Debates- Tuesday, 25th October, 2011

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Tuesday, 25th October, 2011

The House met at 1430 hours

[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]





Mr Speaker: Hon. Members, I have received communication to the effect that, in the absence of His Honour the Vice-President, who is attending to other national duties, Hon. Kennedy Sakeni, Minister of Home Affairs, has been appointed Acting Leader of Government Business in the House from today, Tuesday, 25th October, 2011 to Tuesday, 1st November, 2011.

Thank you.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!




The Minister of Finance and National Planning (Mr Chikwanda): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the following hon. Members of Parliament do constitute the Public Accounts Committee for the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly:

Mr V. Mwale, MP;
Mr C. Mulenga, MP;
Mrs M. Imenda, MP;
Mr P. Mucheleka, MP;
Mr C. Matafwali, MP;
Mr H. H. Hamududu, MP;
Mr G. Namulambe, MP;
Mr A. Milambo, MP; and
Mr M. Mbulakulima, MP.

Mr Speaker, during the campaigns, the Patriotic Front (PF) party promised the citizens of this country a better Zambia for all. I wish to reiterate that our Government remains committed to serving all our people and ensuring that we improve the quality of their lives. This Government bears the responsibility of turning the high hopes and aspirations of citizens into a sustained service delivery that enriches all our citizen’s lives on a financially sustainable basis. In order to meet these high expectations, we will work relentlessly with all stakeholders, the Public Accounts Committee included, to ensure that we create a favourable environment that encourages sound principles of financial accountability that form the cornerstone of our democratic Government.

Mr Speaker, we need to urgently inculcate a sense of responsibility at all levels of the Public Service, especially in our senior management, so that we can begin to turn the situation around. If this is not attained, our efforts for development and prosperity will be seriously compromised.

Sir, in order to have more money for service delivery and development, the Government will pay special attention to the collection of both tax and non-tax revenue. There is a need to urgently address the inefficiencies that exist in the collection of tax and non-tax revenue. We will ensure, for instance, that the fees and fines collected by institutions such as the Zambia Police Force, the Immigration Department and the Department of Lands are accounted for properly so as to boost the Treasury.

Mr Speaker, under the previous Government, the impact of the reports issued by the Auditor-General and the Public Accounts Committee was felt marginally by the general public due to the failure by the Executive to take the necessary action to punish wrongdoing and institute decisive corrective measures. I wish to assure the nation that this will change, as the Government will endeavour to study the reports of the Auditor-General and the recommendations of the Public Accounts Committee in order to put remedial measures in places.

Sir, we would like the hon. Members who have been honoured to serve on this Committee for the first time to know that the Public Accounts Committee plays a critical role in holding all spheres of the Government accountable for the spending of public funds while ensuring that they all deliver quality services to all the people. I, therefore, urge you, hon. Members, to perform your oversight function in a manner that will be in line with zero tolerance to corruption and other forms of abuse of public resources. I am confident that you will, in an objective and meaningful manner, discuss the Government’s performance in delivering efficient and effective services to all our people.

Mr Speaker, the people deserve the best in terms of accountability for public resources. In furtherance of the common and greater good, the Government has no option, but to conduct its affairs with integrity, probity and ethical conduct of the highest order. To this end, our Government will take the necessary measures against any action that will depart from this understanding. I wish the Public Accounts Committee for the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly a successful and meaningful Session.

I thank you, Sir.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati (Lunte): Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to make some remarks on the Public Accounts Committee membership. Firstly, we need to be careful so that we avoid a functional irrelevancy of the Public Accounts Committee. In order for us to do this, we need to address ourselves to four fundamental issues which must necessarily be resolved before we proceed.

Mr Speaker, firstly, under the Public Finance Act, the Secretary to the Treasury who, to date, we are not sure is there, but assuming that there is, as controlling officer, his function is to appoint other controlling officers for the purpose of superintending Government resources. In the current restructuring of the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, all the functions of the permanent secretaries, who were reporting to him, have been deleted.

The Controller of Internal Audit, under the Act, reports to the Secretary to the Treasury. However, without a controlling officer at the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, who, ordinarily, would be a permanent secretary, the Controller of Internal Audit will report to the Secretary to the Treasury. How can the person who takes the role of controlling officer be the recipient of the Controller of the Internal Audit Report? This means that he will be basically auditing himself. That is the dilemma we must face. We do not have a choice, therefore, but to have a Secretary to the Treasury.

Secondly, we also do not have a choice, but to re-instate a controlling officer within the context of the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, unless the Act is brought for amendment to this Parliament. We have not seen this amendment yet, Mr Speaker. Perhaps, there is some thought that, maybe, the Controller of Internal Audit will report to the Minister of Finance and National Planning. However, in order for that to be done, there is also a need to amend the Act. These amendments, therefore, are crucial before we even consider the relevance of the Public Accounts Committee and this fundamental issue must be resolved before we proceed.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: Mr Speaker, the Ministry of Finance and National Planning plays a critical role in co-ordinating the entire Government framework, including the development agenda. In so doing, we have the Secretary to the Treasury at the centre and below him are other functional permanent secretaries. The two key functions at the Ministry of Finance and National Planning is one of Treasury management on one hand and economic policy management on the other. These must be independent because there cannot be a single person be responsible for revenue and borrowing in the morning and, in the afternoon, be responsible for expenditure, thereby balancing the equation alone, seated in an air-conditioned office.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: Mr Speaker, this will counter the development agenda that we so much relish.

How then do we achieve the monitoring and evaluation components? It is, therefore, necessary that we have a Secretary to the Treasury to monitor that sector expenditure has the relevant impact. However, we are not sure whether there is a Secretary to the Treasury or not. We are saying that the Government is in a situation where it has no choice, but to have a Secretary to the Treasury.

Mr Speaker, in a normal governance structure, a position such as Secretary to the Treasury must be sworn in so that everybody knows him or her.
Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: As it is, we are not aware of such a swearing-in having taken place.

The third point, Mr Speaker, is one of the Budget. The Budget must be passed before the end of the year and presented within ninety days and we think this is possible.

However, we only have two months to the end of the year. Obviously, there will be pressure in debating the Budget. Much more critical, Mr Speaker, is the fact that the Budget is driven by departmental expenditures. However, with the merger, we have to define the various departments in the Ministry of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism in order to prepare a meaningful budget. We then need to have the elements of expenditure under that. Do we have two chief accountants or do we have accountant A or accountant B? All these issues must be clarified for the purpose of ensuring that expenditure is not wasted.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: You have to begin by defining responsibilities and duties before you merge things. After merging them, you need to ask yourself how you will have the alignment of expenditure with regard to the relevant heads.

Hon. MMD Member: No shortcuts.

Mr Mutati: Mr Speaker, speed is important, but order is crucial.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: Mr Speaker, the fourth major issue is one of span of control. At the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, with one person as head, what is basically happening is that the directors are all reporting to this big “bwana”.

Mr Speaker, in a typical Government structure, directors do not make decisions. Everybody will be recommending to one person and we will experience increased transaction costs, caused by delays in making decisions.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!
Mr Mutati: This, in turn, means that the efficiencies that the Government wanted to achieve will be lost.

It is important to cure, firstly, what is at the centre, the Ministry of Finance and National Planning, because that is where the control is and this is where the job of the Public Accounts Committee emanates from.

Hon. Opposition Members: That is right!

Mr Mutati: If this disease is not cured, the functional relevance of the Public Accounts Committee will be rendered irrelevant. This is what we must avoid. Therefore, eliminating one or two positions, merging and creating more jobs then lowering the taxes is overheating the elements. Who are the implementers? We need to know who will implement what. 

Mr Speaker, today, I attended a workshop by the Ministry of Finance and National Planning. It was apparent that the level of participation by the officials at the Ministry of Finance and National Planning was very low. They were lost. There is a lack of clarity in the heads of the merged because of all the merging and ‘amalgamation’.


Mr Mutati: Therefore, there is a need for clarity in the heads of the merged …

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: … otherwise we shall have a big confusion going forward and the fundamentals that we have agreed upon to deliver for the people of Zambia will be compromised. It is, therefore, important that we re-instate the functional relevance of the Public Accounts Committee.

Mr Speaker, finally, speed, as I said, is important, but it must be balanced with order, impact and results. This is what is critically important. The previous Government handed over power peacefully.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. Government Member: Mwalilusa!

Mr Mutati: Mr Speaker, we did not lose. It is the people of Zambia who won.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: The people of Zambia won.

Mr Speaker, since we transferred power peacefully, we need to see a peaceful and orderly transfer and transformation of programmes and plans to the extent that they have a positive impact on the lives of the people of Zambia.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: This is all we ask for. We are not asking for anything more.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mutati: Therefore, as we debate the composition of this Committee, we  must do the first things first. Let us get back to doing what is legal and dealing with the function as a secondary activity.

I thank you, Sir.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Muntanga (Kalomo Central): Mr Speaker, in supporting the names proposed for the Public Accounts Committee, I wish to state that while the Government has promised the Zambian people improved delivery, I would like to state that this Committee has always performed well, but no action has been taken on erring officers.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear! 

Mr Muntanga: Mr Speaker, people have taken public funds without authority and the Public Accounts Committee has clearly stated this, but no action has been taken against them. Sometimes, we even wonder where we are going. The people of Zambia expect that once a wrong has been identified, there must be some corrective action. Therefore, the point raised by the Leader of the Opposition should not be belittled.

Sir, recently, we, on the left side of the House, raised a question of whether the position of Secretary to the Treasury still existed or not, but there was no clear answer given by His Honour, the Vice-President. We clearly told them that we had information that this position had been abolished, but Members of the Government told us that it had not. However, the House has not been told anything regarding who is occupying that office.

Mr Speaker, I know that our friends on your right are very good at figures, particularly the hon. Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication. He agreed that it is important to fill the positions in the Ministry of Finance and National Planning. For example, there is a lot of money that is donated by our co-operating partners that goes through the Ministry of Finance. At one time, in this House, we were told that there was extra money from the mines that was not budgeted for, but was collected. If the position of Secretary to the Treasury is not filled, I can see chaos in the Ministry of Finance and National Planning.

Hon. MMD Members interjected.

Mr Muntanga: Even if they interject now, it is your ball now and you must play it right. You must be able to agree on what to do. I do not want to see a situation where an hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning, who was once a Minister in the First Republic, find that young men are more sophisticated in stealing money.


Mr Muntanga: That man will have to grasp the sophistry that has come with the young men.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Muntanga: As much as we have agreed that we need a Public Accounts Committee in place, we expect the hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning to do what is required. Are we still in doubt on who the Secretary to the Treasury is? Why are we quick in approving the Public Accounts Committee’s Membership, which is the easiest thing to do? There are many other things that need to be done. I believe that the Government has a lot of work to do. As it changes some of these things, it could match things up so that we do not lose money.

Sir, nothing has been said about the mines, yet we want to collect revenue from the mines. We do not want the Public Accounts Committee to write about things that have not been done.

Mr Speaker, I am happy to note that there are two or three hon. Members who were in this Committee before. I know that they will inform their colleagues clearly that there is no friendship or cousinship, but strictly business on this Committee. They must be aware that the situation might be different because there are some permanent secretaries who are moving very fast, especially those coming from media houses. These were operating in a different context. Therefore, they must understand that the running of the Government is apart from running a private newspaper.


Mr Muntanga: They must be aware that they will be answerable to Parliament whenever they misuse money.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Muntanga: The hon. Minister of Finance and National Planning has already said that, this time around, there will be action taken for any misuse of public funds. I do not doubt the President’s action on this because he can fire someone even before he knows the real reason.


Mr Muntanga: If he knows that one of the controlling officers has misappropriated a small amount of money, that officer must know that he or she is gone.


Mr Muntanga: He or she is gone.


Mr Muntanga: Once the Public Accounts Committee is in place, it must ensure that the problem of unretired imprest is sorted out. I know that it does not take years to do this. They must be resolved and surrendered.

Hon. Government Members Interjected.

Mr Muntanga: I do not see the reason the hon. Members on your right should complain because these are issues we used to complain about together. Now that they are on the other side, …


Mr Muntanga: … they want to complain.


Mr Muntanga: Let us enforce what we used to say in here. All imprest must be retired. We should not be wasting time taking people to courts for such offences. With a new Government in place, this should not be so. This Committee must ensure that the rules and regulations pertaining to public funds are fully adhered to.

I thank you, Mr Speaker.

Mr Chikwanda: Mr Speaker, I would like to place on record my profound gratitude for the support I have received from the hon. Members. I take the view that all submissions by the hon. Members must be taken very seriously. All hon. Members are here by the wish of the people. Therefore, if we respect the people, we shall respect the views of the hon. Members. It is in this context that I would like to, again, underscore my thanks to the hon. Members for their support for the Motion that I moved.

Mr Speaker, I want to explain to Hon. Mutati that there is a Secretary to the Treasury. There may have been some slight oversight, but it has been remedied as His Honour the Vice-President explained.

Hon. Opposition Members: Who is he? What is his name?

Mr Chikwanda: The Secretary to the Treasury is Mr Fred Yamba.


Hon. Government Member: Is it the name or the position you want?

Mr Speaker: Order!

Mr Chikwanda: The Ministry of Finance and National Planning is functioning effectively without too many permanent secretaries getting into each other’s way.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}

Mr Chikwanda: It is regrettable that a person of Hon. Mutati’s distinction and calibre of intellect should bemoan the reduction in the overheads. Three permanent secretaries were too many.


Mr Chikwanda: Hon. Mutati worked in the Ministry of Finance and National Planning at the level of Deputy Minister, but I can assure him that thirty-five years ago, we only had one permanent secretary and the ministry was run very well by the directors. The so-called Permanent Secretary for the Budget was merely an elevated Director of the Budget.


Hon. Opposition Members: Times have changed.

Mr Chikwanda: We do not need a superfluity of personnel.

The Ministry of Finance and National Planning was well-represented at the meeting that Hon. Mutati attended this morning. The Director of the Budget, a very capable person, was at that meeting. I do not know whether Hon. Mutati wanted to have a glance of more officials of the ministry.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chikwanda: That is his perception, style and preference. However, I think that, in the interest of the country, the fewer the people we have in Government, the better. In fact, as it is, there are still too many people there.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chikwanda: Mr Speaker, let me not take anything away from my gratitude to the hon. Members of Parliament for the support for the Motion by saying too much. Again, I wish to thank the hon. Members for their support. I am sure the Members of the Public Accounts Committee are very happy that they have the unanimous support of the House. I, therefore, advise them to work very hard and be as critical of the Government as possible. From this side of this House, we promise that the indiscretions that will be highlighted will be remedied. We will take a very stern stance on indiscretion in the handling of public finances.

Mr Speaker, I beg to move.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. Government Members called for a division.

Question that the following Members do constitute the Public Accounts Committee for the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly:

Mr H. H. Hamududu, MP
Mrs M. Imenda, MP
Mr C. Matafwali, MP
Mr M. Mbulakulima, MP
Mr A. Milambo, MP
Mr P. Mucheleka, MP
Mr C. Mulenga, MP
Mr V. Mwale, MP
Mr G. Namulambe, MP

put and the House voted.

Ayes (60)

Mr N. Banda
Mr Bwalya
Mr Chabala
Mr Chansa
Mr Chenda
Mr Chikwanda
Mr Chilangwa
Mr Chisala
Mr Chishimba
Mr Chitotela
Mr S. Chungu
Ms Kabanshi
 Mr Kampyongo
Ms Kansembe
Ms Kapata
Mr Kapaya
Mr Kapeya
Mr Kapyanga
Dr Kasonde
Dr Katema
Ms Kawandami
Mr L. Kazabu
Ms Kazunga
Mr Kufuna
Ms Limata
Mr Lubinda
Mr E. C. Lungu
Dr Lungu
Colonel Lungu
Professor Luo
Mr Mabumba
Mr Matafwali
Mr Mbulu
Mr Mbuzi
Mr Mpundu
Mr Mubukwanu
Mr Mukanga
Mr Mukata
Mr Mulenga
Mr Mumba
Mr Mushanga
Mr Musukwa
Mr Mutale
Dr Mwali
Mr Mwaliteta
Mr Mwango
Mr Mwewa
Mr Mwila
Mr Ngonga
Mr Sakeni
Mr Sampa
Mr Sichone
Mr Sikazwe
Mr Simuusa
Mr Tembo
Professor Willombe
Mrs Wina
Dr Yaluma
Mr. Zimba
Mr S. S. Zulu

Tellers for Ayes:

Mr Muntanga
Mr Kazabu

Noes – (61)

Mr Antonio
Mr I. Banda
Mr W. Banda
Mr Belemu
Mr Chingimbu
Mr Chipungu
Mr Chisanga
Mr Chishiba
Dr Chituwo
Mr Habeenzu
Mr Hamududu
Ms Imenda
Mr Kaingu
Mr Kakoma
Dr Kalila
Ms Kalima
Mr Katambo
Dr Kazonga
Mr Konga
Mr Kunda, SC.
Mr Livune
Ms Lubezhi
Mr Lufuma
Professor Lungwangwa
Mr Malama
Mrs Mazoka
Mr Mbewe
Mr Mbulakulima
Mr Milambo
Mr Miyanda
Mr Miyutu
Mr Mooya
  Mr Mtolo
Mr Muchima
Mr Mulusa
Mr Mumba 
Ms Munshya
Mr Muntanga 
Dr Musokotwane
Mr Mutati
Mr Mutelo
Mr Muteteka
Mr Mwanza
Mr Mweetwa
Mr Mwiimbu
Mr Mufalali
Ms Namugala
Mr Namulambe
Mr Ndalamei
Mr P. Ngoma
Mr Ntundu
Mr Pande
Mr Phiri
Ms Sayifwanda
Lieutenant-General Shikapwasha
Mr Siamunene
Mr Sianga
Mr Sililo
Ms Siliya
Mr Simbao
Mr Sing’ombe

Tellers for Noes:

Mr Kapeya
Ms Siliya

Question accordingly negatived.


(Debate Resumed)

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, I thank you for giving me this opportunity to continue with my debate. The country’s national cake must be shared fairly and equally. There are places in Zambia that are totally neglected by the Government. Zambezi West Constituency is one place in Zambia which is totally neglected by the Government. Forty-seven years after independence, Zambezi West does not have even one road which is gravelled. All the roads are sandy and made by oxen. Animals are the ones making the roads instead of the Government constructing roads in the constituency.


Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, such a level of neglect is unbelievable and unacceptable. There is something wrong with the distribution of the national resources.


Mr Kakoma: Despite Zambezi West having many rivers and streams, there is not even one concrete bridge. Among the major rivers in Zambezi West is the Zambezi, Kashizhi, Litapi and Lungevungu rivers. All the rivers I have mentioned have no concrete bridge. I am sure everyone in this House must be wondering how people in that area cross these mighty rivers.

Mr Speaker, we need a bridge on the Zambezi River because that is the starting point for the development of the west bank of the Zambezi River. A feasibility study that was made seven years ago concluded that it was both economically viable and technically feasible to construct a bridge on the Zambezi River, but seven years down the line nothing is happening to that effect.

Mr Speaker, it is important that a bridge is constructed on the Zambezi River not only to speed up development in Zambezi West, but also to open up international trade with Angola. There is also a need to construct bridges on the Lungevungu and Litapi rivers and on the Kashizhi River at Muyembe, Kucheka and Lukolwe.

Mr Speaker, in fact, the people of Zambezi West want to know why a contractor called Roads Contractor Company (RCC) from Namibia abandoned the construction of two bridges at Muyembe and Lukolwe two years ago and has not been seen since that time. It seems the contractor has run away to Namibia.


Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, the issue of bridges is a very serious concern to the people of Zambezi West. To emphasise my point further, let me give an example of a situation which occurred during the last tripartite elections. The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) had to hire helicopters to collect ballot papers and results from Zambezi West. That must have been a very expensive exercise.

Mr Speaker, there is also a need to open up the west bank of the Zambezi River by constructing a road from Chavuma West through Zambezi West into the Western Province via Lukulu West up to Sesheke.

Mr Speaker, the whole of Zambezi West Constituency does not have a telecommunication tower, but the people of Zambezi West also need to use cellular phones.

Mr Speaker, the people of Zambezi West are still drinking water that is not safe. Despite a number of borehole programmes being implemented throughout the country, no borehole has been sunk in Zambezi West. There is just a demonstration project for one borehole at the chief’s palace.


Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, there is a need to share this country’s resources fairly and equally. The PF Government must not just be a listening Government, but one that takes action to develop the country fairly and equally.


Mr Kakoma: Order!


Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, in the entire Zambezi West Constituency, only the chief’s palace is electrified. I think, as a country, we can do better than that. I am urging this PF Government to take power to Zambezi West Constituency. The people have been told that under the Rural Electrification Programme, electricity will only be taken to Zambezi West in 2025. That is not a record to be proud of.

Mr Speaker, having talked about issues in my constituency, I now wish to address myself to some issues at provincial level. The North-Western Province is as big as the Northern, Western, Copperbelt and Southern provinces.

Colonel Lungu: And Eastern.

Mr Kakoma: Yes, Hon. Lungu, and the Eastern Province.


Mr Kakoma: There is a need to divide the North-Western Province into two provinces.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, we must put in place a systematic administrative approach for a big province such as the North-Western Province. The North-Western Province needs to be broken into two.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hanjika, mwana.

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, the people of the North-Western Province have, in the recent past, been discussing issues regarding their provincial headquarters. Solwezi District has become unsuitable because now it has become a mining town. There is a need to shift the headquarters of the North-Western Province to a more central place such as Kabompo.


Mr Kakoma: Some of the people making noise do not know anything about the North-Western Province. The relocation of the provincial capital will make it easier for the provincial administration to do its work well.

Mr Speaker, there is also a need to address issues to do with infrastructure in the North-Western Province. I have in mind the Chingola/Solwezi Road. That road must be turned into a dual carriageway At present, it is becoming very risky to travel on it because of the trucks which haul copper from Kansanshi to Lumwana and other copper mines that are opening there.

There is also a need to work on roads such as the Solwezi/Kipushi and Mwinilunga/Jimbe and to replace all the pontoons that are in the North-Western Province with bridges. The pontoons that need to be replaced include the ones at Chavuma and Zambezi and the ones found on the Lungu and Kafue rivers.

Mr Speaker, there are also other outstanding issues such as the construction of a university in Solwezi. The university was promised to the people of the North-Western Province more than twenty years ago.

Hon. Government Members: By whom?

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, I do not know why some hon. Members are challenging what I am saying when, in his speech, the President promised that the Government would open a university in every province.


Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, let me take this opportunity, as I give my maiden speech, to address some issues related to the President’s Address to this House. His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, in addressing the nation, through this House, opted to remain silent on many major issues affecting the nation and the promises that were made by the PF Party during the campaigns. He opted to remain silent, for example, on the Barosteland Agreement. The Barosteland Agreement is a legal document …

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: … that needs to be discussed in Parliament so that decisions on it are made by a consensus. The people of the Western Province, who voted for the PF, must be given what they were promised.

Mr Muntanga: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, His Excellency the President also opted to remain silent on mining which is a major sector in the economy. This country’s economy depends on mining. There is no way the economy of this country can be discussed without referring to the mining sector. Many Zambians have been calling for an increase in the taxes that the Government collects from the mining sector so that the Zambian people can benefit more from their mineral resources. The people were expecting the President to clearly explain how the Government will collect its revenue from the mining sector. We needed to know the Government’s position on the windfall tax. Why was the President silent on windfall tax and some major issues affecting the mining sector in Zambia such as casual labour? Why was casualisation not deemed an important issue for the President to address? Why is environmental protection on the Copperbelt not a serious issue for the President? Go to Kankoyo and you will find out what is happening.

Mr Sichone stood up.

Hon. Opposition Members: Just sit down.

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, there was a need for the Government to make its stand known on this matter. I also would like …

Mr Sichone stood up again.

Hon. Opposition Members: Just sit down.

Mr Speaker: Order!

Mr Kakoma: … to address the issue of the Constituency Development Fund (CDF). In his address, the President decided to suspend the disbursement of the CDF until an audit has been carried out.

Mr Speaker, while I agree that the CDF must be audited, as was done in Zambezi West, more than three times in one year, because it was thought that Hon. Kakoma had mismanaged funds, which was not the case, ....

Hon. UPND Members: Other constituencies were given.

Mr Kakoma: … the disbursement must continue. This is because other sectors of the economy where funds are also being misappropriated continue to receive funding. For example, in the road sector, a lot of money is being misappropriated, but road construction has not been suspended. What is needed is an audit and if there is any misappropriation, the culprits must be brought to book.

Mr Speaker, the CDF must be increased to K5 billion.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: Its disbursement must also be shifted from the Ministry of Local Government, Housing, Early Education and Environmental Protection to the National Assembly because there are officers in every constituency to take care of the CDF.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, I note that, on education, the President said that we are going to have compulsory education at primary and secondary school level. This is welcome, but if education is going to be compulsory at secondary school level, who is going to pay for it? Is the Government going to adopt the United Party for National Development (UPND) manifesto that espouses free education?


Mr Kakoma: The Government cannot compel someone to take his/her child to school when it will not assist him/her to educate that child.

Mr Speaker, since time is running out, I would like to state that I am very impressed that the PF Government is talking about professionalism and the removal of cadres from the Public Service. However, it is not helping to remove an MMD cadre and replace him/her with a PF cadre.

Hon. Government Members: Name them.

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, if cadres such as the ones Hon. Lubinda has appointed in the media are to be removed from the Public Service, …


Mr Kakoma: … we needed to advertise positions in the Public Service …

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: … so that only those who are qualified and experienced get the positions. As long as they are appointed by either the President or hon. Ministers, they are also cadres and will be removed when we also come into power.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kakoma: Mr Speaker, with these few words, I thank you.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. PF Member: Is Mr Matongo a cadre?

Hon. UPND Members: Yes.

Dr Chituwo (Mumbwa): Mr Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to contribute to the debate on the Motion that the thanks of this Assembly be recorded for the exposition of public policy contained in His Excellency the President’s Address to this House.

Mr Speaker, let me add my voice to the many in this august House who have congratulated His Excellency the President, Mr Michael Sata, on being entrusted by the majority of the Zambian people to lead them for the next five years. I also wish to congrsatulate the councillors and hon. Members of Parliament who are here on their election to this House.

Mr Speaker, allow me to congratulate my colleagues, who are in the Front Bench, on their appointments. I also would like to plead with them to take their appointments seriously because we are watching.


Dr Chituwo: Please, listen to us.


Dr Chituwo: There you are, hon. Member for Mandevu, not listening. Please, listen. This is advice I am giving free of charge.

Mr Speaker, we held those positions and I am advising the hon. Members to listen. At the moment, they may not have known anything.


Dr Chituwo: Therefore, take keen interest in reading those documents and listen to the technocrats because, at the moment, you are in those positions and are our drivers. As our drivers, do not lead us into ditches.

Mr Speaker, the President’s Address set policy direction for the PF Government. The pronouncements were very good and I was happy to see that there was continuity with change. Therefore, my appeal to all hon. Ministers, having shared the President’s vision, is for them to start working and implementing because what is important is implementation. The Government must provide leadership to the people, the majority of whom gave the PF Government the mandate to lead this nation for the next five years.

Mr Speaker, I have said this because I have noticed that quite a number of my colleagues, instead of writing down what we are saying, are just sitting there.


Dr Chituwo: Maybe, they have good memories and will remember all these issues we are raising. If they continue at this rate, certainly, our people will not be impressed.

Mr Speaker, I note on page 7 that His Excellency the President emphasised the core areas that the Government will address and these are education, health, local government and housing.

Mr Speaker, I am impressed with continuity, but with change. I shall, therefore, only touch briefly on the areas of local government and housing, perhaps, because I recently held the portfolio that oversaw these departments.

Mr Speaker, as regards Page 22 of the speech, the MMD Government left in place a well-articulated Decentralisation Policy and Decentralisation Implementation Plan (DIP).

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Dr Chituwo: These documents were arrived at after extensive consultation with some of my colleagues seated on your right hand side. Having listened to His Excellency the President, it is important to comment on the structures that were pronounced. It reminded me that these are already on the roadmap for decentralisation that is to start, in earnest, in 2012. We are happy that this is the way to go because decentralisation is contrary to His Excellency the President’s statement that there was more centralisation.

Mr Speaker, this House debated at length before amending the Local Government Act, Cap. 281 to re-introduce the Local Government Service Commission. We observed that the councils were malfunctioning. You can give any institution resources of all sorts, be it material or financial, but if it does not have qualified staff, there will be an apparent inadequate utilisation of the resources. That is what was prevailing in many of the local authorities because they did not have qualified members of staff. The Local Government Service Commission, therefore, was re-introduced to look at this very important component of human resource.

One can recall that prior to the amendment of the Act, the principal officers, once appointed to the various councils, were non-transferable and, therefore, created chiefdoms at the expense of quality service delivery. Therefore, the creation of the Local Government Service Commission is not centralisation. If anything, it is intended to strengthen the decentralisation process in order for councils to deliver quality services.

Mr Speaker, on the issue of utilities, I am happy to note that His Excellency the President, in his address to this House, stressed the need for the provision of water and sanitation, particularly to our rural folk. When one looks back, one will recall that the creation of the eleven utility companies arose out of the fact that the councils, which were principal shareholders in these utility companies, had failed to provide quality services. The idea was that, with adequate funding and in a streamlined business-like manner, utility companies would provide the required services to the people. However, one notes that, with the economic boom, there was the rural-urban migration which put a strain on the councils as regards housing and other services. We, therefore, look forward to the focus on water supply and sanitation.

Mr Speaker, there was an omission in the President’s policy direction. Looking at other President’s Speeches, I thought that His Excellency the President should have set some targets for the hon. Ministers to meet. For instance, for us, our President had planned the construction of 10,000 and rebuilding of 70,000 water points by 2015. I am looking forward to the hon. Ministers’ articulating what targets they intend to meet by 2015.

Mr Speaker, one other area of interest to me is that of health. I must state here that I was very happy to see my colleague, Hon. Dr Joseph Kasonde, nominated and appointed hon. Minister of Health. He is not new to this field. In fact, he would be considered a Guru or technocrat not only here, but also at the World Health Organisation (WHO). The MMD Government had planned to provide a district hospital for each district where none was available. We had further planned to continue providing health services as close to the families as possible by the construction of health posts and centres, some of which are still under construction.

Mr Speaker, as regards the provision of equipment, it is on record that Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda, the then President, commissioned the first ever Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) in the country and Computerised Axial Tomography (CAT) Scan at the University Teaching Hospital (UTH).

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Dr Chituwo: Prior to that, we had equipped seventy-one hospitals with diagnostic equipment for the people to receive the necessary health care at those levels. Hon. Minister of Health, I am happy that you are focusing on research-based policies. However, I would like to caution you to, please, not  go the way of curative services only. We shall spend as much money as possible on that and there will be hardly anything for us to show for it. I urge you to combine curative and preventive services. Please, pay particular attention to other non-health contributors such as provision of water and sanitation and nutrition for the children. Please, get involved in these programmes. Get the non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and community-based organisations involved in this area. Reintroduce the training of more health personnel although, you will be embarking on what we started. I urge you to consider the reintroduction of community nurses or public health nurses. They are necessary. Prevention is better than cure.

Mr Speaker, I wish to implore and, perhaps, share with this House that it is not a question of reinventing the wheel. We, in the MMD, set a firm foundation for providing quality health service to the people. For instance, the maternal mortality rate reduced from 729 per 100,000 live births to 519. The death rate is still high, but what is important is to ensure there is a reduction in these statistics. The infant mortality rate reduced to 70 per 1,000 live births and Under-Five mortality rate reduced to 110 per 1,000 live births. We also saw impressive immunisation coverage of more than 80 per cent and achieved a malaria incidence reduction above that of the Abuja targets. These facts are the efforts that were made by the MMD Government to improve the lives of the people, as confirmed by His Excellency the President, Michael Chilufya Sata, in his introductory remarks.

Mr Speaker, HIV/AIDS is real and we must get involved in its fight vigorously.

Mr Speaker, His Excellency the President mentioned the issue of accelerated socio-economic development. Whereas this will be assisted by the provision of increased funding to line ministries, I wish to state here that, to support the president’s pronouncement and the accelerated socio-economic development that is envisaged by the PF Government, an increase of the CDF to K5 billion would be appropriate.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Dr Chituwo: Such an increase will see a rapid transformation of the country, particularly the rural areas. If there are fears with regard to the utilisation of this money, strong audit systems must be put in place. This money is for the people. The CDF is managed and handled by committees that are selected by the communities at Area Development Committee level. The CDF committees submit the projects to the District Development Co-Ordinating Committees (DDCCs) in order not to duplicate what line ministries are doing. As hon. Minister, I was not aware of any hon. Member of Parliament who handled the CDF. All transactions of the CDF were made through these committees. The cheques were to be cut and handed over to the suppliers of goods and services.

Sir, if there are any insinuations of hon. Members misusing the funds, this is why there is a provision under the Local Government Act Cap. 281, Article 52 and 60. This provision, firstly, gives the power to the Minister of Local Government, Housing, Early Education and Environmental Protection to constitute and institute annual audits. Secondly, the Minister is empowered, at the request of any citizen or resident in the local authority, to investigate the allegations of misuse or misapplication of these funds. These are powerful tools that the hon. Minister has at her disposal and we look forward to these laws being used routinely. As she might be aware we, in the MMD, used them. At one time, some councils had their funding delayed because the hon. Minister has been vested with the power to withhold grants from councils which do not submit reports timely.

Mr Speaker, in my closing remarks, I would like to state that the time to work is now. My colleagues have been in office for over thirty days and it is time to start fulfilling the promises that were made of more jobs and more money in our pockets.

Hon. Government Members: Not in yours.

Dr Chituwo: For the youth and, please, just wait patiently. It is less than sixty days before the ninety-day deadline. I am sure we might just be able to see manna coming our way.


Dr Chituwo: Mr Speaker, I agree with the President that skills training is key to development. We had planned to build one trades training institute in each district because we believed that was the way to go.


Dr Chituwo: I am not very sure of the quality of skills training that will be provided at these hastily transformed Zambia National Service (ZNS) camps. Well, we will wait to see what will come out of there.

Mr Speaker, lastly, I am extremely happy to note that His Excellency the President stressed the issue of corruption. Indeed, corruption is a scourge and a cancer that needs multiple remedies or medicines to heal. The first remedy has to do with the general public because it takes two to tango. There must be a transformation of our society. Our society must demand quality services without seeming to plead for them. Secondly, there is a need to strengthen the management or procurement systems. I think one need not look very far. There is an issue of corruption in our parties which must be tackled but corruption in the Public Service and the private sector must also be checked. Just look at the lifestyles of some of the staff from the procurement units. Clearly, they live beyond their means.

Hon. Government Member: Abuse of office!

Dr Chituwo: This fight against corruption must not be discriminatory. If it is seemingly targeted against the MMD or any other party, then it will be like a cancer. When some cancer cells are left in an organism, they begin to spread. Believe you me, if corruption remains in the PF ranks, it will grow and when it does, it will consume all of us.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Dr Chituwo: Therefore, let us see to it that there is a level playing field. I am also glad to see that, in fact, that was the thrust of President Mwanawasa’s regime.

Hon. Government Member: What about RB?

Dr Chituwo: Mr Speaker, let me end by asking where, in His Excellency the President’s Speech, the policy direction on the Barotse Agreement is. There was no mention of it. What about the much talked-about windfall tax? Where is it?

Mr Speaker, I thank you.

Mr Speaker: Order!

Business was suspended from 1615 hours until 1630 hours.

Mr Chisanga (Mkushi South): Mr Speaker, I would like to be brief and to the point. In the first place, I would like to congratulate His Excellency the President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, on winning the 20th September, 2011 Presidential Elections. I have no doubt that the President will perform well.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chisanga: Sir, I knew the President way back when he was Governor for the Lusaka Province.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chisanga: He brought development to Lusaka Province through acts such as bringing the buses called the Lusaka Urban District Council (LUDC) and many others. Equally, when he was hon. Minister of Health, he performed well.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chisanga: Also, as MMD National Secretary, he performed well.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. Member: He is an MMD product.

Mr Chisanga: Sir, the President is a practical man and I have no doubt that he will perform well as President of Zambia.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chisanga: Sir, I am a proud MMD Member because the party has, yet again, produced a President, …

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chisanga: … His Excellency, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, who was the MMD National Secretary.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. Member: Born and bred in the MMD.

Hon. Government Member: Nomba ninshi tawachivotela?


Mr Chisanga: I am also proud that Mr Sata is the first President from the Northern Province. You have made the Bembas from the Northern Province proud.

Hon. Members: Dr Kaunda!

Mr Chisanga: Therefore, he should show the people of Zambia that Bembas have leadership qualities by embracing everybody.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Chisanga: Dr Kaunda came from the Eastern Province, …

Hon. Members: No!


Hon. Member: Ask the son. He is there.

Mr Chisanga: … Dr Chiluba was from Luapula Province, Mr Mwanawasa, SC. came from the Central Province and my father, RB, from the Eastern Province. Now we are left with the Southern and North-Western provinces.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. Member: And the Western Province!

Mr Chisanga: Your Excellency, though we are not with you in State House, we, the Bembas are with you in spirit.


Mr Chisanga: Mr Speaker, allow me to also congratulate you on your election to the Office of Speaker of the National Assembly. Permit me to also congratulate the Deputy Speaker, Hon. Mkhondo Lungu, and the Chairperson of the Committees of the Whole House, Hon. Chifumu Banda, SC.

Mr Speaker, I have known you through Simeza Sangwa and Mkushi District Council where you worked as legal counsel. Therefore, I have no doubt that you will perform well.

Sir, let me also thank the people of Mkushi South for giving me a second chance to serve them as their hon. Member of Parliament. I would like to assure them that I will not fail them, but continue with the same spirit.

As regards the President’s Speech, it was not inspiring ...


Hon. Opposition Member: Tell them!

Mr Chisanga: … in the sense that the issues I expected to be raised were not included.

Hon. Opposition Member: Hammer!

Mr V. Mwale: Bwezapo!

Mr Chisanga: Coming from a rural area, I expected a reduction in the price of agriculture inputs, …

Hon. Government Member: Was that the Budget?

Hon. Members: Reduction?

Hon. Member: In price.

Mr Chisanga: … but there was nothing to that effect. Secondly, I was also looking forward to hearing about the windfall tax in his speech, but there was nothing. Thirdly, I was looking forward to hearing about the feeder roads from my constituency, namely the Masansa/Old Mkushi Road, Mpula/Masansa via Mkushi, Old Mkushi/Kabwe Road, but there was no mention of that in his speech.

Hon. Opposition Member: It was hollow!

Mr Chisanga: Fourthly, the creation of a tenth province is a welcome development. However, I would like to suggest to His Excellency the President to name the province North-Eastern Province since we have North-Western on the other side and currently, Muchinga is a constituency.


Mr Chisanga: Mr Speaker, lastly, I welcome the idea of encouraging Zambians to enter into joint ventures with foreign investors.

With these few words, I thank you, Sir.

Mr Lufuma (Kabompo West): Mr Speaker, today marks a very special occasion in my political career. It is a moment that every person who aspires to be a politician looks forward to and cherishes. I am, therefore, overwhelmed with delight, but humbled at this rare opportunity to address this honourable House.

Sir, at this juncture, allow me to congratulate His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, and his Patriotic Front (PF) Party, on having emerged victorious in the just-ended and highly competitive elections.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, permit me to congratulate you, on your election as Head of the Legislature. I also congratulate the Deputy Speaker and the Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House on their unopposed ascension to these positions. I have no doubt that they will execute their responsibilities to expectations and with utmost impartiality.

Sir, I salute and congratulate all my colleagues in the House on their well-deserved wins.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, I would not have been here today without the collective resolve and wish of the people of Kabompo West Constituency. They, in their wisdom, elected me their Member of Parliament for the next five years. I am most grateful for the trust and confidence bestowed upon me.

I also wish to thank all the churches and clergy for their prayers, spiritual support and encouragement. I am grateful to my campaign team for its tenacity of commitment and unity of purpose. Very little could have been achieved without the comradely interaction and understanding amongst the members.

Sir, in reciprocation, I will endeavour to do what is necessary and humanly possible to fulfill the role and function of their area Member of Parliament.

Mr Speaker, my appreciation is also extended to all the lower organs of the party.


Mr Lufuma: Not below the belt, but the structures.

Sir, I also thank the National Management Committee of the United Party for National Development (UPND) …

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!


Mr Lufuma: … for adopting and supporting my campaign. My deepest and special thanks go to the President of the UPND, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, …

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufuma: … for the material and all manner of support rendered to me.

Finally, Mr Speaker, all could not have been the way it is without the unreserved and active participation of my friend, partner and wife, Princess Sombo Chinyama Ndungu Lufuma. She worked so hard that I wondered how she was able to sustain it for so long. She was my advisor, confidant and comforter. I am eternally indebted and profoundly grateful to her. My children, friends and relatives are also appreciated for their prayers, moral, material and financial support.

Mr Speaker, allow me to brief this House about my constituency. The constituency faces a number of challenges which, by sector, are as follows:

Sir, on agriculture, any Government that seriously wishes to combat poverty and reduce rural unemployment must consider support to agricultural activities as a priority. Below are some of the numerous challenges that the constituency is facing in the agriculture sector:

(i) inadequate farming inputs (fertiliser and seeds) – This makes it very difficult for farmers to expand hectareage for them to improve their socio-economic status;

(ii) poor and unco-ordinated crop marketing by the Food Reserve Agency (FRA);

(iii) delayed and cumbersome payment procedures by the FRA – Farmers wait for months before getting paid;

(iv) satellite depots are too few and are located far between, making it literally impossible and costly for farmers to deliver their crops to such depots;

(v) lack of proper and adequate storage facilities. The FRA does not seem to care to purchase other crops other than maize and, to some extent, rice. This discourages crop diversification;

(vi) lack of support services against animal disease and non-restocking of cattle, especially in the Kabompo, Mwinilunga and Zambezi areas that are on the border with Angola; and

(vii) the general poor state of feeder roads and collapsed bridges.

Mr Speaker, the above challenges make farming a very difficult economic venture, indeed.

Mr Speaker, as regards education, it is said that education is key to success and development. The sector faces a number of challenges. Among others, these are:

(i) inadequate schools and poor school infrastructure, especially the concept of community schools that our colleagues in the MMD fostered;

(ii) payment of untrained teachers by communities, a situation that is unsustainable as communities fail to pay them;

(iii) long distances to schools – the constituency and districts have only one boarding school, namely Kabompo Secondary School. More schools are needed, especially a boarding school for girls; and

(iv) unmotivated teaching staff – a general lack of accommodation and low salaries characterises most of the schools in the area. This situation has impacted negatively on the quality of education.

Mr Speaker, let me now talk about energy and rural electrification. Power outages in my constituency is the order of the day as the diesel engines frequently breakdown, and/or there is a lack of diesel. The effect of this on socio-economic activities has been negative. We, therefore, urge the Government to secure funding for the construction of mini-hydro power stations at Chikata and Chavuma Falls. These projects will certainly reduce power outages and the current astronomical operational costs.

Sir, as regards health, the story is similar to the other parts of the country. Kabompo West has not seen any construction of new health centres in the past twenty years. The few rural health centres that exist are few and far between, and dilapidated. One wonders how they have been able to hold without collapsing on patients.

Further, with population growth, areas that once had few people are now over-populated and, therefore, need such facilities. Qualified staff is also a challenge. In addition, the only district hospital built in 1967 has remained the same despite the growth in population. The best would have been to expand it to match the increased population.

Mr Speaker, I, therefore, urge the Government to expand the hospital and increase medical staff to cope with the population growth.

Mr Speaker, I now wish to talk about road infrastructure and bridges. The road network in my constituency is in a deplorable state. Township roads have virtually been washed away while feeder roads to various centres are impassable and this is worse during the rainy season. Bridges have either collapsed or are non-existent. In order to link the highly productive agricultural area across the Kabompo River, the Litoya and Chifuwes, to the market, it is necessary to immediately secure a pontoon on the Kabompo River. I am simply emphasising what Hon. Kakoma said. Such a project will have an immediate impact on agricultural production and the general economic welfare of the people of the constituency.

Mr Speaker, the infamous M8 Road is still under construction. However, the quality of the road between Kabompo and Zambezi is so poor that the road will not last for six months after completion. The Road Development Agency (RDA) and the consulting engineers must strictly supervise the construction of this road if it is to be of any economic benefit to the people of North-Western Province and country as a whole. There is a saying which goes, “Cheap is expensive.” This shoddy work must be halted immediately. If it means revising the specifications, so be it. It is better this is done now than spending ten times the amount later.

Mr Speaker, the Republican President proposed the tarring of the Kaoma/Lukulu and Mumbezhi roads as a way of opening up and connecting Kabompo, Zambezi and Chavuma in the North-Western Province to the Western Province. However, this must be accompanied or preceded by construction of a bridge across the Kabompo River at Watopa.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, in the water and sanitation sector, people are facing many challenges and difficulties. These include lack of adequate water points such as boreholes and inadequate water kiosks in the township. This compels our mothers to wake up and queue for water as early as 4 a.m every morning. This situation is unacceptable. Poor sanitation in the township, especially in the market places, at both the Musamba and up-town market, needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency.

Mr Speaker, allow me to make a few comments on the President’s Speech to this House. Let me commence by reminding this honourable House, especially the PF Government, that we enter into this political arena, knowing that the most pressing issues are those of poverty, unemployment, hunger, injustice, corruption, illiteracy, inequitable distribution of scarce resources and finally, progress and development for all. As can be expected, justice, fair and equitable distribution of wealth are not only prerequisites to development, but also to unity, peace and stability. The peace we enjoy today is a result of a deliberate and careful planning, and considered decision and action by our forefathers to maintain and sustain this equilibrium. It is, therefore, vital that we nurture and sustain this unity, peace and stability for the greater good of the nation.

Sir, short-term decisions and actions that border on unfair and inequitable distribution of wealth by one group or region to the disadvantage of other groups or regions, attractive as it may seem, run the risk of short-circuiting the equilibrium. This is to the detriment of the greater good. In other words, inequitable and unfair distribution of resources or advantaging of one region at the expense of another, real or perceived, may not be in the long-term interest of Zambia. Extra care and thought must be put into this as the Government governs this country.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, with regard to corruption, I wish to say that this is a very important matter. The President said that he was allergic to corruption. I welcome the proposed reinstatement of the Abuse of Office Clause and go further to ask the PF Government to demonstrate its allergy to corruption by registering the London Judgment in our High Court.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}

Mr Lufuma: Mr Speaker, the people of Zambia want tangible results. They want to get back what belongs to them now.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufuma: Sir, windfall tax is conspicuously absent from the President’s Speech. Is this a deliberate omission or an oversight? The PF Party campaigned much on this issue. We, on this side, want the Government to make its position on this matter clear. There are clearly two distinct schools of thought. There is one which maintains that it is double taxation and the other says it is necessary. Therefore, we need a clear line of thought and action by the Government on this issue. 

Sir, all hon. Members of Parliament who want that clinic, bridge, road, borehole, good agricultural support services, food security, less hunger, more employment and the increase of the CDF to K5 billion …

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Lufumba: … should support the reintroduction of windfall tax now rather than later for the good fortune afforded to us by the world market will not last forever. Posterity will judge us harshly if we continue to procrastinate on this issue.

Mr Speaker, mining is conspicuously not mentioned in the President’s Speech. It is too important a sector not to have received any attention at all. For five years now, the North-Western Province has been said to hold huge oil reserves that are ready for exploitation. There is oil in Kayombo, Chavuma, and Zambezi West. Serious efforts must be instituted to attract foreign direct investment (FDI) to exploit these oil reserves. Such exploitation will directly contribute to employment creation for the youth in and outside Kabompo. Unless employment benefits thereof are seen by the youths, we might be harbouring a time bomb that will explode anytime.

Mr Speaker, let me add my voice to the many who spoke before me on this very important subject. To deliver a Constitution that will stand the test of time in ninety days is being over ambitious, but it is also a good and positive gesture. Therefore, I will support the inclusion of any contentious issues, including the 50 plus 1 per cent

Mr Speaker, honouring the First Republican President, Dr Kenneth Kaunda, with a university in Chinsali is welcome. We also want a university in Kabompo as it was the first place where the President was imprisoned. It is the birth place of Independence. I was told that it was supposed to be in Solwezi. We, therefore, propose construction of a university in Kabompo that is to be called the University of Agriculture and Land Sciences.

Mr Speaker, I also support the proposition to move the provincial capital from Livingstone to Choma on account of its central location. We should let Livingstone concentrate on being a tourist capital of Zambia. It has been the wish of the people of the North-Western Province to relocate the provincial capital from Solwezi to Kabompo. This is to enable Solwezi to concentrate on being a mining town, leaving Kabompo to be established as an administrative centre of the North-Western Province. It is not only because it is centrally located, but also that it has abundant land for expansion and abundant water. I, therefore, propose that this be established at the same time as Choma.

Mr Speaker, I thank you.

Hon. UNPD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC. (Muchinga): Mr Speaker, I now wish to contribute to the speech delivered by the President. I know some people are not happy because I will be saying what they do not want to hear.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Sir, I have perused this speech, word for word, and there are some good pronouncements that I want to subject to some test to see whether they are achievable or are merely political gimmicks.

Mr Speaker, the President said very good things about the peaceful transition and smooth handover of power. However, I think that people must be told some of the things which went on and are still going on after we handed over power peacefully.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I want to tell you how we were constructively evicted from Government House, and the kind of treatment that hon. Ministers were subjected to on the day it was announced that our President had won the elections.

Mr Speaker, a large mob, with pangas, …


Mr Kunda, SC.: … some naked, came to Government House.

Hon. Ministers had to be barricaded by the police from the mobs because they wanted to enter their premises. We must thank the police, at least in this case, for protecting us. We had to leave Government House the same night, for good.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, that was a ‘constructive eviction’ from Government House. This was not a revolution, but an election. What precedence is this Government setting?

Mr Speaker, the police have not acted after some people were maimed and their property destroyed. Our party members are still being pursued and in hiding because of fear of retribution. 
Hon. Government Member: Chanda Chimba.

Mr Kunda, SC.: Now that you are in Government, you must always prepare for exit. It is now your time to also prepare for exit.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC.: The time will come but, please, provide security for the people of Zambia.

This “Don’t kubeba” slogan is double edged …

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC.: … because people may use it against you ...


Mr Kunda, SC.: … in future. They will not tell you and you will be kicked out of office.


Mr Kunda, SC.: At the end of the speech, the President said that he welcomes new ideas. I am just giving you new ideas. This is on the last page of the speech.

Hon. Government Member: We are listening.

Mr Kunda, SC.: On page 3, he said:

“Now that elections are behind us, it is time for us all to focus on forging ahead with the development of our country.”

Mr Speaker, these are wise words. However, it appears that the PF Government is still enjoying the honeymoon. Thirty days have gone and absolutely nothing has been implemented.

Hon. Government Members: Aah!

Mr Kunda, SC.: People are being thrown out of employment and into the streets.

Mr Kalaba: On a point of order, Sir.

Mr Kunda, SC.: You see, the people are hungry. There is poverty that was acknowledged by the President.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Therefore, get down to work ...

Hon. Government Member: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC.: … instead of talking about the MMD.

We want to see what this Government is going to do instead of talking about imaginary mistakes. What is it going to do in the next sixty days, having done nothing in the first thirty?


Mr Kunda, SC.: What is it going to do in the next five years?

Mr Kalaba: On a point of order, Sir.  

Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, the President talked about poverty levels.

Mr Speaker: A point of order is raised.

Mr Kalaba: Mr Speaker, I rise on a very serious point of order.

Is the former Vice-President, who is debating with much bitterness and anger, …
Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kalaba: … in order to say that this Government has not done anything from the time it was elected into power and yet, in fact, this Government has already demonstrated goodwill to the people of Zambia?

Mr Speaker: I have not discerned any bitterness and he has a right to be given an opportunity to debate.

Hon. Government Members: Long live the Chair!

Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I thank you for protecting my right to free speech and privileges of this House.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, our President thanked the youth of this country for bringing about change, but what change was he talking about?

Mr Speaker, just look at this Government.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, this is a crossbreed between the United National Independence Party (UNIP) and MMD.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Look at the faces.


Mr Kunda, SC.: This is like a coalition Government between the MMD and PF.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Now that UNIP is there, there will be no change, Mr Speaker. I doubt whether we are going to have change. Is this the change we are talking about?


Mr Kunda, SC.: The President talked about lower taxes, more money and more jobs. He also talked about a well-planned development agenda on page 9 of his speech. He went on to give a list of roads that will be constructed. At the same time, the Ruling Party talks about implementing projects within ninety days.

However, from the projects cited in the speech, it is clear to tell that some of them are intended to be achieved within a period of five years while others, perhaps, in ninety days. Can challenges such as hunger and poverty be addressed within ninety days?


Mr Kunda, SC.: The people are experiencing hunger, and it is not clear how hunger and poverty will be addressed within ninety days. However, the President talked about it on page 10, when he talked about medium and long-term planning continuing to be the guiding framework for the country’s national development. He went on to say that priority will be given to key programmes aimed at poverty reduction and wealth creation. We agree with this because this is what we have been doing. Look at our Fifth National Development Plan (FNDP) and Sixth National Development Plan (SNDP). If you analyse this speech, there is nothing it contains that is not found in the SNDP.

Mr Speaker, the fact is that the last Budget of this country was only K21 trillion. This is the money that is available. Things will only change if the Government grows the economy. The President did not talk about the issue of mineral taxes. He lamented that we have not achieved much from our mineral wealth, but did not make pronouncements on, for example, the windfall tax. I know that the hon. Minister of Mines and Natural Resources has been giving personal views on the tax.


Hon. MMD Member: He is Mr Windfall Tax!

Mr Kunda, SC.: Let me remind him that it is dangerous to continue espousing personal views in a collective responsibility arrangement. He is already having meetings with the mining companies. I do not know what to expect in the Budget. However, we hope that the Government will introduce these taxes. How will it construct all these hospitals, universities, roads and bridges and also give the good conditions of service in the health sector as promised? It is also going to have to immediately deal with the issue of payments to retirees. All this is in the speech of the President.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Is it out of K21 trillion?

What we were doing in the MMD Government was allocate substantial amounts of money to pensions every year. The Government will only manage if it borrows. However, it may recall that it used to attack the MMD Government on issues of borrowing. It may as well raise mineral taxes and introduce the windfall tax at about 75 per cent. Otherwise, I doubt whether it will achieve what it intends to achieve.

Sir, it is also good that the President has pledged to continue with the projects we initiated. That is how it should be. Continuity must be there. The people of Muchinga Constituency want all the pending projects to be completed. They do not want excuses.

Besides, the Government has made so many promises. Perhaps, it should just apologise to the people of Zambia …


Mr Kunda, SC.: … before it is too late.


Mr Kunda, SC.: It should tell them that it was just practising “Don’t kubeba.” Just tell the people.


Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, on the fight against corruption, I wish to state that we should fight corruption. The President also talked about the rule of law and this is very important. However, I would like to say that the President is the fountain of justice. He can forgive. Anybody can go to the President to ask for mercy when, for example, he/she is found wanting, convicted or in jail. Also, by virtue of his office, what the President says carries a lot of weight. For example, if the Head of State accuses somebody of corruption, that person is finished. It is like you are presumed guilty until the contrary is proved.

Hon. MMD Member: Yes!

Mr Kunda, SC.: That is dangerous. All those who are investigating, for example, …

Mr Nkombo: On a point of order, Sir.

Mr Speaker: A point of order is raised.

Mr Nkombo: Mr Speaker, allow me to apologise to the hon. Member of Parliament for Muchinga, whose debate I am enjoying, for interrupting him. It is not my practice to stand up on points of order unless I want to beckon the House to very important matters that affect the people whose interest and aspiration I represent in this House.

Sir, current data indicates that presidential pronouncements normally shape the destiny of anything or any subject they touch. Ever since the dissolution of the Zambia Wildlife Authority (ZAWA) Board, which has been accompanied by what I call reckless statements from the Head of State that animals are treated better than human beings, there are problems in the Western Province.

Mr Speaker, on Sunday, two human beings were killed …

Mr Speaker: Can you, please, raise your point of order because Hon. George Kunda, SC. was on the Floor? Can you be specific about the point of order you are raising?

Mr Nkombo: Mr Speaker, two Zambians, Mr Sitali Musolelo and Mr Libakeni Chibenge, game rangers with ZAWA, were killed by heavily armed poachers in Sesheke. Presently, their bodies lie in Senanga and Mongu mortuaries having been repatriated from Sesheke last night on Independence Day. Sir, is the hon. Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism, Mr Given Lubinda, in order to remain quiet and not tell the House and nation the situation regarding these two people? What is being done to prevent these indiscriminate killings of Zambians by poachers that are a result of the pronouncements by the Head of State? I need your serious ruling, Sir.


Hon. Government Members: Aah, no!

Mr Speaker: With due respect, the hon. Member is not in order to raise that point of order.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Speaker: Hon. Kunda, SC. was debating when you raised that point of order. Therefore, you should have addressed matters that Hon. Kunda, SC. was raising. If you want to debate separately or raise a question, that is a different matter altogether. Therefore, in this case, Hon. Kunda, SC. is not out of order.

May he continue, please?

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC.: Mr Speaker, I was talking about pronouncements that are made by our President, the one entrusted with Executive powers. He said, “I want you to investigate this corrupt transaction.” What message does that send to the people who are investigating? These are matters of justice. What message does it send? Lay persons will not come up with any conclusion different from what His Excellency the President, is saying. Therefore, the outcome of the investigations is predetermined in the minds of those who will investigate by what is implied by the President’s statements. Our President should refrain from making those pronouncements. He should let the security agencies and the courts do their job professionally.


Mr Kunda, SC: Mr Speaker, what I am referring to is a very important principle because, at the end of the day, everyone has to go to the President.

Mr Speaker, I would also like to cover two more issues. The first is on decentralisation, which has been mentioned on page 22. Let me say that we welcome this concept. I also would like to echo the call of other hon. Members for the CDF to be increased to K5 billion, …

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kunda, SC: … but, for us to make sure that resources are properly managed, let us pass a Constituency Development Fund Act like it was done in Kenya so that all the controls and guidelines on how to use the CDF are enshrined in the law.

Finally, on good governance, the President called upon civil society organisations to be proactive in the fight against corruption. Therefore, so we would like to see the Southern African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes (SACCORD), Transparency International Zambia (TIZ), the Law Association of Zambia (LAZ), the Non-Governmental Organisation Co-ordinating Council (NGOCC), the Post Newspaper and the media in general continue with their watchdog roles. I say this because some of them were aligned with the now Ruling Party, PF. Now that they may be eating together, …


Mr Kunda, SC: They should continue to criticise the Ruling Party the way they used to do to the MMD. Now the people are with us …


Mr Kunda, SC: Mr Speaker, ruling parties do not win elections in cities. Those in the cities are now flocking back to the MMD.

I thank you, Sir.


Mr Belemu (Mbabala): Mr Speaker, to start with, allow me to join my colleagues in congratulating you on your election to your position. Similarly, I would like to congratulate the hon. Deputy Speaker and the Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House on their election to their respective positions. I further congratulate all the hon. Members of this House on their election, including those who are nominated.

Mr Speaker, through the just-ended elections, the people of Mbabala spoke clearly, and their collective wisdom prevailed. I am, therefore, highly indebted to them for the trust and confidence they put in me. My assurance to them is that I have not travelled these 400 km to this place to betray them and their trust. I will forever hold them in high esteem. As long as I remain in this House, I will be guided by them in my decisions, deliberations, conduct and, most importantly, my conscience.

Mr Speaker, I wish to recognise the support that I am receiving from my family and express my gratitude to them. While on this topic, I probably must add that a trend appears to have been set, particularly by new hon. Members of Parliament of thanking their spouses. Allow me to adopt all the good words they said about their wives as my own.


Mr Belemu: Mr Speaker, my assurance to my colleagues is that I have just adopted the words and nothing else.


Mr Belemu: I am aware that my constituency has been represented here before by very eminent citizens, not least among them, His Royal Highness, Chief Mapanza, the late Mr Alfeyo Hambayi, the late Edward Nyanga and, not too long ago, Mr Hachipuka. To them, I am highly indebted for laying the foundation and providing the shoulders on which I now stand.

Mr Speaker, I am also indebted to my party, the UPND, and our party President, Mr Hakainde Hichilema, for his leadership and selflessness in steering the party as well as the magnanimity of his and the party’s decisions both before and after the just-ended elections.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: Similarly, I express my gratitude and appreciation to the founding President of our party, Mr Mazoka, and the general membership of our party who support and sympathise with us for their resilience and steadfastness in the pursuit of our common good. Perhaps, I must add that, in a civilised society such as ours, those who choose to serve the public through public office, particularly in a multi-party democracy, must not be subject to unnecessary scornful attacks, humiliation and abuse by those who think that they, and only they, are the chosen ones to whom the rest must bow down in infinite submission.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: Let people who are tempted to think like that hear us very clearly that we shall not bow before them. If we have to bow down, we shall do it before our God and I am sure history will vindicate us on this matter.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: As I indicated, the people of Mbabala have spoken and their voice must be heard by the people who are assembled here today. I suppose that, like that of many Zambians, their voice is loud and clear. It is a cry for development and the restoration of their economic fortunes. It is a cry to move out of poverty in this land, which is, paradoxically, also a land of plenty. It is a cry for a sincere and progressive leadership in which trust in political establishments might soon be waning due to the abuse of public trust and confidence. It is a cry for opportunities to pursue agriculture in a predictable and profitable manner. It is also a cry for accessible and affordable education for all.

Mr Speaker, the cry of the people of Mbabala is for access to health and other social services to make their lives manageable and enable them to enjoy the very basic, but inalienable right to life and the enjoyment of liberties. It is a cry for justice and equal opportunities. To put it in a nutshell, it is a cry for their homeland to develop. This, I reckon, is not asking too much in the 21st Century because it has been shown to be done elsewhere. It has also been done before.

Mr Speaker, allow me to make a few remarks with regard to the speech of His Excellency the President on the occasion of the Official Opening of the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly. I will touch on all the issues I will be able to within the time I am given and will  start with tourism.

Mr Speaker, I could not agree more with the President’s statement on page 42 of the speech that a tourism industry based on a well-designed Government policy and programme can be an important driving force in boosting our economy. This fact is recognised worldwide. However, I must hasten to say that this sector must not be left to chance. We must not gloss over it as we would say in the everyday language. There are fundamental issues that we need to look at in this sector for it to develop, bearing in mind that the decisions that we make today can affect tourism in the next ten or fifteen years. In charting the way forward, the PF Government should ensure that it puts the right building blocks in place for this sector to grow. Among them are the following:

Mr Speaker, on legislation, there is a need to update the laws and regulations that govern this sector. As the House might be aware, the Tourism and Hospitality Act of 2007 has not been implemented due to the several difficulties that were found in the course of trying to do so. This is important because, currently, there are a number of uncertainties regarding the way this sector is governed and regulated.

Mr Speaker, we need to develop a tourism master plan. Zambia is one of the few countries, at the moment, which is running tourism without a master plan. It is important for the PF Government to pay attention to this and begin to move in that direction.


Mr Belemu: We are also among the few countries that cannot correctly measure the impact of tourism in relation to the economy and general employment creation. In this regard, it is important for the PF Government to put a high priority on this sector. When the next National Budget is presented to this House, we expect to see a provision for this. There are known instruments such as the Tourism Satellite Account (TSA) that can be employed to do this.

Sir, we have noted that there is a need for us, if we are to develop tourism, to pay attention to the various aspects of infrastructure in this sector. That is why, as my colleagues have mentioned, there are certain roads that we thought would attract the President’s attention such as the Kalomo/Dundumwezi/Kafue National Park Road, Mumbwa/Itezhi-tezhi Road and other roads that lead to major tourist attractions. It is important that the PF Government pays attention to the state of the roads that lead to major tourism attractions. While on infrastructure, I would like to say that it is also important that the Government now does not stop, but rather continues the various infrastructure developments that were started by the previous Government.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear! Quality!

Mr Belemu: Mr Speaker, tourism skills training is another important aspect in the development of our tourism sector. Therefore, if the reason, as provided on page 44 of the President’s Speech, of changing the provincial capital from Livingstone to Choma is that Livingstone remains a tourist capital, the President should have talked about the construction, in Livingstone, of a fully-fledged university that focuses on tourism, hospitality and related disciplines.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: Therefore, as the PF Government intends to build universities, we encourage it to include this important project that is connected to the development of tourism.

Mr Speaker, whilst still on tourism, I must say that it is also important that the PF Government states, very clearly, its position on a number of matters that affect this sector. For example, as my colleagues have said, there is a need for us to have a very clear direction with regard to how we are going to interact with the international community. This, to a large extent, affects how we will market our tourism to our target markets.

Mr Speaker, we need to know soon where we stand on a number of international issues, including conventions. All we hear of are embassies being opened in places such as Portugal, but where this Government stands on a number of international issues, we do not know. Addressing this concern will help us to make progress in the marketing of our tourism.

Hon. Opposition Members: Quality!

Mr Belemu: Mr Speaker, the next aspect is that of the PF Government’s stand on the conservation of nature and wildlife. Some of the Government pronouncements in the recent past are very worrying. If not checked, the joke by the President that the hon. Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism is a tourist attraction may come to pass in the not too distant future.


Mr Lubinda interjected.

Mr Belemu: However, …

Mr Speaker: The hon. Member will address the Chair.

Mr Belemu: Mr Speaker, the trouble of being a leader and wanting to be a tourist attraction is that you can find yourself in a painful situation such as the one Nebuchadnezzar found himself in. For seven years you can be in the wilderness thereby becoming a tourist attraction immediately.


Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: We must be very clear on where we stand on conservation in relation to tourism. For example, what does the overnight release of over 600 people who were arrested for wildlife-related offences say to the international community? What does it say to the men and women who risk their lives to fight poaching? What does it say about our commitment to the international conventions that we are party to? We must appreciate the fact that for our local tourism to grow, it must be connected to regional conventions.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear! Quality!

Mr Belemu: If it is not careful, as in the earlier example of Nebuchadnezzar, very soon the PF Government will be weighed on a scale and found wanting.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: Mr Speaker, allow me to also talk about agriculture. Mbabala Constituency is a rural community and, therefore, more money in people’s pockets entails the PF Government finding a correct formula for agriculture. I note that the Government wants the farmers to grow a variety of crops other than just maize. Before we even get there, it is important that we get what we are doing now right. At the moment, farmers, agricultural officers and everyone else is not very clear about how this marketing season is going to be managed.

We have heard some aspects regarding agricultural marketing in the President’s Speech. He indicated that the Government will be the buyer of last resort. Are we sure that we have the right software, architecture, structures and capacity in the private sector for the Government to remain a buyer of last resort in this country? Before we talk about the Government being the buyer of last resort, do we have a buyer of first resort? Those are some of the questions that we need to ask ourselves, bearing in mind that an assured market is a prerequisite for the production of certain crops such as maize.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Livune: Kobambila tata, kobambila.

Mr Belemu: While I am still on agriculture, I want to say that we are looking forward to the construction and rehabilitation of dip tanks so that compulsory dipping can take effect. We are also waiting for the construction of dams and irrigation systems as mentioned by the President on page 21 of his speech.

Mr Speaker, let me now turn to education and health services development. Mbabala Constituency also needs accessible and quality services in these two sectors. Most of the schools are in disrepair. To date, there are certain schools which were grass thatched and have since collapsed. If it is not raining, it means the children will be sitting under the trees for the next many years to come. On the other hand, if it rains, there will be no classes for them. We can give specific names of schools that are in such a situation, but I will not do so due to time.

Sir, it is important to recognise that infrastructure development is also a prerequisite for economic development. One of the clear marks of what we commonly call rural constituencies is the less investment in of public infrastructure. In this regard, I would urge the PF Government, as it looks roads, to also consider tarring the Pemba/Mapanza Road. It must also consider tarring and improving the bridges on the Muyobe/Macha Road. This should be done as this road leads to one of the major hospitals that caters not only for people that are in Mbabala Constituency, but across the country. The hospital is one of the key malaria research centres.

Mr Speaker, as local governance, I note the Government’s desire to move in the direction of improving infrastructure and service delivery through decentralisation. It is important to also note that this will be put to the test when the Government presents the Budget to this House. How much will be allocated to the communities and lower structures is important and will determine the seriousness and commitment of the Government to the Decentralisation Policy. Therefore, I agree with my colleagues that the Constituency Development Fund (CDF), to start with, must be increased to, at least, K5 billion in the next Budget.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: Sir, there are a number of matters, as I indicated, that were raised by the President in his speech and which are of interest to me. To start with, I will limit myself to the ones I have just talked about. It is also important for us to recognise that decisions and pronouncements that we make today, will have an effect on tomorrow. Therefore, I would like to urge my colleagues in the PF Government, particularly those who have been entrusted with ministerial positions to take the issues raised on this side of the house very seriously.

Mr Speaker, I would like to conclude on a positive note by congratulating the hon. Minister responsible for tourism for successfully bidding for Zambia to host the 2013 World Tourism Organisation General Assembly.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: I am pleased that he chose the route of continuity because I am aware that this development was started by the previous Government.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: In this regard, I, therefore, commend the previous hon. Ministers of Tourism, Environment and Natural Resources, the hon. Members for Mafinga and Mwandi, for their efforts in laying a foundation on which we can build our tourism.

Mr Speaker, I wish the PF Government well as it seeks to fulfill the many good promises it made to Zambians in the now proverbial ninety days.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Belemu: We all look forward to an extraordinary Christmas. I, personally, and the people of Mbabala look forward to it.

Mr Speaker, I thank you.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao (Senga Hill): Mr Speaker, thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak on the Floor of the House. I will not go through the usual salutations as much of that has been done by the many who spoke before me.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, let me, at this point, adopt some of the contributions of some hon. Members as my own. The contributions which I would like to adopt include Hon. Gabriel Namulambe’s, which was made with the utmost humility and Hon. Mweetwa’s, which showed us the difficulties that lie ahead of us. I would also like to adopt Hon. Mbulakulima’s contribution which was based on facts meant to encourage the new Government to perform better by beating the records …

MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: … on the micro economic level so far set by the MMD Government. I would also like to adopt Dr Musokotwane’s contribution which was made after concrete research into what was, what is, and what will be.


Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, I further wish to adopt Hon. Namugala’s contribution as my own. She rightly expressed her concerns regarding violence in the country and I will talk about this briefly.

Mr Speaker, I must admit that I sat here and carefully listened to the President of Zambia, His Excellency, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata deliver his speech from the ‘throne’. Briefly, Acts 10:28 passed through my mind and I exclaimed, God is great!

Mr Speaker, our candidate, the former President did everything a person who was serious about being elected could do, but God allowed President Sata, the people’s choice, to rule. To me, this is very revealing. It shows that any Zambian either with a humble beginning or born with a golden spoon in the mouth can rule Zambia. Therefore, I encourage all those with the ambition of ruling this country to keep their dream alive.

MMD Member: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, the speech was well delivered and, after reading through it, I discovered that it was well written. Despite the speech having been well written, I still have a few areas of concern. Some of the concerns I have could probably be as a result of a lack of detailed processes of how some programmes he talked about were going to be implemented. However, I must be quick to add that President Sata’s Speech followed the normal pattern of Presidents’ parliamentary speeches.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, a key concern I have is the Barotseland issue that I expected the President to adequately talk about in his speech. I know that a Commission of Inquiry has been appointed to look into the recent happenings in Mongu regarding the Barotseland issue but, as a citizen of Zambia, my interest goes beyond the work of the commission. I believe that God has appointed Mr Sata to rule so that this issue can be sorted out resolutely.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, as you know, the Barotseland issue has been a simmering pot for decades. I firmly believe that it will be sorted out resolutely by President Sata and his Government. I, therefore, suggest that the Barotseland issue be sorted out resolutely, if possible, within ninety days …

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: … through the following road map:

(i) a definition of who is from Barotseland must be established;

(ii) the people from Barotseland wherever they are must be identified;

(iii) the boundaries of Barotseland must be agreed upon; and

(iv) a referendum to ask the people from Barotseland to decide on whether they want self rule or not must be carried out.

Hon. Government Members: Aah!

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, if the people from Barotseland decide, through a referendum, that they want to rule themselves, then Zambia should allow them to do so. We should let them have their own country if that is what they want.


Mr Simbao: I am sure Hon. Lubinda, coming from there, would like to become the President of that land.


Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, we cannot continue like this. We must solve this problem. We cannot continue shutting up the people from the Barotseland all the time. We must give them the opportunity to decide what they want for themselves.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: Do they want to be Zambians or to have their own country?

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, if, through a referendum, the people from Barotseland decide against having their own country, then all the issues surrounding the agreement should be discarded permanently. All those who are part of this country should be proud to be called Zambians. Let the people from the Barotseland decide on whether they want to be a part of us or not. They must be allowed to make a decision on their own so that we can have a united Zambia. The time has come to hold the bull by its horns and I am very hopeful that President Sata is going to deliver on this issue.


Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, another situation of a similar nature is obtaining in the Eastern Province. The easterners apparently believe that the Malawi Border ends at the Luangwa River. We had a debate in this House in which an hon. Member of Parliament for Chipangali Constituency threatened that the Eastern Province would secede from Zambia and become a part of Malawi if the Government continued to ignore it in terms of developmental projects. The hon. Member was fully supported by all the hon. Members from the Eastern Province. This threat scared us and should be looked at by President Sata. The issues surrounding the threat should be conclusively dealt with so that we can have unity in our country and not be susceptible to the whims of individuals who may threaten to secede from this country whenever they feel that their plight is being ignored.

Hon. Opposition Members: Correct.

Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, the other issue, which is connected to what I am talking about, is the suggestion that Zambia becomes a federation. Debates on whether Zambia should become a federation or not have taken place before. The shameful tribal inclination that our politics are taking makes me think that, maybe, it is now time for us to consider turning our country into a federation so that each tribe rules itself.

Mrs Chungu: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}

Mr Simbao: Those who do not have a tribe in Zambia will be adopted by other existing tribes.


Hon. Opposition Members: Guy Scott.

Mr Simbao: Maybe, that will help us to secure our future.

Mr Speaker, I am elated with the move by the Government to create the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs. It is a very important ministry. We, as hon. Members of Parliament, have had a very difficult time explaining to the chiefs what made them be relegated to the level at which they are today.


Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, some of the relegated chiefs are supposed to be kings. For example, according to their subjects, Paramount Chiefs Gawa Undi, Litunga and Mwata Kazembe are supposed to be kings. It is believed that we, as a Government, has suppressed them and made them become paramount chiefs. I can mention many other chiefs who, according to their subjects, are supposed to be kings.

I am very glad that the President has wisely created this ministry. This issue of kings must be settled. For example, Paramount Chief Gawa Undi has subjects in Mozambique and Malawi who refer to him as King. However, we, in Zambia, refer to him as Paramount Chief, which is a very big contradiction. I believe that God has brought President Sata into power to settle this issue, which I hope he will. Paramount chiefs deserve to be called kings. We have kept them under a wrong status for a long time. I think their time to rise to their rightful status has come.


Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker, the issue of sub-chiefs is very difficult and the history of how they came about is very saddening. These were chiefs before the arrival of the colonialists. However, for whatever the reason, when the colonialists arrived, they divided the number of chiefs into two and retained one half as chiefs and the other half, the less recognised, were relegated to sub-chiefs. This has caused many problems. Therefore, I am glad that, with the creation of this ministry, the problem of sub-chiefs will be sorted out. Sub-chiefs deserve the status of chiefs so that they are recognised and get the benefits befitting that status.

Mr Speaker, speaking for myself, there are nine sub-chiefs in my constituency. When they tell you their history, you realise that some of them are senior to those who have been recognised as chiefs. They are helpless because they do not know what to do. I, therefore, believe that God has brought President Sata to sort out this problem …


Mr Simbao: … so that these people can be chiefs and not sub-chiefs.

Mr Speaker, because of the constraint of time, let me address the issue of agriculture. I am glad that the hon. Minister of Agriculture and Livestock is one of the hon. Ministers whose presence in the House has been consistent. At the times issues such as this one are raised, it is important that hon. Ministers are present in the House. I am glad he is here to listen to us because it is important that he takes note of the grievances we raise.

Sir, I am concerned about the fact that the President was not categorical on the issue of agriculture. I am sure he knows that a lot of the people are engaged in subsistence farming, but I am informed that, this year, farmers in Senga Hill have only been given two bags of fertiliser each.

Hon. Government Members: It is you who created that!

Mr Simbao: This turnaround from four to a paltry two bags has created confusion in Senga Hill.


Mr Simbao: Mr Speaker what I am saying is true and whoever is interested can phone to find out from the people of Senga Hill. I am trying to bring to the attention of the hon. Minister of Agriculture and Livestock the confusion amongst the farmers in Senga Hill due to the lack of increase in the number of bags of fertiliser distributed to them.

Hon. Government Members: It is you who left it!

Mr Simbao: This has created a big problem because, as we understand it, when the MMD reduced the bags of fertilisers from eight to four, it was under fire from our good friends who are now on the other side. They told us that we would lose elections because of the step we had taken to reduce the bags of fertiliser from eight to four.

Mr Sikazwe: And you lost!

Mr Simbao: In my constituency, and not anyone else’s as I do not know what is happening there, this year, they have only received two bags of fertiliser and not four. I would like to remind my friends that if that is what is going to happen, hon. Minister of Agriculture and Livestock, believe me, the rural people will have problems supporting you.

Mr Speaker, on page 17, the President said:

 “My Government will, therefore, complement the private sector by being a buyer of last resort.”

 Only when people understand what this means will they realise that there is a very rough road ahead in agriculture. Most of their produce and sweat will be sold for nothing if the Government is not in the forefront in buying the produce. Unfortunately, the President made it clear that the Government will be in the background in this exercise. Therefore, our people must understand this statement. Their produce will be sold for very little or no produce will be sold at all. What this means is that it is the end of subsistence farming in this country because I believe everyone knows what private businessmen and women do.

Mr Speaker, hon. Members of Parliament such as I, who hail from rural constituencies, will agree with me that the speech by the President on agriculture is frightening. We are doomed. Those who are heckling do not understand because they do not come from rural areas. This beginning, if not halted, could spell the end of my constituency as people rely on subsistence farming since they are not on the harbour side of Mbala District. All the people there rely on the farming. I would urge the President that it is not too late to re-think this stance. While we support him on the issue of ‘more money in people’s pockets’, if people do not farm as expected, they will sink into more poverty than before.

Mr Speaker, on violence, I wish to state that what is happening now is unprecedented.

Hon. Government Members: Where?

Mr Simbao: If this violence being perpetuated is as a result of the past MMD violence, then it is unfortunate because it means no political party among the MMD, PF, UPND and many others is wiser.

Hon. UPND Members: No!

Mr Simbao: Come another change of Government, those in power who think they are living in the fifth dimension will drop back to the third dimension and will be harangued. Violence will not stop, and instead of getting better, it will be worse. The MMD lost …

Mr Sikazwe: William Banda!

Mr Simbao: … and that is bad enough. However, is it also necessary to hunt them down like animals, take away their means of livelihood, chase them out of their homes and destroy their property?


Mr Simbao: Only a person who is able to jump into the fifth dimension, and I hope many people understand what I am saying, can do that.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Simbao: For the many who believe that they are now untouchable, when there will be a change of Government, like what has happened now, …

Mr Muntanga: It is too early!

Mr Simbao: Yes, it is too early. I am coming to that.

… their grandchildren will suffer for the sins of their grandparents. People rarely forget.

Hon. UPND Members: And it will never stop!

Mr Simbao: Yes, it will never stop. And I am talking about this because you are the next.


Mr Simbao: People never stop. This must be denounced so that the next change does not happen like this.

Mr Speaker, I am glad that the President has reintroduced compulsory learning in both primary and secondary schools. Those of us who went to secondary school much earlier witnessed mockery of new pupils in schools every year. We looked forward to having new pupils in school because we wanted to mock them as well.

Mr Speaker, if we do not stop this violence, which our friends are not seeing, it will not stop.

I thank you, Sir.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga (Kabwe Central): Mr Speaker, I thank you for affording me this opportunity to make my maiden speech in this august House since my election as hon. Member of Parliament for Kabwe Central Constituency on 20th September, 2011.

Mr Speaker, I wish to congratulate His Excellency, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, on having been elected President of this great nation, Zambia. My congratulations are also due to you on your election to the position of Hon. Speaker of the National Assembly. I also salute the Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House on their election.

Mr Speaker, allow me to congratulate all hon. Members of Parliament on their election to this House.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, as I embark on my journey as a people’s representative, I wish to sincerely pay special tribute to the wonderful people of Kabwe Central Constituency for giving my party, the PF, and I such a clear mandate during the elections through a massive majority.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, allow me to take this opportunity to give glory to God, my Creator, for all the good things he has done for me, my family and, indeed, my country, Zambia. I wish to express gratitude to our party President, His Excellency Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, who is also President of this great nation, Zambia, for giving me this privileged opportunity to represent my party on the PF ticket.

Mr Speaker, I wish to further thank all the Members of the Central Committee, all party organs involved and, indeed, all PF members, officials, family and friends for the support and assistance given. My full names are James Mambepa Kapyanga, nicknamed ‘Sweeper’.

Hon. PF Members:  Mwaume, uyu.

Mr Kapyanga:  I am married with seven children, namely ...


Mr Speaker: Order!

The hon. Member may continue.

Mr Kapyanga: I am highly reproductive.

… Kapalu, Songiso, Natasha, Nkondo, Wenase, Kampamba and Kangwa.

Mr Speaker, I wish to make special mention of my predecessor, Mr Kayula Kakusa, who did a commendable job in Kabwe Central Constituency. I hope to continue with the developmental programmes he initiated and also add value to them as a means of continuity to the development of the area.

Mr Speaker, I joined politics in 1989. This was after developing interest in listening to various debates on big issues such as health care, jobs, energy, retrenchment, clean water, sanitation, infrastructure development, agriculture, education and information communication technology. I thought about how we would restore trust in a Government that seemed increasingly withdrawn from its people and dominated by corruption and special interests.

Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: Then, I said to myself that it was important to put people first.

Mr Speaker, and hon. Members, you can hear voices of change travelling across the country. We have listened to those voices and learnt from them. This can be attested by the jubilation that took place after the pronouncement by the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) in the early hours of 21st September, 2011, that the PF had won the elections.

Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: We have learnt that the Zambian people are hungry for leaders who offer more than just empty slogans and His Excellency, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, is one such leader.


Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, the PF Government will respond with the substance the Zambian people demand. It will move forward with a vision and plan for the future. We hope our ideas, as PF, are only the beginning of the serious debate that you take into your homes, work places and communities. The debate is surely needed.

Mr Speaker, in the last twenty years, the MMD Government has served only the rich and special interests. Millions of poor Zambians have paid more to the MMD Government, but got less in return.

Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: The results have been devastating in that, with time, we have seen a record high number of people without jobs, schools that are falling apart, millions of people with inadequate health care and more dangerous streets. It is time for change and for leaders willing to accept responsibility and ready to put the power of the presidency to work for the Zambian people.

Hon. PF Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: In the President’s Speech, the many pronouncements made outlined the PF Government’s resolve to put the people of Zambia first and fight for what Zambians deserve. For instance, he said:

“The citizens of this great land not only deserve better lives, but are entitled to better lives.”

Mr Speaker, Kabwe Central Constituency is the hub of the business administration and management of activities for the Central Province, hence its significance. The people of Kabwe Central Constituency, like any other community in the country, are facing many challenges. This can be attributed to the closure of many companies from 1994. These companies include Mulungushi Textiles, Small Industrial Development Organisation (SIDO), General Pharmaceuticals Limited, Kabwe Mine. This state of affairs even earned the town the term of ‘Ghost Town’ at one time.

Hon. PF Members: Shame.

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, the relocation of the Railway Systems of Zambia (RSZ) Headquarters from Kabwe to Lusaka has also added to the now alarming unemployment levels. As a result, small and medium enterprises (SME) have lost business. There is a need to address the situation in Kabwe urgently. The People of Kabwe need the following:

(i) international standard accommodation;

(ii) improvement and upgrading of all health centres and public toilets;

(iii) an airport;

(iv) an international convention centre;

(v) a modern shopping mall or centre;

(vi) manufacturing industries to produce tomato sauce, peanut and butter, among others;

(vii) social amenities. There is a need for a modern stadium in Kabwe;

(viii) vocational training centres for the youths like we have already said in our manifesto;

(ix) reopening of the Mulungushi Textiles Company and the SIDO tannery;

(x) declaration of Kabwe as a tax free zone. This will act as a tool to attract investment;

(xi) modern markets and bus stations where all buses shall load and depart from. In this way, the council will be able to control and collect revenue for developmental projects;

(xii) improved RSZ operations;

(xiii) improved Kabwe Industrial Fabrics Company;

(xiv) street lighting of Kabwe. Kabwe is very dark. As you enter from Lusaka, you even know. It has been this way for twenty years;

(xv) rehabilitation and upgrading of education centres;

(xvi) drainage systems, sanitations, supply of good clean water;

(xvii) recycling plants; and

(xviii) rehabilitation, upgrading and resurfacing of all urban and feeder roads in various areas.

Mr Speaker, there has been literally no infrastructure development in most parts of Kabwe due to the failure by the previous Government to initiate viable projects.

Hon. PF Members: Shame.

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, under infrastructure development, there is a need to develop the following:

(i) modern hotels that provide international standard accommodation. This  will enhance the ability of the town to grow even faster;

(ii) an airport to encourage investors and many more key people to travel to the town and make investment decisions using quick and efficient transport;

(iii) modern shopping malls that would provide clean toilets, takeaway foods and other services for the growing population as well as create jobs; and

(iv) an international conventional centre. As you are aware, Kabwe is the birth place of the rich political history of this country. This has been reaffirmed by the hosting of most party conventions by the biggest political parties. This will also attract more organisations from outside Zambia because of our geographical position.

Mr Speaker, the people of Kabwe Central Constituency face difficulties in accessing clean water. They also face difficulties in selling merchandise and transporting their farm produce to areas of need due to the bad road network and infrastructure. The roads which need to be worked on as a matter of urgency are as follows:

 (i) 2nd Avenue;

 (ii) Buntungwa Street;

 (iii) Chilubi Island;

 (iv) Egypt Avenue;

 (v) Freedom Way;

 (vi) Godetia Street;

 (vii) Holy Street;

 (viii) Jameson Avenue;

 (ix) Kafue River Drive;

 (x) Luangwa Avenue;

 (xi) Lukanga Road;

 (xii) Lusito Street; and

 (xiii) Munkonchi.

This shows that the MMD Government did not do anything.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Hon. Government Member: Shame!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, as regards industry, there is a need to develop recycling projects and encourage certain investments that will sustain the environment and keep it clean. Such projects will help create jobs through the establishment of small companies that will deal with the collection of materials to be sold to recycling plants.

Mr Speaker, as earlier mentioned, there is a need to re-open the Mulungushi Textiles and revamp the Small Industrial Development Organisation (SIDO). These entities can create about 3,000 jobs.

Sir, we must also revisit the RSZ and the Kabwe Industrial Fabrics with a view to improving operations so as to foster efficiency and create more jobs. Kabwe Mine should be transformed into a point of value addition to products.

Mr Speaker, as regards education, there is a need to construct and establish more secondary schools as there are only five secondary schools in Kabwe Central Constituency. There is also a need to upgrade community schools to primary schools and establish libraries in each ward in Kabwe Central Constituency. This will improve a tour reading culture and research that will, in turn, improve the literacy levels.

Mr Speaker, the transformation of Nkrumah Teachers’ Training College into a university has taken too long. This has to be done expeditiously. I know for sure that the MMD failed ...

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: … because this issue has been dragging for twenty years.


Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, a girls’ school should be established in each ward to encourage girl-child education, especially in Kaputula, David Ramusho, Luansanse, Kalonga and Justine Kabwe wards.

Mr Speaker, as regards water, Kabwe Central Constituency has abundant water resources and boasts of having the famous Mulungushi River. All it needs is a continuous provision of safe and clean water. The erratic water supply in Kabwe Central Constituency has negatively affected the socio-economic activities, hence the need for Lukanga Water and Sewerage Company Ltd to be funded with a grant to enable it to meet the people’s expectations on service delivery.

Mr Speaker, there is also a need to shorten the walking distances by the people of Katondo, Nakoli, Kaputula, Makandanyama, Kamushanga, Abdul, Makwati and Kamuchanga compounds to ferry water by sinking more boreholes. The Government is working towards that.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, on agriculture, Kabwe Central Constituency has a huge agriculture potential that has proved to be the driving force of many socio-economic activities. This is attributed to the fact that agriculture has sustained the activities of the town from the time it was declared a ghost town.

Sir, storage shades should also be constructed for the safekeeping of maize grain. Kabwe produces a lot of tomatoes, groundnuts, water melons and a variety of vegetables. Farming inputs should be provided at lower prices and in good time. The quick payment of farmers for the maize supplied to the FRA is necessary as it will motivate them. However, this has been overtaken by events as I remember quite well His Honour the Vice-President’s response to this.

Mr Speaker, as regards feeder roads, I want to bring this to your attention, Hon. Muntanga.


Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, there is a need to grade and construct …

Mr Muntanga: On a point of order, Sir.


Hon. Government Member: Awe, wemukulu pakaiche!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, there is a need to grade and construct feeder roads ...

Mr Muntanga: On a point of order, Sir.

Hon. Government Member: Sit down, Muntanga.

Mr Kapyanga: … in Kasosolo, Mpima, Kamakuti and Kafulamase wards for the farmers to easily transport their inputs and produce. This, I feel the Government will do. This will, in turn, greatly reduce the levels of poverty.

Mr Speaker, as regards sanitation, the drainage system in Kabwe Central Constituency needs urgent attention. For example, the areas around new Kasanda Market, Shoprite, Shangalilwa Complex and the whole town is waterlogged whenever there is a downpour. This has greatly contributed to the weakening of the road infrastructure.

Hon. Malama: Hammer, Sweeper, hammer!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, on the disposal of sewerage, Kabwe Central Constituency has a bad sewerage system which needs to be properly rehabilitated as it has proved to be ineffective because it is run down. It needs to be expanded to cater for the growing population.

Mr Speaker, on tourism, Kabwe Central Constituency has some of the oldest buildings that we can take advantage of.  For example, there is Zinc Limited which was built in 1947. There is also the Mukuyu Tree in the town centre which is a historical site as it was used as a meeting place during the early days of settlement. Kabwe also has the Mulungushi Boating Club which recently hosted a mountain-bike race. The town boasts of some of the most important political and historical sites. I, therefore, request the hon. Minister of Information, Broadcasting and Tourism to include it on the tourism map for marketing purposes.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, health facilities in Kabwe Central Constituency are in a deplorable condition. There is a need for the rehabilitation and upgrading of Natuseko, Katondo, Nakoli and Pollen Health Centres into mini hospitals to handle complicated maternity cases as these clinics have vast land for expansion. There is a need for more health staff to be recruited. In the same vein, more drugs and equipment should be supplied in all these centres.

Mr Speaker, as regards housing, …


Mr Kapyanga: Mr Speaker, I wish, once again, to thank the people of Kabwe and Kabwe Central Constituency, in particular, and the nation at large for the chance to be their representative in Parliament. I shall endeavor to be their conveyor of developmental messages between the people and the Government.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Kapyanga: May the Good Lord bless our country, Zambia.

Mr Speaker, I thank you.

Mr Speaker: Order!

Business was suspended from 1815 hours until 1830 hours.

[MR SPEAKER in the Chair]

Mr Mpundu (Nchelenge): Mr Speaker, I thank you for allowing me to contribute to the debate on the Motion on the Floor, and also to deliver my maiden speech.

Sir, I would like to pass my well wishes to His Excellency, the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, for occupying the highest public office in the land. From wild jubilations across the country and his victory celebrations in a neighbouring country, this clearly demonstrated that his ascension to the President’s Office was long overdue. The celebrations equally demonstrated that most voters expected nothing less than his victory.

Mr Speaker, it was ordained that at this particular time in the history of Zambia, he was going to ascend to the presidency. The good Lord favoured him with wisdom to remain focused, demonstrate tenacity and resilience in the wake of all adversities on his journey to the presidency. Finally, it arrived, and now he is our Republican President.

Hon. Government Members:  Hear, hear!

Mr Mpundu: Mr Speaker, allow me to equally congratulate you on your deserved election to the Office of Speaker, the public portfolio that is important and demands impartiality in the discharge of duty so that the Legislative arm of Government performs its intended functions to the satisfaction of all Zambians.

Sir, in the same vein, I extend my congratulations to the Deputy Speaker and the Deputy Chairperson of the Committees of the Whole House. These are men with distinguished legislative careers. They deserve those esteemed positions.

Mr Speaker, my salutations would not be complete if I did not mention the Patriotic Front at all levels, for showing confidence in me and adopting me to contest the Parliamentary Seat which I am holding today on behalf of the people of Nchelenge Constituency.

Sir, I also extend my sincere thanks to all Their Royal Highnesses in Nchelenge Constituency for demonstrating impartiality during the election period. They deserve applause for this gesture.

Mr Malama: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}

Mr Mpundu: Mr Speaker, the people of Nchelenge were good to me during the election period. I thank them dearly for their support that delivered my success.

Sir, allow me to thank my wife, Violet Mubamba and my five children for their patience and support as I embarked on this political career, dating back to 2001. They have been my inspiration. I also thank the two families, the Mpundus and Mubambas and all my friends and associates who supported my campaign, materially, financially and morally. Their support is invaluable and I will treasure it for as long as I live.

Mr Speaker, let me also congratulate all hon. Members of Parliament, elected and nominated, on their victory and appointments, respectively. It is my prayer that, during our tour of duty, all of us shall find favour in God, making Him our source of strength and live up to the expectation of the electorate and appointing authority.

Sir, allow me now to applaud His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, for his outstanding President’s Speech. The Speech is in line with the desires of the people of Zambia to bridge the gap between their legitimate expectations and the reality that is characterised by abject poverty that is manifested in all forms.

Sir, the speech made many pronouncements which fairly covered a framework of the Government function spectrum. The President paid special attention to infrastructure development, especially roads, and made commitments to improvements in education, health and other social sectors. Agriculture is set for major developments, especially with a shift to mono-culture coupled with promotion in each province. This single pronouncement will significantly lead to creation of a rural economy never witnessed in this country before, which has potential to facilitate further development expansion of the agro-processing sub-sector. Appropriate financing will equally be structured and provided.

Mr Speaker, the President further made commitments to introduce a social housing scheme, improvement in water and sanitation services, social protection, youth empowerment, provision of a conducive business environment and rejuvenation of the manufacturing sector, further development of the energy and tourism sectors, reforming of the electoral process and promotion of good governance.

Sir, in consideration of the Electoral Reform Programme, I submit that all materials of value that politicians could use, that have the potential to corrupt the electorate during campaigns, such as Chitenge, T-shirts, caps and foodstuffs for purposes of electioneering be outlawed.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mpundu: This will afford those who are financially less able to participate in elections as the electorate will not be faced with any corrupt inducement.

Mr Speaker, the pronouncements are consistent with the PF’s manifesto which is a reassurance of the election manifesto, as well. This is a demonstration of a leader who lives up to what he promises. He can be trusted because he has scored a first.

Sir, allow me now to draw the attention of this august House to the plight of the people of Nchelenge Constituency.

Mr Speaker, Nchelenge Constituency and district are synonymous. It is home to 1,047,928 people, the third largest population in Luapula Province after Samfya and Mansa Districts. Its annual population growth stands at 2.9 per cent, 0.1 per cent above the national average and is the second highest in the province after Milenge at 4.2 per cent.

Sir, the poverty levels are extremely high, widespread and as rampant as our inflation. Beneficiaries of the FISP are few. Sanitation is poor, given the poor quality of water despite people living along the shores of Lake Mweru. Water and sanitation is demonstrated by high incidence of diarrhoea diseases. Malaria is still a big challenge and so are respiratory diseases and HIV cases are on the increase.

Mr Speaker, the constituency has only one secondary school. The second one is being constructed. It does not have a Government hospital except for Saint Paul’s, which is a mission hospital, and belongs to the Catholic Church. It is small and can no longer cope with the increased demand for health services in view of population growth.

Sir, the constituency lacks reliable water transport despite having three islands, namely Isokwe, Chisenga and Kilwa. The badge is the only Government water transport in Nchelenge. However, it is non-functional and is in a deplorable state. It is beyond repair.

Mr Speaker, Lake Mweru is a source of income for my people, through fishing, and yet fish stocks are depleted and it has become a large swimming pool. Fish bans have not addressed this problem. The other measures to conserve and protect fish have just resulted in our people coming into conflict with the law. This happens both in Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).

Sir, at the moment, some of our Zambian brothers are in jail in the DRC. Others have died there and some died in Zambia on their return. They arrive sick and in a bad condition. This is a fact.

Hon. Government Member: Sad!

Mr Mpundu: It is sad, indeed.

Mr Speaker, the constituency does not have a single dredger to clear canals. These are water roads. Part of the Kashikishi/Lunchinda Trunk Road is not tarred.

Sir, from the scenario above, the presence of the Government in the lives of the people of Nchelenge is not well understood. They feel ignored and abandoned. They come in contact with the Government when they are in conflict with the law. It is against this background that the people of Nchelenge voted with their souls for change.

Mr Speaker, change for them entails the following:

(i) construction of the Kashikishi/Lunchinda Road, which the President mentioned in his Address. We are most grateful to him and his Cabinet;

(ii) fish restocking in Lake Mweru and Luapula River;

(iii) construction of a water plant and provision of piped water across the larger part of the constituency;

(iv) construction of a district hospital;

(v) construction of three more high schools;

(vi) provision of two badges, each with seventy-five passenger and fifteen-tonne cargo capacity;

(vii) provision of a dredger;

(viii) facilitation of easy access to empowerment funds for purposes of small and medium enterprise development;

(ix) resuscitation of the rubber plantation project; and

(x) promotion of tourism through restocking of animals on the three islands.

Sir, these measures will improve the people’s dignity. They have suffered for a long time. They, too, are human beings and are Zambians.

Mr Speaker, I thank you.

Ms Kalima (Kasenengwa): Mr Speaker, in making my maiden speech, today, I congratulate you on your election. I also wish to say how proud I am to be one of the female Parliamentarians in this House.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I wish to congratulate His Excellency the President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, and the PF Members on their victory and forming Government.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Sir, I also congratulate all hon. Members on their election to represent the people of Zambia. Allow me to take this opportunity to thank my children, my family members, workmates and friends for their support before, during and after the elections.

Mr Malama: What about your husband?

Ms Kalima: My great appreciation goes to the people of Kasenengwa, the chiefs, the Church and all Kasenengwa Chewas and Ngonis who elected me to this seat, voting with love and pride for their own to shame the “Don’t kubeba”.


Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, Kasenengwa Constituency voted with a passion. It put me first in the whole country with 82.7 per cent against the 5.06 per cent for the Don’t kubeba.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: This translates to 18,800 votes for the MMD and 1,100 for the PF.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I am humbled and I do not take my election to this august House for granted. I, therefore, pledge to represent Kasenengwa to the best of my ability. I wish to thank the former President, my President, the MMD President, Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda …

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: … and the MMD Party for the confidence shown in me by adopting me to contest the Kasenengwa Seat.

Sir, I further thank and congratulate the MMD on their favourable agricultural policies, for example, the exemption of taxes for agriculture imports, …


Mr Speaker: Order! Allow the hon. Member to speak.

Ms Kalima: … and the FISP. These enabled the small-scale farmers of Kasenengwa to experience three bumper harvests, hence putting more money in their pockets.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I thank my God, Jehovah, above, through His son Jesus Christ for enabling me to prove to the world that nothing is impossible with God. When God opens a door, no one can close it. Indeed, He is faithful and He is the God of impossibilities.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I would like to pay tribute to my immediate predecessor, Ms Vera Tembo, the former First Lady. She spent five years working for the people of Kasenengwa and had a distinguished ministerial and parliamentary career. During her tenure, she gave Kasenengwa Constituency the first ever secondary school, which is Kasenengwa High.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I come here not as a polished politician, but as a woman who has had a fair share of life’s challenges. My views and issues are based on my experience as a mother, widow and an entrepreneur, having been a Woman Entrepreneur of the Year in 2009. This was awarded to me by the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and Zambia Federation for Women in Business (ZAFWIB). I am also the 2011 Woman Entrepreneur of the Year. This award has been given to me by Standard Chartered Bank under a “Woman Can and Do Campaign.” I come here as an Agronomist and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of a firm dealing in agro input supply.

Mr Speaker, I won my seat because of my quest to be a voice for the women, especially the under privileged woman, the rural woman, the mother, single parent, widowed and unemployed woman who still has to face the many challenges of life.

Mr Speaker, having been once in such a situation and later becoming a CEO overseeing over eighteen branches, employing over seventy employees, I felt duty-bound to share my experiences with the women in need, give them hope, help them realise the potential in them through entrepreneurship, formation of clubs/co-operatives and sharing with the women that they do not need huge amounts to start a business but ability and willingness.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, on constituency challenges, I can only say that the challenges of rural constituencies are similar. These are roads, bridges, markets, sanitation, markets, poor schools and poor health services. However, the immediate problems of Kasenengwa are the roads and bridges. The roads in Kasenengwa are impassable, especially during the rainy season. This has deterred development as a good road network is key to development.

Sir, as for bridges, most of them have been washed away by the rains and, therefore, during the rainy season, business in Kasenengwa comes to a standstill as vehicles, bicycles and people find it difficult to cross. These are just but a few.

However, despite the challenges, let me congratulate the MMD for the many achievements some of which I will mention. The first one is the tarring of the Chipata/Mfuwe Road which leads to two wards in Kasenengwa and these are Mkowe and Chiparamba. I should note here that some people in the past have commented that the Mfuwe Road leads to animals. I just want to mention that this road leads to the two wards in my constituency.


Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I also would like to thank the MMD for working on the Mtenguleni and the Samuel roads.

Mr Speaker, allow me now to comment on the President’s Speech. I note with excitement on page 16 of His Excellency’s Speech the plans to diversify in crops gown by small-scale farmers. My appeal to the Government is that while they think of diversification, they should consider the enhancement of an irrigation system, through dam formation and repair, in areas with rivers. This will enable people to participate in off-season agriculture such as growing of winter maize, vegetables and tomatoes, thus putting more money in the pockets, especially that agriculture is the simplest business one can engage in.

Mr Speaker, I salute the President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, …

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: … and the PF Government for the commitment to fight corruption, …

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: … especially through the reinstatement of the Abuse of Office Clause, as stated on page 41 of the President’s Speech. As leaders, we are servants of the people who put us in office, hence being accountable to them. If, as a leader, you accept that you are a servant, office abuse should be the last thought on your mind and thus, should not be feared. The Abuse of Office Clause will enable leaders to serve and not served. It will provide checks and balances to the people on the usage of public resources and thus, should be supported fully.

Mr Speaker, however, let me remind the Government that this clause is not for selected individuals. Hence, I should warn it that the people of Kasenengwa Constituency will monitor to ensure that there is accountability and will be quick to question any abuse of resources, office or any corrupt practice that anybody in Government will be engaged in.

Mr Speaker, I wish to condemn the witch-hunt and abuse of power observed so far. I have watched, with disappointment, the victimisation of the MMD members.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Sir, I condemn the grabbing of the MMD vehicles and bicycles. I am disappointed at the poverty mentality shown by our friends in the PF Government.


Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I say, ‘poverty mentality’ because how can one think that an hon. Member of Parliament, who has been on a National Assembly Payroll, Government Payroll, for five years would fail to buy bicycles?

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: How can an hon. Member of Parliament who was paid a sitting allowance for five years and a K600 million plus gratuity fail to procure bicycles for whatever use?


Ms Kalima: It is really a shame for one to think that any purchase of anything by an MMD hon. Member of Parliament can only be by public funds. For the sake of development, I urge my PF friends to desist from such thinking and stop belittling MMD members by stating that they cannot afford simple bicycles for themselves and other use. I will not be surprised if, very soon, we are investigated for buying a loaf of bread.


Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I note with sadness the failure of the President’s Speech to address the needs of women in full. Though the speech mentioned that the Government shall eradicate all forms of discrimination against women, the reality, so far, has not reflected that commitment. The discrimination of women by the PF Government can be seen in the manner it has handled the Gender Ministry. To date, the Gender Division has no Minister, hence the delay in implementation of policies on women’s affairs. Women have no representation in the Government at a higher level. If I, as a woman, had a problem, I do not know where I would go.

Hon. Government Member: Question!

Ms Kalima: I cannot go to the Gender Ministry.


Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, as the world endeavours to reduce the inequality between men and women, we must also ensure that we eliminate all gender-based inequalities in Zambia and promote the full and equal enjoyment of rights in accordance with the SADC Protocol of 1997. I expected the PF Government to give priority to addressing gender imbalances by maintaining the Gender Ministry and appointing a full Cabinet Minister …


Ms Kalima: … as the hon. Member for Namwala suggested earlier. Unfortunately, that has not been the case. Instead, one month down the line, gender issues have no representation at all. I ask whether it is because it is an issue that deals with women.

Hon. Member: Gender is not women only!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, let me remind the PF Government that the women are watching. This Government must remember that women, who contributed to the change that put them in office, are the majority electorates and if they continue to be treated as an afterthought, as can be seen currently, they will lose confidence in the Government.

Mr Speaker, the Government should not forget that women are not just committed, dedicated and honest voters, but decisive as well. When a woman decides, she does not easily change her mind. A woman is patient, but she can only take in so much. There is a saying that “Behind every successful man is a strong woman”. I will put it this way: “Behind every successful nation are women.”

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, I support the Government’s plans to provide facilities for early childhood education and re-introduction of compulsory primary and secondary education as stated on page 13 of the President’s Speech. Indeed, this is key to unlocking human potential leading to prosperity and national development. However, I appeal to the Government to also consider educating rural parents to change their mindset on the importance of educating the girl-child up to university and acknowledging that a girl-child has as much potential as a boy-child. Doing this will enable parents to push more of their girl-children to attain higher educational levels. Without a change of mindset in parents, this will be difficult to achieve because some parents still think that women are just for working in the kitchen, having babies and looking after homes and their husbands.

Mr Speaker, my prayer is that the PF Government will listen to the advice from the many hon. Members of the Opposition. They should stop criticising and get to work, giving women and the citizens of Zambia not only what they deserve …


Ms Kalima: Mr Speaker, my prayer is that the PF Government will listen to the advice from the many people in Opposition. They should stop criticising and get to work, giving women and the citizens of Zambia not only what they deserve, but also their entitlement to a better life style in ninety days, according to their vision.

I thank you, Sir.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa (Mwansabombwe): Mr Speaker, I would like to begin by congratulating you on your election as Speaker of the National Assembly. If I may also be allowed a little levity, I want to state that that Chair becomes you, …

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Sir, you look very good in that Chair, …

Hon. Opposition Members: Aah!

Mr Mwewa: …as if it was designed just for you.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Mr Speaker, allow me also to congratulate the hon. Deputy Speaker and, indeed, the Deputy Chairperson of Committees in the Whole House. I further congratulate all the Hon. Members of the House on their election and offer goodwill to each one of them as we set about managing the affairs of this country. 

Mr Speaker, I further acknowledge the United National Independence Party (UNIP), for leading our nation to Independence, and the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD), for restoring multi-party democracy to our great nation. The two parties not only achieved the objectives for which they were formed, but also the noble essence on which they were founded.

Mr Speaker, having said this, it is with great pleasure that I congratulate His Excellency, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, on his deserved election as President of the Republic of Zambia. A great visionary, His Excellency, Mr Sata, realised before most did the dire need for change not only in the top political leadership, but also at the grassroots. This is a change that the citizenry have already begun to appreciate and one that assures a breathing space and positive growth for Zambians at all levels.
Mr Speaker, our Independence was won and the fruits of multi-party democracy have ushered in the PF. Should we not show love, loyalty and patriotism to our beloved Mother Zambia?

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: It is time for action, not mere rhetoric. It is time for Zambia. It is time for the PF and the “One Zambia, One nation” motto to work towards not only that which the PF promised the people, but also that which the Zambian people ought to promise themselves, hard work. The driving force must be towards where our promises reside, Zambia, “the land of work and joy”.

Mr Speaker, on 20th September, 2011, a realisation dawned on all Zambians to put up a front patriotic enough to recourse this nation to a meaningful development.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: There cannot be meaningful development if people are not patriotic. Only when people are patriotic, with a patriotic Executive, can we see meaningful development.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Mr Speaker, I take this opportunity to address the House for the first time with a great deal of pride and pleasure. The electorates of Luapula Province have extended to me and twelve other PF Members of Parliament the privilege of serving them. The Luapula Province electorates have pledged their allegiance to the PF. The hon. Member of Parliament for Chembe must, therefore, prepare himself. We will go and claim what belongs to us.

Mr Speaker, although still at an early stage, I have gained what I think is a reasonably solid understanding of the responsibilities that this places on me. However, I accept that the learning continues steeply upwards.

The electorates of Mwansabombwe were faced with two options, to vote for Rogers Mwewa or heed what our Mwata told them, which was to vote for Chriticles Mwansa. They knew very well what that meant to them. Had the MMD won or rigged the elections, it risked being chased from Mwansabombwe. It risked property being damaged. It risked its members’ jobs. Despite all this, the people of Mwansabombwe forged ahead and put their trust in the PF candidate, I, Rogers Mwewa.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Mr Speaker, it is for this reason that I will engrave their support and loyalty on stone so that, no matter how great the tempest, it will continue to remain on the stone tablet in my heart. My allegiance to them will stand the test of time.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: I want to acknowledge our party structures from the wards to the provincial committee and, indeed, the Central Committee, that placed on me the honour of representing the people of Mwansabombwe Constituency. Without their resolve and support, I would not be here today.

Mr Speaker, I was competing with a dedicated, loyal and staunch supporter of the PF who was a sitting MP, not a rebel. Therefore, my adoption was, indeed, a momentous opportunity.

Let me take this opportunity to sincerely thank everyone who helped me. Hon. D. Mwila, I thank you.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Hon. Sakeni, who advised me as he would his own son throughout my election campaign, Hon. Chilangwa, MP, Kawambwa Central, who gave me the first words of encouragement and recommended me for membership of the Research Bureau and Mr Jacob Yankonde, popularly known as Kapondo, my Councillor for Mwansabombwe Ward, who supported me wholeheartedly. 

Mr Speaker, I wish to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr Charles Chalwe, who made it possible for us to use the parallel voter tabulation system which enabled us to collect the correct results from the Luapula Province. I salute you, Mr Chalwe. I would be failing in my duties if I did not acknowledge the support I got from my parents, my brothers namely Teddy, James, Tom, Henry, John, Keegan and my brother-in-law Joseph Simbaya and the izimbongi as a whole.

Sir, I believe Mwansabombwe Constituency is a small and closely knit constituency which has the capacity to exploit its natural resources through the use of the human capital which it possesses.

Mr Speaker, I am not going to talk about abstract concepts which concern statisticians and policy makers in Lusaka. I will talk about issues which affect the people of Mwansabombwe such as their not being able to afford good health care. Do those who are on antiretroviral (ARV) therapy have enhanced survival prospects through access to nutritional support? Unfortunately, this is lacking in the constituency. The majority of patients in my area take the ARVs on empty stomachs. It is not that they do not want to adhere to treatment. It is because they do not have the food which is important to their survival. The circumstances they find themselves in force them to take the medication on empty stomachs. This is not good for their health.

Sir, still talking about health, I wish to state that the people of Mwansabombwe travel long distances to seek health care services. Patients referred to Mbereshi Mission Hospital from Kazembe Clinic and other distant places are ferried on wheelbarrows and bicycles because there is no ambulance in the constituency. When patients are referred to Mbereshi Mission Hospital, they are made to wait for weeks for treatment and operations. Most of the time, their wait is in vein. It is for these reasons that I would like to request the good office of the hon. Minister of Health to consider upgrading Kazembe Clinic to a mini hospital status and provide an ambulance for its operations.

Mr Speaker, very few people in Mwansabombwe have access to secondary and tertiary education. Therefore, I would like to entreat our listening Government, on behalf of the residents, to consider re-opening Mbereshi Mission School of Nursing. If this school were opened, it would not only give an opportunity to the youths in Luapula to unlock their potential, but also generate skilled labour for the health posts, rural health centres and hospitals to effectively and efficiently serve our communities. Without doubt, this will guarantee quality health care services for all.

I now wish to talk about clean water and sanitation. The people of Mwansabombwe have no access to clean water and sanitation. These people get their water from furrows. The people need piped water or boreholes sunk in all the eight wards of Mwansabombwe.

Mr Speaker, in my constituency, there are blind people who had been neglected for the past twenty years during the reign of the MMD. There is a serious need for the new Government to help the innocent blind people at Mubanda in Mwansabombwe Constituency. I, therefore, wish to propose that they too, are catered for in the social protection services which are offered by the Government. I want to serve a society where sharing is caring.

Sir, in Luapula Province, lakes, rivers and swamps provide sources of livelihood for the electorates. The brave miners of the Copperbelt are not different in any way from the people who earn their living from the activities in the fishery industry. Our fathers used to freely go to the rivers, streams and lakes to catch fish to provide food as well as earn money that would enable them to send their children to school. However, the MMD Government introduced a fish levy that disturbed the fishing activity. This levy is being charged on fish to date. The poor and innocent residents of Mwansabombwe have to carry receipts to be allowed to catch fish.

However, what is heartbreaking is that when they go to catch fish with a full legal permit, they find Congolese officers patrolling our waters. These officers forcefully grab fish from our fishermen, beat them up and take them to the cells in the DRC. In these circumstances, most of our fishermen die. Those who survive come back with deep wounds. They are then taken to Mbereshi Mission Hospital were most of them just await death. The people of Mwansabombwe had complained to the MMD Party authorities, the District Commissioner (DC), the then Provincial Deputy Minister, the whitewashed hon. Member of Parliament for Bahati, Hon. Chimbaka, but their complaints landed on deaf ears.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: The MMD Government did nothing. It was just watching the situation unfold hopelessly.

Sir, I am happy that the PF won the elections, because if it did not win, we would have lost our lakes and the mighty Luapula River to the Congolese.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Mr Speaker, I sincerely appeal to the Office of the hon. Deputy Minister for the Province to quickly come to the aid of the people by sorting the problems affecting our fishing industry.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Sir, allow me now to make a few comments regarding the speech by the President. The President said that the PF Government is committed to ensuring that there is diversity in the crops grown by our small-scale farmers. He made it clear how the Government will achieve this. He stated that the Government would support the growing of key crops that would be identified in each province by the local people. The people of Mwansabombwe are more than ready to implement this initiative as it is in conformity with their plans for agriculture.

Mr Speaker, the President acknowledged that education is key to unlocking the human potential that leads to prosperity and national development. In order to achieve this, he said that his Government would reintroduce compulsory primary and secondary education, establish universities and technical colleges in every province and rehabilitate the existing structures.

Mr Speaker, allow me to thank the President for the pronouncements he made regarding youth empowerment. The initiatives the Government hopes to implement regarding youth empowerment are welcome. Mwansabombwe, like most constituencies in Zambia, has many youths who have poor education and lack formal skills. This has resulted in many of the youths in the constituency remaining jobless. This makes it difficult for them to contribute to the development of the nation. The President said that to address this problem, the PF Government will transform the Zambia National Service (ZNS) into the Zambia Youth Training Service. These services will cater for youths out of school.

I should be quick to state that the previous Government did enough harm to our youths. It denied most of our youths their right to education. Therefore, His Excellency the President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata’s pronouncement regarding the transformation of the ZNS into the Zambia Youth Training Centre is welcome. The President is, in other words, giving our youths another chance to create a better future for themselves.

I am touched that some senior MMD hon. Members, who once served as hon. Ministers still do not have the slightest clue on what the President said in his speech regarding youths. Let me take this opportunity to tell them that the President wants to transform the ZNS camps into youth training centres. That is an initiative the MMD Government failed to implement in their twenty years in office.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: Mr Speaker, it is sad to note that my brothers, the youthful hon. Members of Parliament from the United Party for National Development (UPND), who are intellectuals …

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!{mospagebreak}

Mr Mwewa: … and whom I admire, described the President’s Speech as empty. I find such a state of affairs surprising, considering the point that the President wants, for the first time in many years, to give the youths the opportunity to have a future in which they can have proper homes and be able to take care of their families. Imagine a youth who had never thought of having a key to his house being able to have a future in which he or she will have one and a family to take care of. How do you describe a speech containing such pronouncements as empty?


Mr Mushanga: Beebe!

Mr Mwewa: Do hon. Members of Parliament really need to go to a university for them to acquire the ability to comprehend a speech such as the one that was given by the President?

Hon. Opposition Members: Yes!

Mr Mwewa: No!

I would like to remind all the hon. Members of this august House that they have the mandate from the people who elected them to develop their constituencies. I can assure all those who will not change their mindset and become objective in the way they look at matters concerning national development that they will not be here come 2016.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: The people who brought you here are listening. My advice to you, my brothers, the UPND hon. Members, is that, if you are to be leaders with prospects of ruling this country, you have to cease puppetry and be objective in the way you look at matters.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear! Tell them!

Mr Mwewa: We should not just criticise something because it was criticised by Mr Hakainde Hichilema, or even President Sata. We should always endeavour to do everything in the best interest of the people we represent.

Hon. Government Members: Hammer! Hammer!

Mr Mwewa: When the programmes which were contained in President Sata’s Speech are implemented, we will, for the very first time in Zambia, see a society where every child is loved and receives the best possible education and quality health care. We shall also see a society where every person, irrespective of the tribe or skin colour, is respected and …

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Mwewa: … where the difference in opinion is the basis for sound reasoning that shall be respected. With the PF in Government, we shall have a Zambia where every Zambian will get their dream job and the elderly will live with their children and grandchildren in safety and dignity.

I thank you, Mr Speaker.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear! Ee baume, aba!

Mr Sing’ombe (Dundumwezi): Mr Speaker, I thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to add my voice to this important debate on behalf of the people of Dundumwezi and the Southern Province as a whole.

Before I proceed further, I wish to congratulate you on your election as Hon. Mr Speaker of this august House. I also wish to congratulate the hon. Deputy Speaker and the hon. Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House on their election to those positions. I also wish to congratulate His Excellency the President, Mr Michael Chilufya Sata, and his party, the PF, on winning the 2011 General Elections. In the same vein, allow me to salute the gallant men and women of the MMD for handing over power to the PF without difficulties.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Sing’ombe: Mr Speaker, today, as a nation, we are enjoying peace that has been brought about by our friends on this side of this House.

Hon. MMD Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Sing’ombe: It is my prayer that it will not be difficult for my friends, on that side, in 2016, to hand over power to Mr Hakainde Hichilema (HH).

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Sing’ombe: Mr Speaker, I salute my president, HH, and the party for retrieving me from that corner where I used to sit from 2006 to 2011 because I feel at home here where I am.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Sing’ombe: Mr Speaker, it is important to mention to this august House and to the people that, in 2006, I was voted to Parliament with 6,000 votes only whilst, in 2011, under the mighty UPND, I won with 14,960. This goes to explain how deeply the people of Dundumwezi have understood the UPND manifesto on issues such as free education, improved agriculture programmes, improved health services, and clean water and sanitation.

Mr Speaker, you may wish to know that the people of Dundumwezi have never voted for an hon. Member of Parliament as they did for me. Since 1991, all the hon. Members of Parliament from Dundumwezi were given a term each. However, they have kept me from 2006 to 2011, giving me a second chance. This means that I have broken a record and I am waiting for 2016 to go to your right hand side.

Hon. UPND Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Sing’ombe: Mr Speaker, I promise to reciprocate the good gesture by working hard. Dundumwezi has a number of serious challenges, some of which are poor road infrastructure, electricity, mobile phones connectivity, limited land space and late distribution of farming inputs.

Mr Speaker, the people are expecting a road from Munyeke to Kandazovu via Nakatala. In 1958, the Tonga/Gwembe Project was established with a view to compensating those who were requested to give up their precious land for the construction of the Kariba Dam. Thousands of people settled in chiefs Chikanta, Siachitema and Sichifulo. Among the things they were promised were good roads, schools, health facilities and water. What benefits have they received from the exchange of their precious land? Nothing.

Mr Speaker, in 2008, the previous Government forcibly removed the more than 8,000 people they termed illegal settlers in the Sichifulo Game Management area (GMA). This is a well-known issue by the Government because the then opposition parties, the PF, UPND and Independent Members, petitioned the then Republican President, Mr Rupiah Bwezani Banda. Forty-four hon. Members appended their signatures thereto, and thank God some of them are in the Ruling Party and are now seated on the Front Bench. I will mention a few of them like the hon. Minister of Mines and Natural Resources (Mr Simuusa); His Honour the Vice-President (Dr Scott); the hon. Minister of Transport, Works, Supply and Communication (Mr Mukanga); the hon. Deputy Minister for the North-Western Province (Ms Limata) and the hon. Deputy Minister for the Luapula Province (Mr Mwila).

Mr Speaker, I wish to remind you, my colleagues, that the people of Sichifulo are still unattended to and are asking that they be taken back or be given an alternative piece of land. Should they are given an alternative parcel of land, the Government should further help them to carry with them the remains of their beloved relatives who were buried in the GMA from 1983 when they first settled in the Sichifulo area. When these people were relocated, they left behind the graves of their loved ones and they would not like them to remain there. In my view, the best alternative is to allow them to go back to Sichifulo.

Mr Speaker, the constituency has two high schools, namely Jonathan Sim and Mubanga that are not electrified and this is a concern for the people of Dundumwezi. Teachers and pupils avoid going to those schools because of a lack of electricity. At this juncture, I wish to pay glorious tribute to World Vision International for the two schools that it has constructed in partnership with the people of Dundumwezi. I also wish to pay tribute to Response Network for a number of schools and the boreholes it has given to the constituency. I hope this Government will continue to create a good and enabling environment for such non-governmental organisations (NGOs) to continue working.

Mr Speaker, communication is another problem in this constituency and you may wish to know that Dundumwezi is the only constituency in the Southern Province that does not have cellular phone facilities. I would like the hon. Deputy Minister for the Southern Province to seriously take note of this problem.

Hon. UPND Member: He is not in the House.

Mr Sing’ombe: It is his culture not to be in the House.

Mr Speaker, without this facility, the economy of the constituency will not grow. We seem to live in another country because of the lack of this dear facility in our area. One former provincial Minister named Dundumwezi a constituency of fusomania and cantermania. This means that the people in the area are very rich in Fuso and Canter trucks, and yet they are not connected to their business partners. We also feel that without a cellular phone facility, the tourism sector will not flourish in the Kafue National Park.

On agriculture, Mr Speaker, I welcome the compulsory dipping, but I am afraid that we need to do the first things first. We need many dip tanks constructed and the price of the dip tanks reduced because most of our farmers cannot afford to buy it at the high prices currently prevailing.

Mr Speaker, I also suggest that the price of fencing wire should be reduced so as to enable farmers to avoid communal grazing. If we are to reduce or eradicate animal diseases, we need to actually reduce communal grazing. Last year, Hon. Muntanga actually emphasised this point when he said that animals also kiss and if we do not fence them, it means they will be kissing each other and continue spreading diseases.

Mr Speaker, while I welcome compulsory education, the question that begs a serious answer is who is going to bear the cost of educating all our citizens, especially with the high poverty levels currently in this country.

Lastly, the President’s Speech, to me, revealed that there were high poverty levels in the country and problems of HIV/AIDS, internal human trafficking and drug trafficking.

Mr Speaker, I thank you.

Hon. Opposition Members: Hear, hear! Quality!

Ms Kabanshi (Luapula): Mr Speaker, thank you for allowing me to address this august House. Firstly, I would like to congratulate His Excellency the President of the Republic of Zambia, Mr Michael Sata, on winning the tripartite elections on 20th September, 2011, overwhelmingly. He deserved the victory and is the right man for the job.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, allow me to also congratulate you, the Deputy Speaker and Deputy Chairperson of Committees of the Whole House on your election to these important positions. I also wish to congratulate the hon. Cabinet Ministers, hon. Deputy Ministers and all my fellow hon. Members of Parliament on their election to this House.

Mr Speaker, I wish to thank the Patriotic Front (PF) for adopting me to stand on its ticket. I also extend my thanks to the people of Zambia for voting the MMD Government out and the PF Government in.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: The MMD Government had overstayed and stopped attending to the people’s needs. To the people of Luapula Constituency, I say thank you for the confidence shown in me and I promise that I will not disappoint them.

To my family, the Church and friends, I say thank you for being there for me morally, materially and financially. I give thanks to my campaign team that did a very good job under extremely difficult conditions. To all my colleagues in the PF and Opposition, I say it is time for us to put Zambia first and forget about the differences we had in the field during the campaigns and concentrate on developing our country, Zambia.

Mr Speaker, Zambian women are marginalised. They comprise about 52 per cent of our population, and yet only a very small percentage own land. Society prefers to educate male children, while the girl-child is expected to assist the mother with domestic chores.

Mr Muntanga: You are the Gender hon. Minister now.


Ms Kabanshi: This trend has resulted in the literacy levels in women remaining lower than that of men. Moreover, women have no access to credit from lending institutions such as banks and micro-finance companies.

Mr Speaker, there are very few women in decision-making positions as can be seen in various institutions in the country. However, it is gratifying to note that the PF Government is determined to change this state of affairs as evidenced in His Excellency the President’s Speech on the Official Opening of the First Session of the Eleventh National Assembly. On page 9 of his Speech, the President stated as follows:

“The Government shall eradicate all forms of discrimination against women and hence create equal employment opportunities for all our citizens.”

On page 3 of the President’s Speech, His Excellency the President referred to the PF vision which states that the citizens of this great land not only deserve better lives, but are also entitled to better lives. This vision is loaded, as it does not say that only men are entitled to better lives. Women, children and the physically challenged form a greater part of the citizens of this land which the vision talks about.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: To this effect, this category of the Zambian people is equally entitled to better lives in this country. Therefore, we, the PF women in Parliament, are determined to see to it that these people get a fair share of the national cake. After all, women and youths are the ones who gave us more votes.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: I would like, therefore, to invite our colleagues from both the Opposition and the Ruling Party to fight with us for this cause.


Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, let me now speak briefly about my constituency. So much money has been spent each year on rehabilitating and grading feeder roads. Some graders have even been allocated to work in districts. Whereas this is very good, in Luapula Constituency, we do not have roads per se, but rather we have waterways.

Hon. Members: Why were they bought?


Ms Kabanshi: These waterways have not been cleared since the early 1990s and are so overgrown with weeds that the waterways that were twenty metres wide have been reduced to only two metres. As a result, the constituency is literary cut off from the rest of the district. Only small boats can be used to get there. This clearly shows how the previous Government failed to deliver services and the result is that the people of Luapula Constituency lost confidence in it.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear! Dr Peter Machungwa!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, we need an immediate solution to this state of affairs. We need heavy duty dredgers to excavate and widen the waterways so that bigger vessels could access the constituency the way it was in the Kaunda era. When the waterways are deepened and widened, there will be less flooding of crops, and hence more food for the people in Luapula Constituency. The PF Government will surely address this issue that the MMD Government failed to address in twenty years.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, there are no telecommunication services in Luapula Constituency because none of the three service providers in the country have installed equipment in the area. I am very optimistic that under the PF Government, telephone services will be installed in the area. The current situation shows how selective the development of the previous Government was.

Mr Speaker, Luapula Constituency has a huge potential in agriculture which, if fully utilised, can significantly contribute to employment and wealth creation for the majority of our young people and women who continue to live in abject poverty in villages.

Hon. Opposition Member: Okay, it is okay.

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, we need to support the rice growing project by offering basic agriculture training in villages and material support such as seed, fertiliser and hammer mills for polishing rice. I am hopeful that the PF Government will promote palm tree plantations, especially in areas that are sandy and where the cultivation of cassava has not been very good.

Mr Speaker, palm oil is very rich in Vitamin A and this is very essential in the diet of children and everybody in the country. Therefore, I hope that this will be promoted.

Mr Speaker, fishing is the main economic activity among the people of Luapula Constituency. Fish is the main source of income in the area followed by rice. There are no industries and fish remains the main source of income year in and year out. There have been no efforts by the previous Government to support alternative economic activities so as to reduce the pressure on fishing. On my part, as the Member of Parliament for the area, I shall promote fish farming so that the people can get involved in managing and growing fish.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: I shall also lobby the Government to restock fish every so often. Our grandparents, not so long ago, used to make water jars and other ornaments from clay. This trade has since been lost. I would like to introduce this trade so that our people can be trained in pottery craft. This way, the people can earn some money.

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speak, the previous Government squandered a lot of money.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, it bought mobile clinics that, to the best of my knowledge, did not work. In my constituency, it bought a boat to be used as a mobile clinic …


Mr Kabanshi: … and that boat is still marooned at the habour in Samfya.

Hon. Government Members: Shame!

Ms Kabanshi: The money could have been used to build a clinic and to buy drugs because the clinics in my constituency have no drugs at all. The clinics in my constituency are far apart and are manned by untrained staff. There is no maternity wing in the whole constituency. This being the case, when women have complications during labour, they have to travel on a boat for eight hours or so to the nearest district hospital in Samfya.


Hon. Government Member: That is why Dr Machungwa ran away.

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, there is no privacy on the boats. The situation is not only embarrassing, …

Hon. Members: Hear, hear!

Ms Kabanshi: … but also lives have been lost.

Hon. Government Members: Shame!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, the clinic in Bwalya Mponda Ward was supposed to be extended and a maternity wing included. These plans have not been fulfilled. I am sure the PF Government will soon look into these problems and find solutions.

Mr Speaker, the education system is simply non-existent in my constituency. There is no supervision. The pupils usually stay at home for as long as a month. This happens when a teacher goes to the district to get paid. Arising from this situation, even funded projects are not inspected. There is no high school in the constituency, and the only one there is has been under construction for two years and is still not completed.


Ms Kabanshi: The old schools have not been renovated and they are in a very bad shape. All the schools have no toilet facilities. Imagine a school with eight hundred pupils, but has no toilet.

Hon. Government Members: Shame! Dora!

Ms Kabanshi: Mr Speaker, my appeal to our Government is that we quickly change the situation by building more schools with proper toilets.

Mr Speaker, the people of Zambia have been very angry with the previous Government because their jobs and land were given to foreigners. We were orphaned because our father then, Mr Rupiah Banda, had forgotten us and only cared about himself. Our mothers were like widows. We were paying very high prices for energy and the water that we were drinking. The previous Government gave investors and expatriates better conditions of service in work places and better contracts if sub-contracted in the mines. When we demanded better conditions of service, we were told that it would fuel inflation. The youths stopped singing and dancing and turned to drinking tujili jili. Our grandfather stopped telling stories in the evenings, all because our Government had forgotten that we existed and our plight was not important to it. That is, why when we told them not to sell ZAMTEL, they ignored and said …

Hon. Government Members: Dora!

Ms Kabanshi: … we did not understand business at that level. They went ahead and sold our company. Again, the people of Zambia said, “Do not buy mobile hospitals. Instead, renovate the existing clinics, and buy linen, equipment and drugs.” This, again, was ignored.

Mr Speaker, the coming of the PF Government, under the able leadership of His Excellency, the President, Mr Michael Sata, has brought hope to the people of Zambia. That is why, on that day, we celebrated en mass and we are still celebrating.


Ms Kabanshi: Lastly, I thank the Almighty God for the peace that we have enjoyed since Independence.

I thank you, Sir.

Hon. Government Members: Hear, hear!

Mr Speaker: Order!



The Minister of Home Affairs (Mr Sakeni) (on behalf of the Vice-President (Dr Scott): Mr Speaker, I beg to move that the House do now adjourn.

Question put and agreed to.


The House adjourned at 1938 hours until 1430 hours on Wednesday, 26th October, 2011.