified and confirmed in Manyinga in July. In October, certain tests were, again, taken and it was ascertained that this very contagious disease was present in Manyinga District and surrounding areas like Kabompo. Since this programme of identifying, killing and compensating was established already, why has it taken the hon. Minister so long, from July until now, to actually get activities in motion? Why should it take that long?
The Deputy Speaker: That question is similar to the one that I did not allow the hon. Minister to answer.
Hon Members, when you have a question like this one, on the Order Paper, it gives you an opportunity to ask questions that are helpful to you as hon. Members of Parliament as you go back to your people. Now, when you start blaming the Government and not seeking answers to direct questions that are helpful, then we are not making progress. The hon. Minister is here. There is an outbreak of Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP), what answers do you want from the hon. Minister so that she can give you those answers for you to communicate to your people.
Mr Miyutu (Kalabo Central) Madam Speaker, I would like to seek further clarification from the hon. Minister. The Contagious Bovine Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) is a bacterial disease, and yes, animals can be slaughtered and farmers compensated. However, what I would like to find out from the hon. Minister is that after slaughtering those animals, does it mean that the disease is cleared off from the area or would it resurface?
Prof Luo: Madam Speaker, this disease is an infectious disease. Maybe for the benefit of the hon. Members of Parliament, allow me to just highlight on how the infection takes place so that they appreciate. This disease is pneumonia and it is aerosol. Therefore, it gets into the air. It is more or less like tuberculosis. When an infected animal is in the same kraal with other animals, they graze from the same grounds thereby obviously infecting the next animal. Until now, people allow them to graze in a communal grazing area.
Madam, the approach and strategy is that, if you go to a kraal and there are probably ten animals, and you find one or two infected, then you will have to take away that herd because you do not know whether it is incubating. That is why the strategy is to test and slaughter so that you get rid of that herd which is infected. So, if you leave them like that obviously the infections will continue. This is why this infection has continued because we have not been clearing the herds. Moreover, the strategy right now is for us to test the herd, and if it is infected, we kill the animals and compensate the farmers so that that the herd is no longer in existence in that community.
Madam Speaker, the other thing that happens is that in our tradition, when getting married, I could be charged with cows and I would be moving from one village to another with an infected cow. Therefore, wherever this cow interacts, the chances of the animals that will be found infected will be high. This is why the whole awareness campaign for our people becomes very important so that they should not have certain behaviours or activities that could expose more animals in that particular area.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
The following Bill was read the third time and passed:
The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2020
VOTE 15 – (Ministry of Home Affairs – K224,223,468)
(Consideration Resumed)
Mr Mbangweta (Nkeyema): Mr Chairperson, when business was suspended yesterday, I was actually concluding by saying that the Department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship will do well to take a leaf from institutions in the same ministry like the Zambia Correctional Service, which is even bigger in size but has very little or no challenges.
Mr Chairperson: Order!
The hon. Member’s time expired.
Mr Miyutu (Kalabo): Mr Chairperson, I thank you.
First and foremost I would like to state that I support the Vote which is under discussion on the Floor of the House. I also want to relay a message to the Minister of Home Affairs that the forgone exercise of the Mobile Issuance of National Registration Cards (NRCs) has left many people in Kalabo without NRCs because they were not visited.
Mr Chairperson, if you look at the distances which these people had to cover to reach the Boma to access NRCs for them to be registered as would be voters for the 2021 General Elections, it was a big task. However, before I go any further, I would like to request the Minister of Home Affairs to help by making adjustments of sending the NRC registration officers based in Kalabo to other places within the constituency, especially to the Ward that borders Nalolo, so that they help facilitate the issuance of NRCs to those people.
Sir, the Ministry of Home Affairs is known to maintain law and order. However, the way in which they keep this order is not right. I would request the ministry to revisit the curriculum of training of police officers at Lilayi Police Training College.
I have observed that maintenance of law and order has become very physical instead of intellectual. If we take the path of physical management of peace, it will cost the Government so much. I would request the Government to take the mental way of conscientising the masses. Let the officers who are trained at Lilayi Police Training College become intellectuals who can work on the minds of people instead of using short batons and firearms. Let those two options be used under circumstances beyond control, and not in the way they have been used. I have observed that these options have become the easiest way of controlling the masses. Yes, riots can be there, but let the Government employ the easiest ways like water canisters. Water does not kill, it just disturbs the mob. If the Government or the police resorted to using water canisters, I think that would help, rather than using guns which end up eliminating human beings who are supposed to live in this country, Zambia. My request is that the police should adjust their training and methods of controlling mobs.
Mr Chairperson, finally, officers need to be appraised. The ministry has to appreciate the police officers so that they can feel that they are doing the right thing. This can be done by elevating them as they conduct the affairs of the police. Those who have upgraded their qualifications should be promoted so that those who want to upgrade their qualifications can be inspired.
Mr Chairperson, with these few words, I thank you.
Prof. Lungwangwa (Nalikwanda): Mr Chairperson, thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the debate of the Ministry of Home Affairs budget. I am in total support of the budget. I also thank the hon. Minister for the policy statement.
Mr Chairperson, the Ministry of Home Affairs is key to our peace and security as a nation. I think we must debate it profoundly, taking into account the situation on the continent of Africa. When you look around the continent of Africa, you will see that the biggest challenges of our continent are the issues of insecurity, conflict and instability. One would say, most countries on the continent are in a major crisis. Look at Chad, for example. It has experienced about twenty-six rebel groups within the country. The Central African Republic (CAR) has experienced about eighteen rebel groups, and Mali has experienced about nineteen rebel groups while Nigeria has experienced about seventeen rebel groups. Sudan has experienced about thirty-one rebel groups, South Sudan has experienced about twenty-two rebel groups, and I can go on and on. The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has experienced about thirty-eight rebel groups. So, the biggest challenge on the continent of Africa is peace and security. The African Union (AU) is spending colossal amounts of money to see to it that peace and security prevails on the continent.
Mr Chairperson, clearly, our Ministry of Home Affairs has a major responsibility to all of us. I think it is time to rethink, introspect and reflect on the fundamental principle which has been at the centre of the development of our nation. Since independence, the principle of Zambia as an oasis of peace and tranquillity has prevailed. Those of us who were young at the time of independence and were in school used to hear our nationalist leaders and post-independence leaders, talk about our country as an oasis of peace and tranquillity. Clearly, since independence, we have experienced that peace and tranquillity in our nation. It is the challenge of all of us as leaders in this country in all parties to reflect on that fundamental principle.
Mr Chairperson, how do we keep our nation as an oasis of peace and tranquillity? What should we do to ensure that peace is maintained in our country in the midst of the turmoil of insecurity on the African continent? How much resources can we put in the Ministry of Home Affairs to ensure that it maintains peace and security in our nation? How can we instil that fundamental principle of Zambia as an oasis of peace and tranquillity in our young, right from the fundamental stages of education all the way up to university level? How can our mass media, television and newspapers, and so on, propagate that fundamental principle so that Zambia as an oasis of peace and tranquillity runs through the veins, arteries, minds of each and every citizen? We all need to live to protect that fundamental principle. This is very important, and clearly, we probably need to establish a council of elders and so on that can continue to advise the Government and other political leaders on the need to retain Zambia’s fundamental principle as an oasis of peace and tranquillity.
Mr Chairperson, I thank you.
Mr Ngulube (Kabwe Central): Mr Chairperson, thank you for this opportunity to debate. I will be very brief in my debate today.
Sir, I just want to mention that I listened to the hon. Members of Parliament who debated yesterday. The majority lamented the issue of police posts and police stations in their constituencies. I just want to challenge my colleagues that in Kabwe Central, we have Kabwe Central Police Station which was built in 1956. Using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), we managed to change the whole roof for that police station. We have many other new police posts that we have built under the CDF. So, to stand here in Parliament and cry that you want the Government to come and remove the blown-off roof and so on –
The Deputy Chairperson: Order!
Hon. Member, no one cries in Parliament. They bring out issues affecting the Zambian people.
Mr Ngulube: Mr Chairperson, I am sorry. I just wanted to add the dimension that as hon. Members of Parliament, we can do some of these things without waiting for the Central Government.
Mr Chairperson, the second issue I want to talk about is that of the National Registration Cards (NRCs). I heard people, especially my colleagues from the Western Province, lament about this. They were called by their Permanent Secretary (PS) to go and sit down with him so that the Government could arrange how it could issue more NRCs to the people, but they opted to go and dance, eat food from Hungry Lion, drink Four Cousins Wine and Autumn Harvest Wine from Shoprite, and forgot the responsibility that they have. I want to challenge them that as hon. Members of Parliament, we cannot be held hostage by one person. We are in this House to represent all the people of Zambia. I hope and trust that next time, instead of having food from Hungry Lion somewhere in New Kasama, people should organise NRCs for their people.
Mr Chairperson, I know that the Ministry of Home Affairs is not just about the police as we always hear hon. Members talk about the police when we are discussing the Ministry of Home Affairs. The Ministry of Home Affairs has many functions and one of them is immigration. However, we do not hear hon. Members talk about immigration, prisons, the Registrar of Societies and many other things.
Sir, Zambia is an oasis of peace and it will remain being peaceful. We are aware that our hon. Colleagues have been agitating for change of Government through the use of threats of violence and Armageddon, but the people of Zambia are now aware that with or without threats of Armageddon, Zambians will remain peaceful. Yesterday, there was a complaint on why the Government is buying water canisters. However, today, I heard someone say that the Government should be using water canisters. So, from the same Opposition, we have two choruses coming from the same hymnbook. It is confusing and that is why it is important to give accolades where they are due.
Mr Chairperson, I am a proud Member of Parliament because in my constituency, 138 new housing units were built for the police between 2017 and last year, by President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s administration and they are even occupied. So, the Ministry of Home Affairs has done too much for this country. Further, in my constituency, the Ministry of Home Affairs built more than twenty-eight houses for the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) officers. So, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government has worked. I remember that when I debated last year, I said that there will be no Government like the PF Government because even if somebody took over power today, the efforts that it has made will remain untouched for a very long time.
Sir, with those few remarks, I would like to conclude by stating that it is important for our hon. Colleagues in the Opposition to learn to clap when the Government is doing fine because right now, there is nothing to attack. There is nothing to point at that they can say they will do when they come into power because the PF Government has done everything. That is why there will be no change of Government for many years to come. I know that a lot of rumours are being spread about our friends forming Government, but they have been saying that for the sixth time now and we are wondering when that time will come.
Mr Chairperson, once more, I thank you, most sincerely, for giving me this opportunity to debate and I support the Vote for the Ministry of Home Affairs.
I thank you, Sir.
The Minister of Home Affairs (Mr Kampyongo): Mr Chairperson, I appreciate the hon. Members who debated on this Vote, who include the hon. Member for Manyinga, the hon. Member for Luampa, the hon. Member for Nkeyema, Hon. Mbangweta, Hon. Miyutu, Prof. Lungwangwa and the hon. Deputy Government Chief Whip.
Sir, indeed, I have taken note of some of the concerns raised by the hon. Members of Parliament. My hon. Colleague from Manyinga should know that it is the Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development’s responsibility to construct infrastructure in the new districts. I know that, sooner than later, the ministry will go to Manyinga and ensure that the projects that were commenced are completed. The hon. Member might remember that there has been a deliberate policy to complete infrastructure that is beyond 80 per cent. So, we will make sure that we address those challenges.
Mr Chairperson, there was a lot of debate on the issuance of National Registration Cards (NRCs) by the Department of National Registration, Passport and Citizenship. I want to say that the department’s mandate to issue NRCs is provided for in the supreme document of the land, the Constitution, as well as in the National Registration Act and other pieces of legislation. So, it is not a one-off exercise. The department is present in all the districts of this country and the officers’ work from Monday to Friday. So, we should not demonise this department because all of us cannot be here if we were not conferred with our nationality as Zambians. So, when hon. Members have challenges, we are ready to serve them and the nation at large, appropriately.
Sir, I acknowledge Prof. Lungwangwa’s debate, who is always nationalistic in the way he debates matters. Yes, indeed, as Zambians, we must be proud of the record we have as an oasis of peace and that is why we host a number of refugees who ran away from their countries where peace eluded them. We shall continue investing to ensure that the peace we have and enjoy is preserved for the future generations. Across the continent, instability is evident in so many countries. So, we must be proud of who we are and what we have.
Mr Chairperson, Hon. Miyutu wanted to again, debate on the police, whose Vote passed, but I want to assure him that we are capacitating and motivating our officers. That is why we heard the hon. Deputy Government Chief Whip talk about the housing infrastructure which had not been done after so many years of attaining independence, and this is one way of ensuring that we look after our officers, well.
Sir, the Registrar of Societies will remain very vigilant in ensuring that the registered societies, including churches and men of God, are held accountable because where people see fake godly smiles, we see criminals. Of late, we have seen some of the individuals we declined to allow in this country, being arrested elsewhere for various offences, which we noticed ourselves. So, we shall continue ensuring that the Christianity that we have embraced as a country is not infiltrated by criminal elements.
Mr Chairperson, in response to the hon. Deputy Government Chief Whip, I want to say that we will still remain committed to transform the Ministry of Home Affairs and we will support the departments charged with the responsibility of discharging more than twenty-one portfolio functions and ensure that they deliver services according to the people’s expectations.
I thank you, Sir.
Vote 15 ordered to stand part of the Estimates.
VOTE 30 – (Zambia Correctional Service – K380,365,665) and VOTE 36 – Zambia Correctional Service Commission – K3,980,051)
Mr Kampyongo: Mr Chairperson, let me start by thanking you for this opportunity to present the policy statement on the Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure for the period 1st January to 31st December, 2021, for Vote 30 – Zambia Correctional Service.
Sir, the Zambia Correctional Service draws its mandate from Article 106 of the Constitution of the Republic of Zambia and is governed by Cap 97 of the Laws of Zambia. To promote internal security and human rights, the service provides safe and humane custody to inmates.
Mr Chairperson, in line with the new paradigm shift as outlined in the Constitution of Zambia, the service rehabilitates offenders and reintegrates former inmates in order to enhance their productivity and reduce repeat offenders. Further, the Zambia Correctional Service contributes to economic growth through agricultural and industrial production.
Sir, in 2020, the Zambia Correctional Service, through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP), continued with the construction of two ultra-modern correctional centres with a combined holding capacity of 3,300 inmates in Mwembezhi, which will contribute towards the decongestion of overcrowded correctional facilities once completed. In addition, the Ministry of Home Affairs handed over 692 housing units to the Zambia Correctional Service across the country to mitigate the inadequate accommodation for our men and women in uniform.
Mr Chairperson, to enhance security in correctional facilities, the Government has installed modern equipment at Mwembezhi Maximum Correctional Facility, Kabwe Female and Mukobeko Maximum Correctional Facility under the Safe City Project.
Sir, in an effort to contribute to food security not only to inmates but to the country at large, the Zambia Correctional Service embarked on the expansion of farm blocks. Therefore, 710 ha of virgin land were cleared, of which 50 ha was utilised for wheat production and generated a total revenue of K367,260.93.
Mr Chairperson, the service, through a contract entered into between the Ministry of Home Affairs and Poly-Technologies INC, procured twenty new tractors, six combined harvesters, seventy trucks, forty-four utility vehicles, three bulldozers and earth moving equipment. Further, the service installed irrigation equipment at Mukuyu in Kabwe, Chitwi in Luanshya, Lubambala in Mpika and Nansanga in Serenje, covering 1,780 ha of land.
Sir, to increase productivity, the Zambia Correctional Service has entered into a joint venture with Egypt. The venture will also facilitate skills transfer to officers and inmates.
Mr Chairperson, like many other security wings, the Zambia Correctional Service faced a number of challenges during the period under review. These include, among others:
- inadequate and dilapidated offices;
- low staffing levels;
- inadequate Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure;
- inadequate transport; and
- over-crowding in correctional facilities.
Sir, the proposed budgetary allocation for the Zambia Correctional Service is K380,365,665 in 2021, out of which K90,531,563 is for goods and services while K289,773,254 is for personnel emoluments. The Zambia Correctional Service will continue focusing on custodial services through the provision of decent accommodation, healthcare services, beddings and a balanced diet to enhance the welfare and the provision of security to inmates.
Mr Chairperson, the rehabilitation of inmates constitutes one of the core programmes of the Zambia Correctional Service. This programme is meant to enhance the number of inmates accessing education and skills training. Inmates’ education and skills training encompasses literacy, formal education and vocational skills training for inmates, thereby contributing significantly to the rehabilitation of inmates.
Sir, the Zambia Correctional Service will also focus on the social reintegration of former inmates. This programme ensures effective community re-entry of released inmates through the provision of post-discharge services, thereby reducing repeat offenders.
Mr Chairperson, the proposed allocation for Vote 30, the Zambia Correctional Service, will not only enhance humane custody, but will also contribute to the rehabilitation of inmates in line with the Constitution. I, therefore, urge all hon. Members of this august House to favourably consider Vote 30, the Zambia Correctional Service.
Sir, as guided, I will now proceed to present the policy statement for Vote 36, the Zambia Correctional Service Commission, which deals with the welfare of officers in the correctional service.
Mr Chairperson, the Zambia Correctional Service Commission is a constitutional and statutory body mandated to provide human resource functions to the Zambia Correctional Service under the Constitution (Amendment) Act No. 2 of 2016 and the Service Commission Act No. 10 of 2016.
Performance and Achievements
Sir, during the period under review, the Zambia Correctional Service Commission was given a sum of K2,957,500.
2021 Policy Focus
Mr Chairperson, the proposed allocation for 2021 is K3,980,051, broken down into the following programmes:
- human resource and management – K3,069,583;
- governance and standards – K212,600; and
- management and support services – K697,868.
Human Resource Management
Sir, this will involve the implementation of a new organisational structure. The resources under this programme will go towards personnel emoluments.
Governance and Standards
Mr Chairperson, the commission oversees the establishment of human resource management committees in the Correctional Service Commission following the enactment of the Service Commission Act No. 10 of 2016. These committees are expected to implement and provide guidance in the management of human resource across the correctional service.
Management and Support Services
Sir, the commission intends to build capacity of its officers in the secretariat. This will contribute towards the development of the individual’s personal development and the commission as a whole.
Mr Chairperson, in conclusion, with the refocusing of the commission’s mandate from a highly transactional role to a strategic monitoring role, the commission will require additional funding to support effective performance. It is our considered view that the resources be provided for in the 2021 Budget for the Zambia Correctional Service Commission in order to implement the much needed human resource reforms.
Sir, I now recommend Vote 36, the Zambia Correctional Service Commission, for favourable consideration and approval by this august House.
I thank you, Mr Chairperson.
Mr Ngulube: Mr Chairperson, allow me to support the Vote as presented by the hon. Minister of Home Affairs.
Mr Chairperson, I am aware that the Central Province is the headquarters of the Zambia Correctional Services. Under the leadership of His Excellency the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, I have seen the transformation of Kabwe town. Kabwe town now looks like one of the cities in Europe. If you go to Mukobeko area today, you will see that the place has completely changed, starting from the housing units. The prison farms and the equipment that the President has given to the Prison Service cannot be compared to some of these commercial farms that I see around.
Mr Chairperson, Kabwe is a very proud town, and so, I want to thank His Excellency the President for having allowed the prison headquarters to be reinstated in Kabwe. The people of Kabwe have been battling for the past two or three years to have the prisons headquarters come back to Kabwe town because it had been moved to Lusaka.
Sir, I want to commend the hon. Minister of Home Affairs. He has been to Kabwe on a number of occasions to commission a lot of projects that are now changing the lives of inmates, Prison Service and just the lives of the people of Kabwe in general.
Mr Chairperson, I want to talk about Kalonga Milling, which is one of the milling plants run by the Zambia Correctional Service. When the country had a shortage of mealie meal, Kalonga Milling was filling the gap and there was quite a lot of competition. That is how it should be. I am hoping and trusting that the Zambia Police Service, Immigration Department and Drug Enforcement Commission (DCE) could emulate what the Zambia Correctional Service is doing. That way, they would contribute to the food security of this country.
Mr Chairperson, I am aware that the Zambia Correctional Service has doubled the number of recruitments that it had in the past, which is another job-creation venture. I am aware that the Nansanga Farming Block and all the other areas, where it is operating, have not only contributed to the country’s food security but also added value to the lives of the people in those areas.
Mr Chairperson, allow me, once more, to thank you and congratulate His Excellency the President for having transformed the Zambia Correctional Service into a very competitive arm of Government. I am aware that we used to have police farms and different kinds of ventures by the Ministry of Home Affairs. It would be interesting for the Zambia Police to compete with the Zambia Correctional Service next year because that way it would contribute immensely to the food security as well as to the infrastructure development of this country.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Malama was inaudible.
Mr Mwamba (Lubansenshi): Mr Chairperson, thank you for giving me an opportunity to debate this Vote. I want to register my support to the Vote because it deserves to be supported.
Mr Chairperson, I have lived through different governments and witnessed the governing of this country by the United National Independence Party (UNIP), Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) and now the Patriotic Front (PF) which is the third Government in Zambia. Looking back at the history of this country and the way the previous two Governments were looking after the workers in the correctional facilities, which is the Zambia Correctional Service and the Zambia Police, you would not believe how much things have changed.
Mr Chairperson, today, the Zambia Correctional Service and the Zambia Police have been transformed into different institutions which will surprise you. The previous Governments had been dehumanising the workers in these institutions. When you look at the uniforms and the boots they used to wear, you would not believe that they were Government workers. Today, the lives of the people in these institutions have changed. They are now living in decent and modern houses. This Government has done a tremendous job to uplift the standards of the officers. I want to pay gratitude to this Government for looking after its workers well. The Zambia Correctional Service today, is an institution that I admire and I would like to encourage our children to join and work in this institution.
Mr Chairperson, I want to urge the hon. Minister of Home Affairs to continue working the way he has been working and transform this institution further. This institution is capable of producing more food which can feed Zambians. Therefore, the hon. Minister should ensure that he transforms this institution. The Zambia Correctional Service needs to be given modernised machinery. The Government should ensure that it provides adequate tractors and machinery to ensure that it starts producing because it has the capacity and manpower. All that it needs is the machinery to enhance production in its areas. The Zambia Correctional Service has been productive, but I want to see it produce more.
Mr Chairperson, this institution, if transformed fully into a productive institution, is capable of producing more and feeding Zambia. If that is done, our country can sell more food outside its boundaries to other neighbouring countries.
Mr Chairperson, in conclusion, I want to encourage the hon. Minister and the President to continue looking after the officers well. This is a very important institution which we cannot leave to chance. The Government should make sure that it becomes productive.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Malama (Kanchibiya): Mr Chairperson, I would like to thank you for the opportunity that you have given me to contribute to debate on the two Votes.
Dr Malama was inaudible.
The Deputy Chairperson: Order!
Dr Malama, sorry we cannot get you. We will move forward in the interest of time. Let us make progress. We may get back to you later.
Mr Nanjuwa (Mumbwa): Mr Chairperson, thank you very much for allowing me to add a voice to this very important budget line, for the Zambia Correctional Services and Zambia Correctional Service Commission.
Mr Chairperson, I would like to say that I support the budget line, on which I would like to pass a few comments. I have looked at the total budget for the Zambia Correctional Service and seen that it is K380.4 million. A total of 76.2 per cent will go to personal emoluments while only 23.8 per cent is for goods and services. From experience, I have realised that every fiscal year, the funds released towards these budgets does not exceed 80 per cent. What this entails, therefore, is that if this whole budget is released, it will only cater for personal emoluments while goods and services will not be catered for. Consequently, the department will not be able to achieve its mandate.
Mr Chairperson, with regard to infrastructure development, I agree with the hon. Minister. Indeed, the Zambia Correctional Service has managed to put up decent accommodation for its officers. However, I still want to say that the infrastructure development towards the core business of the department, which is looking after the inmates, is lagging behind. Most of the infrastructure is old and highly dilapidated. It does not give the intended correctional services environment, which in turn, is expected to bring about the transformation of inmates.
Mr Chairperson, we are still providing the same old prisons’ punitive environment. As a result, we are not achieving the intended purpose of transforming from the prisons service to a correctional service. I urge the Government to look into that. When I look at this budget, I realise that this will still not be achieved because the task ahead is great.
Mr Chairperson, the Zambia Correctional Services has also embarked on an agriculture project. I am aware that this project started way back in 2011/2012 when the service was given some funds to invest in agriculture. Equipment such as centre pivots and milling equipment was procured, but up to now, we have not seen much production in the Zambia Correctional Services. If this equipment was utilised to full capacity, we would improve the diet of inmates and many other things such as beddings and the general infrastructure. However, this equipment is lying around the country as outlined by the hon. Minister. Most places have installed the centre-pivots, but what are we getting out of those areas? We are not getting anything. Therefore, we need to do more in this area.
Mr Chairperson, you will agree with me that if this infrastructure is properly utilised, the Zambia Correctional Services would be able to produce excess agricultural produce that can even be put on the market and cushion the escalating mealie-meal prices. This budget needs to be improved by allocating more money to this Vote.
Mr Chairperson, I support this budget-line.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Ng’ambi was inaudible
The Deputy Chairperson: Dr Ng’ambi, are you there? We will get back to you later.
Mr Jere (Livingstone): Mr Chairperson, thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to add my voice to this very important Vote.
Mr Chairperson, I would like to comment on the health care services in our correctional facilities. The health care in our correctional facilities is pathetic. These are human beings who also deserve the best. There are no medicines in most of these correctional facilities. As such, inmates are referred to other hospitals, and the sad part is that when hospitalised, they are handcuffed to the bed.
Mr Chairperson, I would also like to talk about the issue of overcrowding. Most correctional facilities are overcrowded. In as much as houses have been built for the Zambia Correctional Services, it is high time we thought of expanding correctional facilities so that they can have space, bearing in mind the disease outbreaks nowadays.
Mr Chairperson, by law, inmates are supposed to be tested before being admitted into correctional facilities and upon discharge. I am very concerned that at the time of being admitted into the correctional facilities, they are not being tested. We must bear in mind the fact that we are living in the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-2019) era. We are lucky that it did not attack inmates in most of our correctional facilities. However, going forward, we need to intensify testing of inmates at admission into correctional facilities.
Mr Chairperson, the other issue is on circumstantial children. We need to allocate enough resources so that we can also help them by bettering their diet. Most of them are malnourished because a balanced diet is not provided to them. We know that the only people who are probably entitled to food are their mothers, but we can do something beyond that. These children are innocent, and as such, we can still provide for them as the Government.
Mr Chairperson, the other issue is that of the pardoning of inmates. In as much as the law provides for pardon, we should be fair when we do it. We should look at all those who behave well and not only those who can sing and dance for the party in Government. We should also consider others who, probably, are entitled to this pardon.
Mr Chairperson, as I conclude, I want to urge the hon. Minister that in as much as he emphasises that officers should be non-partisan, he should walk the talk. I say so because annual balls are just around the corner and we will hear him as he officiates, urging these officers to be non-partisan. Recently, we heard an officer in Monze openly state that if prisoners will vote in 2021, the prison will be a no go area for the Opposition. This means that the officers in prisons have taken a partisan stance, which should not be the case. They should be non-partisan and neutral so that they can serve everyone equally.
Mr Chairperson, with these few words, I thank you.
Mr Kabanda (Serenje): Mr Chairperson, thank you for allowing the people of Serenje to debate this particular Head.
Mr Chairperson, despite the challenges prevailing in the Zambia Correctional Service, I am sure that there are some positives that have been posted so far in terms of facilities that have been introduced. This Government has brought dignity to officers in the Correctional Service by way of providing them with accommodation. It has also provided them with transport. Just last month, forty-nine modern housing units were handed over to the Correctional Service in Serenje.
Mr Chairperson, we also have the Nansanga Correctional Farm which is an irrigation scheme that is going to be producing high value crops for both domestic and export markets. So, a lot has been done in terms of equipping the Correctional Service with the necessary requisites for it to stand on its feet.
Mr Chairperson, I am also proposing that with the immense skills mix that is in the Correctional Service, may be, there should be a need to create a special purpose vehicle to start servicing Government vehicles. The prisons have all the skills that are required and which it takes to even maintain auto workshops for the repair of Government motor vehicles. That way, prisons will be able to make a bit of money to sustain them.
Mr Chairperson, the same skills mix that is in prisons can also be used to build additional housing units for themselves and other service oriented institutions such as the Zambia Police Service and other Government institutions. We have bricklayers who are available in the Correctional Service and they can also be able to augment the Government’s efforts in generating income for the State.
Mr Chairperson, skills training is also available in the Correctional Service. So, there could be a centre of excellence as well that could be training people to acquire various skills. That way, they could assist the Government in producing highly qualified people to undertake various skills.
Mr Chairperson, the Nansanga Farm Block requires funding. When I look at the amount of money that has been given to the Correctional Service for 2021, it is inadequate because we need a lot of facilities to activate the farm block. This project has been running for over three years now, but it could not be actualised because it still needed more funds. If the hon. Minister of Home Affairs was given more funding, I am sure that the Nansanga Farm Block would be up and running and would contribute to national coffers. I want to end by saying that I support this particular Budget.
Mr Chairperson, I thank you.
Mr Kampyongo: Mr Chairperson, I want to thank the hon. Members who debated this very important Head. These are Hon. Tutwa Ngulube, the Deputy Chief Whip, Hon. Dr Malama, although he was not audible, Hon. Mwamba, Member of Parliament for Lubansenshi, Hon. Nanjuwa, Member for Parliament for Mumbwa as well as Hon. Jere, and lastly, Hon. Kabanda.
Mr Chairperson, I take note of the issues raised by my colleagues starting with Hon. Tutwa. I think he is very right to say that the Commander-in-Chief, who is the President of this country, and I have been to Kabwe several times. What is being seen is out of instructions that His Excellency the President has given to all of us to ensure that we transform the institution of Correctional Service from prisons, as it were, which was just mean for punitive incarceration of offenders to correction.
Mr Chairperson, my colleague also talked about the milling company in Kabwe which was basically established to ensure that we are able to maintain a sustainable diet for our inmates and avoid the historical arrears that used to accrue to the prisons then from the cost of food supplies. So, we are looking at modalities of how the milling company can support other institutions under the Ministry of Home Affairs.
Sir, in as much as Dr Malama was not audible enough, he talked about the Correctional Service Commission which is barely established to ensure the welfare of officers. He looked at disciplinary matters, confirmations and, indeed, the transfer of officers. So, we are also glad that it is now fully established.
Mr Chairperson, Hon. Mwamba talked about the transformation that has happened practically because, where we are coming from, we just used to lament that prisons were congested. All the Annual Human Rights Reports were pointing to this fact, but there was no practical attempt to address it.
Sir, as for my friend, Hon. Nanjuwa, who goes to Mumbwa every other day, I will invite him to stop over at Mwembezhi Maximum Correctional Facility to just see what we are doing there. Actually, it is not a facility. It is like a park where we are doing a lot of work. We are not only putting up new facilities, but also making sure that agricultural production is scaled-up. We are very proud to see that transformation. So, we will continue on that trajectory.
Mr Chairperson, I just want to correct the impression created by my dear colleague, the hon. Member of Parliament for Livingstone and urge him to be sincere. Livingstone is where we have a modern mini-hospital specifically for the Correctional Service and I am surprised that the hon. Member has not even bothered to go and check what is there. He should know that just next to the hospital, we are putting up a new facility for our female inmates. So, let us be sincere when we debate these matters and debate with facts. To say that the health facilities in the Correctional Service are pathetic is being insincere. It is not being truthful. So, we are trying to also make sure that we recruit personnel for the health facilities as well as the agricultural sector.
Sir, I agree with Hon. Kabanda who is so passionate about the Nansanga Farm Block Project. I want to assure him that just a few days ago, I was with the President in Kabwe where he was handing over more equipment in order to ensure that farms such as Nansanga and other farm blocks that have been developing now go into full time production.
Mr Chairperson, we are proud that we are part of the borrowing that is so much talked about. We are not shamed because, had we not borrowed, this dignity we are seeing in our men and women in uniform, which was lost, would not have been there. The infrastructure that is there is what necessitated us to request the Ministry of Finance to borrow some resources for us to implement some of these projects. So, Hon. Kabanda should be assured that we shall be inviting him very soon to go and see what we shall be doing in the Nansanga Farm Block.
I thank you, Sir.
Votes 30 and 36 ordered to stand part of the Estimates.
VOTE 16 – (Drug Enforcement Commission – K89,569,472)
Mr Kampyongo: Mr Chairperson, I am back on the Floor to present the 2021 budget policy statement on estimates of expenditure on Vote 16 for the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC).
Sir, DEC is a department under the Ministry of Home Affairs established to prevent and control illegal cultivation, production, trafficking and abuse of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and money laundering activities. The mandate of the commission is based on the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act Cap 96 and the Prohibition and Prevention of Money Laundering Act No. 14 of 2001, as amended by Act No. 44 of 2010 of the Laws of Zambia.
Performance and Achievements
Mr Chairperson, over the past few years, DEC has noted an upswing in trafficking in hard drugs such as heroin, cocaine and amphetamine including precursor chemicals. The advent of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic posed a challenge for the commission to conduct its mandate effectively and efficiently. This situation was compounded by inadequate human resource to counter drugs and money laundering threats across the country.
The commission, however, recorded some successes in enhancing its operations. To alleviate the shortage of accommodation for officers, the Ministry of Home Affairs handed over a total of thirty-four housing units to the commission. Further, under the Poly-Technology Project, the commission received various types of modern equipment to improve its operations.
Mr Chairperson, in 2020, the commission continued to enhance collaboration with both local and international stakeholders in promoting the exchange of best practices, information sharing and successful experiences in investigating transnational organised crimes. Further, to mitigate drug abuse, the commission has developed and implemented various awareness programmes targeting families, schools and communities at large.
Sir, the House may wish to note that over the years, the commission has demonstrated that recording zero audit queries is tenable. In the past nine years, the commission has, in all material respects, complied with good record keeping and financial management as guided by the Public Finance Management Act of 2018, and adhered to financial regulations, circulars and terms and conditions of service.
Mr Chairperson, this is a clear indication that institutional and regulatory framework for management of public funds that the Government has put in place coupled with good administrative systems to ensure efficient and effective utilisation of the department bearing fruit. This is a demonstration of he who calls others to equity coming with clean hands.
Challenges faced by the Commission
Mr Chairperson, in the period under review, DEC faced a number of challenges. Inadequate human resources coupled with inadequate and deteriorating infrastructure were the major challenges. Further, other challenges included inadequate modern equipment to fight drug and money laundering activities.
Sir, the Government is, however, addressing these challenges. The issue of inadequate infrastructure has been addressed by constructing housing units for law enforcement agencies. To enhance operations of the commission, the Government has continued to acquire modern equipment.
2021 Policy Focus
Mr Chairperson, during the year 2021/2023 Medium Term Expenditure Framework, the focus will be to continue the fight against drug trafficking and money laundering. The main programmes will be:
- drug and psychotropic substances control;
- anti-money laundering investigations; and
- management and support services.
Mr Chairperson, the commission is proposing a total budgetary allocation of K89,569,472 out of which K59,394,131 is for drug and psychotropic substances control, K8,057,852 for anti-money laundering investigations and K22,117,489 for management and support services. The proposed allocation for 2021 will go a long way in the fight against drug abuse and anti-money laundering activities.
Mr Chairperson, let me now recommend the proposed allocations, under Vote 16 – Drug Enforcement Commission, for favourable consideration and approval by hon. Members of this august House.
Sir, I beg to move.
Mr Ngulube: Mr Chairperson, I thank you for once again giving me this opportunity to add my voice as we support the Vote for the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC).
Mr Chairperson, I just want to say that there have been a lot of cries by the people of Zambia who believe that the DEC should actually be involved in the production of marijuana for export. People have actually said Zambia should legalise the production and export of marijuana. Probably, this is the time that the DEC begins to analyse its laws and see how best this can actually help us with the export of this prohibited drug.
I am aware, Mr Chairperson, that if the DEC worked hand in hand with security wings like the Zambia Army and the Zambia National Service (ZNS), we would actually be dealing with huge sums of money being brought in from abroad. Probably we would not have been having problems with paying off some of this debt that we see on social media.
Mr Chairperson, one thing that bothers me so much is that it appears that DEC’s functions are slowly fading away. Right now, what we see is the same thing that the Zambia Police does, like bouncing of cheques and fraud. You will find that DEC is also doing the same thing. So, we want to find out whether there is a way in which we can restructure its operations so that it is restricted to issues of drugs, proceeds of crime or proceeds of crime that deal with drugs. Sometimes we have noticed that DEC is seemingly fighting for jurisdiction as to who can handle this matter. We also see some people who want to be malicious by reporting the same complaint to DEC, to the Police and to the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC). I think in that area, DEC must make sure that its institution is not abused.
Mr Chairperson, we are also aware that DEC has a very big mandate of trying to ensure that our children in schools and in other areas do not have access to some of these drugs. We are aware that right now, as we are speaking, most of the challenges that DEC has are to do with logistics. I am aware that there is a department there that does rehabilitation of drug addicts. However, what we find is either they do not have transport or they have to depend on well wishers in order to achieve their goal. I wish to support the budget and state that DEC must be adequately funded so that we can actually give them enough resources for them to operate.
Sir, one other thing that I also just want to add as I wind up is the fact that DEC must do more to protect the citizens of Zambia either in border points or areas of transit where we see most of these prohibited drugs coming in. I know that working hand in hand with the Zambia Revenue Authority or Department of Customs and Immigration, DEC should be able to deal with some of these issues.
Thank you hon. Minister and Mr Chairperson for this opportunity and may God make it easy for all of us.
Thank you, Sir.
Dr Ng’ambi (Chifubu): Mr Chairperson, thank you for the opportunity to add the voice of the people of Chifubu to the debate on this very important Vote.
Sir, I want to commend the hon. Minister for the job that he is doing with the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC), looking at the number of cases that have been exposed in that aspect. However, one of the things that I want to state is that K89 million is not adequate to effectively run the DEC across the country. When you look at their mandate, DEC needs a lot of resources to sensitise our young people in order to avoid being drug addicts in the country.
Mr Chairperson another thing that I would want to see with this commission is the upgrading of their infrastructure in many areas which is not up to the standard that would make them operate in a much more conducive environment. Having been given an opportunity to visit some of their offices, I would confirm that in certain areas where they keep the exhibits, there is no adequate security. I would be happy if we could find strong rooms in most of the districts across the country. In certain areas, you would find raw cannabis stored in store rooms which are not secured. I think it is important that these dangerous drugs are properly secured.
Mr Chairperson, I also want to take this opportunity to urge the hon. Minister to see how we can move with technology at all the points of entry. I would want to see the DEC become much more active at the Lusaka International Airport. People seem to be using Zambia as a transit point. So, I think it is just important that there is so much good work that we have done so far. The successes that this commission has achieved should also be supported by providing it with modern equipment in order for them to carry out their work efficiently and effectively.
Sir, I am aware that the global institution that deals with drugs seems to be working very well with our commission. However, we need to invest much more in research and development at the commission in order for it to be up to date with modern trends in their sector, bearing in mind the limited manpower. I would love to see that its staff complement is boosted to the levels that other law enforcement agencies are enjoying.
Mr Chairperson, I am very excited with the issues that the commission has dealt with in the past, especially in the area of money laundering. I would want to see many more people trained in various aspects, especially to curb white-collar crimes. I think that once we enhance an institution like the DEC, we are likely to see many culprits being brought to book.
Sir, with these few words, I want to thank and commend the hon. Minister and urge him to work much harder to ensure that Zambia becomes a drug free country.
I thank you, Mr Chairperson.
Mr Kampyongo: Mr Chairperson, I want to sincerely appreciate my dear colleagues who have ably debated this Vote. My few responses to my dear colleague, the Deputy Chief Whip, are that, indeed, we have no intention of legalising what we call “recreational marijuana”. It still remains a prohibited substance. The efforts you are seeing being done by the Ministry of Health with regard to medicinal marijuana is a different issue altogether. It is taking a bit of time because people need to be patient. This is a venture that needs to be properly regulated and managed. Like Hon. Ng’ambi was saying, we also subscribe to international bodies such as the International Narcotics Control Board. These are the institutions that manage, and they have given dictates on how we should manage these substances. So, there is a lot of research by DEC to try and see how products such as industrial hemp can be ventured into because these are also highly lucrative ventures which are not harmful.
Mr Chairperson, the mandate of DEC is very clear, just as I gave out in the policy statement. The DEC has done quite a lot of work. Sometimes the commission prefers to work quietly and of course, it gives statistics from time to time on operations that it has undertaken the seizures made in terms of proceeds of crime and many other operations.
Mr Chairperson, the Commission is conducting many programmes with regards to school children and sensitising of parents. It needs to be supported by this august House, and hon. Members of Parliament must take keen interest in some of these programmes. We shall try to create a platform where we can get the DEC to engage legislators.
Mr Chairperson, the presence of DEC at various entry points is one thing that we have been serious about. We have ensured that we invest in the commission by acquiring equipment including sniffing dogs that are used to search for undesirable elements so as not to flood our markets with illicit products, which can have a negative effect on our people.
Mr Chairperson, Dr Ng’ambi spoke about the issue of research. I want to assure him that research will certainly continue. The DEC is obliged to comply with certain international dictates as prescribed by the United Nations (UN) systems. So, the commission will continue collaborating with other agencies because drug related cases are multinational, just like money laundering.
Mr Chairperson, I would like to assure members of the public that my ministry and the Ministry of Finance will inform the public about some of the matters that the DEC is working on such as, the scheme that was called ONO Savings and Credit Association (OSCA). People who were subscribing to some of those schemes need to be patient because investigations have reached an advanced stage. The Minister of Finance or I will find a way of informing the public on how far we have gone. We know that there is a lot of anxiety but we want to encourage people that before prescribing to some of these schemes, they should to first consult institutions in the banking sector and indeed the DEC before getting duped because some of these schemes that look too good to be true may end up being schemes where people just lose their money without recourse.
Mr Chairperson, once again, I would like to commend DEC for keeping a clean record as regards to audit queries. The DEC pursues wrong doers and should lead by example.
I thank you sir.
Vote 16 ordered to stand part of the Estimates.
VOTE 02 – (Office of the Vice President – K70,900,892) and VOTE 19 – (Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit – K70,690,294)
The Vice-President (Mrs Wina): Mr Chairperson, I thank you for according me this opportunity to present the policy statement in support of the 2021 Budget Estimates for the Office the Vice-President. My office includes the office of the hon. Minister and three divisions headed by officers at Permanent Secretary level. In terms of budgeting, my office is divided into two Votes namely, Vote 02, comprised of Administration and Parliamentary Business Divisions, and Vote 19, representing Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU).
Mr Chairperson, the office of the Vice-President is a Constitutional Office, established under Article 110(1) of the Republican Constitution. The statutory functions of the Office of the Vice-President are derived from the Government Gazette Notice No. 836 of March 2016, and these are:
- parliamentary Business;
- disaster and Draught Mitigation; and
- resettlements.
Mr Chairperson, in addition, the office the Vice-President has Grant-Aided Institutions namely:
(a) The National Institute of Public Administration (NIPA); and
(b) The National School of Governance (NSG).
Mr Chairperson, in preparing the 2021 Budget, the Office of the Vice-President was guided by the country’s long-term vision of becoming a prosperous middle income nation by 2030. In addition, the speech by his Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, made during the Official Opening of the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, as well as the Budget Speech by the hon. Minister of Finance, have also informed the preparation of the 2021 Budget, under Vote 02 and Vote 19.
Mr Chairperson, I also wish to inform the House that the Office of the Vice-President under Vote 02, is for the first time presenting the Output Based Budget (OBB), having migrated from Activity Based Budgeting (ABB), while Vote 19, DMMU, has been implementing the OBB since 2017, in line with the programme rolled out by the Ministry of Finance.
Mr Chairperson, during the year 2020, Vote 02 was allocated K59,608,498 and K23,807,233 for Vote 19. This was used to implement the following major programmes:
Scheme Establishment and Resettlement
Mr Chairperson, during the year under review, the department of resettlement initiated the process of acquiring 35,000 ha and another 6,600 ha of land in Chipili and Mansa District, respectively, through the traditional leadership in Luapula Province. This support is highly appreciated. Allow me the opportunity to call upon other traditional leaders country-wide to open up more land for the establishment of resettlement schemes as part of rural development
Mr Chairperson, in the same period, the department received 15,767 applications for land in resettlement schemes, out of which 2,365 were female applicants, representing 15 per cent while 13,402 were males, representing 85 per cent.
Mr Chairperson, from the statistics I have presented, it is clear that the low participation of women in land ownership requires concerted efforts by way of increasing awareness of the available empowerment programmes under resettlement schemes. I, therefore, urge hon. Members of Parliament and other stakeholders to increase the sensitisation of the public, particularly women, to own land in various resettlement schemes in order to eliminate the prevalent gender gaps.
Sir, my office is also mindful that people in resettlement schemes face challenges such as poor road infrastructure and market access. The House may wish to note that my office has designed the Resettlement Infrastructure Investment and Enterprise Support (ARIIES) Programme in order to increase agricultural productivity, agro-processing and manufacturing for domestic and export markets such as Angola, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Namibia, which have high demand for Zambian farm produce.
Parliamentary Business
Mr Chairperson, my office, as Leader of Government Business in Parliament, ensured that the Executive is accountable to the people of Zambia by:
- providing responses to 393 questions for both oral and written answer;
- tabling nineteen action-taken reports in response to demands by various Parliamentary Committees;
- issuance of fifteen ministerial statements on various topics of public interest; and
- provision of other parliamentary oversight instruments such as annual reports.
Human Resource and Administration
Sir, in executing our mandate, various support services were provided in the year under review. In the interim, this included providing administrative and financial support in order to prepare for the operationalisation of the National School of Government, which is expected to be fully functional in 2021.
Policy Planning and Information
Mr Chairperson, the 2017 National Honours and Awards Policy guide the administration of honours and awards in the country. In this regard, a system has been established which takes into account nominations from the district, provincial and national levels in order to ensure that an inclusive and transparent process is upheld. This allows deserving citizens in-country and abroad, as well as residents and friends of Zambia, to be recognised for their special contributions to this great nation. In this regard, I wish to inform this august House that in 2020, a total of eleven individuals, six on Africa Freedom Day, and five on Independence Day, were honoured by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, during the two investiture ceremonies. The number of recipients for this year took into account the safety measures in view of the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19).
Financial Management
Sir, in line with the Public Finance Management Act No. 1 of 2018, the department provided support to the Office of the Vice-President as part of common services under Cabinet Office.
Disaster Risk Management
Mr Chairperson, in line with the National Disaster Management Policy of 2015 and the Disaster Management Act No. 13 of 2010, and in reference to building resilience as mentioned in the 2021 Budget Speech, the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) undertook early warning and awareness programmes across the country. This included responding to various disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, infestation of the African migratory locusts, army worms, as well as floods and drought-induced calamities.
Disaster and Humanitarian Operations Management
Sir, the DMMU in collaboration with other Government institutions and co-operating partners such as the United Nations (UN) system in Zambia, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) as well as local and international Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) co-ordinated several disaster reduction and humanitarian response programmes. This action resulted in preventing disasters while maximising resource utilisation, thereby, creating a positive impact out of post disaster efforts in many communities.
Climate Change Adaptation
Mr Chairperson, the Office of the Vice-President has continued implementing the following activities under the Pilot Programme for Climate Resilience (PPCR):
- designing and equipping the National Emergency Operations Centre;
- strengthening the multi-hazard early warning systems in the country; and
- established an open data platform to facilitate for sharing of climate risk data amongst critical stakeholders and affected communities.
Sir, before I highlight priority programmes for 2021, allow me to commend the hon. Minister of Finance, Dr Bwalya Ng’andu, MP, for presenting a progressive and all inclusive National Budget under a distressed global economic environment that has not spared Zambia. Therefore, the Economic Recovery Programme that underpins the 2021 National Budget lays the foundation of the Budget for the Office of the Vice-President.
Mr Chairperson, let me now come to the 2021 Budget Estimates for Vote 02 – Office of the Vice-President. In 2021, the Office of the Vice-President under Vote 02 has been allocated a total of K70,900,892 compared to K59,680,498 in 2020, representing an increase of 18.9 per cent. The House may wish to note that out of the K70,900,892, K10,727,313 has been allocated to personnel emoluments, representing 15 per cent of the 2021 budget. In order to reduce poverty and improve the living standards of targeted citizens and consumers of services from my office, I am happy to report that K60,173,580, representing 85 per cent of the 2021 budget, has been allocated to developmental programmes.
Sir, the following are the priority programmes to be implemented in 2021 under the Output Based Budget (OBB):
- Government business;
- parliamentary affairs:
- resettlement management; and
- management and support services.
Mr Chairperson, on a special note, I wish to remind hon. Members that there has been an outcry from the public and this House, through the Committee on Cabinet Affairs, on the need for public servants to adhere to the Code of Ethics of the Public Service in order to enhance professionalism, efficiency and integrity, among other ethos. Accordingly, the Committee on Cabinet Affairs made strong recommendations to the Executive to operationalise the National School of Government without delay.
Sir, in response to the recommendations by the House, I am happy to announce that the Treasury has increased the allocation for the National School of Government from K216,000 to K5,886,360.
This increase is meant to accelerate the operationalisation of the National School of Government whose mandate is to provide capacity building in the Civil Service in order to enhance efficiency and effective public service delivery, thereby, contributing to the vision of a smart and value-centred Public Service.
Sir, as a sign of commitment to achieving this vision, on 26th October, 2020, Cabinet approved in principle the introduction of the National School of Government Bill to provide for the institutional framework, functions and duties of the school. In this regard –
The Deputy Chairperson: Order!
The Vice-President’s time expired.
The Vice-President: Mr Chairperson, was I allowed ten minutes on each of the Votes?
The Deputy Chairperson: Yes, we allocated you fifteen minutes for two statements.
The Vice-President: I thank you.
Dr Musokotwane (Liuwa): Mr Chairperson, I thank Her Honour the Vice-President for the statement on the budget for the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU). I generally support it, but I have comments to make on DMMU.
Sir, I hope Her Honour the Vice-President will take this as honest advice. In doing its work, DMMU has, in many instances, ended up surprising members of the public because it is seen to be a department of your political party, the Patriotic Front (PF). I say this in all honesty to Her Honour the Vice-President. I am sure that the people who are listening out there will agree that what I am saying is nothing but the truth. The point is that DDMU becomes very active whenever a by-election is declared.
Mr Chairperson, a place can have hardships – You may recall that last year, there was a severe drought in Mitete which also affected the Southern Province, the Western Province, and other areas in the western part of Zambia. There was a lot of hunger and each time members of the public went to the Boma to report this hunger to the District Commissioner (DC), the officers in Kalabo, the DC to be specific, would only allow people who were known to be PF officials to draw stocks of maize from the storerooms. If you were not a party cadre, all sorts of problems were going to confront you.
Sir, first of all, you had to register with the DC who decided whether to give you a note which would allow you to draw maize or not. If you were known to be a member of another political party, you would be told to go and see the president of your political party for relief maize. This is what was happening. The people who were giving relief food out there in the field would store stacks of maize in the houses of PF officials. Members of the public were watching and wondering what was happening. However, the moment there was a by-election, you would see DMMU busy distributing food day in and day out.
When people wake up in the morning, they find bags of maize in their yards because there is a by-election. After a by-election, and whether there is a disaster or not, the food would disappear and everything would be back to normal.
Mr Chairperson, my advice to the Government is that it should find a way of bringing professionalism or perhaps allow the professionals, in DMMU, to do their work properly. Otherwise, what I am advising the Executive is what has been obtaining on the ground. The people out there and the Government intelligence officers will tell you that what I am telling you right now is nothing but the truth. With that, I support the budget for this Vote, and I hope that when there is a disaster, relief will be provided in a non-partisan manner.
I thank you, Sir.
Ms Chisangano (Gwembe): Mr Chairperson, I want to thank you for according me this opportunity to debate the Vote for the Disaster Management Mitigation Unite (DMMU).
Mr Chairperson, I support the budget for DMMU. However, I would like to mention that DMMU is supposed to attend to emergency situations throughout the country, which are disasters. The country had disasters in various constituencies but little progress has been made regarding these disasters, especially in Gwembe Constituency. I have seen very little progress.
Mr Chairperson, in the past years, Gwembe Constituency has had roofing sheets for classrooms and teachers’ houses which were blown off. We have waited and we are still waiting hoping that one day, DMMU will come to help the people and the school children in Gwembe Constituency. This year, just two weeks ago, the roof at Chimanda School was blown off. I am appealing to the Government to ensure that it works on this school as well as Ntanga and Hauma schools.
Mr Chairperson, it is not just the schools that need to be worked on in Gwembe Constituency. The Constituency has also experienced floods that have affected some of the roads and bridges and have never been attended to. I can give an example of a bridge in Ntanga which has stayed for years without being worked on.
Mr Chairperson, lastly, I would like to talk about the hunger situation which is due to drought and sometimes, floods in various parts of the country, Gwembe Constituency inclusive. I have noticed that when we report that there is hunger in our constituencies, the DMMU takes so long to attend to the situation. I do not know how long the assessments take, but they take months meanwhile people need food.
Sir, could this process be quickened so that people are not subjected to continuous hunger and not receiving relief food. In addition, the relief food that is being given is not even enough, as the case was last year. Families had to queue for a 12.5kg bag of mealie-meal. These were big families with more than fifteen people in a household. Surely, how can such a family feed on a 12.5kg bag mealie-meal for a month? The Government needs to come up with a strategy that will help the people of Zambia when distributing relief food.
Mr Chairperson, the other issue I would like talk about, although it has been mentioned by Hon. Dr Musokotwane, is that when there are by-elections, a lot relief food is seen. The bags which contain relief food are clearly marked DMMU. However, we see it being distributed in the areas where there are by-elections leaving areas that need food. This should be looked at very seriously so that we appreciate the role of DMMU and say that this department is helping the people that are affected by these natural disasters. I do not think people are affected during by-elections. If they are, there should be a process to follow when rendering help to them.
Mr Chairperson, finally, I would like to say that the DMMU should be very active in all parts of the country. I have seen that when there is a disaster in some provinces, help goes there immediately. For instance, we saw bridges and roads in the Eastern Province attended to, immediately. However, we, in the Southern Province, and Gwembe to be specific have waited and are still waiting. So, you wonder whether or not Gwembe is part of Zambia. The DMMU should quickly come in because it is supposed to attend to emergencies.
Mr Chairperson, with these few words, I would like to see the DMMU perform better in the coming year.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Miyutu was inaudible.
Mr Chairperson: Mr Miyutu, we cannot get you.
Mr Ng’onga (Kaputa): Mr Chairperson, as we support the budget line to the second most important office in this country, I have some comments to make.
Mr Chairperson, my discourse is to appreciate the role that the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), under the Office of the Vice-President, plays in this country. It is very disheartening to see that some of the previous debaters want to paint a black picture of this important unit of the Government which does so much, especially, according to its role to mitigate and manage disasters when they befall.
Mr Chairperson, just a few months back, in the 2020/2021 season, the country experienced a lot of rains in some areas, especially in the north. We had floods, people were displaced and many homes were destroyed. It is this important Government wing that did a lot to ensure that nobody died of hunger or was displaced. Similar disasters happened in both the southern and western parts of this country. There was prolonged drought and crops failed. Therefore, there was no food to be seen in the near future. It is this department of the Government, the DMMU, which assisted.
Mr Chairperson, sometimes, I wonder whether some of our colleagues who want to paint a black picture do visit ministries or Government departments. If you go to this particular department, you find very professional managers. They will tell which director or operations manager deals with a particular nature of disaster. Some deal with floods, others with roads, and yet others with disasters such as the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-2019). So, sometimes, you wonder whether what they say is true or is intended to paint a wrong picture to the nation.
Mr Chairperson, this nation knows that if there is a department that works day and night to ensure that no Zambian dies out of hunger or any calamity, it is the DMMU. The national coordinator is everywhere. He moves like an operative with his directors. I would like to say to my colleagues that, sometimes, we should put things into proper perspective.
Madam Chairperson, I would like to praise the DMMU and pat it on the back. I urge it to continue working very hard. For us, in Kaputa, the unit was there at the time we had floods and other disasters. It was there even when we had shortage of food because we did not have enough rains in some areas of Kaputa. We thank the DMMU and we will continue working with it because when we experience disasters, we do visit it and it comes to our aid.
Mr Chairperson, as regards resettlement, Kaputa was one of the areas under President Kaunda’s days which were earmarked for resettlement areas. However, to date, the resettlement area has not been developed. Even as I speak, this particular area has no road infrastructure, water reticulation and schools that can make those who decided to settle there feel that they are also receiving some things from the Resettlement Department. It is a very important department because even many of us who are –
The Deputy Chairperson: Order!
(Debate adjourned)
(Progress reported)
The House adjourned at 1657 hours until 0900 hours on Friday, 20th November, 2020.