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Tuesday, 31st May, 2011
403 Mr Lubinda (Kabwata) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing:
(a) how many business firms were contracted by local authorities for waste disposal as of December, 2010 country-wide;
(b) how much waste was collected and disposed of in the same period;
(c) of the total waste at (b), how much accounted for the Lusaka City;
(d) how much money was collected from waste disposal business firms for dumping waste at the Chunga dump site in Lusaka from January to December, 2010; and
(e) how many households and business houses were registered for the waste collection programme in the following cities:
(i) Kitwe;
(ii) Livingstone;
(iii) Ndola; and
(iv) Lusaka.
404 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many police officers died from 2008 to 2009 country-wide;
(b) which province recorded the highest number of deaths; and
(c) how many officers retired in the same period.
405 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs which police stations in the Northern and Luapula Provinces have had the Officers-In-Charge serving at the same station continuously for over seven years as of 28th February, 2011.
406 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) when Chibalashi bridge along Munganga-Kawambwa road will be repaired;
(b) what the cost of repairing the said bridge is; and
(c) what has caused the delay in repairing the bridge.
407 Mr Lubinda (Kabwata) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives:
(a) when the Ministry last produced and distributed farming manuals to farmers’ training institutions and co-operatives;
(b) what the titles of the manuals were; and
(c) when the next issue of the manual will be published and what the price for each copy will be.
408 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs:
(a) in which countries Zambian women have been arrested for various offences especially drug trafficking as of 31st December, 2010;
(b) how many women were imprisoned outside Zambia for drug trafficking as of 31st December, 2010; and
(c) how many died whilst serving prison sentences for drug trafficking within and outside Zambia.
409 Mr Lubinda (Kabwata) - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport:
(a) what the annual turnover and net profit of the National Airports Corporation Limited was from 2005 to 2010, year by year;
(b) how many kiosks were operational at the Lusaka International Airport as of 31st December, 2010; and
(c) how much money was charged as rentals for the kiosks per square metre in 2010.
410 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs how many patrol dogs does the Zambia Police Force have in each of the nine provinces of Zambia.
411 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport how many motor vehicles were registered in Zambia from 2009 to 2010.
412 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) how much money was invested in the operations of Kagem Mining Limited from January, 2010 to April, 2011 in order to increase production;
(b) how many tonnes of emeralds are expected to be produced by the mine in 2011; and
(c) how much money in the form of taxes is the Government expected to collect from Kagem Mining Limited in 2011.
413 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Vice President and Minister of Justice:
(a) when the Electoral Commission of Zambia books of accounts were last audited;
(b) whether the auditing exercise took place on time; and, if
not, why; and
(c) what measures have been put in place to ensure auditing takes place at the right time in future.
414 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many pedestrians and cyclists died in road traffic accidents from 2008 to 2010; and
(b) of the accidents at (a), how many were caused by the following:-
(i) animals;
(ii) drivers;
(iii) road defects; and
(iv) bad weather.
415 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs how many police officers were involved in peace keeping missions outside Zambia from 2005 to 2010, year by year.
416 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many refugees were in Zambia as of 28th February, 2011; and
(b) which refugee camps hosted the highest and the least number of refugees.
417 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) how many employees Konkola Copper Mines had from 2008 to 2010, year by year;
(b) whether there was a reduction in the number of employees and, if so, what the cause for the reduction was; and
(c) how many people were employed by contractors through the labour brokering system in the same period.
418 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Vice President and Minister of Justice how many constituencies have had their names changed since 1964, and what the procedure of changing the names is.
419 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing:
(a) why most local authorities that have been audited continue to show financial irregularities especially as highlighted in the summarised Audited Accounts of Council Reports;
(b) what the major cause of these irregularities is; and
(c) when local authorities will stop paying allowances to the auditors who audit Constituency Development Fund (CDF) books of accounts.
420 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs whether the Government has implemented the Immigration and Deportation Act, 2010 and, if not, why.
421 Mr Mukanga (Kantanshi) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) how much sulphuric acid was produced by the following companies from 2006 to 2010, year by year:
(i) Mopani Copper Mines Plc; and
(ii) Konkola Copper Mines Plc;
(b) how much acid was used by the Mining Companies above in the same period; and
(c) how much acid was exported and, to which countries.
422 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many officers in the Zambia Police Force were dismissed on disciplinary grounds from 2008 to 2010, by gender;
(b) what offences the officers at (a) committed;
(c) which province had the highest number of dismissals;
(d) how many cases were before the High Court of Zambia as of 31st January, 2011; and
(e) how many cases of wrongful dismissal had been decided in favour of police officers as of January, 2009.
423 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Vice President and Minister of Justice how much money the Electoral Commission of Zambia spent on the following:
(a) attending the 8th Electoral Commissions Forum of SADC Countries General Conference in Lesotho in 2005;
(b) observing the local government elections in Lesotho in the same year as at (a) above; and
(c) observing the General Elections in Tanzania from 14th October to 5th November, 2005.
424 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Vice President and Minister of Justice:
(a) how much money was spent in 2005 on the delimitation of
wards and polling stations;
(b) how many parliamentary election results were petitioned in the High Court between 2001 and 2010; and
(c) whether the Electoral Commission of Zambia spent any money on any of the petitions and, if so, on how many petitions and how much was involved.
425 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Vice President and Minister of Justice:
(a) how many complaints of human rights abuses were received by the Human Rights Commission (HRC) between December, 2009 and December, 2010;
(b) how many of the complaints received, were concluded during the same period; and
(c) how much money the HRC spent on touring the Northern Province between 2009 and 2010.
426 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs how many Zambians in the diplomatic service have been trained at the Zambia Institute of Diplomacy and International Studies from inception to-date.