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Wednesday, 11th July, 2007
425 Mr I Banda (Lumezi) - to ask the Minister of Justice when local courts and staff houses in the following areas in the Lumezi Parliamentary Constituency will be rehabilitated:
(i) Zumwande;
(ii) Chikomeni;
(iii) Mwasemphangwe;
(iv) Kazembe;
(v) Mwanya; and
(vi) Chitungulu.
426 Mr Mbewe (Chadiza) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives:
(a) when the Natural Resources Development College will be turned into a university; and
(b) when the Zambia Colleges of Agriculture in Mpika and Monze will offer diploma courses.
427 Ms Kapata (Mandevu) - to ask the Minister of Health whether the Ministry has any plans to train HIV/AIDS counsellors in local languages.
428 Mr Nyirenda (Kamfinsa) - to ask the Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development:
(a) what the employment status of youths from ages 18 to 35 is; and
(b) what is the expected employment status of youths by 2015.
429 Mr Milupi (Luena) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives:
(a) what measures the Government has taken to ensure that peasant farmers in the Luena Parliamentary Constituency grow surplus food in order to prevent the current catastrophic food shortages in the area; and
(b) whether the Ministry has plans to enhance the responsibilities of agricultural extension officers by providing them with agricultural equipment such as tractors and ploughs which peasant farmers can hire in order to increase food production.
430 Mr Chanda (Kankoyo) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) what the main findings and recommendations of the Task Force that was established to investigate the Bgrimm and Mufulira cage fatal accidents are; and
(b) how much compensation was paid to each victim of the two accidents above.
431 Mr Singombe (Dundumwezi) - to ask the Minister of Energy and Water Development:
(a) whether there are any dams earmarked for construction this year in the Dundumwezi Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) how many dams were rehabilitated from 2001 to 2006 in the above constituency; and
(c) how much money was spent to rehabilitate the Kalemu Dam in Kasukwe Ward in the same constituency.
432 Mr Kambwili (Roan) - to ask the Minister of Education when construction of Kasununu School in the Roan Parliamentary Constituency will commence.
433 Mr C K B Banda (Chasefu) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply when the Government will resurface the following roads:
(i) Great East Road between Nyimba and Katete; and
(ii) Chipata/Lundazi road.
434 Mr Chella (Wusakile) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing whether there are any plans to construct a new and modern market in the Wusakile Parliamentary Constituency.
435 Mr Mwansa (Chifunabuli) - to ask the Minister of Energy and Water Development whether the Ministry has plans to conserve water by storing it in dams for use during periods of low rainfall or drought.
436 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development when ZCCM Investments Holdings Plc will liquidate the outstanding debt to the Mukuba Pension Scheme.
437 Mr Chota (Lubansenshi) - to ask the Minister of Health how much medical levy was disbursed to the provinces from April, 2002 to December, 2006, province by province.
438 Mr Simama (Kalulushi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs how many people died in road traffic accidents on the Kitwe/Chingola road from 2001 to 2006.
439 Mr Hamududu (Bweengwa) - to ask the Vice-President:
(a) how many civil servants are currently serving on contracts, ministry by ministry; and
(b) how much gratuity arrears does the Government currently owe civil servants whose contracts have expired.
440 Dr Njobvu (Milanzi) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives what the total fertiliser distribution levels in the country were from 2001 to 2005, province by province.
441 Mr Malama (Mfuwe) - to ask the Minister of Education whether private organisations and churches that have opened institutions of higher learning such as colleges and universities are provided with the following:
(i) lecturers;
(ii) exemption of tax on imported education materials for the institutions; and
(iii) grants.
442 Mr Mwapela (Kalabo Central) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many vehicles were procured for the police to maintain law and order during the 2006 Tripartite Elections; and
(b) how many of the vehicles at (a) above were sent to the Western Province, in general, and Kalabo District, in particular.
443 Mr Chimbaka (Bahati) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) when a Bill to address the serious damage caused to the roads by overloading will be presented in the House;
(b) how much revenue is collected annually from weigh-bridges country-wide; and
(c) what the annual percentage of the cost of road repair is country-wide.
444 Mrs E M Banda (Chililabombwe) - to ask the Minister of Health whether the Government has any plans to build a district hospital in Chililabombwe.
445 Mr Chanda (Kankoyo) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) what factors determine a mine working area to be classified as a scheduled area or a non-scheduled area; and
(b) how far a scheduled area should be from the nearest residential area.
446 Mr Msichili (Kabushi) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing whether the current overstretched infrastructure in local authorities was financed through long-term Government loans at concessionary interest rates and, if so, what led to the discontinuation of this world-wide accepted practice of financing local government.
447 Mr P J L Mulenga (Kwacha) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many foreign nationals were living in Zambia from 2000 to 2006, province by province;
(b) how many of the above were in the following categories, province by province:
(i) self-employed; and
(ii) employed by institutions; and
(c) what criteria were used in issuing work permits to those at (b) above.
448 Mr Mwangala (Nalolo) - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport:
(a) when work on the canal to link Shangombo to Rivungu in Angola will commence;
(b) whether the project will be a joint venture between Zambia and Angola;
(c) what its estimated cost is; and
(d) what the envisaged benefits of the project are to both Zambia and Angola.
449 Mr Ntundu (Gwembe) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing when the retired and retrenched workers at the Gwembe District Council will be paid their dues.
450 Mr Hamusonde (Nangoma) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply when Magoye bridge, near Nachibita School in the Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency, will be rehabilitated.
451 Dr Chishya (Pambashe) - to ask the Minister of Science, Technology and Vocational Training:
(a) how much money the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research spent on the continuous training of its accounts personnel, including those who failed their courses the first time, from 2004 to-date; and
(b) how the accounting staff at (a) above are managing to maintain proper accounting records when they are still undergoing training and are absent most of the day pursuing their studies.
452 Mr Imasiku (Liuwa) - to ask the Minister of Health:
(a) whether the restructuring of the Ministry has been completed following the abolition of the Central Board of Health;
(b) how many employees of the Central Board of Health lost their jobs and how many were absorbed by the Ministry; and
(c) whether the employees who were absorbed by the Ministry are serving on Civil Service Conditions of Service or are on contracts.
453 Mr C Mulenga (Chinsali) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing:
(a) when feeder roads in Chinsali District were last rehabilitated; and
(b) when roads in Chinsali District will be rehabilitated.
454 Mr Sikazwe (Chimbamilonga) - to ask the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources:
(a) whether the Ministry has any plans to construct a ring road from Mpulungu to Nsumbu along the shores of Lake Tanganyika in order to promote tourism in the area; and
(b) whether the Government has any plans to open more lodges on the natural beaches of Lake Tanganyika.
455 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs what measures have been taken to stop unnecessary police brutality which has become rampant in a number of police stations in the country.
456 Mr Kambwili (Roan) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing what measures the Ministry has taken to assist the Council cut grass in open areas in the Roan Parliamentary Constituency during the rainy season since local authorities have no capacity to handle this additional responsibility.
457 Dr Njobvu (Milanzi) - to ask the Minister of Health:
(a) how many of the 300 doctors who were fired by the previous MMD Government have returned and rejoined UTH;
(b) how many of these joined private hospitals; and
(c) how many of these are outside the country.
458 Mr Sejani (Mapatizya) - to ask the Minister of Energy and Water Development what measures the Government has taken to protect the people from the adverse economic effects of frequent fuel price increases.
459 Mr Imenda (Lukulu East) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many persons escaped from prisons in 2006;
(b) how many persons who escaped from prisons at (a) above were recaptured;
(c) how many are still in hiding; and
(d) what are the challenges attributed to the escape of prisoners.
The Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry
Trades Licensing (Amendment) - Bill to amend the Trades Licensing Act. (N.A.B. 18/2007)
The Minister of Justice
Penal Code (Amendment) - Bill to amend the Penal Code. (N.A.B. 19/2007)