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Debates- Tuesday 5th February, 2002
Tuesday, 5th February, 2002
The House met at 1415 hours
The Clerk (Mr. N. M. Chibesakunda): Hon. Members, as you are, now, fully aware, the Attorney-General discontinued the High Court petition seeking the interpretation of the Constitution with regard to the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker by way of secret ballot in order for the House to make progress on important business before it.
In view of this, let me inform the House that hon. Members must consider the scope of the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker in the spirit of Standing Order No. 25 of 1998 as an urgent motion that must take precedence over any other orders of the day.
Since enough has already been said and written on the election of the Speaker since 25th January, 2002, I will, now, proceed as Presiding Officer with the election of the Speaker and Deputy Speaker.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Clerk: Nominations made on 25th January, 2002, are still valid.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Clerk: The following are the nominees for the election of Speaker: Mr F. S. Hapunda; and Hon. A. K. Mwanamwambwa, while the following are nominees for the post of Deputy Speaker: Mr M. D. Lungu, MP; and Mr S. G. Mwila, MP.
Before we go ahead with the elections, the bells will ring for three minutes to enable any hon. Members who are outside the Chamber to return to their seats.
Question put and the House divided.
Those for Mr A. K. Mwanamwambwa (Speaker) and Mr S. G. Mwila (Deputy Speaker) - 80
Mr Appel, Eugene Basil
Mr Banda, Ackimson
Mr Bwalya, Tresphor Mwamba
Mr Chama, Alex Mwelela
Mr Chambeshi, Abel Musonda
Mr Chewe, Stephen Mukuka
Mr Chibamba, Norman Kapungwe Mwansa
Mr Chilufya, Justine Salisbury
Mr Chilufya, Severine
Mrs Chipampe, Rosemary
Mr Chipampe, Sakalani Bishop
Mr Chipili, Webster
Mr Chisala, Fidelis
Mr Chisupa, Chola Juliane
Mr Chitala, Mbita Chitudya
Dr Chituwo, Brian
Mr Chola, Gunstone Chilufya
Mr Chulumanda, George Chanda
Mr Chulumanda, Roy Katongo
Mr Chungu, Afrika Joseph Delex Mpangatali
Mr Chungu, Kaselekela Emmanuel
Mr Filamba, Peter Harry
Dr Kabanje, Sipula
Lieutenant-Colonel Kafumukache, Patrick
Mr Kalifungwa, Patrick Kalasa
Dr Kalumba, Katele
Mr Kalunga, Ackson Oliver Chungu
Mr Kamwendo, Webby David
Mr Kasonde, Emmanuel Gabriel
Mr Kasongo, Joseph Chambula
Mr Katema, Paul Chilufya
Mr Kavindele, Enock Percy
Mr Kazala-Laski, Richard
Mr Kombe, Danny
Mr Kunda, George
Mr Lembalemba, Kaunda Rasford
Mr Mabenga, Michael Mulemi
Dr Machungwa, Peter David
Mr Manjata, Stephne Mashata
Mr Mapushi, Lackson Mukuwa
Mr Mazimba, Harrigan Wind Nehru
Mr Mfula, Jason
Mr Mpombo, George Wellow
Mr Mukuka, Sebio Kafula
Mr Mulanda, Mathew Sampa
Mr Mulela, Davison
Mr Mulenga, Andrew
Mr Mulilo, Goodson Bruwer
Mr Muliokela, Wamundila
Mr Mumba, Levison Achitenji
Mr Mungo, Songobele Chilyangi
Mr Musanya, Alex Mukuka
Mr Mushala, Bert Musanda
Mr Musonda, Patrick Bulasho
Mr Mutati, Chipota Felix
Mr Mwaanga, Vernon Johnson
Mr Mwaba, Mateyo Blackson
Mr Mwaimba, John
Mr Mwape, Augustine Festus Lupando
Mr Mwila, Simon Gabriel
Mrs Nalumango, Mutale Witner Kapembwa
Mr Namakando, Simasiku
Miss Namugala, Catherine
Mr Namuyamba, Bates
Mr Ngoma, Patrick Anselm
Mr Nsanda, Willie
Mrs Nsingo, Marian Malokola
Reverend Nyirongo, Gladys Zitha
Mr Sakeni, Kennedy Mumba
Mr Sambwa Nason
Mr Sampa, Chitalu Malama
Mr Sampa, Chiti Musonda
Mr Sichilima, Gaston Fred Kazana
Mr Sikatana, Mundia
Mr Silavwe, Clever Chola Maka Mache
Mr Silwamba, Eric Suwilanji
Mr Simbao, Kapembwe Ngosa
Mr Sinkala, Harry Kachinga
Mr Sokontwe, Dalton Mumba
Dr Sondashi, Ludwig Sunday {mospagebreak}
Mr M. S. Mulanda
Mr E. M. Hachipuka
Those for Mr F. S. Hapunda (Speaker) and Mr D. M. Lungu (Deputy Speaker) - 77
Mr Badat, Yusuf Musa
Mr Banda, Charles Romel
Mr Banda, Ronald John Ntenga
Miss Banda, Rosemary
Mr Banda, Yotam Hunga
Mr Chibanga, John
Mr Chikoti Lucas
Mr Chitanga, Sakachama
Mr Gray, Roy
Mr Haakaloba, Andrew
Mr Hachipuka, Emmanuel Maposa
Mr Imenda, Batuke
Miss Jere, Besnat Helen
Mr Kabaghe, Chance Lannes
Mr Kakoma, Charles Wahuma
Miss Kakoma, Queen Vliexs
Mr Kalumiana, Simasiku
Mr Kangwa, Patrick Hunter
Mr Kapita, Richard Masaiti
Mr Kasoko, Edward
Mr Katoka, James
Mr Kayaba, Damian
Mr Liato, Austin Chisangu
Mr Lubinda, Given
Mr Lungu, Danwood Mkhondo
Colonel Makumba, best Kapanga
Mrs Masebo, Sylvia Tembo
Mr Masowe, Jethrow
Mr Matongo, David
Mr Moonde, Japhet Chibulo
Captain Moono, Cosmas
Mr Mooya, Vitalis Moonga
Mr Mtonga, Henry Jacob Coole
Mr Mudenda, Emmerson Malabali
Mr Mukwakwa, Maxwell
Mr Muleya, Jesse
Mr Muntanga, Request
Mrs Musokotwane, Regina Muzya
Mr Musonda, Emmanuel Mpakata
Mr Muyanda, Raphael
Mr Mwale, Mathew Whyson
Mr Mwanza, Zawe Ezeckiel
Mr Mwiimbu, Jacob Jack
Mr Nakalonga, Amos Ng’anga Munalanga
Mr Nang’omba, Griffths Kabisa
Miss Nawa, Patricia Ngula
Miss Nawakwi, Edith Zewelani
Mr Ng’uni, John Chile
Mr Ngoma, Lelvy Joseph
Mrs Nkumbula-Liebental, Ompie
Mr Ntundu, Brian Macloudine Muleya
Mr Nyirenda, Timothy Kafa
Mr Nzowa, Nedson
Mr Patel, Dipak Kumar Atamaram
Mr Phiri, Image Mzidya
Mr Phiri, Lucas Limbikani
Mr Phiri, Phillip George
Mr Pumulo, Mubiana Humphrey
Mr Pwele, Cameron
Mr Samukonga, Geofrey Musombo
Mr Shakafuwa, Jonas
Mr Shemena, Logan
Mr Shepande, Kennedy Mpolobe
Mr Shumina, Crispin Mwitila
Mr Siakalima, Douglas
Miss Sialumba, Grace Judith
Mr Sibetta, Crispin Uyi
Mr Sichinga, Robert Kenneth Kaponda
Mr Sikota, Sakwiba
Mr Simenda, Francis Zaza
Mr Situmbeko, Walusiku Albert
Mr Tetamashimba, Benny
Mrs Walumulume, Bataba Milupi
Mrs Wina, Inonge Mutukwa
Princess Wina, Nakatindi
Major-General Zulu, Dickson
Mr Zulu, Phillip Mg’awa {mospagebreak}
Mr P. K. Kalifungwa
Mr G. M. Samukonga
The Clerk: Hon. Members, these are the results of the elections that have been conducted for the posts of Speaker
and Deputy Speaker. I will start with the post of Speaker. Mr F. S. Hapunda polled seventy-seven votes, while Hon. A. K. Mwanamwambwa polled eighty votes
Hon Government members: Hear, hear!
The Clerk: For the post of Deputy Speaker, Mr D. M. Lungu, MP, polled seventy-seven votes, while Mr S. G. Mwila, MP, polled eighty votes.
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Clerk: I now declare Hon. A. K. Mwanamwambwa and Hon. S. G. Mwila duly elected Speaker and Deputy Speaker of the House.
Mr Mwanamwambwa was accordingly elected Speaker and Mr S. G. Mwila Deputy Speaker of the House respectively.
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Clerk: In accordance with our democracy, if there is any one who is aggrieved, they are free to petition the results in the High Court for redress.
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Clerk: I now ask His Honour the Vice-President (Mr Kavindele) and the hon. Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services (Mr Mwaanga), who are the proposer and seconder, to go and bring the Speaker-elect to the House.
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
The House then unanimously called the Speaker to the Chair with general acclamation.
Mr Speaker was conducted to the Chair by Mr Kavindele and Mr Mwaanga.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker (standing on the upper step): Your Honour the Vice-President of the Republic of Zambia and Leader of Government business in the House, and hon. Member of the House, I stand here to submit myself to the will of the House.
Hon Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Speaker: I would, first and foremost, like to congratulate His Excellency the President, His Honour the Vice-President, and all of you, hon. Members, on the
successful elections conducted and on your election to this House.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: I, now, take this great opportunity to convey my respectful acknowledgements and grateful thanks to all hon. Members for the great honour that they have conferred on me by placing me in the Chair.
I also wish to express my deep gratitude to the proposer and the seconder of the motion which has resulted in my election as the Speaker of this august House. I feel very humbled that you have elected me to this very important position. I will, in turn, do my very best to serve the interests of the House and of the nation at large.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: I know that the task ahead of me is difficult and I will require your co-operation as Ministers and back-benchers from the ruling and the Opposition side. I will, on my part, do my best to serve you as a House and not because you hold a particular position. To the Chair of Speaker, all hon. Members are the same and will, therefore, be treated with impartiality.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: I shall, without fear or favour, discharge my duty to maintain the privileges, immunities and freedoms of the House at all times. I shall equally resist interference from any quarter upon the immunities, rights, freedoms and privileges of Parliament.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Once again, let me thank you all for the confidence and trust you have conferred on me by electing me Speaker of the House.
I thank you, all.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: Mr Speaker-elect, on behalf of this House, I would like to congratulate you on having been elected Speaker of this House.
Sir, I am, personally, grateful and I am sure that all hon. Members of Parliament are equally grateful that you have been elected to that Chair.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: We all have no doubt that you are the most suitable person for that seat.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: The seat that is not only of great prestige and dignity, but is also a hot one. I can assure you, Sir, that there has not been any rigging.
Hon. Opposition Members: But vote buying.
The Vice-President: Of course ...
The Vice-President: ... we have gotten used to the accusations. You asked for an open voting and we gave it to you.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: Our friends from the European Union have happily witnessed this occasion.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: MMD does not rig.
Hon. Opposition Members: But vote buying!
The Vice-President: I am convinced that in you, the National Assembly will have a custodian of the dignity and authority of the House who will regulate debates and enforce strict observance of the rules which govern orderly conduct in the House.
Sir, the Office of Speaker is an essential feature of a democratic Parliament. It is an important, ancient and honourable office deserving great respect. As head of the Legislature, you are the custodian of the rights and privileges of Members of Parliament. Your allegiance is to the cause of Parliament’s liberty. You are neither a servant of the Executive nor the Judiciary. Your first loyalty is to this House.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear! {mospagebreak}
The Vice-President: Mr Speaker, allow me to digress a little. A written record of the Office of the Speaker in the House of Commons in the United Kingdom indicates that the original status and function of the Speaker was to speak before the king, ‘To convey the commons’ desires and conclusions to the king and, similarly, to communicate the will of the king to the commons.’ However, with the evolution of Parliament, speakership also evolved.
In 1625, under King Charles, Speaker Richardson was told by the Members that Mr Speaker is, but a servant to the House, not a master, nor a master’s mate as was told to sit still. The commons no longer accepted that the Speaker was a servant of both the House and the king, but to be a servant of the House.
This development, Mr Speaker-elect, set a precedent in which the Speaker is the sole custodian of the rights of Members and the guardian of the dignity and privileges of this House.
Sir, as a custodian of the dignity and privileges of the House, the functions of your office are the same as those of a leader of any organisation; that is to uphold and preserve the integrity of the organisation and to uphold its rules and objectives against all corners. I am confident that the role of the House as a national legislature, with the powers to preserve the rights of individuals, will be upheld by you as its Speaker.
This role will be difficult to maintain. Apart from the administrative roles, the control of this Chamber, especially with the numbers the way they are, may prove to be a difficult task. The good intentions of the House may come under unjustified attacks from pressures brought to bear by various pressure groups outside this House.
Mr Speaker-elect, this House should not, at any time in its history, be allowed to succumb to unjustified pressures. I am sure that our capacity and the depth of your knowledge will show forth in the performance of your role as our Speaker. Above all, your experience and good judgement will add to the efficiency of the Chamber and to the general atmosphere that must be generated in it.
With the disciplinary powers conferred upon you by the Constitution of Zambia, the National Assembly Powers and Privileges Act and the National Assembly Standing Orders, I am positive that you will treat all hon. Members, elected and nominated, from both the Opposition and ruling party, equally and that you will ensure that all hon. Members will enjoy the same rights, privileges and immunities and have the same opportunities.
I have no doubt that your duty to Parliament will take precedence over party loyalty. I wish to assure the hon. Member of Parliament for Munali (Miss Nawakwi) that ...
Miss Nawakwi: Iwe!
The Vice-President: ... the party in majority, the minority parties or the very small parties will depend on you to maintain a position of absolute impartiality.
Your impartiality, Mr Speaker-elect, will be shown chiefly in your concern for the minorities and, especially how you will handle the hon. Member for Luena (Mr Sibetta).
Hon. Members : Hear, hear!
The Vice-President: Sir, because of your background, all hon. Members look up to you with confidence for guidance and protection. Let me assure all the hon. Members of this House that you are an impartial person and will, therefore, protect them from intimidation and also ensure that their opinion, no matter how remote, is heard like any other opinion of the House.
In conclusion, Sir, I wish to state that I have no doubt that guided by the powers that are vested in you by the Constitution of Zambia, you will, without fear or favour, make rulings on all important national issues that will be raised in this House.
May I also congratulate Mr Simon G. Mwila, nominated Member of Parliament, on being elected Deputy Speaker of this House. What I have stated about the Office of the Speaker equally applies to the Office of the Deputy Speaker.
I wish you, on behalf of the President of the Republic of Zambia and all hon. Members here and, indeed, on my own behalf, Mr Speaker-elect and your Deputy, good luck in your challenging positions.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Miss Nawakwi: We want water.
Mr Speaker: I thank you very much for your remarks. I, now, suspend business until 1730 hours. I wish to inform the House that the presentation of the Speaker-elect to His Excellency the President for approbation and subscribing to and taking Oath of Allegiance at State House will take place at 1630 hours.
The following hon. Members shall form the entourage: His Honour the Vice-President and Leader of the House; the hon. Deputy Speaker; hon. Cabinet Ministers; Deputy Ministers; the proposer and the seconder of the motion on the election of Speaker; the Clerks-at-the-Table; and the Sergeant-at-Arms are invited to follow me when I go to present myself to His Excellency the President at State House. The rest of the hon. Members are requested to remain seated.
Thank you.
Hon. Members: Where is the Champagne?
Business was suspended from 1550 hours until 1730 hours.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, I have to report to the House that I have presented myself to His Excellency the President and asked him to make himself accessible to all hon. Members of the House and His Excellency the President has acceded to my representation.
We are all, now, going to take and subscribe the Oath of Allegiance of Affirmation as Members of this House. As the hon. Deputy Speaker and myself have already taken ours, I will, now, call upon hon. Members to come forward and take their Oath one at a time.
Hon. Members shall, now, proceed to take the Oath of Allegiance of being Members of this House. We will start with the Vice-President. Thereafter, we will follow the list of hon. Members which has been prepared.
The following Members took and subscribed to the Oath or made and subscribed the Affirmation of Allegiance:
Enock Percy Kavindele
Emmanuel Gabriel Kasonde
Eugene Basil Appel
Yusuf Musa Badat
Ackimson Banda
Charles Romel Banda
Ronald John Ntenga Banda
Rosemary Chiphazi Banda
Yotam Hunga Banda
Tresphor Mwamba Bwalya
Alex Mwelela Chama
Abel Musonda Chambeshi
Stephen Mukuka Chewe
Norman Kapungwe Mwansa Chibamba
John Chibanga
Lucas Chikoti
Salisbury Justine Chilufya
Severine Chilufya
Rosemary Chipampe
Bishop Sakalani Chipampe
Webster Chipili
Fidelis Chisala
Chola Juliane Chisupa
Kakoma Sakachana Chitanga
Brian Chituwo
Gunstone Chilufya Chola
George Chanda Chulumanda
Roy Katongo Chulumanda
Afrika Joseph Delex Mpangatali Chungu
Emmanuel Kaselekela Chungu
Peter Harry Filamba
Roy Gray
Emmanuel Maposa Hachipuka
Andrew Haakaloba
Batuke Imenda
Besnat Helen Jere
Chance Lannes Kabaghe
Sipula Dr Kabanje
Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Kafumukache
Charles Wahuma Kakoma
Queen Vliexs Kakoma
Patrick Kalasa Kalifungwa
Simasiku Kalumiana
Ackson Oliver Chungu Kalunga
David Webby Kamwendo
Judith Kapijimpanga Kangoma
Patrick Hunter Kangwa
Richard Masaiti Kapita
Edward Kasoko
Joseph Chambula Kasongo
Paul Chilufya Katema
James Katoka
Damian Kayaba
Richard Kazala-Laski
Danny Kombe
George Kunda
Rasford Kaunda Lembelemba
Austin Chisangu Liato
Given Lubinda
Danwood Mkhondo Lungu
Micheal Mulemi Mabenga
Peter David Machungwa
Best Kapanga Makumba
Stephen Mashata Manjata
Lackson Mukuwa Mapushi
Sylvia Tembo Masebo
Jethro Masowe
Matongo David
Harrigan Mazimba
Jason Mfula
Japhet Chibulo Moonde
Captain Cosmas Moono
Vitalis Moonga Mooya
George Wellow Mpombo
Henry Jacob Coole Mtonga
Pumulo Humphrey Mubiana
Emmerson Malabali Mudenda
Sebio Kafula Mukuka
Maxwell Mukwakwa
Mathew Sampa Mulanda
Davison Mulela
Andrew Mulenga
Jesse Muleya
Goodson Bruwer Mulilo
Wamundila Muliokela
Levison Achitenji Mumba
Songobele Chilyangi Mungo
Request Muntanga
Alex Mukuka Musanya
Bert Musanda Mushala
Regina Muzya Musokotwane
Emmanuel Mpakata Mulenga Musonda
Patrick Bulasho Musonda
Chipota Felix Mutati
Raphael Muyanda
Vernon Johnstone Mwaanga
Mateyo Blackson Mwaba
John Mwaimba
Mathew Whyson Mwale
Zawe Ezeckiel Mwanza
Augustine Festus Lupando Mwape
Jacob Jack Mwiimbu
Amos Ng’anga Munalanga Nakalonga
Mutale Witner Kapembwa Nalumango
Simasiku Namakando
Catherine Namugala
Bates Namuyamba
Griffths Kabisa Nang’omba
Patricia Ngula Nawa
Edith Zewelani Nawakwi
John Chile Ng’uni
Levy Joseph Ngoma
Patrick Anselm Ngoma
Liebental Ompie Nkumbula
Willie Nsanda
Marina Malokola Nsingo
Brian Macloudine Muleya Ntundu
Timothy Kafa Nyirenda
Gladys Zitha Nyirongo
Nedson Nzowa
Imange Mzidya Phiri
Lucas Limbikani Phiri
Philip George Phiri
Humphrey Mubian Pumulo
Cameron Pwele
Kennedy Mumba Sakeni
Nason Sambwa
Chitalu Malama Sampa
Chiti Musonda Sampa
Geofrey Musombo Samukonga
Jonas Shakafuswa
Logan Shemena
Kennedy Mpolobe Shepande
Crispin Mwitila Shumina
Douglas Siakalima
Grace Judith Sialumba
Crispin Uyi Sibetta
Fred Gaston Kazana Sichilima
Robert Kenneth Kaponda Sichinga
Mundia Sikatana
Sakwiba Sikota
Clever Chola Maka Mache Silavwe
Eric Suwilanji Silwamba
Kapambwa Ngosa Simbao
Francis Zaza Simenda
Harry Kachinga Sinkala
Albert Wakusiku Situmbeko
Dalton Mumba Sokontwe
Dr Ludwig Sunday Sondashi
Benny Tetamashimba
Bataba Milupi Wamulume
Inonge Mutukwa Wina
Princess Nakatindi Wina
Major-General Dickson Zulu
Philip Mg’awa Zulu {mospagebreak}
Mr Speaker: I wish to inform the House that the National Assembly, in conjunction with the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, will be holding an advanced Post-Election Seminar for Members of Parliament from Sunday, 10th to Tuesday, 12th February, 2002, here in the Assembly Chamber.
Resource persons for the Seminar will include prominent and experienced Parliamentarians drawn from different Commonwealth Parliaments and will be led by the Secretary-General of the CPA, Hon. Dennis Marshall.
It is important that all hon. Members attend this seminar which will acquaint you with proper procedures and practices before you embark on your new responsibilities. The seminar programme will be distributed to all of you immediately it is finalised.
I, now, call on His Honour the Vice-President to inform the House the date and time when the President will declare the causes of his calling the National Assembly together.
The Vice-President (Mr Kavindele): Mr Speaker, I wish to inform the House that when the House resumes sitting on Friday, 15th February 2002 at 0930 hours, the President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC, will address the House and declare the causes of his calling Parliament together.
Mr Speaker, at this stage, I beg to move that the House do adjourn until Friday, 15th February 2002.
Mr Speaker, after the orientation...
Mr Speaker: Order! Will you resume your seat.
The Vice-President (Mr Kavindele): Mr Speaker, I have to inform the House that at its rising today, the House do adjourn until Friday, 15th February, 2002.
Mr Speaker, I have to inform the House that when the House resumes sitting on Friday, 15th February, 2002, at 0930 hours, the President of the Republic of Zambia, His Excellency Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC, will address the House and declare the causes of his calling Parliament together. At this stage, I beg to move that the House do adjourn until Friday, 15th February, 2002.
Mr Speaker, after the orientation seminar for the hon. Members that was held here at Parliament Buildings from 21st to 22nd January, 2002, and the swearing in ceremony of hon. Members, I think it is only proper that hon. Members do take a short break and go back to their homes to enable them read through the various documents that have been given to them concerning their parliamentary work.
Sir, for hon. Members to discharge their duties effectively, they have to practise the provisions in the Standing Orders of the House, the Members Handbook and the Republican Constitution.
In this regard, I urge them to take advantage of this break to go and read and understand what is contained in the documents I have already mentioned. Sir, when we meet on Friday, 15th February, 2002, for the State Opening of the First Session of the Ninth National Assembly, we shall be armed with the basic information on how to discharge our duties fully as Parliamentarians.
With these few remarks, I beg to move.
Mr Sibetta (Luena): Mr Speaker, I thank you for according me this opportunity to debate this motion. I am very sorry that His Honour the Vice-President is moving this motion today. This is very unprecedented in the history of this House that we have been coming and going and there has been no serious work for hon. Members. To make matters worse, we have been subjected to unnecessary court actions on the part of this Government.
Mr Speaker: Order! May the hon. Member for Luena, please, address the motion.
May he continue, please.
Mr Sibetta: Mr Speaker, I was touching on the Standing Orders issue which His Honour the Vice-President has raised. It seems Standing Orders are being violated. Even the calling of this meeting today was outside the Standing Orders. We were told to come here at 1400 hours against the Standing Orders, and we were told to be seated by 1415 hours. That is a complete violation of the Standing Orders.
Mr Speaker: Order! The hon. Member for Luena should set the standards for the seventy per cent of the new Members of the House assembled here today. There can be nothing unlawful that this House can do if it so decides and, indeed, it decided to meet. What the hon. Member is referring to is history.
May the hon. Member for Luena, if he has any further substance on this matter, please, proceed. If not, His Honour the Vice-President might wind up the motion.
Mr Sibetta: Mr Speaker, expenditure on fuel had been very high to us who were fighting this Government.
Mr Sibetta: You were using Government resources and we were using our own resources. Therefore, there is need for us to be properly re-embursed by your Government.
Mr Speaker: Order!
The Vice-President: Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The Vice-President: Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned at 2011 hours until 0930 hours on Friday, 15th February, 2002