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Wednesday, 9th March, 2016
1. Papers Laid on the Table, –
Report of the Parliamentary Select Committee appointed to scrutinise the Presidential Appointment of Mrs Yuyo Emma Nachali – Kambikambi to serve as a Commissioner of the Human Rights Commission, for the Fifth Session of the Eleventh National Assembly (07.03.16) (Mr Kapeya, MP)
2. Ministerial Statement, - The Minister of Higher Education made a statement on
the re-opening of the University of Zambia, Great East Road Campus and the Copperbelt University and outlined the conditions to be met before re-opening of the two institutions.
3. Ministerial Statement, - The Minister of Fisheries and Livestock made a statement on efforts and results on meat exports and briefed the House on the measures being
taken by the Government to make Zambia a net exporter of meat in the region.
4. Ministerial Statement, - The Minister of Works and Supply made a statement on the construction of the Kazungula Bridge and briefed the House on the progress made
thus far.
5. The House considered Questions for Oral Answer Nos 354 -363.
6. The House noted Question for Written Answer No. W18, and the Reply was accordingly recorded in the Daily Parliamentary Debates.
7. The Civil Aviation Bill, (N.A.B 28/2015), read the third time and passed.
8. Adjournment, - Resolved, That the House do now adjourn. (The Vice President)
The House adjourned accordingly at 1900 hours.
Patrick Matibini, SC
Mr Speaker will take the Chair at 1430 hours tomorrow.