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Thursday, 3rd November, 2016
Thursday, 3rd November, 2016
The House met at 1430 hours
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, in accordance with the provisions of Article 80 of the Constitution of Zambia and Standing Order No. 131, changes have been made to the composition of some Committees following the appointment of Hon. L. M. Kaziya, MP; Hon. S. B. Chalikosa, MP; Hon. F. C. Sikazwe MP; Hon. M. Nkhuwa, MP; and Hon. Sumaili, MP, as Cabinet Ministers. The changes are as follows:
Committee on Local Governance Housing and Chiefs Affairs
Mr E. I. Chibanda, MP, has been appointed to replace Hon L. M. Kaziya, MP
Committee on Health, Community Development and Social Services
Mr L. N. Tembo, MP, has been appointed to replace Hon. F. C. Sikazwe, MP
Committee on Legal Affairs, Governance, Human Rights, Gender Matters and Child Affairs
Mr T. S. Ngulube, MP, has been appointed to replace Hon. M. Nkhuwa, MP
Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs
Ms M. Miti, MP, has been appointed to replace Hon S. B. Chalikosa, MP
Committee on Information and Broadcasting Services
Ms M. Lubezhi, MP, has been appointed to replace Mr C. K. Mwiinga, MP
Committee on Youth and Sport
Mr C. K. Mwiinga, MP, has been appointed to replace Ms M. Lubezhi, MP
I thank you.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, I also wish to inform you that the Association of European Parliaments with Africa (AWEPA) is implementing the Strengthening Southern African Development Community (SADC) Parliamentary Engagement in the Budget Cycle Project. The project is designed to empower selected SADC legislatures to develop and implement development strategies for the budget process within the framework of a peer-to-peer learning process and reflective dialogue. The programme aims to encourage parliaments in the SADC Region to reflect on their engagement in the budget process, overall, and during the formulation stage, in particular. It is ultimately expected that the programme will facilitate a budget process in Parliament that takes into account both independent comparative information and country needs.
In applying such an approach, the SADC parliaments selected for the programme can position themselves as champions of the sustainable management of public resources towards poverty reduction. Zambia is one of the countries selected in the region. Others are Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia and Zimbabwe.
The first phase of the programme involves the collection of data needed for the association to determine the information gaps in the area of parliamentary engagement in the budget cycle. The data will mainly be collected through interviews and surveys between 2nd and 11th November, 2016. In this regard, the hon. Members of Parliament and staff who will be sampled for these activities are encouraged to provide the much-needed support to the staff from the AWEPA Secretariat.
Thank you.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister of Foreign Affairs (Mr Kalaba): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to report to this august House on the main achievements of the country’s participation in the Summit of the International Conference on the Great Lakes Region (ICGLR) and the 19th Summit of the COMESA Authority of Heads of State, and to highlight Zambia’s efforts to field candidates for positions in the African Union Commission (AUC).
Sir, His Excellency the President, accompanied by some senior Government officials and I, attended the 7th High-Level Meeting of the Regional Oversight Mechanism (ROM), for Peace, Security and Co-operation Framework for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the Region held in Luanda, Angola, on 26th October, 2016. The purpose of the meeting was to review progress in the implementation of the Peace, Security and Co-operation Framework Agreement and assess the security situation in the Great Lakes Region, with particular emphasis on the DRC, Burundi, South Sudan and the Central African Republic.
Mr Speaker, the Heads of State and governments made several observations on the implementations of the commitments, neutralisation of negative forces and repatriation of disarmed combatants. The House might wish to note that the ICGLR is an effective platform for pursuing sustainable peace, security, stability and development in the Great Lakes Region. Since Zambia is not only geographically, but also socio-economically joined to the region, it is in our strategic interest to ensure that political stability is maintained in the area, which is a viable market for Zambian goods and services, and a potential investment destination. It is, therefore, imperative that Zambia plays a prominent role in ensuring peace and security in the region. Equally, our engagement gives the country a strategic edge to garner support for its own interests at the regional, continental and global levels.
Sir, His Excellency the President held fruitful bilateral meetings with his counterparts from Angola and the DRC on the margins of the Summit. As a result of those meetings, His Excellency President Kabila has accepted to an invitation to visit Zambia. During the visit, the two Presidents will discuss political and economic matters for the mutual benefit of both countries and the region. In addition, my ministry is preparing for a mini-summit among Angola, Zambia and the DRC, which will enable the Heads of State to discuss matters of mutual interest and the shared desire to develop a growth triangle in the region.
Mr Speaker, I also wish to report that His Excellency President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, led a Zambian delegation to the 19th Summit of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) Authority of Heads of State and Governments held in Antananarivo, Madagascar, on 18th and 19th October, 2016. The theme of the summit was: “Inclusive and Sustainable Industrialisation.” The summit was preceded by the 15th Meeting of Ministers of Foreign Affairs, which deliberated on the peace and security situation in the region, and the 36th Meeting of the Council of Ministers, which prepared the agenda for the summit.
Mr Speaker, I am happy to report that His Excellency the President delivered his maiden speech at the summit, re-affirming Zambia’s commitment to the aspirations of COMESA. The President also reiterated that Zambia was honoured and privileged to host the regional body. He also stated that the Government had made available 10 acres of land for the construction of the new COMESA Headquarters in Lusaka. In response, the summit conveyed to the Zambian Government its appreciation of the country’s generosity and called for the immediate commencement of construction after the formalities were concluded. The hosting of this important regional institution will continue to benefit Zambia in many ways, including through job creation and placement of Zambian nationals in the institution, which is one of the objectives of Zambia’s Foreign Policy goal of advancing our national interest.
Mr Speaker, in considering the Report of the COMESA Committee of Elders, which included election observation missions, the summit commended Zambia, particularly the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ), for organising successful elections. It also commended the people of Zambia for conducting themselves in a peaceful manner before, during and after the elections.
Mr Livune: Question!
Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: The summit also congratulated His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu and Her Honour Mrs Inonge Mutukwa Wina, MP, on their victory in the elections.
Mr Livune: Question!
Mr Kalaba: It is, indeed, encouraging that the country has been recognised by the region for its adherence to the values of democracy, peace and good governance. We are, indeed, blessed to have the peace and stability that we continue to enjoy, and we should cherish them as a gift from God Almighty. As we are all aware, some countries in the region continue to be plagued by conflict and displacement of people, which has become a humanitarian challenge that requires collective effort to resolve it. In the same vein, Zambia was one of the countries recognised and thanked by the summit for hosting refugees from conflict-torn countries and the other member States were urged to emulate those who were assisting refugees in order to ease the burden. That goes to show that Zambia’s efforts make a difference in the region and are appreciated. The efforts are in line with our foreign policy values of good neighbourliness, non-discrimination and co-existence.
Mr Speaker, as a land-linked country, Zambia possesses a competitive advantage as a hub for various economic activities, such as cross-border trade. However, a lack of information and capacity can limit the potential to maximise on benefits from such strategic opportunities. I am, therefore, pleased to report that the summit noted that Zambia has benefited from the COMESA Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Development Programme by having a Trade Information Desk in Mokambo and sanitation facilities for small-scale cross-border traders on both sides of the Mokambo Border.
Mr Ngulube: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: This is in addition to another Trade Information Desk on the Zambian side of the Kasumbalesa Border Post and workshops held for members of the Cross-Border Traders Association.
Mr Speaker, the promotion of trade, as an engine of economic growth and socio-economic development, is one of the objectives of Zambia’s Foreign Policy. To that end, the COMESA-East African Community (EAC)-SADC Tripartite Free Trade Agreement (TFTA) will provide participating countries with expanded markets for their products. The summit, therefore, commended the eighteen member States, including Zambia, that signed the tripartite agreement, and urged them to complete the ratification process so that the agreement could come into effect and benefits begin to accrue.
Mr Speaker, in terms of programmes, the summit considered the status of industrialisation in the COMESA Region and urged member States to implement the COMESA Industrialisation Policy in order to produce value-added products and increase intra-COMESA trade in manufactured and intermediate products. That is in line with Zambians’ aspirations in value addition and diversification, and SADC Industrialisation Strategy, which aims to promote integration using industrialisation as a tool, and thereby creating jobs. The regional and national efforts are, therefore, in tandem and out country stands to benefit immensely from the synergies that will accrue.
Mr Speaker, it is clear that the benefits and achievements about which I have talked are directly related to the levels of engagement of our Head of State with the international community, in this case, COMESA and the ICGLR. The Government’s vision for international relations is for Zambia to be an effective and influential player on the regional and international arena, thereby maximising the benefits that accrue to the country from being a member of the international community.
Mr Speaker, I am happy to announce that through its strong and purposeful interaction with the international community, Zambia has secured SADC support for two candidates for Commissioner positions at the AUC. The two are Ambassador Albert Muchanga for the position of Commissioner for Trade and Industry, and Dr Austin Sichinga for the position of Commissioner for Rural Economy and Agriculture. The two were selected as SADC candidates for the stated positions through a competitive process at a SADC Forum. The COMESA summit also noted the candidature of the two and urged member States to support them. The final selection will be undertaken at the AU Executive Council Meeting to be held in Addis Abba, Ethiopia, in January, 2017. Meanwhile, my ministry will embark on a very rigorous campaign to lobby other African countries to support the Zambian candidates during that meeting.
Mr Speaker, lastly, I let me emphasise that it is only by interaction with the international community at all levels that Zambia can attain its foreign policy objective of advancing its national interests. I, therefore, state, as I have done before in this House, that the active participation of His Excellency the President in regional, continental and global affairs, and his increased engagements at the bilateral level will continue to advance Zambia’s standing on the international stage and promote Zambia’s national interests. Zambia will, therefore, continue to reach out to the international community in order to advance her national interests.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, you are now free to ask questions on points of clarification on the statement issued by the hon. Minister.
Mr Mwiimbu (Monze (Central): Mr Speaker, the opposition alliance in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has condemned the Heads of State who met in Rwanda to consider the situation in the DRC for endorsing the decision of the Ruling Party in the DRC to postpone elections. The opposition parties called the Heads of State a clique of dictators who supported one another to further personal interests. What is the position of the Government on that matter?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, the summit was a gathering of Heads of various States. The leaders met and were briefed on the situation in the DRC and noted what was reported in that meeting. So, all I can say is that the Congolese opposition is entitled to its sentiments on the resolutions of the summit. The leaders met and discussed and the Congolese opposition was informed of the outcomes of the deliberation.
Mr Speaker, the Heads of State have a duty to look at the peace of the region and, in the interest of the peace and emancipation of the region, they will make decisions or take note of decisions made by individual countries. That is what happened during that summit.
I thank you, Sir.
Prof. Lungwangwa (Nalikwanda): Mr Speaker, conflict and insecurity on the African continent are the major threat to the Agenda 2063, and one of the problems is that peace and security activities in Africa are dependent on foreign funding agencies. What are some of the strategic actions taken by the leaders of the Great Lakes region concerning peace and security in their region? Further, what would the sources of funding for those strategic activities be given the lack of internal funding for peace and security on the continent?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, member countries in the Great Lakes region contribute troops to peace-keeping activities. As I speak, Zambia has sent troops to the Central African Republic (CAR) using its own resources. Other countries in the region have done the same. As you are aware, the African Union (AU) has a standby force that it uses for peace-keeping operations in war-torn countries.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Muchima (Ikeleng’i): Mr Speaker, Zambia is, indeed, a very peaceful country. However, during the elections of 2016, the country witnessed unprecedented levels of violence, which led to loss of lives. Is the hon. Minister not aware that there is a commission of enquiry on the violence that took place in Zambia? If he is, on which grounds did the Heads of State congratulate Zambia on having held peaceful elections?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, I must say that Hon. Muchima has somehow helped me to answer his question. Elections are an emotive undertaking. President Lungu, who is a democrat through and through, ...
Hon. Opposition Members: Question!
Mr Kalaba: ... has established a commission of enquiry so that the grievances that may have arisen as a result of the election process are looked at very critically. At the end of the day, we will get the report of the commission of enquiry.
Mr Speaker, the leaders of the region were standing on very firm ground when they congratulated Zambia on having held peaceful elections because there were international observers in this country who all affirmed that the elections were held under a credible process. I know that the hon. Member participated in the elections and should, therefore, know that the elections were, indeed, credible, free and fair. Otherwise, he would not be where he is right now.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mbangweta (Nkeyema): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has indicated that the Zambian Government will give the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa (COMESA) 10 acres of land. Is he in a position to tell us where in Lusaka?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, we have already given COMESA the land and it is in Lusaka East after the airport.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Shabula (Itezhi-tezhi): Mr Speaker, the President of Uganda, Mr Museveni, was in this country recently. During his visit, he forgot that Zambia is a sovereign country and said, “This man who is making trouble should stop”, …
Hon. Government Members: Yes!
Mr Shabula: … in reference to Mr Hakainde Hichilema (HH), ...
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Mr Speaker: Order!
Mr Shabula: ... the President of the United Party for National Development (UPND). Was he in order to say that in this country?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, where I come from they say, “Imbila ya mushi ...
Hon. Government Members: Tabayasukila.
Mr Kalaba: “... tabayasukila kabili mukandosha ‒
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Members!
I am not able to follow the hon. Minister because of the running commentaries. I need to follow him.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, I was saying that where I come from, in Bahati ...
Ms Kalima: In Luapula.
Mr Kalaba: ... in Luapula Province, they say that, “Imbila yamushi tabayasukila kabili mukandosha tabamucheba mukanwa.” That means that one should not pay too much attention to the words of a person who is mourning the loss of a loved one because mourners may say things they are not supposed to say because of the state in which they are. One only needs to sympathise and empathise with them. The first part means that if an announcement is made in a village about some people being thieves and you get out of your hut to ask people why they are talking about you and why they hate you, surely ‒
Mr Kalaba: Sir, the distinguished President of Uganda did not mention any leader when he visited. All he said was that those who had lost elections must accept that losing elections was part of the electoral process.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chibanda (Mufulira): Mr Speaker, my question is in relation to the trade desk that the hon. Minister said would be set up at Mokambo Border Post. The people of Mufulira want to know when the desk will be operationalised.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, the hon. Member of Parliament for Mufulira would know that the trade desk is already operational if he took time to interact with people around the border. I am sure that as we continue our discussions with our colleagues in the DRC, the trade desk will become more pronounced.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Nkombo (Mazabuka Central): Mr Speaker, in his answer to the question asked by Hon. Mwiimbu regarding the statement by the Congolese opposition coalition accusing the Heads of State who met in Angola of being dictators, the hon. Minister said that the region required peace and emancipation. However, my understanding of emancipation is that it is the act of freeing oneself from legal, social and political restrictions. Which country, other than Zambia, requires to be freed from political restrictions?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, I thank Hon ‒
What is your name?
Hon. Government Member: President Nkombo.
Mr Kalaba: Sir, I thank Hon. Nkombo for that question.
Mr Speaker, what I said was that even before the summit took place in Angola, the decision to postpone the elections to April, 2018, in order for the country to take stock of all the issues controversial issues pertaining to those elections had already been made by the Congolese authorities. So, merely took note of that decision of the sovereign State of the DRC.
Sir, on emancipation, if there is a country that is politically emancipated, it is Zambia.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: As Minister of Foreign Affairs, I travel a lot and I have been to countries where what our colleagues in Opposition do cannot be done.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: It is only that umwana ashenda atasha nyina ukunaya ubwali, which means that children who do not visit other homes always think that their mothers are the best cooks. The truth is that the leadership in Zambia is called all sorts of names, but we tolerate that with a lot of humility and honour ...
Hon. Opposition Members: Aah!
Mr Kalaba: ... because we have the onerous task of looking after the affairs of this country.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: It is our inescapable responsibility to ensure that the Opposition plays its part. We understand that the Opposition has to play its part and play it well in order for democracy to flourish for the benefit of the people whom we represent.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Lufuma (Kabompo): Mr Speaker, I wish the hon. Minister could go to the South African Parliament to see real democracy, not this democracy about which we are talking.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
You do not have the liberty to rise and start a running commentary. Worse still, I do not think you are being fair to everybody here by denigrating the Zambian parliamentary democracy. So, I urge you to withdraw.
Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, am I supposed to withdraw “umwana ashenda…” or ...
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Order!
Withdraw the statements you made about this democracy. How can you withdraw something you did not say? It is illogical.
Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, I withdraw what I said.
Mr Livune: Umwana ashenda!
Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, it is good that we managed to that we managed to get regional support for our two candidates for positions in the African Union Commission (AUC). However, what is the ministry doing to ensure that we have more placements of our citizens in international bodies? As it is, we do not have representation in most international organisations.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, ...
Mr Lubinda: Offer him a razor blade.
Mr Kalaba: I offer him a razor blade?
Mr Lubinda: To shave.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, the Zambian Government is making a lot of headway in ensuring that Zambians get positions in various multilateral institutions. That is why I get surprised to see the Opposition make a hullabaloo whenever the President is travels abroad. We forget that there is no way Zambians can have positions in international organisations if the President does not form synergies with his colleagues. At times, he needs to engage his colleagues at the personal level for them to support Zambian candidates for positions in such organisations. I know that Hon. Prof. Lungwangwa, who has been in the Government before, understands this very well. We say that the President travels too much without understanding the reason he does that, yet we complain when our people do not take up positions in international bodies. It is like not wanting your father to work and, at the same time, expecting to have food in the home.
Mr Ndalamei interjected.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member for Sikongo.
Mr Speaker: Continue, hon. Minister.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, suppose you love your parents dearly and do not want them to go out for work, yet you want to wear trendy cloths, eat the best of foods and drive the finest cars on the market. How possible would that be? I fail to extrapolate logic from that because it does not add up. For Zambia, even to attract investors, the President has to travel.
Sir, with your permission, I will arrange for officers from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to come and talk to the hon. Members of Parliament on the importance of the President’s foreign trips. We can organise a small workshop so that our colleagues can appreciate that the trips the President takes are for our good. There is no President in the world who wants to just travel out for fun. President Lungu’s schedule is so tight when he leaves base that he hardly has time to do anything else apart from meetings. For example, in Madagascar, upon arrival, he had about eight bilateral engagements in the evening and had to sleep very late, yet had to be in the summit the following day. The President is has those bilateral meetings for your sake ...
Mr Kalaba: … so that Zambia can be emancipated ...
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kalaba: … and Zambians can have positions at the AU, World Bank, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and all other multilateral institutions. It is only the President who can do that for us because he is the highest-level diplomat we have in this country. Only he can go and speak for us and get the world’s attention.
An hon. Member interjected.
Mr Kalaba: Those you are mentioning will just die as they are now.
I thank you, Sir.
Ms Tambatamba (Kasempa): Mr Speaker, the Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) informed the nation that Zambia was resuming the conversation on the construction of a pipeline that would bring in crude oil from Angola to bring. Upon hearing that, the people of North-Western Province were greatly cheered by the prospect of jobs that would be created in the province if the project got implemented, as the pipeline would pass through the province. Where is the refinery for the crude oil to be transported by the pipeline likely to be situated?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, on 29th November, 2016, we will have a tripartite meeting of the Foreign Ministers of Angola, Zambia and the DRC. Also in attendance will be our colleagues in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry. One of the issues that will be discussed is that of the pipeline. We will review the progress made and ways of expediting the process.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Kafwaya (Lunte): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has indicated that a lack of information sometimes can hinder the exploitation of opportunities in the economic, social and political environment. To that effect, I am pleased to hear that we now share information with stakeholders at Kasumbalesa and Mokambo border posts. However, could the hon. Minister elaborate on the nature of the information shared and the sort of opportunities the information targets.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, at some point, the hon. Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry will issue a statement to this Parliament in which she will elaborate on the importance of the information desks at Kasumbalesa and Mokambo. Obviously, one of the objectives is to sensitise our people on the need to observe the territorial integrity of States, and on conduct. I am that the information will also touch on how cross-border trade should to be conducted and on the trade opportunities in the neighbouring countries.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Michelo (Bweengwa): Yes, kumaanda, ku Bweengwa!
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
Which constituency are you from?
Mr Michelo: Mr Speaker, I am from Bweengwa.
Mr Speaker: All right. I thought you mentioned another place.
Mr Michelo: Mr Speaker, I am glad to hear that the President sleeps very late when he travels even though we do not really know what he does during the time he is awake.
Mr Michelo: Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister also stated that when the President travels abroad, he works very hard to bring development to this country, something he says leaders like President Museveni also do.
Mr Michelo: Mr Speaker, will the sizes of the delegations that the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, travels with be reduced, bearing in mind that this country is quite sick economically?
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, I honestly miss the eloquence of Hon. Hamududu …
Mr Kalaba: …and the contributions he used to make in this House.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Minister!
Just answer the question. That person is no longer a Member of this House. So, let us not mention him.
Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, if the hon. Member of Parliament had cared to look at the Presidential delegations, he would have seen the answer for himself. That is why research is paramount. In both Angola and Madagascar, I was the only Minister with the President. If that cannot is not downsizing of delegations, then, what is?
Sir, President Lungu talks about austerity measures all the time. I know that the hon. Member knows what I am talking about. We are conscious of our fiscal position and know that our duty is to serve the people of Zambia first.
Mr Speaker, as to what keeps the President awake late into the night, the answer is that he works hard. When the President is out of the country, I am usually privileged to be with him until he goes to bed. So, I know that he is in meeting after meeting before going to bed, struggling to ensure that the people of Bweengwa can live decent lives and, maybe, appreciate that a good road will be built in their area and that they will benefit from the economic opportunities that he is striving to create for the country. After all, the benefits that will accrue from his visits will be for everyone because he is the President of everybody seated in this House and beyond. He is the President of the Republic of Zambia. So, all I ask this House, as I conclude, is that we all support him so that he achieves that which he should because he means well.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister of Energy (Mr Mabumba): Mr Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to update the nation on the current energy situation in the country and the steps taken by the Government to overcome some challenges in the sector.
The Current Energy Situation in the Country
Mr Speaker, Zambia has continued experiencing a power deficit due to the low rainfall patterns experienced during the 2014/15 Rainy Season, which has resulted in the generation of power being reduced due to low water levels in the main generating dams at Lake Kariba, Itezhi-tezhi and Kafue Gorge power stations. The three power stations currently account for 90 per cent of the electricity generated and supplied in the country.
Mr Speaker, the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) has faced challenges in adhering to the recommended power generation levels at the Kariba North Bank and Kafue Gorge power stations because of trying to meet the high demand for electricity occasioned by the non-participation of the mining companies in reducing power consumption owing to the critical nature of their business. So, the company has generated 351 MW more than recommended, leading to a more-than-expected drop in the dams’ water levels.
Mr Speaker, 1,015 MW of power is generated internally while the unsuppressed demand for power has remained at an average of 1,850 MW. The country has been importing an average of 300 MW of power, bringing the total power supply to 1,350 MW. Meanwhile, the country’s total installed generation capacity is about 2,592 MW, which means that if all our power plants were operating at optimum capacity, we would be able to meet the current projected pick demand of 1,850 MW.
Extended Load Shedding
Mr Speaker, in October, 2016, load shedding was increased to an average of six hours from four hours due to the following reasons:
(a) at Kafue Gorge Power Station, ZESCO Ltd has reduced generation from an average of 750 MW to 600 MW due to continued low water levels in the dam;
(b) at Kariba North Power Station, the amount of water allocated by the Zambezi River Authority (ZRA) restricts the average generation to 275 MW from 350 MW;
(c) Ndola Energy Company Limited was shut down on 17th October, 2016, due to a lack of suitable fuel stock for the Heavy Fuel Oil (HFO) power plant, resulting in the loss of 48 MW;
(d) On 9th October, 2016, the Maamba Coal-Fired Plant was isolated from the main grid to allow for completion of upgrades to the transmission line between Muzuma and Kafue Town; and
(e) Lunsemfwa Hydro Power Plant has reduced generation from 50 MW to about 8 MW due to low water levels.
Measures for Mitigating the Power Deficit
Mr Speaker, the Government has continued to implement a number of measures to mitigate the power deficit, including the following:
- importation of Power: The Government has engaged several suppliers of emergency power. By the close of 2015, ZESCO had successfully negotiated power purchase agreements with various independent power producers and utilities in the South African Power Pool. On average, ZESCO imports between 250 MW and 402 MW of power per hour;
- commissioning of the 150 MW Second Generation Unit at Maamba: As the hon. Members and the public are aware, we commissioned the first 150 MW unit at the Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant early this year, which currently supplies parts of the Southern and Western Provinces. The second 150 MW unit is also ready and we will add to our generation capacity once the transmission line is completed. The upgrading of the transmission line between Muzuma and Kafue Town will be completed by the third week of November, 2016. The completion of the line will result in an injection of about 270 MW to the national grid, resulting in a remarkable reduction in the power deficit and extended load shedding, especially in Lusaka and Copperbelt provinces; and
- reinstating of the Ndola Energy Plant on the National Grid: The Government and Indeni Oil Refinery are currently working on mechanisms to resume the supply of the right type of HFO to the Ndola Energy Plant, which will enable the company to contribute 48 MW to the national output;
Demand Side Management Measures
Mr Speaker, managing the power deficit requires a concerted effort from the general public, as the situation is affecting every citizen of this country. Therefore, the Government has continued implementing demand side management programmes aimed at reducing energy consumption through the following measures:
(a) encouraging retail customers to use alternative sources of energy, such as solar, for lighting and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking;
(b) promoting the use of compact fluorescent lamps (CFL), which have enabled us to save 80 MW since September, 2014;
(c) ban on importation and local manufacturing of incandescent bulbs, and their phasing out. This will result in the saving of about 200 MW of power on the national grid.
Mr Speaker, in conclusion, my ministry is committed to playing an important role in providing reliable electricity and is doing everything possible to ensure that all the transmission and generation constraints that have been mentioned are resolved in the shortest possible time.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, you are now free to ask questions on points of clarification on the statement issued by the hon. Minister.
Dr Malama (Kanchibiya): Mr Speaker, what are the unit costs of electricity for domestic users and the Copperbelt Energy Company (CEC)? If the one for the CEC is lower than that for the domestic users, what is the Government doing to renegotiate it?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, the average power tariff in this country is K406 for the mines and the Copperbelt Energy Company (CEC). For the residential consumer, it stands at around 5 cents per kilowatt.
Mr Speaker, just this afternoon, we engaged the mines and the CEC help them recognise our situation, especially given the fact that ZESCO imports a lot of emergency power to cushion the current deficit. As much as we appreciate their investment, it is important that we look at the both the commercial and moral considerations. For me, the mining companies and the CEC have a moral obligation to help this country to help and support the Government, especially given the fact that Hon. Mutati has to spend US$700 million on subsidising power consumption in this country.
Mr Speaker, I, therefore, assure the hon. Member for Kanchibiya that I and the Cabinet in general are mindful of the need to reform the tariff structure in this country. We will continue to engage our colleagues in the mining sector and the CEC.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Jere (Livingstone): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister stated that in order to cushion the power deficit, this country imports power from South Africa. Why, then, do we export power to Namibia?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, currently, we do not export power to Namibia. Power is transmitted from Maamba into the Southern and Western provinces through the Namibia Transmission Line simply because the Muzuma/Kafue Transmission Line is being upgraded.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Bwalya (Lupososhi): Mr Speaker, I appreciate the measures that have been put in place to reduce the load shedding periods. For example, we have been talking about using solar plants to add to the power generated in this country. What is this country doing to ensure stable and predictable power supply in the long term?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, looking at the current rainfall pattern in the country and the region, we will continue to face challenges in hydro power generation. The long-term strategy, therefore, is diversification of power generation from hydro. This country has, over the years, depended too much on hydro power generation. Going forward, we need to diversity into solar and other energy sources. Currently, about 300 MW of solar energy has been added to the grid and the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC) has already tendered for about 100 MW in the multi-facility economic zones (MFEZs). I am sure that those projects will add about 100 MW of solar energy to the grid in 2017. The IDC is yet to advertise for another 200 MW, probably before the end of this year, as part of our strategy to diversify our generation from hydro.
Mr Speaker, again, the most reliable and stable source of power is still hydro. Therefore, the Government is working with a number of investors in that sector. To echo Hon. Kalaba, this country has a lot of good will from investors across the world, …
Mr Kalaba: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: … in case some people do not know that. In the last one month, I have met many investors. For example, just two days ago, I met some people from Australia and the United Kingdom (UK). If the environment was not good, such people would not come. We are marketing our country as a destination for energy investment for international investors. For example, the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Electricity Project is expected to generate 700 MW. Anybody who wants can go and see the Government’s commitment to that project. I am further engaging other developers in the hydro sector, such as the developers of the Kalungwishi and Lufubu power projects, so that we can create additional generation capacity. Next year, we intend to develop the Luapula River Basin because it has a 1,000 MW potential of hydrological assessment. However, we can only attract the private sector if the tariffs are attractive.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Nkombo: Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has made it abundantly clear that the mines pay far less than he, the person who runs a barbershop or salon and I, who depend on that for our living. I am aware that the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) facing a lot of litigation from the mining industry in Zambia over the issue of the tariffs. What sense does the hon. Minister make out of a situation in which Zambians pay more than the mining companies, which also damage our roads and take copper to be processed in other countries?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, having been in this Parliament for quite some time, Hon. Nkombo is aware that many of the agreements that we have with the mining companies were premised on privatisation. Therefore, they have this legacy issue. The mining houses tell us that they only invested in this country because of the attractive development agreements they were offered, which included buying power at reduced tariffs. In our meeting with them today, and my colleagues who were there can attest to that, I made it very clear to them that I could not come here and say that a barber in Kalingalinga or Mtendere will continue to pay more than what they paid. Yes, they have commercial reasons for their positions, but they also have a moral obligation is paramount currently because we import the power that they use power. So, I told them that they had to come back to us on Tuesday, next week, so that we can continue those negotiations and reach a win-win situation.
Sir, the Government is discussing with the mining companies and I have made it clear that it is immoral for me to charge a person in Kalingalinga more because that affects his or her business.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Daka (Msanzala): Mr Speaker, what is the Government doing to promote investment in another energy source, which has not been mentioned? We mentioned solar energy and the others, but not ethanol. At one point, a group from Argentine came to support us in that area.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, whatever investment we want to attract in this country, the cornerstone, whether you look at it from the generation or distribution sub-sector, is the tariff. So, firstly, we have to look at whether the tariff is at the right level. If it is not, the private sector will not want to invest in this country. They will, instead, invest in our neighbouring country where they would probably be offered better tariffs. Furthermore, two days ago, I had a discussion with Sunbird Limited, which wants to invest in ethanol at Luena Farm Block. As a Government, we issued a statutory instrument (SI) and made a policy that attracts people to invest in ethanol. However, we need to review the tariffs. There are many potential investors. However, what is important is to actualise that potential.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Chanda (Bwana Mkubwa): Mr Speaker, it is obvious that electricity generation in Zambia is still heavily dependent on hydro power. That is why every year when there is poor rainfall, the generation falls and the country has to import power. We know the effects that this has on the of the country’s economic productivity. So, when will the country attain energy independence? Is the time frame, say, one year, five years or ten years? I think that our goal should be to attain energy independence.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I thank the hon. Member for that very good question.
Sir, In terms of installed capacity, our projection is that this country will have 4,100 MW of power by 2030 while the projected demand will be about 3,500 MW. So, I assure the hon. Member that given the levels of investment that we are making, we shall have energy independence by 2030, which is fifteen years from now, or earlier. The 750 MW Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Station will be put on the grid by 2020. I have made it very clear to Sino Hydro Corporation Limited that it cannot keep postponing the construction of the power station. We must have that plant by 2020. There are also a number of other investors who are likely to launch their products by 2018. So, I think we are on the right footing. We just have to harness the investment potential in the energy sector.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Muchima (Ikeleng’i): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has been in his current portfolio for a month now. Before that, he was a Member of this august House. So, the issue of load shedding is not new to him and he knows that we were promised that load shedding would end. Further, in the weeks leading to the 11th August, 2016, General Elections, there was no load shedding, but that was just to a trick to hoodwink the people to vote for the Patriotic Front (PF).
Hon. Government Members: Aah!
Mr Muchima: Sir, during the one month that the hon. Minister has been in his office, has he looked at our energy policy? If so, what makes it very difficult for the Government to sign the power purchase agreement (PPA) with the locals? In the North-Western Province, there are many water bodies whose potential is wasted, yet there are applicants with whom the Government has refused to sign PPAs. Why does it take so long to sign a PPA with Zambians?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I understand how the hon. Member feels. It is regrettable that the Power Purchase Agreements (PPAs) sometimes take unnecessarily longer than they should. The reason for that is that some private developers tell us that they have the capital to invest in power generation, but on the condition that they put their tariff at 0 cents per kilowatt hour. So, it is difficult for ZESCO to sign the PPAs, buy that power at 10 cents and sell it at 6 cents because that would be accepting to continue subsidising the power. That is why I insist that the only way we can attract the private sector is by making the tariffs attractive to them. The most important document for private developers is the PPA because that is what they take to financiers. Unfortunately, that is where we have a challenge.
Sir, I assure Hon. Muchima that during my time in the ministry, the PPAs will be standardised. What we do not want is for an investor to come into this country and it takes two years for them to have that document signed. In fact, we will consult the stakeholders to ensure that we have a standardised document from the legal perspective.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kundoti (Luena): Mr Speaker, increased load shedding has led to increased deforestation in this country. That might turn this country into a desert in the near future, which would, in turn, make the generation of hydro power almost impossible. Is the ministry not thinking of introducing nuclear power, which might help to prevent deforestation?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, in his speech to this House, His Excellency President Edgar Chagwa Lungu addressed the issue of nuclear energy. We are pursuing that avenue, although cautiously, as we have to look at the right levels of the technology of nuclear energy, the financing and the legal requirements. Accepting nuclear energy is one thing, but managing the effects it might have on the environment and our people is another. So, we will bring the technology into the country as soon as we are satisfied with it and are comfortable with the environmental and legal aspects of its usage. In fact, we are already negotiating with some co-operating partners on that matter.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kasonso (Solwezi West): Mr Speaker, if I heard the hon. Minister correctly, ...
Mr Mumba: On a point of order, Sir.
Mr Speaker: A point of order is raised.
Mr Mumba: Mr Speaker, I rise on this very serious point of order after reflecting on the fiscal position of our country and carefully looking at the hon. Minister of Finance’s four pillars that he intends to use in rebalancing our economy. One of the pillars is taxation.
Sir, I have come to realise that for some time now, the Government has been struggling to collect taxes. Recently, a company called The Post Newspapers, which owes the Government millions of kwacha, was liquidated. Is the hon. Minister of Justice in order to be silent about how secure our interests are regarding that debt? The company might have even more problems paying what it owes the Government.
Mr Speaker: Order!
As you have correctly indicated, the company in question is being subjected to a liquidation process, which is being pursued in the context of court proceedings. Therefore, I cannot direct the hon. Minister of Justice to issue a statement or to be debated a matter that is before the courts of law. Our rules constrain us from doing so under the ethic of sub judice. So, we will just leave the case for the courts to deal with.
Mr Kasonso: Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has indicated that the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) currently imports 250 to 402 MW of power from South Africa. At what tariff is the power imported by ZESCO? Do we recover the money through the tariffs ZESCO uses?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, the tariff at which ZESCO sells the power it imports is subsidised. The company imports the power from Electricidade de Moçambique (EDM) in Mozambique, Kapowership and Aggreko at tariffs of as high as 16 cents, but the average tariff is 12.90 cents, yet the company sells that power at 6 cents. So, the Government subsidises the power at 50 per cent and we really have to ask ourselves whether we will continue with this subsidy on imported power.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Ndalamei (Sikongo): Mr Speaker, does the ministry have a time frame for phasing out energy-inefficient light bulbs from the market?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, we do not have a time frame for that, as we are yet to sit down with ZESCO and look at the various options of achieving energy efficiency through demand-side management. In fact, for me, fitting energy-efficient bulbs in every home is one way in which we can achieve a high level of energy efficiency.
I thank you, Sir.
Prof. Lungwangwa (Nalikwanda): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister’s figures indicate a deficit of 845 MW. Even after Ndola Energy Company Limited and Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant come on board, we will still have a power deficit of more than 600 MW. Additionally, the hon. Minister has strongly emphasised the importance of independent power suppliers, such as the ones from whom we are importing our power. Further, there have been calls for the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) to be unbundled and privatised. Seeing as the private power suppliers from whom we import power seem to produce their power cost-effectively, the calls for ZESCO to be privatised may be justified. What is the hon. Minister’s comment on that?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I those who were members of the Committee on Economic Affairs, Energy and Labour in 2014 are familiar with the arguments for and against the unbundling of ZESCO. As my hon. Colleagues are aware, ZESCO is an integrated monopoly, which means it has to generate, transmit, distribute and supply power to its customers. The current thinking in the Sub-Sahara African region favours unbundling of public utilities, but each country has its own specific issues. So, as we go forward, the country will have to make a decision on that issue. An integrated model has its advantages and disadvantages. However, to a large extent, the monopolistic nature of an integrated model results in inefficiencies. At this point, I cannot tell my colleagues what the decision of the Cabinet will be, but whatever it will be, I will inform this House. Some countries in the region, such as Kenya and Uganda, have unbundled public utilities, and I am aware that the Committee to which I referred earlier went on a study tour of the two countries.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Jamba and Mr Mbangweta indicated.
Mr Speaker: The next round of questions will be from hon. Members for Chavuma, Chikankata, Nkana, Liuwa, Mufulira, Wusakile, Kabompo, Katuba, Lundazi and Luangeni.
Mr Jamba and Mr Mbangweta continued indicating.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
You are still being noted. So, there is no need for lamentations. Just resume your seats. We have seen you.
Mr Lumayi (Chavuma): Mr Speaker, load shedding is a very big issue in our country. When we did not have enough water in our water bodies, the Government attributed the power deficit to that. However, when the rivers were full …
Hon. Government Members: Where?
Mr Lumayi: … load shedding continued. Further, the people of Chavuma are not connected to the national grid. They use thermal energy, yet they still experience load shedding. Why is that so?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, this Government is constructing a transmission line in the North-Western Province. So, the hon. Member should have thanked the Government because we realise that …
Mr Speaker: Order!
Let us have some silence so that I can follow the hon. Minister’s response.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, my colleague from Chavuma should have thanked us because we are investing in the construction of a new transmission line so that our colleagues in the North-Western Province can move away from diesel-generated power, which is very expensive and unsustainable.
Sir, we load shed my colleague’s constituency because of the high cost of generating power using diesel. In the long term, however, we will put Chavuma on the national grid.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Mwiinga (Chikankata): Mr Speaker, I am very sure the hon. Minister of Energy is aware that a good number of people have lost jobs due to load shedding. How has the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) continued connecting new customers when it cannot satisfy the existing demand?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, load shedding is a temporary problem. Therefore, from an investment point of view, we cannot tell ZESCO to stop connecting new customers because of this temporary power deficit. Besides, one of the key performance indicators (KPIs) for ZESCO is the number of customers that it has because that is how it makes money.
Mrs Mwanakatwe: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: As we have already said, the mines consume 50 per cent of the power generated by ZESCO, but the pay very low tariffs. Therefore, the only alternative that ZESCO has before we deal with the issues of the tariffs with the mines is to increase residential connections so as to make some money from that.
Mr Speaker, I said that we are projected to generate 4,100 MW of power fifteen years from now while the projected national demand then will be 3,500 MW. That means the country will have 500 or 600 MW of excess power, which can be export. So, ZESCO must continue connecting new customers. Once we stabilise and have sufficient power, we will be able to supply all our customers and make money.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Nkana, you may ask your question.
Mr Malanji (Kwacha): Mr Speaker, I am actually the Member of Parliament for Kwacha. The hon. Member of Parliament for Nkana is the fat Lenje young man behind me.
Mr Malanji: Sir, we are now importing power using taxpayers’ money to make up for the deficit from our original source. As the hon. Minister earlier indicated, the power is supplied to the mines cheaper than to an ordinary person on the street because of the legacy of agreements signed about twenty years ago. Was there no provision for force majeure in the agreements?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, for the benefit of hon. Members, this is a bulk supply agreement (lifting the document) and it has a provision for force majeure. That is why, without wanting to be very confrontational with our colleagues in the mining industry and the CEC, I asked them to act from the moral point of view and work with us to create a win-win situation. I could pass the agreement to Hon. Lubinda and the Attorney-General, and ask that we terminate all agreements signed during the privatisation period in the interest of the country. However, for the sake of investment and job creation, we want to dialogue with our colleagues so that we can reach a win-win situation. If negotiations fail, we will have at the other options because ZESCO cannot continue subsidising the mines at the expense of the ordinary Zambians.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Musokotwane (Liuwa): Mr Speaker, we suffering today because of the decision that the hon. Minister’s Government made …
Hon. Government Members: Ah!
Ms Lubezhi: Hear, hear!
Dr Musokotwane: … to delay or cancel the construction agreement for the Kafue Lower Hydro Power Station, which should have been supplying us with electricity by 2016, ….
Ms Lubezhi: Hear, hear!
Dr Musokotwane: … and Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant, which could have been supplying us with electricity from 2014. Now, the Government is in panic mode and at its wits’ end. So, the capitalists from all over the world are descending on the country and demanding that we increase the power tariffs, and the Government is dancing to the tune of the capitalists. From the information that we got from ZESCO and other institutions, the tariffs that the investors are asking for will require the hon. Minister of Finance to subsidise ZESCO to a tune of US$500 million per annum. So, the Government will do two things. Firstly, it will over-burden the Zambian consumers with unnecessarily high tariffs. Secondly, in the next few years, the supply of electricity might increase so much because of the extortionist tariffs that there will be oversupply, but the Government will still be bound by the extortionist tariffs it will have signed with the investors. So, we will face a problem similar to the one we have regarding the agreements signed with the mines some years ago. We will not be able to renegotiate the tariffs even if there will be oversupply.
Dr Kalila: So, what is the question?
Dr Musokotwane: So, how will the hon. Minister protect the Zambian consumer from the extortionists and unnecessary tariffs that the capitalists are forcing on the people because of the mistake that his Government made?
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, having been a Minister of Finance, Hon. Dr Musokotwane is aware that our current problems are not a result of indecision on the part of the PF.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: Rather, they resulted from the indecision of previous Governments.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mwiimbu: Which Governments?
Mr Mabumba: I am coming to that, Hon. Jack Mwiimbu.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Minister!
Give me a moment to maintain order.
Hon. Members, when the hon. Minister was being asked the question, everybody was very quiet. So, accord his answer the same attention you accorded the question.
Hon. Minister, please, continue.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, Hon. Dr Musokotwane played an important role in the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Government.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: So, he is aware of the legacy issues of the tariffs and the BSA that were signed by the MMD Government. Therefore, I find it very unfair that he is apportioning blame on the PF Government.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: The fact is that since we came into power in 2011, there has been a lot of commitment to investment in the energy sector.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: The Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant has been completed and generates 300 MW.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: It is only the transmission line remaining. Equally, the Itezhi-tezhi Power Plant has been completed while a number of small hydro power stations, such as Musonda, Lusiwasi and Lunzuwa, are being upgraded and rehabilitated. That is how committed we are to investing in energy.
Sir, the Kafue Lower Hydro Power Station about which Hon. Dr Musokotwane is talking is a multi-billion dollar project. We cannot go to the Chinese or Exim Bank and ask for money without being asked whether the PPA has been signed. If there is a PPA in place, they will look at the tariff in it to determine whether the project is viable enough for you to be able to pay back the loan.
Dr Kalila: Why do you not change that Power Purchase Agreement?
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member for Lukulu East!
Hon. Minister, please, continue.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, if we tell them the tariff is 6 cents, who will give us the money? They will tell us that the tariff is too low for us to repay the loan in the loan period. So, the only conversation we should have is on whether the tariffs are at the right level.
Mr Speaker, the Energy Regulation Board (ERB) will engage a consultant to undertake a cost of service study in the country because we want to determine how much we spend on the generation, transmission and distribution of power. Thereafter, in 2017, we will be able to inform Zambians the true value of the power we generate.
Mr Speaker, I do not agree with my brother, Hon. Dr Situmbeko Musokotwane, that we are facing these problems because we cancelled some contracts. The MMD Government was told, fifteen or ten years ago, that in 2014 and 2015, the climate would be bad and power generation would be affected. Everybody who has worked in the Ministry Energy knows that.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: However, no decisions were made to attract the private sector to invest in power generation. That is why we have these challenges. So, on behalf of the Government that I represent and as Minister of Energy, I can say that we will attract the private sector so that we can send electricity into Liuwa Constituency.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chibanda: Mr Speaker, may I find out …
Prof. Lungwangwa: On a point of order, Mr Speaker.
Mr Speaker: A point of order is raised. However, this will be the last point of order during this segment because we need to make a lot of progress. I have a very long list of hon. Members who would like to ask questions on points of clarification.
Prof. Lungwangwa: Mr Speaker, it is with a very heavy heart that I raise this very important point of order.
Mr Speaker, it is our inescapable duty, as hon. Members of Parliament, to protect and defend the procedures and integrity of this House. However, reading the Daily Nation newspaper of Saturday, 29th October, 2016, left a bitter taste in our mouths, as hon. Members of the House. The paper insinuated that your Office leaves much to be desired in the way it presides over the affairs of this House. I found that unacceptable.
Mr Speaker, the headline of the article was, “Nkombo Blasted”, and the excerpts that refer to your office reads as follows:
“Mr Kamba, who is Patriotic Front (PF) Lusaka Province Youth Chairman, said it was appalling that Mr Nkombo could reduce the debate in Parliament to his tribe by suggesting that people from the Southern Province were superior to others from other regions. He further went on to say Mr Nkombo should know and understand that debates in Parliament were national and should never be tribally trivialised because that was against the spirit of harmony in the country. He went on further to say it was shocking to hear Mr Nkombo debating on tribal lines”.
Mr Speaker, your office has, from time to time, guided us on the need for us to debate national issues as national leaders and you have done that very well.
Sir, it is disheartening to read statements like these, which insinuate that you can allow tribalist debate in the House. That is extremely demeaning to the Chair of the House and it is for that reason that I found it extremely unacceptable.
It is our inescapable duty, as hon. Members of the House, to protect our Chair, Mr Speaker.
Ms Lubezhi: Hear, hear!
Prof. Lungwangwa: Mr Speaker, The Daily Nation and Mr Kamba, who uttered these statements, went as far as saying that Hon. Gary Nkombo had demonstrated that he is a shameless tribalist and a danger to the unity of the country.
Sir, we sat here and listened to Hon. Nkombo’s debate and did not hear any iota of tribal inclination in his debate.
Prof. Lungwangwa: Mr Speaker, are The Daily Nation and Mr Kamba in order to bring make such insinuations, which demeaned the House and, at the same time, misrepresent Hon. Nkombo’s debate in this House?
Sir, I humbly request your serious ruling on this misrepresentation and demeaning of the procedures of the House.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: My ruling is that my office has since received a complaint from the hon. Member for Mazabuka Central regarding the same subject and the Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly is processing it. So, we will attend to it in due course in terms of our rules and procedures. As usual, once the process has been completed, the House will be made aware of the outcome.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chibanda: Mr Speaker, arising from the litigation and consultations that the ministry is still involved in with the mining houses, and in the face of the prolonged load shedding, is the Government not considering either increasing the tariffs immediately in order to support the importation of electricity import or leaving the country to still be subjected to the prolonged load shedding?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, although increasing the tariffs is the basis on which we can attract private sector participation in the energy sector, it is an issue about which we have to be cautious. As Government, obviously, that is a very painful decision because it will affect people across this country.
Mr Speaker, there are other avenues at which we are looking. For example, we can attract investors who can put up generation plants within a year. There are also people who can use heavy fuel oils to put up generation capacity within …
Mr Speaker: Order!
Business was suspended from 1615 hours until 1630 hours.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I would appreciate if the hon. Member could repeat the question. You know what happens after the tea break.
Mr Chibanda repeated the question.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, like I said earlier, increasing the tariffs is one option. The tariffs have an impact on businesses and on the lives of people. For example, the investors will be able to put up generation capacity between three months to one year. We have been engaging some of them and they have told us that they are able to put up generation capacity using heavy fuel oils so that we can increase the output. Suffice it for me to say that whichever way we will look at it, the issue of tariffs will still be paramount. So, to me, the tariff structure is the cornerstone as far as the Ministry of Energy is concern.
Mr Speaker, currently, I do not have the authority of the Cabinet for me to go into the details of the power tariff structure. So, I can only say that at the right time, we will report to this House.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Member for Wusakile, please, ask your question.
Mr Miti (Feira): Mr Speaker, I am actually the Member of Parliament for Feira Constituency. My colleague here did not indicate.
Mr Speaker: Order!
Which constituency?
Mr Miti: Feira.
Mr Speaker: Order!
You are not yet on the list, but I take note of your interest. I have a list that I announced.
Ms Mwashingwele (Katuba): Mr Speaker, if I heard the hon. Minister correctly, he said that 50 per cent of the energy generated goes to the mines at a very uneconomical rate for the country. He also said that the agreements were signed some twenty years ago. To me, it sounds like the agreements are cast in stone. Would the hon. Minister inform this House for how long the agreements will continue to drain the revenue of this country?
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, my colleagues in the Cabinet and I share the hon. Member for Katuba’s concern.
Sir, many of the agreements were signed in 1997, meaning that we have been supporting the mines and the CEC for close to twenty years. So, we have to ask ourselves whether the business model of our electricity sub-sector is appropriate, and my answer to that is no because we cannot continue subsidising the giants. As I said earlier, we do not have to be confrontational to our colleagues in the mines and the CEC because they have employed our people. However, whichever way we look at it, the decision will have to be premised on both commercial and moral principles, particularly now that we are importing the electricity. Let me reiterate that both parties have to make moral judgments, particularly our colleagues, whom we have been subsiding for many years. People may argue that electricity is cheaper in other parts of the region, but I do not agree because most investors in the region would actually peg their power tariffs between 10¢ or 14¢. So, I assure the hon. Member for Katuba that we will convey this document to the Ministry of Justice so that we begin it’s the process of reviewing it because it not cast in stone.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Nyirenda (Lundazi Central): Mr Speaker, according to the hon. Minister, the electricity problems we have currently will be sorted out by 2030. In the First and Second Republics, the Government used thermal, not hydro, power in districts like Chama and Lundazi. Why can the Government not reintroduce thermal power? I know that the hon. Minister will probably say that thermal power is expensive. However, with modern technology, new fuel-efficient thermal generators have been manufactured. For instance, the United Arab Emirates in the Middle East do not use thermal, not hydro, electricity. Why can we not emulate them?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I appreciate the concept of thermal electricity. However, taking transmission lines into many of our rural areas using ZESCO is quite expensive. In fact, the quickest and most appropriate fix is renewable or solar energy, which is off the grid. For example, the Government is building houses in Chembe, which is a new district. We can entice the private sector to provide an off-grid solution to the electricity needs of the people in that area. So, we are looking at off-grid solutions as a way of diversifying the energy sector instead of depending only on ZESCO. Like the hon. Member said, there will always be issues in the generation of hydro power due to climate change. So, I am of the view that solar power is a quicker way of supplying power off-grid to many rural parts of the country, and we will do that.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr C. Zulu (Luangeni): Mr Speaker, I do agree with the hon. Minister that the main problem we have in the energy sector in this country are the tariffs, and I want to state that the hon. Minister is doing a good job in the ministry I left just three or four months ago.
Mr Speaker, the European Union (EU) has offered Zambia about €40 million in support of the renewable energy sector. Who will spearhead that programme? Is it the Ministry of Energy or the Industrial Development Corporation (IDC)?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I agree with Hon. Zulu. In fact, two days ago, I had a discussion with the European Union (EU) Head of Delegation. Yes, we have been given €40 million for renewable energy and the Ministry of Energy will administer the fund.
Mr Speaker, as my colleagues are aware, Zambia is a signatory to Cop 21. A conference of that forum will take place in Marrakesh, Morocco, either this week or the next, and there is a document of intent that Zambia will sign as part of Cop 21. From the discussion that I had with the EU Head of Delegation, once that document is signed, Zambia can start accessing the €40 million for renewable energy. So, colleagues, there is a grant that we will tap into to develop off-grid solutions. The money is not much, but some districts can benefit from it.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Jamba (Mwembezhi): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister …
Mr Mwiimbu: On a point of order, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member for Monze Central!
I have guided that I will not grant anymore points of order today.
Hon. Member for Mwembezhi, you may continue.
Mr Jamba: Mr Speaker, I agree with the hon. Minister that the problem we have at Lake Kariba are the low water levels. However, has the Ministry of Energy carried out any feasibility study to determine whether what we are doing is the cost-effective response to that problem? For example, could the money we are spending to import power from Mozambique not be used to construct a tunnel from Lake Bangweulu into the Zambezi River, which would be a one-off project? We are able to pump oil from Tanzania all the way to Ndola. So, we have the capacity.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, regardless of whether it is cost-effective or not, the Government decided to import power because the power deficit was an emergency with serious repercussions for the industrial sector, job creation and industrialisation. In any case, the long-term solution is not to construct a tunnel from Lake Bangweulu to the Zambezi River, but to diversify our generation infrastructure from the southern region, which has especially suffered from the effects because of climate change, to the northern region. For instance, the Luapula River basin has four sites where we can generate 1,000 MW of power. All the ministry has to do is attract investors who can put up hydro power stations there. That would be way cheaper that constructing a tunnel from Lake Bangweulu into the Zambezi River. I must also say that it is also economical to import power than to construct the tunnel.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Mweetwa (Choma Central): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister has said that it will take about fifteen years for Zambia to be independent in terms of power generation. In the mean time, we have the crisis of load shedding. When will this load shedding end? Are there short-term measures intended to mitigate the problem?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, I said that the current load shedding of six hours is a temporary measure because the 48 MW Ndola Energy Company Limited and the Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant, which produces 300 MW for Lusaka and the Copperbelt provinces, where heavy loads of power are needed, are off the grid. When the two stations are back on the grid, we will go back to the usual four-hour of load shedding schedule.
Sir, the normal four-hour load shedding schedule will, obviously, take a bit of time to end. We expect to produce 750 MW from the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project, which will be completed by 2020. There are other smaller projects that will also be competed around that time.
Sir, in terms of energy independence, we expect to attain that fifteen years from now, when all the projects in the offing are completed and Zambia will generate about 4,100 MW of power. Yesterday, I met an Australian investor who wants to produce 1,000 MW of coal-fired power in Sinazongwe and is ready to begin by January, 2017, provided the documentation is done as quickly as possible. We are also discussing with various other investors because we are concerned about the power situation in the country. If we want to unlock the potential of this country, industrialise and create jobs, we need to have sufficient and reliable supply of power, which we will attain by 2030. In the short term, we will have reliable supply because the project in Kafue will soon be completed. We are talking to Maamba Coal-Fired Power Plant to go to the second phase of producing 300 MW. I am sure that load shedding will be over before ‘2015’.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Minister!
Did you say, “2015”?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, the Kafue Gorge Lower Hydro Power Project will be completed in 2020. All the other projects will also be completed by 2020 or 2021 because they take about four years to be completed. Load shedding will end then.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mung’andu (Chama South): Mr Speaker, on a lighter note, it has been observed that the mines pay less for electricity than we, the poor Zambians. Evidently, whoever was engaged as an advisor to the Government did not do a good job. So, if he is alive, he should never be allowed to rule this country.
Mr Speaker, Chama District gets its power from Malawi. Consequently, much of the district is cut off from the national grid. Actually, no structure in Chama South Constituency is connected to the national grid. We have a beautiful school called Kamilala High School, which teachers are leaving because it has no power. We also have Chikwa Day High School, Chiteba High School and Chifunda High School, which was recently upgraded from being a basic school.
Hon. Opposition Members: Question!
Mr Mung’andu: Is there a plan to connect those important public institutions and Chama South as a whole to the national grid? If there is such a plan, when is it likely to be implemented? I know that the Patriotic Front (PF) is a working Government.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, like I said, in the short-term, if we have to take power to Chama, it will have to be through off-grid solutions like solar. In the long-term, this working Government, as my colleague has acknowledged, is working on a 330 KV transmission line from Pensulo through Msoro to Chipata. That demonstrates our commitment to taking power to the Eastern Province, where we had small lines in the past. I will ask my colleagues in both ZESCO and the Rural Electrification Authority (REA) to conduct a feasibility study on how we can connect our colleagues in Chama to our national grid.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Sampa (Kasama Central): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister made a very serious statement, that is, that the greatest challenge we have currently is that our tariffs are too low to attract investors into the energy sector. What measures is the Government putting in place to make the country reach equilibrium for the end users and the investors so that this power deficit is overcome? The Northern Province has good rainfall and sites for hydro power stations.
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, two of the policy measures that were taken as part of the Budget for 2015 were the putting in place of a tariff structure of 10.35 per cent and provision of zero-rated capital allowances on relevant equipment. I do not know what the hon. Minister of Finance will do this year. However, those fiscal incentives were meant to attract private sector participation in the energy sector. We can also look at other avenues of attracting the private sector, but the most effective ones are a good tariff structure and other fiscal incentives. So, I appeal to my colleague, Hon. Mutati, wherever he is, to provide a fiscal environment in the 2017 Budget that will allow the private sector to look at Zambia as a good destination for investment in hydro power production. Like Hon. Sampa has said, in the Northern Province, there are the Kalungwishi Hydro and Lufubu power projects, each of which can produce about 240 MW. I am sure Hon. Mutati will do the needful so that we can accelerate the development of the two sites.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Simbao (Senga Hill): Mr Speaker, what is the percentage of unaccounted-for power due to illegal connections? Further, what is the percentage of power lost during transmission and distribution?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, the industry standard of loss of energy during transmission and distribution is about 10 per cent and ZESCO’s losses are slightly below that. Suffice it for me to say that we can only deal with the loss of power, whether through illegal connections or transmission lines, by investing in the sector.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Miti (Feira): Mr Speaker, the majority of households use charcoal, as it is the cheapest alternative source of energy. What measures is the ministry implementing to preserve our forests?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, there is a new ministry called Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection. I am sure the hon. Member knows, although he is new to the House, that there is a tree-planting day in December on which hon. Members are given trees to go and plant in their constituencies as part of our efforts to protect the environment.
I thank you, Sir.
Ms Kasune (Keembe): Mr Speaker, in Keembe, computer lessons were introduced in schools, but the schools are not electrified and there are no means of electrifying schools like Pongo, Keembe and Shampande using solar energy. Consequently, some teachers are leaving those areas, and I am sure that my constituency is not the only one in that predicament. Are there any plans to electrify schools in the country?
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, in the Rural Electrification Master Plan (REMP), we have about 2,000 growth centres in Zambia, but the rural electrification rate is only about 3.7 per cent. Our desire is to reach 51 per cent by 2030. However, in order to do that, we need funding projected at about US$50 million per annum. Suffice it for me to say that we will continue to do what we can through REA, which is also dependent on funding. If the budget is increased, we will try to help our colleagues in Keembe.
Sir, I know that the Ministry of General Education sometimes provides a small component in its budget electrification of schools using solar systems.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Samakayi (Mwinilunga): Mr Speaker, the Muzhila Hydro Power Station in Mwinilunga was started by the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Government and was being developed by the Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA) at a project cost of about US$20 million. The generation capacity was 1.2 MW. Midway, through its implementation, the Patriotic Front (PF) Government changed the project’s cost to US$40 million and increased the generation capacity to 7 MW, which caused JICA to abandon the project. Now, there is no money to complete the project. JICA had invested in the base structures and the project was nearing completion before things were changed. Could the hon. Minister assure me, the people of Mwinilunga and the nation at large that the project will not become a white elephant.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mabumba: Mr Speaker, the project will not become a white elephant. In fact, when I was in the Ministry of General Education, I visited the site to look at the possibility of electrifying Kanyama Secondary School using the power from there. I have requested my team to visit the site as part of our programme to start the development of the mini hydro power station for the people of Mwinilunga.
I thank you, Sir.
The Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry (Mrs Mwanakatwe): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the Bill be now read a second time.
Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to make my statement in support of the Patents Bill No. 25 of 2016. I thank your Committee for the consultations undertaken in a transparent manner on the intent, contents and implementation modalities of the Bill.
Sir, the Bill is part of the process to reform intellectual property rights in Zambia by introducing legislation that reflects the current economic situation. Further, it aligns the law on patents to international obligations under various treaties.
Sir, a patent is an exclusive right granted for an invention which, sometimes, is a product or a process, but that provides a new way of doing something or offers a new technical solution to a known problem. It provides protection for the invention to the owner of the patent. This protection is granted for a specific limited period. The Patents Bill also covers utility models, which are small inventions, petty patents or incremental innovations that may be less inventive and, thus, not protected under a patent. The inclusion of utility models in the intellectual property system has the primary objective of encouraging rapidly evolving indigenous innovations, mainly by small and medium enterprises (SMEs). Utility models are what create a solid foundation for bigger inventions that can eventually be patented.
Mr Speaker, patents and utility models result from creativity and play a critical role in every aspect of life. Generally, all patent owners are obliged, in return for the protection, to publicly disclose full information on their inventions in order to enrich the total body of technological knowledge in the world. The ever-increasing body of public technological knowledge promotes further creativity and innovation by others, thus, enhancing the quality of life for humanity. Therefore, patents allow for scientists or inventors to protect and benefit from their innovations through recognition and material reward while society benefits from the valuable information and inspiration for future generations of researchers and inventors.
Sir, the current legislation, that is, the Patents Act of 1958, does not provide for the protection of inventions in all fields of technology, including utility models. Further, the period of protection in the Zambian law is sixteen years, which is less than the internationally accepted period of twenty years.
Sir, failure to include inventions in all fields of technology in the emerging global economy, where innovation and creativity are the springboard of economic development, is detrimental to any nation. Currently, we receive an average of fifty applications for patents each year and this is a growing area of interest, particularly for the private sector and innovators. It is, therefore, necessary for us to update the current legislation so as to enable it to be in line with international best practice.
Mr Speaker, the main objective of the Bill is to protect the rights of the owners of inventions, including enhancing patentable subject matters and the period of protection. The specific objectives of the Bill are to:
- provide for the protection and administration of patents;
- provide for the restriction, publication and communication of patents;
- promote the use of patented information and technological knowledge;
- provide for the use and acquisition of inventions by the Government;
- promote and encourage innovative and inventive activities, and local generation of technologies;
- provide for the protection of utility models;
- give effect to the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property of 1883 and the Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT) of 1970;
- give effect to the World Trade Organisation (WHO) Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) of 1994 and other relevant international treaties or conventions to which Zambia is a state party; and
- repeal and replace the Patents Act of 1958.
Sir, the implementation of the Bill, once enacted, will be co-ordinated by my ministry through the Patents and Companies Registration Agency (PACRA). This will include the formulation and promulgation of regulations through statutory instruments (SIs) for the better attainment of the objects and purpose of the Bill. Further, the Government will facilitate institutional capacity building at PACRA and update the Industrial Property Automation System (IPAS).
Mr Speaker, we have taken note of the various recommendations of your Committee and I assure the House that the provisions of this Bill are in harmony with other relevant pieces of domestic legislation and international agreements. Hon. Members will note that the Government has approached intellectual property rights holistically as a reform agenda. This is the fourth Bill we are presenting to the National Assembly in 2016. We passed three Bills in the last Assembly and intend to present another set of Bills covering areas such as trademarks.
Sir, on the matter of establishing a tribunal, whilst appreciating the wisdom of the Committee, we are conscious of the cost of such an institutional framework. As I have mentioned before, we are reforming the whole area of intellectual property rights, of which patents are, but one type. So, we do not believe it will be cost-effective to have tribunals for each category of intellectual property. Rather, we believe the solution is for the relevant capacity to be built in the Judiciary. So, we will work with the Judiciary to position the High Court and other courts of law to completely and expeditiously deal with all types of intellectual property rights matters.
Sir, we are consulting on other matters that relate to the clarity of the law and, depending on the outcome of the consultations, I may introduce some amendments to the Bill. However, most of the concerns raised by witnesses to the Committee will be completely addressed through the regulations that will be issued to operationalise the Bill once it is passed.
Mr Speaker, in conclusion, let me state that the enactment of the Bill will make the Zambian patent law compliant with international intellectual property agreements and provide for an effective system of protecting patents and utility models. Its effective implementation will ultimately foster creativity and innovation in the Zambian economy. I, therefore, look forward to the full support of the hon. Members of this august House.
Mr Speaker, I beg to move.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Musokotwane (Liuwa): Mr Speaker, Standing Order No. 157 sets out the terms of reference of your Committee and provides that the Committee may consider any Bills referred to it by the House. In line with this, your Committee was tasked to scrutinise the Patents Bill, N.A. B. No. 25 of 2016. In order to acquaint itself with the ramifications of the Bill, your Committee sought both written and oral submissions from various stakeholders.
Mr Speaker, allow me to put it on record that your Committee welcomes the repeal and replacement of the Patents Act, Chapter 400 of the Laws of Zambia, which was enacted in 1958, and urges the House to support the Bill. It is important to bear in mind that Zambia, as a member State of the World Trade Organisation (WHO), is a signatory to the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which came into force in 1994. The country is, therefore, obliged to comply with the minimum standards of the trade related aspects of intellectual property rights agreements and was required to amend its domestic intellectual property rights laws within ten years. However, due to the limited technical and financial capacity to undertake legal reforms in developing countries, the period was extended for by eight years to 2021. The Bill, therefore, is timely and constitutes an effort by the Government to comply with the trade related aspects of intellectual property rights agreement.
Sir, the main objective of the Bill is to protect the rights of the owners of inventions, including enhancing patentable subject matters and the period of protection. The Patents Bill, N.A.B. No. 25 of 2016 is a progressive piece of legislation that provides for more streamlined patents registration and new enforcement procedures. The enactment of the Bill will also foster both the transfer of patent technology into the country and encourage innovations by local industries. Further, the new patents law will not only make Zambia compliant with trade related aspects of the intellectual property rights, but also incorporate safeguards for the protection of public interest and national security.
Mr Speaker, while most stakeholders who appeared before your Committee supported the enactment of the Bill, some raised concerns with respect to the term of protection proposed under the Bill, as it goes beyond the requirements of Article 33 of the Agreement on Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, which simply states that the term of protection for patents will be twenty years. In effect, Clause 65(3) of the Patent Bill extends the protection for patents to twenty-five years in the case of Zambia, which will not only delay the infusion of new technology and innovations in the country, but also deny the country its potential to develop according to global trends and inhibits the technological growth of local industries. It is, therefore, important that Zambia, being a least developed country with an undeveloped technological base, should have patent rights that put inventions in the public domain quickly in order to allow for infusion of new technology and encourage innovations. In this regard, there is also a need to make it difficult to renew or extend the period of protection.
Mr Speaker, your Committee, therefore, recommends the deletion of Clause 65(3), which addresses the duration of patents.
Mr Speaker, I wish to state that a sound legal system and institutional framework are critical to maximising the economic potential of the patent orders. There are more observations and recommendations in your Committee’s report, and I urge the House and the hon. Minister to make full use of the important information in the report.
Mr Speaker, as I conclude, on behalf of your Committee, I wish to express our gratitude to you for granting us the opportunity to scrutinise the Patents Bill of 2016. The Committee also thanks the Office of the Clerk of the National Assembly for the support rendered to it throughout its deliberations. It is equally indebted to all the witnesses who appeared before it for their corporation in providing the necessary briefs.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Simbao (Senga Hill): Mr Speaker, this Bill is timely because it is time people in this country realised that we have a Patents Office. I am very sure that few people know about that office, maybe, because it is not taught in schools. Few people know the importance of innovation or invention. Most of us are just content to use what already exists without realising that we are also able to innovate and invent and that there are many things that Zambians can do.
Mr Speaker, I am a bit familiar with the Patents Office, and it is for that reason that I am able to say that the Bill is progressive. From my interactions with the office, I can state that it is not motivating. I have experienced a situation where after you submit a patent, no one communicates to you until you go back to check for yourself whether things have moved. Further, the office produces a paper of the few patents it receives for circulation, but the document is only available at the office. When you go to check that document, that is when you will be shown that your patent was circulated, without your knowledge. Otherwise, you will not know the status of the circulation. So, there is a complete disconnect between the person who takes a patent and the reaction of the officers in that office.
Mr Speaker, I truly believe that there is more discouragement than encouragement to those Zambians who know that they can patent their inventions. I know of a boy who submitted patents for two great innovations, but got no response from the office. The same boy, who received no encouragement from his country submitted another invention to a Google Science Fair in the United States of America (USA) and ended up winning the National Geographic Award.
Mr Speaker, I realise that the people who manage the Patents Office are not scientists, but lawyers. As such, they may not be able to understand what is presented to them. I also know that the Sondashi Formula (SF2000) struggled a lot to gain any level of recognition.
Mr Speaker, we have a problem in encouraging innovation among ourselves and we can see that in the lack of research in this country, as people think that it is not rewarding or lucrative. So, we have a problem and a Bill of this nature must be supported. However, beyond the enactment of this Bill, the ministry must try hard to encourage Zambians to invent because it is possible for them to do so, just like the Zambian boy who won the National Geographic Award at the Google Science Fair in San Francisco. So, there are Zambians who are capable of doing that. The problem is that there are no means of encouraging or identifying such people. This Government, for example, should have taken interest in that child and looked at how to support him to do more.
Mr Speaker, at the African Development Bank (ADB) Convention that was held here, in Lusaka, there was a Senegalese boy whose name I have forgotten who was a very good innovator of things. As I speak to you, that Senegalese boy from the compounds is at the Michigan Institute of Technology (MIT). So, this country must also identify and encourage such people. We should have tried hard to encourage the SF 2000. We would be doing very well by now.
Sir, there was a time we did not have Coca-Cola and the other imported drinks, and people invented some drink whose name I have forgotten.
Hon. Members: Tip-Top.
Mr Simbao: Yes, Tip-Top.
However, Sir, immediately the International Monetary Fund (IMF) gave us some money, we threw those things out of the window. People also created a drink from masuku and it was okay. However, immediately Coca-Cola came back on the market, everything was thrown out of the window.
Sir, it is very saddening that the country is not putting much effort and emphasis in investing in our people so that we make a difference in the world.
Mr Speaker, with those few words, I support this Bill and hope that it is the beginning of new things.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr D. Mumba (Chama North): Mr Speaker, I thank you for according me this opportunity to also add my voice to the debate on this very important Bill. From the outset, let me indicate that this Bill comes under the umbrella of economic growth and public policy.
Mr Speaker, I look at this Bill as an incentive to those who want to go into various ventures. It will promote research and development (R&D), which go hand in hand. We cannot talk of patents before somebody does R&D to come up with the new idea that he or she needs to protect. The patent system only gives exclusive rights to the one who comes up with a new idea. One has to innovate, apply for a patent and, then, be granted rights for a certain period of time. Among other incentives that I may cite is that the Government sometimes gives grants or tax rebates to individuals or firms that engage in R&D. These are incentives and the patent system is also in the same area of activity.
Mr Speaker, one reason people engage in R&D to come up with an idea that needs to be protected is that they should have an opportunity cost. They devote the time they could have used to do other things to develop an idea. In doing that, the question of efficacy comes up. Is one able to come up with a valuable idea? So, the outcome would be the incentive to protect the original idea before it goes to the public domain. This is because some lazy people want to copy and sell other people’s ideas. Therefore, this Bill will enable people to devote their time to developing their ideas knowing that there is an opportunity cost or the benefit foregone when one chooses to do one thing instead of another. The Bill will encourage individuals and companies to engage in R&D and come up with new ideas that will add value to our economic growth and increase productivity. We cannot grow an economy without increasing productivity.
Mr Speaker, in any organisation, when management comes up with an incentive scheme, some individuals may choose to work overtime. However, the question is: Will the extra working hours lead to the desired outcome? Will I, Darious Mumba, for example, value the outcome? Often, that is not the case and I may give an equality of, maybe, +1 ≥ -1. Otherwise, it would be better for such a person to knock off and do other things. So, I support the Bill because it is quite progressive and I know that my fellow hon. Members of Parliament will also support it. Since it is a progressive Bill, every meaningful Zambian should support it.
With those few remarks, I support the Bill.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Mukata (Chilanga): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me an opportunity to briefly contribute on this very important subject and the Bill in question, which is very important.
Sir, what gives efficacy to an Act of this nature is the depth to which it goes to represent the ideals and aspirations of the people on the ground, especially those in the small and medium enterprises (SMEs) sector, and how it speaks to the formal education sector, starting with trade schools going all the way up to institutions like the universities. I have noticed that despite having a robust piece of legislation, such as the one before us, there is insufficient nexus among the different scientific institutions, for instance, the National Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (NISIR), trade schools and universities in this country, to set up platforms for excellence and research. We see a lot of duplication and an absence of proactiveness for people to get out there and engage those who want to innovate. Innovation is born out of the need to do something. When one hits a wall, he or she must find a more efficient and cheaper method of producing or going about an enterprise or activity.
Mr Speaker, interestingly, I came across a young man who manufactures electric mortis turning machines at Buseko Market.
Mr Kaziya indicated assent (nodding his head).
Mr Mukata: I can see my colleague from Matero nodding. I bought that equipment for my youths to make coffins and chairs. Unfortunately, the Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development has not been proactive enough to help that man. Instead, we see the importation of Chinese equipment that is not durable and one cannot find spares for it when it breaks down. I spent almost K30,000 to buy the machine from that youth and I thought to myself that if the backward and forward linkages that I had established between my youths in Chilanga and that youth in Buseko was extrapolated to benefit 100 other youths, that gentleman would have K3 million in his pocket, which can improve his business.
Mr Speaker, institutions like NISIR and the Technology Development and Advisory Unit (TDAU) at the University of Zambia (UNZA), which designed a block-making machine, are not supported. So, what I am simply saying is that we must give life to these kinds of pieces of legislation and ensure they speak to the aspirations of our people who are already positioned. I know that the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry is doing its best through the different policies and formation of economic clusters that was mocked in the last sitting. However, we must get out there. This Bill is a game changer, especially for micro enterprises and SMEs.
Sir, Zambia can only be developed by Zambians. We do not need funny pieces of equipment from outside for which there are no readily available spare parts because once we buy such equipment, you become a slave to its supplier because the equipment will need to be serviced, maintained or repaired. In this country, we cannot even manufacture a spanner. I am sure those who drive need the number twelve spanner for their batteries. However, nobody in this county manufactures spanners, yet we have mushrooming steel plants. So, we need to go a step further, especially for the youths.
Mr Speaker, we have companies like Agro-Fuel Investments Limited, which makes trailers. How are we helping such institutions, for instance, through safeguard measures? They supply Lafarge Cement Zambia Plc with the cement turning machines, but they are struggling, especially against foreign technologies. My plea is that, yes, we are on the correct path, but let us step up the game. We should do that even in the area of traditional medicine. Today, many people who hear that a man has given some medicine to his grandson, they suspect it to be witchcraft when it is only herbal medicine. As a result, we are losing out. Those who studied medicine will understand that we have traditional knowledge and practices that repose in our cultural setups in the villages and there are people who can harness that root, patent it and make medicines. In India, for instance, they have developed an inventory of herbal medicines as a way of protecting them. One such herb is turmeric. Further, the Indian Government successfully stopped the patenting of some medicine generated out of turmeric in the United States of America (USA) because they were able to prove that it was already being used in India. These are some of the things at which we need to look. We have so much, but we need to be proactive and start recording some of the practices because they are economically viable. By so doing, we will be able to generate some resources and empower our people.
With those few remarks, Sir, I support this Bill.
I thank you, Sir.
Prof. Lungwangwa (Nalikwanda): Mr Speaker, thank you for giving me the opportunity to support this very important Bill. It is important because the difference between developed nations and less-developed ones is the extent to which they pay attention to creativity, imagination, innovations and that intangible capital, which is an important injection of vitality into their productivity. Many developing nations pay very little attention to that intangible capital. In this country, for instance, we have paid very little attention to the motivation, protection and advancement of the creativity, imagination and invention of our people. That is why this Bill is very important.
Mr Speaker, a lot of work has been done, albeit on a small scale, as my colleagues have pointed out, by our people, working on their own and coming up with inventions or innovations. However, there has not been a well-established framework for protecting that effort and adding value to the innovations and inventions. I remember attending a very intense conference of the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIBO) in Swaziland in 1998, which discussed the position of Africa in the protection of intellectual property. The WIBO website shows that Africa fares very badly in terms of patented knowledge or innovations. That is an indication of our underdevelopment and the little value that we attach to innovations and creativity in our societies. Therefore, it is very important for us to update, modernise and reform the legal framework. That is why this Bill is very important.
Sir, one of the most important aspects of patenting and intellectual property protection is that of early disclosure. Many of our researchers, especially in the universities, come up with inventions. However, because they want to be professors, they rush to take their inventions to international conferences so that they can easily publish, be recognised by their peers, gain international reputation and be promoted to become professors in the universities. That is the problem in Africa. By disclosing inventions too early, we give the international community an opportunity to pick them, run with them and patent them, and we lose out. So, as we endeavour to protect our inventions and innovations, let us engage very seriously with our researchers, especially those in the universities, and help them to realise that taking their innovations to the international market of ideas too early is detrimental to our interest. That is very important as we closely look at the ways and means of patenting what our citizens are able to create.
Sir, I thought I should throw that insight on this very important Bill.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Mwanakatwe: Mr Speaker, I thank you and my fellow hon. Members who have debated on this Motion. Allow me to make a few comments as I wind up.
Sir, Hon. Dr Musokotwane raised the issue of the duration of the protection period, and we have taken note of it. So, the proposed amendments will take it into account and align the duration with the TRIPS agreement.
Mr Speaker, Hon. Simbao talked about appreciating Zambian inventors and the inefficient processes that people have to go through at PACRA. The new law will actually streamline the PACRA processes for registering patents. So, we appeal to the innovators to embrace this law. We will go out to address the people countrywide on what this law will achieve. In the spirit of appreciating our inventors, I invite all of you to our first ever Inventors’ Fare, which will showcase the people about whom Hon. Mukata talked. The faire will be on 14th and 15th November, 2016, at the Mulungushi International Conference Centre (MICC).
Sir, there are many inventions in the country and we have seen them in my ministry. That is why we have been encouraged to come up with this Bill and showcase our inventors.
Mr Speaker, I also recognise Hon. Prof. Lungwangwa’s sentiments on early disclosure of inventions by researchers. Again, that is something that my ministry will tackle.
Sir, in encouraging Zambians to patent their innovations, we are also encouraging them to buy Zambian, and this is the challenge. Zambians prefer foreign products regardless of the quality. So, I invite hon. Members to the Zambia Association of Manufacturers (ZAM) Week, where we are showcasing Zambian products. If we all commit to buying Zambian, the things that are being invented, be they in agriculture or in technology, will have a market. That, in return, will encourage people to invent more, make more money and employ more people.
Mr Speaker, as I said earlier, we have taken note of all the concerns, observations and recommendations of your Committee and will address them through the SI that will be issued to implement this Bill.
Sir, I thank your Committee for its work. I also thank the witnesses, who have also been part of this process. Finally, I thank everybody for supporting this Bill.
I thank you, Sir.
Question put and agreed to and the Bill read a second time.
Committed to a committee of the Whole House.
Committee on Wednesday, 9th November, 2016.
(Debate resumed)
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, before we resume our debate, I would like you to recall that last night the hon. Member for Mapatizya debate this Motion. In light of his debate, I wish to counsel all the hon. Members who will take the Floor henceforth against the practice of disseminating uncorroborated information laced with tribal sentiments, as that, unfortunately, might promote hatred among our citizenry.
Hon. Government Members; Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, we should, as national leaders, use the privilege of free speech to promote unity and love among Zambians. Unity and love among the citizens is critical, I repeat, critical for the wellbeing of our nation, which many leaders before us fought tirelessly to promote. Please, heed this counsel.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa (Choma Central): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to debate the President’s Speech.
Sir, let me begin by stating that I am deeply humbled, yet immensely honoured to stand on the Floor of the people’s august House. Five years ago, in October, 2011, I stood on this same Floor to deliver my first maiden speech. Today, I am delivering a rare second maiden speech for a Member of Parliament representing the people of Choma Central Constituency, in particular, and all the citizens of Zambia, in general.
From the outset, let me thank my president, Mr Hakainde Hichilema (HH), …
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mweetwa: … his former running mate, Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba (GBM), and the entire leadership structure of our party, firstly, for re-adopting me as their candidate in the just-ended elections and, secondly, for the various forms of support they gave me, which made my victory, a people’s victory, certain.
Mr Speaker, I would be failing in my duty if I did not sincerely thank my family and friends for their unflinching support on the road to here. Allow me to also pay special tribute and express my gratitude to the wonderful people of Choma Central Constituency for, once again, reposing their highly esteemed confidence of representation in me. I thank those who voted for the United Party for National Development (UPND) and those who voted for other political parties, as they exercised their democratic right.
May I also, Sir, thank the beautiful people of our motherland, in all the ten provinces, who voted in large numbers for HH and GBM, firstly, in exercise of their democratic right of choice and, secondly, because that is the team that presented a better blend of skills and a superior manifesto anchored on believable and genuine visionary leadership for fostering change in the country and bringing about the much-awaited economic emancipation and restoration of the rule of law, which has now broken down.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, as I speak, the UPND controls the Presidential vote in the Southern, Western, North-Western and Central provinces. In short, the party controls four out of ten provinces and had a very big percentage of votes in Lusaka and the Copperbelt provinces.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: The party also boasts of having Members of Parliament in six out of ten provinces and councillors in all the ten provinces of the Republic of Zambia.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: This is a clear indication of how determined the whole country was and still is to bring about real and meaningful change.
Mr Speaker, you may be interested to note that, in recent history, Choma Central has not re-elected Members of Parliament. However, by the favour and grace of God and a focused desire of the wonderful people of Choma Central to retain a strong, fearless and objective voice in and out of this House, I stand here today with great humility to accept this mandate.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Sir, may I, at this stage, join the many who have spoken before me in congratulating you and your two Deputies on your re-election or ascendency to your offices, respectively. I also congratulate all the hon. Members on their election or nomination to this House.
Mr Speaker, coming to the challenges facing the people of Choma Central, allow me to remind the House that we are walking a trodden path. In my first maiden speech, I raised a number of issues in that regard. Five years later, very little or nothing has been done by the Patriotic Front (PF) to resolve the issues I raised.
Mr Speaker, allow me to briefly comment on one issue on which I think I have to continue to comment, that is, the situation at Choma General Hospital. When the PF came into power, it was a district hospital. Next to this hospital is infrastructure for a new hospital that was completed by the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) Government in 2010. However, the PF Government has failed to simply equip it to the standards of a tertiary hospital befitting a provincial capital.
Mr Livune: Shame!
Mr Mweetwa: Sir, next to the hospital is the Choma Correctional Facility, which was built in the colonial era to house about 100 prisoners. Today, it houses about 500 inmates and the situation inside it is horrendously diabolical. It is a horror to visit that facility and one shudders to think that many of the people who are in those conditions are mere suspects or those still protesting their innocence in the courts of law.
Mr Speaker, I will not continue to highlight many issues because I doubt the capacity of the PF Government to address any of the issues I would waste my time raising.
Mr Mweetwa: So, I will just tell the hon. Minister for Southern Province that the situation at the facility is out of control and that we need to work together to resolve it.
Mr Speaker, as an ardent advocate of the fight against corruption, allow me to state that, year in and year out, there is no substantive progress made in the fight against corruption. To the contrary, what we see is a rise in the plunder of national resources, as is evident in the Auditor-General’s Reports. In that regard, I propose that the quarterly performance reports that controlling officers or hon. Ministers will be submitting to the President include a financial accountability element. That will ensure a timely monitoring of financial management with a view to stemming out abuse within the financial year, unlike now when the office of the Auditor-General reports on accounts that go back in the past. I also propose that the hon. Minister of Finance urgently initiates amendments to the legal framework relating to public finance management in order to seal the loopholes highlighted in various Auditor-General’s Reports. We expect more stringent rules and regulations aimed at curbing the abuse of public resources in the Civil Service. Interestingly, if those abuses were perpetrated by politicians, it would have been tempting for all and sundry to denounce the culprits. However, all abuses of public resources should be condemned with equal measure regardless of the perpetrator. The hon. Minister of Finance should remember that his legacy will be shaped by what he will do, not what he will say.
Mr Speaker, corruption is known to thrive under the dark veil of secrecy. We, therefore, wonder what happened to the Access to Information Bill. The PF kept promising the nation that it would present the Bill to this House over the last five years. I am hopeful that my predecessor at the African Parliamentarians Network against Corruption (APNAC), who is now the hon. Minister of Justice, will use his influence to help his Cabinet colleagues understand that the Access to Information law will enhance citizens’ participation in the promotion of transparency and accountability in the utilisation of public resources.
Mr Speaker, why is the PF scared of being scrutinised by the citizens who vote for us?
Mr Speaker, take kind notice that two years ago, we were told by the PF that there were fourteen Acts of Parliament that needed to be amended in order for the Access to Information law to be passed. To date, however, none of those Acts has been presented to this House for amendment. So, allow me, on behalf civil society, the media and the citizens of this country at large, to use this opportunity to renew our collective call for the Executive to present the Freedom of Information Bill to the House for enactment as soon as possible. Remember, this was one of the PF’s core campaign promises that helped it get elected in 2011. Otherwise, if the party cannot fulfil this and other promises, why does it continue to make new promises to our people?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, the last elections put our nation on trial and exposed the state and issues I discuss below.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, it is not a secret that the just-ended general elections will go down in history as the most shameful since the reintroduction of multi-party democracy in Zambia.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: The police brutality before and after the elections was not just unprecedented, but of a scale no one ever thought would be seen in Zambia. The shooting and killing of Opposition supporter before the elections, and the indiscriminate and brutal beatings and arrests of innocent citizens in UPND strongholds by heavy-handed police and military officers, in the case of Choma, has left a scar in our hearts and souls that is too deep to be eroded by the smiles we share here.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: The violence and intimidation that PF cadres unleashed before and during the elections are very barbaric, retrogressive and un-Zambian, and only serves to undermine the democratic gains thus far made by our country.
Mr Speaker, to preside over national affairs when the cadres of the PF, the Ruling Party, were orchestrating a campaign of terror to the extent of diminishing the political space of the Opposition, such that those clad in Opposition party regalia or driving motor vehicles bearing Opposition campaign messages and symbols, were badly beaten or even killed, …
Mr Mwiimbu: Hmm!
Mr Mweetwa: ... or, in the case of motor vehicles, smashed or otherwise damaged, as we saw on a number of occasions and epitomised by the destruction of the UPND road show bus in Mtendere, was not only abhorrent and appalling, but also an undeniable evidence of a poor and failed leadership …
Ms Kapata: Question!
Mr Mweetwa: … resorting to dictatorial and violent means of clinging on to power.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Those events should not be a source of happiness to any sensible leader worth his salt.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: All violence must be abhorred and condemned by all regardless of the perpetrator.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, the media which, in a true democracy, is the fourth estate and lubricant to the functioning of the democratic apparatus, has been stripped of its independence by the PF. Today, The Post newspaper, the same one that propelled the PF to power, is under liquidation.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Mr Speaker: Order!
Mr Mweetwa: Has the PF even had time to consider the number of jobs that will be lost as a result of that irresponsible decision? A government worth its salt would have gone to any length to protect a Zambian company from collapse, ...
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: ... but the PF is collapsing Zambian companies and jobs, after which its hon. Members come here to sing about job creation. Which jobs do they talk about?
Mr Sing’ombe: Tell them!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, the public media in Zambia has failed to prove its relevance to the growth of our democracy. For example, in the just-ended elections, it played a profoundly divisive role centring on the promotion of hate speech issued by some members of the PF who, for some reason, thought that dividing people is the best way to govern.
Mr Speaker, I can buttress this point by referring to the news items in the public media and some PF surrogate private tabloids that shamelessly claimed that there was ethnic cleansing in the Southern Province in which all non-Tonga-speaking people were targeted in Namwala and Choma, to name, but a few places.
Ms Lubezhi: Shame!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, the use of the term ‘tribal cleansing’ to describe the political tension that engulfed the country in a few instances involving the UPND and the PF owing to a rigged electoral system in …
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: … the just-ended election is the most irresponsible and reprehensible thing done in Zambia’s politics.
Mr Mwiimbu: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: How can differences between UPND and PF supporters be branded tribal? How can any sensible person claim tribal cleansing in Choma, where not even a single person was beaten for belonging to PF or any other political party for that matter?
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, all these things took place in a country calling itself a Christian nation and which has “One Zambia, One Nation” for a national motto. In today’s Zambia, hearing or saying the words ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ is a pain to many because the once powerful, celebrated and noble motto that celebrated unity in diversity has now been mutilated and used as a political door mat for the PF to mislead Zambians into believing that they are one while it promotes hatred, division and discrimination.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Many people are being fired on suspicion that they belonging to the UPND simply because they belong to some tribal groupings. That is senseless.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, the “One Zambia, One Nation” motto which, in my view, was intended to foster a sense of identity, recognition and respect for Christian values has now been thrown out of the wind.
Mr Speaker: Order!
Mr Mweetwa: Sir, the Church in Zambia has an admirable history. For instance, in 1991, when the nation was at a crossroads, the Church proved to be worthy mediators in the political conflicts that arose. The Church of today, however, has turned into a political pulpit where sponsors and perpetrators of violence, …
Mr Mwale: Question!
Mr Mweetwa: … hate, division and discrimination pretend to be Christians in order to launder their filthy political images …
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: … and mislead the unsuspecting citizens into believing that they are humble leaders. They even clasp their hands together, maybe, after some drinks.
Mr Mwiimbu: Hear, hear!
Mr Mweetwa: Sir, some sections of the Church even constituted themselves as into a group called ‘Christians for Lungu’ in the last elections. No wonder, some genuine believers are now leaving the Assembly of God Synagogue. They have realised that they are not being led by genuine men of God, but mere political pilgrims and gold diggers bent on using the pulpit to the fight economic recession in their pockets.
Mr Mweetwa: Mr Speaker, once again, our country, Zambia, is being treated to some bizarre political circus by the PF, which is now proposing to amend the Constitution to allow for the extension of its time in office. My friendly and timely advice and warning to our colleagues, in the words of the Indian Prime Minister, Mr Narendra Modi, is:
“Good leadership is providing maximum governance in a limited government. Simply put, do your best to govern within the precincts of the existing law.”
Mr Speaker, to borrow President Barrack Obama’s words:
‘Failed leadership is seen and exemplified when leaders begin to change the rules in the midst of the game. Failed leadership is demonstrated not just through failure to deliver in office, but also failure to leave office when it is time up.”
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Sir, in conclusion, Zambia’s diversity is a cherished heritage. That diversity, however, should not be viewed as a threat to promote divisions among our people. Rather, it should be seen as a resource to be exploited for the benefit of all citizens. We are at our best for the better future of our country when we genuinely promote peace, love and unity, and when, in practical terms, we work together.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
The Minister of Lands and Natural Resources (Ms Kapata): Mr Speaker, I thank you most sincerely for giving me this opportunity to deliver my maiden speech and contribute to the debate on the speech delivered by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, during the Official Opening of the First Session of the Twelfth National Assembly on Friday, 30th September, 2016.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, I wish to take this opportunity to join other hon. Members of this august House in registering my condolences to the Muntanga Family on the passing on of Hon. Request Muntanga, who was one of my good friends in Parliament. He was the only person who could point at me and say, “Jean, kalansi”, meaning, “Jean, sit down.” I miss him, and may his rest in peace.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, allow me to thank the people of Mandevu Constituency for, again, electing His Excellency the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, and his former running mate, Her Honour Madam Inonge Mutukwa Wina, Republican President and Vice-President, respectively. I also thank them for electing me their Member of Parliament for the third time. Since Independence, no Member of Parliament had served more than one term in Mandevu, but I am now in my third term. I also thank them for the over 59,000 votes they gave His Excellency the President …
Prof. Luo: Ukufiwina sana!
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Members!
Let the hon. Minister continue.
You may continue, hon. Minister.
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, I repeat: I thank the people of Mandevu for giving His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia over 59,000 votes ….
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Kapata: … against 2,000 for his nearest rival.
Prof. Luo: Bwekeshapo!
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, allow me to also join the other hon. Members of this august House in congratulating you and your two Deputies on your election to your positions. I specifically congratulate Hon. Catherine Namugala on being elected First Deputy Speaker. Her election is an indication that women can equally serve in any capacity and play an important role in the development of this country.
Sir, His Excellency the President’s Speech to this House was what the people of Zambia have been waiting for a long time. It outlined various development programmes that the Patriotic Front (PF) Government intends to implement in the next five years in order to continue uplifting the living standards of the people of this great nation, especially the women and other vulnerable groups. That has been the focus of the PF since it came to power in 2011.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, land has continued to play a key role in uplifting the standard of living of our people. The PF Government recognises the importance of land, especially in helping the vulnerable groups. In this regard, as the President indicated in this speech, in order to ensure the effective management of our land, the PF Government is determined to develop a National Land Policy that will promote equitable access to land and security of tenure, especially for rural communities, and sustainable utilisation of land. Allow me to report that my ministry has made advances in the formulation of the National Land Policy and has held provincial consultative meetings with a wide array of stakeholders, including traditional leaders. It is the Government’s desire to have the National land policy in place as soon as possible.
Sir, as most of hon. Members of this House are aware, Zambia has a dual land tenure system, namely customary and leasehold. Customary tenure is an indigenous form of land holding that is generally communal in character and is based on the cultural and traditional beliefs of each tribe or clan, and is handed over from generation to generation. Customary land constitutes about 94 per cent of the country’s land mass. So, the majority of Zambians live on customary land and rely on it for their livelihood. However, the customary tenure system has failed to deliver security of tenure to people who live on customary land, as there is no codified law that governs land administration in customary areas and that has made it easier for such people, especially the vulnerable groups, such as women, the differently-abled and the youths, to be displaced. Furthermore, the lack of security of tenure on customary land has made it impossible for holders of the land to use it as collateral to access credit from financial institutions, which do not recognise customary land rights.
Mr Speaker, in order to promote security of tenure on customary land, the PF Government embarked on the formulation of legislation to fill the gap in 2013. Once enacted, the legislation will ensure that the interest of poor Zambians who reside and depend on customary land for a living are protected from both privileged Zambians and foreigners. It will also ensure that women, who are discriminated by a number of customary laws, are afforded equal access to land like their male counterparts. This legislation will, therefore, promote fair land distribution to men and women as well as other vulnerable groups in the country.
Sir, the drafting of the Customary Land Administration Bill has taken long because my Government wants to undertake …
Mr Speaker: Order!
Business was suspended from 1815 hours until 1830 hours.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, before business was suspended, I was talking about our progress towards putting in place a National Land Policy.
Sir, in addition to the enacting of legislation on customary land, my ministry will scale up the implementation of the National Titling Programme. As hon. Members of this august House may be aware, most of the land in Zambia is currently not titled and that has resulted in occupants of such land being vulnerable to displacement and unable to use such land as collateral to access credit from lending institutions. Additionally, the Government is losing revenue, as land-related fees and taxes are not charged. So, the National Titling Programme is aimed at guaranteeing security of tenure and increasing the Government’s revenue base. In this regard, I wish to inform this august House that my ministry will, before the end of this year, issue certificates of title in the Madindo and Kamwala South areas of Lusaka. This programme will progressively be extended to other parts of the country.
Sir, in order to effectively and efficiently deliver services to the public, my ministry is in the process of establishing the Lands Commission in line with the Constitution. Currently, it is consulting on the drafting of the Lands Commission Bill, which will be tabled in this House. Further, order to enhance the integrity of the data in the land formation system, my ministry has scaled up the data cleaning process and is currently digitising all its records. The ministry has procured two industrial scanners to quicken the process of digitising the records. Furthermore, it is currently testing the Short Message Service (SMS) Notification Programme, which will enable the ministry to notify the general public on outstanding fees due to the Government.
Mr Speaker, as the President indicated in his speech, climate change has continued to pose many challenges to the country. The PF Government appreciates these challenges and their effects on the lives of the people of Zambia. In order to address those challenges, the Government, under the leadership of His Excellency Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, is in the process of creating the Department Of Climate Change, which will spearhead the implementation of programmes aimed at mitigating the effects of climate change in the country. In order to demonstrate the PF Government’s commitment to addressing the effects of climate change, the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, on 20th September, 2016, signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change, whose aim is to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change by keeping a global temperature rise in this century below 2°C above the pre-industrial levels, and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature’s increase even further to 1.5°C. The ministry has since commenced the process for the ratification of the agreement by this House during the current meeting of the House.
Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Kapata: Mr Speaker, forests are one of the most important natural resources of Zambia. However, my Government is concerned at the rate at which valuable indigenous trees, such as mukula, are being harvested. If this trend continues, the country will lose its precious trees and be exposed to climate-induced hazards. So, the PF Government will not allow the unsustainable harvesting of our indigenous trees to continue. In that regard, my ministry has commenced the recruitment of forest rangers to protect our trees. Additionally, in order to promote the sustainable utilisation of our forests, my Government formulated the 2014 National Forestry Policy and facilitated the enactment of the Forestry Act No. 4 of 2015. These will enable the country to address emerging issues, such as climate change, bio-energy development and prioritisation of agriculture, eco-tourism and the environment as the engine for Zambia’s development. In addition, the policy and the legislation will address issues of high rates of deforestation and forest degradation, and local communities and private sector participation. It will also promote devolution of forest management systems, thereby improving the management of forests and forestry products.
Mr Speaker, it is important for everyone to contribute to the proper management of our forests to ensure sustainable development so that future generations can also benefit from this resource. In addition, good management of natural resources is key to poverty reduction, as most of the poor in this country depend on land or reside near forests, which are a source of food, medicine, building materials, fuel and income. The forests are also a source of non-timber forest products like wild honey, mushrooms and caterpillars, which are a source of income and means of poverty alleviation in both urban and rural areas.
Mr Speaker, in addition to sustainable management of our forests, the PF Government will ensure that it promotes value addition in the timber industry by restricting the export of logs and unfinished wood products. This will subsequently lead to of job creation.
Sir, as I conclude, I strongly urge the hon. Members of this august House and the general public to take a keen interest in the formulation of the National Land Policy and legislation on the administration of customary land, as the two documents will guide the effective management and administration of land in this country. I further urge the hon. Members of this august House to promote tree planting in their constituencies, especially in schools and communities. My ministry will ensure that seedlings are made available across the country. During this rainy season, the ministry will plant 20 ha of trees in every district. In this regard, I call upon all hon. Members of Parliament to take a keen interest in the programme, whose activities will be undertaken in December, 2016, which is next month.
With those few remarks, I thank you, Sir.
The Minister of Fisheries and Livestock (Mr Katambo): Mr Speaker, I thank you for according me this opportunity to make my contribution to the speech presented by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, during the Official Opening of the First Session of the Twelfth National Assembly, on Friday, 30th September, 2016.
Sir, let me start by joining His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, and the hon. Members of this august House in congratulating you and the two Hon. Deputies on your election to guide the affairs of this House. The responsibility placed upon your shoulders is, indeed, enormous, but we are here to support you. I also congratulate my fellow hon. Members of Parliament on their nomination and election to this august House. The Zambian people expect us to deliver on our campaign promises and discharge our duties diligently.
Mr Speaker, I also take this opportunity to thank the President of the Republic of Zambia for appointing me Minister of Fisheries and Livestock. This shows the degree of trust he has in me and I greatly treasure this appointment. May I also take this opportunity to congratulate the President and Her Honour the Vice-President on their victory in the 11th August, 2016, Elections. I also congratulate my fellow hon. Ministers and the Provincial Ministers on their appointments.
Sir, I thank the Almighty God and the people of Masaiti Constituency for granting me another five-year mandate to represent them in this House. My re-election is a sign of the confidence and trust the people of Masaiti have in me and their appreciation of the contributions I made during the previous Parliament. I also thank the men and women of God who kept praying for the President and the Vice-President, the councillors and me. Indeed, God heard our prayers.
Sir, I will not let the people of Masaiti down. Instead, I will work on the various issues and challenges they are facing.
Mr Speaker, I also thank Hon. Davies Chama, Hon. Jean Kapata, my campaign team, the constituency executive committee, ward and branch executive committees, my dear wife, Grace, my son and my three daughters.
Sir, I affirm, through this august House, that as the newly appointed Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, my primary objective is to build on the solid foundation laid by my predecessor. That is what is needed now, and it calls for concerted efforts from both within and outside the House. I shall support all hon. Members of the House. I am confident that through the support of everyone in this House and stakeholders outside, I will be able to drive the fisheries and livestock sector to higher heights in terms of increased production, job creation, income generation, food and nutrition security and foreign exchange earnings.
Mr Speaker, I thank my fellow hon. Members who have contributed positively to the Motion that we are considering. I find their contributions mature and commendable. Having heard the previous contributions, I wish to state categorically that development is not a one-off event, but a series of correct decisions and focussed actions. The Government’s focus in the fisheries and livestock industry in the next five years will be on achieving development milestones in accordance with the Seventh National Development Plan (7th NDP), whose focus will be on achieving a resilient and diversified economy. To attain a diversified economy, fisheries and livestock output has to play a bigger role both within the agricultural sector and the economy in general.
Sir, the President’s Speech touched on several important matters impacting on the nation. For example, he said that all efforts will be dedicated to moving the economy away from its current heavy dependence on copper. During the next five years, development will be focused on agriculture, livestock and fisheries, and their entire value chain. The Government will also prioritise industrialisation of the economy to create more jobs and put money in the pockets of our people. Naturally, the livestock and fisheries value chain will play a leading role in this process by creating forward linkages with industries like dairy, beef, leather and fish processing. Additionally, the sector will take advantage of our unique geographical location to export poultry and fish products to neighbouring countries, such as the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Angola.
Sir, I thank my two colleagues for moving this Motion, as the President’s Address sets the policy direction and vision for our country, from the highest office in the land for the next five years. The theme for this year’s speech, “Building an Integrated Multi-Sectoral Approach to Development that Enhances Inclusiveness in Development Without Leaving Anyone Behind”, is an appropriate one, as it entails creation of linkages among various sectors and building upon each sector’s comparative advantages. In the fisheries and livestock sector, the theme is particularly important for the following reasons:
- it will encourage synergies and complementariness with other line ministries, such as Agriculture; Lands and Natural Resources; Housing and Infrastructure Development; and Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection for the sustainable utilisation of our scarce resources;
- it will promote the creation of linkages in the fisheries and livestock value chains, leading to increased incomes for our farmers, primary traders and processors; and
- it will promote a multi-sectoral approach to the development of aquaculture parks and farming blocks and farmers and fishermen will have an opportunity to participate in the proposed development initiatives.
Mr Speaker, let me turn my focus to the other aspects of the President’s Speech. I will comment on programmes particularly relevant to my ministry.
Mr Speaker, the President directed that agriculture, and fisheries and livestock be the major priority of our economic diversification agenda. This is partly because the majority of our population derive their livelihood from farming, rearing of livestock, fishing and trading in agricultural products. Zambia is endowed with abundant natural resources capable of supporting fisheries and livestock production, which are vital for food and nutrition security and poverty reduction. Additionally, the fisheries and livestock value chain creates a great opportunity for income generation and empowerment among various actors in rural and urban areas. The high demand for fish and livestock products in urban areas and some neighbouring countries has led the Government to take concrete steps to promote and strengthen fisheries and livestock interventions. In line with the economic diversification agenda to promote the development of the fisheries and livestock sector, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, created the Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock on 18th September, 2015.
Mr Speaker, the fisheries sector in Zambia contributes 3.3 per cent to the agriculture gross domestic product (GDP), 0.3 per cent to the national GDP and 53.4 per cent of animal proteins. Fish production in natural waters has fluctuated between 75,000 metric tonnes and 85,000 metric tonnes over the years owing to over-fishing and environmental factors. Aquaculture production, on the other hand, has increased from 5,000 metric tonnes in 2006, to 22,000 metric tonnes in 2015. However, the total fish production from both natural fisheries and aquaculture of 104,000 metric tonnes does not match the national demand, which is estimated at 180,000 metric tonnes per year. Therefore, there is, obviously, a deficit of 80,000 metric tonnes, which is met by importation. There was a 40 per cent increase in fishing ports, from 55,000 metric tonnes in 2014 to 77,000 metric tonnes in 2015. To mitigate the shortfall, the Government has embarked on fish farming through the development of aquaculture parks.
Sir, the promotion of aquaculture has seen an increase in the production of farmed fish, from 5,000 metric tonnes in 2006 to 22,713 metric tonnes in 2015. Furthermore, the aquaculture sub-sector has generated between 600 and 900 permanent jobs per year in farmed fish production and 100 jobs per year in the fish feed industry.
Mr Speaker, the livestock sub-sector contributes 3.2 per cent to the national GDP and 6 per cent of the household income.
Sir, despite recording growth in aquaculture and livestock production, the fisheries and livestock sector continues to face numerous challenges, including the following:
- high financing and feed costs;
- low production and productivity;
- inadequate number of breeding centres for fingerlings;
- over-fishing in natural water bodies;
- unsustainable fishing practices;
- high prevalence of livestock diseases;
- unknown stock biomass in major fisheries
- a lack of financial resources to carry out a livestock census, which should have an informed decision and planning of interventions;
- a lack of quality fingerlings and fish feed;
- dwindling and erosion of the natural resource base due to climate change;
- poor infrastructure; and
- inadequate access to affordable credit facilities.
Mr Speaker, fisheries and livestock resources have unlimited potential that can be harnessed to achieve economic growth, sustainable development, food and nutrition security, and poverty eradication. It also has the largest potential to reduce poverty, whose prevalence levels are highest in rural areas where most economic enterprises are linked to agriculture. Additionally, it is a major economic activity in Zambia and employs the largest proportion of the population, with over 1.5 million households primarily engaged in the crops, and livestock and fisheries sub-sectors. The sector absorbs about 67 per cent of the labour force and remains the main source of income and employment for rural women, who constitutes 65 per cent of the total rural population. Rural women and youth constitute the largest segment of the Zambian population that is poverty-stricken and more vulnerable to food and nutritional insecurity.
Sir, given the fact that poverty in Zambia is predominately a rural country and that the majority of the rural households are involved in fisheries and livestock-based activities, investment in fisheries and livestock infrastructure, agro-related processing and bulking industries will offer an effective means for making a significant positive impact on the country’s industrialisation and reduction of overall poverty levels. Efforts have been made to improve production and productivity in the sector, focusing on the sustainable management of natural resources and promotion of aquaculture parks, control of livestock diseases, adoption of appropriate technologies, including the promotion of improved breeds, stocking and restocking, strengthening of industrial processes for feed formulation, and development of human capacity through training and strengthening of research and extension services.
Mr Speaker, in order to realise the mentioned objectives, the Fisheries Policy, which will soon be finalised, will create an environment that will facilitate the growth of the sector by encouraging private sector investment and participation. Further, the ministry has lined up programmes in the Medium Term Expenditure Framework (MTEF) for 2017 to 2019 to develop the fisheries sector. These, in capture fisheries, include:
- enforcement of fisheries regulations to ensure sustainable exploitation of fish resources;
- identification of breeding areas in all major fisheries;
- establishment of an inspectorate in the ministry to remove all unlicensed or illegal fisheries from all fishery areas; and
- timely provision of the fisheries regulations to ensure they are effective and current.
Mr Speaker, specific objectives in capture fisheries will include:
- establishment of three lake-based fish hatcheries on Lake Tanganyika, Lake Mweru and Lake Kariba;
- development of six fishery management plans for the Tanganyika, Kariba, Itezhi-tezhi, Lukanga Swamps, Upper Zambezi and Lusiwasi fishery areas;
- establishment of two capture fisheries research stations for the Lusiwasi and Lukanga fisheries; and
- completion of freezing facilities at Itezhi-tezhi and Siatwinda in Sinazongwe districts.
Mr Speaker, the main thrust for the livestock sector will be to increase livestock populations through prevention and control of livestock diseases, improving production and productivity of the various livestock species and promotion of public-private partnerships (PPPs) in value addition and processing of livestock products. It will also include the provision of effective extension services, and marketing of livestock services and products.
Sir, my ministry has embarked on numerous ambitious programmes aimed at enhancing livestock production and productivity to improve the quality of animals. In this regard, it has established fifteen livestock breeding centres throughout the country, which are aimed at providing improved breeding stocks, especially to small-scale farmers. For instance, 165 Boran cattle and sixty-seven goats are ready for sale to the general public, including to small-scale farmers, at Mbesuma in Chinsali and Kanchindu in Sinazongwe. With regard to animal disease control, my ministry will intensify market linkages through the creation of a disease-free zone in Central Province, and parts of Lusaka and the Copperbelt provinces. One of the measures under this strategy will be progressive control of Contagious Bovine Pleuropneumonia (CBPP) through a strategic rollback plan. Already, the ministry has managed to reduce the prevalence levels of CBPP in Kazungula from 16 per cent in 2004 to almost zero per cent in 2015.
Mr Livune: Question!
Mr Katambo: In the Western Province, the ministry has set aside K120 million to the disease through vaccination, serosurveillance and slaughter of positive herds, herd monitoring, branding of all animals, revamping of cordon lines and recruitment of cordon guards. Additionally, the ministry will intensify vaccination against foot and mouth disease in the high-risk areas of the Southern, Western, Central and Northern provinces from 1,121,386 cattle in 2015 to 1,600,000 in 2016.
Mr Speaker, the ministry embarked on improving on the safety and quality of beef through the creation of animal identification and traceability systems in 2012 at a cost of K3 million with the support of the Italian Government. The system, when finalised in 2018, will provide assurance for our trading partners. The ministry has also set aside K2 million for enhancing the inspectorate wing at the border points and inland to curb illegal animal and fish imports.
Sir, the ministry will continue to open up forestry land for agriculture, and livestock and fisheries expansion through aerial sprays against tsetse flies. The ministry conducted aerial spraying in parts of Sesheke, Mulobezi and Mwandi districts of the Western Province in 2014, covering 11,300 km2. It has also set aside K40 million for aerial spraying in 2017 to cover a 5,000 km2 area that includes parts of Rufunsa, Luano and Nyimba districts. This is in line with the President’s directive of making land available for agricultural expansion. Apart from these measures in disease control, the Government has also employed 120 extension officers and deployed them to various veterinary camps across the country. The Government is targeting to employ another 2,000 extension staff to improve the delivery of extension services. Considering these measures that the Government has put in place to develop the fisheries and livestock sector, there is a need to increase investment, particularly in fisheries, and offer effective means of making a significant impact on the country’s rural development, reduction of overall poverty levels and improvement of the food and nutrition security of our people.
Sir, let me conclude my debate by stating that the Government, under the leadership of His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, is doing its best.
Mr Livune: Question!
Mr Katambo: Sir, what the people of Zambia want is what the President wants. Even the way he folds his arms shows his humility. That is why Zambians support him. This Government deserves the support of everyone in this House, including the Opposition.
Mr Speaker, may God bless us all.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chungu (Luanshya): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me an opportunity to present my maiden speech. From the outset, let me congratulate you on your victory in this House. I also extend my congratulations to both the First and Second Deputy Speakers on their election to preside over the matters of this House. I pray that God will grant them the grace to guide the affairs of this august House with wisdom.
Mr Speaker, I give glory to God for the victory of the Patriotic Front (PF) and my victory in the 11th August, 2016, Elections. That victory was a demonstration of the people’s confidence in the ability of the PF, under its leadership of His Excellency the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, and Her Honour the Vice-President, Mrs Inonge Mutukwa Wina, to run the Government of the Republic of Zambia.
Mr Livune: Question!
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chungu: Mr Speaker, I thank the people of Luanshya for having faith in me, the PF and its leadership. I also thank them for their consolidated efforts in ensuring that the PF got maximum votes to win elections. The constituency, under the inspiration of the PF Manifesto of 2011 to 2016, embarked on an infrastructure development programme in key social sectors of our economy. The programme was stipulated in my constituency’s localised plan of action of 2011 to 2016, which was the brain child of many of the statesmen and women in the constituency who have instilled confidence in me to lead the process of developing the constituency. It gives us great joy to point at the achievements we have made. In the just-ended elections, we were able to stand with our heads high because of those achievements.
Sir, I realise that my role, as a Member of Parliament, is to represent be a channel for the views of the people in this august House and to lobby the Government and other strategic partners for development of constituency, which is much needed. Being a Member of Parliament is an opportunity for me to respond to serve my beloved town of Luanshya and add its voice on national issues in this House.
Sir, my dream of making Luanshya a better place would not be realised without the confidence placed in me by the PF under the leadership of the late President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, may his soul rest in peace, and our Sixth Republic President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, who supported every effort I made on behalf of the people of Luanshya. So, I thank the PF family and the President for showing confidence in me.
Mr Speaker, Luanshya is currently positioning itself to benefit from the Seventh National Development Plan (7thNDP), which will be implemented using the PF Manifesto of 2016 to 2021 and is aimed at actualising the inspirations of the Vision 2030 goal of becoming a prosperous middle income nation by 2030. As a constituency, we have played our part in building capacity by creating a strong front against diseases, illiteracy and poverty through infrastructure development and creation of an enabling environment for all Zambians to flourish in their enterprises.
Sir, in the bid to revert Luanshya to its former status as a garden city, 26 km of road network has been upgraded to acceptable standards. A further 27 km will be worked on under the Copperbelt 400 (C400) Road Project. Trees have also been planted in both urban and peri-urban areas with the help of our environmental partner, Green Initiative Zambia.
Mr Speaker, in responding to the challenges our mothers face, we built or upgraded clinics in all the fourteen wards of Luanshya Constitution and made sure they had maternity facilities. Ambulances were also procured by the Central Government and using the Constituency Development Fund (CDF). Our drive to overhaul and give a new face to our only hospital in the district, Thomson Hospital, was overwhelmingly supported by the local private sector and the Government. Additionally, during my tenure as Member of Parliament, the Government released more funds to build a district laboratory and a paediatric wing.
Sir, my constituency is ready to attain sustainable development goals and be an active participant in the implementation of the 7thNDP.
Mr Speaker, it was the desire of the PF, according to its manifesto for 2016 to 2021, under the theme, “Towards an Industrious, Prosperous, Peaceful, Stable, United, Democratic and Inclusive Zambia, Under One Zambia, One Nation”, to embrace all members of the Luanshya community regardless of their religion or race in fostering development. The projects that have been implemented will certainly make all of us proud and they have given us a platform on which to face other challenges in uplifting the living standards of our people. Going forward, Luanshya Constituency would like to bring its people together by promoting the tenets of democracy and embracing mutual engagement with our stakeholders in the Church and non-governmental organisations (NGOs), and respecting divergent views that promotes peace and unity as we foster national development.
Sir, I reiterate my commitment to playing the oversight role that comes with my mandate as a Member of Parliament. I will, therefore, not relent in ensuring that the Government of His Excellency the President, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, delivers on all the promises it made during the campaigns. To the Government service providers, this will not be a new story because it has been my approach to leadership on behalf of the PF and the lovely people of Luanshya Constituency. It is not my style to disappear from the constituency whenever the elections are over because that is actually the time to get even closer to the people, who are the beneficiaries of a working Government. We will be closer to the service providers to appreciate the daily challenges that our people face so that we provide solutions to them. For a country to development, it needs the concerted efforts of all citizens to make a difference in every sphere of life. I look forward to new initiatives in my constituency and Zambia as a whole so that we have all-inclusive approaches to promoting sustainable growth.
Sir, in his inauguration speech, His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia mentioned that investment would be seen coming not only be from outside, but also from within. We are on course on this score. The women in Luanshya have gone against all odds to become participants, not spectators, livestock and agriculture production. That was seen by Her Honour the Vice-President during her inspection of development programmes in Fisenge in Luanshya Constituency. So, she can attest to what I am saying.
Mr Speaker, as a mining town that has gone through severe economic shocks, Luanshya has learnt its lessons the hard way. Today, the district has positioned itself to resist any forms of hardships. We have witnessed the departure from being dependent on mining to agriculture, which has enabled the district to diversify its economic activities and maximise productivity among small-scale farmers and other entrepreneurs. Our intention is to work with the experts in the ministries of Agriculture, and Commerce, Trade and Industry to build capacity in our farmers and small-scale enterprises to curb food insecurity and maximise trade.
Mr Speaker, there are many positive developments that have occurred in my constituency that will enable our people to resist hunger and poverty. What I have stated on this Floor of the House is enough to show that we are on solid ground and headed in the right direction. Our aim, now, will be to maximise the gains we have made so far in order to remain afloat in difficult times. Our manifesto is our motivation in ensuring the country’s survival. So, the confidence of the people of Luanshya in me should be energised as we move together on this journey.
Mr Speaker, the speech His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Edgar Chagwa Lungu, made to this august House during the Official Opening of the Twelfth National Assembly on 30th September, 2016, was all-inclusive, a collection of the wisdom of a father to his children. He point out many key elements worth embracing as we steer this nation to greater heights. He also reiterated the need of this country to remain peaceful and united as we tackle various challenges that may come our way. The President provided a clear direction for this great nation. It is, therefore, my prayer that God will grant us the strength and the wisdom to conduct our business in a manner that will enable us to actualise his aspirations to benefit the people of Zamia.
Mr Speaker, I thank you and may God bless you.
Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba (Kasempa): Mr Speaker, I thank you for granting me this opportunity to deliver my maiden speech to this august House.
Mr Speaker, let me give glory to our God Almighty for making it possible for me, on behalf of the great people of Kasempa, to stand before Him among the hon. Men and Women of our land, Zambia, in this august House. I also join my colleagues who have congratulated you, the First Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker on your re-election and election to your esteemed positions. I also congratulate all the hon. Members of this august House and wish everyone God’s blessings, now and in the future.
Mr Speaker, it is my greatest honour to stand here and thank the great people of Kasempa, once again, for extending to me the privilege of representing them in the National Assembly, especially as the first woman to do so. Their vote was an expression of hope and trust in the promises not only of the campaign trail, but also as outlined in the Bill of Rights in our supreme law, the Constitution. The weighty significance of their trust is not lost on me.
Mr Speaker, I am profoundly grateful to all our traditional leaders in Kasempa, led by His Royal Highness Senior Chief Kasempa and Chief Ingwe, respectively. I pay my respects to all their ba kitumbafumu and extend my gratitude to other chiefs, including Their Royal Highnesses Chief Mumena, Senior Chief Mukumbi and Senior Chief Kanongesha, who inspired and encouraged me.
Mr Speaker, my special gratitude goes to the most estimable, venerable and admirable man of distinguished standing at home and abroad, my party president, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, ...
Ms Tambatamba: ... and his gallant running mate, ...
Hon. PF Member: Are you sure?
Ms Tambatamba: ... Mr Godfrey Bwalya Mwamba, ...
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Hon. Members: Godfrey?
Ms Tambatamba: ... I take that correction, he is Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, and, indeed, all the United Party for National Development (UPND) management team for their courage in adopting me as their candidate for Kasempa. Their precision demonstrates impeccable leadership.
Mr Speaker, the driving force behind my campaign lay in the campaign management team, which was led by Mr Davison Kakoma Wahuna, the UPND District Chairperson; Mr Evans Lubumba; and Mr Getson Shamano Sondashi. The three led the vibrant team that saw me get elected to this House.
Mr Speaker, let me also thank Mr Hyden Songezha, who was one of the key speakers on the campaign trail. My gratitude also go to all the other party functionaries at the district and constituency levels.
Mr Speaker, all begins and ends with the family. In this regard, I wish to humble myself and pay special gratitude to my family. Specifically, I honour my father and mentor, the late Mr Mark Mwika Tambatamba, a former Member of Parliament for Kasempa and servant of the people of Zambia in many ministerial portfolios; my mother, Ms Meluse Mabende Kasempa, who instilled determination, ambition and Christian leadership values in me in my childhood.
Mr Speaker, I am privileged to belong to an amazing team of siblings and the incredibly united extended family, which is my inspiration and includes my uncle, Mr G. E. Tambatamba, and Dr M. J. Tambatamba, who both render fortitude. I also honour the special and fond memories of Stanley Mushaukwa Liswaniso, my late spouse and father of our children, Munalula and Mukombo. His footprint and inspiration lives on forever in the two children and a grandson, Mushaukwa. In them, I know that I am blessed.
Mr Speaker, I would not trade my family for anything.
Sir, I also wish to take this opportunity to thank the Church and all my friends who were part of the bandwagon that supported and prayed for me.
Mr Speaker, our campaigns were blessed with a modest level of co-operation from the media under somewhat unique circumstances. So, I thank the media, particularly the Kasempa FM Radio team for availing their services.
Mr Speaker, I also thank my predecessor, Hon. Kabinga Pande, for his service to the people of Kasempa in and outside Parliament. We are on different sides of the political fence, but our civil contest is about service to the people of Kasempa, whom we both adore and revere.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Livune: Quality!
Ms Tambatamba: Mr Speaker, I would be failing in my duty if I did not thank all the candidates who contested the Kasempa seat for putting up a spirited fight during which we were still able to shake hands, an indication that there is hope for our nascent democracy. The people who played different roles during my campaigns a role are too many for me to recognise them all individually. So, I thank all those I have not mentioned collectively.
Mr Speaker, for the sake of those who may be unfamiliar with Kasempa, it might as well be the largest constituency in the country. The constituency has twenty wards and is also a district sharing boundaries with Solwezi, now called Kalumbila, Mpongwe, Lufwanyama, Ngabwe, Mumbwa and Mufumbwe districts. The major rivers are the Kafue, Lunga, Lufupa, Mushingashi and Musonweji. These are a resource that could support a very robust aquaculture industry in Kasempa.
Mr Speaker, the key landmarks offering rich potential for tourism and adventure in Kasempa include the northern part of the Kafue National Park; the historical Kamusongolwa Hill, where Kasempa Jipumpu interacted with the Lozis in a very special way; Mutumba wa Shibalange in Kelongwa is an amazing heritage site built by unknowns like a wall way up into the sky; and the Lufupa-Jiba and Kaimbwe salt pans. These are a cause for us to engage a lot with the Ministry of Tourism and Art. It is also important to note that Kasempa is home to five safari Lodges, including Lufupa, Mbizi and Leopard, and two game management areas, namely Kasonso Busanga and Lunga-Luswishi.
Mr Speaker, Kasempa is also endowed with mineral resources like copper, gold and iron. There is actually a Chinese group that is actively engaged in medium-scale mining activities at Jifumpa, formerly a Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines (ZCCM) asset near the Lunga River and Kafue National Park. There is also significant potential for gold mining at Katoka-Mema near the Mufwashi River. Let me mention that there is currently a lot of illegal mining in Kasempa. The copper and gold deposits around Mufupanda and Buffalo remain only on cadastre maps, yearning for real investment.
Mr Speaker, despite all the abundant resources that offer a great potential for national revenue collection, Kasempa remains a rural district with local incomes coming mainly from agriculture, particularly maize production. The constituency, known as the grain basket of the North-Western Province in as far as maize production is concerned, also maintains the traditional stable grain, sorghum, with millet as its support. Beans and groundnuts are also traditionally grown for cash and household food security.
Mr Speaker, allow me to remind this august House that even in the glorious context of such admirable potential, major challenges continue to hamper growth and development for the people of Kasempa. Key among all these challenges is overall underdevelopment, that is, the lack of real human development for growth even though the district was established in 1901 and is a stone throw away from Lusaka at approximately 424 km via the famous Kasempa/Mumbwa Road, which also provides access to the northern parts of the Kafue National Park.
Mr Speaker, yes, the Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) connected Kasempa to the National Electricity Grid and tarred 50 km of the M8 Road popularly known as the Solwezi/Chavuma Road. However, I cannot help, but wonder what the conspiracy of previous governments and the current one is against the very economically viable Kasempa/Mumbwa Road. I hope that this week’s announced identification of a contractor will lead to the commencement of works. If that happened, it will be a historical moment. The other challenges and key concerns include a lack of access to clean water, poor road network, inadequate secondary schools and tertiary education institutions, a lack of access to good health services, a lack of communication services, non-existence of the financial services sector to promote entrepreneurship and a lack of employment opportunities for young school leavers, who are forced to trek to other parts of the country to realise their dreams of getting good paying jobs.
Mr Speaker, with regard to water supply, most of the water sources are traditional. So, there is high demand for boreholes and Kasempa District Council will have to sink 116 of them in the twenty-two wards of the constituency in order to meet the demand. For that reason, among others, the 2015 Constituency Development Fund (CDF) should be disbursed.
Sir, as I have already mentioned, Kasempa relies predominantly on maize production. However, because of poor infrastructure, all the produce is marketed through the Food Reserve Agency (FRA). Unfortunately, the people of Kasempa are on record crying to be paid their money by the FRA to no avail. That, in turn, hampers the further expansion of the sector.
Mr Speaker, Kasempa has two categories of road networks, namely those under the Road Development Agency (RDA) and the feeder roads. Unfortunately, all I can say is that most roads are in a deplorable state. Most feeder roads were last graded either in 1968 or, in recent times, 1994, during the MMD Government. They, therefore, require the due attention of the relevant ministry.
Sir, in 2015, the Government embarked on the tarring of only 9 km of township roads on instructions of the President. However, not even a meter of that project has been constructed for the people of Kasempa. Therefore, we urge the new ministry responsible for roads to obey that instruction from the Head of State. Without the feeder roads, to which I have already referred, the communities in Kelongwe, Mitumba, Maako, Nyoka and Mufwashi are usually disconnected from the central business district (CBD) and suffer a lot in accessing social services and transporting their produce.
Mr Speaker, the communication network is a big challenge in Kasempa. Like most other constituencies, we also have issues in the education sector, especially at the secondary school level, where most schools are day schools, lack infrastructure and are few. Staff housing is also a big issue. A number of sites have been proposed for the location of a number of new secondary schools in response to the growing population. Lubofu, Njenga, Mukunashi and Dengwe are some of them. The locations proposed for new primary schools are Kimikanga, Mukula, Katembeka and Lwamisamba. Kasempa, despite being one of the oldest districts in the country, does not have a tertiary education institution and that causes most of our young people to fail to access employment opportunities in the mining sector.
Sir, the health sector also suffers the same issues of quantity and quality. We implore the Ministry of Health to go to the rescue of the people of Kasempa by building the nine health centres that were promised to them. The other challenges are poor market structures and a lack of a public library. Works on one library has under construction for the past six years have stalled, yet the need for the facility is even more urgent now. So, we implore the authority or oversight institution to ensure that the library is completed.
Mr Speaker, let me ruminate on the aspirations of the people of Kasempa and the people of Zambia. Reflecting on the degree of inadequacy of services and infrastructure in Kasempa, my mind goes back to the last weeks of the campaigns, when I went door to door to engage the people. Their key concerns are what I have just discussed. The constituency is part of a larger context that shapes its mornings, afternoons and evenings. Hence, the people’s failure to access critical services is embedded therein.
Sir, allow me to now reflect on the state of our nation, post-elections. Today, Zambia is at a crossroads and it is up to the men and women in this august House to redeem it. Our multi-party democracy is designed to have people both on your right and on your left in the life of each Parliament, but the common understanding is that those given the responsibility to govern our resources must dispense them equitably as is the case in all other nations where multi-party democracy is the system of governance.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: Mr Speaker, we all know that Zambia has always been an oasis of peace in Africa and the sub-region. The post-Independence Government of Dr Kaunda vividly applied the ‘One Zambia, One Nation’ motto to promote and enhance national unity and equality in the distribution of resources. This facilitated peaceful co-existence and intermarriages among diverse ethic groupings. The unity and peace we have enjoyed did not come by accident. Our fore fathers and mothers planned and worked for it.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: Our memories tell us why the United National Independence Party (UNIP) Government coined the motto. It is very clear that the slogan becomes emphasised as a response of the people to a particular administration’s style of governance. For example, under the twenty years of the MMD Government, the motto had no cause for prominence. It only resurrected in the last five years of the Patriotic Front (PF) Government, which is an indication that our governance landscape has retrogressed ...
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Ms Tambatamba: ... in line with the usual PF style of dununa reverse …
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Ms Tambatamba: … on all the national assets gained under the UNIP and MMD governments. Unfortunately, there is a very high risk of these precious assets being lost. Unlike the leadership that fought for our Independence, the current leaders are clearly putting their sectarian or ethic interests before national interests, and unity and equality. I say this because we are now seeing the unprecedented use of hate speech by our leaders with a monopoly of media institutions, all for political expediency. Unfortunately, political leaders are using the youth to instigate and perpetuate violence ...
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Ms Tambatamba: ... and the violent behaviour is hardly repudiated and, in some cases, actively rewarded. Our political leaders with the instruments of power have done very little to nip the scourge in the bud.
Mr Speaker, the Church and our traditional leaders are being co-opted into politics. Today, we see religious leaders engaging in partisan politics and endorsing some political leaders, especially those in the Ruling Party. That is not where the Church once stood.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Tambatamba: Mr Speaker, allow me to also reflect on the relationship between the Government and the Ruling Party. During the One-party State, ...
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
Your time has run out.
Ms Tambatamba: Sir, I thank you.
Mr Bulaya (Mpongwe): Mr Speaker, thank you for according me this opportunity to make my maiden speech on the Floor of this House.
Sir, allow me to start by adding my voice to those of many others who have congratulated you and your two Deputies on your election as Speaker, First Deputy Speaker and Second Deputy Speaker, respectively.
Sir, I want to pay tribute to the President of the United Party for National Development (UPND), Mr Hakainde Hichilema, the vice-president, Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, the entire National Management Committee (NMC) and the provincial, district, constituency and ward committees for supporting my candidature. Let me also extend my gratitude to the campaign team, which was headed by Mr George Kapu, Their Royal Highnesses in the constituency, my family, relatives and friends. Special gratitude goes to my friend and predecessor, Mr Gabriel Namulambe, and all those who contributed to my victory.
Mr Speaker, I also congratulate all the hon. Members of Parliament on their well-deserved victories.
Sir, the late Mr Muntanga was my man. May his soul rest in peace.
Sir, I pledge to effectively represent all the humble people of Mpongwe Constituency, irrespective of their political, religious and ethnic affiliations. I am in this House as a nationalist and I will endeavour to support all issues that will be beneficial to the people of Mpongwe, in particular, and Zambians from all walks of life, in general. I will not oppose anyhow, except those issues that may have a negative bearing on the people of this country. It is not about what the country will do for me, but what I will do for this country.
Mr Speaker, being in this august House for the first time, I will concentrate my speech on my constituency and, perhaps, talk about national issues later.
Sir, Mpongwe Constituency is on the Copperbelt Province of the Republic of Zambia. It is 67 km to the south of the mining town of Luanshya. Its size is 8,500 km2 and is in the central plateau of Zambia, lying between 1,200 m and 1,500 m above sea level. It has generally a flat undulating relief with low-lying hills. The constituency shares boundaries with other constituencies, namely Masaiti, Lufwanyama, Kapiri Mposhi and Kasempa, like my sister stated, and the newly created Lufubu. Until 1991, when it became a constituency, it was part of the vast Masaiti Constituency.
Mr Speaker, the constituency shares the same boundaries with a district that comprises six chiefdoms, namely Ndubeni, Kalunkumya, Malembeka, Lesa, Machiya and Mwinuna. The Mwinuna Chiefdom is partly in Lufubu Constituency and partly in Mpongwe Constituency.
Sir, Mpongwe Constituency was connected to the National Electricity Grid in the early 1980s and boasts of big farms that produce wheat, maize, soya beans and Irish potatoes. There are also small-scale and emerging farmers who produce the same crops in addition to groundnuts, sorghum and vegetables. This makes Mpongwe the bread basket of the Copperbelt Province. Mpongwe also contributes a large percentage to the national food basket. In this regard, the Government should increase the number of beneficiaries under the Farmer Input Support Programme (FISP) in the constituency.
Mr Speaker, the food security packs should reach the intended beneficiaries. They must not be abused by civil servants and party cadres who, in my view, get the lion’s share.
Sir, even if the two main roads, the Mpongwe/Luanshya and Mpongwe/Luansobe, which cut through the constituency, can be considered all-weather roads, many feeder roads leading to production areas require upgrading to bituminous standards. The Mpongwe/Machiya and Munkumpu/Ngabwe roads and the two bridges at Machiya and Luswishi Pontoons require urgent attention. In addition, there is a need to extend the Zambia Electricity Supply Corporation (ZESCO) power lines to those areas.
Mr Speaker, Mpongwe Parliamentary Constituency boasts of the Kafue, otherwise called Ulufubu; Kafulafuta; Mpongwe; Ipumbu and Lukanga rivers, whose waters flow to the Indian Ocean without being tapped for both irrigation and aquaculture. That needs to stop.
Sir, in tourism, Mpongwe has the famous sunken lakes, Kashiba Kabela Mbushi and Nampamba. The former is protected by the National Heritage and Conservation Commission (NHCC) while the later is used for irrigation purposes by Zambeef Plc and the surrounding farms. Further, there are three annual traditional ceremonies held in the area. These are Kwilimuna of Her Royal Highness Chieftainess Malembeka, held in July; Lesa Nkushe Njikatile Ubuta of Her Royal Highness Chieftainess Lesa, held on the last Saturday of September; and Nsengele Kununka of His Royal Highness Chief Machiya, held in the first week of November. These ceremonies are a means of preserving our cultural and traditional norms for the benefit of posterity. A Lamba adage goes, umushobo uwakubula ifishilano ufwile.
Mr Bulaya: That means a tribe without tradition and culture is as good as dead.
Mr Speaker, when the missionaries came to this part of the world to preach the word of God, they knew it would be impossible to reach out to the people who could not read and write. Therefore, they built schools and most of us here, including you, Mr Speaker, are beneficiaries of that education.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
Mr Speaker: You do not drag the Speaker into your debates. Besides, your statement could be factually incorrect.
Mr Bulaya: Thank you very much for your guidance, Mr Speaker.
Sir, it is sad that fifty-two years after Independence, many areas have no schools and children walk long distances to access education. My prayer is that the Government considers constructing more schools and additional infrastructure in all the six chiefdoms of Mpongwe Constituency.
Mr Speaker, the same white men who brought the good news about the coming of the Son of Man also thought that it would be meaningless to preach to the sick without attending to their illnesses first. They could not cure diseases with only prayers, the way Prophet T. B. Joshua does. Therefore, they constructed health facilities and, to date, Mpongwe Constituency has been dependent on mission hospitals. In this regard, it is my second prayer that the Government builds a district hospital for the people of Mpongwe.
Mr Speaker, it is said that water is life, yet the majority of people in my constituency share drinking water sources with livestock due to a lack of clean drinking water. As I speak, most rivers and streams have dried up and so have water wells. Consequently, animals are dying. One hundred (100) communities in Mpongwe have requested the Mpongwe District Council to sink boreholes for them. In my view, the only way the people of Mpongwe will survive is by being provided with clean and safe drinking water through the sinking boreholes. The Government should also construct canals and dams to scale up irrigation and aquaculture activities in the constituency.
Sir, I am happy to see the hon. Minister of Fisheries and Livestock, who is my neighbour, signal to me that we should have a tête-à-tête.
Mr Bulaya: Mr Speaker, our aged fathers and mothers suffer the most, especially in rural set-ups like Mpongwe, and the Social Cash Transfer Scheme (SCTS) is unheard of in my constituency. Therefore, there is a need to introduce the programme there.
Mr Speaker, I would be failing in my duties if I did not highlight the suffering of the youths, who are the largest demographic in this country. Their suffering is compounded by the high unemployment levels in the country. So, there is a need to support the youths with life survival skills that will enable them to get into business ventures. That should be coupled with the provision of youth empowerment grants and loans for start-up capital. There is also a need to support the creation of public recreational amenities, which will keep the youths busy and distract them from engaging in activities like beer drinking and illicit sex.
Sir, the girls in most rural areas, including Mpongwe, also suffer the most, as they can be attacked, molested or impregnated by people like us, the well-to-do.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
Please, do not take those liberties. This is an august House. So, do not drag everybody into your debate because we are honourable people here. Can you withdraw that statement.
Mr Bulaya: Mr Speaker, I withdraw it unreservedly.
Hon. Members: Say people like you.
Mr Bulaya: Mr Speaker, the girl child can even be murdered and, sometimes, the aggressors go scot-free. In my view, the law should be strengthened so that offenders are brought to book.
Mr Speaker, in my constituency, there is the famous Lukanga North Resettlement Scheme under the Office of the Vice-President. I remember that when Mr Christon Tembo was the Vice-President, he went to officially open that resettlement scheme when the late Hon. Dawson Lupunga was the Member of Parliament for Mpongwe. Hon. Lupunga donated two rabbits and told the Vice-President Mr Tembo that the rabbits would multiply because they did not wear condoms.
Mr Bulaya: That was a good donation and I am sure that if I went back to Mr Christon Tembo, he would confirm that the rabbits multiplied.
Sir, the majority of the farmers in Lukanga North Resettlement Scheme …
Mr Speaker: Order!
Mr Bulaya: … are retirees who have not received their dues and are, therefore, not contributing to the social and economic development of this country. They are, instead, engaged in charcoal burning, which has contributed to the deterioration of our environment. In this regard, I call upon the Government to pay the retirees their dues. Most of them are Lozis and Lundas, Hon. Jean Kapata’s brothers and sisters.
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
Mr Speaker: You cannot single out the hon. Minister.
Ms Kapata: On a point of order, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Please, do not drag other hon. Members into your debate.
Are you through?
Mr Bulaya: Mr Speaker, serious boundary disputes among the chiefdoms in Mpongwe. So, I urge both the hon. Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs, and the hon. Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection to make bold decisions and correct the situation so that the subjects of the chiefdoms can go about their daily lives normally and contribute to the economic and social development of this great nation.
In conclusion, Mr Speaker, I wish to state here that this beautiful country belongs to all the seventy-two ethnic groupings …
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Bulaya: … and that all of us must enjoy the benefits of being Zambians. If at all I stand at any fora and call upon the Government to construct the Mpongwe/Machiya Road and bridge, I am not attacking the Government, but merely speaking on behalf of the people of Mpongwe.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chaatila (Moomba): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to make my maiden speech in this august House.
Sir, let me congratulate you on being re-elected Speaker of the National Assembly, and the First and Second Deputy Speakers on their election as well. I also extend my congratulations to all the hon. Members of this House on being elected representatives of different constituencies.
Mr Speaker, as a firm believer in God, the solid rock on which I stand, as all other ground is sinking sand, I thank Him for enabling me to stand in this House today. Without Him, I would not be here.
Mr Speaker, let me take this opportunity to thank my wife, Mrs Josephine Chambeshi Chaatila, for the support and encouragement she has continued to give me, especially in my new political career. I also thank my children, Malawo, Malumbe, Kukeng’a and Fred Junior, for enduring the many days of my absence from home during the time I was on the campaign trail and now as I continue to serve the people of Moomba Constituency. My parents made me feel like a baby once again felt like a baby on the many occasions they encouraged me to remain resilient when I was at my lowest ebb.
Sir, I thank all my relatives, friends and the church-mates for the material, moral and spiritual support they rendered me, without which my journey would not have been possible. However, sadly, two of my cousins who put in so much effort in ensuring my victory did not live an hour longer to celebrate the victory with me, as God took them away from his field. They are Mr Cornellius Chilala and Mr Fellow Mwanyango. May their souls rest in eternal peace.
Mr Speaker, I stand here today as a proud person because of my association with a party that is true to its objectives, all-embracing and wants to liberate the people of Zambia from poverty ...
Mr Livune: Hear, hear!
Mr Chaatila: … caused by a lack of focus by those entrusted to manage the abundant resources with which Zambia is endowed.
Mr Speaker, I am humbled to associate myself with the United Party for National Development (UPND).
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chaatila: In this regard, I thank our great leaders, Mr Hakainde Hichilema …
Mr Livune: Hear, hear!
Mr Chaatila: … and his vice, Mr Geoffrey Bwalya Mwamba, ...
Mr Ngulube: Question!
Mr Speaker: Order, hon. Member!
May the hon. Member, continue.
Mr Chaatila: … for giving me the rare privilege to represent the people of Moomba and for the material help the party extended to me. I also thank the National Management Committee (NMC) and the provincial, district, constituency, ward and branch officials for entrusting me with this responsibility to represent the people of Moomba. Let me also extend my sincere gratitude to the campaign team, which was led by Mr Obed Muunda and his two assistants, Mr Musili and Mr Chijikwa. To the people of Moomba, I say thank you most sincerely for entrusting me with the responsibility of being your spokesperson for the next five years,
Mr Livune: Hear, hear!
Mr Chaatila: I will always do my best for our constituency. The amount of support you gave the UPND, as a party, and me, as a candidate, is proof that your hope lies in the UPND.
Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chaatila: Hope to liberate you from economic hardships …
Mr Speaker: Order!
(Debate adjourned)
The House adjourned at 1956 hours until 0900 hours on Friday, 4th November, 2016.