The Legal Aid Bill, 2021

Parliamentary Period: 
Fifth Session of the Twelfth Assembly

The objects of this Bill are to provide for—

(a) provide for the granting of legal aid in civil and criminal cases to persons whose means are insufficient to enable them to pay for legal services;

(b) provide for the regulation of law clinics in the provision of legal aid;

(c) continue the existence of the Legal Aid Board and provide for its functions;

(d) re-constitute the Board of the Legal Aid Board and re- define its functions;

(e) provide for the registration of practitioners, legal assistants paralegals and legal aid service providers;

(f) continue the existence of the Legal Aid Fund and provide for its administration and management;

(g) repeal and replace the Legal Aid Act, 1967; and
(h) provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing

Bill Stage: 
First Reading
Second Reading
Committee Stage
Report Stage
Third Reading