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Tuesday, 11th December, 2012
290 Mr M B Mwale (Malambo) - to ask the Minister of Mines, Energy and Water Development:
(a) who owned the mining rights in the restricted area in Ndola rural prior to their being transferred to Mineral Reserve Corporation;
(b) what the size of mining rights area was at the time of the transfer;
(c) when Kagem Limited was formed;
(d) when Kagem Limited assumed mining rights over the area at (b); and
(e) what the current size of the mining rights area is.
291 Mr Chisala (Chilubi) - to ask the Minister of Home Affairs:
(a) how many people were arrested from 1st January, 2012 to-date for the following offences:
(i) being in possession of cannabis; and
(ii) cultivation of cannabis;
(b) what the quantities of the cannabis at (a) above were; and
(c) how many people were arrested by the Zambia Police Force country-wide for dealing in counterfeit notes during the same period.
W13 Mr Simbao (Senga Hill) - to ask the Minister of Finance:
(a) what the Gross National Income (GNI) of the country is;
(b) what the GNI of the country was, in the following years:
(i) 1964;
(ii) 1991; and
(iii) 2011; and
(c) what the percentage of the country’s total exports to the GNI was in the following years:
(i) 1964;
(ii) 1991; and
(iii) 2011.
W14 Mr Miyanda (Mapatizya) - to ask the Minister of Mines, Energy and Water Development:
(a) what mineral deposits are found in Mapatizya Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) how many business entities in the constituency had mining licences as of September, 2012;
(c) what minerals are mined by the licence holders at (b);
(d) how many companies had large scale prospecting licences, by name and by minerals prospected;
(e) how many people were employed, on permanent and casual basis, as a result of the mining activities at (b) and (d) above, as of September, 2012; and
(f) how many companies at (b) and (d) above were operating with the consent of Chief Simwatachela.
The Minister of Finance
Supply: That the House do now resolve into Committee of Supply to consider Supplementary Estimates No. 1 of 2012.
1 The Customs and Excise (Amendment) Bill N.A.B. 9/2012
Third Reading
2 The Income Tax (Amendment) Bill N.A.B. 10/2012
Third Reading
3 The Value Added Tax (Amendment) Bill
N.A.B. 14/2012
Third Reading
4 The Zambia Development Agency N.A.B. 15/2012
(Amendment) Bill Third Reading
5 Estimates of Revenue and Expenditure (Including Capital and Constitutional and Statutory Expenditure): Committee of Supply: Resumption of Debate.
(Head 51/01: under consideration): (Mr Mbulakulima).
Heads 51/02, 51/03, 51/04, 51/05, 51/06, 51/07, 51/08, 51/09, 51/10, 88/01, 88/02, 88/03, 88/09, 88/16, 88/17, 88/18, 88/19, 88/23, 88/24, 88/25, 88/35, 88/36, 88/40, 88/41, 88/42, 88/43, 88/44, 88/46, 88/48, 88/49, 88/51, 88/52, 88/53, 88/55, 88/56, 90/01, 90/02, 90/03, 90/08, 90/09, 90/16, 90/18, 90/19, 90/23, 90/24, 90/25, 90/40, 90/41, 90/42, 90/43, 90/44, 90/46, 90/48, 90/49, 90/51, 90/52, 90/53, 90/55, 91/01, 91/02, 91/03, 91/09, 91/16, 91/17, 91/18, 91/19, 91/23, 91/24, 91/25, 91/35, 91/36, 91/37, 91/40, 91/41, 91/42, 91/43, 91/44, 91/45, 91/46, 91/47, 91/48, 91/49, 91/51, 91/52, 91/53, 91/54, 91/55, 92/01, 92/02, 92/03, 92/08, 92/09, 92/16, 92/17, 92/18, 92/19, 92/23, 92/24, 92/25, 92/35, 92/36, 92/37, 92/40, 92/41, 92/42, 92/43, 92/44, 92/45, 92/46, 92/47, 92/48, 92/49, 92/51, 92/52, 92/53, 92/54, 93/01, 93/02, 93/03, 93/09, 93/16, 93/17, 93/18, 93/19, 93/23, 93/24, 93/25, 93/35, 93/36, 93/37, 93/40, 93/41, 93/42, 93/43, 93/44, 93/46, 93/48, 93/49, 93/51, 93/52, 93/53, 93/55, 93/56, 94/01, 94/02, 94/07, 94/09 94/16, 94/17, 94/18, 94/19, 94/23, 94/24, 94/25, 94/35, 94/36, 94/40, 94/41, 94/42, 94/43, 94/44, 94/46, 94/47, 94/48, 94/49, 94/51, 94/52, 94/53, 94/54, 94/55, 95/01, 95/02, 95/03, 95/09, 95/16, 95/17, 95/18, 95/19, 95/23, 95/24, 95/25, 95/35, 95/36, 95/40, 95/41, 95/42, 95/43, 95/44, 95/46, 95/47, 95/48, 95/49, 95/51, 95/52, 95/53, 95/55, 96/01, 96/02, 96/03, 96/09, 96/16, 96/17, 96/18, 96/19, 96/23, 96/24, 96/25, 96/35, 96/36, 96/37, 96/40, 96/41, 96/42, 96/43, 96/44, 96/46, 96/48, 96/49, 96/51, 96/52, 96/53, 96/55, 97/01, 97/02, 97/03, 97/09, 97/16, 97/17, 97/18, 97/19, 97/23, 97/24, 97/25, 97/35, 97/36, 97/40, 97/41, 97/42, 97/43, 97/44, 97/46, 97/47, 97/48, 97/49, 97/51, 97/52, 97/53, 97/54, 98/01, 98/02, 98/03, 98/08, 98/09, 98/16, 97/17, 98/18, 98/19, 98/23, 98/24, 98/25, 98/36, 98/37, 98/40, 98/41, 98/42, 98/43, 98/44, 98/45, 98/46, 98/48, 98/49, 98/51, 98/52, 98/54, 98/55, 99/01, 99/02, 99/04 and 99/05 - for consideration.
Head 51 - Ministry of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication
Head 88 - Office of the President – Muchinga Province
Head 90 - Office of the President – Lusaka Province
Head 91 - Office of the President – Copperbelt Province
Head 92 - Office of the President – Central Province
Head 93 - Office of the President – Northern Province
Head 94 - Office of the President – Western Province
Head 95 - Office of the President – Eastern Province
Head 96 - Office of the President – Luapula Province
Head 97 - Office of the President – North-Western Province
Head 98 - Office of the President – Southern Province
Head 99 - Constitutional and Statutory Expenditure