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Debates- Tuesday, 5th August, 2008
Tuesday, 5th August, 2008
The House met at 1430 hours
The following Member took and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance:
Reuben Chisanga Banda
Madam Deputy Speaker: I wish to inform the House that my office has received communication from the Office of the Vice-President to the effect that, in the absence of His Honour the Vice-President, who is attending to other national duties, Hon. G. W. Mpombo, MP, Minister of Defence, has been appointed Acting Leader of Government Business in the House.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Madam Deputy Speaker: I wish to acquaint the House with a fact already sadly known that the House lost one of its Members, Mr Albert Chota Kanyanyamina, Member of Parliament for Kanchibiya Parliamentary Constituency.
Mr Albert Chota Kanyanyamina died on 18th July, 2008 and was buried in Mpika on Monday, 21st July, 2008. The House was represented at the burial by Hon. Mkhondo D. Lungu, MP, Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House as Leader of the Delegation, ten Members of Parliament and two members of staff, namely:
1. Hon. H. I. Mwanza, MP, Deputy Chief Whip;
2. Mr E. Kasoko, MP;
3. Mr M. Kapeya, MP;
4. Mr Y. D. Mukanga, MP;
5. Ms J. Kapata, MP;
6. Mrs J. N. Phiri, MP;
7. Mr M. Habeenzu, MP;
8. Mr E. M. Munaile, MP;
9. Mr V. Mwale, MP;
10. Mr M. H. Malama, MP;
11. Mr S. M. Kateule, Principal Clerk of Committees (Secretary to the Delegation), and
12. Mr C. Bulaya, Parliamentary Security Officer.
I conveyed the sympathies and condolences of this House to the bereaved family. May I now request all hon. Members to stand in their places and observe a minute of silence in honour of the memory of the late hon. Member of Parliament.
Members of Parliament stood in silence for one minute.
The Minister of Defence (Mr Mpombo): Madam Speaker, I rise to give the House some idea of the Business it will consider this week. However, before I do this, allow me to welcome all hon. Members to the mid-year sitting of the House. I do hope that hon. Members have had some rest and are ready and anxious to undertake the business of the House that is lined up for them in the coming weeks.
Madam Speaker, let me now turn to the Business the House will consider this week. Today, Tuesday, 5th August, 2008, the main Business of the House, as indicated on the order paper, will be Questions for oral answer.
Tomorrow, Wednesday, 6th August, 2008, the Business of the House will begin with Questions, if there will be any. This will be followed by presentation of Government Bills, if there will be any. After that, the House will consider Private Members’ Motions, if there will be any. Thereafter, the House will consider the Motion to be moved by the Acting Leader of Government Business in the House on the death of Dr Chosani Alick Njobvu, Member of Parliament for Milanzi Parliamentary Constituency, who passed away on 19th March, 2008 as the House was preparing to conclude the Budget sitting.
On Thursday, 7th August, 2008, the Business of the House will begin with Questions, if there will be any. This will be followed by presentation of Government Bills, if there will be any. Thereafter, the House will consider the report of the Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to scrutinise the Presidential appointment of Honourable Mr Justice Marvin Sitwala Mwanamwambwa to serve as Supreme Court judge.
Madam Speaker, on Friday, 8th August, 2008, the Business of the House will begin with Questions, if there will be any. This will be followed by presentation of Government Bills, if there will be any. The House will then consider the tour report of the Committee on Energy, Environment and Tourism. The House may also consider any other business that might have been presented to it earlier in the week.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister of Energy and Water Development (Mr Konga): Madam Speaker, I feel privileged to be allowed to, once more, address this august House on the energy situation prevailing in the country. This statement is aimed at providing a brief on the various issues in the energy sector, especially those related to electricity to the nation, through this august House. Energy, as we are all aware, is an important input to virtually all productive processes and as such, its availability in sufficient quantities for these purposes cannot be over emphasised.
You will recall that I had earlier informed the House that in an effort to improve the energy sector, the Government adopted a new energy policy in November 2007, in order to make it responsive to the challenges not only facing the energy sector, but also the national and global economy as well.
Madam Speaker, allow me now to provide this House with a brief on the current status of the electricity sub-sector.
As the hon. Members of the House are aware, Zambia, like other countries in the Southern African region, is experiencing a power deficit. For Zambia, the non-availability of some generators that are currently being rehabilitated has greatly contributed to this power deficit. However, I wish to inform the House that the power rehabilitation programme is progressing well and is on schedule.
Mr Kambwili: Question!
Mr Konga: For the Kafue Gorge Power Station, the rehabilitation and up-rating programme is expected to be completed in December, 2008 which will see the country gaining an extra 90 Mega Watts from this power station. The works at the Kariba North Bank Power Station are also progressing well and are on schedule and are expected to be completed by March, 2009, at which point the country will also gain an extra 120 megawatts.
Members of this august House will recall that the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) had asked the Government to assist it with funds to finance the completion of the remaining works under this programme. I am happy to confirm that the Government has provided ZESCO with US$50 million for this purpose. This will ensure that the works are completed as scheduled. At completion, a total of 210 megawatts will be added to the country’s generation capacity. This will come from the up-rating of the generators at the two stated power stations.
This is a big benefit from the programme which is as good as having a new power station equivalent to that being promoted on the Kalungwishi River being constructed and at a considerably low cost.
Further, the life of the generation equipment will be renewed which will lead to more efficient electricity generation, therefore, ensuring security of supply from the stated power stations.
Madam Speaker, until the programme of rehabilitation has been completed, ZESCO will continue with load shedding though at reduced levels.
Hon. Opposition Members: Aah!
Mr Konga: However, since the national demand for electricity continues to grow, load shedding will continue until the new power stations have been commissioned because rehabilitating and up-rating is only a short-term solution. As part of the short-term measures to mitigate the power deficit, all electricity consumers are urged to continue conserving power by employing energy measures, such as the use of energy saving lamps and switching off all electrical appliances when they are not required. As hon. Members of this august House are aware, the Government has already made its contribution by reducing taxes on energy efficient equipment.
Furthermore, the Government is currently promoting the following generation projects:
The Kafue Gorge Lower Hydropower Project, a plant to produce 750 megawatts at an estimated cost of US$1.5 billion. Here, expressions of interest for developers will be advertised during the month of August, 2008. Once implemented, the project is expected to be commissioned by 2016.
The second one is the Kalungwishi Hydropower Project, a plant to produce 210 Mega Watts at an estimated cost of US$850 million, and this includes the construction of a 510km transmission line into Serenje. Once implemented, this project will be commissioned by 2015.
The third one is the Kariba North Bank Extension Project which is planned to produce 360 megawatts at an estimated cost of US$360 million and also once implemented, should be commissioned by 2012.
The fourth one is the Itezhi-tezhi Hydropower Project on the Kafue River which is also supposed to produce 120 megawatts on completion at an estimated cost of US$150 million. This project is also expected to be commissioned by 2012.
The last, not also being the least, is the Kabompo Hydropower Project to produce thirty-four megawatts at an estimated cost of US$80 million and the project will be commissioned by 2014.
Madam Speaker, in addition to the projects I have just mentioned, the Government is discussing with other potential investors for the development of coal fired thermal plants. Since thermal plants are quicker to build, these are expected to be commissioned earlier than the hydro projects that I have just mentioned. Once, commissioned, we expect to produce over 1,000 megawatts from the coal fired plants.
As Members of this august House will recall, the Government desires to achieve economic growth rates of about 8 per cent per annum during this period. However, without power, this target of economic growth will not be possible. Therefore, the planned 2,500 megawatts from the new projects before 2020 will ensure that the country’s growing demand for power is fully satisfied so as to support the country’s socio-economic development.
The successful development of these projects will require that the Government ensures that the issue of electricity tariffs is adequately addressed. The current electricity tariffs which are lower than 4 United States cents per kilowatt hour are far less than the cost of generating electricity which is between 7 to 8 United States cents per kilowatt hour. Without adjusting the tariffs to cost reflective levels, the new projects will not materialise, therefore, worsening the power supply situation in the country.
Madam Speaker, some members of the public have called on the Government to unbundle ZESCO. As this august House is aware, the Government and some of its co-operating partners agreed on a programme to commercialise ZESCO. This programme is still on-going. Some of the challenges that have slowed the programme include the existing low tariffs and undercapitalisation of the company. These are being addressed. Tariffs, as I alluded to earlier, will progressively rise to cost reflective levels. The Energy Regulation Board, early this year, approved a tariff migration path aimed at ensuring that electricity tariffs are cost reflective to support not only ZESCO but also new investors in the electricity sub-sector.
For ZESCO, these actions are not enough, as the utility company’s general performance has to improve as well. The Government has given clear directives to the board of directors of ZESCO to address the company’s economic viability as well as ensuring that its services to consumers improve. Among issues to be addressed include the following:
(i) reduce delays in connecting newly paid up customers;
(ii) improve the billing system;
(iii) reduce staff costs as a proportion of the total expenditure of the company; and
(iv) reduce technical and non-technical losses.
The Government’s input to this process includes the recapitalisation of the company which has started with the initial injection of US$50 million into the company.
While ZESCO is being improved, the private sector is also being encouraged to participate in new projects, either on their own or through public-private partnerships. These initiatives require a conducive environment, of which the Government is fully aware. It is not a secret that new investors in the electricity sub-sector will require access to customers. It is in this regard that the Energy Regulation Board has commenced the development of a grid code. This code will address issues of market access through a conducive transmission system.
To the customer, it does not matter whether electricity is supplied by a public or private entity. What matters to the customer is that the electricity supply is reliable and reasonably priced. It is also true that there is no industry structure model that works for all countries. A number of large electricity utilities in the world are currently structured like ZESCO. What is important, however, is that they deliver reliable and cost reflective services.
With regard to new investments, it is not wise to bar ZESCO from participating in them if this is feasible. Hon. Members of the House may be aware that out of the five new projects under promotion that I have just mentioned, ZESCO is only working on two, namely Kariba North Bank extension and Itezhi-tezhi. The other projects, Kalungwishi and Kabompo, are to be developed by the private sector while the Kafue Gorge Lower is to be developed on the basis of a public-private partnership. Other new projects will be developed based on the best model available to the Government. In fact, the new energy policy categorically specifies that one of the national goals in the electricity sub-sector is to promote private sector involvement in generation and transmission. The Government clearly understands what this promotion entails.
Madam Speaker, some members of the public have questioned ZESCO’s investments in optic fibre. The investment of electricity utilities in optic fibre is not only unique to ZESCO, but is also common practice worldwide. As hon. Members of the House may now be aware, ZESCO has invested heavily in the rehabilitation of its generation, transmission and distribution networks under the Power Rehabilitation Project. The project has seen the modernisation of the protection and control systems at all the voltage levels with ZESCO managing state-of-the-art-equipment. In order to fully utilise the capabilities of the protection and control equipment, it became necessary for ZESCO to invest in modern and reliable means of communication. The decision was, therefore, taken to invest in an optic fibre network in order to fully utilise the new equipment.
By the nature of its design, an optic fibre system normally has a lot of excess capacity. It is this excess capacity that ZESCO has taken advantage of to commercially utilise. The ZESCO optic fibre network is also available for utilisation by the Zambia Telecommunications Company Limited (ZAMTEL). Currently, discussions are held between ZESCO and ZAMTEL to determine the optimum model for the development and usage of the network.
Madam Speaker, allow me to also indicate that with finalisation of the Rural Electrification Master Plan, the Government is vigorously looking for resources to enable its full implementation. The target is to have at least 51 per cent of the rural population have access to electricity by 2030. Considering that the rural electricity access rate is only 4 per cent at the moment, this will be a big achievement. The challenge, however, is to raise the required funds for this programme which are estimated at over K170 billion per annum to fully implement the Rural Electrification Master Plan. I, therefore, call upon hon. Members of this august House to support the Government in its efforts to fully implement the Rural Electrification Master Plan.
Madam Speaker, given the complexity and needs of the energy sector, the House is also informed that the Government is spearheading the development of a long-term energy strategy to cover the period 2008-2030 in line with the Vision 2030. This strategy is still under discussion and hon. Members of the House and the public are free to make inputs into it.
Madam Speaker, I thank you.
Madam Deputy Speaker: Hon. Members are now free to ask questions on points of clarification on the statement given by the hon. Minister of Energy and Water Development.
Mr Kambwili (Roan): Madam Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister of Energy and Water Development whether it is not an act of fraud on ZESCO to continue collecting full charges on those people that are on fixed charges when they are receiving half of the electricity supply per month.
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, I am grateful for that question from the hon. Member who is very concerned that ZESCO is collecting full amounts for energy that is not being provided. This, of course, is inconsistent with the law because consumers should only pay for the energy that they use. This matter will be taken up and ZESCO will address the issue.
Hon. Government Member: Hear, hear!
Thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Mwiimbu (Monze): Madam Speaker, the Minister of Energy and Water Development indicated that the Government is vigorously pursuing the financing aspects of the Rural Electrification Programme in Zambia. As far as I am concerned, I have not seen any vigour on the part of Government pertaining to rural electrification.
Hon. UPND Member: Yes.
Mr Mwiimbu: What tangible measures is the Government putting in place to ensure that there is vigour in their pursuit of electrifying rural areas? There is no project in the Southern Province under the Rural Electrification Programme.
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! You ask the question and not debate.
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, I do not know what the hon. Member gives as evidence for vigour …
Mr Konga: … because even before the sitting, I repeatedly indicated what projects have been undertaken through the Rural Electrification Master Plan. The plans were earlier distributed to the hon. Members of the House and this project will start in 2008. There are projects, but what hon. Members might fail to see now is that these projects have been put in packages. Therefore, some projects which are being implemented may not be in the constituency where the hon. Member comes from and that is why they may not be visible. However, with your permission, even this afternoon, in answering some of the questions that have been posed, we shall show that the Government is vigorously pursuing this project.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Milupi (Luena): Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister, in his statement, stated that the various capital projects will show result by 2020 with an extra 1,000 megawatts. Would the hon. Minister assure this nation that by that time, the load demand in this country will be less than the 1,000 megawatts plus the current 1,700 megawatts which is 2,700 megawatts which will be the new capacity by 2030?
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Member for that question. I observed during my address that some hon. Members of the House were not paying attention.
Hon. Opposition Members: Aah!
Mr Konga: Yes, I observed that and probably that is the reason this question has arisen. I indicated the various hydro-power projects that the Government has embarked on which roughly come to about 2500 megawatts. On top of the 2500 megawatts from hydro-power stations that will be coming in by 2020, we are also pursuing thermal power projects which total about 1000 megawatts. When we add these two figures, the energy is in excess of 3500 megawatts. When we add the current available energy after rehabilitation which comes to about 2000 megawatts plus the 3000 megawatts which will be available by 2020, this country should have in excess of 5500 megawatts. That is the energy which is going to be available to drive the various economic activities the Government has embarked upon. We are, of course, aware that energy requirements will still be increasing and the Government will pursue efforts to look for other potential sites from which we can derive energy.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Dr Kalumba (Chienge): Madam Speaker, I would like the hon. Minister to clarify the point in his response to Hon. Kambwili which suggests venality on behalf of ZESCO. Does the idea of fixed rate billing by ZESCO imply a contract where variability in consumption is not considered a factor in the rate of payment?
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, fixed rate billing for ZESCO is based on the assumption that the customer does not consume more than a certain fixed amount of energy. That is the basis of fixed billing. If the customers are being deprived of even that which they have agreed with ZESCO then I think that that matter needs to be addressed so that the consumers do not feel that they are paying for services that they are not getting. I hope that answers the question.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Dr Scott (Lusaka Central): Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister passed over rather glibly the question of adjusting tariff rates upwards. Can we please have his assurance that this will not be another case in which the consumers, the small people, are the ones who are going to bear the brunt of the increase while the big foreign investors continue to have their current concessions on electricity tariffs including even the concession that they do not need to pay rural electrification levy. Can he please assure us this will be an equitable exercise?
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, the issue of tariffs, as has been debated several times, is one which we need to look at objectively as opposed to emotionally. To provide a service to customers and especially domestic customers who are being called small, takes much more than it takes to provide electricity to what are called the bigger customers due to the cost of the distribution network. Now, any business action requires that costing is appropriately done taking into account all the costs involved in the delivery of that service. Often times-which was proven in a study that was undertaken - the bigger customers have actually been subsidising the smaller customers.
Hon. Opposition Members: Where?
Mr Konga: Please, listen to me carefully. As I have said, there is a cost for distribution which includes the putting up of poles, conductors and all other accessories. However, that cost is usually not there for the larger customers. Regarding the mines, ZESCO only ends at the transmission network, from where the Copperbelt Energy Company (CEC) takes over the responsibility. At the moment, ZESCO and CEC have even agreed on a tariff adjustment.
Madam Speaker, to equate the cost of transmission to the cost of distribution is a fallacy. Therefore, the rate of tariff for the domestic consumers has to be higher than that of larger customers who are only getting power at transmission networks.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Nkombo (Mazabuka Central): Madam Speaker, I thank the hon. Minister for his statement and would like him to confirm whether the Kalungwishi Power Project has been awarded and that the company which was awarded was Lunzuba Power Authority which is working in corporation with the Olympic Milling Company. If so, I would like to find out what has held back its commencement.
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, I wish to confirm, and I think I confirm this to this House last year if the hon. Member cared to listen that time, that the Kalungwishi Power Project was awarded to Lunzuba Power Corporation. It might appear to the hon. Member that work has not commenced, but the programme for the implementation of the project by the developer is on course, as has been agreed on the timeframe with the office for promoting private power investment in the country. I, therefore, do confirm that the project was awarded to Lunzuba and the work is going on.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sikazwe (Chimbamilonga): Madam Speaker, I would like to know how committed the Government is to engage the private sector to take up the Kapisha Geo-thermal Plant which ZESCO has neglected for ten years …
Hon. Opposition Members: Hammer!
Mr Sikazwe: … since the handover from the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development despite the Government assurances in 2002 and 2008 respectively. This is scaring away all the investors today.
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, the Government, as I have alluded to in my statement, is very committed to tapping all the forms of energy available in the country and one of those forms of energy is geo-thermal, from the ground. The Government is aware of the potential of the Kapisha Geo-thermal Station in Chimbamilonga Constituency. Contrary to the views that the hon. Member might have, the Government intends to undertake further studies because the potential that was identified then was for 702 kilowatts of energy. The Government is, therefore, working with some partners to undertake a thorough study at the area to determine the full potential with the intention of tapping the available energy.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mrs Sinyangwe (Matero): Madam Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister when ZESCO will complete the prepaid billing system because it seems like the exercise is done piecemeal. What is the problem?
Mr Konga: Madam Speaker, that is a very important question. One of the challenges I alluded to is that the Government has tasked ZESCO to address the issues of the financial viability of the company. We are aware that the company is losing a lot of money in the credit billing system that they are using.
To this effect, the Government invited a private investor to set up a meter assembly plant on the Copperbelt which has subsequently opened and has already employed some Zambians who are assembling prepaid meters as well as credit meters. The idea is for us to produce prepaid meters locally and create employment. These meters will be put on customer premises so that customers can pay for their energy before they even use it. In the process, they will contribute towards the company’s financial viability.
Madam Speaker, about 65,000 meters have been installed in Lusaka. This exercise has been completed in some townships of the city while it is still going on in other areas. However, our target is to provide all domestic customers with prepaid meters so that they can be able to manage their energy consumption.
Therefore, I would like to assure hon. Members that the process may appear to be slow, but it is on course. This is being done at the same time as the production of the meter boxes. If there are any specific areas that have been visited and some customers were omitted, please, the area Member of Parliament should feel free to contact ZESCO or indeed, myself so that we visit those areas.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}
214. Ms Kapata (Mandevu) asked the Minister of Health whether screening for HIV/AIDS in high schools is done and, if so, whether it was compulsory.
The Minister of Health (Dr Chituwo): Madam Speaker, the HIV pandemic has been with us for almost two decades now during which it has changed the pattern of most diseases in the practice of medicine and has drastically increased our expenditure on healthcare. Similarly, it has taken away skilled manpower through death and reduced the country’s productivity due to prolonged ill health.
Madam Speaker, currently, there are 830 Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) centres spread throughout the country. These centres are open and are easily accessible to everyone, including high school pupils. In the process of testing, clients’ human rights are respected. Therefore, the screening done is not compulsory but voluntary, hence the name VCT.
Madam, through the health promotion campaigns, the Ministry has increased demand for VCT services using various channels of communication, including the print and electronic media. The Ministry has since noted that the number of people accessing services continues to increase. In every high school, there are HIV/AIDS clubs that spearhead peer education. In addition, many hospitals have youth friendly corners for the purpose of strengthening access to health by the youth.
Madam Speaker, allow me to conclude this question by stating that the Government emphasises the fact that youths must be sensitised as they are, indeed, the future of our nation.
I thank you, Madam.
Ms Kapata: Madam Speaker, while we know that the Government policy on the girl child is to go back to school after delivery. This means that our children are indulging in sexual activities. What has the Ministry put in place to ensure that there are focal points or teachers who can speak to pupils on a daily basis so that they are sensitised more on HIV/AIDS issues?
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, I am happy that the hon. Member of Parliament recognises our concerted efforts to have the girl child go back to school rather than being disadvantaged after pregnancy.
As I have stated, the effective way of communication is to have these peer educators. These are now in place. We also have teachers, focal point persons and career masters who are tasked with the issue of HIV/AIDS. Therefore, we feel that with this involvement, there is enough sensitisation and we only have to strengthen them for the youths in schools.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Lubinda (Kabwata): Madam Speaker, the hon. Minister has stated correctly that the pandemic has been with us for more than two decades. He has, on several times, spoken about the fact that all of us, in one way or another, are affected by this pandemic. I would like to find out from him whether the Government does consider the fact that HIV/AIDS has become a chronic condition like any other chronic condition such as diabetes, blood pressure for which there is medication and, at least, there are antiretroviral drugs now. If there are no human rights issues surrounding testing a person for diabetes or even for prostrate cancer, why should there be consideration about human rights when it comes to testing for HIV/AIDS? Is the Government not considering coming up with a policy to ensure that testing for HIV/AIDS becomes mandatory such as is being applied for all pregnant mothers?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, the Government does recognise that HIV/AIDS must be considered like any other chronic illness. However, in the testing of HIV/AIDS, one has to physically get an injection, collect blood …
Dr Chituwo: Hon. Member for Lusaka Central, listen!
Dr Chituwo: I am sorry, Madam Speaker.
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, what I am saying is that unlike diabetes, as long as a health worker does not assault that individual, they have to get consent or inform the patient in order to collect blood for which to test for HIV/AIDS. Until this House changes that law for the respect of an individual’s rights, it would be wrong for any health worker to indiscriminately collect blood without their consent. Basically, this is what guides us.
Madam Speaker, with regard to pregnancy, I would like to state that mothers are wonderful people. They care about their unborn children and this is why the rate of consent in pregnancy is well over 99 per cent.
Therefore, with informed consent, mothers accept that they must be tested for the simple reason that they must protect the unborn child and subsequently themselves. I think this is the way forward.
Madam Speaker, I thank you.
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Machungwa (Luapula): Madam Speaker, considering the concern of this House and that of the nation, when will the Government, through the Ministry of Health, bring to this august House an authoritative statement on the status of the health of the President, to cut down on rumour mongering because all we have heard are statements that his condition is stable …
The Deputy Speaker: Order!
To start with, I think that the hon. Member has gone totally away from the question on the Order Paper. Secondly, he is trying to raise a very important question through the back door. Hon. Members of this august House are concerned, just like any other citizen. However, as for this House, all of us who are the law makers should know exactly the process that may bring the situation of the status of the President’s health to this House. I think that it is not an issue you should bring in this manner.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
215. Ms Kapata asked the Minister of Energy and Water Development:
(a) whether the Government was aware that the 26 per cent increase in domestic electricity tariffs by ZESCO was too high for a common Zambian; and
(b) if so, what measures had the Government taken to cushion the poor majority in Zambia who are adversely affected by the sudden huge increase in electricity tariffs.
The Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Development (Mr Sichilima): Madam Speaker, the Government is aware that the recent tariff increase may cause difficulties to some citizens and not the poor majority as referred to. However, as a country, tariffs had to be increased to improve the provision of electricity the people.
A study to determine the actual costs of supplying electricity was completed in 2006 and the results confirmed the earlier analysis that the tariffs were well below cost. The study recommended that the tariffs had to increase by 60 per cent for non-mining customers such as domestic consumers.
Madam Speaker, when the Energy Regulation Board considered an application by the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) Limited to increase tariffs and also conducted public hearings to hear the views of the public on the proposed increase, an increment of 60 per cent was perceived to be too high for the ordinary Zambian, hence the 26 per cent increment. Furthermore, the study also revealed that the low tariffs cannot support existing and planned new investments. It concludes that the low tariffs have become a major constraint to electricity capacity and access expansion.
The recommendations of the study are that tariffs must achieve both economic efficiency and equity objectives. The Government recognises the need for economic tariffs as an attraction to investors to come into the energy sector. If the tariffs had been set correctly, our country would not have experienced the load shedding currently being experienced because we could, over time, have attracted more investment in electricity generation to satisfy the demand. Therefore, the tariffs had to be increased.
Madam Speaker, the Government has, over the years, been promoting diversification in our energy mix to encourage the use of other forms of energy. Admittedly, these activities have not been aggressively implemented. However, in order to address this shortcoming, in the 2008 Budget, the Government has set aside some funds for the promotion of various forms of energy and has encouraged the efficient use of electricity. Therefore, the Government will aggressively promote the use of energy forms such as solar, gel fuel and particularly the use of gas stoves to complement the use of electricity. The intended objective of these activities is to reduce dependence by domestic customers on electricity, particularly for those who may afford to pay the electricity tariffs.
I thank you, Madam.
Ms Kapata: Madam Speaker, my question has been pre-emptied by the hon. Minister.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Kapata: Madam Speaker, Mandevu Constituency is actually dating ZESCO this weekend to explain to the people at the grassroots what is going on. However, I would like to find out what the Ministry of Energy and Water Development is doing about the power outages, especially in Government run institutions such as secondary schools, clinics and hospitals. Mandevu has clinics that run on a twenty-four hour basis and three quarters ….
The Deputy Speaker: Order! Ask your question.
Ms Kapata: Madam Speaker, I have asked my question.
The Deputy Speaker: I think you have.
The Minister of Energy and Water Development (Mr Konga): Madam Speaker, I will try to piece together the question because it was not very clear. I think it was a question of what the Government is doing about the power outages in public institutions.
Madam Speaker, I just gave a Ministerial Statement I which I indicated that due to the rehabilitation works going on at the two major power stations, as well as the growth in the economy because of the good policies of this Government, there is an unprecedented demand for energy which has caused load shedding. Therefore, perceived power outages, are planned in order to manage the generation. The Government is completing the rehabilitation of the Kafue Gorge and the Kariba North Bank Power Stations in December, 2008 and March, 2009 respectively. We are also investing in new hydro-generation and thermo plants to address the power outages.
Madam Speaker, I hope that conclusively answered the question.
I thank you, Madam.
216. Mr D. Mwila (Chipili) asked the Minister of Justice:
(a) how many legal cases the Government lost from 2001 to 2007; and
(b) how much was spent on the following in the same period above:
(i) legal fees; and
(ii) compensation.
The Minister of Justice (Mr Kunda, SC.): Madam Speaker, the number of cases that the Government lost from 2001 to 2007 is as follows:
Year Cases
2000-2001 227
2002 93
2003 44
2004 105
2005 90
2006 68
2007 74
Madam Speaker, it is worth mentioning that in some instances, the Government does settle cases by way of consent or out of court in an effort to mitigate costs or if the Government had no defence to a particular claim.
Madam Speaker, the Government spent a sum of K310,983,397,960.00. You may wish to know that at payment, legal fees are not separated from total amounts of compensation due, hence this amount includes both legal fees and compensation payments. It should be noted that the above payments include compensation cases which do not necessarily go through the litigation process.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr D. Mwila: Madam Speaker, there are some arrests which are not necessary and are not within the laws of this country, yet the Government has continued to lose money due to such arrests. I would like to find out from the hon. Minister what this Government is doing to avoid that?
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, the Government will continue to fight crime …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda: … in whatever form it manifests itself.
Mr Kunda: At the same time, we are educating police officers in issues of human rights so that we can reduce on some of these claims.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, the question at (b) that the hon. Member for Chipili (Mr D. Mwila) has asked is specifically a breakdown on the costs towards legal fees and compensation. Like any other lawyer in this House, the hon. Minister of Justice knows that it is possible for his Ministry to give that breakdown because we would like to know how much of taxpayer’s money went to paying legal fees on matters on which the Government lost cases. We would not like to be given a total sum. Could the hon. Minister of Justice indicate to this House according to this question if he has respect to this House at all?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, I have already explained that as far as record keeping is concerned, once a judgment is adjudged against the State and compensation is awarded, the fees which are paid as party and particles are also included as part of the liability against the Government. Therefore, what we have in this case is a total sum.
Madam Speaker, I also wish to say from the way this question has been asked, it is talking about legal fees. This might mean the amount which is paid to returning lawyers. We have our own lawyers in Government and we do not pay legal fees.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order!
Major Chizhyuka (Namwala): Madam Speaker, although we have not received the number of lost cases as a percentage of the whole, judging from the number of the lost cases given by the hon. Minister, what do those huge numbers quotient? Are they indicative of insufficient legal representation on the side of the Government by way of lawyers or miscarriage of justice?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, I would like to thank the hon. Member for Namwala for that very intelligent question.
Madam Speaker, most of these cases are settled by us by consent. Sometimes, we have no defence in some of these cases at all. For example, if you deliver goods and you do not pay for them, even if you have the most brilliant lawyer, surely, justice must prevail and that case must be settled. Therefore, you would find that most of these cases are either settled and perhaps not a very big percentage goes up to the judgment level where a lawyer has to use his skills, argue the case and adduce evidence until judgment is delivered. In short, this is does not reflect some kind of inefficiency or a lack of lawyers, but is actually a combination of factors.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Kambwili (Roan): Madam Speaker, in view of the answer given by the hon. Minister of Justice that the Government does not hire lawyers and that there are no legal fees paid, I would like to find out whether the Nchito brothers work for the Government or offer their services free of charge.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, perhaps I should clarify that in most cases, we handle these cases ourselves and no fees are payable. We only pay salaries to our lawyers.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
217. Mr D. Mwila (Chipili) asked the Minister of Communications and Transport:
(a) how much was owed to the Zambia Telecommunications Company Limited (ZAMTEL) from 2001 to 2007 by the following Government ministries:
(i) Education;
(ii) Health;
(iii) Labour and Social Security;
(iv) Home Affairs;
(v) Defence; and
(vi) Lands; and
(b) how much was owed to ZAMTEL by the following companies in the same period above:
(i) Ndola Lime company Limited;
(ii) ZCCM investment Holding Plc;
(iii) Mpelembe Drilling Company Limited;
(iv) Kagem Mining Limited; and
(v) Scaw Limited.
The Deputy Minister of Communications and Transport (Mr Mubika): Madam Speaker, I would like to inform the House that from 2001 to 2003, the above ministries had composite accounts which accumulated a total of K26.7 billion. At the end of 2003, the balances were transferred to the Ministry of Finance and National Planning composite account following instructions from the Central Government to dismantle the composite accounts. By October, 2007, the outstanding balance was K24,982,565,219.63. Each ministry owed as follows:
Ministry Outstanding Amount (ZMK)
Education 1,235,229,709.47
Health 348,843,451.65
Labour and Social Security 650,294,020.57
Home Affairs 3,121,118,452.69
Defence 19,183,227,963.15
Lands 443,741,625.10
Total 24,982,565,219.63
Your attention should be drawn to the fact that corporate companies were managed under corporate accounts. The total indebtedness of the respective companies is as follows:
Name of Company Outstanding Amount (ZK)
Ndola Lime Company Limited 1,471,162.18
ZCCM Investments Holding 1,370,732.82
Mpelembe Drilling Limited 8,647,871.55
Kagem Mining Limited 3,540,184.05
Scaw Limited 6,846,594.08
Total 21,876,544.56
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr D. Mwila: Madam Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister whether she is aware that ZAMTEL has continued borrowing millions of dollars, and yet the Government owes it money and has not been paying. When is the Government going to clear this debt? What commitment have you made as a government?
The Minister of Communications and Transport (Ms Siliya): Madam Speaker, thank you very much. Madam, you are aware that at the beginning of this year, the President made a very important statement about punishing controlling officers who will continue to bring our Government into debt, especially who those are not paying for the services that are rendered to them. It is in this effort that the debt owed by the various ministries is scheduled to be paid by the Ministry of Finance and National Planning. As you have seen from the answer given by the Deputy Minister of Communications and Transport, the Government is making all efforts to try and liquidate this debt.
However, in terms of the latest information I have on ZAMTEL, the private sector owes more to ZAMTEL than the Government at this point. Therefore, I have instructed that ZAMTEL management to do everything possible to have this debt that they are owed, particularly by the private sector, liquidated. As a Government, through the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, we are doing everything possible to liquidate our debt and also expect the private sector to do the same to pay for services that ZAMTEL is offering them.
I know that ZAMTEL has put up a debt collecting task force to ensure that everybody who owes it money, including the Government as well as the private sector, actually pays what they owe so that ZAMTEL can try and get back into equilibrium.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sikota (Livingstone): Madam Speaker, although this particular Ministry is not one of the ones listed in the question, I would like to find out from the Hon. Minister of Communications and Transport whether her Ministry is in good standing when it comes to moneys owed to ZAMTEL and whether they are leading by example in that their Ministry does not owe anything.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Siliya: Thank you very much, Madam Speaker, let me say that that is a very eye opening question. Currently, I do not have the information on where we stand, but obviously, it is important that as the mother ministry we lead by example.
Hon. Member: Yes!
Ms Siliya: ZAMTEL is in a very difficult situation and we are trying to work together as a Ministry and ZAMTEL to try and liquidate their debt which is close to K400 billion. A large part of this K277 billion is statutory debt to the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA).
Therefore, it is in our interest as Ministry of Communications and Transport that we settle our debt to ZAMTEL promptly so that it can be able to declare to the Government the dividends it is supposed to declare because that was the whole purpose of setting up the company. It is not just for a few 3,000 workers who work for ZAMTEL, but for the twelve million Zambians so that they can all benefit from this enterprise that the Government set up.
I can assure you that I will do everything possible to ensure that our controlling officer in the Ministry makes sure that we are always on time in terms of paying debt.
Thank you, Madam.{mospagebreak}
218. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources:
(a) how much garbage/solid waste Zambia generated annually;
(b) how much of the garbage/solid waste generated in Lusaka from 2005 to 2007 had been disposed of in accordance with the laid down procedures;
(c) how much bio-degradable solid waste was used as biomass fuel from 2005 to 2007; and
(d) how much of the following waste had been recycled from 2005 to 2007:
(i) paper;
(ii) glass;
(iii) tin;
(iv) plastic; and
(v) rubber.
The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources (Mr Chilembo): Madam Speaker, Zambia generates about 2,000,000 tonnes of garbage/solid waste on average per annum.
Madam Speaker, of the garbage generated in Lusaka from 2005 to 2007, 216,501 tonnes, which represents 40 per cent of the total waste generated in Lusaka, was disposed of in accordance with the laid down procedures. A detailed breakdown of the waste disposed of in accordance with laid down procedures is a follows:
(i) 77,924 tonnes in 2005;
(ii) 60,955 tonnes in 2006; and
(iii) 77,622 tonnes in 2007
Madam, on part (c) of the Question, we have no information on the amount of bio-degradable waste used as bio-mass fuel from 2005 to 2007.
Madam Speaker, with regard to the waste recycled from 2005 to 2007, we can only report on paper and plastic as we have no record on glass, tin and rubber. The following are the details for paper and plastic:
Madam Speaker, 2,400 tonnes of paper, representing 75 per cent of the total paper waste generated in Zambia was exported for recycling to Zimbabwe and South Africa in 2005. In 2006, a total of 4,800 tonnes of paper waste, representing 90 per cent of the total paper waste generated was exported for recycling to the same countries. In 2007, a total of 5,560 tonnes of paper waste, representing 80 per cent of the total paper waste generated in Zambia was exported to Zimbabwe and South Africa.
The Ministry does not have the figure plastic which was recycled in 2005, but as for 2006, a total of 72 tonnes of plastic was recycled locally. In 2007, a total of 120 tonnes of plastic was recycled locally.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, we are midway through the Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) period which is 2006/2010. In the chapter under environment in the FNDP, are some important strategies which include coming up with mechanisms for waste collection, transportation, disposal and recycling. The other strategy is to do with introducing and enforcing charges for solid waste management and for its disposal. From the answer that the hon. Minister gave to us, it shows that the Government has not done anything whatsoever in arriving at strategies provided for in the FNDP. Could I ask the hon. Minister when the Government shall implement the intentions provided for in the FNDP which this Government sings about day in and day out?
Hon. PF Member: Hear, hear!
Mr Chilembo: Madam Speaker, the process of implementing what is stated in the Fifth National Development Plan is on going and I can assure the hon. Member that the fact that we have all these statistics means that we are closely monitoring what is pertaining on the ground. We are working very closely with the Ministry of Local Government and Housing on the issues of garbage disposal. However, you must also remember that there is a private and public partnership which is required for us to come up with an efficient way of disposing garbage.
Madam Speaker, we expect the business people to look at this as an opportunity to invest in this area of waste disposal. Therefore, this is not just the task of the Government, but for everyone including hon. Members of Parliament and business people to come forward and participate in the area of garbage disposal.
I thank you, Madam.
Dr Scott (Lusaka Central): Madam Speaker, is the hon. Minister not concerned at the evidence from his own sector that everything is cheaper to do in Zimbabwe and South Africa than it is in Zambia, thanks to our fiscal and monetary policies, making it uncompetitive to even process paper in our own country.
Mr Chilembo: Madam Speaker, there is evidence of whether it is cheaper to contract the recycling business in Zimbabwe as opposed to here in Zambia. The Challenge to the private sector is that we are inviting them to come in and participate in this business of recycling paper. It is not for the Government alone to do that, but we are there to facilitate and if there are businessmen and women who are ready, please, they should come forward because as a Government, we are there to help them.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Muteteka (Chisamba): Madam Speaker, as a result of the erratic power supply by ZESCO to our communities, the demand for charcoal has become high, as such, making the commodity very expensive. This has resulted in deforestation because of the rampant cutting of trees. I would like the hon. Minister to shade some light on what the Ministry is doing in line with climate change and also on the policy of afforestation.
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! In as much as the question may be a good one, it is unrelated to the question on the Order Paper. The question is on garbage and solid waste management.
219. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Health what the total number of ambulances in serviceable condition in Government health institutions was from 2002 to 2007.
The Minister of Health (Dr Chituwo): Madam Speaker, the table below is illustrating the number of serviceable ambulances in health institutions in the provinces of Zambia.
Name of Province No. of Ambulances
Eastern 6
Central 7
Luapula 1
Northern 4
Lusaka 3
Southern 4
North Western 7
Western 6
Copperbelt 7
Madam Speaker, the House may wish to note that the Ministry of Health further procured 164 Toyota Land Cruisers with hard tops in 2007 which have since been distributed to all the districts, training institutions and hospitals. Some of these are used as quasi ambulances.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, could the hon. Minister indicate to us what his Ministry considers as the adequate allocation of ambulances per Government health facility and when he hopes his Government will attain that level with ambulances country-wide.
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, what the Government thinks is an adequate number of ambulances per institution depends upon what that health institution core business is. For hospitals, we consider that one ambulance per hospital is adequate. For the district, we consider that, because they deal with public health issues, three vehicles per district would be adequate. Therefore, in the district, one finds that one of these vehicles is used for patient care and the other for administration and other logistics.
The second part of the question is when we shall achieve this. Plans are underway Madam Speaker, each year, we budget for ambulances. In fact, if the hon. Member saw the advertisements in the newspapers where we tendered for ambulances to start with one per province and we also advertised for tenders for twelve boats because we are aware that many a time we concentrate on one type of transport and we do not pay adequate attention to water transport. We have, therefore, invited businessmen and women to respond to these tenders which were advertised.
I thank you, Madam.
220. Major Chibamba (Shiwang’andu) asked the Minister of Education:
(a) what measures the Government had taken to ensure that the following schools being constructed in Shiwang’andu Parliamentary Constituency were completed using portal frames:
(i) Mukungwa Basic;
(ii) Kantimba Basic;
(iii) Bwalya Chokwe Basic; and
(iv) Chabola Basic; and
(b) when the sinking of boreholes at Kantimba and Bwalya Chokwe Basic Schools would be completed.
The Minister of Education (Professor Lungwangwa): Madam Chairperson, the Ministry of Education instructed the main contractor Huang Jiana Investments Limited to take over the jobs it had subcontracted. The contractor took over the site and the works have been completed.
Madam Speaker, the answer to part (b) of the Question is that boreholes have been sunk at Kantimba and Bwalya Chokwe.
I thank you, Madam .
221. Major Chibamba asked the Minister of Health when nurses’ hostels at the following hospitals would be rehabilitated:
(i) Kasama General;
(ii) University Teaching;
(iii) Ndola Central;
(iv) Chinsali District;
(v) Kabwe General l;
(vi) Lewanika General Hospital in Mongu; and
(vii) Livingstone General Hospital.
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, the Ministry of health is in the process of rehabilitating and upgrading the various training institutions around the country. With support from the funding from the Government as well as donor agencies, the following has been done:
Kasama General Hospital
The nursing hostels were under rehabilitation through funds received from the Africa Development Bank (ADB). Works however, have not been completed due to the suspension of the contract with Tomorrow Investments. An amount of K600 million from the Government was remitted in 2007 towards the construction of a hostel and classrooms. Works are currently at the tender stage.
University Teaching Hospital
An amount of K7 billion has been set aside from the Government, as well as from donor support for rehabilitation and construction of works for various schools at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).
Ndola Central Hospital School of Nursing
An amount of K200 million was released in 2007 for rehabilitation works at the training school. The monies were utilised for painting and other minor works at the school. In addition, funds have been set aside from this year’s Budget to continue the rehabilitation work.
Chinsali District Hospital
Madam Speaker, there is no training school in Chinsali District. Therefore, there are no funds to set aside for a nursing school there.
Kabwe General Hospital
The nursing school was refurbished through support from the ADB. This component included the purchase of a minibus, teaching equipment and books. In 2006, the Ministry of Health released K465 million towards the refurbishment of the school of midwifery. Works were completed.
Lewanika General Hospital
The Ministry of Health released K500 million towards construction of classrooms of which works have commenced. In 2008, an amount K486 million has been budgeted for the expansion and refurbishment of the school.
Lastly, Livingstone General Hospital
The nurses’ hostels were refurbished through support from the Africa Development Bank. This component included the purchase of a minibus, teaching equipment and learning materials. This has been completed.
Thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mrs Musokotwane (Katombola): Madam Speaker, is the maternity wing at the UTH included on the list of the infrastructure that will be rehabilitated before the rains come so that the leaking roofs are sealed and nurses do not put buckets any more to trap the water and the tiles in the labour ward which trap rotten blood are repaired.
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, I am really impressed by the consistency of the Member of Parliament for Katombola. The short answer is, yes if she were to go there, she would find works are on going at the moment.
Business was suspended from 16:10 hours until 16:30 hours.
[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, before business was suspended, I was just about to conclude that I was really impressed with the consistency of the hon. Member of Parliament for Katombola because I recall a similar question being asked in the last sitting. I assured her that actually, rehabilitation works had started and that the maternity wing, in fact, if she were to go there, she would find that we are rehabilitating the theatres and no operations in obstetrics are taking place in the C Block. This is because we are working on the main operating theatre. Therefore, it is an indication of the rehabilitation work going on not just on the roof, but also on the floor.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Madam Deputy Speaker: Hon. Members, before we continue, I would like to remind the House that the bell is meant to call all of us back. Hopefully, since this is the first day, tomorrow the situation might improve. The bell calls us back so that the business of the House continues.
Dr Scott: Madam Speaker, incidentally, the bell does not appear to be working and I think that is the problem. Could I say …
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order!
Dr Scott: It is just a point of information, Madam.
Madam Deputy Speaker: Could you ask the question and …
Dr Scott: Yes, I am asking …
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! The Speaker asks you to stand and ask a supplementary question and that is all that you are supposed to do and not to make any other comments.
Can you ask your question, please.
Dr Scott: I was listening to the former President of the United States, Bill Clinton, on the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) this morning and he was saying that his foundation is finding that its work in HIV/AIDS and child health is no longer impaired by international finance. The money is there. The problem is that in countries like Zambia the infrastructure, ambulances, nursing homes and all the rest are totally inadequate for the delivery of these wonderful drugs.
Would the hon. Minister not agree that the small figures he has been giving us are supporting evidence for Clinton’s assertion that we are not taking our own health seriously enough? I also wonder whether he could also add on what basis he is going to draw a responsibility allowance for having one ambulance in Luapula Province.
I thank you, Madam.
Dr Chituwo: Madam Speaker, I suppose a question like that from Hon. Guy Scott is expected in the sense that he listens to only a bit of whatever has been said. I, however, thank him for the question and I want to inform the House that it is true that former President Bill Clinton has been very supportive through his foundation in strengthening paediatric Anti-Retroviral (ARV). In spite of our inadequacies and difficulties, at the moment, we have well over 13,000 of our children on Anti-Retroviral Therapy (ART). We are able to diagnose infant HIV through various methods such as the courier system, the dry blood spot carrier system and towards the end of this year, we will reach the target of having 20,000 children on ARVs from the current 13,000. That is no mean achievement in view of the infrastructure inadequacies.
Certainly, what is important is that we are making concerted efforts to strengthen the systems in health care delivery. Therefore, we agree with former President Bill Clinton’s assertion that funding is not a problem, but I must say that he was very impressed with what Zambia is doing …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Chituwo: … contrary to what the hon. Member for Lusaka Central seems to imply. He even said that he would probably invite those that are involved in similar projects to come and learn from Zambia’s experience. Yes, we need to do more, but we are on the right path.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}
222. Mr Kapeya (Mpika Central) asked the Minister of Education how many basic schools were being considered for upgrading to high school status in Mpika District from 2008 to 2010.
Professor Lungwangwa: Madam Speaker, the Ministry has changed the earlier policy of upgrading basic schools to high schools because facilities are not adequate to facilitate the status. Therefore, the direction the Ministry has taken is to build high schools.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Kapeya: Madam Speaker, would the hon. Minister, therefore, inform us how many new high schools will be built in Mpika.
Professor Lungwangwa: Madam Speaker, the current works of building high schools have been clearly tabulated in this document (holding up a booklet), which the hon. Member has. The planning process starts from the district level and for the plans of the high school in Mpika, the hon. Member should liaise with the office of the District Education Board Secretary in that area because that is where the planning process takes place.
I thank you, Madam.
223. Mr Kapeya asked the Minister of Justice:
(a) how many times the Zambia Institute for Advanced Legal Education (ZIALE) had nullified examinations since its inception;
(b) what had been the causes of the nullification of the examinations at (a) above;
(c) what remedial measures had been taken in order to minimise the nullifications at (a) above; and
(d) what led to the removal of senior judges from lecturing at ZIALE in May, 2007.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, the following is the answer:
(a) the Zambia Institute for Advanced Legal Education has nullified examinations only once since its inception. The nullification referred to was the first one.
(b) the cause of the nullification of the examination at (a) above had been the leakage of one paper in a course called Commercial Transactions;
(c) in order to minimise the nullifications at (a) above, management at ZIALE has minimised the number of persons involved in processing examinations;
(d) the Judges are still teaching and have not been removed.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Kapeya: Madam Speaker, would the hon. Minister be in a position to inform us what action was taken against the person who was involved in the leakage.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, the matter was reported to the police for investigations.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Kambwili: Madam Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister of Justice whether it is true that it was alleged that one of the managing directors of a well known newspaper, The Post, was actually the one who leaked the examination paper.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, if the hon. Member has any information that can help with the investigations, he should please go to the police.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr Ntundu (Gwembe): Madam Speaker, I would like the hon. Minister to specifically state what happened with regard to the leakage because the truth is the truth. What does he fear from this same man who has been mentioned by the hon. Member for Roan? What position is the Government taking because this is a serious case? Why does the Government fear to prosecute people who are guilty?
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order!
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! The hon. Minister has guided that this is not a court where we prosecute people.
Mr Malama (Mfuwe): Madam Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister when ZIALE will start accepting law students from other universities in Zambia since the institution only accepts law students graduating from the University of Zambia and those from outside the country.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Madam Speaker, I think that would need an amendment to the Legal Practitioners Act.
Thank you, Madam.
226. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) how many of the following Government assets were declared obsolete in 2005 and 2006:
(i) motor vehicles;
(ii) office furniture;
(iii) office equipment; and
(iv) earth-moving equipment; and
(b) how the above assets were disposed of.
The Minister of Finance and National Planning (Mr Shakafuswa): Madam Speaker, the following assets were declared obsolete in 2005 and 2006:
(i) motor vehicles 3,253
(ii) office furniture 443
(iii) office equipment 1,197
(iv) earth-moving equipment 56
With regards to (b) of the Question, all the assets declared obsolete during this period were disposed of by way of sale by tender and auction.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, at the end of 2006, Government vehicles were declared obsolete and sold to holders, particularly Deputy Ministers and Ministers. Are those part of the fleet which the hon. Minister is saying were sold by way of tender when they were actually sold to direct holders? Could the hon. Minister clarify that?
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, I think the vehicles that are being referred to relate to the conditions of service of Ministers and Deputy Ministers whose terms states that a personal-to-holder vehicle used by a minister for a period of three years can be sold to him at the end of three years at book value.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr L. J. Mulenga (Kwacha): Madam Speaker, would the hon. Minister indicate to this House what the realisable value was of the said assets that were disposed of?
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, this is a new question which, if he is very interested, my office is open and I have got good coffee which we can enjoy while submitting the answer.
I thank you, Madam.
227. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Community Development and Social Services how many blind people were employed in the Government service in 1980 and 2006 and in what jobs.
The Minister of Community Development and Social Services (Mr Akakandelwa): Madam Speaker, I wish to indicate that when employing staff, the Government engages them according to qualifications and not necessarily whether one is disabled or not and does not define or emphasise disability to avoid discrimination. However, let me state that such jobs as that of telephone operators have been identified to be suitable for blind people because of the nature of the training and the job which is user friendly. As a result, it was common to find blind people employed as telephone operators as a way of empowering them. It is worth noting that blind people have also been employed in other jobs as follows:
Government JOB type 1980 2006
Service Type
Public Service Community Development 9 0
Telephone Operator 9 1
Teaching Service Teaching Administration 39 26
Zambia Council Management 13 6
for the General Worker 310 77
(now Zambia
Agency for
Persons with
Total 380 110
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, not too long ago, the hon. Minister of Community Development and Social Services indicated that the number of blind people in Zambia was growing annually. Could the hon. Minister explain why? While the population of the blind is growing, the number of blind people employed in the Government is going down from 380 who were employed by Dr D. K. Kaunda in 1980 to only 200 now, what is the rationale behind this when the population is actually growing and there are more jobs which the blind can do now in this modern age of technology? What is the reason for that?
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, whilst technology is expected to help in the creation of jobs, in some instances, it has proved to be a hindrance because of the machinery in use. It must be appreciated that yes, in some wealthy countries, certain machinery is developed to meet the challenges of the disabled, but that is not the case in Zambia.
I thank you, Madam.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mukanga (Kantanshi): Madam Speaker, arising from the hon. Minister’s answer that technology is affecting the people living with disabilities negatively, what legislation exists to protect these people from losing jobs despite the changes in technology?
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, it is only two weeks ago when we were launching equipment that the blind could use at the National Library for the Blind.
Hon. Government Member: Hear, hear!
Mr Akakandelwa: So, it is not true that …
Mr Akakandelwa: Yes, now, listen …
Mr Akakandelwa: Now listen; it is not true that the blind are disadvantaged because it was only last week when we were launching equipment that they are using.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mrs Musokotwane: Madam Speaker, in view of the new technology, is it possible for the Government to create incentives for employers who will employ either the blind or people with other disabilities so that more disabled people can get employment.
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, one of the policies has been to appoint focal point persons in each ministry who specifically have to look at the welfare of the disabled and make sure that they are not left out.
The other thing is that we are encouraging ministries to have facilities that are user friendly to the disabled. The Ministry of Community Development and Social Services has a ramp as well as a lift and all ministries will be expected to abide by that requirement.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Sikota: Madam Speaker, according to the hon. Minister, it is becoming more difficult now to employ the blind, I would like him to state exactly why this is so when in fact, the technologies are instead making it easier for those who are blind or sight impaired to carry out skills and things that others do. Why do we have a situation where we are going backwards in terms of employment of the blind and partially sighted when in the 1970s, we had a situation where we even had a cabinet minister who was blind? Today, we are talking about only telephone operators and community officers. Why are we going back as a nation instead of forward?
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, if the hon. Member was listening, I was alluding to the national library that has imported technology that makes the blind read. That is an improvement in my view. We are not moving backward, but forward.
Hon. Kambwili: Question!
Mr L. J. Mulenga: What is the Government’s specific policy as regards the plight of the blind rather than going in circles? Why are the numbers going down, and yet we are not improving? What is your specific policy?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Hon. Opposition Member: Ebaume aba!
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, the two planning documents in this country have made reference to the plight of the blind and disabled and the hon. Member of Parliament has those copies.
Secondly, this Government has ratified the UN Convention on people with disabilities which is holistic and takes care of the welfare of the disabled.
I thank you, Madam.
228. Mr Kapeya asked the Minister of Education which institutions of higher learning in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) region were recognised by the Zambian Government.
Professor Lungwangwa: Madam Speaker, the Ministry of Education recognises universities which are accredited to the National Boards in each particular SADC country.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Kapeya: Madam Speaker, I am most grateful for the hon. Minister’s answer. Could he, therefore, inform this House why basic school teachers who have graduated from Swane University Technology College with diplomas have not been recognised by the Ministry of Education in this country.
Professor Lungwangwa: Madam Speaker, I am not aware of the Swane case. As a Ministry, we are not aware of that. We are, however, aware of a case in the past that had legal implications and the matter went to court because of the problem in the accreditation of such an institution. As for Swane University in Pretoria, we are not aware of anybody who has raised such an issue.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr L. J. Mulenga: Thank you Madam Speaker. Would the hon. Minister confirm that his Government is unaware of the Swane University problem?
Madam Deputy Speaker: That is exactly what the hon. Minister said.
229. Mr Lubinda (Kabwata) asked the Minister of Community Development and Social Services:
(a) how many of the following aids for the disabled were imported from 2002 to 2006:
(i) canes for the blind;
(ii) wheel chairs;
(iii) artificial limbs; and
(iv) hearing aids;
(b) what the total cost of the above items was;
(c) how many of the above aids were locally produced and by which institutions during the above years; and
(d) out of the total of the imported and locally produced aids above, how many were bought by the Government and how they were distributed, province by province.
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, with regard to question (a), there is no information on the aids imported in 2002 as the Zambia Revenue Authority, where this information was obtained, could not access the 2002 information database owing to the changes in the information management system. However, the following aids were imported between 2003 and 2006:
Year Canes Wheel
Chairs Artificial
Limbs Hearing
2003 2 1,948 450 2,140
2004 10 3,848 275 2,509
2005 41 3,365 37 6,002
2006 932 35 1,323 2,282
Total 985 9,196 2,085 12,933
Source: Zambia Revenue Authority.
Kindly, be informed that these aids have been imported by individuals, Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and the private sector.
With regard to part (b) of the Question, I would like to state that the costs for the above items were as follows:
Year Canes (K) Wheel Chairs (K) Artificial Limbs (K) Hearing Aids (K)
2003 92,458.00 439,091,122.00 169,450,539.00 27,679,572
2004 113,723,783.00 480,831,470.00 72,255,655.00 12,366,678.00
2005 582,533.00 603,348,330.00 44,816,692.00 18,288,399.00
2006 60,087,634.00 70,261,195.00 67,644,975.00 359,602,069.00
Total 174,486,408.00 1,593,532,117.00 354,167,861.00 417,936,718.00
Source: Zambia Revenue Authority.
Madam Speaker, in response to part (c) of the Question, I would like to mention that none of the items mentioned in item (a) were locally manufactured as requested by the questioner. However, during the period in question, the following items were locally produced
Institution 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Chairs Artificial
Limbs Wheel
Chairs Artificial
Limbs Wheel
Chairs Artificial
Limbs Wheel
Chairs Artificial
Limbs Wheel
Chairs Artificial
UTH - - - 321 - 219 - 260 - 181
DISACARE 350 - 320 - 320 - 255 129 -
Arthur ** Davison - - - - - - - - - -
Italian Hospital - 46 - 41 - 44 - 48 - 55
(Lundazi) 2 - 2 - 1*** - 2*** - 17 5
Total 352 46 322 362 231 257 257 308 146 241
**No information was provided by Arthur Davison Hospital
***Donated by area Member of Member Parliament in Lundazi
Please, be informed that only artificial limbs and wheel chairs are produced locally.
Madam Speaker, with regard to part (d) of the Question, I would like to inform the House that out of the total aids produced locally and those imported, the Government bought and produced forty-three wheel chairs. In addition, six canes, forty-eight artificial limbs and forty-six hearing aids were received and distributed as follows:
Province Canes Wheel Chairs Artificial Limbs Hearing Aids
Lusaka - 79 11 -
Copperbelt - 7 17 -
North Western 6 16 4 3
Luapula - 24 2 -
Northern - 45 7 43
Eastern - 13 - -
Central - 19 7 -
Southern - 1 - -
Western - - - -
Total 6 204 48 46
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, the country at large, is aware of various aid donations for the disabled that are made to the Government of Zambia, particularly wheel chairs which are always sourced from abroad. Realising that we have the capacity to produce so many wheel chairs, is the Government coming up with any policy to encourage these current donors to procure wheel chairs locally from DISACARE and other producers rather than importing them from China and Japan? Madam, when these donations arrive here, they do not even have spare parts. Why is the Government not formulating a policy as a way of empowering the disabled people who are producing these aids at DISACARE and other places?
Mr Akakandelwa: Madam Speaker, I thank you for that good question. I must state that this Government is assisting those industries that are producing these aids. If you visited the Ministry of Community Development and Social Welfare stand at the Show Grounds, you would have seen some samples. Let me take this opportunity to appeal to hon. Members who come from rural constituencies like myself to use the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to purchase rural ambulances which were manufactured by DISACARE. They are versatile and user friendly. You only need a bicycle and your patient will be sleeping all the way to the nearest clinic.
I thank you, Madam Speaker. {mospagebreak}
230. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning what Zambia’s gini-coefficient (the measure of income inequality in a country) was in the following years:
(i) 2004;
(ii) 2005;
(iii) 2006; and
(iv) 2007.
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, the gini-coefficient is a measure of income inequality. The data used to compute it is collected through the Living Conditions Monitoring Survey (LCMS). The LCMS is conducted every two years and as such, the gini-coefficient is available for those particular years. The 2007 figures cannot be available at this stage since the next LCMS has not yet been conducted.
Madam Speaker, in view of the above, the figures of the gini-coefficient from 1996, which is a bonus, to 2006 are as follows:
Year Gini-Coefficient
1996 0.61
1998 0.66
2002 0.57
2004 0.57
2006 0.60
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, could the hon. Deputy Minister indicate the reason for the difference in the gini-coefficient he has given for 2006, which he says is 0.60, with the one that is provided for in the Vision 2030, which is 0.53. Furthermore, could he please clarify the difference between the figure he has given and the official figure in Vision 2030.
Madam Speaker, could the hon. Deputy Minister also indicate what measures his Government is putting in place to ensure that while the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for the country is growing, there will also be re-distribution of wealth so that the gini-coefficient is much better than it is now at 0.60.
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, in 2006, the time that we were working on the Vision 2030, we had preliminary figures, and we were just in the process of compiling the report. However, what I have given now is the final figure.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!
Hon MMD Member: Hammer!
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, Sweden, with a gini-coefficient of 0.25, has the best in the world because of their principles, which are more socialist. For instance, if a child is born today, the Swedish Government puts money in trust for that child, which helps tremendously. However, looking at the gini-coefficient in the world, 0.66 is a little high because it moves between zero and one. Therefore, if you get one, then there is a lot of inequality. However, if a country has the gini-coefficient at zero, then it is next to heaven.
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, income distribution for Zambia depends on the economy. For a person to bring income in a household, it depends on how many economic activities they are engaged in. For instance, it depends on how many namakaus one is producing because if you have so many companies, it means you are paying more people and therefore, more money is going into households.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Shakafuswa: Therefore, for Zambia to improve the income distribution, it depends on how much investment we have. The same goes for GDP. To measure GDP, you have to ask yourself how much value you have added to your country. Therefore, this is measured in terms of how many new activities you have put in a company. This does not only apply to the Government, but also most of us who run businesses. We have to ask ourselves how much we are putting into our business to improve the value added to this country so that more income can be paid to people and we can distribute it equally.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Matongo (Pemba): Madam Speaker, that was an excellent expose` by the hon. Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning. However, I have a point of correction. In as far as the gini-coefficient in Sweden is concerned, it is at one.
Now, I would like to find out from the hon. Deputy Minister the comparative situation in our region since we are in the process of regional integration. What is Zambia’s gini-coefficient compared to our neighbouring countries in the region? I would like you to be precise.
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, I think that the correction he has given me is wrong.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, Hear!
Mr Shakafuswa: When you say that it is one, it means that it is unequal. Therefore, his correction is wrong. Let him go back to the drawing table.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, Hear!
Mr Shakafuswa: Madam Speaker, on the gini-coefficient comparativeness for the region, I will need to get back to the House with that information because I need to look at what the gini-coefficients are in the neighbouring countries. Nevertheless, I want to say that for Zambia, at the moment, going by the figures I have given, the inequality is reducing. If you look at the years from 1998 to 2006, the gini-coefficient figures are reducing. This is usually because they are affected by the fact that most of our people are involved in farming, therefore, when we have a bad year, it means those households are affected. Therefore, it is affected by weather and other conditions, but to a large extent, by economic conditions in an economy.
I thank, Madam Speaker.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, Hear!
231. Mr D. Mwila (Chipili) asked the Minister of Labour and Social Security:
(a) when district labour officers were last provided with transport; and
(b) when these officers would be provided with transport.
The Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Security (Mr Liato): Madam Speaker, between January, 2007 and March, 2008, eleven motor vehicles were procured and distributed to labour officers as follows:
District Number of Vehicles
Lusaka Boma 1
Lusaka HQs 1
Kafue 1
Mpika 1
Kabwe 1
Solwezi 1
Chipata 1
Kitwe 1
Mazabuka 1
Livingstone 1
Ndola 1
Madam Speaker, motorised transport is crucial to the operations of the labour officers. The provision of transport to labour officers is an on-going capacity building measure the Ministry has embarked on. Since this is our priority, we will ensure that the remaining offices are provided with transport as and when the funds are available.
I thank you, Madam.
Mr D. Mwila: Madam Speaker, since we have fifty-three districts in the country, I would like the hon. Deputy Minister to inform this House how many districts have been given vehicles and how many have not.
Mr Liato: Madam Speaker, the hon. Member knows the number of districts.
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! Hon. Members, can you please consult quietly.
Mr Liato: Madam Speaker, I think that the information I have given is how the vehicles were distributed in the period stated. If there are any other districts which have not yet received the vehicles, we will give them as and when the funds are available.
I thank you, Madam.
232. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry:
(a) in which regional and international trade, agriculture and commercial fairs Zambia was represented from 2005 to 2007 and by which firms;
(b) what the role of the Government officials in the representation at (a) above was; and
(c) how many Government officials and from which ministries participated in the fairs above.
The Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry (Mr Mutati): Madam Speaker, I would like to inform the House that the Regional and International Trade, Agriculture and Commercial Fairs in which Zambia was represented and participated from 2005 to 2007 are as follows:
Name of Fair Name of Participating Firms Number of Note
Govt Officials
World Expo ZAMEFA, SYLVA FOODS 17 This number of officials
Aich Japan Solutions, Zambia Sugar Plc, participated in the show
25th March Kasama Coffee, N/Western at different periods
to Sept,2005 Bee Products, Grossper of the show. Four
Enterprise, CTM Holding, officers were assigned
Fenanda Enterprise, Mwase for the day to day
Crafts, Mweko Enterprise, management of the Zambian
EM Oceanic, Beatmasa Pavilion over a period of six
and Chikuza Enterpirse months. The rest of the delegates
were in the Ministerial
delegation during the Zambian
week in July, 2005.
South Africa Zambia Sugar Plc 2
International Nangaunozye Fashions,
Trade Fair Mwase Crafts Limited,
2005 Mazabuka DBA, Luwi
Import and Export and
Optimal Business
South Africa ZAMEFA, Nangaunozye, 1
International Nisco Industries Sylva
Trade Fair Food Solutions, Natural
2006 Herbal Health, Sunrise
Biscuits and Gramiranji
China Samwa Engineering 6 Some of the firms which
International Limited, GBM Limited participated were looking for
Fair for Tombwe Processing business partners and others for
Investment Limited, Zambia mining equipment.
And Trade Indigenous Business
8th-14th Association, Zambia Business
September Forum, Frademy limited
Maputo Pharmanova 2
International Pharmaceutical, Sylva
Trade Fair Food Solution, ZamCaptial
26th August Limited, Jusmuz Boutique,
To 2nd V.Glam Creations
Madam Speaker, the World Expositions are arranged by the International Bureau of Exhibitions (BIE) of Paris, France. Invitations to participate in World Expositions are usually extended to governments.
In all the trade and investment exhibitions, the Government plays a critical role of being leader of the country’s business delegation to such events, and hence are facilitators in promoting both export products produced in Zambia into global markets and in attracting foreign direct investment in Zambia. The trade and investment exhibition are useful in that they provide a unique platform for Zambia to market itself as an attractive investment destination and also as a reliable supplier of a brand range of primary products. These fairs are also an ideal place for Zambian companies to identify new buyers for their products and to maintain a foothold on existing markets. The exhibitions enable Zambian companies identify cheaper sources of capital goods, raw material and intermediate goods, including appropriate technology.
Madam Speaker, as for part (c) of the Question, twenty-eight Government officials participated in the above listed shows. These came from the following ministries and institutions: Ministries of Commerce, Trade and Industry, Local Government and Housing, Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, Foreign Affairs, Energy and Water Development, the Zambia National Tourist Board and Zambia Development Agency.
Madam Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister what measures this Government has in place to ensure that it encourages more and more Zambian firms to participate in these International Trade Fairs. I would also like to know whether there are focal points where these firms can go and find information on upcoming events of this nature.
Mr Mutati: Madam Speaker, at the moment, we are advertising in the national press for the fair that is coming up between the 7th and the 8th in Japan. In the advertisement, there is a provision for the Government to pay for the cost of the exhibits to China. We have also provided contact addresses.
Madam Speaker, when we went to Japan in May this year, we took a delegation of almost thirty small and medium-scale enterprises and we paid for all their katundu to Japan. Therefore, I could assure the House that they made good business.
I thank you, Madam Speaker
233. Mr Lubinda asked the Minister of Lands:
(a) when and by which Government department or agency the land adjacent to Forest 26, South of Chilenje in Lusaka was demarcated into plots;
(b) how many plots were demarcated;
(c) how many applications were received and when the interviews were conducted; and
(d) which Government department or agency conducted the interview.
The Deputy Minister of Lands (Hamir): Madam Speaker, I would like to inform this House that the land and demarcated into plots by the Lusaka City Council which is the planning authority in the city boundaries.
Madam Speaker, the plots were demarcated. The plots were allocated by my Ministry in 2004 and 2005 on recommendation from the Lusaka City Council.
Madam, the recording of applications received was done by the Lusaka City Council who are the agents for the Ministry of Lands. As for part (e) of the Question, the interviews were conducted by the Lusaka City Councils who are the agents of the Ministry of Lands.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Lubinda: Madam Speaker, The Ministry of Lands is the custodian, on behalf of the President, of all the land in Zambia. I, therefore, would like to find out from the hon. Minister of Lands whether in approving that this land be demarcated by whichever agency, his Ministry has in place the provisions of the Land Act which states at Subsection (4) of Section (iii) as follows, and I quote:
“Notwithstanding Subsection (3), the President shall not alienate land situated in a district or an area where land is held under customary tenure without consulting any other person or body whose interest might be affected by the grant.”
Madam Speaker, I would like to ask this question because this piece of land is on land on which more than 350 households have been settled over the last sixty years, and yet this land was demarcated and given to private developers without their interests being taken into account. Could the hon. Minister indicate what his Ministry did to ensure that their interests are protected?
Secondly, if the hon. Minister could care to confirm that while this land is said to have been allocated in 2004 and 2005, as a matter of fact, there is title to one of the plots issued by the Ministry of Lands dated 1st September, 1998 long before the 2004 that is referred to in that answer.
Mr Machila: Thank you, Madam Speaker. If I did not know the hon. Member of Parliament for Kabwata better and looking at the fact that he has eight questions on the Order Paper, I would have suspected he was being remunerated for asking all those questions.
Mr Machila: Madam Speaker, the allocation that hon. Member is referring to …
Madam Deputy Speaker: Order! The Chair would like to hear.
Mr Machila: I can confirm that the allocation of this land that the hon. Member is referring to was done in compliance with the procedures that are currently obtaining for the alienation of land.
I have noted that the hon. Member has referred to a specific piece of land which he says is on title and I am a little at a disadvantage to address that specific issue he has raised without having sight of that title.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister of Defence (Mr Mpombo): Madam Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned at 1737 hours until 1430 hours on Wednesday, 5th August, 2008.
224. Mr D. Mwila (Chipili) asked the Minister of Community Development and Social Services:
(a) when the Ministry will disburse funds for the Community Development office in Mwense District; and
(b) when the office at (a) above was last funded.
The Minister of Community Development and Social Services (Ms Namugala): Mr Speaker, the Ministry will not disburse Recurrent Departmental Charges (RDCs) for community development in Mwense District, as all districts offices are expected to get their operational funds through the provincial administration. However, the Ministry provides some grants for specific activities such as payment of instructors for literacy classes, grants to women’s clubs and self-help projects. The funds are not disbursed to the district office but directly to the beneficiaries.
Mr Speaker, the Ministry will provide grants only under Literacy and Self-Help Programmes as and when funds are available as well as when either returns on number of literacy classes held are provided or when there is a bankable project to finance under the Self-Help Programme. The Ministry will not be dealing with grants to women’s clubs beginning next year, as funds for dong so will go the Citizens’ Empowerment Commission.
I thank you, Madam Speaker.
225. Ms Kapata (Mandevu) asked the Minister of Community Development and Social Services:
(a) how many old people’s homes were currently in the country, province by province; and
(b) when a policy for the aged or senior citizens would be formulated.
The Minister of Community Development and Social Services (Ms Namugala): Madam Speaker, currently, there are seven homes in the country, which I have tabulated province by province as follows:
Province Name of Home Ownership/Management
Southern Maramba Old People’s Government owned and run
Home-Livingstone by a Board of Trustees
Copperbelt Chibolya Old People’s Government owned and run
Home-Mufulira by a Board
Mitanda Old People’s Salvation Army
Chichetekelo Old People’s Catholic Sisters
Chibote Old People’s Catholic Sisters
Western Mwandi Old People’s United Church of Zambia
Lusaka Divine Providence Catholic Sisters
Total 7 Homes
Mr Speaker, all things permitting, the National Policy on Ageing will be finalised and disseminated before the end of December, 2008.
I thank you, Madam.