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Thursday, 20th July, 2023
AT 14:30 HOURS
390. Mr. Mabenga (Mulobezi) - to ask the Minister of Justice:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct a magistrates court building in Mulobezi District;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented; and
(c) if there are no such plans, why.
391. Mr. Mutale (Chitambo) - to ask the Vice President:
(a) whether the Government is aware that the road network in the Katikulula Resettlement Scheme, in Chitambo District, is in a deplorable state;
(b) if so, what measures the Government is taking to ease the movement of people and goods within and out of the Resettlement Scheme; and
(c) when the rehabilitation works of the road network will commence.
392. Mr. Mutale (Chitambo) - to ask the Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development:
(a) when construction of offices at the Chitambo District administrative centre will commence; and
(b) what has caused the delay in commencing the project.
393. Mr. Shakafuswa (Mandevu) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to rehabilitate and tar some township roads in Mandevu Parliamentary Constituency;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented;
(c) how many kilometres will be covered in each ward;
(d) what the estimated cost of the project is; and
(e) what the estimated time frame for the completion of the project is.
394. Mr. Siachisumo (Lufwanyama) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture:
(a) when the Government will allocate land to farmers who were displaced from the Luswishi Farming Block and other farms in Lufwanyama Parliamentary Constituency; and
(b) whether the Government is aware that some investors who displaced the farmers have not developed their farms since 2017.
395. Mr. Simushi (Sikongo) - to ask the Minister of Local Government and Rural Development:
(a) whether the Lusaka City Council had any outstanding employee loan deduction remittances to National Savings and Credit Bank (NATSAVE), as of November, 2022;
(b) if so, how much money was outstanding;
(c) what measures are being taken to remit the money; and
(d) whether there are other Councils, countrywide, that owed the Bank, as of the date at (a).
396. Mr. Mabenga (Mulobezi) - to ask the Minister of Education:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct additional classroom blocks and staff houses at the following schools, which were upgraded to combined basic school in Mulobezi District:
(i) Bwina;
(ii) Kamanga; and
(iii) Nawinda;
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented; and
(c) if there are no such plans, why.
397. Mr. Mutale (Chitambo) - to ask the Minister of Agriculture:
(a) when the Cassava Milling Plant in Muchinka Ward of Chitambo Parliamentary Constituency will be operationalised and commissioned; and
(b) what has caused the delay in commissioning the Plant.
398. Mr. Siachisumo (Lufwanyama) - to ask the Minister of Infrastructure, Housing and Urban Development:
(a) whether the Government has any plans to construct roads in the farming area allocated to ex-miners in Luswishi Ward in Lufwanyama Parliamentary Constituency; and
(b) if so, when the plans will be implemented.
399. Mr. Mabenga (Mulobezi) - to ask the Minister of Health:
(a) when construction of Phase II of the Mulobezi Level I Hospital in Mulobezi District will commence; and
(b) what the cause of the delay in commencing the project is.
1 The Environmental Management (Amendment) Bill (N.A.B 6/2023)
Report Stage
2 The National Prosecution Authority (Amendment) Bill (N.A.B 7/2023)
Report Stage
3 The Human Rights Commission Bill (N.A.B 8/2023)
Report Stage
4 The Zambia Institute of Valuation Surveyors Bill (N.A.B 9/2023)
Report Stage