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Tuesday, 6th February, 2007
209 Mr Imenda - to ask the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) what constraints prevent the Government from paying pensioners and retirees their dues on time; and
(b) whether there are any plans to decentralise the payment of pensioners’ benefits to provinces.
210 Mr Lubinda - to ask the Minister of Community Development and Social Services:
(a) how many theatre houses are operating in Zambia; and
(b) whether there are any plans to construct a cultural centre along Thabo Mbeki Road.
211 Mr Lubinda - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many churches were operating in Zambia in 1991 and 2005;
(b) how many churches were deregistered from 2001 to June, 2006 and under what circumstances; and
(c) how many approved church buildings were in existence in Zambia in 1991 and 2005.
212 Mr Mwangala - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply whether there are any plans to connect Sesheke to the rest of Western Province through the Shichili-Luampa road to avoid the difficulties travellers face during the flooding of the Barotse plains.
213 Mr Mwangala - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:
(a) when works on the Limulunga/Senanga/Katima-Mulilo road, which were abandoned, will commence;
(b) whether there are any plans to construct a bridge at Sitoti and, if so, which contractor will be awarded the contract and at what cost; and
(c) whether there are any plans to tar the Sitoti/Kalabo road passing through the Sinjembela and Nalolo Parliamentary Constituencies and, if so, when.
214 Mr Imenda - to ask the Minister of Foreign Affairs what action the African Union has taken in response to the situation in War-Lord-torn Somalia.
215 Mr Kasongo - to ask the Minister of Health what measures the Government has put in place to reduce child mortality in the country.
216 Mr Kasongo - to ask the Minister of Health what have been the successes and failures of the Roll-Back Malaria Strategy since 2001.
217 Dr Chishimba - to ask the Minister of Health the extent to which the United Nations General Assembly Special Session on HIV/AIDS Declaration of Commitment has been implemented by the Government of Zambia.
218 Dr Chishimba - to ask the Minister of Home affairs how many police officers and prison warders are accommodated in camps and how many are not accommodated.
219 Mr Mabenga - to ask the Minister of Lands:
(a) what criteria are used for one to access funds from the Land Development Fund; and
(b) how many people or communities have benefited from the Fund in Sesheke District, in particular, and Western Province, in general.
220 Mr Mabenga - to ask the Minister of Lands whether the Ministry has any plans to turn the rich agricultural areas in Kataba and Njoko in the Mulobezi Parliamentary Constituency into a farming block.
221 Mr Kambwili - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:
(a) when operations at Mulyashi Mine in Luanshya will commence and how much investment is the investor prepared to put in;
(b) how many employees will be required for the full operations of the mine; and
(c) whether preference will be given to employ the more than 6,000 former Ramcoz employees and, if so, what measures has the Ministry taken to avoid abuse during the recruitment process.
222 Mr Chimbaka - to ask the Minister of Labour and Social Security what measures has the Ministry taken to ensure that Zambians have equal promotion opportunities to senior management positions in foreign companies operating in Zambia.
223 Mr Chimbaka - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and
(a) when the Government will effect fish restocking in Luapula Province; and
(b) how many fish species are earmarked for the lakes in the Province.
224 Mr Hamir - to ask the Minister of Education when the Government will resume construction works on the abandoned Kabola Primary School in Chitambo Parliamentary Constituency.
225 Mr Hamir - to ask the Minister of Education whether the Government has any plans to construct more teachers’ houses to alleviate the current critical shortage in Chitambo Parliamentary Constituency.
226 Mr Misapa - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives when the Government will identify investors to invest in a sugar cane plantation in Mporokoso District.
227 Mr Misapa - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives whether the Government has plans to introduce a cattle loan scheme for the people in Mporokoso District.
228 Ms Chitika - to ask the Minister of Sport, Youth and Child Development:
(a) when the National Sports Council of Zambia (NSCZ) last held an annual general meeting;
(b) whether the organisation has been presenting its annual and financial reports to the Ministry in accordance with the provisions of the NSCZ Act;
(c) how many institutions/bodies are affiliated to the NSCZ and how many of these have to-date presented their books of account to the mother body; and
(d) what measures has the Ministry taken to address the many squabbles in the NSCZ.
229 Mr Mukanga - to ask the Minister of Health how many children are on Anti-Retroviral Drugs on the Copperbelt, town by town.
230 Mr Mukanga - to ask the Minister of Education:
(a) how many schools were built in Zambia in 2005, province by province; and
(b) how many school desks were bought for the new schools in the same year, province by province.
231 Mr Chimbaka - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs how many expatriates were employed in the manufacturing industry from 2001 to-date.
232 Mr V Mwale - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing:
(a) what are the functions of Provincial Local Government Appeals Boards; and
(b) what measures has the Government taken to make the Provincial Local Government Appeals Boards effective considering that a number of them fail to hold meetings on account of inadequate funding.
233 Mr V Mwale - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing:
(a) what is the latest position regarding the implementation of the Municipal Housing Bonds; and
(b) what other measures has the Government taken to provide housing units, especially to the poor.
234 Mr Ndalamei - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives when the ban on the transportation of livestock from Western Province to Lusaka and Copperbelt Provinces will be lifted.
235 Mr Ntundu - to ask the Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services when the Government will ensure that there is television and radio reception in all districts country-wide.
236 Mr Sinyinda - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply when the construction of Senanga/Sesheke road will commence.
237 Mr Sinyinda - to ask the Minister of Science, Technology and Vocational Training whether the Government has any plans to assist the United Church of Zambia to complete the trades school being constructed in Senanga District.
238 Mr Sikazwe - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport whether the Government has plans to upgrade Nsumbu Harbour into a port.