Wednesday, 8th December, 2021

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Wednesday, 8th December, 2021


The House met at 1430 hours


[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]











Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, I wish to acquaint the House with the presence in the Speaker’s Gallery of the following hon. Members of the Portfolio Committee on Higher and Tertiary Education, Innovation, Science and Technology from the Parliament of Zimbabwe:


Hon. Lindiwe Maphosa                            Chairperson


Hon. Torerayi Moyo


Hon. Daniel F. Molokela-Tsiye 


Hon. Esther Nyathi


Hon. Tawanda Karikoga


The Committee is accompanied by two members of staff, namely Mr Marcel Mugariri, Committee Clerk, and Mr Munashe Tofa, Committee Research Officer.


I wish, on behalf of the National Assembly of Zambia, to receive our distinguished guests and warmly welcome them into our midst.


I thank you.




Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, I wish to inform the House that the Independent hon. Members of Parliament in the House have appointed Mr Emmanuel Jay. Banda, MP, as their Whip, and Mr Joel Chibuye, MP, as Deputy Whip.


I thank you.








Mr Kang’ombe (Kamfinsa): Madam Speaker, I beg to move that this House urges the Government to cancel water bills for all residents in townships who have been experiencing erratic water supply countrywide.


Madam Speaker: Is the Motion seconded?


Mr Mwila (Mufulira): Madam Speaker, I beg to second the Motion.


Mr Kang’ombe: Madam Speaker, let me begin by registering my profound appreciation for according me this opportunity to move this Motion, which seeks to urge the Government to cancel water bills for all residents in townships countrywide who have been experiencing erratic water supply. This Motion is aimed at providing relief to our people who have been receiving high water bills from water utility companies when they receive little or no water.


Madam Speaker, hon. Members may wish to note that most commercial utility companies have failed to comply with some of the conditions of their licences issued under the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997, which demands compliance to service level indicators, three of which are relevant to this Motion. These service level indicators are:


  1. Service Level Indicator No. 2 on quality of water;
  2. Service Level Indicator No. 3 on water supply hours per day, and
  3. Service Level Indicator No. 4 on billing and meter reading.


Madam Speaker, despite these challenges of the commercial utility companies, most residents have continued to receive high water bills. In addition, hon. Members may wish to note that the failure to consistently supply water by utility companies is happening at a critical time when our people need enough water for them to maintain high sanitation and hygiene levels in order to abet the spread of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).


Madam Speaker, the inconsistency in water supply for most townships is attributed to two main reasons, and these are:


  1. dilapidated infrastructure which leads to water loss through leakages along the distribution lines. This significantly reduces the water that finally reaches the end users. In addition, leakages contribute to water contamination, thereby subjecting our people to using unsafe water; and
  2. most townships have experienced an increase in population over time, which has also increased the demand for water. However, the increase in population has not been matched by proportional increase in investment to expand the existing water reticulation infrastructure for new users. Therefore, the demand has significantly outstripped the current capacity, thereby putting more pressure on already dilapidated and limited infrastructure.


Madam Speaker, considering that some people in the townships receive very little or no water at all due to the highlighted challenges, you would expect bills to be minimal to reflect the prevailing situation. However, it is unfortunate that most of them still receive high bills, which could be an indication of inaccuracies in the billing system. For those on fixed charge, they are expected to pay the same amount irrespective of whether or not they receive water. We, therefore, find it unfair that our people have to pay for inefficiencies that exist within the water reticulation system, which are supposed to be addressed by the commercial utility companies.


Madam Speaker, the highlighted situation where customers are billed without receiving equivalent service is against the provisions of the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997. The Act provides that customers must receive value for their money, which entails that they must only be made to pay for the amount of water they have consumed within a particular period of time. In addition, the billing of customers for a service that has not been provided is against the provision of the Competition and Consumer Protection Act No. 24 of 2010.


Further, this situation is also against the United Nations (UN) guidelines on consumer protection, which provides, among other things, that consumers should obtain optimum benefits from their economic resources. It is in view of the foregoing that we are urging the Government to request all utility companies across the country to cancel bills for citizens who have been receiving erratic water supply. This is the fair thing to do under consumer protection laws and guidelines. In addition, the cancellation of bills will offer economic relief to our people who are already distressed from the economic effects of COVID-19.


Madam Speaker, the House may wish to note that precedence was set in November 2020 when the hon. Minister of Water Development and Sanitation then ordered Kafubu Water and Sanitation Company Limited to cancel bills for residents of Mpatamatu Township and part of Roan Township. The reasons given for that cancellation are similar to the reasons that have compelled us to move this particular Motion.


Madam Speaker, allow me to state that beyond cancelling the bills, the Government must also ensure that water utility companies install new prepaid meters so that the problem does not recur. When the billing inaccuracies are addressed, it will lead to improved compliance by customers towards the paying of water bills. Consequently, there will be efficiency in revenue collection, which in turn will allow utility companies to invest in order to improve service delivery.


Madam Speaker, we acknowledge the huge investment in millions of Dollars by the previous respective governments, with support from co-operating partners such as the African Development Bank (AfDB), Water Aid Zambia, and the Development Bank of Germany, among others. However, we urge the Government to continue investing in the water sector and sanitation subsector as a long-term solution. This does not only provide immediate economic benefits through improved productivity, but also safeguards the future by ensuring that the available water resources are optimally managed. In addition, investing in the water sector will enable Zambia to achieve the Vision 2030 target on water and sanitation, which is to provide clean and safe water supply and sanitation for all. Further, it will enable the country to achieve Sustainable Development Goal No. 6, which is aimed at ensuring access to water and sanitation for all.


Madam Speaker, as I conclude, allow me to state that the cancellation of water bills for residents in townships which have been experiencing erratic water supply will give impetus to the commercial water utility companies to improve their water supply and sanitation services. Some of the samples of bills will be laid on the Table as part of my submission.


Madam Speaker, with the aforesaid, I, once again, thank you for giving me this opportunity to move this Motion which cuts across the width and breadth of our republic. I also urge my fellow hon. Members on both sides of the House to support this Motion as we seek to provide a relief to our people.


Madam Speaker, with those few remarks, I beg to move.


I thank you, Madam.


Madam Speaker: Does the seconder wish to speak now or later?


Mr Mwila: Now, Madam.


Madam Speaker, allow me to thank you for the privilege to second the Motion that has been ably moved by the hon. Member of Parliament for Kamfinsa Constituency, Mr Christopher Kang’ombe.


Madam Speaker, let me begin by putting on record that I support this progressive Motion which seeks to urge the Government to cancel water bills for all residents in townships which have been experiencing erratic water supply countrywide.


Madam Speaker, I will restrict my debate to some of the legal and policy issues surrounding our water sector, which can help us to understand why there is a need to cancel water bills for the affected citizens.


Madam Speaker, the Government of the Republic of Zambia started water sector reforms after 1991, which led to the formulation of the National Water Policy of 1994. The reforms were aimed at addressing problems faced in the sector, most of which were as a result of having no guiding policy. These include deteriorating water and sanitation service, inadequate human resource capacity, and limited and ever decreasing capital investments. The 1994 National Water Policy was revised in 2010 to, among other things, provide for a clear vision and holistic policy direction for the water sector and assess the progress made in the implementation of the 1994 policy and update it, taking into consideration the key developments in the water sector in Zambia and international best practices for water resources management.


Madam Speaker, in 1997, the National Assembly of Zambia enacted the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997, which established the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO). The functions of the Council were, among other things, to provide for the establishment by local authorities of water supply and sanitation utility companies. In addition, the Act mandates local authorities in Section 10 to provide water supply and sanitation services to areas of their jurisdiction.


Madam Speaker, the law is very clear on what local authorities, through utility companies, are supposed to do. However, it is worth noting that from the time the water sector was commercialised, there has been little or no investment in water supply infrastructure by utility companies. This has resulted in intermittent supply of water in many districts throughout the country. In some cases, water is supplied less than seven days a week for less than four hours, while in other instances, it is supplied daily, but for durations ranging from one to two hours a day.


In addition, unplanned water network extensions to service mushrooming new residential areas have reduced supply duration and water volumes for areas that were supplied originally. There have been reports of customers being billed for a service which they have not received. One such report was aired on the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) television on 17th September, 2020, in which some residents of Lusaka alleged that they were receiving bills with huge amounts despite not having water supply for some days.


The situation is, in fact, true for most parts of our country. In response, the Lusaka Water Supply and Sanitation Company (LWSC) stated that the bills were not inflated because they were customers who were not metered, but on fixed charge whose bills remain the same even with erratic water supply. This is against the company’s mission, which is: “To provide quality water and sanitation services at commercially and environmentally sustainable levels to the delight of our customers and other stakeholders.”


Madam Speaker, you may wish to note that water is now recognised as a human right by both the United Nations (UN) human rights system and the African regional human rights system. It is, therefore, an affront on people’s rights to subject them to paying for a service which was not rendered simply because they are on fixed charge. Clearly, the issue of erratic water supply is a countywide problem which requires urgent attention from the Government.


To cure this challenge, there is a need for adequate investment in the water sector to ensure that the old infrastructure is upgraded to meet the current demands and allow for the expansion of the water reticulation system. In fact, this Motion has come at the right time when citizens are facing very difficult times with the impending increases in fuel and electricity cost which have been forced on them by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) deal. Let us be proud of seeking credibility from the people we are governing and not from neo-colonists and imperialists like the IMF.


Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Mwila: Madam Speaker, supporting this Motion is going to be the best Christmas gift to the people of Zambia. I, therefore, urge hon. Members of this august House to support this non-controversial Motion urging the Government to cancel water bills for all residents in townships which have been experiencing erratic water supply, countrywide.


I thank you, Madam Speaker.


Madam Speaker: Before we proceed, I notice that there is a request for a point of order. Hon. Member for Kalabo Central, what is the point of order?


Mr Miyutu: On a point of order, Madam.


Madam Speaker: A point of order is raised.


Mr Miyutu: Madam Speaker, if we follow the records of this House, we will find that I rarely rise on points of order, but come what may, this one compels me to rise and seek guidance.


Madam Speaker, today at 1000 hours, the Patriotic Front (PF) had a press conference at its offices and was covered by several media houses in this country, including MUVI TV.


Madam Speaker, I will quote the National Assembly (Powers and Privileges) Act, Chapter 12, Section 19, Clause (d), which states:


“(d) no one should demean the Speaker.”


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Miyutu: Madam Speaker, Hon. Given Lubinda, who is the Vice-President of the PF, former hon. Minister of Justice of this Republic and a former hon. Member of Parliament in the previous Government of the PF was quoted as having said these words, referring to the Speaker during that press briefing:


“A social studies pupil is more informed than the current Speaker of the House.”


Hon. UPND Member: Shame.


Mr Miyutu: Madam Speaker, is the former hon. Minister of Justice in order to say these words against the Speaker of this honourable House, who is the first female Speaker so far, from the creation of this country?


Hon. UPND Member: The wisest!


Hon. PF Member: Cite the Standing Orders!


Hon. UPND Member: Iwe!


Mr Miyutu: So, I seek your serious ruling over this matter.


I thank you, Madam Speaker.


Madam Speaker: Thank you for that point of order.


Since I did not attend that press briefing and did not even listen to it, I will reserve my ruling so that I can study the matter and confirm what actually transpired.


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Anakoka (Luena): Madam Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity for the people of Luena to contribute to debate on the Motion on the Floor. The Motion is urging the Government to cancel all water bills incurred in all townships where the mover says there has been erratic water supply from 2006 to date. It is unbelievable.


Madam Speaker, the mover of the Motion and the seconder have correctly diagnosed the problem with our water utility companies. They have repeatedly said the challenge is that there has not been sufficient investment in the water reticulation systems. To solve that problem, the mover suggests that these water utility companies should be denied the money that is due to them ...

Hon. UPND Member: And he was a Mayor!


Mr Anakoka: …by cancelling the water bills.




Hon. UPND Member: Can you imagine.


Mr Anakoka: It is a serious contradiction in terms coming from a man who was actually a Mayor of one of the four cities in this country.


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Hon. UPND Member: What a Mayor.


Mr Anakoka: Madam Speaker, it was only yesterday when we were debating Vote 55, the budget line for the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation and the hon. Minister did allude to the fact that this New Dawn Government is going to fast track investment in water reticulation systems …


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Hon. UPND Member: Learn to listen.


Mr Anakoka: … so that matters of water development and sanitation are addressed. To suggest that the solution is to cancel bills –


Hon. UPND Member: Ah!


Mr Anakoka: For starters, Madam Speaker, even the mover of the Motion has not indicated how much is actually involved, …


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Hon. UPND Member: Imagine.


Mr Anakoka: …let alone how he would even go around identifying what constitutes erratic water supply. The seconder said that in certain instances, water is supplied seven days a week, but in the night. How can we urge the Government to cancel bills on that basis?


Madam Speaker, this Motion cannot be supported.


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Hon. UPND Member: It is a dead Motion.


Mr Anakoka: This Motion is a Brought in Dead (BID) Motion.


Hon. UPND Member: Correct.


Mr Anakoka: Madam Speaker, this Government is very serious with issues of water development and sanitation. The systematic approach adopted by this Government does not include an un-thought through process of just cancelling bills. We are aware, as a New Dawn Government that there are challenges in certain areas where there are disputes in terms of the bills and the water supplied where residents feel that they are billed for water that was not actually delivered. The current regulations through National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO) provide sufficient mechanisms for such disputes to be resolved.


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Anakoka: Madam Speaker, it is, therefore, not right, and it would not be prudent to support such a retrogressive Motion that seeks to cancel bills, certainly not at this time when there is a Government in place which is addressing issues of water development and sanitation.


Madam Speaker, I would have said a lot, but I think, suffice it to say that a BID Motion need not be given so much attention and, therefore, I beg to submit that I do not support this Motion.


Madam Speaker, I thank you.


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, can we have some order. Let us not exchange words across the Floor.


Mr Chibuye (Roan): Madam Speaker, thank you very much for giving me an opportunity to say one or two words on the Motion on the Floor.


Madam Speaker, I come from a constituency that has have had challenges in terms of water supply. Just as good as the mover of the Motion has indicated, indeed Madam, they are some areas where people rarely receive this commodity. Listening to the mover, he has mentioned that he is urging the Government in his Motion to consider writing off the water bills in areas where there has been erratic water supply.


Madam Speaker, I want to put it on the Floor that, yes, we can only pay for the commodity that we have and for a service that is rendered to us. It is in this vein that I want to mention here that the previous administration actually after so many cries from the people of Roan Constituency to cancel the bills in areas especially where they were no meters. Where people were put on the fixed charge and bills were coming even when water was not there.


Madam Speaker, part of the constituency has had their bills cancelled. I am urging the Government to continue with the bill cancellation since this issue was started and indeed, let us give a relief to the people by cancelling the bills in those areas where water was not flowing.


Madam Speaker, the people need water and are ready to pay for water. Yes, I am aware and mindful that the infrastructure has dilapidated in terms of water reticulation. I am aware that the Government is putting in everything to ensure that they address the issue of water reticulation and sanitary reticulation.


Madam Speaker, even as we speak here, it is just fair that those that are not receiving water adequately are given a consideration in terms of cancelling their bills. Let people pay for what they are receiving. We are aware that the Government needs resources to upgrade the water infrastructure, but this is not going to be done at the expense of people who are not receiving anything. Let people pay for what they are receiving.


Madam Speaker, it is in this regard that I urge the Government to give an ear and consider people who have not been receiving water adequately. Let us find mechanisms and the mode to look into this and do it in a fair manner for all those that have not been receiving water. Yes, there are some areas that have been receiving water and it is just important that those areas pay for it.


Madam, I want to urge the Government to come up with a solution amongst the water utilities companies to look into the issue and make sure that those who were not on fixed tariff or those who were fixed tariff are given a consideration. Even now, as we speak, people who are on fixed tariff or metered bills are also made to pay, sometimes abnormal bills. It is not that we do not want the Government to improve the water infrastructure, but the emphasis is that please, let us giving a relief to the people who are not receiving the commodity.


Madam Speaker, it is in this regard that I want to urge the Government to consider the Motion on the Floor.


I thank you, Madam Speaker.


Mr Kamboni (Kalomo Central): Madam Speaker, the Patriotic Front (PF) was in Government and they are the creators of these problems. Now, the PF have come up with a line-up of topics which are meant to trap the Government and sink the whole country.


Madam Speaker, how can they say the entire water bills in the whole country be cancelled? How can that be possible? When we cancel all the bills, where will the money for salaries of the workers, maintenance, chemicals come from? I have never heard of whereby you are being billed for the water that is not coming out. We have metres in our home and if water is not coming out the metres do not record. If there is a problem with billing that is between the customer and water utility company. Why should they bring the Motion to Parliament when they are the ones who destroyed the economy? Right now, like we said, we have 50 per cent money going to the salaries, 45 per cent to the loans which they created and only 5 per cent is remaining. They are telling us to cancel the bills, who is going to pay for them? They ran the country so reckless to the level where by, now, we are failing because there is no money in the country.


Madam, they said it here that there is a high demand for water. If the demand is high, it means that we must put more money into that. They were in the Government and they never invested in water utility companies. We were always looking at what has been allocated to, but it was very low and yet they had the money to buy teargas to teargas the same citizens. They had the money to buy police vehicle that meant to actually teargas the same citizens. Today they come to tell us to cancel all the bills so that the country becomes ungovernable.


Madam, they are in the opposition and they should make it useful by bringing in things that make a lot of sense. There is nobody who should say Zambia should not be relived. We are where we are because of how they mismanaged the economy. They came here to say there is inaccuracy in the billing. If there is inaccuracy in the billing, it is between the customer and the water utility company.


Madam, they now come here and say that PF had cancelled bills in Kafubu Water and Sewerage Company which is just one company. Today they want the whole country’s bills to be forgiven. Next they will come and tell us to pay for mealie meal and everything for the whole country. The country is not run like that.  I am aware that they have come up with topics to literally trap the Government. We are not going to operate like that.


Madam, the bills that people pay are for the services that they get. That is why they pay the bills. They are not from without. If there is insufficient supply of water, it means that we need to put more money in it. If you look at how much money was allocated, it makes a little more sense because there is good money, now, allocated for water and sanitation. However, we are not going to solve problems. For example, I am sick and in the intensive care unit in a hospital and for me to survive, I need oxygen and yet outside there is fresh air. If that is my only choice to survive because my organs will not work very well, I will take the oxygen.


Madam, so, life is about choices at the pace where we are in Zambia here, we have limited choices because of how they mismanaged the economy. One came here and said no International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the fuel subsidy. Three months before elections, they removed Value Added tax (VAT) which we needed to balance the budget. They removed it to please the voters and their intention was to bring it back after voting, unfortunately, they did not win. Now they come again saying – If that time they did not remove VAT which was supposed to be there, maybe we would be in the different situation but now we are in a very bad situation –


Madam Speaker: Order!


Mr Kapyanga: On a point of order, Madam Speaker.


Mr Kamboni: Now, we are in a very bad situation –


Madam Speaker: Order, hon. Member for Kalomo Central!


A point of order is raised.


Mr Kapyanga: Thank you so much, Madam Speaker, for according me an opportunity to raise a point of order on the hon. Member for Kalomo Central citing Standing Order No. 65(1)(a) and (b).


Madam Speaker, the hon. Member for Kalomo Central is alleging on the Floor of the House that the previous regime is responsible for the erroneous water bills, which the mover of the Motion wants cancelled. Is he in order to allege that the previous regime was the cause of the erroneous bills?


Mr Kapyanga was inaudible.


Madam Speaker: Are you done, hon. Member for Mpika Central?


Mr Kapyanga was inaudible.


Madam Speaker: Thank you very much for that point of order. Are you still on the Floor? Do you still want to continue, hon. Member for Mpika Central? Are you done?

Mr Kapyanga was inaudible.


Madam Speaker: Anyway, regarding the point of order that has been raised, the hon. Member is debating, and that is his opinion. So, if the hon. Members on the other side have any information to counter what the hon. Member is saying, they can bring it on the Floor of the House. Let us proceed.


May the hon. Member for Kalomo Central continue.


Mr Kamboni: Madam Speaker, the other speaker said that there is insufficient investment in the water utility companies. However, if they had invested in them the past ten years, we would not be where we are. Even the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Programme they are complaining about – if we had run the economy properly, we would not be where we are. We are where we are because of the mismanagement of the economy.


Madam Speaker, life is about choices. It is like now, we have been given a car without wheels and there is no money to have it repaired. So, what do we do? We borrow so that we can put the wheels in order for the car to start moving and we can make profit to pay back the huge loan which the same person who removed the wheels on the car made. This is the situation in which we are in. Frankly speaking, we cannot make a sweeping statement that the bills, throughout the country, should be cancelled; for what?


Madam Speaker, the people in Choma, Kalomo and Monze have not complained about the bills. A customer must go and discuss with the company that provides the water. In places like Mazabuka, there is good water. So, all these topics that are being brought up are meant to sink the Government and paint it bad, but this is not the way you do things. You failed to do that and you want us to do what is bad.


Madam Speaker, we are not saying that Zambians should not be relieved of any problem. We have relieved them in many areas such as through the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) where they are being given six bags of inputs and it is being implemented throughout the country. We have also reduced taxes in most of the areas. The taxable pay wage triangle is now K4,500. We have relieved the Zambians in many aspects and they have also benefitted.


Madam Speaker, in secondary and primary schools, there are bursaries for those who cannot afford school fees. All these are measures to relieve the Zambians. People should not decide to bring in something that will make the whole country sink. The Opposition should offer checks and balances that will make a lot of sense in order to help improve the economy. Our economy is sick. It is in the intensive care unit (ICU) and it needs to be treated. So, it is now taking medicine for it to be okay. The economy we have in Zambia is not normal. The biggest elephant we have …


Mr Kang’ombe: On a point of order, Madam Speaker.


Mr Kamboni: … is the debt that the Patriotic Front (PF) Government left. So, it is sick and it is receiving treatment, but what treatment are we giving it? We have gotten a loan that has less interest and not those expensive loans we used to get. Again, they come and they want to criticise that. I think we are going to do what is in the best interest of the Zambians.


Madam Speaker, I thank you very much for allowing me to debate.


Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!


Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, when you raise a point of order, I can hear you. If I do not call upon you right there and then, it means I am waiting for a point when I will call upon you to raise your point of order. Do not just stand and shout point of order before you are recognised.


Hon. Member for Kamfinsa, what is your point of order?


Mr Kang’ombe: Madam Speaker, thank you very much.


Madam Speaker, Standing Order No. 65(1)(a) states that:


“(1)      A member who is debating shall –


  1. confine his or her debate to the subject under discussion.”


Further, Standing Order No. 65(2)(a) states that:


“(2)      A member who is debating shall not –


  1. impute any improper motives to the President, Vice-President or any other member.”


Madam Speaker, was the previous debater in order to refer to issues that are not before the Floor of the House? We are discussing about the erratic water supply in areas where there is erratic water supply. So, if our people in Lukulu have not complained, it means there is no erratic water supply.


I seek your ruling, Madam Speaker.


Madam Speaker: Hon. Members, as we debate, let us stick to the matter on the Floor of the House for debate. Let us not stray and bring in other things. That will always attract a response from the other side. So, let us maintain some harmony in the House.


Mr Mumba (Kantanshi): Thank you very much, Madam Speaker, for this opportunity and I thank the mover as well as the seconder of the Motion.


Madam Speaker, as Member of Parliament for Kantanshi, I support this Motion. I will give an example of the Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company Limited, which has been highly supported by the Government. Not too long ago, through the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, it got a loan of about 300 million Euros, which has supported its expansion programme.


Madam Speaker, this Motion concerns the people of Kantanshi because before these investments started taking place in 2015 and 2016, there was a similar outcry from the people of Kantanshi, Chingola and Chililabombwe that they were being given bills for the water they had not consumed. As a resident of Kantanshi who also owns a property there, I can clearly state that the bills that I receive for water which I have not consumed have been so inconsistent. It has been the desire of Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company Limited for example, to put pre-paid metres as it works on the entire system such as the piping that has corroded.


Madam Speaker, we also have to appreciate the fact that utility companies have been surviving on tax payers’ money through monthly grants that support them when they do not have money to pay salaries. That has been coming from the goodwill of the people of Zambia. So far, very few water utility companies in Zambia today can boast of functioning at optimum, producing a profit and even giving a dividend to the Zambian people from the resources they have been using in the past to support their growth as a business.


Madam Speaker, when they were separated from, – I will stick to Mulonga Water and Sewerage Company Limited because during privatisation and the separation that took place, water utility companies were under the Ministry of Local Government and Housing. We saw that investment from 2016 to 2018 was for specifically feasibility studies but bills were still being produced. The cry that is there from the people is that they do not want free services. They want to pay for services that they have consumed.


Madam Speaker, it is the same story for us in Mufulira, and in Chingola and Chililabombwe. We urge the Government to probably clean up that decision that was made in 2014/2015. There was a directive before the formation of the Ministry of Water Development and Sanitation on where these companies were going to go. They needed to clean up this so that as the new investment takes its course and these companies become more viable and provide better water and sanitation services to our people, we start on a clean slate.


However, what did these companies do, particularly Mulonga Water and Sanitation Company? All housing units in Mufulira, which used to be under the Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM), fall under one title. So, very few people in Mufulira, who first of all gained from the sale of mine houses, which was an empowerment during the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) Government – When it came to benefiting, they asked their customers for rakes or titles. So, the will from the Government was there, but the utility companies resisted.


Madam Speaker, since the New Dawn Government wants to do things differently, there is absolutely nothing wrong with us from the Copperbelt speaking on behalf of the constituents. We want the Government to consider cancelling water bills for all residents in townships that have been experiencing erratic water supply. What is the point of having bills that are not being paid? Utility companies are not benefiting but they produce pieces of paper every month and somebody goes round distributing those bills for a service that is not consumed. It costs money to produce those bills because toner is used, and the officer distributes bills that will not be paid.


Madam Speaker, I have invested in boreholes. Last week, there was an urgent question on why there was no water for one week in Mufulira District and the reason was that ZESCO Limited had not supplied power to the water utility company. These are issues that can be internalised. How can a business not produce a product it is supposed to depend on to make a profit and pay for chemicals and so on and so forth? The reason they function like this is because they know that they will go and knock on the door of the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, get a grant and continue functioning.


Madam Speaker, as I support the Motion, I urge the Government to probably find better ways of how we can solve this problem and push all the investments and loans that utility companies have acquired for the benefit of our people.


Madam Speaker, with those few words, I thank you.


Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!


The Minister of Water Development and Sanitation (Mr Mposha): Madam Speaker, thank you for according me this opportunity to give the ministry’s position on the Motion moved by the Member of Parliament for Kamfinsa Constituency, my brother Hon. Kangombe.


Madam Speaker, the hon. Member’s Motion is urging the Government to cancel water bills for all residents in townships that have been experiencing erratic water supply, countrywide, from 2006 to date.


Madam Speaker, from the outset, let me categorically state that the Government does not support the Motion because the law adequately provides an elaborate process under which water bills or, indeed, outstanding dates can be written off.


Madam Speaker, the Government, through the National Water Supply and Sanitation Council (NWASCO), being the regulator of water supply and sanitation services, has in place tariff setting guidelines for water supply and sanitation services as provided in Section (4) of the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No. 28 of 1997. The tariff setting guidelines provide sufficient procedures on water bills or, indeed debt write-off, for customers who may not have been supplied with water.


Madam Speaker, all the eleven water supply and sanitation companies are required to provide water and sanitation services in accordance with the service level guarantee, unless in circumstances when there is a shortfall in the supply of water due to climatic conditions or any other factors as provided in Section 26 of the Water Supply and Sanitation Act No.28 of 1997. The service level guarantee stipulates the minimum level of service that a water utility company should provide in terms of hours of supply and quality of service.


Madam Speaker, NWASCO has developed guidelines on how to write-off water supply and sanitation bills for customers who may not be metered and may not have received water supply and sanitation services from water utility companies. Under the said guidelines, NWASCO reserves the right to restrict tariffs payable by such customers to water utility companies. However, in the case of metered customers who experience erratic water supply, they are expected to pay only for what they have consumed as per their meter readings.


Madam Speaker, allow me to further inform this august House that there is an elaborate procedure that needs to be followed for bill write-offs to be effected. Any bill write-off by any water company should be preceded by an assessment to be undertaken by NWASCO to ascertain the prevailing situation in the affected area and whether the customers are metered, the amount to be written off and the extent of the problem.


Madam Speaker, furthermore, in an event where there has been no supply of water, NWASCO intervenes by ensuring that either services are brought back to an acceptable level or the procedure for debt write-off is instituted on a case by case basis. For example, write-offs have been effected in the past which include the K12.4 million in 2006 under the Nkana Water and Sanitation Company, K6.8 million in 2021, under the Lusaka Water and Sanitation Company, and K304,517 under the Chambeshi Water and Sanitation Company in 2019.


Madam Speaker, these are issues that have been effected before on a case by case basis where clients have complained. I further assure this august House and the nation at large that the Government under the leadership of His Excellency the President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, is implementing various interventions to address water supply and sanitation challenges across the country. The Government is implementing a number of water supply improvement projects, and I think the mover of the Motion also alluded to this. These measures are aimed at ensuring a minimum acceptable level of service provided by water utility companies. Some of these measures include the African Development Bank (AfDB) Supported Integrated Small Towns Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Luapula Province, the Western Province, Muchinga Province and the Northern Province.


Madam Speaker, others are the Nkana Water Supply and Sanitation Project Phase II and the Zambia Water Supply Project being undertaken in Kitwe, Chingola, Mufulira and Chililabombwe respectively, in the Copperbelt Province. These and other projects have resulted in improvements in water supply coverage in the country from 65 per cent in 2014 to the current 72 per cent. Hours of supplying water have also improved from an average of fifteen hours to eighteen hours.


Madam Chairperson, it is, therefore, advisable that any matters to do with water bills write-offs should be made through NWASCO which will ensure that consideration is made on a case by case basis and that the due process is followed.


Madam Speaker, as I have already said, I wish to reiterate that the Government is not in support of this Motion as the procedure is already provided for in the law.


I thank you, Madam Speaker.


Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Kang’ombe: Madam Speaker, I want to thank the hon. Minister of Water Development and Sanitation for his statement. I am very certain that the answers that have been provided are basically meant to hide the inefficiencies of some of these water utility companies. I am aware that the hon. Minister is grappling with this challenge despite the investment that went into the water sector.


Madam, I am happy the hon. Minister has acknowledged in his statement that there are projects that are ongoing. If you go to Kafulafuta, there is a water project that is ongoing, but it does not deal with the old bills which people have accumulated. If you go to Kitwe, in particular, my constituency, you will find these bills. I have a few samples of bills that I have laid before the floor of this House attached to my Motion, which show the magnitude of this problem.


Madam Speaker, I know this matter does not affect all hon. Members of Parliament across the country, and that is why I qualified my statement to apply to areas and townships which have been facing the challenge of erratic water supply. The Motion was qualified and it seeks to urge the Government to action. The instruments for urging the Government are what the hon. Minister will do with NWASCO. My moving of this Motion is basically to urge the Government to act. How the Government now undertakes the actual mechanism remains with the ministry. What the hon. Minister has basically done is indicate the procedure provided for in the law. That procedure which is provided for in the law relates to the Government, so when we urge it to cancel bills we are saying there is a genuine problem that is before many residents.


Madam, I am happy that hon. Members of Parliament who are affected have been able to highlight the challenge. This is a genuine challenge, and I know others may have trivialised the role of this Motion, but I want to put it on record, Madam Speaker, that  our people, despite the many projects that are taking place like the Nkana Water Phase I and II, they do not deal with the challenge of an old bill. An old bill is always brought forward to the new bill. I am sure that hon. Ministers who are familiar with these challenges will agree with me that the issue of water bills requires urgent attention so that we can give our people relief.


Madam Speaker, despite the position of the Government, I wish to insist that it considers cancelling those bills that have accumulated despite erratic water supply. The residents out there are waiting, obviously, for guidance over this matter. It may be shot down in the House, but it is a genuine problem that requires attention.


Madam Speaker, if the challenge in an hon. Member’s constituency is the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP), it is always important to find a way to resolve the FISP problem. If the challenge is water supply and sanitation, there is no harm in bringing matters to the Floor of the House to ensure that we give this problem the national character it deserves. I think that the hon. Minister, in my opinion, has given a statement that refers to what the technocrats who sat provided to him as a response. However, I know very well that even in his constituency, the problem of water is quite significant. I also know very well that he agrees with me that we need to cancel bills for water which was never supplied.


Madam Speaker, for those who are saying you cannot get a bill if you do not get water, this is the reality. There have been annual reports for the last five years for the Nkana Water and Sewerage Company and NWASCO that have indicated that bills have been issued where water was not supplied.


Madam Speaker, the people of Kamfinsa, Kantanshi, Roan and other areas that are affected still wish to get Government support for the cancellation of these bills. The hon. Minister may be constrained here, but he can find the time, maybe after a few months when the matter has died down, to issue a statement that he has cancelled the bills. He will lose nothing because the people will be happy with that decision.




Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Kang’ombe: Madam Speaker, I beg to move on behalf of the people of Kamfinsa, Ndeke, Chimwemwe, Kantanshi ...


Hon. Government Member: Munali!


Mr Kang’ombe: ... and Munali that water bills be cancelled. I do not know why my brother is quiet. I beg to move


I thank you, Madam Speaker.


Question that this House urges the Government to cancel water bills for all residents in townships that have been experiencing erratic water supply, countrywide, from 2006 to-date put and negatived.









VOTE 45 – (Ministry of Community Development and Social Services – K 4,425,021,918)


The Minister of Community Development and Social Services (Ms Mwamba): Madam Chairperson, I thank you for according me this opportunity to present the 2022 Estimates of Expenditure for my ministry. Allow me to commend the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning for the elaborate presentation of the 2022 National Budget.


Madam Speaker, in 2022, the ministry will continue implementing social protection programmes as outlined in the Government Gazette Notice No. 1123 of 2021. This will be done by pursuing key outputs anchored on human and social development as well as good governance environmental clusters.


Madam Chairperson, let me highlight some achievements and challenges in 2021 before I present the 2022 priority areas. My ministry was allocated K3.6 billion of which K57.5 million was personal emoluments, K1.1 billion was for goods and services and K2.5 billion was for transfers and subsidies.


Madam Chairperson, the main achievements recorded in 2021 included:


  1. assisting 880,539 beneficiaries under the Social Cash Transfer programme. Further, the transfer value was increased from K90 to K150 per household per month for households without a person with a disability and K300 from K180 for households with persons with disabilities;
  2. provision of support to 140 child care facilities in 2021, compared to 80 in 2020. Removal and training of 530 street children from Lusaka and Copperbelt Provinces;
  3. provision of 1,970 assistive devices to persons with disabilities against the targeted 1,500. This was in order to enhance their participation in civil, political, economic, social and cultural spheres;
  4. the ministry has established four shelters for survivors whilst an additional shelter will be ready for use during the first quarter of 2022 in order to provide care and protection and rehabilitation of victims and survivors of gender based violence and human trafficking;
  5. the Food Security Pack programme supported 263,700 beneficiary households with farming inputs in all the districts from a case load of 36,300 in 2020;
  6. empowerment of 1,029 clubs and provision of low interest loans to 9,092 women under village banking as well as 22,862 under supporting women’s livelihood. All the women were provided with training and mentorship in life and business skills as well as saving; and
  7. finalisation of stakeholder consultation for the repeal and replacement of the Non-Governmental Organisation Act of 2009. The draft Bill has since been submitted to the Ministry of Justice.


Madam Chairperson, the main challenge in 2021 was the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COIVD-19) which:


  1. restricted officers from undertaking social protection activities;
  2. increased demand for social protection services as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic; and
  3. increased cases of gender based violence due to the partial lockdown which restricted provision of services to clients.


Key Focus Areas for 2022


Madam Chairperson, the ministry’s Budget for the year 2022 is K4.4 billion as compared to K3.7 billion in 2021. This translates into an increment of K760 million representing a 21 per cent upward adjustment.


Madam Chairperson, I wish to present the budget allocation and focus areas for 2022 under my ministry.




Social Cash Transfer Programme


Madam Chairperson, the funding for the social cash transfer programme has been increased from K2.4 billion in 2021 to K3.1 billion in 2022. With this allocation, the caseload of beneficiary households will be increased from the targeted 994,000 to over one million households.


In this regard, the New Dawn Government, under the leadership of the President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, will increase the social cash transfer value from K150 to K200 per month for households without a person with a disability and K400 from K300 for households with persons with disabilities. My ministry will roll out the integrated social protection information system which is an electronic payment system aimed at promoting transparency and accountability in the delivery of social cash transfer.


Public Welfare Assistance Scheme


Madam Chairperson, my ministry will continue to implement the public welfare assistance scheme in 2002 as the programme is vital for the provision of educational, health care, social support as well as repatriation of stranded persons. The programme has been allocated K1.1million as compared to the K400,000 in 2021.




Food Security Programme


Madam Chairperson, in order to promote household food security nutritional needs, my ministry will continue with the implementation of the Food Security Pack programme in all districts. The beneficiary households remain on the programme for two years after which they are weaned off.


The programme has been allocated K1.1 billion in 2022 from which 263,700 beneficiary households under rain-fed components and 40,000 beneficiary households under wetland components will benefit. Further, the ministry will implement alternative livelihoods interventions in 58 districts which have been targeted to receive K40,000 each.


Child Welfare and Development


Madam Chairperson, my ministry will review the National Child Policy and finalise the Development of the Child Code Bill which will foster child protection, participation, development and survival. My ministry will undertake a campaign aimed at ending violence against children, strengthening responses mechanism countrywide to address violence and abuse against children.


Madam Chairperson, in conclusion, I call upon hon. Members of this august House to support the Estimates of Expenditure for the Year 2022 for my ministry as presented which prioritises the needs of the poor and vulnerable in society.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Mrs Halwiindi (Kabwe Central): Madam Chairperson, I would like to thank the Minister of Community Development and Social Services for the elaborate Budget estimates presentation.


Madam Chairperson, this ministry is very important to our communities, especially in rural areas because it is the one that bridges the gap between the rich and the poor in terms of offering social protection and other social services.


Madam Chairperson, I would like to thank the Government and the ministry for the increment in the Budget for 2022 and also the increment to the beneficiaries of the social cash transfer and the food security pack.


Madam Chairperson, I want to highlight one or two issues that the hon. Minister needs to note. Previously, this ministry was politicised in terms of how it was disbursing the social protection packs in terms of Social Cash Transfer (SCF) and Food Security Pack (FSP). There is a need to check on the community workers who have been identified in the community to help the district community officers to identify people who are supposed to benefit from the Social Cash Transfer and the Food Security Pack. There is an outcry in Kabwe Central Constituency that only politically inclined people are selected for these programmes, for example, in the previous Government.


Madam Chairperson, maybe, the community workers have overstayed. There is lack of respect to the community. Therefore, there is a need to make sure that they check what is happening or change the people who are helping the officers from time to time so that there is equity in the

distribution of the Social Cash Transfer and Food Security Pack.


Madam Chairperson, I equally understand that there is an overlap of activities with what the hon. Members of Parliament offer in terms of empowerment from this ministry, especially to the clubs. If there is an overlap, there is a need to have a link where we will be exchanging notes with district community officers of the list of people they are helping in terms of the clubs. In the absence of these exchanges, we will end up giving the same people from time to time. Like I said, there is an issue in the previous Government of officers who used to give the same people who were inclined to a certain political party. So, if we are able to exchange notes, we will be able to reach out to those others who were marginalised, undermined or sidelined by the previous Government.


Madam Chairperson, with these few points, I say thank you so much, and I totally support the budget. However, let us work on the few points. They might seem to be of no importance but they are very important. If we do not have that link, we will continue helping the same people while sidelining others. Furthermore, other people will not be able to benefit because of the officers who have continued to be in the offices. Those community workers are really not helpful in the community, and so, we need to change. We should put people who will be able to reach out to everyone and include everybody.


Madam Chairperson, our President already said that his Government does not want to leave anyone behind. Therefore, we need people who will not look at what political party one belongs to. We should be able to capture everyone who is in need of help.


I thank you, Madam.


Mr E. Musonda (Lupososhi): Madam Chairperson, thank you for allowing the voice of the people of Lupososhi to debate the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services Vote.


Madam Chairperson, before I proceed, I thank the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning for finally acknowledging that this Budget did not balance going by the many amendments that he has brought forward. I thank him for having heeded to what we in the Opposition said; that the Budget was not balancing. That is the way it should be.


Madam Chairperson, I stand here, very reluctantly, to support the 2022 Budget for the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and other ministries that I will be given chance to debate on. This Budget is not based on the promises that the New Dawn Government made to the people during elections. It has suddenly u-turned and brought in ideas from the west; International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Madam Chairperson, the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services deals with the vulnerable. This year, the New Dawn Government stole, for lack of a better word, the food security pack meant for the vulnerable in Lupososhi. In Bemba, we say, ba kolwe basekana ifipato. You were accusing –


The Chairperson: Meaning?


Mr E. Musonda: Madam Chairperson, my mother Her Honour the Vice-President may interpret it correctly but literally meaning that we laugh at each other’s ugliness.


Madam Chairperson, the New Dawn Government district officials stole 280 packs meant for the vulnerable in Lupososhi. This is being confirmed by the Zambia Police. Instead of arresting and taking these people to court for prosecution, what did they do? They decided to sweep the dirt under the carpet. These people have gone scot-free. They just grabbed the evidence which was gotten from them and let the case go unprosecuted yet you continue calling our cadres thieves who stole and that they were corrupt. Your people did the same and you are doing nothing. That is why I said in bemba we say, ba kolwe basekana ifipato.


Madam Chairperson, I want the hon. Minister of Community Development and Social Services to attend to the issues. The ministry has reduced the expenditure on child welfare and adoption services. As the hon. Minister comes to answer this question, I want to know why the ministry has reduced the allocation to this Vote. It has drastically reduced. In addition, welfare and counselling services has had its allocation reduced. The allocation to the Food Security Pack has also been reduced.


Madam Chairperson, with the increase in fuel and electricity tariffs, definitely, the cost of living will be too harsh for the vulnerable people. Instead of attending to how it can curb this suffering, it has gone ahead to reduce allocations to Votes that directly affect the vulnerable in our constituencies.


Madam Chairperson, with these few words, I reluctantly support the Vote for the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services.


I thank you, Madam.


Mr E. J. Banda (Petauke Central): Madam Chairperson, thank you for giving the good people of Petauke Central Constituency chance to debate the Budget.


Madam Chairperson, the good people of Petauke Central Constituency –


The Chairperson: Order hon. Member!


Please mind the microphone. Avoid touching it all the time.


Mr J. E. Banda: Madam Chairperson, thank you. The good people of Petauke Central Constituency are in support of the budget for the Ministry Community of Development and Social Services because in Petauke, we have many people living with disability. We are very happy with the money allocated to the ministry. It has been increased because we have people who have entirely lived for 40 years old without a wheelchair. However, with the increment, they will have a wheelchair. The Social Cash Transfer fund has also been increased. Before, this allocation was very little. As you can see, a lot of commodities have gone up in terms of prices, and so, I am sure people will now be able to carter for their needs.


Madam Speaker, I will also ask the hon. Minister of Community Development and Social Services to consider people living with disability to be part and parcel of decision making even here in the House. The hon. Minister should take the message to the President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema so that as he makes nominations, he considers people living with disability to be part and parcel of Government.


Madam Chairperson, with those few words, the good people of Petauke are in support of the budget.


Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Kapyanga (Mpika Central): Madam Chairperson, I would like to thank you for giving me an opportunity to debate on this budgetary allocation on behalf of the people of Mpika.


Madam, Chairperson, I must state from the onset that the New Dawn Government has u-turned on its campaign promises it made to the Zambian people that it would increase the Social Cash Transfer Fund (SCT) from K150 to K500, but now it is talking about K200. The hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning should have increased the budget allocation to accommodate the increment from K150 to K500 as per campaign promise. As if that is not the only issue, the food packs that are being mentioned sometimes find themselves in the hands of people who are not even supposed to be beneficiaries. Even the SCT fund is sometimes abused by the people who are handling the same money.


Madam, I appeal to my mother, the hon. Minister of Community Development and Social Services to look into the issue of the people who are supposed to benefit from this money. For example, in Mpika’s Chitulika Village in particular, the old people and the disabled have been left out and the people who are benefiting are those who can work for themselves. You would find an old woman keeping about five or seven orphans yet she is not on the SCT scheme.


Madam, the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning mentioned in this Budget Speech that the Government would increase the number of beneficiaries on the SCT from the current 880,539 to over a million, which is also minimal. We were promised that when the United Party for National Development (UPND) forms Government, it would triple the number of beneficiaries of the SCT, but this has not been achieved. Instead, we are talking about one million. This is just a paltry increment of about hundred and something thousand beneficiaries.


The Government should look into the plight of that old women and man keeping hundreds of orphans at their homes in Chitulika and Katongo Kapala. The Government should give them farming inputs under the Social Safety Net Programme and food packs under this programme because those are the real beneficiaries. We cannot have a situation where money is being abused by the same people who have been given the responsibilities to distribute it.


Madam Chairperson, as I conclude, like the good people of Petauke, although I do not even know when they became good, let me also make emphasis that the SCT Programme which was introduced by the previous Patriotic Front (PF) regime is very good. I support the budget even though the campaign promises have not been met in this budget. I still support it for the benefit of my people. However, the promise of tripling the number of beneficiaries as well as increasing the amount of the SCT should have been actualised in this budget because that is what the people voted for and that is what they have been waiting for.


Madam Chairperson, my phone has been bombarded with all manner of messages and questions as to when this money will be increased. I have been telling the people asking that unfortunately, only a K50 has been added to the usual amount. Actually, they are very disappointed. They have been expecting a huge chunk of an increment.


Madam, as I support this budget allocation to the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, I submit that the amount be increased from K150 to at least K500 as we were promised during the campaigns. We should not wait any longer because our people will be suffering following the removal of fuel and electricity subsidies. Very soon, prices of essential commodities and goods will go up. The K200 will literally become nothing because that is the money they will be using for buying twenty units of electricity and two loaves of bread. So, an increment will actually help in this case.


Madam Chairperson, I thank you.


Rev. Katuta (Chienge): Madam Chairperson, I thank you for the opportunity. I also thank the hon. Minister for the policy statement.


Madam, the people of Chienge are very happy to hear the policies that the New Dawn Government has put in place. However, I was interested to hear the hon. Minister say that inputs meant for vulnerable farmers would be distributed by this ministry under strict observation.


Madam Chairperson, the people of Chienge are crying because whenever they are supposed to get the farming inputs which are meant for the vulnerable or the underprivileged, there has been so much discrimination. To make matters worse, those who are in charge of distributing these farming inputs end taking more of these farm inputs instead of giving them to the people who are supposed to receive them.


Madam Chairperson, it is saddening to see this good budget without considering people living with disabilities. I was expecting to see a section in there which is talking about how so much has been allocated specifically meant for the people living with disabilities to be given jobs or a human resource centre which would be only for people living with disabilities. For a long time now, we have ignored these people and we have not taken them seriously. This is the ministry I was expecting to talk more about the community; the common person such as the vulnerable including people living with disabilities. Their education is nothing to talk about. When it comes to employment, there is nothing to talk about. In terms of them accessing the national cake, there is nothing to talk about. So, I expect to see a change in this ministry.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to talk about what we used to call welofeyas when we were growing up. Those were centres in communities called welofeyas and I think the hon. Minister of Community Development and Social Services will agree with me. Nowadays, we have these crèches in Government schools which are not doing what is meant for the people or the common person. These centres used to help the vulnerable to access education as early as, maybe, four or five years. Women who were not privileged to be educated used to go to these are the centres to be taught how to cook, sew and other things. We do not see these centres especially in Chienge because there is nothing. These are the places where we can see women getting empowered. Not by giving them money. Through these centres, the welfare centres, which we used to welofeyas, is the only way the Government can empower women.


Madam Chairperson, I want to talk about gender parity. This is the ministry that I expect to voice out issues on gender parity. We talk about a girl child to be given more support. Yes, it is a good thing but what are we doing about the boy child? This is the same ministry that we expect to voice out on behalf of the communities.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to talk about the vulnerable scholarships. I know we have been given that K25.7 million and the wards will be identifying who should qualify for a scholarship. However, I feel the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services should have handled it. There used to be some projects that were meant for the vulnerable under this ministry. Unfortunately the well-to-do people benefited instead of the vulnerable people. I will give an example of the issue of Mukula that was meant to be for the vulnerable, but look at who benefited. There were some co-operatives which were supposed to be created under the guidance of this ministry for the vulnerable people but that went to other people. I hope and pray that this time around we will see young people in Chienge, having access to this money or this empowerment under this ministry meant for the vulnerable.




Madam Chairperson on the issue of Social Cash Transfer, this is the most painful part. I will say this with so much pain. In Chienge those who did not belong to the Patriotic Front (PF) could not access Social Cash Transfer fund.


Hon. UPND Members: Shame!


Rev. Katuta: It is my prayer that this Government will make a difference. We want to see everyone, as long as they are Zambians, to be able to access this fund. It is their right to belong to any political party but when it comes to Social Cash Transfer, we do not want to see those workers at the Social Welfare Department under the ministry, work with some political people thereby side-lining the vulnerable people who are entitled to that money but instead they give it to their family members.


Madam, even with farming inputs for the vulnerable, it is the same. You will find a PF cadre with fourteen bags of fertiliser in the House. I will ask this House to help us have those people arrested. Some people are laughing because they do not know what exactly is going on in Chienge. It is a pity that I am a Reverend. Maybe, if I was not a Reverend, I would have done it the way you want me to do it. However, I am restrained.


Hon. Member: Hammer, hammer!


Rev. Katuta: Madam Chairperson, we have these people who need to be taught a lesson by caging them. They have been taking what is not theirs. When they are writing down those who are supposed to be entitled, like the disabled people, they choose who should be written down with the help of the social workers. My earnest appeal is could you please remove those Social Welfare Workers from Chienge. We do not want them. We want people who can work with the people genuinely like the area Member of Parliament who does not discriminate.


Madam Chairperson, I want to say thank you so much for this budget. I support it but my request on the Floor of the House is remove those Social Welfare Workers from Chienge before we remove them.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Madam Chairperson: Before I call upon the hon. Minister to wind up debate, we are going to have debate from the last hon. Member. Mr Munsanje, are you there?


Mr Munsanje indicated ascent.


Mr Munsanje (Mbabala):Madam Chairperson, may I commend the hon. Minister for Community Development and Social Services for a very well presented budget for the ministry. This is a key ministry to the welfare and development of this country as it forms the backbone of social development in that those who may be hit by the economy are supposed to be supported by this ministry. I therefore, wish from the outset to support the increase in the budget allocation of the ministry from K3.6 billion to K4.4 billion. I am sure that once the economy is grown, this budget will increased and deal with some of the issues that are coming from the left.


Madam Chairperson, we are pretty aware that the left or the Opposition Patriotic Front (PF) failed to deliver a quality economy. They failed to deal with the social ills of this country. Instead of investing in areas such as social assistance and in public welfare, they invested in those military trucks that were meant to carry people who have been tear gassed.


Hon. UPND members: Hear, hear!


Mr Munsanje: Madam Chairperson, such kind of reckless expenditure is uncalled for. It is therefore, exciting to see that there has been an increase right in social assistance funding to K3.1 billion. This will increase the number of households that will benefit, with a grievance mechanism put in place that will deal with the issues of social cash transfer and other complaints that the PF neglected to deal with. So, I therefore, urge the hon. Minister to finalise the grievance mechanism for Social cash transfer and related areas.


Madam Chairperson, this kind of programme on public welfare assistance, community development and child welfare calls for professionalism. Increase professionalism in the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and allied services. It in that vein that I call for the hon. Minister and the ministry to all also finalise the professional Social Workers Bill or the SWAZ Bill which has been on the table and the PF failed to finalise. This is a low hanging fruit that the ministry needs to quickly finalise so that we improve on social services and have a code of conduct for all those people that are involved in delivering social protection services.


Madam Chairperson, once the Child Code Bill and the Professional Social Workers Bill are presented here in the House, we will have sealed the loop holes that may exist in the ministry.


Madam Chairperson: Order, hon. Member, can you please avoid reading your debate.


Mr Munsanje: Madam Chairperson, I am actually not reading I am just referring to my notes. I can still talk off cuff.




Mr Munsanje: Madam Chairperson, I wish to now point out on the issues of child protection. Many issues have been reported in this country have been neglected and the Child Code Bill was started many years ago. For example, under the regime led by Rupiah Banda, the Social Cash Transfer was launched in 2008 but we are being told here by claims that the PF Government left this programme. That is a lie. It is a total lie and we wish to –


Madam Chairperson: Order! The word ‘lie’ has been used and it is unparliamentary. Can you withdraw and replace it with another word.



Mr Munsanje: Madam Chairperson that is a fabrication…


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Munsanje: …from the Opposition PF because during their time, Social Cash Transfer was stolen…


Hon. UPND Members: Yes!


Mr Munsanje: …and the record is there. Money was stolen and abused, and people ended up not being on the Social Cash Transfer Programme for a whole two years. The poor people from Mbabala, Mang’unza, Mapanza and other areas were not able to benefit from the Social Cash Transfer Programme.


Hon. Member: Including Mangango!


Mr Munsanje: Even in Mangango…


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Munsanje: …and even in Zambezi


Mr Kambita: Hear, hear!


Mr Munsanje: All these people could not benefit because money was not applied where it is supposed to be applied. Now, we instead hear fabrications from the PF when they come to this House.


Madam Chairperson, such things have come to an end because the New Dawn Government is a Government of truth and delivery. The hon. Minister has clearly put up a good plan that I hereby support. This plan will ensure that we finalise on issues that affect our children, the vulnerable and all of us here. We have to grow this economy for us to be able to spend well and deal with issues that are covered here by the Ministry and without that, it will be very difficult. As we are fully aware, the PF is always scared of IMF, which is just an abbreviation for the International Monetary Fund (IMF).


Madam Chairperson, we do not need to be scared of the abbreviation IMF. We need to understand a few things. Let us understand a few things. What the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning has done is to bring us this concession loan in terms of Special Drawing Rights (SDR), the US$1.4 billion, which does not  come with the conditions of the Structure Adjustment Programme (SAP) to which PF thinks is another SAP. This is not a structural adjustment programme.


Madam, I urge my friends on the opposition go back to school so that they can be able to understand what these things stand for. Let us not just debate for the sake of talking. This country needs this. In any case, the same programme was on the campaign platform of PF in February. So it is very clear that what is at hand is jealousy.


Hon. Member: Yes.


Mr Munsanje: This is because when people see that we have done it in four months, they tried for ten years, they failed and we have managed. Therefore, let us just support the programme of the New Dawn Government, which is very clear that we will restore this country back on track in terms of managing the economy, investor confidence, bringing services back and increasing the number of people who are going to benefit from social assistance. The households will be over one million. That is the change that we were looking for.


Madam Chairperson, the money for persons with disabilities is going to increase to K400,000 plus, that  is what we are looking for, including the numbers. The money for those who are on public welfare is going to increase and that is what we are looking for. These are clear changes that are tangible, that can even be seen with their eyes. These are things that we were looking for when we were voting for change and the New Dawn Government has delivered on these things and today, we can all see that this is going to happen and it is happening.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!


Mrs Mwamba: Madam Chairperson, I thank the hon. Members from Lupososhi, Petauke, Kabwe Central, Chienge and Mbabala Constituencies. I am say that the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services is a key ministry. On a monthly basis, we are dealing with over 5 million citizens. These are very poor and the most vulnerable in our society. Some of them are severely disabled. So this is an emotional and distressed ministry.


Madam Chairperson, in social cash transfer, I have urged my colleagues in the ministry not to bring politics in these programmes. Currently, we are conducting elections in all wards in Zambia to remove people who showed signs of being partisan. The elections are currently underway and from September, I visited Luapula Province. I also visited the Northern Province, Muchinga Province and the Eastern Province, and I have appreciated that your concerns here are real, and we are making amends and changes.


Madam Chairperson, I have also asked our social workers to change their mind-sets so that we start handling these issues and our vulnerable people with respect and sincerity. Yes, indeed, those challenges were there in social cash transfer as well as food security packs. I also want to say here that we are re-targeting. When we were on the ground, we did observe that some of the beneficiaries were misplaced leaving out the aged, disabled, severely disabled and households headed by children. So, those categories were mishandled and we are really targeting them now.


Madam, to assure the House that the social cash transfer will be in safe hands this time, we have developed an electronic payment system with enhanced features. We have also established a grievance mechanism so that we can get feedback real time.



Madam Chairperson, on the concerns of women empowerment, I want to state here that women empowerment has been taken to the Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. Under the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), women will be given a component of the women empowerment. So in the end, women will actually get more than they were getting under my ministry.


Madam, Hon. Rev. Katuta mentioned about funding for disabled people. I want to state in this House that the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services has an agency under it called the Zambia Agency for Persons with Disabilities (ZAPD). This is an agency for persons with disabilities and they are funded separately. However, we are monitoring them. It was in this House that there was a lot of misuse of both monies and assistive devices. So we are taking stock and under this Budget, we hope to see many changes.


Madam, I just want to thank the hon. Members of Parliament that have supported this Vote.


Hon. Government members: Hear, hear!


VOTE 45 – (Ministry of Community Development and Social Services – K4,425,021,918).


The Minister of Finance and National Planning (Dr Musokotwane): Madam Chairperson, I beg to move the following amendment on page 454, under Table 6: Programme Outputs, by the decision of the 2021 target of “994” and the substitution therefor of the number “994,000.”


Amendment agreed to. Vote amended accordingly.


Vote 45 as amended, ordered to stand part of the Estimates.


VOTE 62 – (Ministry of Energy – K1,448,718,669).


The Minister of Energy (Mr Kapala): Madam Chairperson, today, I stand here to present before this august House, the 2022 Budget Estimates for the Ministry of Energy. These estimates will be a reflection and reaffirmation of the New Dawn Government’s manifesto that seeks to develop and manage the nation’s energy resources sustainably for all Zambians.


Madam Chairperson, the Government Gazette Notice No. 1123 of 2021 has outlined that my ministry’s portfolio functions are electricity, energy policy, nuclear energy policy, oil pipeline and refineries, petroleum, petroleum storage and pricing, and renewable energy sources.


Madam Chairperson, the Government, through my ministry, will ensure collective efforts are directed towards ensuring that more of our people have access to electricity through scaling-up of investment in off-grid green energy solutions. I must hasten to say that this is the passion and vision that His Excellency, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, has bestowed on me to deliver for the Zambian people.


Madam Chairperson, I now wish to proceed towards presenting the 2022 Ministerial Budget Estimates. The first part highlights some of the achievements and challenges during the 2021 budget while the second party highlights proposed programmes for the year 2022.


2021 Performance Review


Madam Chairperson, in the year 2021, K902.8 million was allocated to the ministry of which 53 per cent were expected contributions from development co-operating partners, supporting some development projects particularly in the electricity subsector. With this budget support, the following programmes were implemented:


  1. Petroleum Development and Management


Madam Chairperson, in a quest to attain the required thirty stock days for petroleum products, six of the eight fuel depots were fully operational. The remaining depots, Chipata and New Lusaka Fuel Depots, are earmarked for completion in the first quarter of 2022. However, the supply of finished petroleum products recorded a poor performance primarily due to the following:


  1. reduced supply by Government contracted suppliers; and


  1. the non-availability of crude oil for refining at the Indeni Petroleum Refinery.


     b) Electricity Development and Electrification Management


Madam Chairperson, the electricity subsector remains the largest subsector in the energy sector. Electricity accounts for a significant source of energy in Zambia with a national installed generation capacity currently standing at 3,223.5 MW. In the first half of 2021, electricity generation slightly improved by about 17 per cent mainly due to improved water levels. The electricity subsector is dotted with many projects countrywide at different stages of completion. Among them is the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project currently running with its first 150 MW units. The New Dawn Government will ensure that the remaining 600 MW are commissioned in a phased approach with the last units expected to be online by the end of the first quarter of 2022.


      c. Renewable and alternative energy development


Madam Chairperson, in pursuing the energy mix diversification agenda, the ministry, through the office for promoting private power investment proceeded with the implementation agreement negotiations for the development of the 200 MW Wind Power Project by an Independent Power Producer (IPP).


         d. Energy Sector Standards and Regulations


Madam Chairperson, the Ministry of Energy has been enforcing various regulatory mechanisms in the sector driving towards best international practices. In this regard, the process to develop regulations for standalone solar systems, revision of the Zambia Grid Code, Distribution Grid Code and Power Quality Standards were commenced but are yet to be concluded.


    e. Management and Support Services


Madam Chairperson, the ministry conducted a performance review of the 2018-2021 Ministerial Strategic Plan in preparation for the 2022/2026 Strategic Plan that will reflect the New Dawn Government’s commitment, through the ministry, towards actualising the recognition of energy as a backbone for development, serving humanity and driving economic growth.


Priority Programmes for 2021


Madam Chairperson, in the year 2022, my ministry has been allocated K1,448,718,669, representing an enormous increase of 60 per cent from the 2021 Budget. This allocation will facilitate the implementation of the following programmes in the energy sector:


  1. Petroleum Development and Management


Madam Chairperson, in order to strengthen efforts towards the security of supply of petroleum production the rural areas, this programme has a budgetary allocation of K4.3 million. This allocation will be used to facilitate the construction of filling stations in Kalabo and Lukulu. Further, we will commission and handover the Chipata and the New Lusaka Fuel Depot II. My ministry will identity land in Kabwe and Choma for the construction of fuel depots in these localities.


      b. Electrification Development and Electrification Management


Madam Chairperson, this programme has been allocated K954 million which includes project loans from development co-operating partners for projects such as Sustainable Electricity Supply Project, the Kafue/Livingstone Transmission Project, Increased Access to Electricity Project and the Lusaka Transmission and Rehabilitation Project.


    c. Rural Electrification Programme


Madam Chairperson, the Government, through the Ministry of Energy, is committed to the Rural Electrification Programme (REA). This commitment will be evident through investments in off-grid solutions among others. In this regard, this programme has been allocated K362.2 million to facilitate increased access to electricity in rural areas. The allocation will translate into the implementation of grid extension projects and off-grid projects.


  d. Renewable and Alternative Energy Development


Madam Chairperson, this programme has been allocated K6.3 million to ensure smooth facilitation and promotion of renewable and alternative energy development and energy sector reforms. Further, the ministry will undertake an energy access survey, energy audits in energy intensive Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and install clean cooking solutions in public institutions.


The Chairperson: Order!


Business was suspended from 1640 hours until 1700 hours.





Mr Kapala: Madam Chairperson, I will repeat what I said on renewable and alternative energy development.

Madam Chairperson, this programme has been allocated K6.3 million to ensure smooth facilitation and promotion of renewable and alternative energy development and energy sector reforms. Further, the ministry will undertake an energy access survey, energy audits in energy intensive SMEs and install clean cooking solutions in public institutions.


e. Energy Standards and Regulations


Madam Chairperson, as you may be aware, the New Dawn Government will ensure that the energy sector has steady and transparent policies that will enable economic growth. The programme has an allocation of K86.3 million. This programme will ensure adequate enforcement of energy regulations and standards.


  1. Management and Support Services


Madam Chairperson, this programme has been allocated K15.5 million for the enhancement of operational efficiency. The ministry will develop the 2022-2026 Strategic Plan and conduct monitoring and evaluation projects in this sector.


Madam Chairperson, let me conclude my statement by reassuring this august House that my ministry is fully aware of the challenges in the energy sector. However, I am more confident that our New Dawn Government will provide an enabling environment that will attract private sector investment. It is our resolve that with appropriate policies and an ideal investment climate, Zambia will become an energy power house. I, therefore, appeal to this august House to support my ministry’s budget estimates and priority programmes for the year 2022.



I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Mr Mabumba: (Mwense) Madam Chairperson, I thank the hon. Minister for the statement that he has delivered.


Madam Chairperson, the New Dawn Government’s strategic thrust is about economic transformation and job creation. Therefore, if our colleagues have to achieve the desired goal of transforming this economy and subsequently creating jobs for the youths, and improving the living standards of our people, the energy sector plays an important role. However, the K1.4 billion that has been allocated to the ministry is not a lot of money, and I am sure the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning is aware of that. If the Government really has to focus on economic transformation, the energy sector and the petroleum subsector are key drivers to industrialisation, but the money that has been allocated to the ministry is not sufficient.


Madam Chairperson, let me talk about the electricity subsector. In the electricity subsector, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government left our colleagues sufficient investment in terms of power generation.


Eng Milupi: Question!


Mr Mabumba: Madam Chairperson, he may question, but in case he is not aware, we left sufficient investment, for instance, the Kafue Gorge Lower 750 MW Project. In case the hon. Member is not aware, it was not initiated by the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD), but it is the PF Government that left that investment.


Mr Nanjuwa: Question!


Mr Mabumba: The 300 MW Maamba –


The Chairperson: Order!


Please, allow the hon. Member to debate freely without interjections.


Mr Mabumba: Thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Madam Chairperson, so, we left almost 1300 MW of power in ten years, compared to 2011, when we took over power, when it was just about 1000 MW forty-seven years after Independence. However, in ten years, we had 1,300 MW and we will see how many megawatts the new Government will bring to the electricity grid in its five year tenure.


Madam Chairperson, the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning should have put aside money for the Batoka Gorge and the Luapula Hydro Power Project so that we become a hub for exporting power and can make money, and Zambians can become millionaires through the creation of a sector where they can buy power from Mamba or Itezhi-tezhi and export it to Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Malawi, and that is why we provided a transmission line from Chipata all the way to Lundazi and Chama. Under the renewable energy policy, the Government can create solar plants in Mafinga and Chama because there is good weather there and it can begin exporting power to Malawi because the transmission line is already there. There is also a transmission line from Lusaka to Luangwa and the Government can export power to the neighbouring countries of Mozambique and Zimbabwe and make money. So, the amount of money that has been put aside for electricity development is not sufficient.


Madam Chairperson, the Government can use the Public Private Partnership (PPP) model to allow the private sector to invest in the Batoka Gorge and Luapula Hydro Power Project. That way, we will become a hub of exporting power. If that framework does not work, the Government can ask the Zambians to each contribute K100. There are about 18 million people in this country and each Zambian can become a shareholder, and become a millionaire than rely on the private sector from abroad. That can happen.


Madam Chairperson, in terms of the policy direction and strategy on the energy sector, hon. Ministers have issued statements on this in this House and the hon. Minister will also continue issuing statements. However, the Government should focus on restructuring ZESCO Limited. It is not the cost reflective tariffs that are a problem in this country, but the institutional framework that we have around ZESCO Limited. That is why, all over the world, the best practice is to unbundle utility companies so that there is generation and transmission, and we can focus on managing the distribution subsector, where colossal amounts money are spent on.


Madam Chairperson, the Government should focus on conducting a cost of service study so that the Zambian people can know the amount of money spent on generating and transmitting power so that even when they are told that they are paying below the cost reflective, they would have known through the cost of service study. The African Development Bank (AfDB) supported that. The Government can go back to them so that we can revive the cost of service study so that the Zambian people can know why they should pay X cents for their power. Without increased power, industrialisation will not take place in this country.


Madam Chairperson, there is no money as well in the petroleum subsector. The hon. Minister talked about constructing fuel depots in Kabwe and Choma, but the money that has been allocated to the ministry is not sufficient. The hon. Minister has not told the Zambian people if they are mothballing Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company Limited because we have heard such statements on social media. This was an opportunity for the hon. Minister to tell the Zambian people whether Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company Limited is being closed or privatised. The hon. Minister should have focused on looking at the cost-plus model which is being used in this country to determine the cost of fuel and that is the hanging fruit for the President and the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning. They can easily remove some things that are useless, and this can lower the price of fuel in this country without mothballing Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company Limited.


Madam Chairperson, President Lungu never wanted to close Tanzania Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) Pipeline. We provided money for a new pump station from Dar-es-Salaam all the way up to Zambia.


Today, the Tanzania Zambia Mafuta (TAZAMA) pipeline is one of the very efficient pipelines in terms of transmitting crude oil because all the pump stations are new. We used local money. We never borrowed money. So for Indeni, the hon. Minister’s strategic direction should have been to focus on the hydrocracker so that when that fuel is commingled, it is easier to separate it. He also should have focused on the hydrotreater because the whole world is going to low-sulphur diesel and, as he is purifying and refining, he is are able to meet the intentional benchmarks instead of mothballing Indeni. That is, in my considered view, not the right direction to take. Perhaps it is the right decision in the long term, but in the short term, he should have focused on modernising Indeni like we did for the TAZAMA pipeline. I can tell you that by modernising the TAZAMA pipeline and Indeni, he was going to reduce the pump price of fuel in this country.


Madam Chairperson, I wish my colleague all the best, but he should be able to tell us whether they are mothballing Indeni, closing it or privatising it.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear! Quality!


Mr Kambita (Zambezi East): Madam Chairperson, thank you for the opportunity to debate the Budget Head on the Floor, the Ministry of Energy.


Madam Chairperson, from the outset, I would like to declare interest. Being the Chairperson of the Committee on Parastatal Bodies, I am at a vantage point in terms of understating operations in the energy sector, especially that this sector is driven or is composed of parastatals namely ZESCO Ltd, Indeni, which is being talked about, and other institutions like TAZAMA which directly fall under the Committee that I chair. That being the case, I am well informed in terms of the operations of these instructions.


Madam Chairperson, I will begin with the area of electricity. Indeed, the ministry, having the task of managing the energy sector has a great responsibility especially for the fact that the world is pushing towards green energy which calls for a focus and a paradigm shift towards the generation of green energy.


Madam Chairperson, in the electricity, we already have hydropower stations, which have been alluded to. The generation of power using hydro system is actually a green energy generation method. So, we do not have many issues in as far as green energy is concerned in power generation. It is justified that a lot of investment went into the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydropower Project because that will help us to enhance power generation in this country to a point where we would be able to export.


Madam Chairperson, however, as the hon. Minister stated, it is not just the supply of the energy, but its management as well. The institutions that have been given this responsibility to manage this sector must function efficiently. ZESCO Ltd is grappling with a lot of management problems. We all know the challenges that ZESCO Ltd is facing. I do not want to delve into specifics or else I will end up flouting our rules by divulging information before the report of your Committee comes to the House. However, I will cite salient issues in order to make this debate and keep it in context.


Madam Chairperson, we have the situation Hon. Mabumba mentioned concerning the Cost of Service study. Indeed, ZESCO Ltd has the capacity to carry out that study. We have qualified staff at ZESCO Ltd that knows what it takes to generate, transmit and finally supply that power to consumers. Therefore, all those technocrats in there could be involved in this Cost of Service study. In any case, I am also aware that this study was carried out at ZESCO Ltd. A report was generated, if I am not mistaken, around 2017 or 2018. However, the Executive did not implement the recommendations of that report. So, where is Hon. Mabumba getting this courage to come on the Floor of this House to tell us to invest in a Cost of Service Study and yet an investment was made –


The Chairperson: Order!


Please avoid debating other hon. Members.


Mr Kambita: Madam Chairperson, I thank you. However, since this is a debate, I would like you to understand the context because he has made an assertion and, therefore, the ruling party wants to lay it bare to show their failures and show where we are heading in order to correct the situation they failed to manage.


Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Kambita: Madam Chairperson, yes, a Cost of Service Study is being launched, and in a more organised way and we shall implement it. First of all, we need cost reflective tariffs. They need to come like yesterday because ZESCO Ltd is generating power at a cost higher than it is selling it. Therefore, reality has to come. We have to apply reality here. Therefore, if we continue on this trajectory, one day, ZESCO Ltd will fail to generate and transmit this power and the whole country might come to a halt and it might become dark. Therefore, we need to face reality. First of all, cost reflective tariffs have to be instituted. We need to see how much has gone into the cost of generating this power and when we sell it, it should be at a price that will cause ZESCO Ltd to gain profit.


Madam Chairperson, moving away from the topic of power generation, which has a lot of problems, we come to petroleum energy. We have used Indeni year in year out using the TAZAMA pipeline to import crude oil, separate it, and then oil marketing companies are involved and then it finds its way to the filling station. The whole of this supply chain has been marred with so many middlemen. The other day I was joking with one of the hon. Members from the left hand side who was telling me that even in Dar es Salaam, where they anchor that crude oil, there is a person whose job it is to pick a pipe and put it where the crude oil will be transmitted and he also requires payment. There are a lot of middlemen. The pipeline is also very old. It is meant to last, if I am not mistaken, about 25 to 30 years, but has exceeded its lifespan, and, therefore, there are a lot of leakages. To repair that pipeline will require a lot of money.


Hon. Opposition Member: Question!


Mr Kambita: Even rehabilitating Indeni will require several millions of dollars. We need to face reality and come to a modern way of doing things. At the moment, I think that restructuring Indeni and transforming it into something else that will be meaningful without those people losing jobs is the most viable way of doing things.


Madam Chairperson, let me conclude by saying that reforms in the energy sector are now inevitable. Both electricity and petroleum energy sectors should be looked at critically and there should be more laws coming to this House to refine this.


The Chairperson: Order!


The Hon. Member’s time expired.


Mr Menyani Zulu (Nyimba): Madam Chairperson, I thank you for the opportunity. I would also like to thank the hon. Minister for a well presented Budget. Before I go any further, I am supporting this Budget, but I have a few concerns which I need the hon. Minister and his team to see to it that they are either improved or new solutions are brought about.


Madam Chairperson, I thank the hon. Minister for coming up with the Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) project which I support in totality. My only fear is that the achievements in 2021, and maybe beyond, are not enough for us who are promoting green and clean energy. I wish we could do more than what we have done.


Madam Chairperson, I agree with the hon. Minister that we need to see to it that we provide clean energy, especially for cooking and heating in our public institutions. In addition, I urge the hon. Minister to increase the Budget allocation for this area. The reason is very simple: we do not know the exact position the Government has on Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company Limited. When we where processing crude oil at Indeni, we had enough LPG which we were exporting to Kenya and Tanzania. For now, we need to import LPG from either South Africa or Mozambique because we cannot import from Kenya and Tanzania as they have a deficit of LPG.


Madam Chairperson, why am I talking much about LPG? I am one of the people who are supporting the protection of our forests. If we increase and support this programme for LPG, provide cylinders to our people in rural areas, even in areas like Lusaka, we are going to reduce the deforestation which is happening across the country. If we support this, I can tell the hon. Minister that the complaints we have on the high tariffs by ZESCO limited, which are about to go up again, will reduce. We know that the major component which consumes a lot of power is the stove. We can promote this by putting more effort and money and coming up with a proper plan. Looking at the number, thirty; it is not encouraging. We need more.


Madam Chairperson, let me go back to the most important topic: the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) programmes. Looking at the money we have provided in this Budget, K362.4 million, I do not think it is enough. We can do better as a country. I know that it may be that you are just starting now. I hope that next year, you will come up with a positive Budget allocation to this department. You may agree with me that today, a good number of rural areas in Zambia are not powered, but REA has come in to help out in this area. However, if you look at the Budget allocation for grid extension, it is not helping us. We need to do more. I know funds are not available and, as a country, we will say that we are broke, but we need to find money to do this. Why do I say so? I have a place in my Constituency called Kacholola and it has to be powered. The reason is very simple. Kacholola is even bigger than some districts in this country which are connected to the national grid. I cannot find the reason why we cannot connect it when 26 km away at the Luangwa Bridge, we have enough power to connect Saint Joseph Hospital which has a mortuary and is surviving on a generator. We have a boarding school at Kacholola spending K22,000 every month to purchase diesel. These are areas that are in a radius of 40/42 km. We can tap power from the Luangwa Bridge because there is power which is about 66KV from  Lusaka to Feira, Feira to Luangwa, from Luangwa Bridge to Saint Joseph which is a very critical institution along the Great East Road.


Madam Chairperson, we usually have accidents in this area fortnightly. People die because we do not have power. Saint Joseph Hospital has all the equipment. It is a Catholic managed institution and brand new, but it does not have power.


My plea is that we need power in my Constituency. It is only 26 Km. I know the hon. Minister is an engineer and has got the capacity to do that. I cannot doubt that and I am expecting him to do that as soon as yesterday.


Madam Chairperson, the Government has given enough money to the Energy Regulation Board (ERB). I think the ERB has been a disappointment. Yes, it is an energy regulating company, but some of the companies it has permitted to do the solar grids in our rural parts of this country are a shame. Those are crooks and are stealing money from people. These are people given permits by the ERB and what they have done is a sorry issue. At Kacholola, they are stealing money from people and this should be looked at.


Madam Chairperson, lastly, since we are not getting our diesel through the pipe line from Dar es-Salaam, I urge the hon. Minister to empower our own Zambians. Let us empower our own people who are in oil supply. Let us see to it that as we are giving out contracts to these people give to Zambians as well. This is because Zambians are going to employ transporters like me, a Mr Zulu, to get that fuel. If you give the big cubics to foreign companies, they will contract foreign transporters at the expense of your own countrymen. In the end, your party, the United Party for National Development (UPND), will be told that it has failed to create employment. So, it is my counsel that if the current Government needs to stay longer than the hon. Colleagues on your left in this House, it needs to see to it that Zambians are given first priority. Let us not look at capacity. Zambians now have capacity. Those from foreign countries –


Madam Chairperson: Order!


Hon. Member’s time expired.


Mr Chanda (Kanchibiya): Madam Chairperson, to start with, I thank the hon. Minister for his statement. I also feel for my elder brother in that he is presiding over a ministry that is taking very difficult and very tough decisions that will be injurious to the Zambian people; fuel subsidies, expensive power and Indeni Oil Refinery Company Limited.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to place on record that those of our hon. Colleagues clapping for cost reflective tariffs are not being fair because cost reflective tariffs simply mean expensive electricity. Removal of fuel subsidies simply means another cost passed on to the consumer.


Madam Chairperson, allow me, however, to focus on the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), coming from a rural Constituency such as Kanchibiya. The allocation under 2021 as compared to the allocation under 2022 does not see the marginal or significant increase that we would have expected. The increase is marginal from K320 million to K377 million. We would have expected that in line with the pronouncements by the Government, the allocation to REA would have probably been doubled from the 2021 funding level, and also assurance that we will have timely disbursements.  


This is because the President talks about taking development to rural areas. We know for a fact that rural electrification in Zambia currently stands at 8 per cent from 3 per cent in 2008. Now, there is every need for us to agree that even under the 2022 budget, there has not been as much support allocated towards the Rural Electrification Authority (REA)’s master plan which seeks to move electrification from the current 8 per cent to 51 per cent by the year 2030. We also know that in terms of global goals, we look at the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals in particular Goal No. 7 which calls for Universal Access to Affordable Clean and Sustainable Energy for all by 2030, that while the UN is calling for 100 per cent electrification by 2030, REA is seated with the plan that seeks to get to 51 per cent by 2030. Again, going by the allocation to REA, even under this Budget, attaining 51 per cent electrification for rural areas to support industrialisation in rural areas remains a far-fetched dream.


Madam Chairperson, I appeal to my good elder brother, the hon. Minister that it is important for the Government to seriously consider and review, if possible re-allocate more resources towards REA. Otherwise, the marginal increment that we are looking at right now does not give any hope. It takes us further from getting to accomplish the goals that we have set for ourselves as a people by the year 2030 under the REA master plan. Under the 2022 Budget, it is also very important for the ministry to not underestimate the importance of explaining to the Zambian people the implications and the pain that will come with some of the measure as alluded to earlier; the expensive electricity, removal of full subsidise and the issues around Indeni. There is every need for the ministry to take lead in explaining the impact to the Zambia people as opposed to thinking that this is something that is just going to go away with the wind.


Madam Chairperson, I also submit that in certain areas that hold so much potential, especially rural parts of Zambia, there is a need for the Government to invest in bigger transmission lines to support industrialisation in these particular areas as the former Minister of Energy at the time, Hon. Mabumba had earlier alluded to. It is very important that in us talking about diversifying and bringing development closer to the people, we realise that energy is that enabler for economic development even for rural areas too. So, the sort of tokenism and token allocation to REA, for me does not take us closer to realising the objectives that we have set for ourselves as a people and the pronouncements by the Government to ensure that they unlock rural areas for industrialisation. I appeal to the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning to consider increasing the allocation towards REA. The challenges in rural areas cannot be sorted out with this sort of approach. If we are going unlock rural areas for them to start contributing effectively to the country’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP), then we need to see increased allocation to this authority.


Madam Chairperson, with these few remarks, allow me to support the allocation to the Ministry of Energy. Furthermore, allow me to encourage my brother that the ministry ought to be at the fore and engage the matters because the measures that are being taken on the premise of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) will soon become a bitter pill to swallow for the Zambian people.


Madam, I thank you.


Mr Mandandi (Sioma): Madam Chairperson, thank you very much for giving the people of Sioma an opportunity to add their voice to the debate on Vote 62. I will focus my debate on the electricity sub-sector.


Madam Chairperson, electricity serves as the basis for satisfying fundamental human needs such as food production, clean water, sanitation, education services, health care and social services. As a result, access to electricity plays a vital role in helping to achieve the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).


Madam Chairperson, Sioma is a rural constituency, which is in dire need of electricity. You may wish to note that under the Rural Electrification Authority (REA), the district has been electrified but at the Boma only with few places from Sioma up to Nangweshi. It is so painful that you could have your business house or business place and villages seated under pylons yet the Government then could do little to connect you to the national grid. This is a case in point for the people of Sikuka area. Those business places are just under the ZESCO pylons. However, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government could do very little. I do not know whether they did not consider those people worth being called people or what. What was so shocking was that during the elections, the people they sidelined from electrifying their homes and businesses could still be approached for votes. That was totally uncalled for. So, as the people of Sioma, it is so important that we be considered. Many times, the PF Government had lamented the drift of the civil servant they had posted to remote areas like Sinjembela Lipalelo and Likulushitu where we have schools and other Government institutions or facilities.


Madam Chairperson, the civil servants who are posted are not to blame. The Government should have created certain incentives, in this particular case, just electricity supply to those schools so that the teachers there could be motivated to stay to remain in those places. It is so unfair that the PF and its leadership who posted these civil servants to the remote areas could sit in the comfort zones of their offices and homes. Meanwhile the civil servants; the teachers and nurses were suffering in those remote areas. What was so difficult about connecting Sinjembela to the national grid? What was so difficult about connecting Mbopoma to the national grid? Up to this particular day, Shangombo Boma which was created eleven to fifteen years ago is still running on thermal electricity. This is not fair.


Madam Chairperson, it is therefore, very important for me to support this Motion because it is out of this Motion where we have hope that the New Dawn Government will do the best it can for its people to ensure that the many Government facilities such as hospitals, health post and clinics, including schools that are doted around the constituency are electrified. We have hope in the hon. Minister because not too long ago, when REA was electrifying Nangweshi, it left out Nangweshi Mini Hospital. I commend the members of staff and management at REA for the prompt action after this omission. I engaged them and after my engagement with them, a few days from there, the mini hospital is receiving attention. Poles are being lined up to electrify the institution.


This, therefore, gives me hope that apart from this institution, which has been privileged to be electrified, from this budget provision, we are going to have areas and all those schools from Sikuka area up to Kalongola connected to the national grid. From Matelele up to Shangombo Boma, all those places will be connected to the national grid. From Nangweshi up to Sinjembela, Kulikushitu and all the areas will be connected to the national grid. All the people in those areas deserve better. They are also human beings.


Madam Chairperson, with these few remarks, I place on record that the good people of Sioma do support this Motion and humbly request ZESCO Limited to have its presence felt in Sioma. Let it establish an office in Sioma. It cannot afford to be shuttling between Senanga and Sioma to attend to faults.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Mr Kapala: Madam Chairperson, I thank you for this opportunity once again.


Madam, as I wind up debate, allow me to mention that my ministry is of the many challenges facing the sector. Among them is the petroleum finished products supply chain which requires increased transparency in the procurement process. The Government through my ministry will restructure the fuel supply chain to enhance security of supply and transparency in the fuel value chain. In addition, the Government through the ministry is committed to the Rural Electrification Programme with the recently commissioned Kasanjiku Mini Hydro Project in Mwinilunga District to be used as a reference for encouraging investments in off-grid solutions by risking investment in communal infrastructure.


Madam Chairperson, allow me to stress that the Government through the Ministry of Energy is also committed renewable energy technologies to ensure that more of our people have access to electricity. Lastly, I thank the hon. Members for their contributions and comments as these will encourage performance in the ministry.


Madam, let me take this opportunity to probably comment on the hot issue or rather a topic that is going on now on Indeni. I wish to categorically state that Indeni will not be closed. Indeni will be turned into another model apart from refining because the Government does not have the money to recapitalise Indeni in its current form.


Madam Chairperson, if I may respond to Hon. Mabumba’s comment on the private sector-led investment, let me read one of the comments I have received from my technical staff.


Madam, Batoka Gorge and Luapula River Basin are being considered through financing from the private sector. I should also mention that in our tenure as the New Dawn Government, we will bring these projects to fruition with the help of whatever was left hanging from the PF Government. Restructuring of ZESCO Limited is part of the New Dawn Government manifesto. This needs time to think things through so that when ZESCO is restructured, the company will get back to its own feet rather than depending on Government subsidies.


Madam, the cost of service study will be published this month so that we can all know what it will cost to generate electricity and what tariffs will be given. I encourage hon. Members that the Ministry Energy is open to suggestions that will continue to improve the performance of the sector and that my office is always open to you all. I also thank my young brother, Hon. Sunday Chanda for being passionate about increasing the allocation to REA. I can promise him that the next Budget of 2023 will definitely receive a sizeable chunk for rural electrification.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


VOTE 62 – (Ministry of Energy – K1,448,718,669).


The Minister of Finance and National Planning (Dr Musokotwane): Madam Chairperson, I beg to move the following amendments:

  1. On Page 561, under Table 4: Programme Budget Allocation by Economic Classification, Paragraph 1, by the insertion of the word “million” immediately after the number “K362.4”;

  2. On Page 566, under Table 4: Programme Budget Allocation by Economic Classification, Paragraph 1, by the deletion of the number “K5.4” and the substitution therefor of “K5.0”; and

  3. On Page 567, under Table 5: Programme Budget Allocation by Sub-programme, Paragraph 1, by the insertion of the letter “K” immediately before the number “1.9”.

Amendment agreed to. Vote amended accordingly.


Vote 62, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Estimates.


VOTE 68 – (Ministry of Tourism – K421,099,300).


The Minister of Tourism (Mr Sikumba): Madam Chairperson, I express my gratitude to you for granting me this rare opportunity to inform the House on the policy orientation of the Tourism Sector for the 2022-2024 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) and the focus for the 2022 budget for the ministry.


Being the first under the New Dawn Government, we have made an effort to ensure that the budget sets a strong baseline for subsequent budgets within the 2022-2024 MTEF


Madam Chairperson, my policy statement is in four parts. The first part provides a brief review of the performance, the second part highlights the policy framework and objectives as persuade during the 2022-2024 MTEF. The third, addresses the budget allocation for 2022 and the key priorities to be implemented in the period while the fourth part is the conclusion.


Review of Past Performance


Madam Chairperson, during the 2021 Financial Year, the ministry made efforts to contribute to the key result areas to achieve a diversified tourism sector through the implementation of the programme outlined in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP). Specifically, the ministry implemented programmes to promote development of tourism related infrastructure, diversification of tourism products, marketing, promotions of domestic tourism and restocking of national parks. The goal of the programmes was to increase both international and domestic tourists arrivals.


Madam Chairperson, in terms of achieving output targets under the key result area, out of a total of forty-three output targets, fifteen targets were met representing 34.8 per cent achievement. The low performance was largely due to water lagging in national parks, the negative impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) has had on the sector.


Madam, allow me to highlight a few areas of note where the ministry made some progress under the 7NDP Programmes.


Madam Chairperson, in an effort to promote domestic tourism, the target for visits of heritage sites and museums were exceeded in 2021 with 73,839 and 20,771 visits to heritage sites and museums, respectively. This is mainly attributed to increased marketing and promotions. In addition, enhancement of capacity of wildlife enforcement also registered some progress with ten patrol vehicles procured to increase monitoring of wildlife selected habitats. Lastly, efforts were made to restock depleted national parks. For instance, Nsumbu National Park was restocked with 200 buffaloes and 50 zebras, Lusenga National Park was restocked with 16 Lechwes and Sioma Ngwezi National Park was restocked with ostrich, Zebra and impala.


Madam Chairperson, the tourism sector has not performed as expected over the years due some binding constraints. We are confident that through the 2022 Budget and other tools to our disposal, we can overcome these constraints. Notable among the constraints which inhibit increased tourists visits and investments include but not limited to the following:


  1. poor and inadequate tourism support infrastructure in the form of transport, energy, water and other amenities at tourist sites which reduce the quality of the visitor experience;
  2. in adequate and narrow focus on tourism marketing efforts based on the Victoria Falls and wildlife whilst neglecting cultural, archaeological and historical assets which limit the choices for tourists;
  3. negative image created to portray Africa as a risky and unattractive destination thereby reducing demand;
  4. lack of innovation and business viability of cultural products which results in the lack of investment and low incomes for the cultural industry; and
  5. the high pricing of tourism services due to high cost of business establishment, operations and capital which contributes to making Zambia a less attractive destination.


Madam Chairperson, the New Dawn Administration’s policy on tourism is to revamp the sector so as to maximise the contribution to economic growth and diversification and job creation. The policy is primarily based on the need to efficiently utilise Zambia’s tourism related natural resources endowments through the promotion of value addition and entrepreneurship. The policy also entails integrating climate action into sector plans and strategies and promoting sustainable tourism.


Madam Chairperson, for us to succeed, we will need to implement policy, legal and institutional reforms to support the transformational agenda in this sector. With regards to policy and legal reforms, the ministry will undertake the revision of the Cultural Policy, the Tourism and Hospitality Act, No. 13 of 2015 and the Wildlife Act, No.14 of 2015.


Madam, further, the ministry will review the fees and licensing regime for the tourism sector with a view of reducing the cost of doing business and improving efficiency. These reform measures will further provide the necessary stimulus for improved wildlife conservation and management, tourism development and promotion, and cultural preservation and development. The measures will be supported by implementation of the reduction of Visa Fees by 50 per cent as announced by the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning during the presentation of the 2022 National Budget. This will propel Destination Zambia to competitiveness.


Madam Chairperson, the tourism sector’s importance to the economy lies in the ability to deliver key socio-economic outcomes. Therefore, all programmes that are earmarked for implementation during the 2022-2024 Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) will be designed with the ultimate goal of producing tangible benefits in form of increased sector output, employment creation, earnings and poverty reduction in local economies and communities as well as environmental sustainability.


Madam Chairperson we are pleased to inform you that the budget allocation for the year 2022 has increased from K300.6 million in 2021 to K421.1 million. This translates in an overall of 40.1 per cent positive variance. Out of the total allocation, K174.1 million is for personal emoluments while the K247 million is for Recurrent Departmental Charges (RDCs) or programme implementation. This represents 77.35 per cent increase in RDCs compared to the 2021 allocation. Further, the K247 million for programme implementation has been allocated to four key programmes. These are follows:


  1. K76.59 million, for wildlife conservation and management;
  2. K72.1 million, for tourism development and promotion;
  3. K72.46 million, for cultural preservation and development;and 
  4. K25.86 million, for management and support services.


Madam Chairperson, with the allocated resources, the Government will focus on implementing measures to ensure that the tourism sector recovers from the negative effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, stimulation of growth to enhance the sector’s contribution to the economy, job creation and increased participation of Zambians in the sector. These efforts will be anchored on the wildlife sub-sector, natural heritage assets and the diverse culture which are unique tourism attraction for the country.


Madam Chairperson, we are of the view that for us to maximise the benefits if these tourist attractions as well address the constraints I referenced earlier, the sector needs to be more attractive for private sector investment. To this end, the following will be calibrated programmes plus a cocktail of policy legal, institutional and administrative reforms need to be implemented in the medium term:


  1. designing and implementing of a coherent tourism marketing strategy that will cover the diverse range of products including traditional ceremonies, different cultural and natural heritage;
  2. the Government will develop and introduce new, innovative and affordable tourism products to compliment the mostly high value products available;
  3. the Government has demonstrated the commitment to environmental and climate change action to establishing the Ministry of Green Economy and Environment The tourism sector will take advantage of this opportunity to mainstream environmental and climate change issues into policies, plans and business practice; and
  4. the Government will consider high quality standards in the sector as paramount to enhanced tourist experience and destination marketing. We will provide more benefits to the communities around wildlife habitats as a way of promoting sustainable tourism this calls for enhanced dialogue, consultation, coordination between the Government and the communities.


As I conclude, Madam Chairperson, my statement on the 2022 Budget for the Ministry of Tourism will be cardinal on the following issues:


  1. I wish to invite the world to visit and experience Zambia as a destination; and
  2. last but not the least, on our part, we will endeavour to be accountable to the Zambian people through yourselves as representatives of the people.


Again, we will be open for discussions with you …


The Chairperson: Order!


Mr Sikumba:… on tourism matters that affect each and every one of us.


Madam Chairperson, I thank you.




The Chairperson: Order!


The hon. Minister’s time expired.


Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Kasandwe (Bangweulu): Madam Chairperson, thank you for the opportunity. I would like to thank the hon. Minister for the statement that will guide the policy in tourism. I do appreciate the statement that the hon. Minister has made on the Floor of this House. I also realise that when a lot of investment is put in tourism, it will greatly contribute to the economy of this country.  It is also a springboard of business opportunities and job creation for the young people.


Madam Chairperson, I was expecting to hear a deliberate movement of concentration on tourist sites into the northern circuit but for one reason or the other, my minister is very silent about the plans of the New Dawn Government to invest in the northern circuit in terms of improving tourism and investment into tourism infrastructure. As you may be aware, Madam Chairperson, there are a couple of tourist attractions in the northern circuit especially in terms of waterfalls.


Most people concentrate on going to Livingstone to visit the Victoria Falls, which in some months in a year becomes dry. However, we know for sure that there are a number of waterfalls in the northern region which do not actually dry up.


Madam, I can cite a number for the benefit of the hon. Members who may not be aware. I am sure that since the hon. Minister of Tourism has been in this industry, he is cognizant to the fact that there are several. For the benefit for the hon. Members and the people of Zambia who may not be aware of what the northern circuit is ought to provide in terms of attractions. There are the Lumangwe Falls, Kabwelume Falls, Mumbwebututa Falls, Mumbuluma Falls, Mambilima Falls, Ntumbachushi Falls and Kundalika Falls, just to mention a few.


Madam Speaker, if a deliberate investment was made into these destinations, it will create a number of job opportunities and bidding opportunities for the people of Zambia.  I also expected hon. Minister to deliberately mention one area in the northern circuit. I know when the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning was giving his statement mentioned the Kasaba Bay. Having checked the Yellow Book, I have seen that there is K105 million that has been allocated for Kasaba Bay to be improved. However, there is one area that he needed to mention and this is Bangweulu Flats because of the Samfya Beach, the only one of its kind in Zambia. The only constituency or site which is next is the Sioma Beach, but the Bangweulu Flats with white sparkling sand is the only one of its kind. It is well positioned because it is surrounded by five districts and well positioned. So, investment in Samfya Beach like the previous Government did, is money well spent.


Madam Chairperson, may I get the hon. Minster’s attention. Investing money into Samfya Beach like the previous Government did is money well spent. What do I mean? This is because Samfya Beach is centrally located to the Northern Province, the Copperbelt Province, Central Province and other areas. I also want to agree with the hon. Minister when he said that we need to invest more in domestic tourism. For many of us, when we hear the word tourist, we only think of outsiders. It is only us, as domestic tourists, who can improve tourism in Zambia. I remember one time there was a slogan not too long ago, ‘I am a tourist, are you?’ so all of us hon. Members should continue to encourage our people to endeavor to visit some of these sites in the northern circuit. As the hon. Minister said, there was an attempt by the previous Governments to improve tourism in the northern circuit.


Madam Chairperson, I want to take this opportunity to encourage the hon. Minister to ensure that more money is put in the northern circuit so that we expand the resource avenue to contribute to the economic transformation of this country.


Madam, it is also important to invest in airstrips because it seriously does not make sense for a tourist to move from Siavonga to Kundabwika Falls by road. So, the hon. Minister should investment more in airstrips or runways so that tourists can move very fast from point A to point B and they will have time to enjoy the sites.


Madam, another issue I want to talk about is packaging a tourism product. For example, when we go to Livingstone, we only go to the falls and see a few animals like crocodiles. We really need to package a product. For example, if Samfya becomes the centre of tourism or the gate way in the northern circuit, we need to package the product, so that when people arrive in Bangweulu, we know where they go next. This will enable the tourists to appreciate the natural resources that God has given this country.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Mr Wamunyima (Nalolo): Madam Chairperson, thank you very much and I want to thank the hon. Minister for his policy statement. I want to outrightly support it because tourism is one of the industries that this country has not reaped from. The Victoria Falls is marketed as a South African product. When colleagues from the western part of the world are asked, they will say that the Victoria Falls is in South Africa. The narrative is that one has to come to Cape Town and have a two hours flight tour to the Victoria Falls. So, the marketing promotion and development of tourism should not just be rhetoric. We want to see tourism in the context of the Victoria Falls, which is one of the seven natural wonders of the world, to be marketed as a Zambian product. Secondly, with the advent of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), domestic tourism costs are just too high.


Madam, as Zambians, there are so many of us who just pass through the Kafue National Park as we go to the constituency because we cannot afford to pay accommodation for US$700 per night. The hon. Minister should please find a way to engage the private sector managing these national parks or other areas that are rightfully in Zambia because we lost so much when we were hit by COVID-19 because we are solely dependent on foreign tourism. So, this is one area that the hon. Minister must look at.


Madam, I look at the Liuwa Plain National Park in the Western Province. That is one of the oldest conservation sites in Africa. It is one of the only national parks where over 30,000 people have co-existed with wildebeests for so many years. It is a hidden wonder, but it is not marketed to that extent. I was surprised when I went into the constituency of the Minister of Finance and National Planning that he has such a beautiful national park.


Madam Chairperson, indeed the task of the hon. Minister of Tourism is not as simple as saying they shall promote and develop tourism. There is need for internet access to a one stop website which gives the full tourism packages found in Zambia. When we go to the Ministry of Tourism’s website, there is very little information. So, in supporting the hon. Minister, we need to give justice to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of this country, for the contribution that tourism can make is immense.


Madam, when we come to our culture, take for instance, one of the oldest ceremonies, the Kuomboka Ceremony, which is a very beautiful ceremony and attracts many international visitors. If we look at the cultural attire, the Misisi, we would like to see an exhibit of the Misisi and its history when we enter the airport. We talk of culture and heritage sites, but our entry points where we have potential tourists have zero information on the tourism in this country.


In all the international airports, I have never seen anything that talks about tourism. So, our tourism marketing has not existed and I do not believe it has existed. If it has existed, it has been on paper.


Madam Chairperson, Zambia is rich and I commend the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning for increasing the budgetary allocation to the tourism sector. This sector can change the economic fortunes of this country.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Mr Nkulukusa (Katuba): Madam Chairperson, thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to comment on the Vote.


Madam Chairperson, I thank the hon. Minister for the wonderful presentation. In supporting the hon. Minister’s Budget, I would like to just highlight a few things that I feel maybe going forward, we can take note of.


Madam Chairperson, in March next year, it will clock two years since a dark cloud befall the tourism sector and since the arrival of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) Delta Variant. We have seen that the tourism sector has been under siege and the performance has been below par. However, we may soon reach a point of recovery and we need to prepare for that recovery. Of course, for us to recover, we need a proper recovery plan that will identify certain elements that will stimulate both international and domestic arrivals. So, it is very critical that a recovery plan is developed in the tourism sector that should highlight some of the standards and safety operations that the tourism value-chain should have in order to rebuild traveller confidence. We all know that after the COVID-19, there will be many suspicions on different destinations. So, we need to rebuild traveller confidence.


Madam Chairperson, I also propose that the hon. Minister negotiates with the Ministry of Finance and National Planning. I know that it has allocated quite good resources to the ministry for us to really move ahead but a launch pad is required in the tourism sector, more especially for international or overseas clients. For example, visas can be suspended for a year and this will create a lot of international publicity and reposition Zambia as a tourist destination in order for it to be more attractive, as part of a re-launch and recovery plan to help the tourism sector become buoyant once again.


Madam Chairperson, the hon. Minister also needs to look at how we can stimulate demand for domestic travel. Many people have talked about local destinations, more especially in the Northern Circuit. I am sure most of those destinations are very ideal for domestic travel and if we stimulate demand for domestic travel, it becomes the buffer to hedge against international shocks in the event that we have any shocks in the international market. So, that is very critical.


Madam Chairperson, we also need to review the tourism sector. There is a very good tourism master plan at the ministry and I am sure it still exists. This is a very good document and as we implement it, we need to review it considering what has happened during this COVID-19 period. It is also important to look at the good things in the plan so that it can be implemented in order for the tourism sector to become robust. I know that the target is to reach around 1.6 million international arrivals by 2025 but this will only be possible if we ensure that the recovery plan is dealt with, developed and implemented quickly so that the contribution to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) can rise from the current 3.5 per cent to about 5 per cent. Then, we will be moving in the right direction.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to highlight the issue of licensing and standards in the country. We all know that in order to rebuild a very strong brand destination, we need to ensure that quality assurance in the tourism sector is guaranteed. Resources have been increased and we need to grade most tourism facilities so that they are profiled in terms of quality and they become part of the tools that we can use when selling our country as a tourist destination in order to make it competitive. Many places are defined by the quality of facilities and tourism enterprises that are given.


Madam Chairperson, otherwise, I am happy with the increase in the Budget. However, the challenge has always been us not investing in tourism, more especially tourism promotion. We have always argued that if we want to see the efficacy of marketing, we need to invest in promoting Zambia as a tourist destination. Then, we are going to see the results and ensure that marketing bears fruits.


Madam Chairperson, lastly, if COVID-19 comes to end as it has been predicted, 2022 may be the recovery year for the tourism sector. Therefore, we need to ensure that we prepare for platforms which we are going to use as launch pads for tourist destinations in order to move forward.


Madam Chairperson, I congratulate the hon. Minister for the well-presented Budget and for the increased funding for the ministry.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Mr Sikumba: Madam Chairperson, I would like to take this opportunity to thank my fellow colleagues who supported the budget for the Ministry of Tourism. Indeed, we are all tourists in our country and I encourage every one of us to take an opportunity to visit the sites that Zambia has to offer.


Madam Chairperson, I would like to inform Hon. Kasandwe from Bangweulu Wetlands, the land of the Lechwe, that we are committed to go to the Northern Circuit. Among the many commitments that the ministry has made is that of ensuring that the Northern Circuit has what we call minimum infrastructure development such as airstrips within the Kasaba Bay area, and a budget has been allocated to that effect.


Madam Chairperson, in my policy statement, I said that we are restocking Nsumbu National Park, something that may not have been done for a very long time. On the Floor of the House, at some point I mentioned that I am very happy that our colleagues from the north have managed to start keeping animals. Before that, whenever we would take animals there, they would be eaten but we are very happy that they are being kept.




Mr Sikumba: Madam Chairperson, my colleague talked about Bangweulu Constituency and I think there is wildlife in Samfya. A convention centre is earmarked for construction under the Workers’ Compensation Control Board, and this is yet another opportunity of development within the Northern Circuit. Yes, I agree with the hon. Member that there are so many opportunities with the waterfalls outside the Victoria Falls and we are definitely going to take advantage of that.


Madam Chairperson, my colleague from Nalolo talked about the Victoria Falls being advertised as being in South Africa. I think at the end of the day, every advertising is good advertising. If it is advertised as being in South Africa, we still see it in Zambia. In any case, that will not stop us from advertising it as being in Zambia.


Madam Chairperson, the biggest challenge we have had over the years is that we have not created Zambia as a tourist destination. Zambia is an afterthought and an add-on. Hence, our colleagues from South Africa urge tourists to visit Cape Town and they tell them that the Victoria Falls is an hour and a half away from there. This time around, this new Government will advertise Zambia as a destination of choice.


Madam Chairperson, Liuwa is yet another gem that we have. For the information of our colleagues in the House, Liuwa is home to one of the biggest wildebeest migration in Africa, and in the world. So, it would be good if we advertised it as such.


Madam Chairperson, I totally agree with Hon. Wamunyima that our cultural heritage is not being identified when somebody arrives in a particular country. The direction that my ministry is taking is that of ensuring that at each point of entry, we have what we will call visitor information centres such as at airports, at the Victoria falls and, indeed, all the other waterfalls including in national parks, and that in itself is underway.


Madam Chairperson, Hon. Nkulukusa from Katuba said something interesting. Yes, the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) in March next year will be two years. It has ravaged the sector and we intend to give incentives to local and international tourists, and more so to look at domestic tourism as well. Domestic tourism in the last couple of years has sustained the business and the ministry will launch what we call a ‘domestic tourism drive’ that will now allow all our locals to be able to visit Zambia. There is no better person to market Zambia than the Zambians themselves. So, I highly encourage, we, the Parliamentarians to visit Zambia, especially this December, so that we can sell it better.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Dr Musokotwane: Madam Chairperson, I beg to move the following amendment: On Page 592, under Table 4: Programme Budget Allocation by Economic Classification, Paragraph 1, by the insertion of the word “million” immediately after the numbers: “K127.2”, “K72.2”, “K1.2”and “K3.2”.


Amendment agreed to. Vote amended accordingly.


Vote 68, as amended, ordered to stand part of the Estimates.


VOTE 77 – (Ministry of Defence – K5,517,378,021).


The Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development (Eng. Milupi) (on behalf of the Minister of Defence (Mr Lufuma)): Madam Chairperson, I am honoured to stand before this august House to present the estimates of expenditure for the Ministry of Defence for the period 1stJanuary, to 31st December, 2022. I commend the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning for the well-presented 2022 all-embracing National Budget under the theme, “Growth, Jobs and Taking Development Closer to the People”.


Madam Chairperson, in our quest to present an all-embracing budget sensitive to the developmental needs of the nation at large, my ministry has taken into consideration all Presidential pronouncements, the ministerial strategic plan and the United Party for National Development (UPND)’s manifesto. The ministry also took into account the guidelines as outlined in the 2022 Budget Call Circular, in coming up with its estimates of expenditure for the year 2022.


Madam Chairperson, the mission statement for the ministry is ‘to preserve the sovereignty and the territorial integrity for national peace and security’.


Review of the Current 2021 Budget


Madam Chairperson, during the period under review, my ministry had an approved budget of K3.345 billion. In addition to the approved budget, my ministry also received an approved supplementary budget amounting to K967.32 million. As at 31st October, 2021, K4.6 billion had been funded.


Madam Chairperson, I am glad to report that during the period under review, the ministry has achieved among others the following:


Infrastructure development


Madam Chairperson, during the 2021 financial year, my ministry undertook among others the following;


  1. construction of feeder roads: 1,248 km was completed;
  2. construction of health facilities: the Maina Soko Medical Centre was completed and is operational;
  3. completion of milling plants in Monze and Mpika with a capacity of 240 tonnes each per day; and
  4. construction of military cantonments; this is the ongoing construction of housing units at Chalala Barracks.


Agriculture and Livestock


Madam Chairperson, in support of the Government’s policy to diversify the economy, I wish to report to this august House that during the 2020/2021 Farming Season, my ministry cultivated 4,135 ha. The crops cultivated included maize, soya beans, wheat, as well as tobacco.


Madam Chairperson, my ministry has also continued acquiring land for agricultural activities as well restocking of livestock on its ranches. All these efforts are aimed at contributing to the enhancement of national food security and economic growth in general.




Madam Chairperson, in line with the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP) on job creation, my ministry recruited commissioned officers, regular soldiers and civilian staff to mitigate the manpower shortfalls caused by staff and personal attrition over time. However, there is a need for continuous recruitment and training for the ministry in order to enhance effectiveness and efficiency in conducting its operations.


International Engagements and Operations


Madam Chairperson, my ministry planned to participate in four joint permanent commissions on defence and security in the year 2021. However, due to the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, the meetings could not take place. We remain hopeful, however, that at least two meeting will take place before the end of year.


Madam Chairperson, as hon. Members may be aware the joint permanent commissions with our neighbouring countries are a platform under which neighbouring countries resolve matters of mutual interest in defence and security for the purpose of maintaining good neighbourliness.


Madam Chairperson, with regard to peacekeeping and support operations, my ministry has continued to send officers and soldiers under the United Nations (UN) as military observers and peacekeepers in conflict torn countries.


Aid to Civil Authorities


Madam Chairperson, my ministry stands ready to collaborate with other Government departments in responding to national emergencies whenever called upon. In this regard, I wish to report that my ministry played a critical role in conducting national events and disasters such as:


  1. successfully conducting the aerial spraying of red locusts infestation in the Western Province, the Southern Province and Lusaka Province;
  2. the assessment of bridges in the Eastern Province and Luapula Province that were washed away; and
  3. the ongoing construction of markets which include Kapalala in Ndola, Simon Mwewa Lane and BH in Lusaka and the rehabilitation of the Lusaka City Market.


Youth Skills Training


Madam Chairperson, in line with the Seventh National Development Plan on capacity building, my ministry has continued to equip youth with skills in various training camps. So far, the ministry has trained 323 boys who have graduated in Chiwoko, Eastern Province while 220 girls are undergoing training in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province.


Budget Highlights for 2022


Madam Chairperson, allow me now to give an overview of my ministry’s Budget for 2022. The Ministry of Defence Budget Estimates for the year 1st January to 31st December, 2022, is K5,517,378,021. This represents a 27 per cent upward adjustment on the approved Budget of 2021 which was K4,344,820,720.


Madam Chairperson, out of the 2022 Budget Estimates, K4,986,911,778 representing 90.4 per cent of the total budget will go towards personal emoluments while the balance of K530,434,722 representing 9.6 per cent will be spent on recurrent departmental chargers and infrastructure development.


Madam Chairperson, having given this Budget overview, allow me now to proceed with key features and allocations of the 2022 budget. In order to continue monitoring the security situation in the country and the region, the ministry will continue securing the territorial integrity of the nation and the international boundaries through the maintenance of world peace and security by participating in regional and international operations. My ministry intends to recruit more officers and regular soldiers to increase manpower levels in the defence force. This will not only help the defence force to achieve its mandated objective, but also respond to economic diversification and job creation.


Madam Chairperson, in supporting Government efforts to grow the economy, my ministry will continue engaging in various agricultural ventures through the expansion of cultivated hectarage and livestock restocking. In this regard, my ministry has set aside K75 million for agricultural activities and livestock.


Madam Chairperson, in line with the Government’s agenda of empowering youth, my ministry, in collaboration with the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Arts and the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services, stands ready to contribute to youth skills development by providing skills training.




Madam Chairperson, in supporting the equitable quality of healthcare services to the nation, my ministry will continue with the provision of healthcare services through established health facilities in our various cantonments.


Madam Chairperson, in conclusion, my ministry, under the leadership of Mr Hakainde Hichilema, President of the Republic of Zambia and Commander and Chief of the Defence Forces shall continue to fulfil the mandate of defending the country’s sovereignty and territorial integrity.


The Chairperson: Order!


The hon. Minister’s time expired.


Mr C. Mpundu (Chembe): Madam Chairperson, to start with, Zambia is said to be a peaceful country and hence the need to guard our internal and external security. It is for this reason that this Vote is very critical.


Madam Chairperson, I thank the hon. Minister for the way he has articulated issues pertaining to the Budget which is on the Table, but it is important that the Ministry of Defence starts graduating from the traditional way of doing things to modernity. You know, our borders are still porous. It is important that electronic monitoring of the boarders is started. We still have issues in the border areas and the budget should have also looked at that aspect.


Madam Chairperson, in the same vein, our defence personnel should start doing their training using modern tactics with modern technology and not in the old way of doing things. For instance, as regards artillery, we need to move from short range to long range whose precision is close to or almost 100 per cent.


Madam Chairperson, in addition, we must also equip our special forces with international standards of training. The hon. Minister spoke about training, but we need to see training for the special forces that is of international standards especially that they interact, as they go to their missions, with their colleagues who have international standards of training and equipment. In this vein, it will also help in the fight against terrorism. Terrorism is more sophisticated and if we try applying the traditional way of doing things in our defence forces, we would not be doing ourselves any good. No matter what development we can talk about, without a well equipped defence force, we are just disadvantaging ourselves as a country. It is for this reason that I ask the able-bodied hon. Minister to relook at this aspect of modernising our defence forces so that we move at par with the rest of the world.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson.


Brig-Gen. Sitwala (Kaoma Central): Madam Chairperson, allow me to, first of all, thank the hon. Minister for the elaborate statement on the Ministry of Defence. I want, from the outset, to indicate that I fully support this Budget. I just want to mention a few things here.

Madam Chairperson, allow me to go back and thank all members of the defence forces and security personnel in our country for the continued support rendered to the nation from the time of independence, especially during the time of the reintroduction of multipartism.

I am sure all hon. Members and, indeed, the general public will agree with me that our defence forces have been up to the task. They have always ensured that peace is maintained, more especially during the time when we have had elections, which is as it is supposed to be. For this, they should really be thanked.


I am sure hon. Members can still remember that even during the last held general elections, the support that our defence forces rendered to ensure that the peace that is prevailing continued to prevail is a task that we shall not forget in a long time.


Madam Chairperson, peace or the roll of the defence forces is one thing that cannot be quantified. It cannot be quantified like energy where you can say that this ministry has produced so many kilowatts or agriculture where you can say it has produced so many tonnes of maize, no. It is something that is very difficult to see. However, we are able to do business, politick and anything that we are doing because of the peace that the defence forces continue to give us. It is, therefore, very important.


I want to call upon all hon. Members of this august House to support the budget for the defence forces because it is this budget that we allocate to them that will enable them provide the so much needed peace that ensures the country runs smoothly day in day out.


Madam Chairperson, allow me to come to the budget proper. I was happy or I am happy to hear what the hon. Minister has said that there is an increment from around K4 billion to about K5.5 billion which is good and as it is supposed to be. However, I am  bit worried because 90 per cent of all this is going to personal emoluments leaving only less than 10 per cent which, in my view is not enough to cater for all the other needs or to run the defence forces. I want, therefore, to urge the hon. Minister to continue knocking on the doors of the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning to ensure that more funds are made available.


Madam Chairperson, the defence forces have got many challenges. When you look at training itself, there is a lot of money that is required. For example, in the Zambia Air Force (ZAF), we have sophisticated equipment that requires running and this requires money. The Zambia National Service (ZNS) has a lot of equipment that it is using. Even for youth training, it requires money to do that. Therefore, the need for more allocation cannot be over emphasised. It is also important that we look at their welfare. Their accommodation continues to be problematic. On the equipment for use, I was just listening to the first speaker here, my hon. Colleague who mentioned the need to modernise. Indeed, it is important that we modernise, but all this calls for money and, therefore, the need for money to be pumped into our defence forces cannot be over emphasised.


Madam Chairperson, currently, Zambia is involved in the United Nations (UN) peace keeping operations. To get the equipment that should make use operate there in a way and uphold the good name that we have held from time immemorial will require money. Therefore, I still want to mention that we require to look after our defence forces very well.


Madam Chairperson, with these few words, I just want to thank the hon. Minister again and encourage him to ensure that as we embark on the recruitment that he has talked about, we should ensure that it is balanced. What we were seeing of late was not something that was pleasing enough where you find in certain regions people are not recruited. Defence forces require being united forces. We have to have everyone in all the corners of Zambia represented. That is what makes it a very good defence force that is going to serve the nation with impartiality.


Madam Chairperson, I thank you again and thank our hon. Minister. I wish our defence forces all the best as they continue to serve our country, mother Zambia.


I thank you, Madam Chairperson. 


Mr Chibuye (Roan): Madam Chairperson, thank you very much for the ministerial statement from the acting hon. Minister of Defence


Madam Chairperson, we are all aware and alive to the fact that we are dealing with a very sensitive Vote today, this time which is Vote 75 Ministry of Defence. Of course, as alluded to by the acting hon. Minister of Defence, the core business of this ministry is to preserve our sovereignty and, indeed, our territorial peace. Nothing can be over emphasised than this. It is in this vain that I want to out rightly support the Budget Estimate for this Vote. I believe the amount that has been given to this vote though increased from K4.3 billion to K5.5 billion will, indeed, carter for the requirements of this ministry. I want to walk along with what the previous hon. Members said. I am aware that this ministry, apart from maintaining our sovereign territory and peace, cuts across so many areas where it comes into help such as what was stated in terms of emergencies and events. We all run to this ministry for quick fixes.


Madam Chairperson, I want to state that the 128,000 km of feeder roads that were done by the Ministry of Defence is a job well done. However, we are all aware that we are crying and talking about diversifying our economy away from the dependence on mining into agriculture. This means that we need to have better feeder roads for the transportation of our inputs and, of course, the products to the markets. It is in this vain that I want to urge the hon. Minister to ensure that we do more since, I believe, under ZNS we have equipment that does the roads, especially feeder roads.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to commend the ministry for coming on board in supplementing the health facilities. We want to see more of the Maina Soko arrangements. If we can open more, it will even be prudent and helpful to our nation. It should not be the time when we should be rushing our citizens outside the country for specialised treatment. We know that we can do it, especially under the Ministry of Defence of late, and it is gratifying to note that the Maina Soko Military Hospital actually attended to some of the Very, Very Important Persons (VVIPs) in our nation instead of taking them abroad. So, we need to see more of these facilities so that the Government can actually serve some money from not sending people outside for specialised treatment.


Madam Chairperson, we also want to see, out of the budget, an increase on the creation of cantonments. We are talking about recruiting more personnel into the defence forces. We want to see more of the Maritimes areas in this country. We also want to see more skilled and strong people recruited.


I remember very well when we left school – yes, academically, you have to be there, but I believe there are so many things that have to be considered in terms of recruitment. I was amazed when I heard that in the last recruitment, the Ministry of Defence was only considering people who had attained twelve points at Grade 12 level.


Madam Chairperson, not to take away anything from Grade 12 school leavers, but you will agree with me that today is not like yester years. There is too much, I do not know whether it is rigging or leakages. So, we need to recruit people who are going to represent our country in the defence forces honestly and diligently. In this vein, I ask the hon. Minister and congratulate his ministry for the disciplined defence personnel which we have had and sent out on peacekeeping missions. I am sure we have always got a positive report in terms of discipline and hard work. This calls for continuous training of our personnel in the Ministry of Defence.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to make mention here that we can do better than the 4,153 ha that were done, which comprises of wheat and other crops. This will supplement to secure our country’s food basket and so, we want to see more of our military personnel go into agriculture. His Excellency the Republican President in his Speech during the Official Opening of the Thirteenth National Assembly emphasised on the need to get into agriculture and the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning expounded on the need for our country to start opening up farming blocks and of course, farming estates. I believe the Ministry of Defence can lead in this area by opening up more farming blocks and farming estates to ensure that our country is food secure and of course, create that most needed employment.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to urge the hon. Minister to continue engaging on good neighbourliness. We do not want to see what happened recently at Katimamulilo. We want the joint permanent commissions to continue having rapports from time-to-time to create that atmosphere at that level.


Madam Chairperson, I also want to urge and ask the hon. Minister to continue opening up more avenues for the youths. Yes, we agree that recently, the ministry came to the rescue of the youths who have been mushrooming on the streets of our cities. Indeed, if we do not take care of these youths in a manner that is befitting, then we are sitting on a time bomb. It is just important that they are removed from the streets and taken to facilities where they can be equipped with necessary skills and learn good morals, and when they come out of that training, they will, indeed, be better citizens of this country.


Madam Chairperson: Order!


The hon. Member’s time expired.


Eng Milupi: Madam Chairperson, I thank the hon. Members who have contributed to this debate.


Madam Chairperson, I think Hon. Mpundu urged the ministry to graduate from the traditional way of doing things to much more modern ways. He is right, we move with the times. However, I assure him that our officers and soldiers who from time-to-time are engaged on overseas duties such as peacekeeping and so on, have exhibited that they are as well trained as any from any other part of the world. However, we recognise what he said.


Madam Chairperson, with regards to cyber security, which is topical these days, the ministry is currently considering establishing a Cyber Security Department to enhance national security.


Madam Chairperson, Rtd Brig-Gen. Sitwala thanked all members of the defence forces for the role they played during elections. Indeed, the defence forces played a very pivotal role during the last elections. It culminated in a very peaceful election, on 12th August and resulted in the change of Government.


Madam Chairperson, he made reference to the fact that 90 per cent of the Budget, or there about, is targeted towards emoluments. This, indeed, is true and it is symptomatic of the difficulties we are in as country defined by the size of the revenues that we have. As long as our revenues are low, you will find that a much higher percentage of our revenues will be directed towards emoluments. However, as we grow the economy, we will see that the percentages that would be allocated to emoluments will go down and the percentages that go to other things of necessity will go up. If the hon. Member listened to what the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning elaborated in his Budget Speech, he would recall this.


Madam Chairperson, Hon. Chibuye talked about the feeder roads. Yes, the Zambia National Service (ZNS) will continue to play a role in these feeder roads so that we improve the ability to undertake agriculture in these areas.


Madam Chairperson, he also has urged us to consider more recruitments and create more cantonments and so on.


Madam Chairperson, yes, we can do better in agriculture and I think if he listened to the President’s Speech and the Minister of Finance and National Planning’s Speech, this is an area which we are looking to do better.


Madam Chairperson, overall, I thank all hon. Members for supporting this budget line and we promise that as a ministry, we will continue to continue to look after the interest of this country in terms its sovereignty.


Madam Chairperson, with those few words, I want to thank you. 


Vote 77 – (Ministry of Defence – K5, 517,378,021)


The Minister of Finance and National Planning (Dr Musokotwane): I beg to move the following amendments:


  1. On Page 621, under Figure 1: Budget Allocation by Economic Classification, Paragraph 1, by the deletion of the number “K564.6” and the substitution thereof of the number “K514.6”; and
  2. On Page 634, under Table 5: Programme Budget Allocation by the Sub-Programme, Paragraph 1, by the insertion of the word “million” immediately after the number “K218.3”.


Amendment agreed to. Vote amended accordingly.


Vote 77 as amended, ordered to stand part of the Estimates.


The Chairperson: Order!


(Debate adjourned)






[MADAM SPEAKER in the Chair]


(Progress reported)




The House adjourned at 1903 hours until 1430 hours on Thursday, 9th December, 2021.

