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Tuesday, 25th February, 2020
174. Dr M Malama (Kanchibiya) - to ask the Vice President:
(a) how many houses collapsed due to excessive rains in the following Chiefdoms in Kanchibiya Parliamentary Constituency as of Tuesday, 18th February, 2020:
(i) Senior Chief Kopa;
(ii) Chief Kabinga;
(iii) Chief Mpepo;
(iv) Chief Chiundaponde; and
(v) Chief Luchembe;
(b) how many families are affected; and
(c) what assistance has been rendered in terms of the following:
(i) shelter;
(ii) food; and
(iii) medical supplies.
175. Mr Nanjuwa (Mumbwa) - to ask the Minister of Tourism and Arts:
(a) whether there are any illegal settlers in the Kafue National Park in Mumbwa Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) if so, how many there are;
(c) what the population of each settlement is; and
(d) what the estimated cost of relocating all the illegal settlers from the National Park is.
176. Mr Ng’onga (Kaputa) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct a correctional facility in Kaputa District;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) what the estimated cost of the project is; and
(d) what the estimated time frame for the completion of the project is.
177. Ms Tambatamba (Kasempa) - to ask the Minister of Lands and Natural Resources:
(a) how many tonnes of timber, by species, were harvested in Kasempa Parliamentary Constituency from 2015 to 2018, year by year;
(b) how much revenue the Government collected in the same period;
(c) whether the revenue collected has benefited the local people; and
(d) if so, how the local people have benefited.
178. Mr Simfukwe (Mbala) - to ask the Minister of Energy whether the Government has any plans to connect the following areas in Mbala Parliamentary Constituency to the national electricity grid:
(a) Masamba;
(b) Chief Penza;
(c) Chief Kela; and
(d) Kaka Secondary School.
179. Mr Hamusonde (Nangoma) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to tar the road from Nangoma Filling Station to Nangoma Mission Hospital in Nangoma Parliamentary Constituency; and
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented.
180. Mr Imbuwa (Nalolo) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) why the rehabilitation of the portion of the Kalongola - Kalabo road, from Kalongola to New Nalolo Town, has stalled;
(b) when the works will resume; and
(c) when the project will be completed.
181. Mr Kaziya (Matero) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to revive agricultural co-operatives countrywide, to enhance the marketing of agricultural products;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) whether the Government has any plans to re-introduce state-owned farms; and
(d) if so, when the plans will be implemented.
182. Mr Kamondo (Mufumbwe) - to ask the Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection:
(a) when the sinking of boreholes in the following Wards in Mufumbwe Parliamentary Constituency will commence:
(i) Miluji;
(ii) Lalafuta;
(iii) Kaminzekezeke;
(iv) Mushima;
(v) Musonweji;
(vi) Kabipupu;
(vii) Kalengwa; and
(viii) Matushi; and
(b) what has caused the delay in commencing the project.
183. Mr Mecha (Chifunabuli) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many children, countrywide, were living in prisons, on account of their incarcerated mothers, as of June, 2019;
(b) what the policy of Government on such children is;
(c) whether the Government gives the children any amenities and preferential treatment in accordance with their basic human rights; and
(d) if no such treatment is given to the children, why.
184. Mr Lihefu (Manyinga) - to ask the Minister of General Education:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to procure motor vehicles for the Office of the District Education Board Secretary in Manyinga District;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented; and
(c) if there are no such plans, why.
185. Mr Mukosa (Chinsali) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) when the rehabilitation of the Katibunga-Kakoko road in Mfuwe Parliamentary Constituency will be completed;
(b) who the contractor for the project is;
(c) how much money had been paid to the contractor as of July, 2019; and
(d) what the cause of the delay in completing the project is.
186. Mr A Mumba (Kantanshi) - to ask the Minister of Finance:
(a) how many companies are under the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC);
(b) of the companies above, how many are loss making;
(c) what the way forward for the loss making companies, is;
(d) what the total number of jobs created under the IDC was, as of March, 2019;
(e) what the cause of the delay by the IDC to create more jobs is; and
(f) what measures the Government is taking to accelerate job creation under the IDC.
187. Mr Mutale (Chitambo) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) when the construction of mini hospitals at Mumbula and Katikulula Phase 3 Resettlement Scheme in Chitambo Parliamentary Constituency will commence;
(b) what has caused the delay in commencing the projects;
(c) who the contractor for each project is;
(d) what the cost of each project is; and
(e) who the financiers of each project are.
188. Ms Subulwa (Sioma) - to ask the Minister of General Education:
(a) how many teachers upgraded their professional qualifications in Sioma Parliamentary Constituency as of December, 2018;
(b) of the number above, how many have been promoted to appropriate positions; and
(c) when the rest will be promoted.
189. Mr Mung’andu (Chama South) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) why the rehabilitation of the following roads has stalled:
(i) Chama - Matumbo; and
(ii) Chama - Lundazi;
(b) when works on each project will resume; and
(c) what the time frame for the completion of each project is.
190. Ms Kucheka (Zambezi West) - to ask the Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development:
(a) whether there are any youth empowerment programmes being implemented in Zambezi West Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) if so, what the programmes are;
(c) how many youth clubs benefited from the programmes in 2018;
(d) what the total number of youths, who benefited from the programme is; and
(e) if there are no such programmes being implemented, why.
W5. Mr P Phiri (Mkaika) - to ask the Minister of Youth, Sport and Child Development:
(a) whether there were any youth empowerment programmes funded by the Government in the following Districts in the Eastern Province, in 2017 and 2018:
(i) Nyimba;
(ii) Petauke;
(iii) Lundazi;
(iv) Katete; and
(v) Vubwi;
(b) if so, what the programmes were;
(c) what the names of the youth groups which benefited were; and
(d) how much money was disbursed to each District.