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Thursday, 28th June, 2012
375 Mrs Mazoka (Pemba) - to ask the Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education when the construction of the Ndondi High School and staff houses in Pemba Parliamentary Constituency will be completed.
376 Mr Bwalya (Lupososhi) - to ask the Minister of Community Development, Mother and Child Health:
(a) what the eligibility criteria used for identifying beneficiaries of the Food Security Pack Programme are; and
(b) what the type and quantity of inputs each beneficiary received in Lupososhi Parliamentary Constituency in 2010 was.
377 Mr Katuka (Mwinilunga) - to ask the Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication when the Government will repair the bridge on the Kabompo River which connects Solwezi West and Mwinilunga Parliamentary Constituencies.
378 Mr M B Mwale (Malambo) - to ask the Vice President:
(a) whether any jobs were lost in the public service as a result of restructuring Government Ministries between September, 2011 and February, 2012;
(b) if so, how many jobs were lost; and
(c) how much money has been saved as a result of the restructuring at (a) above.
379 Mr Mutale (Kwacha) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Housing when sewer lines will be constructed in Riverside and Kwacha residential areas of Kwacha Parliamentary Constituency, where residents have relied on pit latrines.
380 Mr Ndalamei (Sikongo) - to ask the Minister of Health what measures the Government has taken to ensure that there is a consistent availability of HIV/AIDS and other medical drugs in the rural areas.
381 Mr Chishimba (Kamfinsa) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs when the Government will construct staff houses at the following institutions:
(a) Kamfinsa Police Mobile Training School; and
(b) Kamfinsa Prison.
382 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education:
(a) how many students were enrolled at the following institutions as of December, 2011:
(i) the University of Zambia;
(ii) the Copperbelt University; and
(iii) the Mulungushi University; and
(b) what the Library capacity in relation to the student population at each institution was.
383 Mr Muntanga (Kalomo Central) - to ask the Minister of Mines, Energy and Water Development:
(a) when a dam, at the confluence of Kalomo and Mweemba rivers, will be constructed; and
(b) how many dams and boreholes are earmarked for construction and sinking respectively in Kalomo Parliamentary Constituency in 2012.
384 Dr Kazonga (Vubwi) - to ask the Minister of Lands, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection:
(a) how many transactions in relation to the following activities were undertaken in 2010 and 2011, year by year:
(i) assignment of property;
(ii) issuance of certificates of title;
(iii) processing of expired leases; and
(iv) notices of re-entry; and
(b) what measures have been taken to ensure that certificates of title are expeditiously processed.
W20 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education how many schools from lower, middle, upper, high and secondary levels benefited from the e-learning programme from the following provinces since inception:
(a) Northern;
(b) Muchinga;
(c) Luapula;
(d) Copperbelt;
(e) North-Western;
(f) Western;
(g) Lusaka; and
(h) Southern.
W21 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Health how many health facilities:
(a) were constructed in 2011, province by province; and
(b) will be constructed in 2012, province by province.
W22 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Health:
(a) how many medical personnel graduated from the University of Zambia, Chainama College of Health Sciences, Ndola and Kitwe Central Hospitals in 2010 and 2011 in the following categories:
(i) mid-wifery;
(ii) registered nursing;
(iii) enrolled nursing; and
(iv) clinical medicine;
(b) How many institutions were training medical personnel in the categories above as of 31st December, 2011, by name and by province; and
(c) how many students were enrolled at each institution as of 31st January, 2012.
W23 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Education, Science, Vocational Training and Early Education how many high, secondary, upper, middle and lower basic schools there were in the country, province by province as of December, 2011.
Mr Muntanga
Report of the Committee on Agriculture: That this House do adopt the Report of the Committee on Agriculture, for the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly, laid on the Table of the House on 21st June, 2012.
Rev Lt Gen Shikapwasha
Report of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs: That this House do adopt the Report of the Committee on National Security and Foreign Affairs, for the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly, laid on the Table of the House on 21st June, 2012.
1 The Persons with Disabilities Bill (N.A.B. 4/2012)
Report Stage
2 Report of the Public Accounts Committee on the Report of the Auditor-General for 2009 on the Accounts of Parastatal Bodies
- Motion (27th June) – Resumption of Debate - (Mrs Masebo).