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Debates- Thursday, 8th March, 2001
Thursday, 8th March, 2001
The House met at 1430 hours
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
The following Bill was read the first time:
The Electoral (Amendment) Bill, 2001
Second Reading on Friday, 9th March, 2001.
The following Bills were read the third time and passed:
The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2001
The Customs and Excise (Amendment) Bill, 2001
The Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill, 2001
VOTE 90/01 - (Office of the President - Lusaka Province - Headquarters - K8,400,723,189).
(Consideration resumed)
The Minister for Luapula Province (Mr Chama): Mr Chairman, allow me to share the same feelings with hon. Members who congratulated the newly appointed hon. Ministers to their respective posts. My word of caution to my brothers is that they should not live by scientific approach, which is misleading to some of us, that the higher you go the cooler it becomes. In a political career, it is the other way round.
Mr Chairman, before I touch my mission statement and the subsequent responses to the issues raised by hon. Members, I would like to draw the attention of hon. Members to the book which was written by the late Munukayumbwa Sipalo. The title of the book is, ‘Zambia Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow’.
Mr Chairman, the Zambia we are living in today is not the same we were in ten years ago. Hon. Members, it is better to learn to appreciate and give credit where it is due. In 1991, we were not scared to take over the country, which was almost a wreck, from the hands of the hungry wolves.
Mr Chama: As if that was not enough, we even accepted to inherit US$7 billion in debts which we are still servicing.
Mr L. L. Phiri: Fyakale ifyo, talk about the debt now.
Mr Chama: Keep quiet. I am still on the Floor.
Had we not taken over the running of this Government, some natives like that one from the eastern part of the country could have been eating his fellow human beings instead of rats.
Mr L. L. Phiri: On a point of order, Sir.
Mr Chama: Some of them have even become sarcastically theoretical that they cannot even differentiate white from black. You better learn to appreciate what the Government has been doing for the past ten years.
Mr Patel: On a point of order, Sir.
Mr Chama: Some of you are even capable of demonstrating the Nyau dance. When you are on the Floor, you are forgetting that you are in a noble House where we come to discuss important issues and not tissues like the ones I am seeing in papers.
Mr L. L. Phiri: Debate issues not trivialities.
Mr Patel: On a point of order, Sir.
Hon. Opposition Member: A point of order is raised.
The Chairman: Hon. Members, please, when a Minister is winding up debate, no points of order should be raised.
The Chairman: I am listening attentively. The problem is that you are interfering. When I find that he is going outside the realm of reality, I will jump in. Leave this to me. That is why I am here. It is not for you to bring it to my attention. You have had your chance. Let him speak and if I find that he is derailing himself, I will come in.
Will the hon. Minister, please, continue.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chama: Mr Chairman, I am grateful ...
The Chairman: Order! We are not in a pub. We are in a Chamber.
Will you, please, continue.
Mr Chama: Mr Chairman, my mission statement for the province is to plan, co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of Government and Non-Governmental programmes, provide vital links between Central Government and Local Government, provide public administration and effective management of public funds and other resources for the improvement of the standard of living for the people of Luapula Province.
Mr Chairman, in line with the major tasks given to the province of interpreting and implementing Government policies and also of creating an enabling environment to attract investment to the province, Luapula Province continues to give top priority to the rehabilitation of infrastructure and other projects which support economic growth and poverty reduction. In this regard, allow me to highlight the performance of the province during the last Budget period.
Mr Chairman, during the 2000 Budget year, Luapula Province was allocated a sum of K3.8 billion comprising K1.1 billion in personal emoluments and K2.7 billion in non-personal emoluments, such as allowances, purchase of goods and services, training, grants and capital projects. Out of K3.8 billion allocated to the province, only K668 million was actually released, representing 18 per cent of the approved budget.
No capital funds were released during the year under review. The non release of capital funds and under funding experienced in the last financial year had a negative effect on the province’s efforts to implement programmes aimed at enhancing the living standards of the vulnerable groups in the province.
Mr Mateo crossed the Floor
Hon. Members: Order, order!
Mr Chama: However, with the assistance from the co-operating partners, the province was able to undertake some developmental programmes and significant achievements were made in the following sectors:
In agriculture, the province continued to, vigorously, encourage farmers to adopt crop diversification approach to farming and the policy is working very well. Our farmers are now producing crops which do not need expensive chemical fertilisers such as cassava, millet, beans and groundnuts. A tremendous increase in the production of these crops has been recorded and have become the commercial crops for the province taking over from maize.
For example, groundnuts increased from 53,143 x 90 kg bags in 1993 to 115,820 x 90 kg bags in the 1999/2000 season. Finger millet has gone up from 57,467 x 90 kg bags to 202,226 x 90 kg bags in the same period. This has mainly been due to the availability of suitable varieties and successful control of the cassava mealy bug, seed multiplication programmes and the general adoption of low input technologies.
Further, Mr Chairman, vegetables are now available throughout the year due to increased dambo utilisation. This has resulted in improved nutrition and steady income among small-scale farmers. Other crops being promoted are coffee, oil palm and paprika. At present, 30,000 oil palm seedlings have been distributed to the farming community in the valley and we expect the nutritional status of the people in the area to improve in the years to come.
Mr Chairman, as regards livestock production, the small livestock population has increased, while cattle population has declined. There is, therefore, need to improve on cattle production to facilitate the supply of oxen for animal draft power and beef for local consumption. Lack of credit facilities to small-scale farmers continue to hold back development in the sector.
Mr Chairman, the main focus in fisheries is to promote sustainable utilisation and management of fish resources through research and extension of activities. Fish associations have been formed and the concept of co-management in fisheries which was initiated in 1999 is gradually taking root among the communities and local leaders in the province. This positive change of attitude gives hope to the future success of the fish industry in the province.
Aqua culture is also being encouraged as a supplement to fresh water fishing during the year under review. During the year under review, 183 fish ponds were established and stocked. {mospagebreak}
Land Resettlement
Mr Chairman, pressure on land is mounting due to a high number of retirees and retrenched workers from Government and parastatal companies, looking for land to settle. During the year under review, 203 applicants, that is 154 males and forty-nine females, were allocated plots in the resettlement schemes in the province. Lack of funds has hampered the provision of the required infrastructure in the schemes.
Mr Chairman, in the education sector, I wish to report that fifty-four classrooms were rehabilitated and eighty-three teachers’ houses were either constructed or rehabilitated at a cost of K1.8 billion. In addition, 1,600 desks were made and distributed to various schools at a cost of K273.6 million. Most of these projects were funded under the micro-project unit programmes.
The shortage of teaching staff continued to be a major problem in many schools in the province.
In the health sector, Mr Chairman, six rural health centres were upgraded to zone level at a total cost of K2.8 billion. Mansa School of Nursing was upgraded from Zambia Enrolled Nursing School to a State Registered Nursing School. The first course of State Registered Nurses started in October, 2000. I am also pleased to report that polio vaccination coverage in Luapula Province stands at 90 per cent.
Mr Chairman, there was marked improvement in the supply of medicines to all health institutions in the province throughout the year, but there was a general shortage of doctors and trained staff in all hospitals and health centres. We hope appropriate measures will soon be put in place by the relevant authorities to address this problem.
Mr Chairman, in the road sector, because of the critical role it plays in the development process of the province, it occupied a central stage in all our social, political and economic activities in the province. During the year under review, five district roads were rehabilitated at a total of K3 billion while two bridges, Lukangaba and Kafulwe were constructed at a cost of K2 billion.
The province has also a programme of rehabilitating and improving accessibility of feeder roads with the help of the ROADSIP and the World Bank. During the period under review, seven feeder roads were rehabilitated at a cost of K4 billion. Road rehabilitation is an on-going exercise and is contributing positively to the creation of an enabling environment in the province for economic investment.
Local Government
Mr Chairman, the district councils in Luapula Province are cash strapped and most of the them have had their properties seized by court bailiffs. The Ministry of Local Government and Housing was openly requested to intervene and rescue council properties from being sold. As a result of a liquidity problems, service delivery to the residents was poor and development programmes were adversely affected.
We hope that the relevant authorities are seriously addressing the problems of the councils which are pulling back development in the province.
Energy Sector
I am pleased to inform the House that:
(a) Electrification of Chembe area will be completed fairly soon;
(b) electrification of Chienge Boma has also commenced and the House will be kept informed of the progress; and
(c) electrification of Chilubi Island is already completed and it will soon be commissioned.
Chiefs’ Affairs
Mr Chairman, the provincial administration in Luapula Province maintained a good working relationship with the local Chiefs. All of them are keen to see development in their areas and they are willing to participate in developmental programmes.
Way Forward
Mr Chairman, the way forward for Luapula Province will be to consolidate the programmes that have already produced positive results and give top priority to projects and programmes that will assist in empowering the communities and reduce poverty among Zambians. In this connection, the following programmes and projects will receive a serious follow-up action:
(i) Rehabilitation of schools, health centres and roads infrastructure;
(ii) acquisition of more land for resettlement;
(iii) provision of infrastructure and other facilities in the resettlement schemes;
(iv) strengthening co-operative movements as networks for the distribution of inputs and marketing of produce for the rural communities;
(v) promotion of high value crops.
(vi) plans for attracting investment in the tourism industry in the province;
(vii) improvement of water transport system;
(viii) maintenance of waterways; and
(ix) strengthening the co-management strategies in fisheries and forestry.
Mr Chairman, in 2001, the province has an approved budget provision of K8.2 billion. Of this amount, K5.1 billion is for recurrent expenditure, K3.0 billion for road rehabilitation programmes, which leaves us with only K100 million for other capital projects, which is not sufficient.
It is, therefore, clear that in this financial year, the province will, again, have to rely on the co-operating partners and line ministries to fund capital projects in the identified major sectors of development, while the province will assume the duties of supervising and monitoring their implementation.
Mr Chairman, I beg to move.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister for Lusaka Province (Mr Mulenga): Mr Chairman, first of all, I would like to assure my friends like Hon. Patel and Hon. Mulongoti who were running commentaries about my defeat that I am 100 per cent behind my party and as a Provincial Minister, I have also a political role to play in the province.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mulenga: Mr Chairman, I will continue supporting my party and the party President and I would like to thank you, from the outset, all hon. Members and hon. Ministers, who have actually made my work lighter by supporting me and the province.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mulenga: Mr Chairman, the role of the province is to promote, support, co-ordinate and monitor all developmental activities and ensure the provision of goods and services for the improvement of the standard of living of people residing in urban and rural areas of the province.
Mr Chairman, in the year, 2000, the province’s total budget was K6,334,069,420 of which K1,924,348,959, was for Personal Emoluments; K2,830,760,277 for Recurrent Departmental Charges; and K284,760,764 for Capital Expenditure. The amounts represent 37.8 per cent, 55.7 per cent and 5.6 per cent, respectively. The total funding during the year under review was K2,839,175,992, representing 45 per cent of the budget. So, we only received 45 per cent of the budget which was approved.
The total budget for 2001 has been estimated at K8,400,723,189, of which K274,863,500 is for Personal Emoluments; K2,962,057,763 for Recurrent Departmental Charges; and K3,202,045,361 for Capital Expenditure. The amounts represent 27.1 per cent for Personal Emoluments, 34.8 per cent for Recurrent Departmental Charges and 38.1 per cent for Capital Expenditure. This year’s Estimates represent an increase of 65.3 per cent over last year’s allocation. I only hope that this year, the allocation will be much more than 80 per cent.
Mr Chairman, the province plans to exploit its vast potential in commerce, industry and agriculture. By virtue of its central location, the province will continue to attract more commercial and industrial activities aimed at improving the living standards of the local people. In this area, the province will rehabilitate the roads within the industrial area and will also rehabilitate the Great East and Great North roads. While giving a conducive environment for undertaking commercial activities to business complexes such as the Manda Hill, the province will also strive to ensure that two more shopping centres in Lusaka are completed as planned.
I am glad to report that construction work at Arcade Shopping Complex near the Institute of Democratic Studies is scheduled to start soon. This multi-billion project is aimed at constructing forty-six units of retail outlets, four units of entertainment areas and four banks. A twin office block of three-floors is also being constructed by a local investor called Elinda Enterprise near the Addis Ababa Roundabout. In addition, three markets are under construction with the assistance of the European Union in Libala, Nyumba Yanga and Chilenje.
The province will also labour to attract manufacturing industries targeted towards benefiting both the urban and rural population. Similarly, in agriculture, since the province occupies 21,896 square kilometres of arable land, with annual rainfall of between 800 mm and 1000 mm per annum, the plans are underway to enhance its role in agriculture so that production in major crops such as sunflower, wheat, soya beans, cotton, tobacco and other non-traditional export crops can be increased.
Mr Chairman, under micro-projects and working with the local communities, Lusaka Province was advanced with more than K12.0 billion for 1,116 projects, of which 684 fall in the education sector; sixteen in the health sector; twenty-nine in the water and sanitation sector; and 387 for other projects.
Lusaka District was advanced K6,478,662,924, for the 409 on-going projects, of which 319 are in education; seventeen in water and sanitation; and seventy-three for other projects.
In Kafue District, the total number of projects, which are 404, were valued at K1,327,521,513. Of these, 260 were in education; four in health; two in water and sanitation; and 138 for other projects. Chongwe District had a total of 290 projects valued at K1.2 billion of which 100 were in education, nine in health and nine in water and sanitation, leaving 172 for other projects.
Luangwa District, a constituency owned by my good friend, Hon. Fidelis Mando, had a total of thirteen projects valued at K300 million. Of these, five were in education, three in health, one in water and sanitation and four in other projects. The province has also been allocated a grant of K3 billion this year for the rehabilitation of feeder roads. This money will go towards the rehabilitation of Shikabeta, Kafue, Chiawa, Leopards Hill/Susman/ Chongwe and Luangwa Bridge/ Luangwa Boma roads. The province will also rehabilitate Luangwa Rest House and complete the main structure which is currently being constructed and also some Government offices using capital projects funds which we have been allocated. {mospagebreak}
Mr Chairman, with the launch of the Zambia Social Investment Fund (ZAMSIF) last year, the province will this year be required to strengthen its co-ordinative and monitoring law of development activities through both the Provincial Development Co-ordinating Committee and the District Development Co-ordinating Committee in order to reduce poverty. Since the scope of ZAMSIF is wider than that of its predecessor, the Micro-Projects Unit, with its focus being on major districts and community projects, the province will within this be required to improve the capacity of the District Administrators co-ordinative role in both district and community projects.
The province will also continue to promote community participation in development, especially through ZAMSIF by involving communities in project identification, implementation and management so that there are all targeted towards addressing critical needs of local communities. The province will also endeavour to encourage investors, both local and foreign, to invest in the province through the provision of the necessary infrastructure and logistical support.
Mr Chairman, I would like to call upon all the people of Lusaka Province to exploit the potential which is in the rural centres of the province, namely, Chiawa and Luangwa. At the moment, the only investors that we have are foreign which is a very sad affair.
The province will, as well, support the Presidential Housing Initiative within the province in every possible way to ensure an increase of the housing stocks as well as the empowerment of local communities with shelter. Efforts will be made in facilitating progress in the newly identified housing complex site in Makeni and Mandevu where more than 1,000 housing units are expected to be constructed. I am sure that Hon. Professor Nkandu Luo, who should pay attention, will be assisted in her constituency this year.
Similarly, Lusaka District will also be opening up three schemes during the course of this year. South of Woodlands and Chilenje we are opening up more land there. I would like to announce that as Minister for the Province, I am encouraging and directing all local authorities in the district not to allocate land which has not been serviced. This has been the stand of the Government. In urban areas, we want all the residential plots to be serviced. That is when they can be offered.
In addition, the Department of Physical Planning and Housing of Lusaka has prepared lay out plans for residential plots in Chilanga and Shikoswe Green Fields in Kafue where about 786 plots have been created. This effort is intended to open more land for people to build houses. During the year, the Lusaka Province Planning Authority met eleven times and approved forty-one applications for sub-division and ninety-seven for development. It is the province’s desire to prepare a regional plan in consultation with the relevant stakeholders which will direct development processes in all the districts of the province.
The Lusaka City Council has also come up with a draft structure plan which will guide all development by showing actual projects to be undertaken in respective areas and options for the expansion of the city. As you go to the airport, there is a corridor of commercial and industrial plots which will be opened along both the left and the right side of the road. I would like urge the residents of Lusaka to have a look at this plan which has been prepared, but has not been approved yet. If there are any suggestions to be made, please, go to Lusaka City Council. This is the appropriate time.
The increased planning needs are mainly resulting from a high population growth that has increased in Lusaka from 400,000 people in 1972 to about more than 2.5 million people today. The pressure in Lusaka is much more than in any other town. Lusaka continues to receive the other residents from all over the other provinces. We have many people running away from the Copperbelt coming to Lusaka and we have so many friends, like Hon. Major Kamanga, running away from Eastern Province coming to Lusaka, thereby putting so much pressure on the utilities and services that we can offer. As a result, there is so much pressure on the other amenities which are supposed to be meant only for Lusaka residents. I want Hon. Major Kamanga to pay attention to this.
Other developments undertaken during the year include the adoption of the upgrading of the informal settlements, namely, Chazanga, Kalikiliki, Kamanga, Ng'ombe, Chibolya, Kanyama, Linda and Freedom compounds. I am proud to say that all the shanty compounds we have in Lusaka are being upgraded so that we can give them the best necessities, that is, water and sanitation. As a result, projects aimed at providing water, community schools, micro-finance and improvement of roads and drainage have already started with the help of financing institutions. In the City of Lusaka, every constituency has a clinic or a mini-hospital. I think this is an achievement for the MMD and I would like Hon. Dipak Patel to be able to get this message. It is a very proud record for the MMD.
Mr Patel: I agree.
Mr Mulenga: Thank you very much.
Mr Chairman, I would also like to inform the hon. Members that we have, on the drawing board, eight basic schools. In fact, these have been completed already. The last school was completed about two weeks ago. Again, this is a very good record for the province.
Mr Mmembe: It is for the ministry.
Mr Mulenga: It is for the province.
Since the country will be hosting the OAU Summit this year, the province will be required to provide special logistical support, as well as security to the delegates. Similarly, services will also have to be provided to tourists coming to view the eclipse of the sun in June, 2001. The province, as in many parts of the country, is facing unprecedented high rainfall causing flooding, especially in the lower areas of Luangwa District and Chiawa in Kafue District. The floods have resulted in loss of life and agricultural production and has led to roads being impassable as well as bridges being washed away, especially in Luangwa District.
A number of people have been affected adversely as a result of the floods, which have led to the washing away of their houses. The affected will, therefore, require substantial relief in order to help them resume their normal lives.
Mr Chairman, at this point I would like to thank the Red Cross for the good work which they have started by assisting the people in the area. I would like to call upon the businessmen to supplement the efforts of the NGOs.
Mr Chairman, there is a very strong possibility of an outbreak of cholera in these affected areas. I only hope that the hon. Minister of Health and other line ministries will help us to work with the Disaster Management Unit, under the Office of the Vice-President so that we can assist families to lead normal life by providing them with the necessary requisites as quickly as possible.
In conclusion, Sir, there is no dispute and I think I would like my colleagues from the Opposition to know that in the province, we have made a difference ...
Mr Mulongoti: Go to Kabwata.
Mr Mulenga: ... and I am sure this augers well also for the other areas. I have heard, during the debates, people complaining about the roads in some other provinces. I would like to tell hon. Members of Parliament that a lot of effort has been made by the Government from 1991. We have done more than the other people did in the past thirty years and I think we should be congratulated on the efforts that we continue to put in.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mulenga: However, it is important for the Government to continue with the implementation of these policies in order to make development a reality not only in Lusaka Province, but also in the other provinces.
I also want to call upon the media, Sir, to continue highlighting developmental efforts being made by the Government. If you read our papers, the coverage is on nothing but politics. The people of Zambia will not eat politics alone. Let us look at developmental issues and the constrains and receive constructive criticism on how we can move forward as a country.
Mr Patel: Tell the DAs.
Mr Mulenga: Sir, I would like to inform Hon. Dipak Patel that the four districts in Lusaka will ensure that we do not carry over non-payment of salaries. All the four districts will be self-sustaining in as far as payment of salaries is concerned. I would like to advise my colleagues from the other provinces that although the Government has sometimes assisted in the payment of salaries to local authorities - I agree that there are some remote rural district councils which will definitely require assistance from the Central Government- those district councils which are very well located and have infrastructure should sustain themselves. I hope that my colleagues have got this message.
Mr Chairman, I think I will end up here because I have covered quite a lot and I would like to thank you for the initiative to give the Provincial Ministers chance to highlight developmental issues in our provinces.
Mr Chairman, I thank you.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Chairman: The hon. Minister for Western Province is out of town. He is in the province on party business and the new entrant into the Executive wing of Government for Eastern Province is not yet ready as he has not yet taken his oath. So, we have to wait and to this effect His Honour the Vice-President will give the final touch to all provinces and that is when he is expected to address the issue of District Administrators raised by hon. Member for Lusaka Central (Mr Patel).
To this effect, I interrupt the proceedings and the debate stands adjourned.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear, long live!
(Debate adjourned)
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
(Progress reported)
The Vice-President(Lieutenant-General Tembo): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
The House adjourned at 1517 hours until 0900 hours on Friday, 9th March, 2001.