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The Nurses and Midwives Bill, 2019
Parliamentary Period:
The objects of this Bill are to—
(a) regulate the education and training of nurses and midwives;
(b) continue the existence of the General Nursing Council and rename it
as the Nursing andMidwifery Council of Zambia and provide for its
(c) provide for the registration of, and issuance of practising certificates to
nurses and midwives;
(d) provide for the scope of practice of nursing and midwifery;
(e) regulate the practice and professional conduct of nurses andmidwives;
(f) provide for the licensing of nursing andmidwifery facilities;
(g) repeal and replace the Nurses and Midwives Act, 1997; and
(h) provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
Bill Stage:
First Reading
Second Reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
Third Reading