Committee on Local Governance, Housing and Chiefs' Affairs

Committee Type: 

Functions of the Committee

Functions of the Committee: 

Functions of the Committee on Local Governance, Housing and Chiefs' Affairs:


In accordance with the National Assembly Standing Orders, the functions of the Committee are to:

  • study, report and make recommendations to the Government through the House on the mandate, management and operations of the Ministry of Local Government and Housing and the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, departments and/or agencies under their portfolios;
  • carry out detailed scrutiny of certain activities being undertaken by the ministries, departments and/or agencies under their portfolios and make appropriate recommendations to the House for ultimate consideration by the Government;
  • Consider in detail the annual reports and any other reports of the Ministry of Local Government and Housing, its departments and/or agencies under its portfolio;
  • make, if considered necessary, recommendations to the Government on the need to review certain policies and/or certain existing legislation; and
  • consider any bills that may be referred to it by the House.