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Wednesday, 11th May, 2016
431 Mr L J Ngoma (Sinda) - to ask the Vice President:
(a) what documents will be required to be produced before Electoral Commission of Zambia officers during nominations as candidates for Member of Parliament and Councillor; and
(b) what the last day of verification of Grade 12 Certificate by the Examinations Council of Zambia for purposes of the 2016 general elections, is.
432 Mr Muchima (Ikeleng’i) - to ask the Minister of Finance:
(a) whether the Zamtrop Account has been closed;
(b) if so, how much money was in the Account at the time of closure;
(c) how much money in the Account belonged to individuals; and
(d) what has happened to Access Financial Services Limited which used to handle Zamtrop money.
W49 Mr Lufuma (Kabompo West) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) whether the Government is satisfied with the pace and quality of the rehabilitation works on the Chingola-Solwezi road;
(b) whether the project will be completed on schedule;
(c) if not, what measures the Government is taking to ensure that the works are expedited; and
(d) what the time-frame for the completion of the project is.
W50 Mr Lufuma (Kabompo West) - to ask the Vice President and Minister of Development Planning:
(a) what circumstances led to the restoration of the legal immunity of the former President, Mr Rupiah Banda in March, 2016;
(b) whether the restoration of the immunity was backed by any law; and
(c) if so, which law.
W51 Mr Lufuma (Kabompo West) - to ask the Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development:
(a) whether Zambia has complied with the obligations set under the World Anti-Doping Code;
(b) if not, what measures the Government has taken to ensure that the country does not face sanctions for non-compliance;
(c) how many Zambian sportspersons, if any, were sanctioned for doping violations from January, 2013 to March, 2016; and
(d) what the nature of the violations were.
W52 Mr Lufuma (Kabompo West) - to ask the Minister of Transport and Communication:
(a) what the progress on the restoration of communication service on the 204 GSM mobile communication towers, which became dysfunctional in November, 2015, is;
(b) when the service will be restored at the following sites in Kabompo District:
(i) Dikolonga; and
(ii) Kayombo; and
(c) what the cause of the delay in restoring the service is.
The Minister of Justice
The Local Government Elections (Repeal) – Bill to repeal the Local Government Elections Act, 1991. N.A.B. 14/2016
The Minister of Home Affairs
The Zambia Police (Amendment) – Bill to amend the Zambia Police Act so as to repeal Part XA. N.A.B. 27/2016
Mr Kapeya
Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee: That this House do adopt the Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to scrutinise the Presidential appointment of Hon Mrs Justice Fulgency Mwenya Chisanga, to serve as Judge President, Hon Mr Justice Chalwe Farai Rafael Mchenga, SC, to serve as Deputy Judge President and Hon Mrs Justice Flavia Malata Chishimba, Hon Mrs Justice Judy Zulu-Mulongoti, Hon Madam Justice Catherine Makungu, Hon Mr Justice Mubanga Mweniweingwe Kondolo, SC, Hon Mr Justice Justin Chashi and Hon Mr Justice Dominic Luther Yeta Sichinga, SC, to serve as Judges of the Court of Appeal, for the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National Assembly, laid on the Table of the House on 9th May, 2016.
Mr Simfukwe
Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee: That this House do adopt the Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to scrutinise the Presidential appointment of Mr Mathews Likuba Zulu, Mr Charles Zulu, Mr Davies Chali Mumba, Mrs Sharon Kaunda-Newa, Mr Sunday Bwalya Nkonde, SC, Mrs Pixie Kasonde-Yangailo, Mrs Maria Mapani-Kawimbe, Ms Bubile Grace Lungu and Mrs Susan Mtonga-Wanjelani to serve as High Court Judges, for the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National Assembly, laid on the Table of the House on 10th May, 2016.
1 The Transitional Period and Inauguration of President Bill (N.A.B. 32/2016)
Second Reading
2 The Citizenship of Zambia Bill (N.A.B. 33/2016)
Second Reading
3 The Ratification of International Agreements Bill (N.A.B. 34/2016)
Second Reading
4 The Electoral Process Bill (N.A.B. 35/2016)
Second Reading
5 The Supplementary Appropriation (2016) Bill (N.A.B. 36/2016)
Second Reading
6 The Protection of Traditional Knowledge, Genetic (N.A.B. 8/2016)
Resources and Expressions of Folklore Bill Committee Stage
7 The Police-Public Complaints Commission Bill (N.A.B. 12/2016)
Committee Stage
8 The Industrial Designs Bill (N.A.B. 17/2016)
Committee Stage
9 The Judiciary Administration Bill (N.A.B. 18/2016)
Committee Stage
10 The Electoral Commission of Zambia Bill (N.A.B. 20/2016)
Committee Stage
11 The Passport Bill (N.A.B. 23/2016)
Committee Stage
12 The Public Audit Bill (N.A.B. 24/2016)
Committee Stage
13 The Higher Education Loans and Scholarships Bill (N.A.B. 31/2016)
Committee Stage
14 The State Audit Commission Bill (N.A.B. 22/2016)
Report Stage