Tuesday, 14th August, 2007

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813 Mr Simama (Kalulushi) - to ask the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources what plans the Ministry has for the following places:

(i) Chati Research Centre;
(ii) Kitwe Research Headquarters; and
(iii) Riverside Research Centre.

814 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development:

(a) how much profit was made by the NFC Africa Mining Plc in 2005 and 2006, year by year; and
(b) how much of the profit at (a) above was spent on monthly salaries of the following employees in the same period above, year by year:

(i) local employees; and
(ii) expatriate employees.

815 Mr Ntundu (Gwembe) - to ask the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry:

(a) how many security firms are currently operating in the country, name by name and district by district;

(b) how many of those at (a) above are engaged in private investigations; and

(c) whether any of these security firms had their licences withdrawn and, if so, what were the reasons.

816 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Communications and Transport:

(a) whether the Government has any plans to resume providing grants to the Zambia Postal Services Ltd; and

(b) when was the last time the Zambia Postal Services Ltd received a Government grant.

817 Dr Chishimba (Kasama Central) - to ask the Vice-President what measures the Government has taken to ensure that the motto of “One Zambia One Nation” continues to flourish in the wake of anti-tribal sentiments currently being expressed.

818 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing how many boreholes have been sunk in Chipili Parliamentary Constituency from 2005 to-date.

819 Mr Ntundu (Gwembe) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing how much money is owed to the Lusaka Water and Sewerage Company by the following institutions:

(i) ZESCO;   
(ii) Lusaka City Council;
(iii) Commercial banks;  
(iv) Workers’ Compensation Fund Control Board;
(v) NAPSA;   
(vi) ZAMTEL; and
(vii) Communications Authority.

820 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Vice-President when the books of account at the office of the District Commissioner in Chilubi District, which have not been audited since 2003, will be audited.

821 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Mines and Minerals Development how many employees who were retired from the following companies have not been paid their Mukuba Pension Scheme contributions from 2003 to 2006:

(i) Konkola Copper Mines Plc;
(ii) Mopani Copper Mines Plc;
(iii) Luanshya Copper Mines Plc;
(iv) Chibuluma Copper Mines Plc; and
(v) Copperbelt Energy Company Plc.

822 Mr Ntundu (Gwembe) - to ask the Minister of Works and Supply:

(a) how much profit was realised by the Government Printing Department from printing private jobs from 2002 to-date;

(b) when the Government will purchase modern printing equipment;

(c) which companies are contracted to service the equipment at the Government Printing Department; and

(d) how much is spent on servicing the equipment at (c) above.

823 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Education:

(a) when the construction of Kalundu Basic School in Chipili will be completed;

(b) which contractor was engaged in the construction of Kalundu Basic School in Chipili; and

(c) what is the estimated total cost of the project of constructing Kalundu Basic School in Chipili.

824 Mr Ntundu (Gwembe) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture and Co-operatives:

(a) how much money the Government has spent on subsidising the Fertiliser Support Programme from its inception to-date;

(b) how much has been paid to the Nitrogen Chemicals of Zambia (Z) Limited to purchase fertiliser for the above programme;

(c) how much has been spent on imported fertiliser; and

(d) how much has so far been paid to the transporters and other agents handling imported fertiliser and from the Nitrogen Chemicals (Z) Limited.

825 Mr D Mwila (Chipili) - to ask the Minister of Health:

(a) how many nurses were employed in Mwense District as of April, 2007; and

(b) what is the current establishment of nurses in Mwense District.

826 Mr Ntundu (Gwembe) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:

(a) whether the Government has any plans to replace the current passports with new ones and, if so, when;

(b) whether there are any intentions to revise the amount of the passport fee of K72,000 upwards; and

(c) how long does it take to process and issue a passport from the date of application.

827 Mr Matongo (Pemba) - to ask the Vice-President:

(a) why only two foreign Heads of State witnessed the inauguration of His Excellency the President, Mr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC, after the 2006 Tripartite Elections;

(b) which of the eight neighbouring countries of Zambia sent congratulatory messages on the re-election of President Mwanawasa; and

(c) which of the losing presidential candidates in Zambia attended the inauguration of the President or sent congratulatory messages.


1 Non-Governmental Organisations Bill    (N.A.B. 22/2007)
         Second Reading

2 Trades Licensing (Amendment) Bill    (N.A.B. 18/2007)
        Third Reading

3 Matrimonial Causes Bill     (N.A.B. 21/2007)
         Third Reading