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Debates- Friday, 24th June, 2011
Friday, 24th June, 2011
The House met at 0900 hours
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, the following announcement is of both historic and historical proportions.
Hon. Members, I am delighted to remind you and the nation at large that the State now known as Zambia will clock 100 years on 17th August, 2011, following the creation of Northern Rhodesia, on that date, in 1911.
As hon. Members are aware, Northern Rhodesia was a product of the amalgamation or unification of North Eastern Rhodesia and North Western Rhodesia. It is to be noted that, according to available historical records, exploratory works by missionaries such as David Livingstone, from 1853 to 1873, the role of the Paris Evangelical Missionary Society, under Francois Coillard, about 1885, and Cecil John Rhodes’ extension of the field of operations of the British South Africa Company to cover the territory north of the Zambezi River, except Nyasaland, from 1870 to 1900, assisted in the creation of the Northern Rhodesia territory.
Moreover, the treaties or concessions entered into with key local kings such as Lewanika of the Lozi, Mpezeni of the Ngoni and Chiti-Mukulu of the Bemba, also contributed to the amalgamation of territories later known as Northern Rhodesia. However, as hon. Members are aware, plans for a unitary territory were consolidated only through the proposals made to bring together certain departments such as postal, police, and health services. In this regard, it has been shown that the unification of North Eastern Rhodesia and North Western Rhodesia was aimed at lessening administrative and other expenses.
Economically, it was envisaged that, if the two territories were merged, it would be easier to administer and harmonise the economic gains, including transportation, communications, taxation and trade. Furthermore, that politically, it would be more efficient to organise the judicial and administrative systems necessary for maintaining peace, order and security. In addition, the amalgamation of the two territories was also intended to bring about a more autonomous and supposedly representative legislative council.
However, despite the foregoing, the two territories remained distinct for purposes of administration until the Northern Rhodesia-Order-In-Council of 1911 amalgamated them as Northern Rhodesia effective 17th August, 1911.
Hon. Members, the period 17th August, 1911 to 17th August, 2011, therefore, marks a hundred years since the formation of what became known as Northern Rhodesia, now Zambia, as a State.
For purposes of clarity, hon. Members may wish to note that Zambia, as a nation, was established at Independence in 1964 with internationally recognised borders and land area inherited from Northern Rhodesia.
Significantly, the attainment of Independence of nationhood on October 24, 1964, also conferred Zambian nationality or citizenship on a people who, until then, were known only as “British Subjects.”
For Britain or the United Kingdom (UK), the colonial ruler, Zambia’s centenary means that it played a pivotal role in the founding of the sovereign State called Zambia with most of the country’s political, constitutional and administrative systems somewhat patterned on those of the UK.
Although we may not celebrate the centenary, it is important for us to remember this historical fact wherever we may be on that day.
I thank you.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Order!
The Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services (Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to issue a ministerial statement on the status of the digital migration process. First of all, let me thank you for the wonderful dissertation, this week, as an authority on digital migration to this august House.
Sir, as required by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), countries are required to migrate from analogue to digital broadcasting by 2015. However, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) has set its own timeframe to migrate earlier than the ITU deadline. The SADC schedule is for its member States to become fully digitalised by the end of 2013. This will allow SADC countries to undertake adequate test transmissions in their respective countries until the 2015 ITU deadline. This will give countries more time in the SADC region to harmonise, as a region, and ensure that the 2015 deadline by the ITU is met.
Mr Speaker, a number of hon. Members of this august House have raised a number of questions on the state of the migration process. It is, therefore, important that we clarify a number of these questions in this ministerial statement. The Government, under the leadership of His Excellency the President of Zambia, Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, attaches great importance to the digital migration process. This has been taken into account in the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP).
The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services working together with the Digital Migration National Taskforce, Zambia National Broadcasting Services (ZNBC) and China National Electronics Import and Export Corporation has arranged for digital television test transmissions to be conducted and the equipment is already in Zambia. The installation of the equipment on a trial basis in Lusaka has been completed and broadcasting of the digital signal continues in Lusaka.
Mr Speaker, the test transmission has the capacity to transmit nine channels. Currently, there are a number of channels that are being transmitted simultaneously and these are:
(i) Parliamentary television, which is carrying live transmission of all the debates in the House;
(ii) ZNBC TV;
(iii) ZNBC TV2;
(iv) one channel on High Definition (HD) currently showing movies;
(v) a fifth channel is coming on line. It will be introduced to ensure that all Government developmental programmes are shown; and
(vi) many churches and Christian organisations have been asking for time on ZNBC channels TV and TV2 to broadcast Christian teachings to the nation. In this regard, Zambia, being a Christian nation, we, as a Government, intend to have a specific channel for all Christian programmes on ZNBC.
Mr Speaker, to access these digital channels being transmitted, one needs to have a set top box. The set top box is a decoder that converts the digital signal to analogue. As most of the television sets in Zambia are analogue, the digital signal has to be converted to analogue in order for it to be received on analogue television sets. As soon as all households in Zambia have digital televisions, there will be no need for the set top boxes because the signal will go to all digital televisions.
The signal that is being transmitted on this test transmission can be seen clearer than all other forms of television signal that have been hitherto employed. A number of set top boxes have been placed in selected places that include Parliament, for hon. Members of Parliament to be able to watch and see, Government ministries and more will be placed in a number of selected public places for demonstration purposes. The trial will cover a radius of about 30 km from the transmitting stations for both Lusaka and Ndola.
Mr Speaker, this is an on-going process that will be extended to all parts of the country after successful tests have been conducted. The next town to receive the test transmissions will be Ndola. Equipment has already been taken there and installations commenced yesterday. Within a few days, Ndola and any place within 30 km from the transmission point should receive the digital signal. During the Trade Fair, the ZNBC will transmit live digital signals to all over the Copperbelt and here in Lusaka. Looking at the pace at which the installations are moving, the Government is confident that Zambia will meet both the SADC and ITU targets of 2013 and 2015 respectively.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members are now free to ask questions on points of clarification on the ministerial statement which has been given by the hon. Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services.
Mr Kapeya (Mpika Central): Mr Speaker, it is a well-known fact that certain parts of the country, especially rural areas, are not aware of this digital migration. What is the Government doing about this in order to ensure that all parts of Zambia are aware of the migration?
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, the Digital Migration National Taskforce has been working on the sensitisation of all people in Zambia and programmes are in place. These programmes will reach the rural areas with the use of available equipment, including that of the Zambia National Information Service (ZANIS).
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Ms Kapata (Mandevu): Mr Speaker, in view of the poverty that is rampant in this nation resulting into many people not affording to replace their analogue television sets, are we going to see a situation whereby the set top boxes will be made affordable for the people?
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, first of all, information helps us to get rid of poverty. Therefore, dissemination of information will inform Zambians on things such as the bumper harvests that we have been having for the past two years and that are enabling us to eradicate poverty. This Government does not want to see poverty anywhere in Zambia and this is why information is important.
As regard the set top boxes, the plan of the Government is to have these produced locally, in Zambia, in order to make them cheap and provide employment for our people. Secondly, there are plans also to see if we can set up a factory to produce cheaper digital televisions in order to ensure that this migration is completed in the shortest possible time.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kambwili (Roan): Mr Speaker, may I find out from the hon. Minister if the Government has any intentions, during the trial period, to introduce a current affairs channel where all politicians in the Government and Opposition will be given an opportunity to air their views.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, the most important current affair is the sitting of this august House that is being beamed live at the moment. Many hon. Members from both the Opposition and Government have appeared on television in the last week. As you know, when we finally conclude the entire digital migration, more than twenty channels can be effective and such current affairs will be, indeed, considered.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Misapa (Mporokoso): Mr Speaker, I would like to ask the hon. Minister why the Government did not think of buying machines that can cover a wider radius than 30 km.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, the statement clearly says that this system is on a trial basis going up to 30 km. Once we have concluded the trial basis, the entire country will undergo digital migration.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Sing’ombe (Dundumwezi): Mr Speaker, could the hon. Minister confirm whether digital migration will improve the signal in the rural areas, especially in Dundumwezi, where we are currently denied proper information.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, digital migration is the answer to receiving a perfect and crystal clear signal throughout Zambia and outside the borders of Zambia.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Sikota, SC. (Livingstone): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister how many channels are envisaged to be serviced or will be available to service the people upon successful completion of the trials.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, we are undertaking trials on nine channels. Once digital migration has taken place in the entire country, we will be able to cover as many as twenty channels.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Milupi (Luena): Mr Speaker, can the hon. Minister tell us how long the trial period is going to last and can he also assure the nation that every inch of the land will be covered once the migration is completed.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, the trial period is up to three weeks only. The tests are looking so good that the three weeks might be reduced to about two because the trials in Lusaka have revealed that there are no areas of difficulty. We believe it is going to be the same in Ndola. Once we finish the trial and fully migrate to digital, then the entire airways will be covered. So, anybody who has a television anywhere on the land near where there are transmitters will pick the signal.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chanda (Kankoyo): Mr Speaker, may I find out from the hon. Minister what the relationship will be between Multi-choice and the ZNBC once we complete the digital migration.
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha: Mr Speaker, firstly, the relationship between the ZNBC and Multi-choice is based on the fact that the latter is able to transmit its own signal which is received by those with decoders that were purchased specifically for this signal. Multi-choice, of course, has many channels and it has also gone digital. The ZNBC will go digital and those channels will be available in Zambia without the additional cost of acquiring decoders other than those for Multi-choice.
Ms Kapata (Mandevu): Mr Speaker, death is always unexpected. May I find out from His Honour the Vice-President and Minister of Justice why the Government has failed to raise the K4.6 billion needed for the funeral of the former late President, Dr Chiluba, as mentioned by the hon. Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha. This is because we are seeing hon. Ministers running …
Mr Speaker: Order! Hon. Member, you are debating.
The Vice-President and Minister of Justice (Mr Kunda, SC.): Mr Speaker, we have not failed to raise that kind of money but, as per precedent set and per tradition, we raised money from people, for example, for the funeral of the late President, Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC. Those who wish to contribute to the funeral are asked to do so. It is part of our tradition in Zambia.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mwiimbu (Monze Central): Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from His Honour the Vice-President the rationale behind the introduction of new number plates for all vehicles in the country. Furthermore, what is the rationale and prudence of awarding the contract to produce number plates to a company that has not been solicited through open tender and whose being awarded this contract will result in the closure of many companies that have been manufacturing number plates? What will be the effect on the travelling public and the members of the public who own vehicles in this country?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, the process of engaging a service provider has not yet been concluded, so I understand. Therefore, the concern you have raised is misplaced.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kambwili (Roan): Mr Speaker, it is reported that Albidon Mine has caved in and employees have not been going underground for the past one week. May we know from the Vice-President what the situation is?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, that matter is being looked into and operations will commence soon. So, safety measures are being taken.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, caving in is normal underground.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Muntanga (Kalomo Central): Mr Speaker, in the recent past, we were informed that the Government of Zambia entered into a contract with Trans-Saharan Trading (TST) and Amalgamated Banks of South Africa (ABSA) for the importation of crude oil. May I know what the position of the case where ABSA sued this Government over this contract is.
The Vice-President and Minister of Justice: Mr Speaker, I know that there was such a case between ABSA, TST and the Government and that the Attorney-General’s Office is looking into that matter.
I thank you, Sir.{mospagebreak}
Mr Milupi (Luena): Mr Speaker, last week on Friday, His Honour the Vice-President expressed regret at the unfortunate death of people shot by the police in Mazabuka. Why has he not been able to express the same regret and promise investigations into the deaths of those that were shot by the police in Mongu?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker that issue was dealt with comprehensively when I gave a ministerial statement, in this House, explaining the circumstances that led to the shootings in Mongu. In other words, we have already dealt with that issue.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Nkombo (Mazabuka Central): Mr Speaker, I want to find out from His Honour the Vice-President why, as a Government, they have decided to be selective on who to give the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) for 2011 despite the fact that councils, such as Mazabuka District Council, have given the full returns. I want to know the reason they have decided to be selective on whom to give the money to.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, implementation of the Budget depends on the revenue collected. So far, we have only managed to disburse K30 billion and it is that amount which must go round the 150 constituencies. There is no discrimination. Until we receive all the money, all the constituencies will not be covered. For now, we can only deal with a few constituencies. In the meantime, those who have submitted returns and have been prudent in the utilisation of CDF are being considered in the first batch of disbursement.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Chitika-Molobeka (Kawambwa): Mr Speaker, I would like His Honour the Vice-President to confirm that it is being naïve for anyone to think that they can replace a working government. I want him to confirm that it is wishful thinking to do that.
Mr Speaker: Order!
A lot of time has been lost through that laughter.
Mr Shakafuswa: The laughter is also part of the answer.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I can confirm …
Mr Kunda, SC.: … that some parties are fond of daydreaming. Indeed, it is wishful thinking to think that we, on this side (Government), are sleeping. We are also working and we will give you a good run for your money.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Lubinda (Kabwata): Mr Speaker, at the famous Presidential rally held at State House, in 2009, where the expulsion of the late Chibombamilimo and Hon. Jonas Shakafuswa was announced, the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, stated that, within no time, he would ensure that he pursued and brought to book those who he claimed owed several Government institutions in excess of billions of kwacha when they and others were running Zambian Airways. When answering Question 409 on 31st May, 2009, some hon. Members of Parliament made insinuations that the loss of K19 billion by the National Airports Corporation was as a result of the indebtedness of that company. Would His Honour the Vice-President indicate why, to date, more than two years later, this Government has failed to even make any knowledgeable and intelligible announcement on its findings over that very dangerous allegation?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, it is not an allegation. Investigations have been going on with regard to the money which was lost through Zambian Airways. The Development Bank of Zambia (DBZ) lost US$3.5million, the National Pensions and Authority Scheme (NAPSA), which they talk about, also lost US$2.5 million and Finance Bank about US$6 million.
Mr Speaker, all that money will have to be recovered and the police who have been investigating that case will have to tell the Zambian people of the findings. They have been giving periodic briefs on the progress made in the investigations and whoever will be found wanting will be brought to book. Therefore, this is not a laughing matter. It can even take ten years, umulandu taubola. There is no time-frame limitation in a criminal case.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mushili (Ndola Central): Mr Speaker, will His Honour the Vice-President be able to inform this House the significant developments that this Government has made in each province, particularly in Ndola District where His Honour the Vice-President has worked and spent most of his working life like the late Second Republican President?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, there is a lot of development going on throughout the country, including the Copperbelt where we are building a stadium and a Technical High school. Construction is booming in both the private and public sectors. High schools are being built all over the country and we have a bumper harvest. In essence, there is a lot that we are doing throughout the provinces. We are also investing in tourism throughout the country.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Matongo (Pemba): Mr Speaker, the only industry which is currently viable in Pemba Constituency and elsewhere in the country is agriculture. Will His Honour the Vice-President, in this difficult year, tell us whether the payments for the maize that is being shelled will be on time and that the roads in Pemba will be worked on enable the carrying of this bumper harvest so that our people benefit from their sweat? We need an assurance on that and that the money should be paid the first week of September.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, last year, we had a bumper harvest and we managed to buy all the maize to put money in the Zambian farmers’ pockets. This year, we also have a bumper harvest and it is our promise that we shall buy all the crops. This is an election year. Therefore, we want to please our people so that they can vote for the Government which is hard working and is able to put money in people’s pockets in a pragmatic manner. The same goes for the feeder roads. We are working on all these things.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Phiri (Munali): Mr Speaker, why has the Government failed to prevail over the cadres, who are still harassing innocent mourners when they reach the late Former Second President’s funeral house, to stop what they are doing? A case in point is the hon. Member for Lubansenshi, Mr Chota, who was nearly stoned to death in the presence of the Republican President.
Mr Speaker: Order!
Mr Kunda, SC. Mr Speaker, I am surprised by that. The hon. Member who is alleged to have been nearly stoned to death has no scratches whatsoever.
Mr Kunda, SC.: So, that is a fabrication. I can see him from here. He is very healthy. Such an incident has never occurred. That place is very calm and we are mourning our late Second President in dignity. Please, those who wish to go to the funeral and mourn our late Second President are free to do so.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr C. K. B. Banda, SC. (Chasefu): Mr Speaker, when His Excellency the President last addressed Parliament, he announced that the stretches of the road between Nyimba and Sinda as well as between Lundazi and Chama would be worked on. Now that many months have gone by with no progress on the ground, may His Honour the Vice-President and Minister of Justice inform the people of the Eastern Province what has become of that important pronouncement.
The Vice-President and Minister of Justice: Mr Speaker, to the best of my knowledge, the contractor should still be working on that road. However, if there is a new development, we will look into it so that we continue with the programme of developing that road.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Ngoma (Sinda): Mr Speaker, following the takeover of Finance Bank Zambia Limited by the Bank of Zambia, there was a lot of mischievous reporting that the bank was going to wind up business. What is the latest position vis-à-vis the continued operation of Finance Bank Zambia Limited?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, those rumours were being orchestrated by people who owed Finance Bank Zambia Limited a lot of money.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: The bank is very strong and sound and is conducting business on a daily basis. People have confidence in that bank. Those were mere speculations by people who did not want the bank to make follow ups on the debts which they owe it.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chisala (Chilubi): Mr Speaker, when the late Second Republican President was alive, his immunity was lifted by Parliament. Now that the great proponent of democracy is dead, is the Government planning to reinstate his privileges?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, the late Second Republican President enjoyed the benefits of former Presidents and even his estate will continue to enjoy those benefits which were not taken away from him. Therefore, that issue of immunity does not even arise. May His Soul Rest in Peace.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chanda (Kankoyo): Mr Speaker, reaching Mufulira is still a nightmare. When will money to work on the two roads, namely, Sabina/Mufulira and Ndola/Mufulira, be released?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, it is public knowledge that the Government is rehabilitating the roads on the Copperbelt, including the Sabina/Mufulira and Ndola/Mufulira he has talked about. Likewise, the mining companies have poured in a lot of money on the programme of rehabilitation of roads on the Copperbelt. The programme is there to improve those roads.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Simama (Kalulushi): Mr Speaker, since we will have a bumper harvest of maize and the Ministry of Gender and Women in Development has given out hammer mills for women empowerment, what message do you have for the people of Zambia?
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, the message for the Zambian people, especially women groups, is that the Government will continue to empower them with hammer mills and other empowerment programmes which are being designed by the Ministry of Community Development and Social Services and the Ministry of Gender and Women in Development.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC: Please, this is the Government to vote for because it has programmes for the people. It is going to empower the people so that it improves people’s livelihoods in rural areas.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Machungwa (Luapula): Mr Speaker, is His Honour the Vice-President in a position to let the nation know when work to tar the Pedicle Road will begin?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, we will start tarring the road because money has been sourced. At the moment, the Government is going through the procurement process. In terms of the economy, it is a very important road to the people of Zambia, especially those of the Luapula Province.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Ntundu (Gwembe): Mr Speaker, following the question that was raised by the hon. Member for Sinda concerning Finance Bank Zambia Limited, what is the progress on the disposal of this bank at the moment?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, the Bank of Zambia is working on that issue. It took possession of the bank and, in due course, the nation will be informed on the future plans for that very strong and sound bank.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kapeya (Mpika Central): Mr Speaker, when international organisations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) praise Zambia for doing well as regards economic growth, the Government sings halleluiah day and night. Why does the same Government refuse to accept the assessments of other international organisations such as the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) and condemn them for being the worst violators of press freedom in this country?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, unlike the IMF, MISA is a biased organisation.
Mr Kunda, SC.: It is not a credible organisation, unfortunately. It is in league with certain non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and its agenda is to tarnish the image of the Government. We know its agenda and that is why we react in the manner we do. The observations by the IMF and World Bank are objective assessments of Zambia’s good economic performance.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Msichili (Kabushi): Mr Speaker, when the Republican President gives directives, it is assumed that people will follow them. The President gave a directive that the prices of Government institutional houses be reduced. However, this has not been done to date. I would like to find out when this directive will be followed.
Mr Kunda, SC: Mr Speaker, we are working on empowering our citizens with houses which must be affordable. Each particular case is being considered on its own merit. Our citizens are applying to the President and Government to request that we give them the houses at affordable prices. Therefore, we are looking into that particular issue.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr D. Mwila (Chipili): Mr Speaker, I would like to ask a question which has been asked before. All civil servants, Permanent Secretaries and District Commissioners who have applied to contest elections on the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) ticket have not resigned from their positions. I would like to find out from His Honour the Vice-President what the Government’s position is on that issue.
Mr Kunda, SC.: As far as I know, some of those people have resigned. However, as I said before, the law will catch up with those who have not resigned because civil servants are not allowed to participate in partisan politics. That is the clear position.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr V. Mwale (Chipangali): Mr Speaker, I am wondering why there are always divisions in the Patriotic Front (PF) each time they are about to lose an election.
Mr Speaker: Order!
That is a commentary and not a question.
584. Mr Simama (Kalulushi) asked the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources:
(a) what information had been disseminated country-wide on the effects of:
(i) climate change;
(ii) adaptation; and
(iii) preparedness;
(b) whether there were any programmes aired on television and radio to sensitise people on climate change;
(c) what the names of these programmes were; and
(d) whether prominent people in society were engaged to help in sensitising the population on the effects of climate change.
The Deputy Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources (Mr Mwangala): Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to answer the first question on the order paper on this very important …
Hon. Government Members: And the last one.
Mr Mwangala: … and last day of this Parliament.
Mr Mubika: Quality!
Mr Mwangala: Mr Speaker, as regards the question, information on the following has been disseminated to the public countrywide:
Climate Change
Mr Speaker, information on basic understanding and the main causes of climate change, including impacts of climate change on vulnerable sectors such as wildlife, agriculture and water has been disseminated.
Mr Speaker, my ministry has prepared two digital versatile disc (DVD) documentaries entitled “Climate Change: the Zambian Challenge,” which consist of a short nine-minute version and a long twenty-three- minute version, both of which are being disseminated to the public.
Mr Speaker, in addition, the following publications are available, some of which have been disseminated countrywide:
(i) The National Policy on Environment;
(ii) The Economics of Climate Change in Zambia; and
(iii) National Adaptation Programme of Action (NAPA).
Mr Speaker, the Government has also disseminated information on the need for adaptation to the public. For example, in the agricultural sector, farmers are provided with information on how to diversify their farming business in order to reduce vulnerability to shocks in the form of droughts and floods.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mwangala: In the area of infrastructure information on types and quality of both bridges and housing is being disseminated so that structures are built in such a way that they are resilient to flooding. In addition, communities are also advised to plant trees which act as carbon sinks. You may recall that, last year, each hon. Member of Parliament was provided with 500 trees to plant in their respective constituencies and to use this gesture to sensitise the local people.
Mr Ntundu: Hear, hear!
Mr Mwangala: Mr Speaker, the Government has also disseminated information on the importance of preparedness and what actions to consider in times of adverse effects of weather changes. In this regard, the Government has strengthened the presentation of weather forecasts, through the media, in order to inform the public about expected weather.
The public is advised to pay attention to such presentations so that they may know what course of action to take in responding to this phemenon. For Example, in the agricultural sector, farmers are advised on what crop varieties to plant in each ecological zone based on information disseminated on weather forecasts.
Mr Speaker, as to whether there are any programmes aired on television and radio to sensitise people on climate change, I wish to inform this House that there are mainly three programmes aired on Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (ZNBC) and Muvi television stations and ZNBC, Phoenix and Christian Voice radio stations as well as on various community radio stations.
Mr Mubika: Bulela malume!
Mr Mwangala: Mr Speaker, the names of programmes aired on both television and radio are Weather Forecasts and the Environment and You. In addition, a programme entitled “Green Talk” is aired on Radio Christian Voice.
Mr Speaker, the Government has often engaged prominent people in our society to help in sensitising the population on climate change. Some of these people include the current and former republican presidents, ministers, church leaders and traditional leaders. As you are already aware, each Member of Parliament was provided with 500 trees to plant in his or her respective constituency and use this gesture to sensitise the local people.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Ntundu (Gwembe): Mr Speaker, arising from the very good answer given by one of the most decent hon. Ministers on that side of the House ...
Mr Ntundu: …who has answered very well, I would like to know whether this Government has any plans of giving us more trees to plant. Further, if that be the case, when will this be?
The Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources (Ms Namugala): Mr Speaker, as everybody in this country knows by now, the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) is coming back …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Namugala: …with more numbers in this House. Our President will come back with a bigger margin.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, yes, the trees will be given in December to the few members of the Opposition who will be in this House with our members.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Milupi (Luena): Mr Speaker, whether the MMD is coming back or not is immaterial.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Milupi: Sir, in the Western Province, specifically on the Barotse Plain and surrounding areas like Makanda and the Western side of the Zambezi River, the last three to five years have been characterised by severe flooding. May I know whether the Government thinks that this a result of climate change and if that is the case, how is it disseminating this information to people who are really losing their crops more these years?
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, although the people of the Western Province do take advantage of flooding to celebrate their traditional ceremony it has, indeed, been compounded by climate change. I want to urge the hon. Members of Parliament from the Western Province to find time and look at a booklet that was written and, in fact, translated into Lozi on adaptation to the effects of climate change.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Chanda (Kankoyo): Mr Speaker, there have been mixed submissions on the effects of sulphur dioxide in relation to climate change. Could the hon. Minister clarify whether sulphur dioxide is a contributor to climate change.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, yes, science tells us that sulphur dioxide is one of those gasses that contribute to the causes of climate change. The major one is carbon.
I thank you, Sir.
Mrs Musokotwane (Katombola): Mr Speaker, the hon. Minister said that we will get the trees in December. May I request her to give us these trees in November if it is possible, so that by the time the rains are heavy, in December, these trees would have been planted.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, we can pre-allocate to those that are coming back from the Opposition, but we insist that the trees must be planted between December and January because we want to take advantage of the rainy season.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr Hamusonde (Nangoma): Mr Speaker, what type of trees will the Government give?
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, we encourage the growing of exotic trees, but wherever possible, we do give indigenous trees as well. This depends on the area and the preference of the hon. Member of Parliament. We will decide on that when the time comes.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Dr Machungwa (Luapula): Mr Speaker, considering the terrain and also the drainage in terms of water on the Bangweulu Swamps and islands, would the hon. Minister consider making a difference and giving trees to those areas to begin growing before the rains come because there is a lot of water there.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, it is the wish of this Government that every hon. Member of Parliament takes advantage of the opportunity to plant trees, not just in the constituencies, but also behind their homes, wherever and whenever they can. Where there is water, you should grow trees throughout the year. I encourage the hon. Member of Parliament for Luapula to continue growing trees wherever there is water in his constituency.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
585. Colonel Chanda (Kanyama) asked His Honour the Vice-President and Minister of Justice what legal instruments Zambia had entered into with the following neighbouring countries to ensure that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country were protected:
(a) Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) – the boundary around the Pedicle area and in Kaputa where the DRC once hoisted its flag;
(b) Malawi – the stretch of land from Mchinji to Luangwa River which was once claimed by the late President of Malawi, Dr Kamuzu Banda;
(c) Botswana and Zimbabwe – around Kazungula area where a common bridge was under construction; and
(d) Namibia and Angola.
The Deputy Minister of Justice (Mr Chilembo): Mr Speaker, the international boundary dispute that existed between Zambia and the DRC was resolved by the signing of the Boundary Delimitation Treaty of 1989. Currently, the two countries are working on modalities of physically marking the delineated boundary with concrete beacons.
The agreed international boundary between Zambia and Malawi, as adopted from the British Colonial Administration that ruled both Northern Rhodesia (Zambia) and Nyasaland (Malawi), is the watershed line that separates the water that flows into the basin of Lake Malawi from that which flows into the catchment of the Luangwa River. The Zambia/Malawi boundary is currently being marked on the ground after which a boundary treaty will be signed.
Mr Speaker, Zambia has not signed any legal instrument with Botswana and Zimbabwe. However, Zambia inherited the treaty entered into between colonial Governments. The boundary between Zambia on one side and Botswana and Zimbabwe on the other, is the Median Filam, the centre line of the Zambezi River. This border was established by the colonial authorities and accepted by independent African States of Zambia, Botswana and Zimbabwe.
Zambia and Botswana are in the process of signing an agreement to sponsor the construction and operation of a road/rail bridge at Kazungula. This agreement contains provisions that will ensure that the sovereignty and territorial integrity of both countries are not compromised, but respected and protected.
Mr Speaker, the Zambia/Namibia boundary was inherited from the colonial times and resulted from a series of agreements between Britain, the then Northern Rhodesia, Portugal, South Africa and Germany, over a long period. Ultimately, this boundary was physically marked with concrete beacon pillars by the colonial authorities. When Namibia became independent, the two countries accepted and adopted the colonial boundary between them.
Similarly, the Zambia/Angola boundary is a product of the colonial administration that emanates from a treaty signed in Lisbon in 1954 between Britain, Northern Ireland, Rhodesia and Portugal. This border was marked on the ground with concrete beacon pillars, and these have been accepted and adopted by both Zambia and Angola.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Colonel Chanda: Mr Speaker, could the hon. Minister assure the nation that there is no legal claim to the land between Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo and on the land stretching from Mchinji to Luangwa, and that an agreement was signed. May he also tell this House which countries actually witnessed the signing.
The Vice-President and Minister of Justice (Mr Kunda, SC.): Mr Speaker, these matters are regulated by agreements. Where misunderstandings arise, we sort them out through diplomatic channels. The dispute the hon. Member is talking about is not there.
Mr Speaker, I thank you. {mospagebreak}
Mr C. K. B. Banda, SC. (Chasefu): Mr Speaker, as a result of redefining the border between Malawi and Zambia, beacons have been placed in certain areas inside Zambia while others have been placed in Malawi. For example, the tobacco farms on the way to Chama are now in Zambia, at Lusunta Border, the Immigrations building is now in Malawi because the beacon is on the Zambian side. Lastly, Paramount Chief Mbelwa’s Palace in Dingeni is very close to the border to the extent that his house will have to be divided.
Mr C. B. K. Banda, SC.: Could His Honour the Vice-President confirm when the treaty will be implemented because it will entail loss of land by either Malawi or Zambia.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, these matters are subject to negotiations so that they are resolved amicably.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, has the Government got plans to clear the no-man’s land between Zambia and Angola so that it can clearly be defined for people to know where Zambia ends and Angola starts?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, there is no dispute over the border line between Zambia and Angola. The no-man’s land is well-defined.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Lubinda (Kabwata): Mr Speaker, His Honour the Vice-President, in answering the question by Hon. Chifumu Banda, said that the issue of the Zambia/Malawi Border is a matter of negotiation. If that be the case, could he indicate to this House what led to the shift of the border between Zambia and Malawi at the Mchinji Border Post, which happened less than ten years ago? What negotiation went behind this which did not cover the other areas that the hon. Member for Chasefu talked about?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, there are experts who handle these things. Such issues are regulated by the treaty between the two countries so that any matters arising are resolved amicably with experts from both sides.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Scott (Lusaka Central): The use of global positioning satellite to redefine the watershed between the Shire and the Luangwa basins was done more than ten years ago. What explains the fact that there are still matters to be negotiated when this is history? In fact, it is more than twenty years ago, I beg your pardon, Sir.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, we are the people who run the Government. I did mention that this is an on-going process. It is an exercise which is currently being undertaken.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Sikota, SC. (Livingstone): Mr Speaker, could His Honour the Vice-President confirm that after borders were defined in accordance with the treaties, the process which is now being undertaken by the Government is to re-negotiate with neighbouring countries in order to take into account the situations that the hon. Member for Chasefu stated so that they are ironed out and the hon. Members of this House can appreciate that process.
Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I appreciate that the hon. Member has come to my rescue and has explained the issue in a clearer terms.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
586. Mr Lubinda asked the Vice-President and Minister of Justice:
(a) under what law the portrait of the Head of State and Government was displayed in public places;
(b) if no law existed, when the practice of displaying the portrait had started and what the rationale was; and
(c) whether there were any penalties for failure to display the portrait.
Mr Chilembo: Mr Speaker, there is no law requiring the portrait of the Head of State and Government to be displayed in public places. It is a practice.
The practice of displaying the portrait of the Head of State and Government in public places was inherited from the British and is encouraged as a means through which the public is made aware of who the Head of State is and who constitutes Government. This practice is particularly helpful in settings where the general public may have no access to this kind of information via television, newspapers and radio.
There can be no penalties for failure to display the portrait of the Head of State as there is no law requiring the displaying of the portrait.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Lubinda: Mr Speaker, can I find out from His Honour the Vice-President and Minister of Justice whether the rationale of displaying the portrait of the Head of State in institutions justifies those displayed by the judiciary in the courts, such as the High and Supreme courts, where people are supposed to receive fair trial. Is that the rationale for putting portrait even in our courts?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, these are government institutions and the President is the Head of State hence, the portrait must be displayed. That is the position.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr D. Mwila (Chipili): Mr Speaker, has the Government got any intentions of removing the current portrait for the President which does not look good because he looks as if he has a funeral?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, the portraits I have seen are good portraits. I do not know what the hon. Member is talking about. I have also seen portraits of some political leaders and, maybe, those are the ones he is referring to.
Mr Kunda, SC.: They cannot be displayed in public places.
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, in view of the answer given that there is no law forcing anyone to display these portraits and that it is just common practice, would His Honour the Vice-President confirm that the actions taken by some overzealous Government officials, in instances like my experience in which I was asked to take off my hat as I walked past a portrait near the staircase leading to the second floor of the Provincial Administration’s Office, are improper.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I think that sounds like a personal issue. So, I cannot comment on it.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Scott: Mr Speaker, according to the answer given to the principal question, the portrait serves to educate people in places where there is no television, radio, newspapers or no kachepa as to who the Head of State is. Surely, in a multi-party democracy, the same logic should be used to justify the displaying of portraits of leaders in the Opposition …
Hon. Government Members: Aah! Who are you?
Mr Speaker: Order! The hon. Member is debating. What is your question?
Dr Scott: Does His Honour the Vice-President not agree with me that all our portraits should be displayed in public places so that people know who they are voting for?
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, you can display your portraits in your offices, but not in Government offices. That is common practice.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
587. Mr D. Mwila asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) how much money, in the form of unpaid balances on the purchase price of houses sold to sitting tenants, had been lost by the following companies as a result of the presidential directive issued in April, 2011 to cancel the balances:
(i) Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines-Investments Holdings (ZCCM-IH);
(ii) Mukuba Pension Scheme; and
(iii) National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA); and
(b) how many housing units, for each institution above, had been affected by the directive.
The Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning (Ms C. M. Kapwepwe): Mr Speaker, I wish to inform this august House that the unpaid balance for the ZCCM-IH is K4.6 billion and that of Mukuba Pension Scheme is K5.9 billion. The unpaid balance for NAPSA is K11,490,550,000.
The housing units for each institution affected by the directive are as follows:
(i) ZCCM-IH – 3,920;
(ii) Mukuba Pension Scheme – 172; and
(iii) NAPSA – 132 houses.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Mr D. Mwila: Mr Speaker, does the Government intend to help Mukuba Pension Scheme financially since it was dependent on those houses?
Ms C. M. Kapwepwe: Mr Speaker, first of all, we are talking about houses that have been sold already. Therefore, Mukuba Pension Scheme is not dependent on those houses any more.
Secondly, we know the exact amounts involved in the whole issue. This responsible Government will ensure that this money is made available to the institutions involved because it is made up of contributions from members of the schemes offered by the same institutions. We are very much aware of that fact.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Member: Quality!
Mr D. Mwila asked the Minister of Finance and National Planning:
(a) how much money had been spent on the 2010 Census of Population and Housing in Mwense District;
(b) how many bicycles were purchased for the exercise in the district; and
(c) how does the Government intend to dispose of these bicycles after the census exercise.
The Deputy Minister of Finance and National Planning (Mr D. Phiri): Mr Speaker, I wish to inform the august House that a total of K1,371,980,914.01 was spent on the 2010 Census in Mwense District for various census activities which include; training of supervisors and enumerators, fixed 30 per cent deployment field allowance for supervisors and enumerators, final 70 per cent field allowance for supervisors and enumerators, sitting allowances for the District Census Committee, allowances for security and support staff including payment to district census management staff.
A total of two hundred and seventy bicycles were delivered to Mwense District from Central Statistical Office (CSO) Headquarters. These were delivered in two loads, the first load of one hundred and fifty bicycles was dispatched on 19th October, 2010 and the second load of one hundred and twenty bicycles was dispatched on 20th October, 2010.
Mr Speaker, a national census committee comprising all permanent secretaries in both line ministries and provinces met under the chairmanship of the Office of the Secretary to the Cabinet on 26th January, 2011 to propose how best to deal with the distribution of the residual census materials, including the bicycles. The committee developed recommendations as to how the materials should be distributed. Presently, consultations are taking place within Government circles on how to ensure that deserving ministries, provinces and other agencies share these materials equitably. It is our expectation that this process will be completed shortly.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr D. Mwila: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Minister whether the 270 bicycles given to Mwense are still there.
Mr D. Phiri: Mr Speaker, the bicycles are still there.
I thank you, Sir.
589. Mr Simama asked the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources what activities under the subject of climate change were earmarked for 2011.
Mr Mwangala: Mr Speaker, the following are the key activities that are earmarked for 2011 under the subject of climate change. They are mainly in the areas of adaptation, mitigation and awareness programmes.
Adaptation programme
Mr Speaker, the Government is implementing a programme called “Adaptation to Effects of Drought and Climate Change in Agro-Ecological Zones I and II Project” under the agricultural sector. The objective of this programme is to develop the adaptive capacity of subsistence farmers and rural communities to withstand climate change in Zambia.
Mr Speaker, this project is being implemented in eight districts namely, Shang’ombo and Senanga in the Western Province; Kazungula and Siavonga in the Southern Province; Luangwa and Chongwe in the Lusaka Province as well as Chama and Mambwe in the Eastern Province.
Mitigation Programmes
Mr Speaker, the first is the United Nations Programme to Reduce Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (UN-REDD). You may wish to note that Zambia is one of the nine piloting countries in the world and amongst the three in Africa involved in this programme. For Zambia, this programme commenced in March, 2011 as a pilot and the project will run for three years with a budget of US$4.49 million supported by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). Some of the activities planned for implementation under this programme include:
(i) development of a national strategy to reduce deforestation;
(ii) development of a national forest reference emission level;
(iii) development of a robust and transparent national forest monitoring system for the monitoring and reporting of REDD+ activities; and
(iv) development of a system for providing information on how the safeguards on local community and forest biodiversity are being addressed.
The second one is the Strategic Programme for Climate Resilience (SPCR). The objective of this programme is to mainstream climate change issues in the Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP) and other strategies in order to ensure sustainable economic development towards the attainment of the country’s Vision 2030.
The third one is the Reforestation and Afforestation Programme. My ministry has also scaled up tree planting activities by establishing exotic plantations in order to reduce pressure on our slow growing indigenous species. This activity is being supported by a total of K2.6 billion in this year’s Budget.
Mr Speaker, as regards awareness activities, the first plan is to strengthen community based forest management programme. My ministry is also strengthening community based forestry management by establishing community tree seedling nurseries. In the same vein, my ministry is also conducting awareness campaign activities aimed at sensitising members of the public regarding tree planting. It is under this programme as you may recall, that last year all hon. Members of Parliament were given 500 seedlings each to plant in their respective constituencies.
Mr Speaker, other activities are part of the National Climate Change Response Strategy (NCCRS). In order to enhance harmony in the implementation of issues on climate change, we have started developing a comprehensive NCCRS, which is meant to guide the nation in addressing both adaptation and mitigation programmes in a comprehensive and effective manner.
I thank you.
Mr D. Mwila: Mr Speaker, I would like to find out from the hon. Deputy Minister of Tourism and Natural Resources how much money has been set aside for the activities mentioned for 2011.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, the hon. Deputy Minister indicated that, in the Yellow Book, there is K2.6 billion. We have some resources from the United Nations (UN) and also some money under our mainstreaming programme. So, we have a total of US$9 million plus about K4 billion for the programmes that the hon. Deputy Minister has talked about.
I thank you, Sir.
590. Mr Simama: asked the Minister of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources whether Zambia was already experiencing the effects of climate change and environmental degradation and, if so, what these effects were and which districts were most affected.
Mr Mwangala: Mr Speaker, the House may wish to note that Zambia, like other countries in this part of the world, is already experiencing the effects of climate change and environmental degradation. The most visible effects of climate change, in Zambia, are changes in the rainfall pattern, which has resulted in frequent floods and drought lately. The effects have had profound effects on most of climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture.
Mr Speaker, although no study has yet been carried out to determine the extent to which specific districts are affected by climate change, it is important to note that districts which fall in agro-ecological Zone I (Sesheke, Kazungula, Livingstone, Sinazongwe, Gwembe, Siavonga, and Mambwe districts) and agro-ecological Zone II (Kaoma, Kalomo, Namwala, Monze, Kafue, Lusaka, Chongwe, Kabwe, Kapiri-Mposhi, Nyimba, Petauke, Katete, Chadiza, Lundazi and Chama) are among the most vulnerable.
Mr Speaker, environmental degradation is, to a large extent, a result of uncontrolled soil, water, land and air pollution, as well as irreversible …
Mr Speaker: Order!
Business was suspended from 1045 ours until 1100 hours.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
Mr Mwangala: Mr Speaker, before business was suspended, I was stating that environmental degradation is, to a large extent, a result of uncontrolled soil, water, land and air pollution. Furthermore, as well as irreversible destruction of essential vegetation cover such as forests and woodlands coupled with poor management of waste, wildlife, wetlands and open areas. Environmental degradation has negative effects on all sectors of the economy. Most seriously affected sectors in Zambia include environmental and natural resources, health, agriculture, energy, water, land, education, housing and community and social development.
Mr Speaker, the following environmental effects have been identified:
(i) localised levels of air pollution have been reported in mining and industrial towns such as Kitwe, Mufulira, Chingola, Luanshya, Ndola, Kabwe and Chilanga;
(ii) water pollution levels have been recorded in the waters of the Kafue and Zambezi Rivers and most of the tributaries of these rivers; and
(iii) management of solid waste and toxic substances has been inadequate in the cities and all major districts of Zambia.
Mr Speaker, land degradation is evident in parts of the Southern, Lusaka and Eastern provinces. Notable places include Lusitu, in Siavonga District; Chikankata, in Mazabuka District; some areas in Kazungula; Nyimba and Mambwe districts; and Kagolo area in Katete District.
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Dr Scott: Mr Speaker, I read the question as asking about whether the effects of climate change associated with environmental degradation are being felt in Zambia and, if so, where the worst affected areas are. What we have had is a general lecture on other causes of environmental degradation such as bad management and so forth. However, that is not an answer relating to climate change, by which I take it to mean the change of the earth’s climate due to global warming. Could the hon. Minister clarify.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, it is either the hon. Member deliberately decided to ignore the answer given by the hon. Deputy Minister or he went to sleep somehow as the answer was being given.
Mr Shawa: Hear, hear!
Ms Namugala: The hon. Deputy Minister answered and I quote, “The most visible effects of climate change in Zambia are changes in the rainfall pattern, which has resulted in frequent floods and drought lately. The effects have had profound effects in most climate sensitive sectors such as agriculture.”
Mr Speaker, this was in response to the question on whether Zambia is already experiencing the effects of climate change and environmental degradation, and if so, what these effects are.
The answer has been given and the hon. Deputy Minister even went to the extent of talking about the issue of air and water pollution, among others. So, I think that we have adequately answered this question.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, the answer was elaborate, however, would the hon. Minister care to explain to the House and to the nation that there is a difference between climate change and global warming and, in that respect, would she state whether as a result of global warming, there is any change in the temperatures here in Zambia.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, this president of some political party needs to read more and listen to the answers that we give to the questions that are raised. The explanation is that green house gases cause global warming which, in turn, causes climate change.
Ms Siliya: Hear, hear!
Ms Namugala: Have there are been increases in temperatures in countries like Zambia? The answer is, yes. Zambia is one of the countries, in Africa, that is being referred to as a hot bed. So, I also want to take this opportunity to urge hon. Members in this House and, indeed, members of the public to take time and read about the science, politics and economics of climate change and see what they can do ...
Ms Siliya interjected.
Ms Namugala: Thank you, hon. Minister of Education.
… so that together, as Africa, we can ensure that we prepare ourselves to adapt to the effects of climate change.
I thank you, Sir.
Ms Siliya: Hear, hear!
Mr Chanda: Mr Speaker, in the hon. Minister’s answer, she mentioned the fact that 500 trees were distributed to each hon. Member of Parliament for planting. Now, could I ask the hon. Minister to consider giving Kankoyo Constituency, in particular, different species of tree as these which were distributed are not suitable for the environment obtaining in Kankoyo.
Ms Namugala: Mr Speaker, as we all know, trees act as carbon sinks and we want to encourage hon. Members of Parliament, together with the people that they represent, to plant as many trees as they can. Each district in Zambia has forestry officers who are knowledgeable about the trees that are required to be planted in the different regions of our country. I would like to urge the hon. Member of Parliament for Kankoyo, who is very interested in issues of environment management, to visit his district forestry office so that he is advised about the appropriate trees that he can grow in his constituency.{mospagebreak}
591. Mr Kamondo (Mufumbwe) asked the Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry what the Government’s position on the pre-export verification of conformity of standards programme was.
The Deputy Minister of Commerce, Trade and Industry (Dr Puma): The Government has been concerned about the presence of unsafe and inferior quality products on the local market. This concern has been echoed by the private sector and the general public.
To address this concern, the Government encouraged the Zambia Bureau of Standards (ZABS) to develop and put in place mechanisms that would ensure goods coming into the country were safe and of acceptable quality. The Pre-Export Verification of Conformity of Standards Programme (PVoC) was one of the options approved by the Government for consideration.
The PVoC was developed as an acknowledgement that the inspection and testing facilities in the country were not adequate to cope with the volume and diversity of export products. Therefore, ZABS needed assistance from established organisations that had the facilities.
At the point of implementation, however, it was brought to the Government’s attention that there were aspects of the PVoC that were likely to result in an unacceptable rise in the cost of doing business for the private sector. There was also concern raised that, ZABS had not been exhaustive in its consultations with the private sector. On the basis of these concerns by the private sector, the Government directed ZABS to suspend the implementation of the programme until such a time that extensive consultation had been made and concluded.
The Government did this taking into account that the PVoC programme is primarily intended to protect industry and the public rather than add costs to it. Therefore, if unnecessary costs were being added to the cost of doing business, then, such a programme needed to be eliminated or redesigned to be value adding.
The PVoC programme, therefore, currently stands suspended until further notice. The way forward will only be determined once the consultative process has been exhaustive and concluded.
In addition to the PVoC programme, the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry has developed a national quality infrastructure policy which will see the country producing quality products and being able to compete on international markets favourably. Further, this policy will see to it that the quality products that are exported conform to our stipulated national standards.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Kamondo: Mr Speaker, I would like to make a suggestion …
Hon. Members: Ask the question.
Mr Kamondo: It will be in the form of a question, of course. Do you not think, hon. Minister, that it will not be wise enough for you to involve different countries that want to create employment to benefit them? Also, why do you not involve ZABS by attaching it to different countries and verifying the standards of goods on behalf of Zambia other than creating employment for other nationals?
Mr D. Mwila: Hear, hear!
Dr Puma: Mr Speaker, in our response, we have indicated that the consultative process is still ongoing and this process, which has been asked about, has been suspended pending this consultative process. The hon. Member is free to put forward any suggestions since the consultative process is still ongoing.
I thank you, Sir.
Dr Chishya (Pambashe): Mr Speaker, can the hon. Minister indicate whether ZABS, under his ministry, engages personnel with scientific and technological background in the development of standards.
Dr Puma: Mr Speaker, I wish to confirm that my ministry has engaged very highly qualified staff under ZABS and the process of capacity building is ongoing. I would like to inform the hon. Member that my ministry, with funding from the European Union (EU) of about fifteen million Euros, has improved the infrastructure of ZABS and has added to it latest equipment to ensure that standards are observed.
However, Mr Speaker, because of the technology that is continuously improving and changing all over Zambia, ZABS has to continue building capacity to ensure that it keeps in tune with the developments that are coming up.
Mr Ntundu (Gwembe): Mr Speaker, in South Africa, there is the South African Bureau of Standards, therefore, at the moment; I would like to find out from the hon. Minister the relationship that exists between SABS, as regards the goods that are approved by this bureau in this country of origin, and ZABS, as the goods come into Zambia, since he has talked about the suspension of the pre-export verification and conformity of standards.
Dr Puma: Mr Speaker, although there has been suspension of the pre-export verification and conformity of standards, ZABS still continues to sample goods that are on the market. So, if you went to the bureau, at the moment, you would find different products from all over the country being tested for meeting the standards. If it is found that a given product is not worth being on the market, alarm is raised to ensure that it is withdrawn from the market.
Mrs Masebo (Chongwe): Mr Speaker, considering that citizens are currently losing out due to a number of fake goods that are coming into the country, especially from China, I would like to know the time-frame within which these consultations will be completed because I think that the policy by the Government was timely and in the interest of the public.
Dr Puma: Mr Speaker, I cannot give a specific time-frame but, as I have said, the Zambia Bureau of Standards continues to ensure that goods that are coming into the country are of a good quality. Therefore, the testing and ensuring that the standards are good continues.
I should mention that although we seem to insinuate that Chinese products are bad, the truth is that, in China, there are very good and bad products. What is important is that people who go to China must ensure that they get good products. If they are going to get the cheapest products, you will find that even the quality will be very poor. I can assure you that there are very good products in China, and if we have good businessmen in the country who bring quality products, we shall find that the Chinese market is a very good market for our country.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, I wish to invite all of you to a farewell luncheon today, Friday, 24th June, 2011. The luncheon will be held in the National Assembly Restaurant here at Parliament Buildings at, officially, 1300 hours or sooner should we adjourn sine die earlier.
In this regard, lunch for members of staff and Government officials will be provided at the National Assembly Motel. The luncheon will be provided by courtesy of Hon. Mr Speaker, who will be the guest of honour.
I thank you.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
The Vice-President and Minister of Justice (Mr Kunda, SC.): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that Standing Orders 20 and 21 (1), if necessary, and Standing Order 101 be suspended to enable the House complete all Business on the Order Paper and all matters arising there from and that, on such completion, the House do adjourn sine die.
Mr Speaker, this Motion is non-controversial and is straight forward. Last Friday, I intimated to the House that all things being equal, it may be necessary for me to move this Motion today. It has now become necessary to do so.
Mr Speaker, the current meeting of the House, which commenced on Tuesday, 31st May, 2011, comes to an end today, Friday, 24th June, 2011. This also marks the last meeting of the Tenth National Assembly, which began in September, 2006, following the General Elections of the same year.
Mr Speaker, although this meeting has not been particularly long, the House will concur with me that it has been an extremely momentous and remarkable meeting during which a number of cardinal issues of national importance have been deliberated upon and important decisions made by resolution of the House.
Mr Speaker, as of today, Friday, 24th June, 2011, the House has been sitting for a total of sixteen days. During this period, a total of 217 Questions for Oral and Written Answer were considered by the House.
Mr Speaker, the House also dealt with twenty Motions to adopt Sessional Committee reports. In addition, four ministerial statements explaining the Government’s position on issues of national importance were made in the House.
Furthermore, seven annual reports from Government ministries and quasi-government institutions were received and laid on the Table of the House. The House also considered and passed three important Bills in support of good governance and economic development of our country.
Mr Speaker, in addition and on a sad note, the House also debated the Motion on the Death of the Second President of the Republic of Zambia, Dr. Frederick Titus Jacob Chiluba, who passed away on Saturday, 18th June, 2011. Through that Motion, the House had an opportunity to put on record its profound regret at the death of the former President together with its appreciation of his distinguished and patriotic service that he rendered to the nation in the period 1991 to 2001 when he served as President of Zambia.
May His Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Mr Speaker, the House will agree with me that the accomplishment of the amount of Business I have outlined above in the short period the House has been sitting is no mean achievement. It is, yet again, a demonstration of the seriousness with which the Business of the House is handled by hon. Members. I can confidently declare that the Third Meeting of the Fifth Session of the Tenth National Assembly has, indeed, been a resounding success in every respect. The spirit of team work and commitment to duty demonstrated by hon. Members, both in Sessional Committees and in this Assembly, has enabled the House arrive at well-thought-out decisions meant to accelerate the development of our beloved country and, indeed, improve the living standards of the people of Zambia. Let me, therefore, take this opportunity to thank all hon. Members individually and collectively for a job very well done.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: I urge all hon. Members to keep up this spirit of team work and commitment in all our endeavours both in and outside of this august House.
Mr Speaker, as I said earlier, this meeting marks the end of the Fifth Session and, indeed, the end of the Tenth National Assembly. However, even after the House adjourns, we should continue with work in our constituencies until such a time that the House will be officially dissolved. I wish to appeal to all hon. Members not to abdicate their representative duties outside this House.
Mr Speaker, as we are all aware that this is an election year, I wish to appeal to all hon. Members in this august and, indeed, to all political players out there that let us all be peaceful in our campaigns.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: We should always remember that the country, Zambia, is greater than all of us, politicians, and that the forthcoming elections are not anything new. We have always held our elections peacefully. The forthcoming elections should not be a matter of life and death for anyone, but the usual exercise we have experienced of freely electing our leaders, every five years, for the past forty-seven years. Let us preserve the good name of our forefathers established for this country and endeavour to do even better in promoting peace and tranquility for the development of our country. In this regard, Sir, I wish all hon. Members who are re-contesting the elections the best. Equally, for those who do not intend to come back, I wish them the best in their future endeavours and appeal to them to always avail themselves for consultations by upcoming young politicians.
Mr Speaker, permit me, now, to pay glowing tribute to you for the effective and efficient manner in which you, Mr Speaker, Madam Deputy Speaker and, indeed, the Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House, have handled the proceedings of the House not only during this meeting, but also throughout the Tenth National Assembly.
Sir, we are all aware that the task of presiding over the Business of the House is not an easy one. The House owes what it has achieved to your outstanding guidance, impeccable rulings, wise judgement and above all effective leadership. In this regard, allow me to recognise, in particular, your exceptional qualities of speakership and your encyclopeadic knowledge ...
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: ... in parliamentary procedures which you have discretionarily utilised to navigate and control the proceedings of the House from going astray. Sir, I wish you well as you continue to play this leading role in the affairs of our great nation, Zambia.
Sir, let me also take this opportunity to express my gratitude to the Clerk of the National Assembly ...
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: ... and her staff for their efficient services rendered to the House. I wish to encourage them to continue working hard for their country.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Kunda, SC.: In conclusion, Sir, may I also commend the officers in the Parliamentary Business Division in the Office of the Vice-President as well as officers from Government ministries and departments who have played a part in making the work of Parliament a resounding success throughout the Tenth National Assembly.
Mr Speaker, I beg to move.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: This is unusual, but I thank you, your Honour, and thanks to all of you.
Dr Scott (Lusaka Central): Mr Speaker, I thank you. I support the Motion and I take His Honour the Vice-President’s compliments and thanks as my own rather than repeat his encyclopeadic list of people that he has commended.
Sir, this Assembly has been, in some ways, an unhappy one because we lost nine hon. Members of Parliament, if my arithmetic is correct, during the five-year period. This is not as high as the losses in the Seventh Assembly between 1991 and 1996, which, if I remember correctly, was fifteen or sixteen but, in those days, there were no anti-retroviral drugs. There was a human immuno-deficiency virus/acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) epidemic and the deaths were unavoidable.
Dr Scott: I think nine losses in this day and age out of 158 hon. Members, for over five years, is too high. I would AGe, I suppose, this is an age going out into the future, future speakers and hopefuls, if we could take better care to monitor the health of hon. Members of Parliament. I know this time we have done some health checks but, I can think of, at least, two cases wHere the deaths were avoidable had better attention been given to hon. Members of Parliament.
During the same period, we lost no fewer than two Presidents. One, of course, was the sitting President, Mr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC., May His Soul Rest In Peace, and, last week, the late former Second Republican President, Dr Frederick Chiluba, May His Soul Rest In Peace.
On the legislative side, of course, His Honour the Vice-President will talk up his achievements, but the sadness from our side is, firstly, that the Freedom of Information Act, which is constantly spoken about and promised, has still not materialised on the Floor of this House in its revised form. I think this Assembly will also be famous or, perhaps, infamous for the National Constitutional Conference (NCC), which enriched a lot of hon. Members of Parliament without producing any legislation.
Mr Kapeya: Hear, hear!
Dr Scott: I do not take responsibility for its failing to pass through this House. Our position was well- known. The failure of appearance to make up the two thirds of the vote now lies squarely with the people on your right, Mr Speaker, …
Hon. PF Members: MMD!
Dr Scott: … many of whom failed to put in an appearance. If they had done it on the first vote, it would have passed.
Dr Scott: At the same time, as we leave our seats in Parliament when it is dissolved, we lose our positions on various councils. I look forward, with bated breath, to the much spoken-about report on the wrongdoings of the Lusaka City Council (LCC) on the part of the councillors. It is a pity that this Government, which takes twenty years to finalise the border with Malawi, is taking a similar length of time to finalise the question of who acquired and who did not acquire land illegally. At the same time, we have a scandal developing in Kitwe where council officers have been giving already allocated land to full blown Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) hon. Ministers and I hope that our man of justice and our ex-medic and now cadre of the MMD …
Dr Scott: … will speak on this subject and assure us that all this will be cleaned up if he comes back into his position.
We will be going through elections to renew, lose or gain our mandates and, of course, this is why we are rising. His Honour the Vice-President spoke very pleadingly about the need for peaceful elections. Could we, please, have a Code of Conduct for these elections? This is long overdue. People have made representations on the inadequacies of the existing Code of Conduct. We need something that is enforceable and ensures peace. We also need something that ensures that there is no misuse of Government facilities and abuse of Government influence.
Mr Speaker, I am more or less addressing my own members that more important for the governance of this country than the fact that we are elected to Parliament is the identity of the President who is elected to State House. Our duty when it comes to the contrast between our own membership and the control of the presidency, the presidency takes precedence. We may change this with our new Constitution that we will be bringing, possibly, even within the confines of this year but, …
Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Scott: … at the moment, this is a Presidential System of Government that we have under the existing Constitution.
Finally, Sir, may I say welcome to the people who have recently joined us from other parties and those who will shortly be joining us from other parties.
Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!
Dr Scott: To them, I say welcome, don’t kubeba.
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}
Mr Chongo (Mwense): Mr Speaker, I thank you for affording me the opportunity to contribute to the Motion to suspend the Standing Orders in question. Before I say anything, let me thank you, Mr Speaker, and congratulate you on the good manner in which you managed this House in the last five years. When I received a letter from you, to advise that you might not be available next time around, I said that we had lost a good leader and son of Zambia. I hope that a lot of us have learnt from your leadership. I believe that there are many more in this House and outside who will carry on in the manner you managed this House for the benefit of the nation.
Mr Speaker, let me take this opportunity to also thank the people of Mwense and the Zambians, at large, for the support that was given to me, particularly, as a representative of the people of Mwense and a national leader. Without their support, I would not have made the small contribution that I made. I am grateful to them.
Like other speakers before me have said, it was, indeed, a sad period for us to have lost such a number of hon. Members of Parliament in the last five years. As if that was not enough, we lost our President, Dr Levy Patrick Mwanawasa SC., which was a sad loss for the nation. Again, we have lost a former President by the name of Dr Frederick Titus Jacob Chiluba. Allow me, Sir, to say a few words about the two Presidents.
Mr Speaker, we, as a nation, are aware of how much they gave their lives to work so hard for the people of Zambia. It was very saddening that even as they contributed in their humanly possible way, a lot of Zambians said a lot of things that made them, as individuals, probably question if it was worth continuing to serve the people. I hope that they were protected by the guidance of God as they soldiered on until their fate.
Mr Speaker, listening to the eulogies about the late former President Frederick Chiluba from a cross section of the Zambian society that includes marketers, Housing Empowerment Scheme beneficiaries, the business community and trade unionists made me wonder why these people reserved all the good comments about people who contributed to this nation until they were no more. I shed tears.
Hon. Opposition Member: Bauze, mwana!
Mr Chongo: For us, as a nation, to soldier on, as a person is still living, we should point out the wrong things they may have done with love, but not in the words that were used against these people.
Mr Speaker, as Zambians, what lessons are we going to learn from this? We should learn something and I hope, as the current President serves, as a mere human being with his own weaknesses, we should realise how much effort he is putting in to ensure that the nation soldiers on in the right direction on firm ground upon which this country we are talking about should grow.
It was, indeed, a sad situation to hear about those issues. What have we learnt, as the outgoing hon. Members of Parliament? We have done a lot for our constituencies. I believe each one of us is saying that they have contributed effectively to development. Indeed, they are being despised by a number of quarters but, of course, that will be taken as encouragement to them so that they work hard. We need to encourage one another, not by being negative, but by being positive about our contributions and how best we need to contribute to the development of the nation.
Mr Speaker, the life of Dr Frederick Titus Jacob Chiluba that contributed to the attainment of two important things will not be forgotten. He contributed to the democracy upon which a good foundation of governance of any nation is based. That cannot be taken away from him. That was a good contribution although, like many others, including his family members, I feel that he fell victim to a good thing that he promulgated. He fell victim to the introduction of freedom of speech and of the press. I may not be able to itemise the good things he mooted to which he fell victim. There was only one most important contribution, that of being bold to declare Zambia as a Christian nation. This is the most important thing he did. He realised that, as a nation, we need God’s guidance and was bold enough to give this nation into the hands of God as he fell victim to a system that he championed for, which is democracy. We believe God will not disappoint him and that He will receive him warmly.
Mr Speaker, as I support this Motion, I would like to advise the hon. Members of this august House that even as we adjourn sine die, we should go out there and explain to the people of Zambia what the MMD Government has done for them.
Mr Lubinda: Wachinja!
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: Mr Speaker, like I said, I want to hear the hon. Member of Parliament who will say, “I am going out having failed the people of Zambia.” I am sure there is none. If each one of the 159 hon. Members of Parliament in this House says they have contributed to Zambia’s development, how then can we say the Government has failed? That is not possible.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: Mr Speaker, even as we go out to explain to the people in our constituencies, let us be bold enough to say, “I am giving myself, again, for this service. I, therefore, want to ask you, people, to support this Government …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: … because it has been able to deliver projects that we can boast about in our constituencies.”
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: Mr Speaker, that is what I wanted each one of us to say. In the last five years, I have not heard any hon. Member of Parliament seated in this House or even outside saying they have failed their people. They have not. If they have achieved, how have they managed to do it? We cannot do that from our personal resources. We have done that because this Government is very sensitive and knows that people need to develop. It has ably handled the management of this country and, for that, I will not be ashamed. Wherever I will be and whichever platform I will stand on, I will not be ashamed to declare that the MMD Government and I have delivered for the people of Mwense.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: Mr Speaker, I will not be ashamed to declare that the MMD Government and the hon. Members of Parliament in Luapula have not failed the people of Luapula.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: Sir, we are seeing the many developments. How many high schools have we got in the Luapula Province? How many hospitals have been built in the last five years in the Luapula Province? How many roads are we rehabilitating in the Luapula Province? In as much as we have bad roads such as the Mansa/Kashikishi Road, I am aware that the Government has released money for the patching in readiness for the resurfacing later this year.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Chongo: Mr Speaker, I will not be ashamed to stand on whatever platform and declare what the MMD Government has delivered for the people of Luapula Province. That is the commission.
Mr Speaker, sadly, I was called by the late former President’s spokesperson some three weeks ago that the late President wanted me to go and talk to him urgently. I was on my way to the Copperbelt and I said I would come back the following week. When I came back, I went to see him. He asked me how I was fairing and I explained to him the difficulties that I was going through. I told him that my thought was, maybe, to rest due to the many challenges that I had faced, especially that I felt the people were ungrateful, insulting every time and even indicating that, for the last few years, they had not seen any development in Mwense Parliamentary Constituency.
Mr Chongo: Mr Speaker, the late former President used called me, “ba shikulu”. He said, “ba shikulu, just soldier on. When you do good things, there are a lot of people who will want to bring you down.” This is what is happening to our current President. A lot of people have realised that it will not be easy to dethrone him because of the development that is taking place. They want to bring up petty and non-existent issues with the hope that they will succeed in taking over from him. That will not happen. Zambians have eyes and they are seeing. They are seeing how many roads are being constructed in Chalala and on the Copperbelt.
Mr Speaker, there was a word that the late former President told me when I had a meeting with him. I believed, because even the last meeting that I had with him, together with other hon. Members of Parliament from Luapula Province, he said something that appeared not to be a specific statement. He said, “Go out and work very hard for President Banda. He needs help for the sake of this country.” After hearing that he had passed on, I asked myself whether he just wanted us to go there so that he could say goodbye to us. Did he know what was going to happen to him? Is what he told us to go out and work hard not a commission that he left with us? I want to respect him and work hard for President Banda to retain the presidency.
Mr Speaker, with these few words, I thank you.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: Order!
I appeal to hon. debaters that follow to be brief and to the point. Please, ignore the clock. I am also sorry to say that I do not think that all of you will able to speak otherwise there will be too much repetition. Those who will speak must avoid repeating what other hon. Members have already covered. Be brief and address the Motion.
The hon. Member for Mbabala may proceed.
Mr Hachipuka (Mbabala): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me the opportunity to support the Motion moved by His Honour the Vice-President to suspend business in order to enable us go back to our constituencies, this being the last appearance in the House.
Mr Speaker, I wish to join those who have praised and appreciated your services and your staff. However, I will leave it at that to avoid repetition.
Mr Speaker, this debate is a closing chapter in my life as a parliamentarian and I, therefore, wish to thank my fellow parliamentarians for having been my colleagues.
This is my twelfth year in the House and I feel that it has been long time enough for me to go and do the things that I have cherished most.
In saying goodbye to the House, Mr Speaker, I wish to say that I have appreciated the United Party for National Development (UPND), the vehicle I used to come to this House. I thank, most sincerely, my colleague, Hon. David Matongo, who enticed me into coming into politics and assisted me in making the various applications in the party.
Above Hon. Matongo, I thank the late Anderson Mazoka, may his soul rest in peace, whom I looked up to as an elder brother. He was a few years older than I am, but I had a wonderful relationship with him.
Mr Speaker, to the UPND and its leadership, I wish you the best in your endeavours as you attempt to form the next Government. However, I want to remind the UPND of what I did when the party was being accused of being tribal. People like Hon. Muntanga will remember that I was the first person to support the late Anderson Mazoka when he said that we should change the colour of our party and allow people from other regions of the country to join the leadership of the party.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: In order to achieve this, I stepped down from my position on the National Executive Committee. In stepping down, the party was able to usher in Joe Chisanga who replaced me. I thought that having a Northerner would add colour to our party. I want to encourage my colleagues in the UPND that it is not possible to get into Government without other people from other regions.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: It will not happen.
Therefore, as we sit in this corner, we must reflect as a party. I am happy to see colleagues from the North-Western and Western provinces because this is how it should be.
This country shall not be governed by any few of the nine provinces. It will be difficult. I, therefore, urge my colleagues to open up. I will do my very best to work from the rear to continue encouraging my colleagues. If we do not open up as a party, it will be very difficult to progress.
Mr Speaker, for the twelve years that I have been here, I have felt extremely well-received by your administration. I have served not only on the most important, but also the most palatable, Committees. I have a background in accountancy and throughout, Sir, you have been kind enough to allow me to serve on Committees that have something to do with my training and background. For this, I say thank you.
Mr speaker, what I have acquired within this House, the region and internationally certainly adds to my curriculum vitae. I shall be available to the country and not for one minute should anybody from whatever party think that I can sit in the background. This is my country and I intend to play my full role, even in retirement.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: Mr Speaker, as we go for elections, it is in my interest to see that credible people come back to this House. A credible Government must be installed. I will be there, I will read and I will participate.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: It is in my interest that this country continues on the path to development.
Mr Speaker, as you said, we have to be brief. I wish, however, to thank my constituents, who for twelve years have kept me in this House. I thank Hon. Munkombwe, Hon. Mwaanga, the late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa, SC., may his soul rest in peace, and, indeed, His Excellency the President, Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, for enabling the Choma/Namwala Road to be concluded during my term of office.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: Nobody can take this away from me or from them.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: There are a lot of projects that have been concluded in my constituency. I have the best roads anyone here can brag of, …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: … whether tarred or gravel. I have the best roads. Hon. Members will not dispute this unless they have not been through Mbabala. I also have the best schools and health facilities for which I thank the Government for working with me to realise.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: My role, for as long as UPND was not able to get into Government, was to lobby. I know that some hon. Members are running around looking for grinding mills at the moment. Where do you think they will come from? They will have to come from those people.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Hachipuka: I hope that whoever replaces me in Mbabala will remember that if the UPND does not take up office, his or her job is to lobby and ensure that he or she delivers to the people the portion of development that is due to them.
Mr Speaker, I thank you.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mrs Masebo (Chongwe): Mr Speaker, I wish to start by saying that I support the Motion on the Floor. As you said, I will be brief to allow other hon. Members to debate this important Motion.
Mr Speaker, allow me to join others in thanking you for your good leadership. As you leave this Parliament, I want you to know that we really are grateful to your great leadership and that we have learnt quite a lot from you.
Speaking for myself, I came here as a young politician and I have applied what I learnt from you to enhance my good leadership in Chongwe Constituency.
Mrs Masebo: Mr Speaker, …
Mr Lubinda: No one, but you.
Mrs Masebo: …there are outstanding issues that are very important to this country even as we wind up.
First and foremost, the issue of the Constitution, that we failed to conclude, was a very important one. I know that the Vice-President in responding to my last question said that if the MMD comes back, it will bring back the Bill.
Sir, I know that there are many contentious issues in the Constitution. Therefore, my plea to whichever government comes into power is to ensure that those issues are addressed for us to have a Constitution that will stand the test of time. It will not do for any new government that will come in to bulldoze other members in the constitution-making process on account of having numerical advantage. That will make the country continue to waste time.
Sir, as this country goes for elections, most hon. Members of Parliament will go to their respective constituencies to seek a new mandate from Zambians who will, once again, have an opportunity to choose their leaders. I wish to take this opportunity to appeal to citizens of Zambia to vote because voting is their right. It is the only time that every citizen of this country elects leaders of their choice. When the election date is declared, Zambians must go and vote. They should not complain if they do not vote wisely because the only time they can complain effectively is through electing the councillors, Members of Parliament and presidents of their choice.
Mr Speaker, allow me to talk about development in this country. There has been no development in my constituency and in most parts of the country. Although there has been some improvement in a number of areas, including in my constituency, it has not been enough.
Mr D. Mwila: Hear, hear!
Mrs Masebo: Sir, the people of Chongwe know that I am a hardworking and committed hon. Member of Parliament, unlike others who just come to Parliament to get vehicles.
Mrs Masebo: I have served the people of Chongwe diligently and they know that I am a very committed leader. Despite the work that I have put in, people in my constituency still do not have good roads, water or quality health care.
Mr Speaker, as I go back to Chongwe to seek a fresh mandate from my people, I will not lie to them that most of the things have been done because there are still some parents who fail to send their children to school. I know that there are people who cannot afford three meals a day. I also know that some roads in my constituency are impassable. As much as I agree that the Government has done some work there, it is high time people judged whether we have been good councillors, individual hon. Members of Parliament and or presidents.
Mr Ntundu: Hear, hear! Hammer!
Mrs Masebo: Mr Speaker, I will be ashamed to ask the people of Chongwe Constituency to vote for me by claiming that everything is well. I would not do that. However, I will ask them to give me another mandate to continue struggling from where I left to ensure that they have good roads, schools and health care. I will also ask the people of Chongwe to compare the people that will stand against me and judge whether they will make better representatives.
Sir, as much as we talk about improving the educational sector by providing desks to schools, we still have children who sit on classroom floors in Chongwe.
Last week, the Ministry of Education sent new desks to the district and I know that this will reduce the number of children sitting on the floor. However, it still is not enough. As a Government, I believe that we could have done better, especially if we knew how our resources are expended. The truth of the matter is that we have neither spent the meagre resources prudently nor shared them equitably. For example, in districts or constituencies represented by hon. Members of Parliament who are in the Government, more schools are built compared to areas represented by Opposition hon. Members of Parliament …
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mrs Masebo: …where there already are fewer schools.
Mr Speaker, I have been a minister before. During my time, every time we made a decision to do something, we took into account the nine provinces and the seventy-two districts. Today, the situation is different. Some people, because they are in the Government and are ministers, take everything to their districts, which is unfair. That is not good leadership. I think the people of Zambia must begin to judge people fairly and in a truthful manner.
Mr Msichili: Finally!
Mrs Masebo: Finally, Mr Speaker, I thank you, the Clerk of the National Assembly and her staff for the good work done. I also thank the Deputy Speaker. It is pleasing to see how women working under you have performed in this Parliament. As a result, I would urge the people of Zambia to vote for more women in the coming elections.
Hon. Female Member: Yes!
Mrs Masebo: We should have more women hon. Members of Parliament and councillors. I feel that women should also be given an equal opportunity to perform.
Hon. Female Members: Hear, hear!
Mrs Masebo: Mr Speaker, I was going to continue talking, but you have already guided us and so, I do not want to take much time. I will allow other hon. Members to speak. However, I wish to say that you shall be missed by this House and this country. You have been a good leader. Please, as you retire, remember us and continue guiding this country in your own small way.
I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: I have to warn you that this Motion is extremely dangerous. Unless you resolve this Motion, you are going nowhere. So, I have a very good spread here which I believe is representative in terms of who should be able to speak adequately and satisfactorily on your behalf. I will start with the hon. Member of Parliament for Sinda.
Mr Ngoma (Sinda): Mr Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity to contribute to this Motion.
Sir, as I headed for this Chamber, it was not my intention to debate on this Motion today. However, upon reaching my pigeon-hole, I found a letter. I will call it a love letter from you. That is what prompted me to say a few words.
Indeed, Mr Speaker, you have guided the affairs of this august House in the Ninth and Tenth Assembly in the most dignified, impartial and loving manner. Thereby, as we have always said in our daily prayer, here at Parliament, promoting God’s glory and honour in this great nation of Zambia. May the Almighty God add more years to your life and reward you abundantly for the good work that you have done for this country.
Sir, allow me to quote your words in paragraphs three and four of your letter addressed to me as an individual:
Mr Ngoma: It says:
“I wish to congratulate you Hon. Ngoma for successfully completing the five-year term, in some cases, even longer for, particularly, the Tenth National Assembly. I am satisfied that you, Hon. Ngoma, carried out your assignments to the best of your abilities, which should hopefully translate into a positive result for you following the forthcoming General Elections which will mark the beginning of the Eleventh National Assembly since independence in 1964.”
Those were words of wisdom from a positive mind and a great man like you. Truly, I will come back to this House in the Eleventh National Assembly.
Mr Ngoma: Mr Speaker, the best way to honour you is by ensuring that the Parliamentary Reforms, which you were, indeed a promoter of, are continued. These reforms have opened up Parliament and enhanced its checks and balances on the Executive. For this I can only say, thank you very much.
Mr Speaker, as we adjourn today, the nation is in a sombre mood because of the passing on of the Second Republican President, Dr Fredrick Jacob Titus Chiluba, commonly known as F.T.J, hence my support to the Motion on the Floor of the House will be incomplete if I do not pay tribute to this deceased gallant son of the land.
Mr Speaker, the best way to mourn this great son of the land is by continuing to promote the ideals of a Christian nation. Zambia was declared a Christian nation and it is probably one of the few nations the world over where in its Constitution, it is written that this country is a Christian nation. As we adjourn sine die today, it is important to realise that Christianity hinges on the word ‘love’.
Mr Speaker, Christianity teaches us to love our God with all our mind and soul. Christianity also teaches us to love our neighbours as we love ourselves. As we go to towards elections, this year, to usher in the Eleventh Assembly, we should observe the tenets of Christianity by showing love to each other so as to avoid electoral violence. We must practice love to avoid electoral violence in this land.
Mr Speaker, love teaches us to be compassionate with those in distress. The Bible records that our master, the Lord Jesus Christ, when Lazarus, one of his best friends passed on, wept because he had compassion for him. Jesus even went to the House of mourning. Unfortunately in this land, which is declared a Christian nation, we have a tabloid which, for lack of a better term, is a megaphone calling upon people not to visit the house of mourning for the Second Republican President. That is totally uncalled for and very bad.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Ngoma: Mr Speaker, we have to ignore that megaphone because it is promoting hatred in this land.
Mr Speaker, I have had a rare privilege of serving the humble and lovely people of Sinda Constituency consistently for the past ten years and, as we adjourn today, the message of the people of Sinda is very loud and clear. I stand here on the Floor of this Chamber saying that the people of Sinda appreciate what the Government has been able to do in that constituency.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Ngoma: Mr Speaker, they appreciate the services and the work of the MMD Government.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Ngoma: Mr Speaker, Sinda is no longer the same. There is a lot of improvement in education, health and agricultural sectors as well as the road network among many other areas. The people of Sinda are saying, “We will do what we did in 2008 by breaking a record.” By the way, Sinda made a record in 2008 by becoming the second constituency which gave the MMD the second best vote. The best vote was from Kasenengwa, the second was in Sinda and the third was in Luena in the Western province. The people of Sinda are saying, that record will be repeated.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Ngoma: Come election day, Mr Speaker, the people of Sinda are going to give this Government a resounding victory.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Ngoma: Mr Speaker, with those few words, I end my debate. I am available for that lunch I have been invited to.
Mr Ngoma: I am very much available for that lunch and I am not going to listen to the megaphone which might say, “Do not attend the lunch.”
I thank you, Sir.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}
Mr Milupi (Luena): Mr Speaker, I thank the hon. Member for Sinda for having mentioned Luena and that is what has attracted me to say a few words.
Mr Speaker, as we come to the end of this Tenth National Assembly, we should reflect on what has been our impact, all of us collectively as a National Assembly. We should ask ourselves what we have done regarding the governance of this country. How will the citizens of this country judge us in terms of what we have achieved in the fight against poverty? Have we reduced poverty or has it increased? What has happened in the area of employment and governance in general?
Mr Speaker, let me say a few words, the first ones being on poverty. It is true that even if there some construction going on, especially in the urban areas, the poor areas of this country, the high density townships as well as the rural areas have suffered increased poverty during the life of the Tenth National Assembly. People now are eating less than they used to in the past.
Hon. Members: Question!
Mr Milupi: Even as you say, “Question”, you should be aware that people from your constituencies are listening, …
Hon. Government Members: Question!
Mr Milupi: … especially some of you who come from rural ones. What we say here is factual and we must face facts as they are.
Hon. Members: There is bumper harvest, iwe!
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, unless we can face facts as they are, we are doomed.
Mr Milupi: When we look at development, speaking for the people from rural areas, we could have done a lot better. A number of our roads continue to be impassable. In order to open up these areas so that the people can work for themselves and get out of poverty on their own, the Government of the day, whichever it will be, must work on the road network. It must also work on opening up the high density townships because some of the townships we have even here in Lusaka, on the Copperbelt or in Kabwe, when you visit them, you wonder whether you are in Zambia or not and whether there is a Government in place or not.
Mr Speaker, whichever Government is coming, should look at coming up with a programme of fighting poverty.
Mr Speaker, when we look at key areas of governance such as the separation of powers, what have we done? Do we have greater separation of powers than we had five years ago?
Hon. Government Members: Yes!
Mr Milupi: The answer is, no. In recent times, we have had an increase in the powers of the Executive at the expense of the powers of other arms of governance.
I am sure some of our actions are not intended to undermine the Legislature and Judiciary. The major problem is the way we finance the three arms of the Government. It makes them beholden to the Executive. Finances will always be a means of control until such a time that we free the other arms, which are the Legislature and Judiciary. Thus, in addition to saying so in the Constitution, they need to have independent means of funding themselves. When we do that, we shall, indeed, have true separation of powers.
Other jurisdictions, for example in Kenya, have managed to do this by ensuring that the funding of other arms of the Government is by way of a percentage of the national budget. So, whatever the national budget is, a percentage of that goes to the National Assembly and it, therefore, runs its own affairs within that percentage. The Legislature is, hence, not beholden to the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning.
Mr Speaker, one issue which I am passionate about is that of the utilisation of our public resources. It is true that, in the last five years, we cannot claim that we have reduced corruption and the abuse of public resources.
Mr Lubinda: We have actually increased it.
Mr Milupi: With every year that goes by, the report of the Auditor-General clearly indicates that this is increasing and is a measure of the failure of governance in this nation. It is even more saddening when this corruption, or perceived corruption and abuse of public resources, touches the highest offices in the land. What we have seen is that there is denial from those in the Government that there is abuse of public resources.
The only time that we see accepted evidence on their side that there has been abuse of public resources is when one of them loses favour and is kicked out of the Executive. Then almost without exception, we hear about them being taken to courts of law and being accused of this and that. This is a clear indication that there is a lot more than what we see. I hope that whichever Government comes in place will take this matter seriously. We cannot develop this country unless we sort out corruption.
Mr Speaker, finally, I just want to comment on one or two more issues. It is during this Session of the Tenth National Assembly that, for the first time, we have seen the Government take arms, provided to it by this Parliament through various budgets, and turn them against its own citizens. My heart bleeds when I remember that which has happened in Mongu and other places.
Mr Sing’ombe: And Mazabuka.
Mr Milupi: The likes of Kalyangu and Mulopu were gunned down by the police …
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Milupi: … and Sihope and Kabayo died mysteriously as a result of ill treatment in various prisons in this land. This should never be allowed. I also remember those that we were killed in Mazabuka and, of course, Mansa.
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, I also want to make a few remarks on the Constitution making process that was messed up by this Government. So many resources were wasted. Using these resources, we could have done a lot more. We can only progress if we free ourselves by having a Constitution that is balanced and will stand the test of time. This Government had an opportunity, but messed it up. Even if hon. Members on your right are saying that they will bring the Bill back, they should know that it was rejected because it was a bad one.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Milupi: Mr Speaker, the press continues to be polarised in this country. I hope that those coming back will understand the necessary role of the press as the fourth estate.
Mr Speaker, in conclusion, I wish to commend you for the manner in which you have led this House. I know that in September, last year, you clocked ten years as Speaker of the National Assembly of Zambia. That is no mean achievement. The dignified way in which you have led this House is to be commended. I have done a little bit of inquiry on you to find out what exactly has made you to be such a good Speaker and I have been told that, many years ago, you were a house captain at Munali Secondary School. Maybe, this is what began to build you up.
Mr Milupi: I think we are benefiting from that. Therefore, I would like to thank you, the Deputy Speaker, of course, the Deputy Chairperson of the Committee of the whole House and the Clerk of the National Assembly. You have provided good guidance to all of us. When many of us came here, we did not know the etiquette of this House, but through you guidance, we have performed in the manner that we have done.
I would also like to thank the people of Luena. Many hon. Members are here because they won an election once. They do not even know whether the people will vote for them again. There are very few of us who have won elections twice.
Mr Milupi: If I wanted to come back to this House, I would win a third time, but I am looking for a higher office.
Mr Milupi: The good that we have done in this House is why my party will now use me as a presidential candidate so that the failures of the MMD can be corrected by the Alliance for Democracy and Development (ADD).
I thank you, Mr Speaker.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Speaker: The next two debaters will have to be very brief indeed.
Mr Sikota, SC. (Livingstone): Mr Speaker, I undertake to be short and sweet.
Hon Members: Aah!
Mr Sikota, SC: In the Ninth Assembly, I believe you will recall that I gave the shortest debate that there ever was. This one will not be quite as short, but it shall be measured as well.
Mr Speaker, I would not like to repeat what others have said, but when paying tribute to the officers of Parliament, there are some offices which were left out. I think that it is only right that we should put on record our appreciation of the Leader of Government Business in the House in the manner in which he has conducted the business of this House …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikota, SC: … as well as all the whips from the various parties, not only the Chief Whip. They have ensured that discipline has been kept at a high level by helping to put everybody in line.
Mr Speaker, the only part I will repeat, but not in its entirety, is in terms of the tributes that have been given to you as, Speaker of this House. I think I can only enhance them by saying that they did not go far enough. That is as far as I will go in terms of the tributes to you, Sir.
Mr Speaker, there was also talk of the National Constitution Conference (NCC) and I would like to put on record that the result which we had of failing to have the new Constitution passed, rests squarely on all of us.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikota, SC.: None of us can say it was the MMD’s fault because we all had the duty to ensure that we had the Constitution passed. Those who voted against or boycotted are, in fact, probably more to blame for the Constitution not having been passed.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikota, SC: Sir, I would like to put on record that we have seen a lot in terms of what has been going on in this country. Being somebody who is quite literary and likes reading, what comes to mind is the book by Jules Verne, Around the World in Eighty Days, which is a book of fiction. We have seen in terms of reality what this Government has done, as opposed to fiction, such as the building of hospitals, schools, roads, bumper harvests and the improvement of Zambia’s world credit rating, which has been placed at a B+.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikota, SC: Mr Speaker, people can now see that there is a lot of money in the coffers of this country. There is so much money that some people are even stating that they are going to do various projects and making plans over the money raised by this Government.
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikota, SC.: Mr Speaker, unfortunately, they are still going about it with a sense of fiction. Unlike the MMD Government, which can actually show what it has done, these people go around saying they will go around Zambia in ninety days …
Mr Sikota, SC.: … and make all kinds of developments within that time. That is another fiction just like Jules Verne around the World in Eighty Days.
Hon. Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Sikota, SC.: In Zambia, we need a Government which will not be that of fiction.
Mr Speaker, I had promised to be the shortest debater and, thus far, I believe I am.
With those few words I thank you, Sir.
Mr Speaker: His Honour the Vice-President and the learned Minister of Justice.
Hon. Members: Aah!
Mr Speaker: I am sorry we have to move.
Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I would like to thank everyone for the support.
I thank you, Sir.
Question put and agreed to.
the Chair]
The Excess Expenditure Appropriation Bill, 2008
Clauses 1 and 2 ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Schedule, ordered to stand part of the Bill.
Title agreed to.
[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]
The following Bill was reported to the House as having passed through Committee without amendments:
The Excess Expenditure Appropriation Bill, 2008
Third Reading today.
The following Bill was read the third time and passed:
The Excess Expenditure Appropriation Bill, 2008
The Vice-President (Mr Kunda, SC.): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn sine die.
Question put and agreed to.
The House adjourned accordingly at 1241 hours on Friday, 24th June, 2011,