Friday, 23rd April, 2021

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AT 09:00 HOURS
168. Mr Chabi (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources:
(a) how many foreign nationals acquired land and obtained title deeds, countrywide, from 2014 to 2019, year by year;
(b) what economic benefits are derived from foreign nationals owning land in Zambia;
(c) whether the acquisition of land by foreign nationals has disadvantaged the local people; 
(d) if so, what measures are being taken to address the anomaly;
(e) whether there are any plans to reduce the 99 year leasehold for foreign nationals; and
(f) if so, when the law will be amended.
169. Mr Mukosa (Chinsali) - to ask the Minister of Local Government:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to rehabilitate feeder roads in Chinsali District;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) how many roads are earmarked for rehabilitation in 2020; and
(d) what the names of the roads are.
170. Mr Mulusa (Solwezi Central) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many employment permits were issued to expatriates at the following mining companies from 2016 to 2019, year by year:
(i) Kansanshi Mine; and
(ii) First Quantum Minerals Limited;
(b) which categories of expatriates were issued with the employment permits; and
(c) what the average period the expatriates work before their positions are taken over by Zambians.
171. Mr Kabanda (Serenje) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to sell the former Public Works Department houses in Kafina Township in Serenje District to sitting tenants;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) what has caused the delay in selling the houses, considering that the valuation exercise was concluded in 2015; and 
(d) if there are no such plans, why.
172. Ms Kasune (Keembe) - to ask the Minister of Water Development, 
Sanitation and Environmental Protection:
(a) how many boreholes were sank in Chibombo District from 2017 to 2020, year by year;
(b) how many boreholes at (a) were located in Keembe Parliamentary Constituency;
(c) how many boreholes are earmarked for sinking in the Constituency in 2021; and
(d) what the time frame for the completion of the project is.
173. Mrs M L Phiri (Chilanga) - to ask the Minister of General Education:
(a) how many teachers of English were sent to work in the Seychelles and other countries in 2018 and 2019;
(b) what the benefit of this arrangement to Zambia is; and
(c) if the arrangement is beneficial, what measures are being taken to encourage more teachers to apply for the jobs outside the country.
W15. Mr Mecha (Chifunabuli) - to ask the Minister of Community Development and Social Welfare:
(a) what the total number of beneficiaries of the Food Security Pack Programme in Chifunabuli District, in the following agricultural seasons, was:
(i) 2019/2020; and
(ii) 2020/2021;
(b) how many beneficiaries were phased out from the Programme prematurely, after one year instead of two years, for the 2020/2021 agricultural season;
(c) whether the affected beneficiaries at (b) will be readmitted to the Programme in the 2021/2022 agricultural season;
(d) how many new beneficiaries were added to the Programme for the 2020/2021 agricultural season; and
(e) whether any funds were released for the implementation of the Programme between October, 2020 and January, 2021.
W16. Mr Miyutu (Kalabo Central) - to ask the Minister of Local Government:
(a) how many kilometres of feeder roads had been rehabilitated in Western Province, as of July, 2020, district by district; and 
(b) what measures the Government is taking to improve the condition of feeder roads in the Province.
Mr Daka
Adopt Report of the Committee on Parastatal Bodies: That this House do adopt the Report of the Committee on Parastatal Bodies on the Report of the Auditor General on the Accounts of Parastatal Bodies and other Statutory Institutions for the Financial Year Ended 31st December, 2018, for the Fifth Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, laid on the Table of the House on 20th April, 2021.
1. The Zambia Institute of Advanced Legal                     (N.A.B 27/2021)
Education (Amendment) Bill                                           Committee Stage