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The National Planning and Budgeting Bill, 2019
Parliamentary Period:
Fourth Session of the Twelfth Assembly
The objects of this Bill are to provide for—
(a) an integrated national planning and budgeting process;
(b) strengthened accountability, oversight and participation
mechanisms in the national planning and budgeting
(c) principles and modalities for formulation, approval,
implementation,monitoring and evaluation of long and
medium term national, provincial and district
development plans and budgets;
(d) coordination of national development plans with the
National Planning Framework;
(e) a participatory and decentralised national planning and
budgeting process which promotes the participation of
state and non state actors in the planning and budgeting
(f) evidence based decision making in national planning and
(g) enhanced budget credibility; and
(h) matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
Bill Stage:
First Reading
Second Reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
Third Reading