Tuesday, 11th February, 2020

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AT 14:30 HOURS
73. Ms Subulwa (Sioma) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to rehabilitate the Matebele Bridge in Sioma Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) what the estimated cost of the project is; and
(d) what the estimated time frame for the completion of the project is.
74. Dr Musokotwane (Liuwa) - to ask the Minister of General Education:
(a) what the staff establishment of teachers for all the schools in Liuwa Parliamentary Constituency is;
(b) how many teachers there were in the Constituency as of March, 2019;
(c) which schools had adequate teachers as per staff establishment;
(d) which schools had the least number of teachers;
(e) whether there are any schools, in the Western Province, that have more teachers than their staff establishment; and
(f) if so, what the names of the schools are.
75. Mr Kabanda (Serenje) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) whether the Government is aware that the imposition of duty on processing of mineral ores from the Democratic Republic of Congo and other countries has led to the following:
(i) under utilisation of smelters; and
(ii) loss of revenue;
(b) if so, what measures the Government is taking to address the challenges above; and
(c) what other measures the Government is taking to enhance the country’s benefits from the mining sector.
76. Mr A Mumba (Kantanshi) - to ask the Minister of Finance:
(a) when the exercise of rebasing the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was last undertaken;
(b) whether the Government has any plans to conduct another exercise;
(c) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(d) what the benefits of rebasing GDP on the fiscal space of the economy are; and
(e) whether the exercise will lead to investor confidence.
77. Mr Ngambi (Chifubu) - to ask the Minister of Local Government:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct markets in Chifubu Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) how many markets are earmarked for construction; and
(d) what the estimated cost of the project is.
78. Mr P Phiri (Mkaika) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) when the construction of Toll Plazas in the following Districts will resume:
(i) Nyimba; and
(ii) Katete;
(b) who the contractor for each project is; and
(c) what the cost of each project is.
79. Mr Mulunda (Siavonga) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct a correctional facility in Siavonga District;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) what the estimated cost of the project is; and
(d) what the estimated time frame for the completion of the project is.
80. Ms P Jere (Lumezi) - to ask the Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection:
(a) when the Lumezi River will be dammed in order to provide adequate water to the sub centre in Lumezi District;
(b) what the total cost of the project is; and
(c) what the time frame for the completion of the project is.
81. Mr Kintu (Solwezi East) - to ask the Minister of General Education:
(a) how many community schools in Solwezi East Parliamentary Constituency had applied to be converted to public schools as of July, 2019;
(b) what the names of the schools are; and
(c) when the process of conversion will be completed.
82. Ms Kabanshi (Luapula) - to ask the Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs:
(a) when the construction of palaces for the following Chiefs in Luapula Parliamentary Constituency will commence:
(i) Senior Chief Kalima Nkonde;
(ii) Chief Kasoma Lunga;
(iii) Chief Nsamba; and
(iv) Chief Bwalya Mponda;
(b) what the time frame for the completion of each project is; and
(c) what the cost of each project is.
83. Ms Kasanda (Chisamba) - to ask the Minister of General Education:
(a) whether teachers are allowed to move with their Payroll Management and Establishment Control (PMEC) numbers when transferred from one school to another;
(b) when the PMEC numbers will be normalised for all the teachers in Katuba Parliamentary Constituency;
(c) when all the schools in the Constituency will be put on the Establishment Register; and
(d) what the cause of the delay in including newly established schools in the Establishment Register is.
84. Mr Mung’andu (Chama South) - to ask the Minister of Local Government:
(a) why the construction of the following feeder roads in Chama South Parliamentary Constituency stalled:
(i) Chamu - Chikwa;
(ii) Chikwa - Mapamba; and
(iii) Chifunda - Mnyukwa;
(b) when works on each project will resume; and
(c) what the time frame for the completion of each project is.
85. Mr Miyutu (Kalabo Central) - to ask the Minister of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection:
(a) what percentage of the population in Zambia had access to safe and clean water as of July, 2019; and
(b) what measures are being taken to ensure that more people, especially in rural areas, have access to safe and clean water.
86. Mr Mecha (Chifunabuli) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to extend the implementation of the Farmer Input Support Programme to other seasons other than the rainy season, in order to promote irrigation farming; and
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented.
87. Mr Michelo (Bweengwa) - to ask the Minister of Tourism and Arts:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to declare Samu Lya Moomba in Bweengwa Parliamentary Constituency, a national monument;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) what has caused the delay in declaring the site; and
(d) if there are no such plans, why.
88. Mr Munkonge (Lukashya) - to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) when the construction of Musa Secondary School in Lukashya Parliamentary Constituency will be completed;
(b) what has caused the delay in completing the project which has been above 80% completion for the past 3 years;
(c) when the construction of Ntumpa Secondary School will be completed; and
(d) what has caused the delay in completing the project.
89. Mr Nanjuwa (Mumbwa) - to ask the Minister of Community Development and Social Welfare:
(a) what the targeted number of beneficiaries of the Social Cash Transfer Programme in Mumbwa Parliamentary Constituency was, in 2018;
(b) whether the target was met;
(c) if the target was not met, why;
(d) when the last disbursement of the Social Cash Transfer in the Constituency was made; and
(e) what the total amount disbursed was.
90. Ms M Miti (Vubwi) to ask the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development:
(a) when the construction of Vubwi Boarding School in Vubwi District will be completed;
(b) how much work, in percentage terms, had been undertaken as of June, 2019; and
(c) what the total cost of the project is.
W1  Mr Mwila (Chimwemwe) - to ask the Vice President:
(a) under what circumstances a public service worker may be retired in:
(i) public interest; and
(ii) national interest;
(b) what the difference between the two categories above, in terms of the separation package, is;
(c) how many public service workers were retired in each category at (a) from 2009 to 2018, year by year;
(d) of the numbers above, how many petitioned the courts of law against their retirement;
(e) how many petitions were successful;
(f) how much money, in total, was awarded to the successful petitioners; and
(g) how much money, if any, had been paid to the petitioners at (f) as of April, 2019.