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Water Resources Management Act, 2011
Act Number:
No. 21 of 2011
Date of Assent:15th April, 2011
An Act to establish the Water Resources Management
Authority and define its functions and powers; provide
for the management, development, conservation,
protection and preservation of the water resource and its
ecosystems; provide for the equitable, reasonable and
sustainable utilisation of the water resource; ensure the
right to draw or take water for domestic and noncommercial
purposes, and that the poor and vulnerable
members of the society have an adequate and sustainable
source of water free from any charges; create an enabling
environment for adaptation to climate change; provide for
the constitution, functions and composition of catchment
councils, sub-catchment councils and water users
associations; provide for international and regional cooperation
in, and equitable and sustainable utilisation of,
shared water resources; provide for the domestication
and implementation of the basic principles and rules of
international law relating to the environment and shared
water resources as specified in the treaties, conventions
and agreements to which Zambia is a State Party; repeal
and replace the Water Act, 1949; and provide for matters
connected with, or incidental to, the foregoing.
Acts of Parliament (Post 1997)