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Tuesday, 30th October, 2007
864 Mr Beene (Itezhi-tezhi) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) when the Lusaka/Itezhi-tezhi/Mongu road will be resurfaced; and
(b) when the Baanga Pontoon will be replaced by a bridge on the Kafue River between Namwala and Itezhi-tezhi.
865 Mr Chazangwe (Choma Central) - to ask the Minister of Energy and Water Development:
(a) how many people were killed by falling ZESCO electricity poles from 2004 to 2006, province by province;
(b) how many of the deceased at (a) above were compensated by ZESCO, province by province; and
(c) what remedial measures ZESCO has taken in order to prevent further loss of human lives.
866 Mr Hachipuka (Mbabala) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) whether the Ministry has received the K18 billion allocated in the 2007 Budget for the Choma/Chitongo road;
(b) if so, when were the funds received;
(c) how much has so far been paid to the contractor;
(d) when the contractor will move on site; and
(e) whether work on the project will commence soon and, if not, what are the reasons for the delay.
867 Ms Mumbi (Munali) - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport:
(a) why the air traffic control radar, which was installed by an Italian company at the Lusaka International Airport in 1995, has not been functioning since then; and
(b) what happened to the twelve technicians who were trained to operate the equipment at (a) above.
868 Ms Limata (Luampa) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) who the contractor for the Luampa/Mulobezi road is;
(b) how much the contractor was paid and how the contract was awarded; and
(c) whether the Ministry has plans to visit the project and, if so, when.
869 Mr Mweemba (Magoye) - to ask the Minister of Energy and Water Development whether there are any plans to construct dams in the following wards in Magoye Parliamentary Constituency:
(i) Nkonkola Ward in Chief Hanjalika’s area; and
(ii) Kalama Ward in Chief Mwanachingwala’s area.
870 Mr Imasiku (Liuwa) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing what measures the Government has taken to provide safe drinking water to the residents of townships in the following districts who currently drink unsafe surface water:
(i) Kalabo District;
(ii) Senanga District; and
(iii) Sesheke District.
871 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport:
(a) how many employees are under the Department of Maritime and Inland Waterways at the Ministry Headquarters;
(b) how many employees the Department has, province by province; and
(c) why the Department receives more funds in terms of RDCs when it has few workers compared to the water transport companies which are inadequately funded.
872 Mrs E M Banda (Chililabombwe) - to ask the Minister of Education when another secondary school will be built in Chililabombwe.
873 Dr Njobvu (Milanzi) - to ask the Minister of Health when construction of a Government hospital in Katete District will begin.
874 Mr Mwapela (Kalabo Central) - to ask the Minister of Community Development and Social Services:
(a) whether the Ministry is aware that officers in Kalabo District are facing difficulties in implementing the re-designed Public Welfare Assistance Programme and other community development activities due to lack of transport and inadequate personnel; and
(b) if so, when will the Ministry provide transport and adequate staff to the district.
875 Mr Sichamba (Isoka West) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) whether the Ministry has any plans to rehabilitate the abandoned Kanyala Border Post in Isoka West Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) how many people annually enter the country illegally using the abandoned border post at (a) above; and
(c) how much revenue has been lost since the border was closed.
876 Mr Milupi (Luena) - to ask the Minister of Finance and National Planning whether the Government has any plans to convert the huge debt it owes pensioners and local suppliers into treasury bills or Government bonds in order to enhance the current Government initiatives of empowering Zambians.
877 Mr Msichili (Kabushi) - to ask the Minister of Community Development and Social Services:
(a) how the Ndola Rehabilitation and Vocational Training Centre is funded; and
(b) what measures the Ministry has taken to ensure that the Centre raises its own revenue considering that there is modern equipment on site which has been left idle.
878 Mr Simama (Kalulushi) - to ask the Minister of Education what the teacher/pupil ratio is in Government schools in Kalulushi Parliamentary Constituency.
879 Mr Sejani (Mapatizya) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply when work on the Kalomo/Kabanga road will commence.
880 Mr Silavwe (Nakonde) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives when the Government will procure motor vehicles for District Co-ordinators’ outreach programmes country-wide.
881 Mr Mwale (Chipangali) - to ask the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services:
(a) whether the Ministry has plans to extend radio and television signals to Chief Mshawa’s area in Chipangali Parliamentary Constituency; and
(b) when radio and television reception in the above Constituency will be improved.
882 Mrs Musokotwane (Katombola) - to ask the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry:
(a) how much Zambia has benefited from the Cotonou Agreement;
(b) which organisations and individuals have so far benefited from the Agreement;
(c) what goods were exported to European countries by Zambia under the Cotonou Agreement from 2003 to 2005; and
(d) how much money was raised from the exports in the period at (c) above.
883 Mr Singombe (Dundumwenzi) - to ask the Minister of Education:
(a) when construction of Nabulangu Middle Basic School in Dundumwezi Parliamentary Constituency will begin;
(b) whether the Government has any immediate plans to build a high school in the area to cater for the increasing population; and
(c) when more teachers will be posted to schools in the Constituency.
884 Mr Kambwili (Roan) - to ask the Minister of Health:
(a) what the staff establishment for nurses at the following health institutions in Roan Parliamentary Constituency is:
(i) Roan Hospital;
(ii) Chaisa Clinic;
(iii) Kawama Clinic; and
(iv) Section 26 Clinic;
(b) what the current staffing levels are for the nurses at the health institutions at (a) above; and
(c) how many nurses will be posted to each health institution at (a) above from the 2007 recruitment.
885 Mr Mukanga (Kantanshi) - to ask the Minister of Health:
(a) how many HIV positive people were in the following categories as of 31st December, 2006:
(i) the able bodied;
(ii) the blind; and
(iii) those with other disabilities; and
(b) how many of those at (a) above are currently on ARVs, category by category.
886 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Education:
(a) whether there are any plans to review allowances for teachers in rural areas; and
(b) whether the Ministry will consider consolidating the housing allowance for teachers into their salaries in order to reduce industrial unrest.
887 Mr F R Tembo (Nyimba) - to ask the Minister of Education when the following schools, which are near or along the National Grid, will be electrified:
(i) Nyimba Basic School;
(ii) Kalambakuwa Secondary School;
(iii) Hofmyre Secondary School; and
(iv) Mfumbizi Basic School.
888 Mr Chongo (Mwense) - to ask the Minister of Labour and Social Security:
(a) how many times the labour and industrial inspectors inspected the Mununshi Banana Plantation in Mwense District from 2003 to-date;
(b) what anomalies were observed by the inspectors in the period above; and
(c) what corrective measures the Ministry has taken to address the anomalies at (b) above.
889 Mr Imenda (Lukulu East) - to ask the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) whether there is a substantial correlation in budgetary estimates, releases and expenditure with regard to the following programmes:
(i) Annual Budget and the Fifth National Development Plan; and
(ii) Fifth National Development Plan and Vision 2030; and
(b) what significant achievements has the Government made in relation to set goals and objectives of the above programmes.
890 Dr Katema (Chingola) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) when the retrenched workers in the former Roads Department will be paid their terminal benefits; and
(b) whether some workers in the former Roads Department have been retained and, if so, which departments will absorb them.
891 Major Chibamba (Shiwang’andu) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives:
(a) whether the Ministry has plans to construct dams in Shiwang’andu Parliamentary Constituency in specifically designated areas in order to assist small-scale farmers access water for irrigation and livestock farming; and
(b) if so, when will the programme commence.
892 Mr Chongo (Mwense) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many immigration stations and posts are in Mwense District and where are they situated; and
(b) how many officers are at these stations and posts.
893 Mr Katuka (Mwinilunga East) - to ask the Minister of Energy and Water Development:
(a) when the Strategic Reserve Fund for fuel will be operational; and
(b) who the contributors to this Fund will be.
894 Mr Hamusonde (Nangoma) - to ask the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry:
(a) what the status of the Contract Haulage Ltd premises on Malambo road in Lusaka is;
(b) whether the premises have been rented out and, if so, who is renting the premises;
(c) how much rent is being collected monthly and who accounts for the rentals; and
(d) what has happened to the machinery which was on the premises.
895 Mr Munaile (Malole) - to ask the Minister of Science, Technology and Vocational Training when the Technical Education, Vocational and Entrepreneurship Training Authority will be affiliated to the University of Zambia.
896 Mr Misapa (Mporokoso) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing whether the Government has plans to buy vehicles for local councils such as Mporokoso District Council which has no vehicles of its own.
897 Mr Ngoma (Sinda) - to ask the Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development:
(a) whether Zambia is materially and financially ready to host the 2011 All Africa Games;
(b) how much the Government has spent so far towards the hosting of this event;
(c) how many stadia will be constructed for this occasion; and
(d) what measures the Government has taken to engage the private sector as partners in hosting the games.
898 Mr Mwangala (Nalolo) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply when the following roads and bridges will be rehabilitated:
(i) Namushekende/Kataba/Nalikwanda road;
(ii) Siyanda/Itufa old road;
(iii) Kaunga Lueti bridge;
(iv) Lipaa bridge; and
(v) Matebele bridge.