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Debates- Wednesday, 9th March, 2011
Wednesday, 9th March, 2011
The House met at 1430 hours
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
The following Member took and subscribed the Oath of Allegiance:
Maynard Julius Chanda Misapa
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, I have received communication to the effect that, in the absence of His Honour the Vice-President and Learned Minister of Justice, who is attending to other national duties, Hon. Dr. Kalombo T. Mwansa, MP, Minister of Defence, has been appointed Acting Leader of Government Business in the House from today, Wednesday, 9th to Friday, 11th March, 2011.
Thank you.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives (Dr Kazonga): Mr Speaker, I wish to thank you for giving me this opportunity to make a ministerial statement on the outbreak of Banana Bunchy Top Disease (BBTD) in Zambia.
Sir, the nation has, over the last few weeks, heard or read reports in both print and electronic media about a devastating banana disease in the Chiawa and Chirundu areas. It is in this view that I wish to brief the nation, through this august House, on the banana disease.
In my statement, Mr Speaker, I will cover the following:
(i) what this disease is;
(ii) signs of the disease;
(iii) how it is transmitted;
(iv) areas that are affected in the country;
(v) measures taken by Government to control the disease; and
(vi) the way forward.
BBTD is a viral disease which is transmitted by a virus known as Banana Bunchy Top Virus (BBTV). BBTD causes huge losses to banana production.
Zambia cultivates a variety of bananas, namely Grande Naine, Dwarf Cavendish and Williams. Bananas are mostly grown under irrigation systems in Zambia. All banana varieties and plantains are sustainable to BBTV.
Bananas play a very important role in the Zambian economy. They are available throughout the year and are a source of carbohydrates, protein and vitamins such as Vitamin A, B, C, D and E. Bananas are produced both by small-scale and commercial farmers. The production of bananas contributes significantly to food security, employment creation and poverty reduction.
In the past year, and a number of years before, Zambia used to import bananas from countries such as Zimbabwe and South Africa. However, this trend has reduced tremendously due to increased cultivation by both commercial and small-scale farmers. The potential for banana production in Zambia is very high and is estimated at 60 metric tonnes per hectare annually. This potential is under threat by the spread of BBTV.
Mr Speaker, the origin of BBTD is not known with certainty. However, there is evidence to show that its existence in countries in the Far East dates as far back as 1889. In Zambia, the occurrence of the disease was confirmed ten years ago. Signs of this disease in banana plants in advanced stages of infection include stunted growth and, the ‘throat’ of the plant is choked with a ‘rosette’ of short, narrow, erect leaves, giving a typical ‘bunchy top’ appearance and wavy yellow leaf margins. The most distinguishing sign is a series of dot-dash dark green lines running parallel to the veins and hooking as they enter the leaf petiole. Severely infected banana plans do not bear fruit.
In Zambia, some banana growers know the disease and can identify the signs but usually take action too late when the disease is fully expressed.
Mr Speaker, BBTD is spread through aphid transmission and use of diseased planting materials.
Aphids known to spread the disease are called banana aphids, scientifically known as pentalonia nigronervosa. These aphids, however, are weak flyers. This means that they may not spread the disease far from the site of infection unaided but can move short distances and, over a long period of time, may cover a greater part of the banana field.
This is the most common method of spreading BBTD in Zambia. When a plant is infected by this disease, the causal virus spreads to all parts of the plant, including the suckers growing from the infected mother plants. Since the propagation of banana plants is vegetative, the suckers transferred from diseased fields carry the disease to new fields. This way, the disease spreads to new fields.
Mr Speaker, so far, the disease has been identified in Lusaka, Southern, Central, Copperbelt, Eastern and Luapula provinces. Whereas in other districts the disease was reported less than ten years ago, the earliest report of BBTD, as reported by farmers during the surveys of 2009 to 2010, indicated the presence of this disease about eleven years ago in Chipata.
As a result of this disease, some farmers have abandoned banana growing altogether. In 2007, a survey of twenty farms, covering about 212 hectares of farms under banana cultivation in Central and Copperbelt provinces revealed a 65 percent infection. In 2010, a survey in Lusaka and Southern provinces showed high incidence of BBTD. Almost all the farms surveyed showed some presence of BBTD. In Lusitu in Siavonga and Kapululira Settlement in Chirundu and many other banana fields owned by small-scale farmers, the disease pressure was very high.
Mr Speaker, let me now move to the control measures taken by the Government. The Government is encouraging farmers to follow scientifically recognised BBTD control measures. These include:
(i) stringent quarantine, meaning movement of diseased banana plant procedures. When adopted and carefully practised, this has the potential to reduce the risk of spreading BBTV;
(ii) encouraging farmers to plant disease-free suckers;
(iii) eradicating diseased plants;
(iv) uprooting and destroying all diseased plants;
(v) identifying early signs of BBTD, marking and destroying infected mats.
(vi) correctly disposing of destroyed plants; and
(vii) controlling aphids, which is a vector, by spraying against banana aphids using dimethoate or kerosene oil.
However, the control of BBTD has a number of challenges and these are:
(i) lack of a reliable source of cheap but disease-free planting materials.
(ii) unwillingness to destroy diseased plants. Farmers would rather maintain diseased plants in their fields than destroy them when there is no assured source of new plants; and
(iii) the high cost associated with some control measures such as spraying, especially among small-scale farmers.
Mr Speaker, the Government has, for some time now, been actively involved in further addressing the problem of BBTD. Efforts have been targeted at the following:
(i) undertaking surveys to understand the distribution of the disease in Zambia;
(ii) understanding the most obvious mode of spread of the disease in the banana growing areas;
(iii) empowering farmers with knowledge on early BBTD sign detection; and
(iv) encouraging farmers to apply recommended disease control measures.
As indicated earlier, the most common method of spread of BBTD in Zambia is through planting diseased materials. Survey results indicate that most farmers do not have a reliable source of clean planting materials. Farmers, therefore, exchange planting materials without prior testing for BBTD. The problem of lack of a reliable source of planting materials in Zambia has been worsened by the high cost of importing clean tissue cultured plants from outside the country. Currently, Amiran Ltd is the only company which is importing tissue cultured banana plants. These are, however, supplied to commercial farmers who can meet the cost of the plants. Small-scale farmers cannot afford to buy the planting materials.
Mr Speaker, in addressing the spread of BBTD, the Government has also been carrying out sensitisation meetings with both small-scale and large scale farmers. In addition, surveys have been carried out and brochures containing information on the disease control measures have been distributed.
Mr Speaker, the Government, with assistance from the Japanese International Co-operation Agency (JICA), has modified one of the buildings at Mount Makulu Central Research Station in Chilanga into a tissue culture facility. This facility will enable my ministry produce disease-free tissue cultured banana plants for distribution to the farming community. Further, staff at the station have been trained in techniques that will enable them produce disease-free planting materials.
Mr Speaker, in 2010, the Government, with co-operation from the World Bank, under the Agriculture Development Support Programme (ADSP) and Food and Agricultural Organisation (FAO), were able to do the following:
(i) strengthen field and laboratory detection of BBTV;
(ii) produce brochures on BBTD management for distribution to farmers;
(iii) conduct training workshops on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for the management of BBTD. A training workshop was organised in 2010 in Chiawa and Lusitu on identification and control of BBTD. The workshop was attended by a number of banana farmers in the Kapululira Settlement Scheme in Chirundu, Lusitu Irrigation Scheme and Chiawa area;
(iv) develop IPM strategies for BBTD management;
Mr Speaker, Government, through my ministry, is taking the following measures as the way forward for tackling BBTD:
(i) establishment of a farmer based banana seed system through production of tissue cultured disease free banana planting materials. The plants produced will be used to establish primary nurseries. This will be the source of planting materials for distribution to small-scale farmers. Further, the establishment of a tissue culture laboratory at Mount Makulu will play a major role in the production of tissue cultured disease free banana plants;
(ii) persuading farmers to destroy diseased fields followed by fallowing for two to three months and then replanting with certified disease-free planting materials; and
(iii) strengthening the monitoring of the resurgence of the disease and implementing emergency measures to avert the reestablishment of BBTD in new fields; and
(iv) putting in place an early warning system for monitoring BBTD in all banana growing areas.
Mr Speaker, in conclusion, it is important to note that BBTD can be managed, but there is no cure for it. The only remedy is to kill the aphid, which is a vector (disease carrier), and rogueing (removing and destroying) infected banana plants. Farmers have to maintain hygiene in their fields, plant disease free materials, eradicate all diseased mats and, where possible, spray to control the aphids. The Government will also play its part in ensuring that the production of tissue-cultured plants is put in place and provide the necessary extension services to farmers.
Mr Speaker, as part of information sharing with hon. Members of this august House, I will leave on the Floor of this House some copies of pictures for them to see what this disease does to banana plants. I will also leave copies of the brochure that I referred to in my statement which has been given to farmers for reference.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members are now free to ask questions on points of clarification on the statement given by the hon. Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives.
Mrs Musokotwane (Katombola): Mr Speaker, when is the Mount Makulu Laboratory going to be operational so that small-scale farmers can access affordable plants?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, the laboratory will be ready in three to four months’ time. In other words, the latest that it can take for activities to begin at this laboratory is four months.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Scott (Lusaka Central): Mr Speaker, I am very worried about the term ‘persuade farmers’. We have many examples in rural areas of farmers not doing what is good for them like dipping cattle. How is the hon. Minister proposing to establish a sufficiently strong regulatory extension service so that hygiene and rogueing, which are the essential elements in avoiding this disease, are actually observed rather than simply making rhetoric statements in this House?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, the fight against this disease needs collective effort. Part of the objective of this ministerial statement is to share information with hon. Members of Parliament so that they can, in turn, represent the Government wherever bananas are grown by educating the farmers. As I indicated in my statement, we shall also strengthen our extension services to ensure that farmers do what is supposed to be done.
Mr Speaker, in short, even if we have a very strong regulatory framework, but do not do the work collectively, we will not make any progress. So, I want to encourage hon. Members of Parliament to share this information with the people they represent so that, together, we can control the disease.
I thank you, Sir.{mospagebreak}
Mr Lumba (Solwezi Central): Sir, I want to find out from the hon. Minister what the effect would be if one ate a banana which is infected with this disease.
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, I wish to state that, as at now, we have no evidence of this disease having an effect on human beings. Of course, studies are still being carried out. However, the only consolation is that plants that are infected with this disease do not reach fruition level. In other words, they fail to produce fruit. In some cases, once the disease attacks a plant which has already started producing fruit, the fruits will have a problem growing. Sometimes, one would find that a fully grown fruit is only as big as my finger and, therefore, will be condemned.
Hon. Opposition Members: Which finger?
Dr Kazonga: This one (showed the smallest finger on his right hand).
Dr Kazonga: As it grows, the banana starts curving. That is why I am also curving my finger.
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, like I said, once it is attacked, the fruit will fail to grow and, in turn, is condemned. However, in the event that a human being eats an infected fruit, there is no evidence of a negative effect on the individual.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Habeenzu (Chikankata): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister stated that this disease was discovered in Chipata eleven years ago. I am wondering why it has taken so long for the hon. Minister to make a statement such as the one he has just made to the House now.
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, we realised that when the disease broke out in that part of the country, not many people knew about it. Nonetheless, I am sure, with this statement, the hon. Member of Parliament from Chikankata will be able to share this knowledge with the people in his area. So, it is better late than never because if we do not share information, it will continue spreading, hence this statement today.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Milupi (Luena): Mr Speaker, since the hon. Minister has stated that the only remedy for infested crops is total destruction, has the ministry been able to estimate the total financial loss to farmers? If so, is the Government planning any form of compensation to get the farmers going again?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, unfortunately, the Government has no plans to compensate the affected farmers. After all destroying the diseased plants is for their benefit because, if they continue maintaining diseased plants, it will be like growing flowers which have no value to them. So, it is better to destroy such plants and replant disease-free ones which are the tissue cultured plants. In some cases, some farmers, particularly commercial farmers, have gone the insurance way. So, that is one avenue of getting compensation.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo (Mwense): Mr Speaker, whilst measures are being put in place locally, what measures has the Government put in place to ensure that bananas and plants that are exported and may carry the virus are controlled so that they do not affect other plants or bananas in this country?
Mr Speaker: Hon. Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives, the word should be ‘imported’.
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, the term used with regard to what the hon. Member is talking about is ‘plant quarantine and phytosanitary unit’. This relates to any material imported into the country with emphasis on not importing diseased plants. In terms of institutional arrangements, we already have units and staff in all our border towns who make sure that imported plants are controlled, especially when they are infected.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Beene (Itezhi-tezhi): Mr Speaker, from the hon. Minister’s statement, it seems definite that both commercial farmers and small-scale farmers will be badly affected and the Government will not compensate them. Will the Government try to consider an alternative way such as giving them loans to help farmers who may want to diversify into other crops?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, for now, as a Government, we want the measures, which I have highlighted on the Floor of this House, to be implemented but, if there are other ideas that will come up later, we shall be willing to listen and discuss them extensively so that we can find a way forward. However, for now, we have to take the route that I have talked about. Let us destroy the diseased plants because there are no two ways about it. The method of destruction should be the one we are recommending which is chopping the plants and removing them from the site. As I indicated in my statement, bananas are vegetatively propagated. If they are left on the same site, they will grow again. So, we have to chop them and remove them from the site. This is the method we want. If there are any other suggestions, we shall look at them and discuss them in detail.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Msichili (Kabushi): Mr Speaker, in Luanshya’s Fisenge area, a lot of small-scale farmers have mushroomed in the area. Sadly, no single farmer has undergone any form of training. I would like to find out from the hon. Minister whether the Government has any plans to introduce any form of training for the farmers in the area before they start growing bananas?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, the Government has plans to assist small-scale farmers in terms of training. As I have already stated, we are going to beef up our extension services for small-scale farmers. We have started this programme by firstly making our extension service officers knowledgeable about the disease. Then the second part will involve us training the farmers through the farmer training centres. Just like we train farmers, including those in Kabushi, in growing other crops through the farmer training centres, we shall do the same for bananas.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kambwili (Roan): Mr Speaker, may I know if the Government has tried to find out which of our neighbouring countries have been affected by this disease so that we know where to import bananas from.
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, reports that we have received so far are that the disease is prevalent in Malawi, Mozambique and many other countries. Thus, the best is for our experts to ensure that only disease-free bananas are imported. The disease is mainly found in plants that are infected by aphids which are simply vectors or carriers of the virus.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Lubinda (Kabwata): Mr Speaker, in his statement, the hon. Minister said that one of the reasons for farmers resisting to destroy their diseased banana plants is the cost of the tissue cultured stock. May he indicate to this House how the production at Mount Makulu Research Station compares in cost with that which the farmer is currently not able to pay for?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, the stock being grown at Mount Makulu Research Station is definitely going to be cheaper than the imported tissue cultured plants. As far as we are concerned, on the local scene, some of the plants are as expensive as about K10,000 per plant which is on the high side for small-scale farmers. That is why, as a Government, we decided to have our own stock at Mount Makulu Research Station. Once that stock is ready, it will act as a primary nursery. Later on, we can have secondary nurseries throughout the country to assist small-scale farmers who cannot afford the expensive imported plants.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr L. J. Mulenga (Kwacha): Mr Speaker, obviously, from the statement by the hon. Minister, it is quite clear that this is a terrible disease which has social and economic effects. I would like to find out from the hon. Minister, despite all the answers that he has given, what the immediate rescue plan is, especially for small-scale farmers, taking into account the fact that some of those who are engaged in this type of farming are individuals who could have heavily invested whatever money they got from their terminal benefits in the growing of bananas which are now diseased. What is the Government’s immediate rescue plan for the people who have spent their last ngwee on this type of farming and are now waiting to harvest the bananas that are now diseased?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, I want to emphasise that there are basically two ways of dealing with the disease. The first one is by spraying so that you kill the aphids. The aphids themselves are not a problem, but the virus they carry which is causing this problem. Thus, spraying would assist small-scale farmers to safeguard the crops which are about to be lost.
Mr Speaker, the second one is actually uprooting or rogueing. So, one of the two measures can be used to safeguard the crop, but the spraying of pesticides in the fields is the method which can easily be used by small-scale farmers. As I said earlier, the other method is rogueing. Through this method, one gets rid of the diseased plants when it too late to spray the crop so that the entire field is not totally affected.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr C. K. B. Banda, SC. (Chasefu): Mr Speaker, may the hon. Minister tell the House whether the Mount Makulu Research Station has carried out research to ascertain whether other crops, if grown in close proximity with bananas that have BBTD, would be affected adversely?
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, our plant pathologists and biologists are conducting a research to look at issues of this nature so that, in case of any effect, we should be able to take preventive measures. Therefore, the simple answer is that, that is part of the research that is currently being under taken.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chella (Wusakile): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. minister how many small-scale farmers have been affected throughout the country.
Dr Kazonga: Mr Speaker, I do not have the exact number of small-scale farmers who have been affected, but we have looked at the negative impact on them. As we conduct surveys, we base them on samples just as the survey I referred to earlier. Based on the sample, we just have an idea of the extent of the infection. Therefore, since that question requires an exact figure, I am not in a position to give it. However, through continuous surveys that we are conducting and shall continue to carry out, we shall be able to find the exact figure at a later stage.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Simama (Kalulushi): Mr Speaker, would the hon. Minister tell the House why he is not going to compensate farmers who are going to lose their bananas, and yet the people who lost their pigs in 1992 were compensated.
Mr Speaker: Order!
That question is not factual. Nobody was compensated for the swine fever.
285. Mr Milupi (Luena) asked the Minister of Labour and Social Security what measures had been taken to ensure that the low labour productivity levels in Zambia were upgraded to above world average.
The Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Security (Mr Kachimba): Mr Speaker, my ministry is, indeed, concerned about improving labour productivity in the country and has taken some measures that include the following:
(i) in collaboration with the International Labour Organisation, employers’ and workers’ organisations, we are implementing the Zambia Decent Work Country Programme that includes intensifying activities such as labour law awareness campaigns and increased labour inspections and strengthening social dialogue among the Government, employers and trade unions. It is strongly believed that a healthy relationship between employers and employees promotes labour productivity;
(ii) we have prioritised productivity activities that will focus on creating awareness among workers and employers on how to enhance labour productivity. The ministry will also endeavour to monitor and measure labour productivity at both the enterprise and national levels;
(iii) wages have been identified as the major factor that affects labour productivity. In order to address this, the ministry will ensure that minimum wages are reviewed regularly to respond to the high cost of living. The ministry will also continue to encourage employers to pay decent wages so as to enhance workers’ morale and, thereby promote productivity; and
(iv) after piloting the establishment of a national productive centre, the Government is considering establishing a fully operational autonomous productive centre that will be charged with the responsibility of dealing with productivity issues in the country.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, is it not an idea that when we pay internationally competitive rates for our labour, we can then insist on above world average productivity figures? Will that not be a starting point, hon. Minister?
The Minister of Labour and Social Security (Mr Liato): Mr Speaker, the starting point is that every country wishes to increase productivity because it is only through the productive workforce of industry that a country can grow its economy. Therefore, what we have given as a response to this question are measures that we have taken as a Government, through the Ministry of Labour and Social Security, to address issues of increased productivity. We wish to establish what we call a National Productivity Centre whose pilot programme has already been completed. We are also encouraging social dialogue which is a critical ingredient in ensuring that there is productivity in industry.
Mr Speaker, unless there is harmony at a place of work, people will, obviously, be demoralised and cannot be productive. We will also look at many other issues relating to the social protection of workers among others.
I think that we have given the steps that we are taking, as a Government, to ensure that there is productivity. What that means, obviously, is that we shall be competing with other nations in meeting what the hon. Member is terming as the world rate productivity.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Lubinda (Kabwata): Mr Speaker, would the hon. Minister indicate to the House what the actual productivity level for Zambia is and how it relates to the world average, which is posed in this question, so that we can appreciate his answer.
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, there is no such thing as national rate of productivity. What we have is a policy in which we are encouraging productivity as a nation. There is no national productivity rate, percentage or level. Such a thing does not exist.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Hamududu (Bweengwa): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister whether it is true that, by and large, the low wages that we have in Zambia are also related to the low productivity. This is taking into account the fact that an employer will only pay in relation to the productivity of a worker.
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, first of all, when we talk about low wages, I do not know what we, as a nation, are comparing ourselves to. What I know is that we, as a Government, are doing our best to encourage good wages. In fact, that is why we are saying that the promotion of good wages is one of our policies in the Decent Work Country Programme. One of the things embedded in this programme, as we have said in our response, is that of encouraging employers to pay decent wages.
Mr Speaker, as a Government, we are also reviewing minimum wages from time to time. We are going to do this as often as we can so as to encourage meaningful wages to be paid to our people, taking into account the ability by institutions to pay. On one hand, this will guide employees to not over price themselves in relation to the market competitive rates, which leads to the loss of jobs. On the other hand, this will monitor organisations and industries that provide these jobs so that both employers and employees can benefit in an economy such as ours.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kambwili (Roan): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister why the lowest paid employee in the mining industry in Chile and Canada gets US$2,000 whereas, in Zambia, it is just about US$200.
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, I do not have evidence to that effect, as I am only learning about what the hon. Member is saying. Even then, there is no basis for comparison between nations. I think that we cannot compare what is happening in a developed country to what is happening in a developing one. We cannot even compare what is happening in one developed country with another. However, we can learn from experiences to better our situation, and we are doing exactly that.
Sir, we are working very hard in attracting investment and that means creating more jobs for our people. We are also fighting hard to ensure that conditions of service for our people are improved, which is a good thing. At the moment, what we know is that wages have gone up from what they were in the past. The purchasing power of a worker is better than it was before because our economy is doing well and that is a good thing for our nation.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mukanga (Kantanshi): Mr Speaker, since there is no labour productivity level at the enterprise and national levels, when was the last labour inventory conducted?
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, we have had a pilot project on labour productivity. We are also working hard to see how we can establish a Labour Productivity Centre. Some of the functions of this centre, once established, will be to look at what the hon. Member has asked about. So, once the centre is fully functional, answers will be readily available.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Nkombo (Mazabuka Central): Mr Speaker, I want to find out from the hon. Minister whether or not he deems casualisation of labour in this country as one of the reasons productivity is below expectation. Tied to that, maybe, he can further comment on when the Government is going to enforce a law against casualisation of labour.
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, the Government, as a matter of policy, has made it very clear that it is against casualisation of labour in Zambia. Repeated statements against casualisation have also been made by both the Head of State and my ministry and we will continue to make them. Casualisation is, obviously, not something that is encouraged because it is one of the issues that demoralise employees. When employees work in an organisation on a temporary basis with conditions that are not very well-defined, they get demoralised. That is why, as a Government, we have taken a position to discourage and fight casualisation.
Mr Speaker, a step has been taken to address this matter. During the Tripartite Council Meeting held recently, we concluded the revision of the Employment Act. It is in its adoption stage and it is hoped that, very soon, it will be brought to Parliament so that a law can be enacted by this House and be implemented as quickly as possible. The reason for doing this will, obviously, be to make it clear that casualisation, by definition, will only apply to jobs that are seasonal, temporary or periodical in nature.
Sir, even though we cannot avoid casualisation of such jobs, it shall not be extended to permanent jobs. Therefore, we will formulate a law to this effect and we hope that it will receive the support of this House. When that is done, it will be enforced.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Machungwa (Luapula): Mr Speaker, have there been any studies or attempts to record productivity or performance levels, for example, in the field of bricklaying? What is the acceptable level of the number of bricks that a skilled workman can lay over a specified period so that this can be compared across industries in Zambia and even with neighbouring countries to determine whether we are on a par or behind or if we are doing well or not?
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, as a ministry, we have a department that is responsible for conducting certain studies that are productivity related. We have not yet reached a stage where we can carry out comprehensive studies that will give us ultimate answers on productivity levels. That is why we want to establish a Productivity Labour Centre. So, I want to inform the hon. Members who think that the ministry does not know what should be done that a productivity centre will be established to get some of these things done. When this is done, all these issues of productivity will be dealt with in their comprehensiveness.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr D. Mwila (Chipili): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister informed this House that employers are encouraged to give decent salaries to the workers. How is this being done because the Government, especially the hon. Minister of Labour and Social Security, has been quoted condemning employees who are demanding decent salaries?
Mr Liato: Mr Speaker, the hon. Member for Chipili is, obviously, not telling the truth. No one in the Ministry of Labour and Social Security has ever been quoted for condemning the plea for decent wages. Our interest, as Ministry of Labour and Social Security, is to clearly see the two sides of the coin as it always has two sides. If you look at it from one side, you may see the head, and yet, again, when looked at from the other side, you can see a tail. This is how it is in the industry. Both employers and workers see things differently.
Therefore, Mr Speaker, we, as a Government, have to intervene to create a middle point so that both employers and employees can find common ground on which to proceed. This does not mean the Government has to side with any party at all. We, as a Government, are for meaningful wages for our people. However, this is taking into account the ability by the institutions to pay so that we do not kill the chicken that lays the egg.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Let me guide the House. The National Assembly of Zambia Library is one of the finest legislature libraries in this region, maybe, in Africa. Anyone who wishes to study more on this subject is free to go to the Library to study or borrow books and study at their leisure. Start with the section dealing with economics and move onto the one on industry. There is a lot more in there than what has been discussed. The intellectuals; authors of the books, will tell you how to calculate the problems such as the one mentioned by the hon. Member for Kabwata (Mr Lubinda), that is how to calculate the rate of productivity. Everything is in there. So, go and do it for yourself.
We may go to the next question.
286. Mr Kambwili asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) what the total external debt contracted by the Government after the country reached the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Completion Point in 2005 to date was; and
(b) of the total debt above, how much had been contracted from China.
The Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning (Ms C. M. Kapwepwe): Mr Speaker, the Government of Zambia contracted external loans amounting to US$905,354,730 during the period 2005 to date.
Mr Speaker, of the above indicated amount, US$229,300,000 has been contracted from China to date.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kambwili: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister whether it would not disadvantage the country to accept loans from China whose conditions dictate that only Chinese contractors can carry out jobs financed with Chinese loans.
The Minister of Finance and National Planning (Dr Musokotwane): Mr Speaker, I think that, as national leaders, we should be careful not to focus on individual countries to an extent where we say that the country is disadvantaged and only mention one country, which is China, as has been the case in many instances.
Mr Speaker, we got some financing from Holland a few years ago for a hospital and they insisted that the equipment must come from Holland.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, we get assistance from Japan in the road sector and never have a say in which company works on a particular road. We get assistance from a number of other countries where the conditionalities insist that it must be a company from that country to carry out a particular job. Therefore, when we always focus on China, we create the impression that, suddenly, this country is just looking at making enemies with that country. Therefore, let us be careful.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, would the hon. Minister care to give us the total debt stock of the country as of now, bearing in mind what was residual in 2005.
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, the total debt stock as at 31st December, 2010 is just over US$1.2 billion, as I indicated just a few days ago. The answer that was read by the deputy Minister covered the period up to October, 2010 because that is when the question was submitted.
Currently, we are talking about US$1.28 billion. Let me break this up into some categories. The biggest source of borrowing that we have undertaken so far is from the multilateral institutions and these are the World Bank group, the African Development group, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and many others. We owe 65.5 per cent of our total debt to these institutions. This is followed by the bilateral Paris Club Members of which the major ones are Brazil, Russia and Japan. Seventy-five per cent of what we owed at the end of last year was to these countries. Fortunately, just last week, I went off to sign the cancellation of the debt that we owed to Russia. Therefore, this amount will come down substantially.
We also have the non-Paris Club countries such as Bulgaria, China, Iraq, Kuwait and others. This was the smallest share at 5.8 per cent. Then, of course, we have the suppliers’ credit lines such as the Exim Bank of India and Exim Bank of China at 11.1 per cent.
Mr Speaker, just after the Highly Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC) Initiative, we owed just over US$600 million and there has been borrowing since, year after year.
Mr Speaker, the idea of reducing debt was, in some sense, in two ways. One was to create room for borrowing and, secondly, to reduce the burden that was there so that we do not operate at those high levels of debt.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Mwamba (Lukashya): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning what innovative measures have been put in place to collect revenue to avoid a situation where we return to the position of HIPC through perpetual borrowing.
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, the measures as regards the collection of revenues are always announced to Parliament every year when the Budget is presented. Beyond that, let me say that revenue collection is heavily dependent on the ability of the people to pay. That ability, to a very large extent, is determined by the level of investment in the country.
Mr Speaker, the objective of this Government is to invite as many local and foreign investors as possible. As we have said before, if, for instance, a small town like Chongwe can have ten or twenty factories and a small town like Serenje can have fifty factories, what will happen is that there will be more companies and employees paying tax. The employees working in these firms will be able to consume more because they will be in employment and can pay more Value Added Tax (VAT). Therefore, the ultimate in being able to collect more tax is for us to be investor friendly so that we can attract as many investments as possible. Political leaders who are investor unfriendly will never be able to collect revenue at any time.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Imenda (Lukulu East): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out whether the net effects of the world economic downturn had a negative effect on our debt servicing.
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, it was not so because, at that time, the level of foreign debt that we had was already quite small and, also, the adverse effects of the global economic downturn did not last long in this country. Therefore, there was no problem in that regard whatsoever.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr L. J. Mulenga (Kwacha): Mr Speaker, the levels of debt that we have reached as a country clearly indicate that the debt is growing. I would like to find out from the hon. Minister how we are applying these funds so that they have long-term returns on the economy.
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, certainly, the debt has increased. To put this in perspective, in the 1970s and 1980s, when the debt was rising, this was also the time when the volume of exports from our copper was declining. So, the debt was rising and the export volumes were declining. This time around, it is the opposite. Our export revenues are rising very sharply. Ten years ago, we were exporting roughly about US$900 million worth of exports. This year, it will probably reach US$7 billion.
Sir, of course, we should be concerned about getting into reckless borrowing but, under the economic circumstances that are prevailing, our economy is growing. Therefore, there is room for careful borrowing.
Mr Speaker, I can compare this with the situation whereby a peasant farmer, perhaps, borrows eight bags of fertiliser. By more standards, that appears to be small, but for the peasant farmer, that can be onerous. At the same time, a commercial farmer may borrow a thousand bags of fertiliser. If we put this out of context, we will think that the commercial farmer is recklessly borrowing. However, if that is his capacity, there is no problem. It is the same with us.
Sir, I agree with the hon. Member for Kwacha who said that this money must be used prudently. This is the reason we are putting up infrastructure so that investments go everywhere in the country and not just Lusaka, Kitwe and so on and so forth. Investments should go to Katete, Mwinilunga and everywhere else.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Lubinda: Mr Speaker, prior to the debt cancellation in 2005, there were a lot of concerns about the poor record keeping on Zambia’s debt in the Ministry of Finance and National Planning. Can the hon. Minister indicate whether that has been rectified now and that all ministries ensure that the Ministry of Finance and National Planning is in the know when contracting debt unlike what happened hitherto?
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, indeed, record keeping has improved tremendously because we now utilise Information Technology (IT) effectively to keep records. In addition, staff have been trained at various levels and in different places to record the debt properly.
Sir, no ministry can borrow externally or locally without authorisation from the Ministry of Finance and National Planning.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Beene (Itezhi-tezhi): Mr Speaker, on average, the country has been borrowing over US$200 million each year. At the moment, this country has a lot of money from the high copper production and bumper harvest. Can the hon. Minister assure this House and the country that, this year and next year, we will not borrow over US$100 million for the good of this country.
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, borrowing is part of life …
Hon. Opposition Members: Aah!
Dr Musokotwane: … that is why even rich countries such as America and Germany do borrow. In fact, they are the biggest borrowers. Companies and individuals also borrow. Therefore, this is a normal part of life. In fact, it is said that in certain instances, if you do not borrow, you delay progress.
Like in our case, certainly, a lot of mines will be opening and they will need electricity. Unless we provide electricity, further expansion in the industry is not possible.
Therefore, borrowing is normal and will continue. I also agree with the hon. Members that we should do it prudently.
I thank you, Sir.
287. Mr Chisala (Chilubi) asked the Vice-President and Minister of Justice:
(a) how many bridges were washed away in the Northern Province during the 2009/2010 rainy season;
(b) of the bridges washed away, how many were repaired as of 30th September, 2010;
(c) what the cost of repair was;
(d) who the contractors were; and
(e) when the Luena Bridge in Luwingu District would be redesigned and reconstructed.
The Deputy Minister in the Vice-President’s Office (Mr Munkombwe): Mr Speaker, the House may wish to know that, during the 2009/2010 rainy season, excessive rainfall was experienced in a number of districts in the country. The scenario resulted in floods that caused considerable damage to infrastructure; roads and bridges, among other sectors across the country.
Sir, my office, through the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU), in conjunction with the Roads Development Agency (RDA), conducted an in-depth technical assessment in affected districts of the country. This assessment established that fifty-five structures were damaged in the Northern Province out of which sixteen were washed away.
Mr Speaker, at this point, it is important to note that most of the road infrastructure that was damaged in the 2009/2010 rainy season has not been worked on, as the Government continues to mobilise the required resources.
Sir, the In-depth Technical Assessment Report estimated that it would cost the Government a total of K96.99 billion to undertake the emergency repairs on all the washed-away bridges and culverts and other road-related infrastructure in the country. This figure represents the total cost for the infrastructure damaged during the 2009/2010 rainy season.
Mr Speaker, hon. Members of the House may wish to know that, out of this amount, the cost of the rehabilitation programme in the Northern Province alone was estimated at K16.55 billion and that no infrastructure rehabilitation works have been undertaken in the Northern Province.
However, I wish to inform the House that the Government has continued to mobilise the required resources and, once the funds are released, the works will be undertaken. It is at this time that the Government will be in a position to ascertain the cost of the works and the contractors to be engaged.
Sir, with regard to the issue of costs incurred, there has been no work done and, therefore, no repairs were done.
Mr Speaker, no contractor has been engaged yet.
Mr Speaker, may I inform the honourable House that the RDA has already received funding to the tune of K570 million meant for rehabilitation works on the Luena Bridge in Luwingu District. The team from the RDA is currently setting up camp at the site and works will involve setting the foundation before putting up the Bailey bridge. Further, there is also K1 billion provided for in the 2011 Annual Work Plan for the RDA for further works on this same bridge.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Chisala: Mr Speaker, why have the works at the Luena Bridge come to a standstill?
Mr Munkombwe: Mr Speaker, at the moment, there is a camp which is being set up on site and, very soon, the works will start. There has been an additional K1 billion which the Government has provided for works on the bridge. For now, I can safely say that there is progress regarding the works on this bridge.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
288. Mr Chisala asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) whether there were any cases of fraud involving the Zambia Revenue Authority (ZRA) employees in 2009;
(b) if so, what the total number of such cases was; and
(c) what action was taken against the culprits.
Ms C. M. Kapwepwe: Mr Speaker, the following were the cases of fraud and misconduct by the ZRA employees in 2009:
Cases No. of Employees
Fraud 2
Code of Conduct 3
Theft 2
Bribery 7
Aiding smuggling 2
Total 16
Mr Speaker, with regard to the action which was taken against the culprits, six cases resulted in dismissal, four cases were referred to the Zambia Police while two cases were taken to court. However, no custodial sentence or convictions were attained by the end of 2009.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Chisala: Mr Speaker, for the Government to avoid such embarrassing occurrences in the near future, what measures has the Government put in place?
Ms C. M. Kapwepwe: Mr Speaker, it is important to note that the ZRA, as a company, has its own disciplinary code of conduct and has prescribed action to be taken in the event of any violation. There are, also, of course, the ordinary laws of Zambia which, if contravened, can make the ZRA refer any such matters to the Zambia Police, Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) or other relevant authorities. They also have an integrity committee which continuously follows closely any violations and action taken. The employees of this organisation, like any other institution, know their internal company laws as well as the laws of the land. Thus, if they violate any of these laws, they are taken to the relevant authority and the laid-down process is followed.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
289. Mr Kambwili asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) how much money in US dollars, in the form of revenue, was recorded from emerald mining from January, 2005 to July, 2010; and
(b) what measures the Government had taken to improve revenue collection from emerald mining.
Ms C. M. Kapwepwe: Mr Speaker, from January, 2005 to July, 2010, tax revenue collected from emerald mining companies amounted to K53.87 billion which is equivalent to US$12,629,168.
Sir, in order to improve revenue collection from the emerald mining sector, the Government, through ZRA, established a specialised unit in 2008 to specifically handle tax matters for all the mining companies. The unit works closely with the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development to ensure that all mining licence holders are registered for tax purposes. Tax audits continue to be conducted by this unit to ensure compliance. Further, measures are put in place to develop stronger links with the association representing small and medium gemstone miners in order to improve tax compliance.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Kambwili: Mr Speaker, what is the value of the emeralds that were given to Mr Katumbi by the Tax Force on Corruption and how much did the Government collect as revenue from that value?
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, we would be delighted to answer that question if it were to be submitted afresh.
I thank you, Sir.
290. Mr Imenda asked the Vice-President and Minister of Justice when Mitete Sub-centre in Lukulu West Parliamentary Constituency and Sikongo in Kalabo District would be upgraded to district level.
Mr Munkombwe: Mr Speaker, the establishment or declaration of new districts is governed by the Provincial and District Boundaries Act, Cap. 16 of the Laws of Zambia. Under this Act, the President issues an order proclaiming new districts and boundaries.
Sir, after that, the Minister of Local Government and Housing, under the provision of the Local Government Act, Cap. 281 will then issue a statutory instrument establishing a district, city or municipal council, as the case may be. This is done after the President has established a district, through an order, as mentioned earlier.
Mr Speaker, as for Mitete Sub-centre in Lukulu and Sikongo Sub-centre in Kalabo District, there are no immediate plans to upgrade these two sub-centres to district level.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Imenda: Mr Speaker, bearing in mind the answer which has just been given by the hon. Member and the fact that the Western Province is the third biggest province in the country as well as the fact that it has the least number of districts, taking into account the various geographical considerations, is it not true to say that the province is in perpetual poverty because of undue consideration by the Government?
The Minister of Defence and Acting Leader of Government Business (Dr Mwansa): Mr Speaker, before, I proceed to respond to that very good supplementary question, may I with, your leave Sir, welcome to the House the new hon. Member of Parliament, Mr Misapa, as well as congratulate him on his victory. We wish him the best in discharging his responsibilities. I hope that he understands the need to accept victory with humility as we have accepted defeat with grace.
Sir, coming to the supplementary question, we do realise that Zambia is a large country. 750,000 km² expanse of land is quite large against the seventy-two districts that are currently in the country. It is our wish to expand on the number of districts nationwide so that we can have Government presence in as many parts of the country as possible. However, we must bear in mind the fact that there are procedures to follow in order to avoid doing things haphazardly. There are cost implications associated with this exercise. The marking of boundaries and the construction of infrastructure will require resources. In future, however, it is our wish to expand the number of districts nationwide.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Speaker: Just to guide the House, there have been various claims made on the ranking of provinces in Zambia. Not too long ago, someone said that the Western Province is the third largest province in Zambia. This is incorrect. The ranking for the top three in terms of area is as follows:
(i) Northern Province;
(ii) Western Province; and
(iii) North-Western Province.
You can go and find out about the rest.
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member for Monze may proceed.
Mr Mwiimbu (Monze Central): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the Acting Leader of Government Business in the House why the demarcation of most districts in this country is being done out of political expedience, considering that, in most of these districts, there is no infrastructure. This being the case, why can the Government not do the same for Sikongo and the other sub-bomas in the Western Province?
Dr Mwansa: Mr Speaker, I do not think that there is any evidence of the marking of districts being in accordance with the views expressed by my learned colleague and brother. In the recent past, Chibombo and Chienge were upgraded to district status. At the moment, we are looking at upgrading Ikelenge in the North-Western Province. This, therefore, is an on-going exercise which has nothing to with any political considerations.
I thank you, Sir.
291. Mr Hamusonde (Nangoma) asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning whether any revenue in the form of taxes was collected from mining ventures in Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency.
The Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning (Mr Phiri): Mr Speaker, our records show that eight mining companies are operating in Nangoma Constituency. These are:
(i) Acirfa Mining Limited;
(ii) Chikumbe Chibamba;
(iii) Chrispin Lubinda;
(iv) Falling Star Investments Limited;
(v) Golden Elephant Investments Limited;
(vi) Luiri Gold Mines Limited;
(vii) SW and GVA Mining Company Ltd; and
(viii) Yathu Engineering Ltd.
Mr Speaker, currently, the law provides for the taxation of income from mining operations through mineral royalty at the rate of 3 per cent of gross sales of the minerals produced in the mining area, company mining income tax at the rate of 35 per cent of profits from mining operations and variable profit tax at the rate of 15 per cent when the profits for mining operations, as a proportion of gross income, go above 8 per cent. The law also provides for taxation of income payable to employees working for mining companies through Pay-as-You-Earn (PAYE) and withholding tax on interest, royalties, management fees and payments to affiliates or sub-contractors in the mining sector at the rate of 15 per cent.
Mr Speaker, the records from the Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development and ZRA show that the mining companies operating in Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency are mainly engaged in mineral exploration. The companies are still carrying out exploration works and are not producing minerals at the moment. There are no taxes applicable on mineral exploration activities. As you know, mineral exploration is the process of finding ore and mineral deposits which can either be commercially viable or not. The ultimate goal of mineral exploration is the extraction, beneficiation and sale of the minerals where the deposits discovered are commercially viable.
Notwithstanding the above, the mining companies have employed workers to work in these companies while they are carrying out exploration works and they also procure goods and services required for purposes of carrying out these works. Our records show that between 2005 and 2011, a total amount of K1,121,559,652.12 was paid as Value Added Tax and K2,045,776,767.64 as PAYE by the mining companies operating in Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency. These revenues were remitted to ZRA and subsequently deposited into the Government Account.
Mr Speaker, once the mining ventures in Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency discover commercially viable deposits and start extracting and selling the minerals, the Government will be able to collect taxes in accordance with the fiscal regime for the mining sector.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hamusonde: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister who the owners of Chikumbe Chibamba Mine are.
Mr Phiri: Mr Speaker, Mr Hamusonde is the hon. Member of Parliament for Nangoma where this company is operating from. Therefore, I would imagine that he, as Member of Parliament, knows who the owner is.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mukanga: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister when this Government will start sharing the mineral royalties with local authorities as stipulated by law.
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, we will make an announcement to that effect when we are ready.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mwenya (Nkana): Mr Speaker, can the hon. Minister cite one significant development that has been embarked on in Nangoma as a way of making the people benefit from the mining activities taking place there.
Mr Phiri: Mr Speaker, currently, the mining companies are conducting exploration activities. In the process of doing so, they are providing employment to the local people in Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}
Mr Ntundu (Gwembe): Mr Speaker, in his response, the hon. Minister said that some of the mining companies are still prospecting. Can he do this House a favour by telling us when the companies will finish prospecting and for how long he will allow these companies to continue prospecting in Nangoma.
Mr Phiri: Mr Speaker, it is difficult for us to give a categorical answer to that question. However, what is important is that the exploration is taking place and, if those conducting it find the deposits, they will then start mining activities.
I thank you, Sir.
292. Mr Ntundu asked the Minister of Energy and Water Development:
(a) when the rehabilitation works at Kariba and Kafue Gorge Power Stations would be completed;
(b) how many turbines each station had; and
(c) how much electricity, in megawatts, was generated at both stations.
The Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Development (Mr Imasiku): Mr Speaker, the rehabilitation works of the Kafue Gorge Power Station were completed in March, 2009.
Sir, the rehabilitation of Kariba North Bank Power Station, which has four units, is scheduled to be completed in 2012. The rehabilitation of Units No. 1, 2 and 3 were completed in 2004, 2005 and 2008 respectively.
Mr Speaker, the rehabilitation of Unit 4 was supposed to have been completed in March, 2010 and works were on schedule until 18th September, 2009 when a fire broke out in the power house causing major damage to the overhead cranes. It is anticipated that once the repair of the overhead cranes, which is scheduled for July, 2011, is finished, the rehabilitation of Unit 4 will be completed in July, 2012.
Mr Speaker, Kafue Gorge Power Station has six turbine generator sets while Kariba North Bank Power Station has four.
Sir, Kafue Gorge Power Station is now up rated and is generating a maximum of 990MW while Kariba North Bank Power Station is currently generating a maximum of 540MW. However, hon. Members of the House should note that when rehabilitation works are completed at Kariba North Bank, the station will be able to generate a total of 720MW.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Ntundu: Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has informed this House that the rehabilitation works at one of the power generating stations are almost complete. However, I expected to hear him tell this House that, because of this, we shall no longer experience power outages. With the rehabilitation almost complete, it is expected that the generation has been upgraded, but we still experience power outages. Why is it so?
Mr Imasiku: Mr Speaker, the generation of power is an issue the hon. Member has to understand very well. Currently, in this country, we are generating power at around 1,860MW and have demand of about 1,500MW. However, the demand fluctuates according to given situations. At peak hours, the demand is very high, for example, in the evening when everyone is cooking. Therefore, this does not denote that we are generating insufficient power. Of course, this country is not sitting idly. There are a number of power stations we are developing which, within a few years, might even double …
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Imasiku: … our output. At that time, we may experience power outages. Therefore, at the moment, power outages are due to some technical facts that I have already explained.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Nkombo: Mr Speaker, in his response, the hon. Minister indicated that on 18th September, 2009, a fire broke out at Kariba North Bank and this has delayed the progress of the rehabilitation. Can he confirm to me whether he does understand the difference between rehabilitation and actual construction? This is because my understanding is that the part of the Kariba North Bank that got burnt is an extension project.
Mr Imasiku: Mr Speaker, it could be that the hon. Member does not know that there are two programmes going on at Kariba North Bank. There is the rehabilitation of Kariba North Bank and the extension of the existing power station. Rehabilitation is being done where the overhead crane got burnt. Once completed, rehabilitation works of Unit No. 4 will be completed in 2012.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Muyanda (Sinazongwe): Mr Speaker, from the explanation the hon. Minister has given, …
Mr Speaker: Order!
Business was suspended from 1615 hours until 1630 hours.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members must be punctual.
Mr Muyanda: Mr Speaker, when business was suspended I was saying that the hon. Deputy Minister of Energy and Water Development has informed this House that there will be an up rating of power generation to 720MW. I would like to find out from him what the outlined programme of benefits, specifically to the people of Kariba and other peripheral areas of Kariba Dam who were displaced as a result of the construction of the Kariba Dam, is?
Mr Imasiku: Mr Speaker, that question has been answered on a number of times on the Floor of this House. The people displaced in Gwembe Valley are also a part of the Zambian people. For example, if someone from the Copperbelt asked where the minerals from the mines go to and what their specific benefit is, it would be difficult for us to find out.
Sir, the people of Gwembe Valley have an hon. Member of Parliament who can propose projects to us. If they are viable, we will not fail to honour them in order to assist the people. After all, I am sure that the hon. Member knows that this Government is on a programme of electrifying the whole country. By 2030, 50 per cent of the rural population will be connected to the national grid.
Sir, I would like to urge the hon. Member to start identifying projects on time and study the Rural Electrification Master Plan (REMP) so that he can forward the projects to us. We are going to honour them.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mukanga: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister what the national energy demand is and whether we have a deficit or excess.
Mr Speaker: That question has already been asked and answered.
293. Mr Mukanga asked the Minister of Education:
(a) how many children had been enrolled at the grade one level from 2006 to 2008, year by year; and
(b) how many of the children enrolled at (a) above were girls.
The Deputy Minister of Education (Mr Sinyinda): Mr Speaker, a total of 1,465,107 children were enrolled at the Grade 1 level from 2006 to 2008 broken down as follows:
Year No. of Children
2006 465,423
2007 494,715
2008 504,969
Of the children enrolled, 741,633 were girls broken down as follows:
Year No. of Children
2006 236,842
2007 249,069
2008 255,722
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mukanga: Mr Speaker, with those levels of enrolment, it will definitely be difficult for us to achieve the millennium development goal (MDG) on education and the Education for All (EFA) goal.
Mr Speaker: Order!
Ask a question.
Mr Mukanga: I thank you for your guidance. I would like to find out what strategic intervention the Government is making to ensure that the education system meets the girl child’s needs and, thereby, compel her to get a better education.
Mr Sinyinda: Mr Speaker, we are doing exactly that by embarking on massive infrastructure development in all the provinces. Apart from that, as you may know, we consider sanitation as paramount in our schools, especially for girl children.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chisala: Mr Speaker, the building of more schools in rural areas will, definitely, increase the number of children to be enrolled at Grade 1. I would like to find out why some district education board secretaries (DEBS) are refusing to open up new Government stations.
Mr Sinyinda: Mr Speaker, as far as we, as a Government, are concerned, all our officers must abide by our policy of opening more schools. If there is any DEBS who is not adhering to this, a situation which I can hardly believe, I would like the hon. Member to come and see us over that matter.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mwenya: Mr Speaker, due to high poverty levels, school attendance and concentration in class has been a serious challenge to the little ones. How far has the ministry gone to promote feeding programmes in all schools and how has this helped if it has ever been implemented?
Mr Sinyinda: Mr Speaker, we have started a school feeding programme although we recognise the fact that it has not reached every school. However, I would like to inform the House that, because of the intervention of the School Feeding Programme, a good number of children who were not going to school have gone back. I must also assure this House that it is our intention, as a Government, to roll out this programme to all schools when the resources are available.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Munaile (Malole): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister informed us that the Government has embarked on infrastructure development. I would like to find out why the ministry has failed to honour the 2010 Budget on infrastructure development in terms of additional classroom blocks.
Mr Sinyinda: Mr Speaker, as the hon. Member is aware, infrastructure development is ongoing and I am sure he knows that, even last year, we were building and rehabilitating infrastructure. I can assure him that we will continue to do so.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Sinyangwe (Matero): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister whether the programmes on sensitising parents and educating the teachers on girl-friendly schools, which were engaged in when the Programme of Action for Girls Education (PAGE) was introduced, are going to continue. This is considering that most of the teachers who were a part of this programme at its inception are now old and have retired.
The Minister of Education (Ms Siliya): Mr Speaker, in my preamble, I would like to congratulate the many Zambian women on wonderfully celebrating 100 years of the International Women’s Day and making their voices truly and loudly heard on placing a premium on education. This is with the background of their recognition that there is absolutely no substitute for education, especially a good education.
Mr Speaker, at the moment, we are constructing a number of schools in rural areas which are going to be girls’ technical schools. This is a direct intervention recognising the fact that, sometimes, we have to take affirmative action to put many of these girls in school.
Sir, it can be noted from the response given by the hon. Deputy Minister that, at Grade 1 and usually up to Grade 7 level, there is gender parity in terms of enrolment. The problem usually begins beyond that stage. However, we would like to continue sensitising parents and schools but, most of all, the families to place a premium on the education of girls.
Mr Speaker, many families make the decision to educate the boys and leave out the girls. However, we know that, usually, when you educate a girl, you educate the nation because a girl is able to look after the family. In that light, the PAGE has not died. It is still being implemented in various forms.
Mr Speaker, just for the sake of information on the question regarding the School Feeding Programme, we, currently, have 300,000 children on this programme and we intend to move this to 1,000,000 by 2012. This is a direct result of the bumper harvest and the Government’s recognition of the importance to feed children in schools so that they are able to what they learn about.
Mr Speaker, we, as the Ministry of Education, received a donation of 15,000 metric tonnes of maize and I would like to thank the Ministry of Agriculture and Co-operatives for that. We are going to mill this and, very soon, it will be in our schools to ensure that the feeding programme continues. It is one thing to just give the beneficiaries of this programme maize, but another to encourage the communities that receive it to provide beans and other related items required for the feeding programme to continue.
Sir, I can assure the hon. Members that, on this side of the House, we will always place a premium on education. This is why we continue to allocate huge sums of resources to the ministry so that the girl child is educated and the boy child is not left behind. Furthermore, it also ensures that the feeding programme and the infrastructure development programme continue.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Phiri (Munali): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out what this Government is doing to help the students who are sent away from various schools because of failure to pay the Parents Teachers Association (PTA) fund.
Ms Siliya: Mr Speaker, the whole purpose of forming PTAs was to ensure that families took an interest in the education of their children and much more the institution at which their children receive education. We have stated, many times, that in lower and middle basic schools, the Government provides the learning materials. However, sometimes, the various PTAs agree that some sort of user fees be paid to cater for extra needs in the school.
We recognise that schools have a lot of needs. However, as the economy continues to grow and more money is allocated to the Ministry of Education, these needs will be attended to. At the moment, when the needs arise in upper basic and high schools, they have to be taken care of with funds raised from user fees, hence the need for pupils to still pay fees.
Now, when user fees are due but parents fail to meet this commitment for one reason or the other, we have suggested that it is important that the parents go to the school and discuss some sort of payment schedule. What we do not want to see is a child being sent out of class because, if that happens, it means no learning is taking place and that child will be affected. So, we want to avoid a child being sent away from school.
However, it is important that parents also place a premium on the education of their children. It is not right for a parent to go to a school in the community and say he/she cannot pay the user fees but is always in bars drinking and the school knows that this parent refuses to pay the school fees or make whatever contribution to the school every term, and yet he/she is always in the bar drinking. I, therefore, want to take this opportunity to tell parents that they must make a decision to put their children’s education first. The Government will do what it can but it is important that parents engage with the schools and save whatever little money they have instead of spending it on a bottle of wine, mosi or castle. We need to save our money so that we can use it to educate our children, starting from primary, basic and high school and all the way to the university. This is very important.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Kawandami (Chifubu): Mr Speaker, may I know from the hon. Minister what programmes have been put in place to give funding to the deplorable community schools where some children learn under trees and have no board and chalk.
Ms Siliya: Mr Speaker, every time we hear that a community school has been opened, we, in the Ministry of Education, are very happy because we know that this is a good initiative by the members of the public. This also means that they are hungry for education and recognise that, until their children are educated, they have no future. Over the years, the Government has taken over the running of a lot of community schools. Community schools, which are about 4,000, are in different categories. There are some which are really in a deplorable state, but we are still proud of the eagerness that these communities display in terms of wanting education.
Mr Speaker, we have taken over the running of many community schools and have built new classroom blocks, sent teachers there, given them grants and we will continue to do this until we can normalise the whole community education system. Everybody must understand that we are coming from a chaotic situation where, for many years, there was no investment in education. This is why we are now doing this in a hurry so that community schools can be transformed into fully-fledged education institutions and can be managed by the Government or private sector.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Musokotwane (Katombola): Mr Speaker, may I find out from the Hon. Minister how many girl pupils went up to Grade 12 out of those who were enrolled in Grade 1 from 2006 to 2008.
Ms Siliya: Mr Speaker, obviously, I do not have the exact numbers, but what I can say is that, in the lower grades, we actually see gender parity of almost 50/50 per cent enrolment. As the girls go beyond Grade 7, we continue to see a dropout of many of the girls all the way to university and various colleges. Of course, this bothers us because what we want to see is that the children enrolled in Grade 1 go all the way to Grade 12, colleges and universities, unless otherwise.
I will be very happy, at some point, to provide the specific numbers of the girls who actually completed school in the period mentioned. However, I can assure the hon. Member that we are also quite worried because we see a dramatic reduction in the number of girls that proceed to high school and all the way to colleges and universities.
I thank you, Sir.
294. Mr D. Mwila asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) how much money the Government released for infrastructure development in 2010; and
(b) of the amount at (a), how much was actually spent on the intended projects.
Mr Phiri: Mr Speaker, I wish to inform the House that the Government allocated K1,395,804,275,708 for infrastructure development programmes in 2010. In the year under review, this House approved a supplementary budget of K435,169,667,026 for infrastructure development programmes, thereby increasing the total authorised provision to K1,830,973,942,734. In this regard, the Government released K1,654,722,661,326, representing 90 per cent of the total authorised provision.
The ministry is still in the process of finalising the 2010 financial report which will provide the actual expenditure incurred in 2010.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr D. Mwila: Mr Speaker, if the money for infrastructure development in 2010 for Luapula has been released, where has the Ministry of Education taken it because no money has been received in the province?
Mr Phiri: Mr Speaker, the money has been released but, as you know, there is a process that we go through before the money is physically on the ground. Nonetheless, what is important for us, in the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, as you have rightly heard from the response, is that the money has been released.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Chisala: Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has just indicated that money amounting to K1.6 trillion was released. If that is the case, could the hon. Minister confirm whether money for the Ministry of Education, which was supposed to go towards the construction of classroom blocks and staff houses, was also released?
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, infrastructure is not just about education but also roads, health and many other areas. We do confirm, once again, that K1.6 trillion was released towards this purpose in 2010 and an explanation has been given for this. Money was released, but there are tender procedures, contractors have to mobilise and so on and so forth. So, that is what is being done. We cannot guarantee or confirm that the money reached every school that was budgeted for other than that a total of K1.6 trillion out of the K1.8 trillion has been released. There is, obviously, still a gap between what was budgeted for and what was released. How this gap arose and which individual schools received funding is what we cannot tell.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Mooya (Moomba): Mr Speaker, what the hon. Minister has talked about at the end of his response is what I want to know. How did this gap come about?
Mr Speaker: Well, he said he cannot tell.
Captain Moono (Chilanga): Mr Speaker, part of the money for infrastructure development is for roads. Most of the roads, which were earmarked for grading and tarring like Kasupe Road, which the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning is very familiar with, have not been worked on. May I be assured that this road will be worked on, as the hon. Minister is aware of its state?
Dr Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, I would urge the hon. Member to raise a specific question with the Ministry of Works and Supply. As we know, there are many reasons that sometimes lead to certain projects not being fully funded. For example, there are emergencies that occur. In which case, sometimes, money is released, but taken to repair the emergency roads. So, what remains is up to the line ministry to make a fresh list of priority in the light of less than authorised amount of money. How does a ministry now look at the work schedule and decide which project goes ahead and which one must slow down? So, I would request that the hon. Member sits down with the Minister of Works and Supply and gets himself updated on this issue.
I thank you, Sir.
295. Mr Chota (Lubansenshi) asked the Minister of Health when the Luwingu District Hospital building, which is dilapidated, would be rehabilitated.
The Deputy Minister of Health (Dr Kalila): Mr Speaker, Luwingu District Health Office has identified the scope of works for rehabilitation of Luwingu District Hospital. Documentation has been done and tenders floated for the rehabilitation of this hospital. The hospital will be rehabilitated as soon as the Luwingu District Tender Committee identifies the contractor to carry out the rehabilitation works. To this effect, Luwingu District Health Office has already written to the District Tender Committee for the same purpose and the Government, through the 2010 Ministry of Health Infrastructure Operational Plan, has already released K116,000,000.00 for the rehabilitation of the Luwingu District Hospital.
I thank you, Sir.
296. Mr Mwango (Kanchibiya) asked the Minister of Local Government and Housing:
(a) why the construction of Freedom Park Shopping Mall in Kitwe had stalled;
(b) whether the completion period of constructing the mall had been extended;
(c) if so, what the new expected date of completion was; and
(d) whether the Government spent any money on the project; and if so, how much and for what purpose.
The Deputy Minister of Local Government and Housing (Mr Muteteka): Mr Speaker, I wish to inform this august House that the developers, Messrs Platinum Gold Equity, have confirmed that the construction of the shopping mall is still on course. The developers, however, admitted that the project faced temporary setbacks which resulted in some delays in the development schedule, but they have since been resolved. It was also brought to our attention that construction works were further placed on hold due to the temporary setback as already emphasised.
Mr Speaker, according to the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the two parties, the completion period of construction was May, 2010, but the developer has an obligation to pay the council liquidated and ascertained damages (LAD) after the proposed date of completion. I wish to confirm that Platinum Gold Equity has been able to make good its obligation to the council in terms of lags and are up to date.
Mr Speaker, the developers have projected 30th November, 2011 as the new expected date of completion.
Mr Speaker, the Government has not spent any resources as regards the construction of the Shopping Mall, as all the costs are borne by the developers.
I thank you, Sir.{mospagebreak}
297. Mr D. Mwila asked the Minister of Education:
(a) how much money the Government released as grants to various basic schools in Mwense District from 2009 to 2010; and
(b) when the grants were last released to the schools at (a) above.
Mr Sinyinda: Mr Speaker, from 2009 to 2010, the Government released K1,434,024,953.84 to Mwense District to be distributed to basic schools.
Mr Speaker, the Government is currently working on grants for Mwense District and all the other districts in the country.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr D. Mwila: Mr Speaker, may I find out whether the Government is aware that, actually, Chipili High School has never received any grants.
Mr Sinyinda: Mr Speaker, I am not very sure whether that is true but, if Chipili High School has not received any money, I would like to ask the hon. Member to come to the office so that we can countercheck because what we know is that we released money to all the schools.
299. Mr D. Mwila asked the Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development:
(a) what factors led to the resignation of four executive committee members of the Football Association of Zambia (FAZ) in 2010;
(b) what measures the Government had taken to resolve the wrangles at FAZ; and
(c) whether the Government was satisfied with the running of football in Zambia.
The Deputy Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development (Mr Ndalamei): Mr Speaker, I wish to submit to this august house that the factors that led to the resignation of four FAZ executive members, among others, are lack of transparency and accountability in the administration and management of football at the Football House.
Mr Speaker, the Government, through my ministry, directed the National Sports Council of Zambia to investigate the causes of problems and come up with recommendations to address them. The National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) has since communicated to the Federation for International Football Associations (FIFA) on its findings and recommendations in conformity with the FAZ Constitution. The NSCZ recommended that FIFA should prevail on FAZ to call for an emergency council meeting in order to resolve the crisis.
Mr Speaker, I wish to inform this august House that the Government is not very satisfied with the administration and management of football in the country. This is evident in the poor performance of the senior national football team at both the Africa and World Cup qualifiers.
Mr Speaker, the Government is concerned with the current happenings at Football House, as this will affect the development and promotion of football in the country.
The negative publicity can also jeopardise the goodwill of sponsors because no sponsor is proud to be associated with negative publicity.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr D. Mwila: Mr Speaker, if the Government is accepting that it is not happy with the running of football in Zambia, can the hon. Minister tell us the plans which the Government has in order to improve its performance?
The Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development (Mr Chipungu): Mr Speaker, I think that the main issue at hand regarding the running of football in Zambia is common knowledge to everyone. I believe that the people of Zambia have seen that there are problems in the operations of FAZ which is the governing body of football in the country. This is the reason which has made some affiliates petition FAZ to call for a meeting. As a result of all this, on the 26th March, 2011, the FAZ Executive Committee and its affiliates will be going for their annual general meeting. During that meeting, I am sure the people of Zambia will be able to put in place a new executive that will spearhead the development of football in this country.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Machungwa: Mr Speaker, how long an individual keeps a job in the world of football is determined by the performance of that person. For example, as a coach, if you keep winning, you keep your job but, if you keep losing, you are fired. Can the hon. Minister explain why we have kept a coach in Zambia who keeps losing nearly every game? What is the deal between the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child Development through FAZ and this particular coach?
Mr Chipungu: Mr Speaker, it is not fair to fire a coach whom you have just recruited within the shortest period of time simply because that person has not brought results almost immediately.
Mr Speaker, in football, there is a process that we follow. The coach has only been in the country for about six months. This means that he has to settle down and, at some point, bring his family to Zambia. When that is done, we should expect him to start producing results. It would be very unfair for FAZ to terminate the contract of a coach within such a short period of time.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Muyanda: Mr Speaker, it is very honourable for an hon. Cabinet Minister to inform this august House that his ministry has failed to manage the various sports disciplines in the whole country. What strategy does the ministry have in order to improve the bigger picture of all the sports disciplines in this country since the standard of most of them has completely gone down? May we hear his clearly outlined strategy to revamp the image of sports in the country so that Zambia is proud, once again, as a good sporting nation?
Mr Chipungu: Mr Speaker, the question was specifically talking about football and not sports in general. Obviously, there are some sports disciplines which are doing extremely well. A good example is boxing.
Mr Speaker, you may wish to know that, last week, I was talking about the Government’s plans with regard to reviving sports in general in this country. The issues which I talked about, which are critical to the development of sports in the country, include infrastructure development and funding.
Mr Speaker, the development of sports is one of the most expensive programmes in a country. You all know how much money the ministry gets for the purpose of developing sports in the country. In terms of infrastructure development, we have put up structures such as the Olympic Youth Development Centre (OYDC).We have also embarked on a programme to construct stadia in Ndola, Lusaka and, hopefully, in Livingstone. I think those are good attempts to develop sports in the country with the meagre resources which are available to us.
Mr Speaker, as regards the running of football, we have to understand that besides the local laws which we have to follow, the sport is also governed by international guidelines which are enforced by FIFA. However, the smooth running of football in this country is sometimes affected when there is a conflict of interest. The standards of football in the country have been affected by the work of FAZ which, at times, is poorly managed. I am sure you all heard that point from the answer which was given by the hon. Deputy Minister. The four former members of the FAZ Executive resigned because of the association being managed badly. Even after the resignations, we have continued seeing the power struggles. This is why, through the guidance of NSCZ and FIFA, FAZ is going to hold its annual general meeting which will look at the problems faced by the association. We are hopeful that on that particular day, the problems faced by the association will be resolved so that the standards of football in the country can go up again.
I thank you, Sir.
Captain Moono: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out whether the Government will continue pumping taxpayers’ money into the running of FAZ when there is a lot of confusion in the association and the desired results are unlikely to come out of the next annual general meeting. Already there are contentious issues indicating that the impasse in FAZ will not be resolved.
Mr Chipungu: Mr Speaker, the hon. Member, perhaps, has not been reading the newspapers of late, especially the ones for yesterday. The motion of the vote of no confidence has been put on the agenda and, as a ministry, we are hopeful that the impasse in FAZ will be resolved.
In addition, I also want to say that it is very difficult for the Government to stop supporting football because it is a sport which enjoys the largest following in this country. For instance, if, as a Government, we suddenly stopped supporting football, hon. Members of Parliament on your left will be the same people asking why the Government has stopped supporting FAZ. Therefore, as a Government, we shall continue to support this very popular game.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Musokotwane: Mr Speaker, the failure of the FAZ Executive is that of the ministry too. Why can the Ministry of Sport, Youth and Child Development not take over the running of FAZ as well as Football House so that the standard of soccer can be improved just like the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, through the Bank of Zambia, took over the running of Finance Bank when things went wrong at that institution? The hon. Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development should show leadership at this point.
Mr Chipungu: Mr Speaker, the hon. Member is not right to say that the failure by the FAZ Executive to manage the association should be blamed on our ministry. I think I have already indicated that we had parallel administrative structures managing the same association. In the management of soccer in this country, we have to follow our own laws as well as the international laws enforced by FIFA. If we interfered, as a Government, in the running of FAZ, the country will automatically be banned from competing in international games. Once FIFA does this, the football lovers in Zambia will be unhappy. What we need to do for now is put FAZ in order. The step that NSCZ has undertaken to make FAZ set a date for its annual general meeting is the best so that the problems facing the association are sorted out. There is no institution that does not face problems, be it a company or non-governmental organisation (NGO). The best thing that should be done is to find a solution to the differences within FAZ and I am sure that is what is being done.
I thank you, Sir.
Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59 and 60 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
First, Second, Third, Fourth and Fifth Schedules, ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Title agreed to.
Clauses 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 133 and 134 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
First and Second Schedules, ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Title agreed to.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
The following Bills were reported to the House as having passed through Committee without amendment:
The Urban and Regional Planners Bill, 2010
Third Reading on Friday, 11th March, 2011
The Environmental Management Bill, 2010
Third Reading on Thursday, 10th March, 2011
The Water Resources Management Bill, 2010
Report adopted.
Third Reading on Thursday, 10th March, 2011.
The Minister of Defence and Acting Leader of Government Business in the House (Dr Mwansa): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned at 1754 hours until 1430 hours on Thursday, 10th March, 2011.
298. Mr Katuka (Mwinilunga East) asked the Minister of Works and Supply whether the Government had any plans to rehabilitate roads leading to the following construction projects currently being undertaken:
(i) Kambimba Border Post;
(ii) Kamapanda Border Post; and
(iii) Kabompo Hydro Power.
The Minister of Works and Supply (Mr Namulambe): Mr Speaker, the Government has plans to rehabilitate all roads in the country. At the moment, only roads that constitute the core road network take precedence above other roads. This is also reflected in the way the roads budget is structured.
Mr Speaker, in order to maintain accessibility, the Government will, through the Rural Roads Unit (RRU) equipment, maintain the roads that lead to Kambimba Border Post, Kamapanda Border Post and Kabompo Hydro Power until funds to rehabilitate the roads are available.
Mr Speaker, Kabompo District Council will be asked to liaise with the North/Western Provincial Administration so that the RRU equipment can be made available for maintenance of the roads in question.
I thank you, Sir.