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Wednesday, 16th September, 2020
Wednesday, 16th September, 2020
The House met at 1430 hours
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
11. Mr A. C. Mumba (Kantanshi) asked the Minister of Finance:
- what caused the liquidation of the Pan African Building Society by the Bank of Zambia in July 2019;
- what measures have been taken to ensure that the financial sector remains stable following the liquidation;
- whether the depositors’ money has been secured; and
- when all the depositors will be paid their money.
Mr A. C. Mumba: Mr Speaker, with the leave of the House, I beg to defer the question to a later date.
Mr Speaker: The hon. Member says he would like to defer the question to a later date.
Question put and agreed to. Leave granted.
Question, by leave, accordingly deferred.
12. Mr Putu (Mangango) asked the Minister of Transport and Communication:
- whether the Government has any plans to construct communication towers in the following areas in Mangango Parliamentary Constituency:
- Namaloba;
- Winda; and
- Kalwalo; and
b. if so, when the plans will be implemented.
The Minister of Works and Supply (Ms Chalikosa) (on behalf of the Minister of Transport and Communication (Mr Kafwaya)): Mr Speaker, the Government has plans to provide telecommunications coverage in all the parts of the country, including Namaloba, Winda and Kalwalo areas.
Mr Speaker, the plans will be implemented when funds are available. However, under the construction of Communication Towers Phase II Project, the Government planned for the construction of communication towers in Mangango Parliamentary Constituency in the following areas:
Site Name Ward
Nyango Primary School Mangango
Kachakala (Nyambi Rural Health Centre) Mangango
Nalulembwe Primary School Namafulo
Lukute Primary School Namafulo
Mushwala Mushwala
Namasheshe Shikombwe
Mayukwayukwa Kapiri
Mangango Mission Mangango
Sir, the towers at Nyango Primary School, Kachakala, Nalulembe Primary School, Lukute Primary School, Mushwala and Mayukwayukwa are completed and on air while the towers at Namasheshe and Mangango Mission are completed and are expected to be on air by the end of the fourth quarter of 2020.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Do you have a point of order, hon. Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs?
The Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs (Mr Sichalwe): was inaudible.
13. Mr Kasonso (Solwezi West) asked the Minister of General Education:
- whether the Government has any plans to rehabilitate the Solwezi College of Education;
- if so, when the plans will be implemented;
- what the total cost of the project is; and
- if there are no such plans, why.
The Minister of General Education (Dr Wanchinga): Mr Speaker, the Government has no immediate plans to rehabilitate the Solwezi College of Education. However, the college is using locally generated resources to carry out minimal maintenance works.
Mr Speaker, secondly, as per implication of the first part of the answer, it means, then, that the second part falls off.
Sir, thirdly, the cost of rehabilitation will only be known when the Government is able to mobilise resources which could be committed to the project. As it is, we cannot tell exactly how much money the Government would be able to mobilise to support the rehabilitation works at the college.
Mr Speaker, we do not have plans to rehabilitate the Solwezi College of Education basically because of constraints with regards to the financial resources available.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
14. Mr Kabanda (Serenje) (on behalf of Mr Mukosa (Chinsali)) asked the Minister of Local Government:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct a library in Chinsali District;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented; and
(c) if there are no such plans, why.
The Minister of Local Government (Dr Banda): Mr Speaker, I wish to inform this august House that yes, the Government has plans to construct a library in Chinsali District. In this regard, land has already been secured.
Mr Speaker, the library will be constructed as soon as financial resources are available. Nevertheless, library services are provided at the Community Hall. As I have stated, the Government has plans to construct a library.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
15. Mr Chiyalika (Lufubu) asked the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) when the tarring of the Kabwe/Ngabwe Road will commence;
(b) what the cost of the project is; and
(c) who the contractor for the project is.
The Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development (Mr Mwale): Mr Speaker, there are no immediate plans to upgrade the Kabwe/Ngabwe Road to bituminous standard due to the current financial constraints being experienced in the road sector. The upgrading of the road will be considered in future when funding improves.
Mr Speaker, the cost for upgrading the road will only be determined when the future plan is implemented. The contractor has not been engaged to upgrade the Kabwe/Ngabwe Road and, therefore, cannot be named.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
The Minister of Justice (Mr Lubinda) (on behalf of the Minister of Finance (Dr Ng’andu)): Mr Speaker, I beg to present the Bill entitled the Banking and Financial Services Bill, 2020. The object of this Bill is to amend the Banking and Financial Services Act so as to:
(a) provide for the repayment of funds collected by an unlicensed person;
(b) revise the jurisdiction of the tribunal;
(c) revise the priority of payment to depositors; and
(d) provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: The Bill stands referred to the Committee on National Economy, Trade and Labour Matters. The Committee is required to submit its report on the Bill to the House by Thursday, 1st October, 2020. Hon. Members who wish to make submissions on the Bill are free to do so within the programme of work of the Committee.
I thank you.
Mr Lubinda (on behalf of Dr Ng’andu): Mr Speaker, I beg to present the Bill entitled the Public Procurement Bill, 2020. The objects of the Bill are as follows:
- to revise the law relating to procurement so as to enhance transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, economy, value for money, competition and accountability in public procurement;
- regulate and control practices relating to public procurement in order to promote the integrity of, fairness and public confidence in, the procurement process;
- promote the participation of citizens in public procurement;
- continue the existence of the Zambia Public Procurement Authority;
- repeal and replace the Public Procurement Act, 2008; and
- provide for matters connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: The Bill stands referred to the Public Accounts Committee. The Committee is required to submit its report on the Bill to the House by Thursday, 1st October, 2020. Hon. Members who wish to make submissions on the Bill are free to do so within the programme of work of the Committee.
Thank you.
(Debate Resumed)
The Minister of Justice (Mr Lubinda) on behalf of the Minister of Home Affairs (Mr Kampyongo)): Mr Speaker, I rise on behalf of the hon. Minister of Home Affairs to conclude his contribution to the debate on the Motion that was very eloquently moved by the hon. Member for Gwembe, which received support from the seconder, Hon. Kasune, and Hon. Mwila.
Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Government, I wish to convey my sincere gratitude to the Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs and all my colleagues in the House for supporting the report. I have also taken note of the various issues which were raised in your Committee’s report and those that were highlighted by my fellow hon. Members of Parliament who debated the report.
Sir, I am profoundly grateful for this opportunity to contribute to this debate and I just want to make a few points known. Zambia is among the member states that have not yet ratified the protocol for the suppression of unlawful acts against the safety of maritime navigation since June 2015.
Mr Speaker, ratifying the protocol will enable Zambia to promote and maintain international peace and security and promote friendly relations and co-operation with other states. Hon. Mwila, in his contribution, illustrated very eloquently the benefits of ratifying this protocol.
Sir, according to Resolution 40/611 of the General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), of which Zambia is a party, we, as member states, are all urged to unilaterally and in co-operation with other states, contribute to the progressive elimination of causes underlying international terrorism and to pay special attention to all situations, including colonialism, racism and situations involving the violation of human rights that may give rise to international terrorism and may endanger international peace and security.
Mr Speaker, the mover of the Motion, the hon. Member of Parliament for Gwembe, concluded by saying that her Committee was in total support of the ratification. Therefore, I should not belabour the matter because even the seconder was totally in support. All that remains for me to do is to thank the whole House for rendering its unanimous support for the ratification of this protocol.
I thank you, Sir.
Ms Chisangano (Gwembe): Mr Speaker, on behalf of the Chairperson of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, who was not with us in the last sitting, I would like to thank all the hon. Members who debated this very important Motion. I would also like to thank the House at large for supporting the Motion.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mung’andu (Chama South): Mr Speaker, thank you for the opportunity to debate the President’s Speech. Allow me to start by thanking His Excellency the President for his wonderful speech. It was so inspiring to hear the vision of His Excellency the President on how he is going to ensure with his working Government that the main developmental projects embarked on are completed. He also highlighted the importance of Zambians maintaining our unity and peace.
Sir, I will refer to one statement that his Excellency mentioned. He mentioned that the Patriotic Front (PF) Government has made this country or moved this country –
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Mapatizya, do you have a point of order?
Mr Miyanda (Mapatizya): Mr Speaker, I am sorry. I was trying to indicate.
Mr Speaker: Do you have a point of order to raise?
Mr Miyanda: No, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Chama South, you may proceed.
Mr Mung’andu: Mr Speaker, His Excellency the President indicated that the best way the people of Zambia should judge this working Government is by looking at the history of the development of our country.
Mr Speaker, the United National Independence Party (UNIP) was in power for twenty-seven years, but what did it do for our people? The Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) was also in power for twenty years, but what did it do for our people? The Patriotic Front (PF) Government has only been in power for close to nine years now. If you look at what has been achieved in these nine years compared to the twenty-seven and twenty years of UNIP and MMD, respectively, put together, we can safely conclude that the PF Government has been outstanding. Our citizens out there have to look at the road infrastructure that this Government has delivered and this is what His Excellency talked about. A number of district hospitals and mini hospitals have been delivered within this short period of eight years.
Mr Speaker, critics have pointed to the economic situation in our country. Again, we have to look at the history of this country. I can confidently say that 80 per cent of what has contributed to our economy being where it is now is the programme of privatisation, to which one of our Opposition leaders was a part. It is clear that when this Opposition leader is challenged to explain how he acquired his wealth, he fails to do so. What business did he do initially for him to be where he is today? He has failed to explain. His Excellency President Lungu is trying to correct this historical injustice which was inflicted upon our people by this Opposition leader.
Mr Speaker, we are seeing that 80 per cent of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is dependent on copper from the same mines which were privatised and we can see that these assets are slowly coming back into the hands of Zambians.
Mr Speaker, His Excellency the President talked about the need for us to maintain peace and order, especially that the country is going for general elections next year. We can only attain this peace and order if we, as a country, base our campaigns purely on issues which affect our country and not on propaganda and insults like what we just witnessed a few days ago in Kasama. That is not what our people want to hear. People want to hear what we are going to do differently to better their lives.
In summary, Mr Speaker, in support of His Excellency the President’s Speech, let the people of Zambia judge this Government based on what it has done. I support his Excellency the President’s Speech.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Kambita: On a point of order, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker: A point of order is raised.
Mr Kambita: Mr Speaker, I rise on a very serious point of order on the hon. Member who has just finished his debate.
Mr Speaker, the rules of the House are very clear on debating people who are not in the House. Is the hon. Member for Chama South in order to start issuing innuendos about an Opposition political leader who amassed wealth due to the privatisation programme that was instituted by the Movement Multi-party Democracy (MMD) without stating clearly the name of the Opposition leader ...
Mr Kambita: ... leaving the public and all of us guessing? Could the hon. Member clearly state which Opposition leader he is referring to. He should answer to what he has mentioned because he should not leave others guessing by hiding in parliamentary debates because of parliamentary immunity.
Mr Speaker, I need your serious ruling because I am surprised that you allowed that debate ...
Hon. PF Members: Question!
Mr Kambita: ... when somebody was making innuendos on the Floor of the House taking advantage of the immunity of the House.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Zambezi East, the rules of the House are, in fact, the reverse of what you have stated.
Dr Malama: Correct!
Mr Speaker: The rules of the House frown upon mentioning names of persons who are not in the House. It is a very basic practice and the reason is simple. It is because they are not in here to defend themselves and, more importantly, these proceedings are immunised, as it were, from legal actions. So, as Presiding Officers, we are mindful about disparaging characters of persons who are not part of the House.
Let me seize this opportunity just to remind the House at large that we need to have issue based debates. The citizens out there are looking for solutions and relief from this House. It will not do for us to focus or hinge our debates on personalities, however, we craft our debates. Debates should be issue based. I hope that at the end of my ruling, I will have a flurry of hon. Members of Parliament who are eager to debate. We have barely started these proceedings.
That is my ruling.
Mr Belemu (Mbabala): Mr Speaker, lately, I have been very quiet trying to reflect on the state of the nation.
Ms Chisangano: On a point of order, Sir.
Mr Speaker: A point of order is raised.
Ms Chisangano: Mr Speaker, I thank you for according me this opportunity to raise a point of order on the feedback that was given to the House yesterday on the question that I had raised on the status of the health posts in Gwembe Constituency. I tried to make a follow-up question, but technology failed me.
Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister mentioned that there were –
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Gwembe, I have not given you the permission to reopen the proceedings of yesterday. I regret if you suffered some inconvenience in terms of transmission or network, but we cannot go back to that follow-up question this afternoon. You may have to find other means to pursue the matter further.
Mr Belemu: Mr Speaker, I have been reflecting on the state of the nation in anticipation of the President’s Address. I have arrived at a safe presupposition that the problems of this country are manufactured by none other than those of the political creed and their associates.
Sir, when you listen to Zambians speak, I do not think that they speak about tribe. Flames of tribalism are being ignited and fanned, day in and day out, by the politicians. The economic situation that we are going through, as a country, is as a result of decisions made by politicians. The rights, freedoms and liberties that citizens talk about are the result of what politicians did. In recent years, we have seen religion turning into a weapon. Again, when you look at matters critically, you will realise that all that is being fanned by politicians. Therefore, there is a need for us who are in the political arena to engage in introspection. I have already done mine.
Mr Speaker, during this reflection, I had the temptation of thinking that probably, I should leave the political arena because I would not want to mix with dishonest people since I want to be honest to the Zambian people. My honest view is that, as politicians, there is a need to have a very deep reflection about what is going on in the nation. We can see based on what the media covered today and yesterday that there is violence and bloodshed in the Northern Province, which is as a result of politicians. Why is it that it is only politicians that are fighting? Citizens and street kids are not fighting. I think there is a need for deeper reflection as we go forward.
Mr Speaker, we will be having a general election next year. I have already decided, and I know what I will do, which is to put a Government that will be a representative of the people and their aspirations. Zambians want the economy, their liberty, their rights and freedoms and this nation to develop. No citizen wants this nation to be in perpetual poverty. We want this nation to be transformed and to advance. We cannot continue going in circles by having problems to do with the economy, human rights, freedoms, abuse of religion and abuse of the law. All these problems are being manufactured within the industry of politics. In my view, the solution is political.
Mr Speaker, today as we sit, political leaders are busy dancing jukwataye, yet people are suffering, being maimed and are starving. Somebody will cry, politically, next year and it will not be me ...
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Belemu: ... because I will be on the side of the people. I have understood what Zambians are looking for and ...
Mr Mung’andu: Question!
Mr Belemu: ... I will be on their side. Somebody will cry, but it is not going to be me. Those who do not like me might as well get used to seeing me because I will not go anywhere. I want to represent the interest of the Zambian people and, as Zambians, we shall triumph. You can have power, but for a season because power changes. You can abuse and hold people at ransom, but for a season because power will eventually change. Ultimately, power lies in the people and that is where I will be found, whether people like it or not.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Belemu: Sir, we cannot continue at the rate we are going because we are going to have a general election. If what we are seeing in Lukashya and Mwansabombwe Parliamentary constituencies in the Northern Province is a prologue of what is going to happen next year then we, as a country, are in trouble. We cannot have bloodshed in this day and era out of political contestation.
Mr Speaker, we cannot be talking about tribe. I have just been moving around the country and have not come across a person who when he or she wakes up and sleeps, talks about tribe other than when I mix with politicians. There must be something wrong with people that have found themselves in political circles. Where did such people come from? I was away in the last two months and where I have just come from, there were no such people. I was free from Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19), bloodshed, and language that is full of venom and inflammatory. We were free. I want to keep a social distance from people who are abusing this nation.
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time expired.
Mr Speaker: Any further debate?
I am inviting debates.
Mr Chiyalika (Lufubu): Mr Speaker, whenever we try to indicate on the gadget, it is not accepting our names.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member, whoever you are, could you seek assistance. We have positioned persons in all the rooms to assist hon. Members. Please, beckon for assistance.
Mr Chiyalika: Mr Speaker, we have done that.
Mr Speaker, can I go ahead with your permission?
Mr Speaker: Identify yourself.
Mr Chiyalika: Hon. Gift Chiyalika, Member of Parliament for Lufubu Constituency.
Mr Speaker: May you please proceed.
Mr Chiyalika: Mr Speaker, I thank you for this opportunity. The President’s Speech was powerful and innovative. The speech gave this country direction. I wish to quote the theme of the speech.
“Dedication, Resilience and Innovation: Pursuing Economic Recovery for the Zambia we want.”
Mr Speaker, this is a mouthful. Having that in mind, I also want to talk about what the President said on page three of his speech where he talked about the Government having delivered in terms of infrastructure development countrywide.
Mr Speaker, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government has really worked and delivered in terms of infrastructure. I would like to talk about education, particularly higher education. We have seen quite a number of universities that have been upgraded. I have in mind Mulungushi University, Robert Makasa University, Nkwame Nkrumah University, Chalimbana University, and many other similar institutions.
Mr Speaker, I think this is a commendable job on the part of Government. As you are aware, during the previous administrations of the United National Independence Party (UNIP) and the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD), we only had two universities. However, it is no longer the case under the PF Government.
Mr Speaker, under the Ministry of Higher Education, the two traditional universities that we have had during the previous administrations had a big problem of hostel accommodation. As I am talking now, that problem is being addressed. Currently, about 9,600 hostels are being constructed for the three public universities, which are University of Zambia (UNZA), Copperbelt University (CBU) and Mulungushi University. This is a commendable job. With infrastructure, everyone is able to see. However, our colleagues from the Opposition keep on saying that the Government has done nothing, which is very unfortunate because they have eyes, but do not want to see.
Mr Speaker, under infrastructure, there are various structures at UNZA and the CBU being renovated. That is a commendable job on the part of the Government. In the same vein, there are new universities being built. I have in mind Paul Mushindo University in Chinsali, King Lewanika University in the Western Province and FTJ Chiluba University Project in Mansa and Kasama. All this is infrastructure under the education sector. There are also new colleges that are being built in Isoka, Kalabo and Sesheke.
Mr Speaker, other than that, I want to talk about loans and scholarships. It is only under the Patriotic Front (PF) Government that we saw the budget line for loans and scholarships being doubled. That is a commendable job. I expect my colleagues from the Opposition to thank the Government for this gesture. In addition to that, the loans and scholarships which were limited to the CBU and UNZA have been extended to other public universities. Therefore, other students are benefiting. That is a commendable job on the part of the Government, which should be appreciated by every Zambian.
Mr Speaker, as if that is not enough, the PF Government established the Higher Education Loans and Scholarship Board in 2017. This is a good job on the part of the Government. Additionally, the Government established the Higher Education Authority (HEA), which is regulating the operations of our universities. If this institution was not there, there would be a proliferation of the universities offering substandard education. As if that is not enough, the same PF Government established the Zambia Qualifications Authority (ZAQA), which is regulating qualifications in this country. That is a wonderful job.
Mr Speaker, let me talk about general education. The PF Government has, so far, constructed eighty-eight secondary schools. I could go on and on to talk about the achievements of the Government on infrastructure. This Government has brought about massive infrastructure development.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Miyutu (Kalabo Central): Mr Speaker, in trying to reflect on the speech that was rendered to us on the 11th of September, 2020, I will centre my debate on one or two things that touched my soul.
Mr Speaker, on page 13, the President talked about education. He said:
“The education sector has also embraced innovative ways of reaching out to the learners when physical contact in classroom situations was not advisable.”
Mr Speaker, this is like a nightmare. It is like a dream to the people of Kalabo. When schools were closed in March, there was no pupil or student who attended classes. We only hear about Electronic Learning (e-Learning). So, when the President talked about enhanced education delivery, he should have considered that there are areas which he is governing which are not receiving e-Learning. He came out boldly saying that there was an enhancement of education and that e-Learning was going on. I would like to remind him that Kalabo should have been part of this new way of learning. However, we did not see any learning take place until the time schools were instructed to reopen.
Mr Speaker, on page 33, the President said that movement in terms of transport has improved. One can say that when he or she is living in Lusaka. I can agree with such a person. However, how has transport improved in the rural parts that I know? Maybe, it has improved because now, even where there was a road with bitumen, there is no more bitumen. That is negative improvement. The President must bear in mind that our livelihoods are on his shoulders. Our cries are on his head. Therefore, he has to be very strict with the way he puts things across.
Mr Speaker, when you read or listen to the speech, you would think that all is well in Zambia. Things should not be well in verbal or written speeches only. On the ground, things are not working. Works on the road which we rely on, and which should connect the Western Province and Zambia as a whole, to Angola have stalled. Even the contractor is not on site. So, we do not know what enhancement we are going to get as we move. The President should not only look at businesses in Lusaka because Lusaka is not Zambia. Zambia includes all the ten provinces. This means that when the people in Kalabo, Shang’ombo and Luapula are crying for roads, the President should listen and attend to them just as he attends to those who are in Lusaka. The road construction in Lusaka has not stopped, it has continued. The Government is telling us that the road construction projects in rural areas are old and can only be attended to if they have reached the 80 per cent completion point. However, the road construction projects in Lusaka have never stalled from the time they started. What difference does it make? Does the President want us all to leave the rural areas and come to reside here in Lusaka? Is that his choice? If that is his choice, it will not help him. It will just overburden him. He will not sleep because we shall be all over –
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time expired.
Mr Siwanzi (Nakonde): Mr Speaker, thank you for allowing the voice of Nakonde to be heard on debate of the Motion of Thanks on the speech delivered by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia.
Mr Speaker, let me state that the President’s Speech should be appreciated by all well-meaning Zambians because it revives the hope of Zambians in terms of development and the way forward in this country.
Mr Speaker, as a nation, we are blessed to have such an intelligent President in State House. Sometimes, I wonder what was going to happen in Zambia if, God forbid, these other people who aspire to be in office were in office at this time when we are facing all these national calamities. We have heard stories of what some of the aspiring candidates who want to go to State House did in the past. Now, I am left to wonder what would happen if such people were in State House today.
Mr Speaker, the President touched on a very important issue and all Zambians who have eyes can see. The hon. Member who debated just before me talked about Kalabo. For a long time, there was no proper road linking Kalabo to Mongu. The hon. Member debated openly without shame that he cannot see development in his area. It seems some people have eyes, but they cannot see.
Sir, this Government has embarked on a robust infrastructure development programme, which as area Member of Parliament for Nakonde, I have personally benefitted from. However, there are politics of deceit or propaganda which are practised in this country and my heart is always bleeding. The Great North Road, which was called the Hell Run, and it runs from Kapiri Mposhi to Nakonde, was first constructed in the 1970s. The only portion that was rehabilitated in 1996 was between Kapiri Mposhi and Serenje and that is what we are appreciating today. Governments such as the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) and the United National Independence Party (UNIP) have come and gone, but from Serenje to Nakonde, there has never been an overhaul of the road. However, that is what is happening today in Muchinga Province. The Great North Road is being rehabilitated at a cost of K1.4 billion, yet some people in Opposition parties, even those who are educated and can see that the project has commenced, will be misleading the people that there is nothing that is happening.
Mr Speaker, even at household level, you cannot commence the construction of a house today and complete it tomorrow. That is not possible because there are processes in construction. You cannot deliver a road overnight. A road is delivered over a period of time.
Sir, the President touched on the issue of water reticulation. Let me give an example of Nakonde in particular. People were drinking dirty water since Independence. As I speak, we have a modern modular plant in Nakonde and, currently, people in Nakonde drink clean and safe water. As if that is not enough, this Government has injected an additional US$20 million to expand the water network in Nakonde so that it can cover areas such as Mwenzo and Bulongo. These are some of the things that people are appreciating.
Mr Speaker, one other thing that the President touched on, which impressed me in particular, is the issue of turning the economy around. The President talked about turning the economy around and making sure that things improve in this country as we head towards 2021. I do not think a sitting President who has doubts can assure the nation on turning the economy around. The President has demonstrated that he is brave and committed to making sure that Zambians lead a better life as we head towards 2021 –
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time has expired.
Mr Siwale (Mafinga): Mr Speaker, thank you so much for according me this opportunity to debate the President’s Speech ably delivered by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, on Friday, 11th September, 2020. I would like to put it on record that the speech was very inspiring, considering that His Excellency the President touched on a number of economic issues bordering on people’s lives.
Sir, I will safely say that the people of Mafinga have greatly benefited from the developmental programmes and projects being implemented by the Patriotic Front (PF) Government. I will simply say that the people of Mafinga District mainly depend on agriculture as a source of livelihood. Since the PF formed Government, people have benefited greatly in terms of agricultural inputs. As I speak, the people have already received the agricultural inputs for the next farming season.
Mr Speaker, the PF Government has also taken a bold step to empower the less privileged who are the elderly. There are also programmes being undertaken by the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development to empower our youths who have completed school and those are yet to complete their tertiary education.
Sir, let me also state that as I was growing, we did not have any secondary school in the district. However, with the coming of the PF Government, we have eight secondary schools which are operational. We also have two modern secondary schools which will have equipment such as laptops and will offer information and communications technology (ICT) programmes. So, the people are very grateful for the stewardship of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
Mr Speaker, when we talk of livestock, Mafinga in Muchinga Province has the highest number of livestock in the province. To motivate our hardworking farmers in the district, the Government has come on board by bringing in livestock like cattle, whose rearing is being piloted in the whole district so that there can be more animals kept in the district. What more can the people ask for?
Sir, like I indicated earlier on, the Government cannot develop all the districts in the whole country overnight, but we have to appreciate what we have been given as a district. People in other parts of the country also have to appreciate the development which they are receiving. I have driven around the country, and in all corners of this country, we can see that we have communication towers for telephone networks. Hospitals have also mushroomed in almost all corners of this country.
Mr Speaker, health is very cardinal for this country. We have seen that the Government has constructed health posts. It has also constructed district hospitals in almost all districts in the country. Mafinga has not been left out and, very soon, we will commission a modern hospital in the district.
Sir, Mafinga is also being connected to the national grid. Since Independence, we have never had electricity in the district, but in two months time, the district will be connected to the national grid. All this is being piloted and implemented by His Excellency the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time has expired.
Mr Zimba (Chasefu): Mr Speaker, thank you for giving the people of Chasefu an opportunity to add their voice to the debate on the Motion of Thanks to the President’s Speech. Just like the previous speakers, I congratulate the President on a well-thought-out speech. It was a message that was well put together for the people of Zambia. It was inspiring and it touched on all areas of our lives. Looking at the current happenings or what the world is going through, I commend the President for what he has done and I say thumbs up to the Patriotic Front (PF) Government.
Mr Speaker, first of all, I want to comment on one aspect that the President spoke about regarding us improving on local production. I remember that in his speech, the President said that he is going to take stock of what the chain stores are selling, meaning that he wants chain stores to promote local products.
Sir, with the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, it is imperative that we, as Zambians, take advantage of this challenge and export local products. I want to take a step further and implore line ministries that are tasked to ensure that chain stores prioritise local products by banning, for lack of a better term, products that can be locally produced as opposed to importing them. It will take Zambians to develop Zambia.
Mr Speaker, I also want to implore Zambians to take a step further by deliberately buying and promoting local products so that the money that we spend remains here in Zambia. It is only us who can develop this country. On that score, I implore the President to carry out the audit that he talked about and to make sure that every product that Zambians can produce is protected from outside competition.
Sir, I want to talk about the massive infrastructure development that is taking place in the country. Let us call a spade a spade. The PF Government has done well above every other Government in terms of infrastructure development. Times are changing and it is time for Zambia to take a leaf from other countries, including those in the southern region. Zambia was lagging behind, but it is now a beauty to look at.
Mr Speaker, just like the Government has been promoting the Copperbelt and Lusaka in terms of infrastructure development, I implore it to go a step further by going in rural areas where the President was praising farmers by stating that they are putting in a lot and have produced massively this year. However, I implore the Government to look at strategic roads like the Lundazi/Chama Road, which has never been touched, apart from the PF Government having tried to grade it here and there. I implore the President and his Cabinet to continue with the same spirit and zeal that they have shown in urban areas to rural areas. They should look at the strategic roads that can improve the welfare of the people in rural areas. The Lundazi/Chama Road is one road that has remained behind and I implore the Government to ensure that it is worked on.
Sir, during this era of COVID-19, I implore Zambians to come together, as a country. Let us not be political. We need Zambians to improve Zambia. Let us buy local. I want to insist that we buy local because it will take a change of attitude and mindset of Zambians to not believe that foreign is better. Local is lekker. So, if we want Zambia to develop, let us develop it ourselves. Let us go to Shoprite and look for products by Trade Kings, for example. They have beautiful products like aloe soap, which I did not know was Zambian because it looks like it is imported. They are making a mark. Let us all wake up and decide to buy Zambian products in shops. That way, we will help whichever Government is in power by buying local.
Mr Speaker, with those few words, I thank you.
Thank you, Sir.
Ms Katuta (Chienge): Mr Speaker, thank you for allowing the voice of Chienge to be added to the debate on this wonderful Motion of Thanks to the President’s Speech. This speech was well-articulated and presented by the President.
Sir, I heard the Head of State talk about unity, which is important and something that all Zambians should welcome. The President spoke about the 2021 General Elections and it is important that everyone talks about them. He spoke about unity and I have been expecting many leaders from other political parties to also talk about the 2021 General Elections.
Mr Speaker, the President’s Speech encouraged the people of Chienge when he spoke about the Social Cash Transfer Scheme. No matter how small it may be, it has been making a huge difference in the lives of the people of Chienge and we must appreciate what the Government is doing. However, I urge the Government to give more support to the people who were on the Social Cash Transfer Scheme because most of them have been left out, maybe, due to an error in the system. So, I urge the Government to look into that so that more people can benefit from the Social Cash Transfer Scheme during the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic.
Sir, I also want to talk about the good news regarding load shedding. The President assured the nation that there will be no load shedding by December 2020. We must learn to say, “Thank you,” for some of these things. In my language we say that if somebody does not like you, he will never say, “You are beautiful.” However, we should learn to say, “Well done.”
Mr Speaker, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government has embarked on mass infrastructure development, which has led to some places like Chienge not having tarred roads, as it promised. However, the Government has tried to make roads passable for us and I urge it to consider us for a tarred road in the next phase which will make the people of Chienge be part and parcel of the massive infrastructure which is taking place in the country.
Sir, I would also like to talk about the diversification of the economy. The President has encouraged the youths to create more co-operatives. This is the message that I want to carry to Chienge and encourage more of our youths seeing that we have mineral resources there. We are looking forward to the K490 million which has been given out to some youths so that our youths can learn to be self-sustaining instead of depending on the Government to give them white-collar jobs.
Mr Speaker, the President’s Speech was wonderful. However, before I conclude, I would like to talk about corruption. The President said that those who are involved in corruption and will be found wanting will be arrested and put where they belong regardless of their political affiliation. However, I urge the Government to make a plan with the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) because from the look of things, I take it the ACC has been harassing people. When you arrest someone and at the end of day you find that he/she is not guilty, that is harassment and his/her image is dented. So, they have to come up with tangible evidence before dragging anyone to court.
Sir, with those few words, I support the Motion.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr W. Banda was inaudible
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Milanzi, I will come back to you later.
Mr Miyanda (Mapatizya): Mr Speaker, I wish to add a few words to the debate on the President’s Speech. I want to quote page ten of the speech where he said:
“Our world today so desperately hungers for hope, yet uncounted people have almost given up. There is despair and hopelessness on every hand. Let us be faithful in proclaiming the hope that is in Jesus.”
Mr Miyanda was inaudible.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Mapatizya, you are not audible wherever you are. We are not able to follow you. We seem to have a challenge with our system, but since we are using a hybrid system, those who are within the Assembly Chamber and are ready to debate, please, step forward. Those of you within the Chamber are at liberty to debate.
Dr Malama (Kanchibiya): Mr Speaker, thank you for giving the people of Kanchibiya an opportunity to debate and I thank the President for his speech.
Mr Speaker, when His Excellency the President came to this House, he brought a lot of hope to this country. He spoke as a true patriot and in a non-partisan manner, ensuring that everybody moves on board. Being the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces and President of the Republic, he is privy to a lot of information about people. However, he chose to rise above board and look at what was important. As he put it, what is important is ensuring that the youths have jobs and women have access to the means of production. He did not look at the meanness or the smallness of the politics that divide us. He did not elect to be abusive or to use insulting words. He chose to be presidential in guiding the country. As a driver of this important enterprise, our beloved country Zambia, he realised that looking ahead, given the many challenges that we are faced with, is more important than looking at your neighbor who continuously pecks at your neck.
Mr Speaker, the President is aware that this country has had many challenges such as drought, and now the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). All these have taken a great toll on our country. Realising that infrastructure had broken down and was non-existent in many cases, leading our country through the Patriotic Front (PF) Party, the President has made everyone realise that the PF was serious about running the Government. Look at the infrastructure development, from the nucleus here and even spreading out.
Mr Speaker, the other day, I heard our hon. Colleagues on your left complain about the Government constructing roads in shanty compounds. Yes, even the people in the shanty compounds need roads. I am shocked that the United Party for National Development (UPND) takes offence at roads being worked on in the shanty compounds. Even our people aba muma compound balafwaikwa imisebo. Our people in shanty compounds and in rural areas also need roads.
Mr Speaker, you will be able to see that given another term, His Excellency the President is going to do even much more. He will not do this alone, like someone who says he will fix it. The President is calling on the whole country to work with him. So, after 2021, no one will be left behind. Let us give the PF an opportunity than going into trial and error.
Mr Speaker, I would also like to state that the people of Kanchibiya have seen what is happening in Lusaka, and they are optimistic and thankful for having been given a district status. They are saying there is a lot of land in Kanchibiya. Let us improve the road network in Kanchibiya. The people of Kanchibiya are saying that the PF Government has demonstrated that it is capable of doing that. Let us improve the road network in Kanchibiya so that even the young people in shanty compounds of urban areas who have little means to capital such as land can go to Kanchibiya to create opportunities which will enable them to survive. Kanchibiya has rivers and roads, and when you drive from Chambeshi, the hon. Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development –
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time expired.
Hon. Mwanakatwe was inaudible.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Lusaka Central, you are not audible. Could you, please, unmute yourself.
Ms Kucheka (Zambezi West): Mr Speaker, for me, the speech was not inspiring, ...
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Ms Kucheka: ... and my reasons are simple. The Patriotic Front (PF) Government is very selective in its sharing of the national cake. If there is a constituency which is really let down and left behind, it is Zambezi West. From the time this Government came into power, it has been making promises of developmental projects in Zambezi West, but not even one has been implemented. I am sure you have been hearing me lament the state of the bridge across the Zambezi River, but nothing has been done about it to date.
Mr Speaker, the only secondary school in Kucheka area, which was supposed to be constructed in 2014, just has ridges without any form of building. No communication towers have been installed up to now. Other neighbouring constituencies may have had towers constructed, but not a single one has been constructed in Zambezi West.
Mr Speaker, it is the same even for mini hospitals, whose ground breaking the hon. Minister did. I would like to tell everyone listening that not even a pocket of cement has been delivered to the site. To date, out of the 650 Health Post Project, not a single one has been constructed in Zambezi West. Further, the police post is still at foundation level.
Mr Speaker, the President said that the pupil to teacher ratio has been improved. However, for Zambezi West, that is not true. When you go there, you will find that a school which goes up to Grade 7 only has two teachers. There are many schools in Zambezi West which are struggling with the lack of teachers.
Mr Speaker, no roads have been graded and teachers’ accommodation is also a problem. We have schools like Chinyama Litapi Secondary School where about nine teachers may be sharing one house. Is that inspiring?
Mr Speaker, I have a full list of things which have not been done. We do not even have a university in the North-Western Province. If there is a province without a university, it is the North-Western Province. Why is that so? We have monies coming from our provincial town where mines are located, yet we do not have a university.
Mr Speaker, we were promised acrow bridges for Zambezi West. As you know, Zambezi West is a wetland, but not even one acrow bridge has been installed in that area. How can anyone be inspired like that? Are we here to only escort others who are clapping that there are secondary schools constructed in their constituencies? I have been seeing this even on Parliament TV. Other hon. Members are very happy saying secondary schools have been constructed in their constituencies. What is there for me to be proud of and feel that the speech was inspiring? We completely have nothing because we have been let down. The PF Government has let down the people of Zambezi West and the North-Western Province.
Mr Speaker, as regards e-learning, how can it be introduced without –
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time expired.
Ms Kasune (Keembe): Mr Speaker, I thank you for this opportunity to contribute to the debate on the Floor of the House. I do not know if I am audible.
Mr Speaker: Yes, you are.
Ms Kasune: Mr Speaker, I would like to concur with others that the President’s Speech was one of those well-written ones. It was well-written by the one who wrote it on his behalf, but it leaves much to be desired in terms of implementation of the programmes that he articulated. If there is something that I would summarise about the President, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, and the Patriotic Front (PF) Government, it is that their speeches have become sophisticated, yet their implementation of programmes has become less.
Sir, for the longest time and since I have been in Parliament, I have been challenging other Zambians on the fact that we have become so crafty at writing speeches. We are good at forming programmes that other people have used as benchmarks. Other countries have developed and we have remained in the same position. Even those countries that came to learn from us have done better. This is the challenge that we have, as a country. There is a disconnect between what we write and what we implement. The President came into power after many people voted for him, as the man who would walk the talk. In summarising his performance, I would say he is a man who talks the talk, in short, it is “TT”. That is what he has become and what he has led this country into.
Mr Speaker, the Mumbwa Landless Corner Road, which is so critical to the development of Zambia, has been left unattended for over ten years. We all know that the PF Government is part of that development. So, what roads is this Government talking about? I had a chance to travel to Luapula Province and got to Mansa, Samfya and as far as Mutwe/Wankoko. Look at the Ngalingali. Some contractor did some very shoddy work on that road, yet got away with money because this country has reduced everything to cadreism. As long as someone is a PF cadre, he or she can get away with anything. Why have we sunk this low? A country that used to inspire other countries has become a laughing stock not only locally, but also in the region and around the world. It is shameful and we need to change. Those in the Executive have a critical role to play.
Mr Speaker, the President talked about peace, yet we have watched a video of a United Party for National Development (UPND) branded vehicle being smashed in view of the police who could not do anything. This is the Zambia of the PF Government and those in the Executive, with the President at the helm of it. The President needs to take responsibility because this country was here before him and the PF. We, as hon. Members of Parliament, call on him to account on behalf of the people of Zambia and not just the people of Keembe because, now, Zambia has become a laughing stock.
Mr Speaker, the President talked about local tourism. Now, how are we going to have local tourism when Zambians cannot even put food on their tables? Those who are singing praises amidst these economic difficulties must know that even before the Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) and climate change, the economy of this country had started going down. Therefore, the Government of the day, which is the PF, must take responsibility. The one who takes the blame is the one at the helm. That is why people are saying that enough is enough. Come August, next year, they want the PF to leave the Government so that Zambia can become governable, peaceful and economically vibrant. What is happening, right now, is shameful. The President is the only one who has the power –
Mr Speaker: Order!
The hon. Member’s time expired.
Mr Ng’ambi (Chifubu): Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to debate. First of all, I want to premise my debate on page 67 of the President’s Speech that His Excellency the President, Dr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, delivered to the people of Zambia. The President was very categorical when he said that, “today, Zambia is better than we found it.” As you may be aware, in the nine years under the Patriotic Front (PF) Government, Zambia has witnessed unprecedented development across the country. Roads are being constructed on a daily basis. Schools are being constructed in every part of this country. Hospitals are being constructed on a daily basis. Above all, Zambia has been going through electricity challenges. Today, the President informed the House that come December, this year, Zambia is going to produce another 750 MW. This means that load shedding for the people of Zambia, who have been yearning for a leadership that will resolve problems in the energy sector in order for the economy to thrive, will come to an end. These are some of the issues that the President highlighted in his speech.
Mr Speaker, I am getting very confused when I hear a number of our fellow hon. Members complain about development not reaching their constituencies. Indeed, Zambia attained its Independence in 1964 and development has been progressing under the PF Government. It is extremely worrying when you hear that hon. Members of this august House are complaining about development in their constituencies, yet this Government has been able to release the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) on three consecutive times.
Sir, when you look at it, it is very clear that the PF Government has delivered to the people of Zambia. The people of Keembe and the Southern Province have witnessed this development. Therefore, it is sad to find that an hon. Member will pretend and behave like one who is blind because development is visible under President Edgar Chagwa Lungu. What we want is for hon. Members to be accountable for their constituencies. They should not blame President Edgar Chagwa Lungu for their failures in their various constituencies because the President has delivered.
Sir, it is my view that the specialised hospital that this Government has built is the first of its kind in this country because President Edgar Chagwa Lungu has understood that the people of Zambia need development. Our children in Isoka want to see development. My people in Chifubu want to continue receiving this development.
Mr Speaker, Chifubu boasts of having about 7km of bituminous roads being constructed. We have another 7km under the Pave Zambia Road Project.
Sir, in addition, US$23 million has been invested in the water and sanitation programme. When you put all this together, you will clearly see that Chifubu is a better place than it was before the Patriotic Front (PF) Government came into power. We have built modern markets and water supply is now twenty-four hours seven days a week. Of course, there could be challenges because of the progressive developmental agenda that the PF Government has put in place under President Edgar Chagwa Lungu.
Mr Speaker, our people of Chifubu have seen that the PF Government is here to ensure that development is progressive. I would like to urge well-meaning Zambians to rally behind the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, and the PF Government because the people of Zambia are yearning for development.
Sir, indeed, this is the kind of leadership that Zambia wants beyond 2021.
I thank you, Sir.
The Vice-President (Mrs Wina): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned at 1624 hours until 1430 hours on Thursday, 17th September, 2020.