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The Dairy Industry Development Bill 2010
Parliamentary Period:
Fourth Session of the Tenth Assembly
An Act to regulate the dairy industry so as to develop an efficient and self sustaining dairy industry that will effectively contribute towards poverty alleviation, household food security and employment creation; establish the Dairy Industry Development Board and provide for its functions and powers; enhance milk production in order to fully utilise the capacity of processing facilities, so as to achieve growth in the processing of safe and wholesome high value milk products; provide for the processing, manufacturing, marketing and distribution of milk; ensure collaboration and participation of all stakeholders within the dairy industry and provide a wider service to farmers in the dairy industry; promote self regulation of the dairy industry through the development and use of codes of practice; repeal the Dairies and Dairy Produce Act, 1931; and provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia.
Bill Stage:
First Reading
Second Reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
Third Reading